[1972 Code § 2-7.1; Ord. No. 392-76 § 1; Ord. No. 495-78 § 13; Ord. No. 823-86; amended 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2705-23; 4-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2717-23]
There shall be the following Municipal Departments:
Department of Administration and Finance.
Department of Law.
Department of Public Works.
Department of Planning and Development.
Department of Police.
Department of Fire.
Department of Health and Welfare.
Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs.
Department of Engineering.
[1972 Code § 2-4.2]
Department heads shall be appointed and removed as provided by the Charter and, except as otherwise provided by this Code, shall serve full time. A Director may serve as a division head and a division head may serve as a bureau head without additional compensation. Under the supervision of the Mayor, and subject to the Charter and Code, each Department Head shall:
Subject to the provisions of the New Jersey Statutes, Title 11, Civil Service, appoint subordinate officers and employees within the respective departments and may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees.
Direct and supervise the work of the Department and its employees through the divisions established by the Code.
Assign functions, powers and duties to subordinate officers and employees within the Department and modify such assignments as need appears.
Delegate to Division Heads such of his/her powers as the Department Head may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Report at least annually to the Mayor and Council in such form as shall be approved by the Business Administrator on the work of the Department during the preceding year.
[1972 Code § 2-4.3]
The Mayor may in his discretion remove any Department Head, as provided by Subsection 2-2.2b of this chapter.
The Council may for cause remove any Township Officer other than the Mayor or a Member of Council.
The Council shall consider notices under Subsection a of this subsection and motions under Subsection b of this subsection only after notice and an opportunity to be heard are given to the affected officer. The Clerk shall forthwith cause a copy of the notice or motion, as the case may be, together with a statement of the charges involved and notice of the time and place fixed for hearing, to be served personally or by registered mail upon the officer affected. Hearing shall be held not less than 10 days nor more than 15 days after the date of such service. The hearing shall be open to the public.
Pursuant to the Charter, Council may veto a removal under Subsection a of this subsection by a two-thirds vote of the Council and may adopt or defeat a motion under Subsection b by a majority vote of the Council.
[1972 Code § 2-4.3; Ord. No. 392-76 § 2]
In order to be eligible to serve on any of the boards or commissions listed in Subsection 2-7.1b or any other duly created committee, board or commission, an individual shall be a legal resident of the Township of West Orange. If any member of any such board, commission or committee moves from the Township, his or her right to continue serving shall terminate automatically, and the position shall be deemed vacant, subject to reappointment for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appointment was made.
[1972 Code § 2-5.1; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
There shall be a Department of Administration and Finance. Within the Department of Administration and Finance there shall be a Division of Administration, a Division of Purchasing, a Division of Personnel, a Division of Treasury, a Division of Collections, a Division of Assessments and a Division of Accounts and Control. The Business Administrator shall serve as the Director of the Division of Administration, the Division of Personnel and the Division of Assessments, without additional compensation. The Chief Financial Officer shall serve as the Director of Finance supervising and directing the Division of Purchasing, the Division of Treasury, the Division of Collections and the Division of Accounts and Control, without additional compensation, under the supervision and direction of the Business Administrator. The Business Administrator may designate a member of the Department of Administration and Finance or any Department Director to act as Assistant Administrator in his/her absence as he/she may direct, and to perform such other duties as may be assigned, without additional compensation.
[1972 Code § 2-5.2; Ord. No. 207-71 § 1]
Within the Department of Administration and Finance and under the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator, the Division of Administration shall:
Prescribe and install uniform forms and procedures for budget preparation by all Departments; and assist in the review and analysis of budget requests and in the preparation of the budget document.
Study, prepare and install methods and systems for administration of the various departments.
Supervise telephone, mail, office equipment and furnishings and other office services.
Place, purchase and review property, liability and other insurance and surety bonds as required for Township purposes.
[1972 Code § 2-5.3; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
Within the Department of Administration and Finance, there shall be a Division of Purchasing, the head of which shall be the Purchasing Agent, who shall be appointed by the Business Administrator. The Purchasing Agent shall report to the Director of Finance.
He/she shall, prior to his/her appointment, be qualified by having a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university, and a minimum of at least five years' experience or specialized training, or an equivalent combination of experience and training in the field of public or private purchasing and quality control. He/she shall receive compensation as shall be provided by ordinance and shall:
Have and exercise the functions, powers and duties of Purchasing Agent as provided by law.
Make all purchases of supplies, materials or equipment, all in accordance with the requirements of the Charter and the Code and the Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Place, purchase and review property, liability and other insurance and surety bonds as required for Township purposes.
Comply with written rules and regulations which may be established for the Division of Purchasing as set forth by the Business Administrator.
Perform studies leading to eventual grants-in-aid, State and Federal, to bring in needed revenues for municipal projects, i.e., Green Acres, library, health, recreation and planning programs.
[1972 Code § 2-5.4; Ord. No. 2329-11 § 1]
The Personnel Officer shall be the head of the Division of Personnel with the Department of Administration and Finance. Under the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator, the Division shall administer the Township's personnel program, including job classification and pay plan and other personnel policies, and maintain a complete system of personnel records of municipal officers and employees.
[1972 Code § 2-5.6; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
Within the Department of Administration and Finance there shall be a Division of Treasury, the head of which shall be the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer.[1] He shall be appointed for the term prescribed by law for Municipal Treasurers/Chief Financial Officers. Under the direction and supervision of the Business Administrator, the Division of Treasury shall:
Receive funds entrusted to, or under the control of any Department, and deposit all funds received by it in depositories authorized by the Council by resolution.
Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the Township or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity, except as otherwise provided by law, and keep such funds and all moneys of the Township not required for current operations safely invested or deposited in interest bearing accounts as may be approved by the Comptroller.
Make disbursements of Township funds upon warrant of the Comptroller by an individual warrant check for each bill, claim, wage and salary payment.
Keep a full account of all cash receipts and disbursements by the division according to the system of accounts approved by the Comptroller.
Make all purchases of all supplies, materials or equipment, all in accordance with the requirements of Charter and Code.
Editor's Note: Statutory reference N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.2 provide a term of four years and require a Municipal Finance Officer Certificate.
[1972 Code § 2-5.7; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
Within the Division of Treasury, there shall be a Central Cashier's Office. All cash receipts and payment to the Township for or on account of departments, except fines imposed for traffic violations or otherwise in the Municipal Court, shall be received and accounted for by the Cashier. This shall include, without limitation thereto, all tax payments, parking meter revenues, license, permit and inspection fees, filing fees, and all other revenue receipts of any such department, unless the Director of Finance shall otherwise direct.
[1972 Code § 2-5.8; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
Within the Department of Administration and Finance there shall be a Division of Accounts and Control, the head of which shall be the Township Comptroller, who shall be the Chief Financial Officer. The Comptroller shall, prior to his or her appointment, be qualified by at least five years' training or experience or a combination thereof in governmental accounting and financial control. The Division shall:
Develop, maintain and enforce a uniform system of accounts, including forms, standards and procedures for all Departments of the Township government including the collection of any and all required economic data required for the efficient and effective operation of the Departments.
