[1974 Code § 2-68]
Each department shall be headed by a director, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. Each department head shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor. The foregoing shall apply to all department heads unless otherwise provided for herein.
The Mayor may, in his discretion, remove the Administrator or any department head after notice and an opportunity to be heard. Prior to removing a department head, the Mayor shall first file a written notice of his intention with Council, and such removal shall become effective on the 20th day after the filing of such notice unless the Council shall, prior thereto, have adopted a resolution by a 2/3 vote of the whole number of the Council, disapproving the removal.
[1974 Code § 2-69]
The head of each department shall, subject to the powers delegated to the Business Administrator herein, Charter and ordinances of the Township:
Appoint subordinate officers within their respective departments and may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law or other general law.
Assign functions, powers and duties to the officers or employees based upon written job descriptions and subject to the provisions of Civil Service Statutes.
Direct and supervise the work of the department and its employees subject to the personnel policies and internal procedures established by the Business Administrator.
Delegate to division heads such of his power as he may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Establish written rules and regulations pertaining to his department.
Report at least annually to the Mayor and Council in such form as shall be approved by the Mayor on the work of the department during the preceding year.
Administer the work of the department through the divisions and bureaus and such other units of administration as he may deem or find necessary or desirable.
Internal Organization. The internal organization of each department shall be determined by the director of the department and the Business Administrator. Whenever any activity or functional duty shall, by ordinance, be transferred from one department to another department of the government, all functions, powers and duties thereof shall be and are transferred as of the respective date of that ordinance.
[1974 Code § 2-70]
Whenever a vacancy exists, by resignation, removal, being unfilled or otherwise, in the office of a director of any Township department, the Mayor may temporarily fill such vacancy only by appointing the Business Administrator as acting director, who shall perform all duties and functions of such department head until the office shall be filled permanently within 90 days or such other time as may be consented to by the Council. The position of Business Administrator will be subject to § 2-7.
[1974 Code § 2-71]
A director may serve as a division head, and a division head may serve as a bureau head without additional compensation.
Absent a resolution by the Council to the contrary, department heads shall devote their full time to the proper and efficient discharge of the lawful duties of their respective office. This provision shall not apply to the Director of Law, the Director of Engineering and the Planning Director.
[Added 9-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32-OAB]
Under the direction of the department head, the deputy municipal department head will assist the department head in all facets of running the department. Supervisory, administrative, clerical, personnel, payroll, purchasing and field work may be required. Must be willing and able to take direction from the department head, as well as bring innovative ideas and concepts to the operation of the department. Organizational, operational and efficiency skills are essential in this operation. A bachelor's degree is preferred, but four years of managerial, supervisory and/or administrative experience may be substituted. A valid New Jersey driver's license is required.
Editor's Note: Prior legislative history: 1999 Code §§ 2-27.1 - 2-27.11 Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB amended § 2-27, Department of Administrative Services in its entirety.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1; as amended 9-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32-OAB]
There shall be a Department of Administrative Services, the head of which shall be the Administrator. The Department shall consist of the following divisions: the Office of Information Technology; Division of Police; Office of the Township Historian; Office of Emergency Management; and the Division of Recreation.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1]
The Office of Information Technology shall consist of the Network Administrator, whose duties are detailed in § 2-13, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1]
Established. There is hereby established in the Township a Division of Police, the head of which shall be the Chief of Police.
The Division of Police shall be otherwise known as the "Police Department of the Township of Berkeley, in the County of Ocean," and shall be otherwise governed by the provisions of Chapter 14, Article 1, except as otherwise modified by the provisions of the Administrative Code.
The Emergency Medical Services Division, found in § 14-65, is located within the Police Department.
The Animal Control Department, as found in Chapter 9, is located within the Police Department.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1]
The Office of the Township Historian shall consist of the Township Historian, whose duties are outlined in § 2-11, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1]
Established. There is hereby established in the Township an Office of Emergency Management, which shall consist of the Emergency Management Coordinator and any staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
Emergency Management Coordinator. The Mayor shall appoint an Emergency Management Coordinator from among the residents of the municipality. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve, subject to fulfilling the requirements of State law, for a term of three years.
