[New; prior code § 16-117]
The breeding within the limits of the City of any pigeons, without
providing a suitable enclosure in which to keep them, and the permitting
or allowing pigeons to fly about and congregate upon the roof or about
any public or private buildings, is declared a nuisance, and such
pigeons, when at large and off the premises of the owner or breeder
of the same, shall be destroyed pursuant to order by the health department;
and any such owner or breeder violating the provisions of this section
shall be deemed guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
[Prior code § 16-118]
The contents of any sewer or drain discharged into any street,
lane, alley, watercourse, drain for surface water, hollow or ravine,
or upon any public or private grounds within the City, are declared
to be a nuisance; provided nothing in this section shall be construed
to prevent any person from draining their cellars or their premises
for surface water, or from making use of an efficient septic tank,
provided the discharges therefrom are not offensive or injurious to
health. Any person causing or permitting any such nuisance shall be
deemed guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
[Repealed by Ord. 82-267 §§ 9-12]