Maintain and operate the Township's central bookkeeping and accounting records according to sound accounting principles, and in accordance with the requirements of the Director of the State Division of Local Finance.
Install and provide such records and reports as may be prescribed or approved by the Business Administrator for the determination of the cost of performance of each functional program or activity, measured in such work units as may be appropriate thereto.
Audit all receipts and disbursements of the Township government and of each of its departments and pre-audit all bills, claims and demands against the Township, including payrolls.
Control all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded, and maintain such books and records as may be required for the proper exercise of such budgetary control, including an encumbrance system of budget operation.
Review each proposed expenditure and commitment to be made on behalf of any department for conformity with State law, the Charter and ordinances of the Township, and authorize only such expenditures and commitments as conform with all the requirements of the Administrative Code.
Supervise the administration of the Township debt and the receipt and delivery of Township bonds and notes for transfer, regulation or exchange.
[1972 Code § 2-5.9; Ord. 492-78 § 1; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I]
Within the Department of Administration and Finance, there shall be a Division of Tax Collection, the head of which shall be the Collector.[1] The Collector shall be appointed for the term prescribed by law for Municipal Tax Collectors. Under the direction and supervision of the Director of Finance, the Division shall:
Perform the functions of a collector of taxes under general law, including without limitation thereto the preparation and mailing of tax bills, enforcement of tax collections by tax sales and otherwise, and the maintenance of tax accounting records in such manner as may be prescribed or approved pursuant to the Charter and Code.
Receive and collect all current delinquent real and personal property taxes, charge and receive penalties and interest pursuant to law.
Make or cause to be made and certify searches for tax and other liens on real property as may be authorized by law, and charge and collect for the use of the municipality the fee required pursuant to law for any such search, and the collector may appoint or designate one of the division employees as official tax searcher to perform these functions within the division.
In determining the value of real property recited on attached schedule for the purposes of taxation, regard the first $10,000 in the assessor's full and true value of home improvements for each dwelling unit primarily and directly affected by a home improvement in any single or multiple dwelling unit property more than 20 years old, as not increasing the value of such property for a period of five years, notwithstanding that the value of the dwelling to which such improvements are made is increased thereby, provided, however, that during this period, the assessment on such dwelling shall in no case, except that of damage through action of the elements sufficient to warrant a reduction, be less than the assessment thereon existing immediately prior to such home improvements.
Editor's Note: Statutory Reference 40A:9-141 et seq. Tax Collector holds office for four years. Certification of Tax Collector — See N.J.S.A. 40A:9-145.2.
[1972 Code § 2-24.1, § 2-24.2; Ord. No. 677-82 § 2; Ord. No. 2329-11 § I; Ord. No. 2560-19]
Appointment; Term and Qualifications. The Mayor shall appoint a Tax Assessor and Deputy Tax Assessor(s) as he/she may deem necessary, subject to the advice and consent of the Township Council. The Tax Assessor and Deputy Assessor(s) shall serve for a term of four years commencing January 1, next following his/her appointment. Vacancies, other than those due to expiration of term, shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. (See also N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148)
A Municipal Tax Assessor shall hold a Tax Assessor Certificate provided in N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 et seq. A Deputy Tax Assessor shall hold a Tax Assessor Certificate and shall act under the direct supervision of and assist the Tax Assessor.
Powers and Duties. The Office of the Tax Assessor shall be subject to such general administrative procedures and requirements as are departments of the municipal government. The Tax Assessor shall:
Assess the value of property within the municipality for the purpose of general taxation.
Maintain a current tax map of the municipality as a public record and cause to be recorded thereon all changes in ownership or character of assessed parcels of real property.
Maintain adequate assessment records of each separate parcel of real property assessed or exempted and maintain such files, records and procedures as may be required for the valuation and assessment of property pursuant to law.
Have, perform and discharge all of the functions, powers and duties prescribed by law for a Municipal Tax Assessor.
Make assessments for benefit of local improvements and/or damages procured to property resulting from local improvements.
[1972 Code § 2-6.1; Ord. No. 2385-13]
There shall be a Department of Law, the director of which shall be the Township Attorney. The Township Attorney shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, need not serve full time, and shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him, and until the appointment and qualification of his successor, with the manner and amount of compensation to be approved by the Governing Body. The Department of Law shall consist of the Township Attorney and such other employees as are hired by the Township Attorney with approval of the Governing Body, including, but not limited to, an Assistant Township Attorney.
[1972 Code § 2-6.2; Ord. No. 288-73 §§ 1 — 4; New; Ord. No. 2385-13]
The Township Attorney shall be the attorney for the Township as a municipal corporation of the State of New Jersey and he or she shall provide that entity and its officers in their official capacity with all appropriate legal advice, opinions and services which they may require, at all times being subject to the laws, regulations, ordinances and rules of the State of New Jersey, County of Essex, Township of West Orange, and as the same may be interpreted by the courts having proper jurisdiction.
The duties of the Township Attorney shall include at least the following and may be performed by him or her personally, or as delegated to one or more subordinates:
Provide legal advice and opinions, whether orally and informally, or in formal written form, to those Township Officials, elected or appointed including, but not limited to, the Mayor, Council, Business Administrator, Chief Financial Officer, or any Department Director, requesting same in the course of performing their official duties and to ensure that such performance and the operation of the municipal corporation in the administration of municipal affairs is lawful and proper;
Attend all meetings of the Township Council and provide legal advice to the Council as necessary to ensure that the proceedings are conducted in a lawful and proper manner, and to provide legal advice on all matters of Township business;
Represent the Township in any and all judicial and administrative proceedings, whether before a Judge, Arbitrator, or Mediator, in which the Township or any of its officers in their official capacity, may have an interest, or before the Council sitting as an administrative authority, including, but not limited to, ABC matters;
Represent the Township in any transactional matters, including but not limited to, the purchase and/or sale, or lease of property, real or personal, in which the Township has an interest;
Draft, or review and approve as to form and sufficiency, all legal documents, contracts, deeds, ordinances and resolutions made, executed or adopted by or on behalf of the Township;
Enter into any agreement, compromise, or settlement of any litigation in which the Township is involved, subject to the approval of the Governing Body;
Supervise and direct the work of such additional attorneys, technical and professional assistants as may be authorized by the Governing Body for regular or special employment by or for the Township.
[1972 Code § 2-2-6.4; Ord. No. 2385-13]
Subject to Governing Body approval, there shall be an Assistant Township Attorney appointed by the Township Attorney, who shall supervise same and delegate and assign those of his duties, or portions of them, which in the Township Attorney's judgment will contribute to and facilitate the efficient and effective operation of the Law Department. The Assistant Township Attorney shall be authorized to perform all of the duties of the Township Attorney in the event of his or her absence or unavailability and subject to the Township Attorney's delegation of authority to avoid any duplication of services. The Assistant Township Attorney need not serve full time and shall be subject to annual reappointment with the manner and amount of compensation to be approved by the Governing Body.