Duties of Emergency Management Coordinator. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, activating, coordinating and the conduct of emergency management operations within the Township. Whenever, in his or her opinion, a disaster has occurred or is imminent in any municipality, the Emergency Management Coordinator of that municipality shall proclaim a state of local disaster emergency within the Township. The Emergency Management Coordinator, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Director of Emergency Management, shall be empowered to issue and enforce such orders as may be necessary to implement and carry out emergency management operations and to protect the health, safety and resources of the residents of the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 1; amended 9-24-2018 by Ord. No. 18-45-OAB; 9-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32-OAB]
The Division of Recreation shall be headed by a Director of Recreation. The Director of Recreation will be responsible for the operations of the Department of Recreation under the direction of the Township Administrator. The Director of Recreation shall ensure the continued efficient operation of the Department and be willing and able to bring innovative ideas and concepts to the operation of the Department. Organizational, operational and efficiency skills are essential in this position. A bachelor's degree is preferred, but four years of managerial, supervisory and/or administrative experience may be substituted. A valid New Jersey driver's license is required.
The Division of Recreation shall undertake the planning and development of all recreation programs in the Township and encourage the growth and development of organized sports. There shall be a Recreation Advisory Council within the Division of Recreation, in accordance with the terms below.
The Recreation Advisory Council shall consist of 12 members. Eight of the members shall be the presidents or chief representatives of the following recreational programs:
Berkeley Basketball.
Berkeley Girls' Softball.
Berkeley Mat Rat Wrestling.
Berkeley American Youth Football.
Berkeley Little League Baseball.
Berkeley Bombers Roller Hockey.
Berkeley Soccer Association.
Berkeley Senior Softball League.
The remaining appointments shall be as follows:
The Mayor.
Recreation Division Supervisor.
Two members of the public at large, one appointed by Council and one appointed by the Mayor.
Terms shall begin January 1 and end December 31. Any present member whose term expires otherwise shall sit until December 31 of the year of his or her expiration year.
One member shall be designated by the Advisory Council as Chairman, and the members, by virtue of their experience in recreation, shall serve as an advisory body to the Superintendent of Recreation. The Advisory Council shall serve only in an advisory role and shall have no control or supervision over the Superintendent.
[1974 Code § 2-89]
The Department of Engineering of the Township is hereby established. It is the function of this department to provide the engineering services required by the municipality and the Planning Board. Its department-level status operates directly under the supervision of the Mayor and Administrator and shall provide assistance to all departments, boards and agencies to ensure that proper engineering criteria are supplied before a policy determination is made. In this connection, the Township Engineer shall provide a myriad of services to all elements of the Township government when directed by either the Mayor or the Township Council.
The Director shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the advice and consent of Council. The term shall be during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor. The Township Engineer shall be a licensed professional engineer within the State of New Jersey and have experience as a municipal engineer and shall possess such other qualifications of ability and experience which the Mayor and Council shall deem necessary to perform the duties of his or her office.
[1974 Code § 2-90]
The Township Engineer shall:
Perform administrative and engineering work in the investigation, design, construction and maintenance of all public works projects.
Supervise the preparation of such surveys of property lines or of a construction nature as may be required by the Township.
Prepare and supervise the preparation of such plans and blueprints as may be required by the Mayor or the Township Council.
Coordinate and plan the expansion of roads in the Township.
Perform all duties as may be required of a municipal engineer by State Statute.
Attend all meetings of the Township Council and Planning Board as requested.
Supervise and provide the engineering calculations, specifications and expertise required for the persons, materials and equipment as directed by the Mayor and Township Council.
Certify success or completion of and authorize progress payments pursuant to public works and capital improvement projects.
Issue all certifications as may be required by the Mayor and Township Council.
Prepare Tax Maps.
Review proposed subdivision sketches and plats and site plans for conformity with the Township Subdivision and Site Plan Ordinances and advise the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment as to such matters.
[1974 Code § 2-91]
All papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of the Department of Engineering shall be and remain the property of the municipality. Upon the termination of his services to the municipality, each Township Engineer shall forthwith surrender to his successor all such property.
The Director of Engineering shall have a contract with the municipality providing for compensation for his services. The Salary Ordinance shall reflect moneys appropriated to the Department of Engineering and shall generally describe the method of calculation of the compensation. All professional contracts shall be approved by Council.
