[Ord. 01-181 § 1; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-1]
There is created, in and for the City, a chief administrative officer titled "City Administrator" and the department of City administration.
[Ord. 01-181 §§ 2, 3; New; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-2]
The City Administrator shall be in charge of the department of City administration and responsible and accountable to the Mayor and City Council for the performance of the fiscal, administrative and coordinative service functions of the City, including, but not limited to, the following:
Implementing all policy directives promulgated by the Mayor, in his executive capacity, and by the Council, in its legislative capacity;
Initiating and implementing the reorganization of the various City departments pursuant to applicable ordinances and state civil service code;
Supervising, administering and coordinating the activities of the City departments, employees, staff functions, and offices in carrying out the requirements of City ordinances and the policies of the Mayor and Council;
Administering the City's personnel programs and policies;
Collecting and furnishing to the Mayor and Council informative reports concerning the status of all assignments, duties, projects and functions of the department of administration and such other matters as the Council and the Mayor may from time to time request;
Making studies, reports, and recommendations concerning all matters relating to the administration and management of the business affairs of the City.
[Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-03 (part)]
There is created the office of City Administrator whose appointment shall be based solely upon the administrative and executive qualifications and ability of such person to perform the duties and functions of the office, who shall be qualified by experience and training including knowledge of, and experience with personnel administration, planning, purchasing, budgeting, and administration techniques. The City Administrator shall be a full time employee of the City and shall not engage in partisan politics and shall not be permitted to be politically active in the City and shall make no contribution to any candidate or political party in the City, but nothing in this chapter shall prevent the City Administrator from voting in any election or from contributing to a political party in or for elections which are not municipal elections. During his or her tenure the City Administrator shall reside within the City.
[Ord. 01-38 § 1; New; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-3(a)]
The City Administrator shall be appointed as follows:
The Mayor shall appoint the City Administrator from a list of three names submitted to the Mayor by a committee, which committee shall be constituted in the following manner:
The Mayor shall appoint the committee of 11 persons to solicit applications for the position of City Administrator and to interview and screen all such applicants.
Four representatives shall be chosen from the ranks of elected Aldermen.
The remaining seven members shall be chosen from private citizens of the City with some representation in the area of municipal and/or business administration or finance and to reflect the diversity of the community.
The Mayor shall forthwith meet and confer with the special committee to establish the procedures, qualifications, criteria, and budget to be used in the solicitation of applicants and screening of applicants for such position, which criteria, qualifications, procedures and budget shall be submitted to the City Council for approval.
Thereafter, the special committee shall jointly secure applications, screen the same and interview such applicants as they or any of them may wish.
The committee shall render progress reports at each Council meeting.
The committee thereafter shall submit to the Mayor a list of the three candidates considered by the committee to be best qualified for the position of City Administrator.
The Mayor shall appoint the City Administrator from said list of three candidates subject to confirmation by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the City Council.
[Ord. 01-181 § 4; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-3(b)]
The Mayor or any two members of City Council may initiate a resolution to dismiss the City Administrator at any time. A two-thirds majority vote of the membership of the entire City Council is required to pass the resolution of dismissal.
[Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-3(c)]
The City Administrator shall receive as compensation such sum per month as the City Council may from time to time determine, said compensation to be payable biweekly.
[Ord. 2007-07 § 1; Ord. 01-181 § 5; Ord. 97-64 § 4; New; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-4]
The City Administrator shall be responsible to and accountable to the Mayor and City Council for the control and administrative operations of all City departments. The Mayor shall initiate an annual performance evaluation of the City Administrator in collaboration with City Council.
Keep the Mayor and City Council fully advised of the work being performed by the department of City administration;
Implement all policy directives promulgated by the Mayor, in his executive capacity, and by the Council in its legislative capacity;
Direct, organize and delegate responsibility within the department of City administration and supervise and direct all employees of such department;
Administer and implement all ordinances, resolutions, Council and Mayor policies, directives, and procedures;
Prepare and administer the City's annual operating and capital budgets, which shall be subject to alteration and approval by the Council;
Keep the Mayor and Council fully advised on the current and future financial needs of the City, including, but not limited to an itemized report not later than the fifteenth of each month showing the receipts and disbursements for the preceding month. Copies of financial reports must be available at the Clerk's office for public inspection;
Conduct the business affairs of the City and cause accurate records to be kept by modern and efficient accounting methods;
Prescribe the accepted standards of administrative practice for all offices, departments, agencies and boards;
Make, or cause to be made, investigations and studies of the internal organization, operations and procedures of any department, office, board or agency;
Keep personally informed and keep the Mayor and Council advised concerning the activities and operations of all matters involving the department of City administration;
Attend all City Council meetings and take part in discussions when requested:
Recommend to the Mayor and Council such measure as the City Administrator may deem necessary or expedient for the good government and welfare of the City;
Keep the Mayor and Council informed on the progress of Council-approved programs and the status of the Council and Mayor policies;
Seek out governmental and other programs and funding as the City Administrator may deem necessary or expedient for the welfare of the City;
Have general supervision and direction of the administration of the City government and may appoint an assistant City Administrator and department heads and/or directors as may be deemed advisable and necessary. The assistant City Administrator and department heads and/or directors shall report to, and be accountable to, the City Administrator;
Coordinate and direct all City services provided through the various departments;
Supervise and direct the official conduct of all officers of the City whom the City Administrator has power to appoint;
Have power to employ, reclassify or discharge employees of the City, subject to provisions of the Veteran's Preference Law and Civil Service Law, and those not employed subject to Civil Service Law; and subject to the approval of the Council, fix the compensation to be paid such employees. The police chief, fire chief and Corporation Counsel shall be appointed as established by applicable City ordinance.