[1972 Code § 2-6.4; Ord. No. 2385-13]
Subject to Governing Body approval, the Township Attorney may appoint such Special Counsel as may be required or advisable to handle matters in which a conflict of interest precludes representation by the Township Attorney or Assistant Township Attorney, or which due to its complexity, special nature, time demands or constraints, or for any good reason would benefit from the special experience and/or training of the Special Counsel to be hired. Such Special Counsel need not serve full time and would be expected to serve for the duration of the matter for which he or she was appointed, subject to annual reappointment with the manner and amount of compensation to be approved by the Governing Body. Special Counsel would be subject to the supervision of the Township Attorney who would monitor the work, review and approve the bills of all Special Counsel.
[Ord. No. 902-88 § 1; Ord. No. 1038-90 § 1; Ord. No. 1838-02]
Qualifications; Appointment. The Municipal Public Advocate shall be a New Jersey Attorney-at-Law, appointed by the Township Council.
Powers and Duties. The Municipal Public Advocate may appear before the Township's Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Board, and such other Federal, State, County and Municipal Agencies and/or Courts as the circumstances warrant in order to represent and advocate the public interest, not individual interests, in proceedings of Substantial Importance in which he/she shall determine in his/her sole discretion to warrant such representation and advocacy. With regard to appearances before the Township Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Township Planning Board, the term "Substantial Public Importance" shall be defined as or limited to applications where the applicant is seeking relief in any one of the following areas:
Application seeking a use variance;
Application seeking a major subdivision;
Application where three or more variances are being sought;
Application where a variance for parking is being sought;
Application of any nature involving property which is contiguous or proximate to land located in the conservation district;
Application where the applicant is seeking vacation of streets, roads, rights-of-way, or similarly defined thoroughfares;
Application where a variance for height, coverage, or density is being sought;
Application that has been bifurcated and where one part of the bifurcated application seeks relief under any one or more Subsections 1 through 7 above;
Any application affecting two or more acres of land.
Appearances Restricted. The Public Advocate shall not appear before the Township's Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment on any applications other than as enumerated above.
Purpose. The Public Advocate shall be retained by the Township Council but shall not operate in any manner under the direction or control of the Township Council except to the extent that the Public Advocate must receive prior approval of litigation expenses from the Township Council by appropriation in the Municipal Budget. He/she shall exercise his/her sole discretion as to the importance and the extent of the public interest and whether that interest would be adequately represented and advocated without his/her action.
It is intended that the creation of the position of Municipal Public Advocate is to insure that a full, fair, and balanced record be made in such matters of substantial public importance. The Public Advocate shall make available the evidence bearing upon the issues to the Township's Planning Board and the Township Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Public Advocate shall maintain a thorough record of the issues and evidence so that such Boards and such other Federal, State, County, and Municipal agencies, the Township Council and Courts, whether trial or appellate, will have the benefit of a fully developed record of the proceedings, containing all of the testimony and evidence for a fair, unbiased, impartial decision in accordance with all of the applicable rules/laws. The role of the Public Advocate is to insure that the public interest, not individual interests, will be adequately represented and better served.
Compensation. The salary for the position of the Public Advocate shall be set by ordinance and in no event shall it be higher than the combined salary set for the attorneys for the Planning Board and/or Zoning Board of Adjustment. An appropriation for the Public Advocate shall be provided in the Municipal Budget and approved by Resolution of the Township Council. The Public Advocate may not commence litigation without an appropriation in the Municipal Budget. The Public Advocate may not exceed the monies appropriated in the budget for litigation expenses. In the event that the Public Advocate should require further funding for litigation, he/she must request funding from the Township Council in advance of any such expenses being incurred. Additional funding for litigation expenses of the Public Advocate must be approved by Resolution of the Township Council.
Term of Office. The term of the Public Advocate shall expire annually on December 31.
[1972 Code § 2-7.1; Ord. No. 2305-11 § II; amended 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2705-23; 4-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2717-23]
There shall be a Department of Public Works, the head of which shall be the Director of Public Works. Prior to his/her appointment, the Director shall be a Certified Public Works Manager (CPWM) of the State of New Jersey, and have at least four years of responsible experience in public works administration.
At any time wherein the position of Director of Public Works is vacant the duties of the Director of Public Works, in part of in total, may be performed by a Deputy Department Head of Public Works. He/she shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance.
The Department shall:
Be responsible for all matters relating to the construction, management, maintenance and operation of the physical properties of the Township other than office supplies, furniture and equipment.
Assist in the preparation of plans and specifications and the letting and performance of contracts for all Township public works or improvements.
Establish standards and procedures for the control, use and care of all Township-owned equipment, materials and supplies in the custody of the Department.
Any references within this section to a Director of Public Works shall mean the Director of Public Works or a Deputy Department Head of Public Works acting as the Director of Public Works.
[Prior § 2-10.2 Division of Engineering was repealed 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2705-23; and 4-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2717-23. Prior history includes 1972 Code § 2-7.2]
[1972 Code § 2-7.3]
Within the Department of Public Works there shall be a Division of Buildings and Property, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. The Division, under the direction and supervision of the Director, shall:
Operate and maintain public buildings owned by the Township.
Trim, plant and care for trees, public parks and greens.
Install, maintain and repair parking meters.
Provide custodial and janitorial services for all Township buildings, except fire houses.
Administer Township-owned properties.
Operate and maintain Township-owned off-street parking facilities.
Maintain and repair play fields and playgrounds and recreational areas and facilities, as requested and pursuant to instructions of the Recreation Director.
[1972 Code § 2-7.4]
Within the Department of Public Works there shall be a Division of Street Services, the head of which shall be the Superintendent. The Division, under the direction and supervision of the Director, shall:
Maintain and repair all Township streets, bridges, culverts and drains.
Undertake and administer Township road construction projects, and road surfacing and resurfacing projects which are to be performed by the department on force account.
Maintain all Township streets in a clean and safe condition for travel, free of obstructions and hazards, and remove snow and ice therefrom as required.
Install, repair and maintain street traffic signs, lines and markers.
Receive applications for and issue street opening permits, and administer the Township's ordinances relating to street openings.
[1972 Code § 2-7.5]
Within the Department of Public Works there shall be a Division of Sewers and Sanitation, the head of which shall be the Assistant Superintendent of Streets. Under the direction and supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Operate and maintain the Township's intercepting sewers, sewage pumping stations, and all other sanitary and storm sewer installations and appurtenances.
Provide such sanitation and general Township services relating thereto as may be required.
[1972 Code § 2-8.1; Ord. No. 960-89 § 1; Ord. No. 2308-11 § II]
There shall be a Department of Planning and Development, the head of which shall be the Director. Prior to his or her appointment, the Director shall have a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university, with specialized training in municipal planning and administration and at least four years of responsible experience in public planning or urban renewal work. He/she shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance.
At any time wherein the position of Director of Planning and Development is vacant the duties of the Director of Planning and Development, in part or in total, may be performed by a Deputy Municipal Department Head of Planning/Development. He/she shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance.
Any references within this revision to a Planning Official shall mean the Planning Director or a Deputy Municipal Head of Planning/Development acting as the Planning Director.
[1972 Code § 2-8.2]
The Department shall:
Advise and assist the Mayor and the Council in regard to the physical planning and public improvement aspects of all matters related to the development of the Township.