Editor's Note: Prior legislative history: 1999 Code §§ 2-29.12-29.4 Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB amended § 2-29, Department of Treasury, Finance and Collection in its entirety.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
There is hereby established a Department of Finance, the head of which shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. The Department Head be and is hereby designated as the Chief Financial Officer in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq. The Department shall include the Divisions of Tax Collection; Tax Assessment; Treasurer; and Purchasing.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
The Chief Financial Officer shall serve during the term of the office of Mayor and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
The Chief Financial Officer shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of municipal finance matters and a capacity to provide the controlled function in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-48. Such knowledge and capacity shall be evidenced by the possession of a Municipal Finance Officer's Certificate which shall have been issued by the State of New Jersey in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
The Chief Financial Officer shall:
Supervise the Divisions of Tax Assessor, Tax Collection, Treasurer and Purchasing and all personnel therein subject to the administrative and personnel procedures and policies as established by the Business Administrator.
Maintain the central book of accounts of the Township according to such forms, standards and procedures that shall be approved by the Auditor. Any and all Township officials shall, upon request of the Department Head, place at his disposal all records, books, bonds, documents and papers which he may deem necessary to aid him in his duty to keep such accounts.
Provide and impose a uniform system of accounts on all departments and agencies of the Township.
Provide such studies, reports and recommendations as may be required by the Mayor, Business Administrator or Auditor.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
The Division of the Treasurer shall be headed by the Township Treasurer who shall:
Preaudit all payrolls, claims and demands against the Township upon certification by the Administrator or designated Department Head that the amount is due and unpaid according to the records and information of his department.
Require that reports of receipts and disbursements from each department of the Township be made daily or at such intervals as will most efficiently protect the Township's interest.
Maintain a central payroll system and all social security, pension and pertinent data for the same.
Control all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded and request proof that each proposed expenditure is in conformity with the Charter and the ordinances of the Township. Unless the Treasurer shall certify that there is an unencumbered balance of appropriation available, no appropriation shall be encumbered, and no commitment or expenditure shall be made. The Treasurer shall certify availability of funds.
Keep records and books of accounts for the exercise of the foregoing financial budgetary control over each department of the Township and keep such accounts as will show the amount of each appropriation, the accumulative amount paid therefrom and the unpaid obligations and unencumbered balance thereof.
Prepare such statistical studies and reports as may be required by the Department Head.
Deposit all funds received in such depositories as may be designated by resolution of the Council. All moneys of the Township not required for current operation shall be invested pursuant to law or shall be deposited in interest bearing accounts. All such interest shall be accounted for in the Township books of accounts.
Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the Township or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity, except as otherwise provided by law, and have the safekeeping of all bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange.
Receive and safely keep and disburse moneys received and raised for public schools and keep separate accounts thereof.
Keep a full and systematic account of all cash receipts and disbursements in proper books. The Treasurer shall, at least every month and more often if the Council requires, furnish the Council, through the Mayor, with a statement of the moneys subsequent to his last report. He shall annually, during the month of January, make a full report to the Council of his receipts and expenditures during the preceding year and shall, whenever required, lay before the Council, for examination or audit, all books, papers and vouchers pertaining to his office.
Sign checks.
Prepare a bill list.
Cooperate with the Auditor and seek his services when required.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
There shall be established the Division of Tax Assessment, comprised of the Tax Assessor, whose duties are outlined in § 2-9, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
Establishment; Appointment and Qualifications of Division Head. There is hereby established within the Township the Division of Tax Collection, the head of which shall be the Tax Collector, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. Any person appointed to the position of Tax Collector shall be appointed for a four-year term. In addition to any State certifications required for the office, the person appointed to the position of Tax Collector shall demonstrate by previous training, background or education a thorough knowledge of the laws of the State of New Jersey pertinent to the office for which appointment is sought. A Tax Collector may obtain tenure in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-144 and during tenure shall continue to hold office during good behavior and efficiency and shall not be removed therefrom except for just cause.
Powers and Duties. The Tax Collector shall:
Act as the head of the Division of Tax Collection and supervise all employees contained within the office subject to the personnel policies and administrative policies of the Township.
Perform duties as are specifically required of Tax Collectors under any provision of State Statute and specifically enforce all provisions pertinent to Tax Collectors contained within N.J.S.A. 54:1-1 et seq.
