Editor's Note: Statutory reference N.J.S.A. 40:69A-149.9.
[Ord. No. 1039-90 § 1]
A Business Administrator shall be appointed as provided by the Charter. The Business Administrator shall possess a degree from a four year college or university of recognized standing and shall be chosen solely on the basis of his/her actual experience in, or knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of the office as hereinafter set forth and shall have at least four years of responsible experience in an executive or administrative position related to the duties of the office.
A candidate who does not meet the college or university degree requirement may substitute full time experience in a position as Municipal Comptroller, Municipal Treasurer, Municipal Director of Finance or Chief Financial Officer in local government on a year-for-year basis and shall have at least five years of employment in the areas of public administration and/or public accounting, has received certificates evidencing satisfactory completion of training courses in municipal finance administration, principles of financial management and municipal budget process or such other training courses as are certified as their equivalent by Rutgers, The State University, and approved by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services.
[Ord. No. 1039-90 § 2]
Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall:
Assist the Mayor in the preparation of the Township budget and otherwise as the Mayor may require.
Supervise the administration of each of the Departments of the Township Government, provided that such supervision shall not extend to the exercise of the control function in the management of the finances of the Township, which is required by Section 3-18 of the Charter (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-48) to be exercised by an officer of the Township other than the Business Administrator.
Prescribe and enforce rules and regulations for the efficient management of the Township government not inconsistent with the Charter and Code.
Coordinate the operation and administration of the various departments, divisions, offices and agencies of the Township government.
Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services.
Perform such other duties as the Code may require or as the Mayor and Council may otherwise prescribe.
[Ord. No. 2402-14]
The Mayor may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Township Council, a Director of Staff Operations. The Director of Staff Operations may hold another office or position with the Township, and shall work under the direction and supervision of the Mayor and Business Administrator. The Director's duties shall include, but will not necessarily be limited to:
Supervising Department Heads on how to improve efficiency and uniformity in day-to-day staff operations.
Supervising departmental operating procedures to improve communication with and services to residents.
Recommending revisions to departmental operating procedures, as appropriate.
Streamlining administration by dealing with day-to-day operational issues as they arise in each department.
Suggesting re-organization or reassignment of personnel between departments, as appropriate, in order to improve efficiency.
Planning, organizing, and coordinating administrative activities in such areas as accountability, information services, uniformity, and conformity with applicable regulatory requirements.
Planning, organizing, directing and coordinating Department Heads to improve and streamline services.