Provide staff assistance to the Planning Board in all matters under its jurisdiction.
Conduct continuous studies and collect statistical and other data to serve as the basis for planning recommendations.
Study the operation and effect of land use controls and their administration within the Township, and report thereon to the Mayor and Council.
Develop and administer programs and activities for the rehabilitation of housing and conservation of neighborhoods, and constitute and appoint citizen advisory committees for these purposes. To carry out the purposes of this subsection, conservation or rehabilitation work may include the following:
Carrying out plans for a program of voluntary repair and rehabilitation of buildings and other improvements.
Acquisition of real property and demolition, removal or rehabilitation of buildings and improvements thereon where necessary to eliminate unhealthful, unsanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen density, reduce traffic hazards, eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare, or to otherwise remove or prevent the spread of blight or deterioration, or to provide for needed public facilities.
Installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds and other improvements necessary for carrying out the objectives of the redevelopment project.
Disposition, for uses in accordance with the objectives of the redevelopment project, or any property or part thereof acquired in the area of such project.
Jurisdiction over all Township-owned lands for cataloging, appraising and recommendations as to sale, retention and acquisition.
The powers herein enumerated are to be strictly limited to conservation and rehabilitation work.
[1972 Code § 2-8.3; Ord. No. 495-78 §§ 2, 3]
There is hereby created a body corporate and politic to be known as the West Orange Redevelopment Agency, to have and exercise all the functions, powers and duties provided by the State Redevelopment Agencies' Law, and all amendments and supplements thereof (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.). The Department of Planning and Development shall:
Administer and direct urban conservation, rehabilitation and renewal activities of the Township.
Prepare, review, revise and modify a workable program as defined by law (Laws of 1956, Chapter 212, N.J.S.A. 40:55C-35, 37) for utilizing appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blight and deterioration, to encourage needed conservation or rehabilitation, to provide for the redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating areas, and to undertake such of these activities or other feasible activities as may be suitably employed to achieve the objectives of such a program, provided that the workable program may be adopted, amended, revised or modified only with the approval of the Mayor.
Exercise the powers of the Township as an authorized local public agency for purposes of any Federal Urban Renewal or redevelopment program, provided that no project shall be undertaken except upon the approval of the Council and nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize any expenditure except pursuant to an appropriation made by the Council.
Appoint or contract with technical and professional advisors and assistants as may be required and approved for any Federally or State aided planning, renewal, development or redevelopment project, providing that nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the making of any contract without the approval of Council where such approval is required by law.
Constitute and appoint advisory committees, neighborhood councils and other forms of citizen participation in urban rehabilitation and redevelopment.
Editor's Note: There being presently pending no land disposition or redevelopment plans or projects, all of which have been concluded, the West Orange Redevelopment Agency be and is hereby dissolved effective immediately upon the effective date of Ordinance No. 495-78, adopted July 18, 1978. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55C-8 all obligations, rights, and responsibilities of the West Orange Redevelopment Agency are hereby assumed by the Township Council of the Township of West Orange upon the dissolution becoming effective.
[1972 Code § 2-8.4]
Whenever any project or course of action is related to or may affect the Master Plan, the Department shall submit the matter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation. Such recommendations shall be annexed to and accompany any proposal transmitted to the Council with respect to any such project or course of action.
[1972 Code § 2-8.6]
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Planning. Under the direction and supervision of the Director and subject to the Charter and Code, the Division shall:
Prepare and maintain a Comprehensive Master Plan for the Township and prepare such plans, studies, analyses, surveys and reports which may be necessary to implement the Comprehensive Master Plan or to guide governmental policy for the assurance of the orderly and coordinated development of the Township.
Prepare and maintain a workable program for community development, a capital improvement program, and a community renewal program.
Act as the research arm of the Planning Board and the Division of Redevelopment.
Review all subdivision applications, requests for zoning variances and public improvements within the Township and make recommendations thereon to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Township Council.
Editor's Note: Statutory reference — N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118. The Schedule of Charges for certain services performed by the Department of Police is located in Article IX, Administrative Procedures, Subsection 2-66.3. The current collective bargaining agreement may supersede these provisions. Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1972 Code §§ 2-9.1 — 2-9.11, 2-9.14-2-9.17 and Ordinance Nos. 87, 367-75, 419-77, 616-81, 845-86, 909-88, 980-89, 1003-90, 1104-92, 1262-94, 1315-95, 1439-97, 1446-97.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § I]
The purpose of this legislation is to comply with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 as recommended in the Department of Law & Public Safety Division of Criminal Justice Technical Assistance Report dated May 1998.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § 2; Ord. No. 2348-12; Ord. No. 2403-14; Ord. No. 2522-17; amended 4-14-2020 by Ord. No. 2599-20]
There is hereby created in and for the Township of West Orange a Police Department which shall consist of a Chief of Police and such members and officers as shall be deemed necessary by the Mayor or his designee ("Mayor") who shall, from time to time, determine the number of persons, including patrolmen, superior officers, temporary officers and members in an emergency, to be appointed to those positions.
From the effective date of this section until March 7, 2021, or upon the expiration of the Eligible/Failure Roster issued by the Commission on February 26, 2018 (Title Code 02727, Symbol PM0754V), whichever is later, the Table of Organization for the Police Department shall not exceed a total force of 120, including the following maximums by rank:
Police Chief
Deputy Police Chief
Beginning on the March 7, 2021, or upon the expiration of the Eligible/Failure Roster issued by the Commission on February 26, 2018 (Title Code 02727, Symbol PM0754V), whichever is later, the Table of Organization for the Police Department shall not exceed a total force of 120, including the following maximums by rank:
Police Chief
Deputy Police Chief
The decrease to the maximum number of lieutenants effected by Subsection b shall not affect any individual who has already achieved the rank of lieutenant when such decrease becomes operative.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § III]
The Police Department shall:
Preserve the public peace; protect life and property; detect, arrest and prosecute offenders of the laws of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Township of West Orange; direct and control traffic; provide attendance and protection during emergencies; make appearances in court; cooperate with all other law enforcement agencies; and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § IV; amended 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2705-23]
The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee shall be designated as the Appropriate Authority as provided in the New Jersey Statutes. The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee shall also serve as the Appointing Authority as defined in N.J.A.C. 4A:1-1.3. The Mayor shall be responsible for the overall performance of the Police Department. The Mayor or the Mayor’s designee shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the governance of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Mayor may appoint a Police Director to fulfill these responsibilities.
The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Mayor for its efficiency and day-to-day operations. Pursuant to policies established by the Mayor, the Chief of Police shall:
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Police Department and any special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the Department and its members and officers;
Have, exercise, and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Police Department;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all members and officers;
Delegate such authority as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under the Chief's direction and control; and
Report at least monthly to the Mayor in such form as shall be prescribed on the operation of the Police Department during the preceding month and make such other reports as may be requested by the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § V; amended 10-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2658-21; 1-4-2022 by Ord. No. 2671-21; 6-28-2022 by Ord. No. 2686-22]
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department who is not qualified as provided in the New Jersey Statutes. The Mayor may also require that an applicant for appointment to the Police Department shall successfully complete a physical, mental and psychological examination.