See to the collection of delinquent taxes as provided for under State Statute.
Prepare tax searches as may be authorized by law.
Provide for the foreclosure of tax sale certificates in a timely fashion.
In accordance with State Statute, act as the receiver of rents and manager of properties obtained by the Township through tax foreclosures, which powers and duties shall be further delineated by Township Council by way of resolution.
See to the deposit of such public moneys received in the authorized public depository of the municipality to the credit of the appropriate account within 48 hours after the receipt of funds.
Maintain a full and complete record and account of all sums collected and make monthly reports and accountings of the funds of the Township collected, received and deposited, which reports and accounts shall be filed as a public record with the Township Clerk to be disseminated to the Mayor and Council.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 2]
There shall be established the Division of Purchasing, comprised of the Qualified Purchasing Agent, whose duties are outlined in § 2-12, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[Added 6-25-2018 by Ord. No. 18-23-OAB]
There shall be established the Division of Fiscal Control comprised of a Fiscal Officer and Assistant Fiscal Officer, whose duties are to support, as directed by the Department Head, the Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Purchasing Agent, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[1974 Code § 2-95]
There is hereby established in the Township a Department of Law. The head of the Department of Law shall be the Director of the Department of Law who shall serve for a term as provided for in the Optional Municipal Charter Law. He shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.
In an effort to secure a person of prior experience and of proper professional qualifications for the office, the Director of Law shall be a licensed attorney of the State of New Jersey and shall have been so admitted for a period of not less than five years. The Director shall have either served in the office as a Director of a Department of Law of a municipality of the State of New Jersey or as a Municipal Attorney in the State of New Jersey for a period of not less than three years. In lieu of serving in office, the individual may submit to the Mayor and Council sufficient information to demonstrate his experience and expertise in the field of municipal law.
[1974 Code § 2-96]
The Director of Law shall provide all legal services to the administration and its agencies, departments and boards. He shall provide such legal services as are required by the Township Council. Subject to the foregoing, he shall:
Advise as to the form sufficiency of all ordinances, resolutions and Township actions prior to occurrence.
Review and approve all contracts.
Settle or compromise litigation with the approval of the Mayor and Township Council.
Render legal opinions in writing upon questions of law submitted by the Mayor and Township Council.
Attend public meetings and caucus meetings of Council when requested.
Supervise the bidding process.
Handle all personnel matters, grievances and collective bargaining agreements when requested by the administration.
Such other different functions, powers and duties as may be provided for by Township resolution or administrative rule or regulation.
[1974 Code § 2-97]
The Director of Law, or such attorney as he may designate, shall conduct prosecutions for crimes and offenses cognizable by the Municipal Court of the Township of Berkeley, including violations of ordinances of the municipality, complaints of any department under State law and violations of rules or regulations duly promulgated by any department; provided, however, that the Director of Law shall not be responsible for the prosecution of such crimes and offenses as are required by law to be prosecuted by the County Prosecutor. The Director of Law or his designee shall not be required to prosecute complaints filed by private citizens except where directed by the Judge of the Municipal Court or whenever he shall determine that the Township has a special interest.
[1974 Code § 2-98]
There is hereby established in the Township an Office of Public Defender. The office shall be under the direction and control of the Director of Law, who shall appoint an attorney of the State of New Jersey with the proper qualifications to serve in this capacity. In an effort to avoid the appearance of conflict, the appointment of Public Defender shall not be made by the Director of the Department of Law in the event that the Director is acting as the Prosecutor of the Township of Berkeley. In that event, the appointment shall be made by the Administrator, and the Office of the Public Defender shall be part of the Department of Administration.
[1974 Code § 2-98.1; Ord. No. 94-07; Ord. No. 97-51 § 1]
Any person applying for representation in the Berkeley Township Municipal Court by the Berkeley Township Public Defender or Court approved counsel, shall be required to pay an application fee of $200, but only in an amount necessary to pay the costs of Municipal Public Defender services.
In accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Supreme Court, the Municipal Court may waive the required application fee, in whole or in part, only if the Court determines, in its discretion, upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation.
The Municipal Court may permit a person to pay the application fee over a specific period of time not to exceed four months.
Funds collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in a dedicated fund administered by the Chief Financial Officer of the Township. Such funds shall be used exclusively to meet the costs incurred in providing the services of a Municipal Public Defender including, when required, expert and lay investigation and testimony.