Power to appoint or employ persons to fill all places for which no other mode of appointment is provided, and power to administer oaths of office. The Mayor shall continue to appoint all members to all boards, commissions and agencies to which he presently makes appointments;
Power to discharge summarily any officer, appointee or employee whom the City Administrator has power to appoint or employ. Those subject to provisions of the Veteran's Preference Law as established by state law, and the Civil Service Law as established by state law shall be discharged accordingly.
The City Administrator, or any person appointed by the City Administrator for this purpose, may summarily and without notice investigate the affairs, conduct and financial records of any department, agency, officer or employee under the Administrator's supervision;
Provide for and cause records to be kept of the issuance and revocation of licenses and permits authorized by City ordinance;
Provide staff support services for the Mayor and Council members; and perform such other duties as are specified in the charter or may be required by the City Council;
Have such charge and control of the police and fire departments as approved by Council consistent with the City code and state law.
Implement the decisions of the Council and the planning and zoning commission in the carrying out of the comprehensive plan for City development and facilitate all other forms of planning within the City government;
Study possible joint arrangements with municipal boards and commissions, make recommendations for such arrangements as are mutually acceptable and coordinate these activities as agreed upon and approved by the Council;
Act for the City in the exercise and execution of all policies and programs approved by the Council whereby the City is involved on a joint basis with any other governmental subdivision, including any subdivision of the government of the state, the adjoining state of Illinois, or the United States of America.
[Amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-272; Ord. 2007-207 §§ 2, 3; Ord. 2003-421 § 2; Ord. 01-181 § 6; Ord. 97-64 § 3; Ord. 97-43 § 1; Ord. 92-603 §§ 2, 4 (part); New; Ord. 85-661 § 2; Ord. 83-50, § 2; Ord. 80-267 § 2; Ord. 79-1158 § 5; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-7]
The City Administrator upon commencement of employment shall assume responsibility for all duties and functions of the following officers and departments of the City, and shall provide for those duties to be carried out by the City Administrator, a department head or director, or an assistant City Administrator:
Director of community and economic development;
Director of human resources;
Director of finance;
Director of leisure facilities and services;
Corporation counsel;
Director of public works;
Police chief;
Fire chief.
Any other department head not mentioned above whose appointment, removal, and supervision is not otherwise specified in the Davenport Municipal Code.
Assistant City Administrator, department heads or directors shall be directly responsible to, and shall report to, the City Administrator. Said assistant City Administrator, department heads or directors shall be appointed by the City Administrator. Any assistant City Administrator, department head or director so appointed, and not covered by civil service, can be dismissed at any time by the City Administrator. A person so dismissed should be entitled to a name-clearing hearing as required by Iowa Code section 372.15.
The City Administrator shall be the operational supervisor of the Corporation Counsel and may not direct the Corporation Counsel on policy matters under the purview of the City Council. As an operational supervisor, the City Administrator shall direct operational activities of the Corporation Counsel and Legal Department, and otherwise ensure inter-departmental coordination consistent with law, Council policy and good management practice. The City Administrator, Mayor and Council will jointly conduct performance evaluations of the Corporation Counsel on an annual basis.
Any and all potential conflicts of interest between the City Administrator and Corporation Counsel shall be reported, in writing, to the Mayor and City Council, in which case operational supervision in regard to the specific potential conflict of interest will transfer to the Mayor and City Council, until such time as the issue specific conflict of interest is resolved, in writing.
[Ord. 01-181 §§ 7-9; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-6]
The City Administrator shall be responsible to the Mayor and City Council for the administration of the department of administration. All departmental activities requiring the attention of the Mayor and Council shall be brought before the Mayor and Council by the City Administrator and all Mayor and Council involvement in administration initiated by the Mayor and Council must be coordinated through the City Administrator.
[Ord. 01-181 §§ 7, 10; New; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-10 (part)]
The offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer are removed from the municipal election ballot effective with the 1977 City primary and general elections.
[Ord. 01-181 §§ 7, 10; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-10 (part)]
At the expiration of the current terms of the elected City Clerk and Treasurer, or when a vacancy occurs by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise:
The City Administrator selected under this chapter shall be ex officio City Clerk.
The City Administrator shall nominate, for Council appointment, a Deputy Clerk to perform the duties of the City Clerk in the Administrator's absence and to perform such other duties as assigned by the Administrator.
The duties of City Treasurer shall be carried out by the department of finance and budget in accordance with directives of the City Administrator as approved by the City Council.
[Ord. 01-181 §§ 7, 10; Ord. 97-43 § 2; New; Ord. 77-186 (part); prior code § 2.02-13]
The City Administrator or designee shall be responsible for the direction and performance of collective bargaining for the City.