Each applicant shall comply with all of the laws of the State of New Jersey pertaining to qualifications of Police Officers. No person shall be given or accept a permanent appointment as a Police Officer in the Township unless such person has first been given a probationary or temporary appointment to such office for a period of not longer than one year or one year after the date of graduation from the Police Academy, whichever is longer, and has successfully completed a Police training course at a school approved and authorized by the Police Training Commission in the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State of New Jersey, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq. Each candidate for appointment to the Police Department shall submit to such written and oral examination as may be prescribed by Civil Service, except that at the sole discretion of the Mayor a candidate for an entry-level law enforcement position may be exempt from this requirement for examination by Civil Service pursuant to N.J.S.A. 11A:4-1.3(a) provided that they have successfully completed a full Basic Course for Police Officers training course at a school approved and authorized by the Police Training Commission within nine months of the date of hire. Each candidate for appointment to the Police Department shall also submit to a physical examination by a licensed practicing physician and/or an examination by a licensed psychologist of the State of New Jersey, designated for such purpose. The character and scope of such examination shall be for the purpose of revealing the extent to which the applicant may be mentally, physically and otherwise qualified to perform his appropriate duties in the Department. Any applicant who shall fail to meet the physical qualifications as may be set up by the Appropriate Authority, or in the opinion of the examining physician is incapable of performing the duties of a Police Officer in a safe and efficient manner shall be ineligible for appointment to the Department.
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department as a regular or probationary member unless that person shall at the time of making application be between the age of 18 and 35 years, except as provided by law in the case of veterans. The applicant shall be a citizen of the United States of America.
This section shall apply only to initial appointments and not to the promotional appointments of persons already members of the Police Department.
No family member, including a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepsibling, half-brother, half-sister, nephew, niece, first cousin, aunt, uncle, foster child, domestic partner or cohabitants as defined by the New Jersey Civil Union Act, of a member of the Police Department shall be eligible for appointment to the Police Department by way of appointment through the alternate route appointment procedures pursuant to N.J.S.A. 11A:4-1.3(a) as allowed in subsection a of this section.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § VI]
No member or officer of the Police Department shall be suspended, removed, fined, or reduced in rank for any cause other than for incapacity, misconduct, or disobedience as provided in the New Jersey Statutes and the Police Department's Rules and Regulations.
[Ord. No. 1592-99 § VII]
The Appropriate Authority shall promulgate, and revise and enforce a Manual of Police Discipline, Practices and Procedures for the better administration of the work of the Department and for the discipline and efficiency of the Police Force.
[Ord. No. 2124-07 § II; Ord. No. 2266-10]
Authority and Purpose. The Township of West Orange hereby establishes Special Police Officers pursuant to and in compliance with the Special Law Enforcement Officers Act (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.8 et seq.).
Classes of Officers. The Township of West Orange establishes the titles of Class I and Class II Special Police Officers.
Uniforms and Insignia. Special Police Officers shall wear uniforms approved for use by the Chief of Police. Uniform shirts and outer garments shall display a recognizable patch designating the Special Police Officer as either Class I or Class II. Each Special Police Officer is responsible for the purchase, care and maintenance of uniforms.
Compensation for Training. Special Police Officers shall not receive compensation while engaged in any training programs required by the Police Training Commission, the Chief of Police, or other competent government authority.
Special Police Officers shall be appointed for a period not to exceed one year at a time.
Consideration for appointment shall be given to existing Township Auxiliary Police Officers.
Authority of Officers.
While on duty, Class I Special Police Officers shall exercise limited police powers. These powers include:
Power of arrest;
Power to maintain order; and
Power to issue summonses for:
Disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses;
Violations of Title 39 of Revised New Jersey Statutes; and
Violations of County and municipal ordinances.
Authority to use force in compliance with New Jersey Statutes, Attorney General Guidelines, and the West Orange Police Department's Use of Force Directive.
Special Police Officers are subject to the personnel policies of the Township of West Orange.
Special Police Officers are subject to the West Orange Police Department's Written Directive System, where applicable.
Class I Special Police Officers are authorized to carry, while on duty, less lethal weapons authorized by the Chief of Police and shall qualify/demonstrate proficiency with less lethal weapons with the same frequency as regular Police Officers.
Class II Special Police Officers are authorized to carry a firearm while on duty. The Chief of Police shall determine the types and specification for the firearm and ammunition. Class II Special Police Officers shall qualify/demonstrate proficiency with all authorized weapons with the same frequency as regular Police Officers.
Special Police Officers shall successfully complete all training statutorily required by law, the New Jersey Attorney General, or the Essex County Prosecutor with the same frequency as regular Police Officers.
There shall be no limit to the number of Special Police Officers.
Duty Hours.
Special Police Officers shall ordinarily not work in excess of 20 hours per week with the following exceptions:
There is no such limitation during periods of emergency. (Emergency is defined in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-169.9b.).
The appointing authority may designate one Special Police Officer that is exempt from the twenty-hour limitation.
Special Police Officers shall not be utilized to supplant regular Police Officers on Township assigned extra-duty assignments.
Special Police Officers assigned to parking enforcement duties shall be authorized to serve and execute all process for any parking offense issuing out of the West Orange Municipal Court.
Special Police Officers assigned to parking enforcement duties may cause any vehicle parked, stored, or abandoned in the Township of West Orange in violation of statute, ordinance, resolution, or regulation to be towed away from the scene of the violation.
Special Police Officers shall be indemnified for liability by the Township of West Orange.
[Added 10-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2658-21; repealed 1-4-2022 by Ord. No. 2671-21]
Editor's Note: Material from § 2-14.9 repealed by Ord. No. 2671-21 contained Hiring, Promotion and Supervision of Officer.
Editor's Note: The current collective bargaining agreement may supersede these provisions.
[1972 Code § 2-10.1]
There shall be a Department of Fire, the head of which shall be the Director. Prior to his appointment, the Director shall have at least four years of responsible experience in the administration of fire fighting or fire prevention service. The Director shall receive such compensation as may be provided or fixed by ordinance.
[1972 Code § 2-10.2]
The head of the Fire Fighting Force shall be the Fire Chief. The Fire Department shall be organized according to such table of organization as shall be prescribed by the Director with the approval of the Mayor. The Department shall:
Have exclusive jurisdiction over the control, fighting and extinguishment of any conflagration which occurs within the Township limits.
Provide fire fighting services and facilities for the protection of life and property within the Township, and in accordance with such mutual aid agreements as may be enforced.
Operate, repair and maintain a fire alarm signal system.
Investigate the cause, circumstances and origin of fires and report to the County Prosecutor every case of suspicion of arson.
Maintain and administer a Fire Prevention and Safety Inspection Service for the Township.