[1974 Code § 2-99]
All papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of the Department of Law shall be and remain the property of the municipality. Upon the termination of his services to the municipality, each legal officer shall forthwith surrender to his successor all such property, together with a written consent to the substitution of his successor in all legal actions and proceedings then pending to which the municipality is a party.
The Director of Law shall have a contract with the municipality providing for compensation for his services. The Salary Ordinance shall reflect moneys appropriated to the Department of Law and shall generally describe the method of calculation of the compensation. All professional contracts shall be approved by the Council.
Editor's Note: Prior legislative history: 1999 Code §§ 2-31.12-31.3 Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB amended § 2-31, Department of Planning and Community Development in its entirety.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 3]
There is hereby established a Department of Planning and Community Development in the Township. The Head of the Department shall be the Director of Planning. The Department shall include such officers and employees as shall be required to fulfill its responsibilities set forth in the following sections.
Under the direction and supervision of the Planning Director, the Department shall be responsible for the conduct of all long-range planning activities. Due to the rapid growth in Berkeley Township, it is determined that it is the policy of the Township to provide for the growth of the community with professional assistance. As part of its responsibilities, the Department shall:
Assist and advise the Mayor, Council and Planning Board in all long-range planning and management matters relating to the public and private development of the municipality.
Study the operation and effect of land use controls and their administration in the municipality and report thereon to the Planning Board, the Mayor and the Council.
Continue studies and collect statistical and other data to serve as a basis for planning recommendations.
Conduct studies and prepare materials for the Master Plan and general plans for development of the municipality and their implementation.
Prepare, evaluate and present to the Mayor, Council and Planning Board plans for development and renewal of the municipality.
Coordinate the long-range planning activity of all municipal agencies.
Supervise the support personnel for municipal agencies dealing with zoning and planning matters and develop regulations to better implement their responsibilities under the Municipal Land Use Act.
Direct the Zoning Officer and assist him in evaluating site plans, subdivision plats and variance applications for conformity with municipal ordinances and advise the Planning Board and Zoning Board on such matters.
Be responsible for maintaining files and records of all maps, site plans, variances, subdivisions and other planning data.
Supervise the Secretary of the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment in the performance of his or her duties.
Assist the Industrial Commission.
The Director of Planning shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and shall:
Be a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a licensed New Jersey professional planner.
Have not less than five years experience in general municipal planning on behalf of public agencies, including the preparation of Master Plans and the individual elements thereof; the preparation of zoning standards and other development regulations; projecting the fiscal impact of development; and involvement with the regulations and procedures of CAFRA and the New Jersey Pinelands Commissions.
Have not less than five years experience supervising a staff/employees.
Possess a demonstrated understanding of grant application procedures, the real estate market and overall land development trends, constraints and potentials, especially as the same apply to Ocean County and Berkeley Township in particular.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 3]
There is hereby established a Division of Zoning, the head of which shall be the Zoning Officer, who shall be responsible for review of all plans and applications for zoning permits and for any and all other duties as prescribed by Statute and ordinance. The Zoning Officer shall be under the supervision of the Planning Director. He shall maintain files and records on all zoning permits.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 3; amended 6-25-2018 by Ord. No. 18-23-OAB]
There is hereby established a Division of Code Enforcement, comprised of the Supervising Code Enforcement Officer and the Senior Code Enforcement Officer, and other administrative staff as necessary. The Supervising and Senior Code Enforcement Officers shall be responsible for the enforcement of all local municipal and zoning ordinances whose enforcement is not specifically designated to be enforced by other officers, employees, or departments.
The Supervising and Senior Code Enforcement Officers shall be under the supervision of the Planning Director and shall maintain all files and records required by their duties. They shall issue summonses and appear in court as necessary.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 3]
Within the Department of Planning and Community Development there shall be the Division of Construction Inspection, the head of which shall be the Construction Official.
The Division Head shall be subject to the supervision of Department Head, except that the Construction Official shall have authority under State laws to administer and to supervise the enforcement of the State Uniform Construction Code and Chapter 11, Building and Housing, of the Code of the Township of Berkeley, and specifically § 11-1, is modified and superseded to the extent that this Code conflicts with the provisions therein.
