[Ord. No. 213.19, 2-13-2019]
The regulations set forth in this Article or set forth elsewhere in this Chapter, when referred to in this Article, are the regulations in the "R-A L" Rural Agricultural Low-Density District. The Rural Agricultural Low-Density District is intended for neighborhoods in the City consisting primarily of single-family homes on individual building lots. The Low Agriculture District is the least intense of agriculture zoning districts with restrictions on the density and intensity of use to protect and enhance the character of neighborhoods, accommodate the range of age groups, lifestyles and economic levels within the community.
[Ord. No. 213.19, 2-13-2019]
A building or premises shall be used only for the following purposes:
Single-family dwellings.
Country club or golf course, except miniature course or practice tee operated for commercial purposes.
Roadside stand for display or sale of agricultural products raised on the premises, provided that there shall be no more than one (1) such stand on each lot and, provided, further, such stands shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet in floor area.
Church and incidental facilities.
Home occupations.
Public elementary and high school, or private school with curriculum the same as ordinarily given in public elementary and high schools.
Publicly owned or operated building, except sewage treatment plant, garbage incinerator, warehouse, garage, shop and storage yard.
Installation for sewer, water, gas, electric and telephone mains and incidental appurtenances, including electrical substations.
Public recreation area, park playground, wildlife preserve, forest preserve, and such buildings and structures as are related thereto.
Railroad right-of-way, tracks and yards.
Temporary sign with an area of not more than thirty (30) square feet pertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises on which such sign is located.
Accessory identification sign or sign advertising products raised on the premises having an area of not more than thirty (30) square feet.
Accessory open or enclosed storage of ranch or farm materials, products or equipment, accessory farm buildings, including barns, stables, sheds, toolrooms, private shops, bins, tanks and silos, and other accessory buildings and uses, including, but not limited to, accessory private garages, servants' quarters, fences, guest houses, swimming pools, home barbecue grills, customary church bulletin boards or identification signs not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area for permitted public and semi-public uses, accessory storage, and accessory off-street parking and loading spaces.
General farming and ranching, cultivation of field crops, orchards, groves, or nurseries for growing or propagation of plants, trees and shrubs, keeping or raising for sale of large or small animals, reptiles, fish, birds or poultry, and including structures for processing and sale of products raised on the premises.
No cattle, horses, mules, jacks, jennets, sheep, goats, or other such animals, or ruminants of any kind, may be kept or maintained within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or other dwelling place other than that of the owner; nor shall any person keep or maintain any rabbits, geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys, guineas, quail, pheasants, peacocks, pea hens, or other such domestic fowl or animals or any animals raised for fur harvesting within one hundred (100) feet of any residence, a church, a school, a dwelling house or a place of business, other than that of the owner.
No person shall keep swine of any kind anywhere within the "R-A L" Rural Agricultural Low-Density District.
No person shall keep more than one (1) cow, bull, jack, horse, goat or sheep or any combination of such animals in an outdoor enclosure or pasture, unless such enclosure or pasture shall have an area of forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet (one (1) acre) or each foraging unit. The term "foraging unit" as used in this Section shall include cattle horses, mules, jacks, jennets, sheep, goats or any other such animals or ruminants of any kind or any combination of such animals which have a total weight of not more than one thousand (1,000) pounds, provided, that this area requirement shall not apply to the keeping of suckling offspring of a cow or mare. No more than twenty-four (24) fowl.
No person shall keep, allow or permit to be kept on any premises occupied by him/her or under his/her charge and control, any animal or animals or fowl in a pen or other enclosure of any kind, under such conditions that an offensive or noxious smell or odor shall arise therefrom to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of any inhabitant or the neighborhood.
Any person who violates any provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
The term "person" as used in this Section shall include the plural, and shall be further defined as to include firms, partnerships, corporations, political subdivisions, organizations or associations.
[Ord. No. 213.19, 2-13-2019]
The parking, height, building code and area regulations are the same as those in the "R-A" Rural Agricultural District.