[1972 Code § 2-10.3; Ord. No. 870-87 § 1; Ord. No. 903-88 § 1; Ord. No. 981-89 § 1; Ord. No. 1118-92 § 1; Ord. No. 1807-02 § II; amended 9-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2655-21]
From the effective date of this section until: (i) December 31, 2021; or (ii) upon the expiration of the Eligibility List issued by the Civil Service Commission on October 17, 2018 under Title Code 01506, Symbol PM2646V whichever occurs later, the Fire Department shall consist of a Director, a Chief, seven Deputy Chiefs, 26 Captains, and such other Firefighters as have been hereto authorized or may hereafter be authorized in the Municipal Budget.
Beginning on: (i) December 31, 2021; or (ii) the expiration of the Eligibility List issued by the Civil Service Commission on October 17, 2018 under Title Code 01506, Symbol PM2646V whichever occurs later, the Fire Department shall consist of a Director, a Chief, six Deputy Chiefs, 26 Captains, and such other Firefighters as have been hereto authorized or may hereafter be authorized in the Municipal Budget.
The decrease to the maximum number of Deputy Chiefs effected by the subsection above shall not affect any individual who has already achieved the rank of Deputy Chief when such decrease becomes operative.
One member of the West Orange Fire Department shall be designated, pursuant to the applicable State Statutes and Administrative Regulations, as the "Fire Official."
[1972 Code § 2-10.4; Ord. No. 644-82 § 1]
Pursuant to the authority granted to the Council by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-7 there are hereby promulgated and adopted the new Rules and Regulations attached herein by reference governing the conduct of all members of the Township Department of Fire.
[1972 Code § 2-10.5]
The Chief shall have sole and entire command at fires and alarms of fires over all members of the Department and apparatus and appurtenances belonging to the same, and shall direct all measures he or she may deem proper for the extinguishment of fires. The Chief shall report to the Director suggestions and recommendations as he or she may deem necessary, and any officers or members of the force who may be delinquent in the performance of the duties assigned to them. The Chief shall not absent himself from the State without the consent of the Director.
The Chief shall see that the apparatus, the buildings, and all articles in or belonging to the Department are kept neat and clean, and in order for immediate use, shall preserve order and discipline at all times in the force, and shall enforce a strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department. The Chief shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of the membership of the force, an account of all property entrusted to his or her care (keeping a record of what hose is used at each fire) and all absences from or omission or neglect of duty on the part of the members of the force, in a book provided for that purpose. The Chief shall submit a report of such record to the Director at least once each month, or such other times as the Director shall prescribe.
The Chief shall have charge of the fire alarm system, keeping the same at all times in thorough repair and ready for service.
The Chief shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be established by the Director and as may be conferred and imposed from time to time by ordinance.
[1972 Code § 2-10.6; Ord. No. 870-87]
The Deputy Chiefs of the Fire Department, next to the Chief, shall be the superior officers of the Department. They shall have charge and command of such forces as the Director or Chief may designate. Each Tour Deputy Chief on duty will be responsible for all decisions pertaining to firefighting activities and tour operations.
[1972 Code § 2-10.7; Ord. No. 482-78 § 1]
At the discretion of the Director, any Firefighter or Captain who shall be assigned to perform the duties of Captain or Deputy Chief, respectively, shall be designated as Acting Captain or Acting Deputy Chief during such times as he shall be responsible for and perform the duties of Captain or Deputy Chief. Such Firefighters or Captains shall receive the hourly rate of compensation paid to a Captain or Deputy Chief based on the first increment above the maximum rate of Firefighter or Captain.
[1972 Code § 2-10.7]
The work week of a fireman shall be 42 hours. Work schedules shall be as prescribed by regulation.
[1972 Code § 2-10.9]
No person shall drive any vehicle over any hose or any other fire apparatus.
No person shall willfully hinder or molest or attempt to do violence to any Officer or Member of the Fire Department while in the performance of his duty at a fire, or in going to or returning from a fire or an alarm of fire, in charge of a fire engine or other apparatus.
[1972 Code § 2-10.12; Ord. No. 1315-95 § 2]
Before any person shall be appointed as a member of the Fire Department, the Appointing Authority shall classify all the duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be filled in the respective departments, in the following classes:
I. Bona fide resident of the County of Essex.
II. Bona fide resident of counties contiguous to the County of Essex.
III. Other residents of the State of New Jersey.
IV. All other qualified applicants.
Within each classification, duly qualified applicants who are veterans shall be accorded all such veterans' preferences as are provided by law. Persons discharged from the service within six months prior to making application to the Township who fulfill the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-10.1 and who thereby are entitled to appointment notwithstanding their failure to meet the New Jersey residency requirements at the time of their initial application shall be placed in Class III.
In making such appointments, the Appointing Authority shall first appoint all those in Class I and those in each succeeding class in the order above listed, and shall appoint a person or persons in any such class only to a vacancy or vacancies remaining after all qualified applicants in preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined an offer of appointment.
The classes of qualified applicants defined in Subsection a above shall be considered as separate and successive lists of eligibles, and the Civil Service Commission shall, when requested to certify eligibles for positions specified in this section, make such certifications from the classes separately and successively, and shall certify no persons from any such class until all persons in the preceding class or classes have been appointed or have declined offers of appointment.
This section shall apply only to initial appointments and not to the promotional appointments of persons already members of the Fire Department.
In making temporary appointments, the Appointing Authority shall utilize the classifications set forth in Subsection a and shall classify accordingly all duly qualified applicants for the position or positions to be temporarily filled.
[Ord. No. 1879-03]
Membership. The West Orange Fire Department Volunteer Auxiliary shall consist of no more than 21 members.
Qualifications of Members.
Each member shall be subject to a background check.
Each member shall be certified to be in good health by a duly licensed physician who shall certify in writing as to applicant's good health. Said examination shall include satisfactory results of chest x-rays;
Each member shall be a citizen of the United States and have attained the age of 18 years;
An applicant must be recommended by three references;
An applicant must be approved through an interview process with the Fire Director or his designee; and
An applicant must reside in the County of Essex or a contiguous county.
Organization. The members of the West Orange Fire Department Volunteer Auxiliary shall be organized according to the Table of Organizations set by the Fire Director and/or Chief of the Fire Department. The members shall abide by all rules and regulations that shall be formulated by those individuals. The Fire Director and/or Chief of the Fire Department may discipline or dismiss any auxiliary member who fails to follow the rules, regulations, or orders of the Fire Department command personnel to which they are assigned.
Training. The training of members of the West Orange Fire Department Volunteer Auxiliary shall be the responsibility of the Director and/or Chief of the Fire Department. The members will be trained to the level of their assigned duties. The Fire Director and/or Chief shall determine the assigned duties.
Insurance. Members of the West Orange Fire Department Volunteer Auxiliary shall be insured for the same coverage and in the same amounts as members of the regular West Orange Fire Department with the exception that auxiliary members shall not be entitled to life insurance.
[Ord. No. 2138-07 § II]
The West Orange Fire Department shall provide emergency ambulance transport service to various residents and nonresidents within West Orange which shall be subject to the priority of demands of the West Orange Fire Department Personnel.
The Township of West Orange shall be entitled to receive payment from the insurance providers for those transported by the West Orange Fire Department. The Township of West Orange will receive a payment in the amount authorized by the patients' medical provider. The Township of West Orange shall not subject West Orange residents transported by the West Orange Fire Department to balance billing. Nonresidents shall be subject to balance billing as determined by the Township.