The Building and Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board, which is provided for in Chapter 12, is continued. The Mayor shall appoint the members of the Board as provided for in that chapter.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 3]
Within the Department of Planning and Community Development there shall be the Division of Fire Prevention and Protection, which shall be comprised of the Fire Official, whose duties are prescribed in Chapter 13, and any other staff as deemed necessary by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 4; amended 9-24-2018 by Ord. No. 18-45-OAB]
[Amended 9-21-2020 by Ord. No. 20-32-OAB]
There shall be a Department of Public Works, the head of which shall be the Director of Public Works. The Department shall consist of the following divisions: the Division of Streets and Roads, the Division of Equipment Maintenance, the Division of Buildings and Grounds, the Division of Sanitation and Recycling and the Division of Parks and Recreation.
Establishment. There shall be a Division of Streets and Roads, the head of which shall be the Streets and Roads Foreman.
Duties. The Division of Streets and Roads shall:
Maintain and repair all public roads within the Township.
Maintain, alter and repair sidewalks controlled by the Township and curbs, gutters and encroachments by objects and structures above and below such streets and sidewalks in accordance with the ordinances of the Township.
Provide for regular snow removal and sanding or salting operations.
Maintain storm drainage systems.
Make capital improvements to and perform maintenance for public parks, beaches and recreation areas.
Do such other jobs as may be allocated by the Director of Public Works.
There shall be established the Division of Buildings and Grounds, which shall be responsible for maintenance of Township structures and their immediate surrounding areas.
There is hereby established a Division of Sanitation and Recycling. This Division shall handle all aspects of solid waste collection and transportation to the authorized landfill site, as well as the recycling programs for the Township.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 5; amended 9-24-2018 by Ord. No. 18-45-OAB]
Editor's Note: Prior legislative history: 1999 Code §§ 2-33.1 -2-33.5 Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB amended § 2-33, Department of Parks, Beaches and Recreation in its entirety.
There is hereby created the Division of Parks and Beaches, the head of which shall be a person qualified by education, experience and training in the planning, development, administration and management of facilities in the private or public sector. The title of the person with these qualifications shall be a civil-service-classified employee as defined in the applicable state statutes and subject to civil service jurisdiction.
Under the direction and supervision of the Director of Public Works, the Division of Parks and Beaches shall:
Enforce all applicable regulations for the maintenance and control of all recreational areas, public beaches, parks, playgrounds, nature facilities and recreational facilities in the Township.
Undertake the planning and development of all facilities in the Township.
Perform maintenance for the care and upkeep of park equipment and play areas.
Be responsible for the regulation, planting, care and control of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery upon and in the streets, highways, public places, parks and parkways of the Township.
Perform maintenance on parks, beaches and recreation areas and such other functions as will be assigned by the Director of Public Works.
Established. There is hereby established a Division of Golf Course, the head of which shall be the Superintendent of Greens. The Division shall be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the golf course.
Duties. Subject to the provisions of this Administrative Code, the Division head shall administer the golf course in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 25, Municipal Golf Course Regulations.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-34, Department of Sanitation and Recycling, Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB, § 6, was repealed 9-24-2018 by Ord. No. 18-45-OAB.
[Ord. No. 2016-05-OAB § 7]
Establishment. There shall be a Department of Human Resources. The head of the Department shall be the Director of Human Resources. The compensation of the Director of Human Resources shall be such sum as shall be fixed by salary ordinance.
Powers and Duties of Director of Human Resources. The Township Director of Human Resources shall:
Assist in the recruitment of qualified persons for the offices and positions in the Township government.
Prepare and recommend to the Business Administrator such rules as he/she may find necessary, appropriate or desirable to improve personnel administration within the Township government.
Prepare, install and maintain a job classification plan based upon the duties, authority and responsibility of offices, employments and positions in the Township government, in accordance with State law.
Prepare and maintain a pay plan based upon such job classification.
Establish and maintain a roster of all persons in the Township government which shall set forth the significant facts relating to personnel administration.
Establish and develop in-service training programs for persons in the Township government.
Maintain a continuous study of the operation and effect of personnel methods and practices in the Township, including hours and days of work, leaves of absence, sick leave, vacation, pension and retirement provisions, and report his/her findings and recommendations to the Business Administrator.
Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Mayor or Business Administrator.