[1982 Code § 3-28; Ord. #598]
The Mayor shall exercise the executive power of the municipality. In his role as chief executive of the municipality, the Mayor shall:
Enforce the Charter and the ordinances of the municipality and all general laws applicable thereto.
Report annually to the Borough Council and the public on the work of the previous year and on the condition and requirements of the municipal government.
Recommend action by the Borough Council as he may deem in the public interest.
Supervise all of the departments of the municipal government.
Require each department to make an annual and such other report of its work as he may deem desirable.
[1982 Code § 3-29; Ord. #598]
The Mayor shall designate the Administrator or any other department head to act as Mayor whenever the Mayor shall be prevented by absence from the municipality, disability or other cause from attending to the duties of his office. During such time, the person so designated by the Mayor shall possess all the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor. Whenever the Mayor shall have been unable to attend to the duties of the office for a period of 60 consecutive days for any of the above-stated reasons, an Acting Mayor shall be appointed by the Borough Council who shall succeed to all the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor or then Acting Mayor.
[Ord. #10-1295, § 1]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:45-7.1, the Mayor shall be elected by the voters of the Borough in a non-partisan election to be held at the time of the November general election and shall serve for a term of four years, beginning on January 1 following such election. Accordingly, the term of the Mayor holding office at the time of the adoption of this subsection shall be extended until December 31 beyond the expiration date of the Mayor's present term.
[Ord. #12-1351]
See subsection 2-2.20