The Township of West Orange shall not seek payment from a West Orange resident transported by the West Orange Fire Department if he/she does not have medical insurance coverage or if coverage is denied by a final determination.
The Business Administrator be and hereby is authorized to retain, as provided by the New Jersey Statutes, a third party administrator to handle the billing and collection of emergency ambulance transport fees for the Township of West Orange.
The third party administrator shall be entitled to receive a percentage of the collections received by the Township of West Orange. The percentage to be retained by the third party administrator shall be determined by a separate resolution adopted by the Township Council for the Township of West Orange.
[1972 Code § 2-11.1]
There shall be a Department of Health and Welfare, the head of which shall be the Director. Prior to his or her appointment, the Director shall have a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university and a minimum of at least four years' experience related to the duties of this office, or an equivalent combination of training and experience. The Director shall receive such compensation as shall be provided by ordinance. The Department shall include a Division of Health and a Division of Welfare.
[1972 Code § 2-11.2]
Within the Department of Health and Welfare there shall be a Division of Health, the head of which shall be the Health Officer. Prior to his appointment the Health Officer shall be duly qualified and hold a license as a Health Officer under State Law. Under the supervision of the Director, the Division shall:
Have all of the functions, powers and duties of a local Board of Health under Title 26 of the New Jersey Statutes, except that as required by the Charter, the Council shall have and exercise all local legislative powers under that title.
Plan and administer a comprehensive public health program including, without limitation thereto, environmental sanitation, communicable disease control, child and adult health, and health education; and provide by contract for laboratory services and other services as may be authorized by the Charter or ordinance.
Administer and enforce the local health ordinances, and the licensing of dogs pursuant to law.
Maintain and administer a Bureau of Vital Statistics, including births, deaths and marriages in accordance with State Law, and receive applications for and issue marriage licenses pursuant to law.
Supervise and protect the public interest in the performance of Township contracts for garbage and refuse collection and disposal.
Supervise and protect the public welfare in the use and sale of limited phosphorus detergents and pre-soak enzymes.
[1972 Code § 2-11.3]
The Mayor shall constitute and appoint a Citizen's Health Advisory Council. The Council shall meet at the call of the Township Health Officer and shall advise and consult him as required with respect to public health problems of the Township.
[1972 Code § 2-11.4]
Within the Department of Health and Welfare there shall be a Division of Welfare, the head of which shall be the Local Assistance Board appointed pursuant to law. Under the supervision of the Board, the Director of Health and Welfare shall:
Administer laws and ordinances relating to relief of the needy, including the furnishing of all forms of public assistance to needy persons who are eligible for assistance provided by law through County and State agencies.
Provide or arrange for shelter and custodial care to dependent and homeless men and women.
Enter into and perform cooperative agreements with voluntary charitable organizations and services to effectuate its other functions under this section.
Provide related social services such as domestic relations counseling, investigation of paternity cases, indigent burials and other public welfare activities.
Cooperate with other public agencies and institutions and with voluntary institutions in the certification of medically indigent patients for care and treatment.
[1972 Code § 2-12.1; Ord. No. 888-87 § 1; Ord. No. 2307-11 § II; Ord. No. 2426-14]
There shall be a Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs, the head of which shall be the Director. Prior to his/her appointment, the Director shall have a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university, with specialized training in recreation or a related field, and at least four years of experience in public recreation administration. The requirement of a bachelor's degree may be waived if a candidate for the position of Director has at least 15 years experience and training in the field of public recreation.
At any time wherein the position of Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs is vacant the duties of the Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs, in part or in total, may be performed by a Deputy Department Head of Recreation. He/she shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by ordinance.
Any references within this section to a Recreation Director shall mean the Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs or a Deputy Department Head of Recreation as the Director of Recreation and Cultural Affairs.
[1972 Code § 2-12.2; Ord. No. 888-87 § 2; Ord. No. 2426-14]
The Director of Recreation shall be a bona fide resident of the Township. A bona fide resident, for the purpose of this section, is a person having a permanent domicile within the Township and one which has not been adopted with the intention of again taking up or claiming a previous residence outside the Township limits. The Director need not be a full time resident at the time of appointment but shall establish bona fide residence in the Township within one year of appointment or be dismissed from office.
[1972 Code § 2-12.3; Ord. No. 2426-14]
The Mayor shall appoint a Citizen's Advisory Committee on Recreation to advise and consult with the Superintendent. With the aid and assistance of the Committee, the Director shall plan and develop recreational facilities; promote and direct an all year program of cultural and leisure time activities for children, youth and adults; provide for the optimum coordination and development of public and private recreational facilities and programs.
[1972 Code § 2-12.4; Ord. No. 363-75 § 1; Ord. No. 390-76 § 1; Ord. No. 478-78, A1; Ord. No. 2426-14]
The Department of Recreation and Cultural Affairs shall:
Administer and operate parks, playgrounds and playfields and facilities for indoor and outdoor sports, athletic and recreational programs and activities for children and adults.
Sponsor and administer cultural and recreational programs and activities in cooperation with other public and private agencies and organizations, and provide specialized programs for the aged, the handicapped and other special purposes.
Employ and instruct the Department of Public Works with respect to the maintenance and repair of public buildings and grounds used, controlled or managed for recreational purposes by the Division.
[1972 Code § 2-12.5; Ord. No. 1722-00 § 1; Ord. No. 2426-14]
The following acts are expressly prohibited and/or regulated by the Recreation Department and shall require enforcement under Chapter 4. The following such acts are prohibited and/or regulated:
Other than in regulated parking areas, no vehicle shall be allowed within any park owned by the Township or under its jurisdiction at any time except for emergency vehicles or others with written permission from the Recreation Director.
It shall be strictly prohibited for one to start or maintain a fire of any kind or to use barbecue equipment of any kind in any park owned by the Township or under its jurisdiction or on other Township owned or maintained property.
It shall be strictly prohibited for one to operate a powered flight model in any park owned by the Township or under its jurisdiction or on other Township owned or maintained property.
It shall be unlawful for a person to enter into any park owned by the Township or under its jurisdiction or on other Township owned or maintained property and post bills of any sort without the express permission of the Recreation Director.
A permit shall be required for organized group/team practices, games and/or activities. All permits are issued through the Recreation Department. This shall include all recreational facilities and open space located within the parks and playgrounds deemed to be under the jurisdiction of the Recreation Department. The Recreation Department shall establish reasonable guidelines, policies, and prohibitions for the issuance of said permits.
The use of all recreational facilities under the jurisdiction of the Recreation Department for financial gain by businesses, organizations, and individuals shall be prohibited without the written permission of the Recreation Department.
Scholastic games and practices shall have priority over all other users including those who may have previously occupied the park area.
Bike riding, roller blading, skateboarding and the use of any and all riding devices utilizing wheels or rollers are prohibited on all hard court surfaces within any Recreation facility.
People are prohibited from wearing hard sole shoes on the tennis courts within any Township park. Additionally, the use of metal spiked or cleated footwear is prohibited on all artificial or synthetic surfaces.
