[Ord. 125, 4/14/1987, § 1]
The following activities are hereby approved as proper activities within the meaning of the Workers' Compensation Act, 77 P.S. § 1 et seq., and the Township hereby authorizes these activities for the purposes of said law and coverage under said law:
Fund Raising. It is necessary for volunteer firemen to raise funds and all activities necessary for fund raising shall be included. A list of these activities include, but are not limited to, the following: bingo, carnivals, raffles, barbeques, banquets, festivals, donkey baseball, Christmas tree sales, door to door solicitation for donations and other activities deemed reasonably necessary by Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company, a nonprofit corporation, or by its officers for the operating of said fire company. Also to be included shall be the pick up of supplies, preparation of clean up of events and all other activities necessary therefore.
Firefighting and ambulance duties included are coming to and from fires, fire police services, participating in mutual aid with other companies and communities, attending conventions, parades, meetings, public fire prevention activities, fire investigations and other duties that may be reasonably necessary for the function of said Volunteer Fire Department. Furthermore, to be included are participation in and public civic functions such as Township meetings, community relations, working with Police Department of Old Lycoming Township or other municipalities and traffic and crowd control and assisting those agencies for fund raising or other civic functions.
Maintenance, equipment and apparatus and property, general office duties and other administrative duties as well as duties customary and necessary for the operation of the fire company are included and authorized.
In addition, members of the Ladies Auxiliary are hereby authorized to participate in fund raising activities to include such activities as bingo, carnivals, festivals, barbeques, banquets, Christmas tree sales, and bake sales.
All activities otherwise necessary in lending assistance at the scene of an emergency not otherwise covered above.
[Ord. 125, 4/14/1987, § 2]
At an emergency, any stand-by person who offers assistance on a voluntary basis shall be considered authorized if deputized or asked to serve by a person in charge of the Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Service or Fire Company. To be eligible for benefits, a person must be specifically requested or authorized to participate by the Fire Chief or other officer in charge at the scene of an emergency.