The purpose of the PR — Park/Recreation Zone is to protect those natural areas and scenic and recreational resources within the Town of Ulysses that contribute to the high quality of life and economic vitality of the Town.
[Amended 10-8-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
In the PR — Park/Recreation Zone, no building or structure shall be erected, altered or extended, and no land or building thereof shall be used for any purpose or purposes other than the following:
Farm operation.
Public and private community parks, regional parks and preserves.
[Amended 10-8-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
The following uses are allowed within the PR — Park/Recreation Zone upon approval of a special permit pursuant to Article III, § 212-18, upon receipt of site plan approval from the Planning Board pursuant to Article III, § 212-19, and subject to the design standards set forth in relevant sections of Article XX:
Signs as regulated under Article XX, § 212-122.
Seasonal campgrounds, overnight campgrounds and group campgrounds, subject to the provisions of Article XX, § 212-127.
Cemeteries and the buildings and structures incidental to cemetery operations.
Golf courses, except miniature golf courses operated on a commercial basis.
Nature centers.
Public and private community parks, regional parks and preserves.
Commercial stables, subject to the provisions of Article XX, § 212-138.
The following uses shall only be permitted as accessory uses to the uses set forth July 8, 2014, in §§ 212-111 and 212-112. Site plan approval shall be required from the Planning Board pursuant to the provisions of Article III, § 212-19.
Accessory buildings.
Single-family residences and their accessory buildings, subject to the limitations set forth in Article IV, Terminology; and Article XX, Design Standards.
Seasonal roadside stand, subject to provisions of Article XX, § 212-135.
Temporary buildings and structures used for office, sales, storage and fabrication activities related to the development of a site, provided that such building or structure may not be continued for more than one year except upon receipt of a special permit.
Vehicle parking, pursuant to the provisions of Article XX, § 212-121.
Minor solar collection system subject to the provisions of Article XX, § 212-139.1.
Minimum lot area shall be 10 acres.
Minimum lot width shall be 400 feet at the front and rear lot lines.
Minimum lot depth shall be 450 feet.
Minimum front and rear yard setback shall be 75 feet.
Minimum side yard setbacks shall be 15 feet.
Minimum lakeside setback shall be 100 feet, measured from the MHWE.
Maximum building height shall be 40 feet.
Maximum lot coverage shall be 5% of the lot area, including roads.
Maximum footprint of a new building shall be 2,000 square feet.
The above and the provisions of § 212-115 notwithstanding, in the case of a lot with frontage on a lake, accessory uses such as boathouses, pump houses, docks, piers, boat ramps, patios, decks and other facilities typically associated with water-oriented recreational pursuits are permitted within the yard setback area and buffer area fronting on the lake; provided, however, that they are located outside the required side yard setback areas.
No buildings or other structures, or parking areas, shall be located within 100 feet from any stream edge or any wetland as defined by local, state or federal law, or in the case of a lot with frontage on a lake, within 100 feet of the lakefront using the mean high-water elevation. See § 212-124, Standards for buffer areas.
The above notwithstanding, in the case of a lot with frontage on a lake, accessory uses such as boathouses, pump houses, docks, piers, boat ramps, patios, decks and other facilities typically associated with water-oriented recreational pursuits are permitted within the buffer area fronting on the lake, provided; however, that they are located outside the required side yard setback areas set forth in § 212-114 above.