There shall be one hour time limit for the use of the tennis courts when other players are waiting to use the tennis courts.
The Recreation Department may charge and collect in advance a reasonable fee for admission to or use of facilities, programs, or activities as specifically authorized by Resolution of Council.
Golfing activities are prohibited in all Recreation Department facilities.
Abusive language and actions are prohibited in all Recreation Department facilities.
The possession, use, and/or consumption of alcohol is prohibited in all Recreation Department facilities without the written permission of the Recreation Director.
Smoking of cigarettes, including electronic cigarettes, use of tobacco products, or the smoking or consumption of cannabis products within public parks, playgrounds and ball fields under the jurisdiction of the Recreation Department is prohibited.
[Amended 1-4-2022 by Ord. No. 2670-21]
Excessive noise is prohibited at all times.
All dogs must be leashed within the confines of all Recreation Department facilities. Furthermore, dogs shall be prohibited from being inside the confines of a Kiddie Park, as defined herein.
No littering or dumping is permitted. Dumpsters located within all Recreation Department facilities are restricted to municipal use only.
All activities that endanger the health, safety or welfare of others, or that breach the public peace, are prohibited at all times.
[1972 Code § 2-12.6; Ord. No. 313-74, S 1; Res. 2416-76; New; Ord. No. 1722-00 § 2; Ord. No. 2426-14]
The following public parks of the Township, and the parking areas located within or adjacent thereto, shall be closed to the public and for parking of any vehicles between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. prevailing time unless otherwise posted.
Byrne Memorial Park;
Colgate Field;
Degnan Memorial Field;
Stagg Field;
Lafayette Playground;
William E. Boland Park;
O'Connor Park;
Jenkins Playground;
Rolling Green Tennis Courts;
Minish Park;
Gilbert Place;
Club Boulevard Playground;
Ridgeway Avenue Park.
Any and all future parks under the jurisdiction of the Municipal government of the Township of West Orange.
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter in or upon, occupy, be present in or park any vehicle, or suffer or permit to be parked any vehicle in the aforesaid public parks, or parking areas located in or adjacent thereto, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., prevailing time, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to at any time remove, damage, mutilate, deface or destroy any barricade, chain, notice, sign or other object used to block the entrance to the aforesaid public parks or parking areas, or indicating that the parks or parking areas are closed.
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to apply to:
Personnel of the Township engaged in or conducting Township business in any public park or parking area.
Any group or organization holding a permit to conduct an activity in such park or parking area for a period specifically prohibited.
Any person found in a park or parking area by reason of an unusual or unforeseen emergency.
There are areas within each park listed in Subsection 2-17.6a, except for Rolling Green Tennis Courts, that contain playground apparatus. These areas are considered "Kiddie Parks." "Kiddie Parks" are to be used by children under the age of 12 years old and under the supervision of an adult.
It shall be unlawful for any person, regardless of age, to enter in or upon, occupy, be present in or park any vehicle, or suffer or permit to be parked any vehicle in any of the "Kiddie Parks," or the parking area located in or adjacent thereto, after 10:00 p.m.
[Ord. No. 1527-98; Ord. No. 2426-14]
Township owned playgrounds, fields and other recreation facilities shall only be utilized by bona fide residents of West Orange.
The Department of Recreation shall promulgate rules and regulations designed to carry out the intent and purpose of this subsection.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any recreation facility wholly or partially constructed or improved with New Jersey Green Acres trust funds.
[Ord. No. 2148-07 § II; Ord. No. 2219-09 § II; Ord. No. 2426-14]
Each and every time a West Orange resident completes a registration form for participation in a Township of West Orange Recreation Program, the resident must provide documents to demonstrate (i) Parent/guardian proof of identity and residency (ii) Child's proof of identity and school enrollment status.
Proof of parent/guardian identity and residency by providing one of the following documents:
Valid New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Driver's License showing a West Orange address;
Valid New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission's ID Card showing a West Orange address;
Valid West Orange Recreation Department ID Card.
Child's Documentation. Both of the following documents must be provided:
Child's birth certificate; and
Child's most recent report card.
Proof of Custodial Situations. Legal and binding court documents and/or a correspondence or document signed by an attorney-at-law attesting to the custodial situation shall constitute sufficient proof of the custodial situation.
[Ord. No. 2426-14]
Any person or entity that violates any of the provisions of Subsections 2-17.5 through 2-17.8 or any rule or regulation expounded pursuant hereto shall be subject to the replacement, repair or restoration of any damaged park or recreation area property and shall be liable to a penalty as follows:
First Offense: $25.
Second Offense: $50.
Third Offense: $100.
[Added 4-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2717-23]
There shall be a Department of Engineering, the Director of which shall be the Township Engineer. The Township Engineer shall be a qualified and licensed professional engineer and in good standing in the State of New Jersey.
[Added 1-24-2023 by Ord. No. 2705-23; amended 4-4-2023 by Ord. No. 2717-23]
Under the direction and supervision of the Municipal Engineer, the Department of Engineering shall:
Prepare, or cause to be prepared, plans and specifications for public works in conjunction with their staff and improvements undertaken by the Township, either on force account or by public contract.
Supervise the performance of contracts for public works, the amounts due and payable thereunder.
Provide and maintain surveys, maps, plans, specifications and operating records with respect to capital improvement projects, public works and facilities owned or operated by the Township.
Supervise and direct the installation and administration of departmental records, payroll and inventory controls, and cost analyses.
Provide all engineering and mechanical services required by any department office or agency of the Township government, except as otherwise directed by the Mayor or Business Administrator.
Study and report upon the technical requirements of street lighting and traffic control.
Supervise and enforce the Township's interest in public contracts for fire, hydrant service, street lighting, joint outlet sewer maintenance.
Provide technical and engineering advice and assistance to other Township Departments as needed.
Construction oversight of capital improvement projects to municipal roadways inclusive of storm and sanitary sewers, sidewalks, pathways, and other facilities within the municipal right-of-way (R.O.W.).
Issuance and inspection of road opening, sidewalk, curb, dumpster and sewer connection and capping permits within the municipal right-of-way (R.O.W.).
Supervise the preparation of tax maps and municipal mapping.
Issuance of tree removal permits and exemption reports.
Conduct annual registration of tree contractors permitted to work within the Township.
Review grading, pool and plot plans for zoning and building permits.
Coordinate, report streetlight outages and request light improvements to Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) on behalf of the residents and capital improvement projects.
Prepare grant applications, concept plans and cost estimates.
Manage municipally and grant funded projects from bid phase through construction and closeout.
Manage hiring of consultants; develop requests for proposals, review, and coordinate consultant work.
Prepare and assist legal department with resolutions, ordinances, ordinance amendments, reports, presentations, and public correspondence.
Responsible for the preparation of the annual NJDEP MS4 Stormwater Reporting.
Prepare and calculate annual reimbursement costs for street lighting and snow removal for private communities.
Issue certificates as to approval of land subdivisions by the Planning Board or the Council, pursuant to State Municipal Planning Act. (N.J. Laws of 1953, Chapter 433 as amended; N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.)