All subdivisions and land developments in the Township shall be submitted for approval and processed in accordance with the procedures set forth in this article, other provisions of this chapter, and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
All applications for approval of any subdivision and/or land development plan shall be referred to and reviewed by the Township Planning Commission and the Chester County Planning Commission; provided, however, that sketch plans need not be referred to and reviewed by the Chester County Planning Commission.
All preliminary and final subdivision and/or land development plans shall be approved or disapproved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the procedures set forth in this article, other provisions of this chapter, and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Except to the extent otherwise provided by law, approvals of any subdivision and/or land development not in accordance with the procedures and requirements of this chapter shall be null and void and of no effect.
No application for approval of a subdivision and/or land development shall be accepted for filing and/or considered complete, filed, or accepted by the Township until the official application form is completed, all filing and other applicable fees are paid, the required number of copies are filed, and all required supporting information, plans and other documents which must be filed with the preliminary plan pursuant to this chapter are filed with the Township.
The official application form or forms for the review and approval of subdivision and land developments shall be those forms the Board of Supervisors shall adopt from time to time by resolution.
Whenever an application for any major subdivision and/or any land development is proposed which may affect adjacent municipalities or other governmental agencies, reviews and reports from such municipalities or other governmental agencies may be requested by the Board of Supervisors for its use in considering, reviewing and deciding the application.
All subdivision applications shall be classified for the purposes of procedure as either minor or major. Applicants shall apply for and secure approval in accordance with the following procedures:
Minor subdivision proposal.
Definition. A "minor subdivision" consists of:
A subdivision involving only lot line adjustments and no development; or
A subdivision in which: i) no road (public or private) is to be constructed or widened; ii) no other improvements (including, but not limited to, walkways, curbs, gutters, streetlights, fire hydrants, shade trees, water, mains, sanitary sewers or storm drainage facilities) requiring a performance bond or escrow are to be constructed; and iii) no earthmoving activities except those incidental to construction of a single-family dwelling on each proposed lot will take place. No more than three minor subdivisions shall be approved for any parent tract or parcel of ground. When more than three minor subdivisions have been submitted or approved for any original parcel, each succeeding submission shall be submitted as a major subdivision.
Sketch plan (optional); and
Final plan.
Major subdivision and all land development proposals.
Definition. A "major subdivision" means:
Any land development application; or
Any subdivision proposal involving a subdivision not defined as a minor subdivision under this chapter.
Sketch plan (optional);
Preliminary plan; and
Final plan.
All applicants for subdivision or land development are encouraged to submit a sketch plan to the Township Planning Commission for review prior to submission of a formal application. Submission of a sketch plan does not constitute an official application for subdivision or land development, but provides the opportunity for dialogue and a more efficient review of official plan submissions.
For information purposes, six copies of the sketch plan are recommended to be submitted to the Planning Commission. The applicant is encouraged to include the information outlined in this chapter as part of a sketch plan submission.
No fee nor application is required for submission of a sketch plan.
The sketch plan shall be submitted at least seven calendar days prior to a regular meeting of the Township Planning Commission in order to be placed on the agenda of that meeting.
The Planning Commission shall consider the plan at a regularly scheduled meeting and provide informal dialogue with the applicant. Any recommendation by the Planning Commission may be deferred until the next regular meeting.
The applicant shall be responsible for explaining the development of the land and its relationship to the extension of streets, access points, arrangement and density of proposed use, the compatibility of the proposal with the surrounding land uses, and consistency with Chapter 215, Zoning, and this chapter.
The applicant may, but need not, request further review of the sketch plan by the Board of Supervisors. Upon receiving request by the applicant, the Board may consider the sketch plan. The Board may meet with the applicant and may advise the applicant as to the concerns of the Board; provided, however, the Board is not required to review the sketch plan nor submit comments to the applicant if the Board does review the plan.
All preliminary plans submitted pursuant to this chapter shall conform to the requirements of West Nantmeal Township regulations.
All preliminary plan applications shall be submitted to the Township Secretary at least 12 calendar days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. The Township Secretary shall determine whether the application represents a complete submission.
Preliminary plan applications shall include the following items:
Two copies of the official Township application for preliminary subdivision review form;
A minimum of 12 prints of the preliminary plan and one digital copy in PDF format and one digital copy in DGN, DXF or DWG format on compact disc (CD);
A minimum of three copies of all required supporting information and plans, including but not limited to traffic impact study (if required), a water supply study and any other water supply information required by this chapter;
Payment of required application fees, engineering review fees, legal fees, and escrow deposits as determined by resolution of the Board; and
Six copies of the planning module for land development as required by the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act and/or the rules and regulations thereunder of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, concerning sewage facilities proposed to serve the subdivision and/or land development. All items of the planning module, except those requiring signatures of Township officials and those indicating approval or disapproval by the Township, shall be fully prepared and completed by the applicant.
The Township Secretary shall note and stamp the date of receipt of the application, fees and any escrow deposits. The application shall not be deemed to be submitted until a complete application and required fees have been submitted.
Upon receipt of all items comprising a complete and official submission, the Township Secretary shall accept the application and shall distribute or retain copies of the application and supporting information and plans as follows:
Four copies of the preliminary plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application form to the Township Planning Commission;
One copy of the preliminary plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application form to the Township Engineer;
One copy of the preliminary plan, county referral form, and accompanying fee to the County Planning Commission;
Two copies of the preliminary plan, completed planning module for land development, and appropriate fee to the County Health Department;
Two copies of the preliminary plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application forms to be retained by the Township Secretary for Township records.
An electronic copy PDF and an electronic copy as DGN, DXF, or DWG to the Township and copied to Township Engineer.
Official review period.
The Township shall have 90 calendar days in which to review and take action on the preliminary plan.
The ninety-calendar-day period shall commence on the date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting following the date a complete and official submission of a preliminary plan application was filed with the Township Secretary.
Whenever the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 calendar days following the filing of a complete and official submission, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th calendar day following the day the application is filed.
An extension of the ninety-calendar-day review period shall occur only when requested by the applicant and approved by the Board.
Township Planning Commission. The Township Planning Commission shall review all plans referred to it and shall consider any recommendations made by the Chester County Planning Commission and Conservation District, the Township Engineer, and any other persons or agencies who shall have submitted comments with respect to any such application.
Township Engineer.
The review by the Township Engineer shall include, but shall not be limited to, an examination of the engineering feasibility and reasonableness of the various schemes presented for lot layout and configuration, and for the location, alignment, grade of streets, stormwater drainage, stormwater detention, erosion/sediment control, sanitary sewers, water supply, surface water drainage facilities, and easements related thereto in accordance with the standards and regulations and other provisions of this chapter and Chapter 215, Zoning.
The Township Engineer shall forward his/her comments regarding the plan to the Township Planning Commission, together with any related or supporting documentation and materials received.
Board of Supervisors.
When a preliminary plan review has been officially submitted to the Board by the Planning Commission, such plan review shall be placed on its agenda for review or other action at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Before acting on any preliminary subdivision or land development plan, the Board may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
In acting on the preliminary subdivision or land development plan, the Board shall review the plan and the written comments of the Planning Commission, Township Engineer, County Planning Commission, and all other reviewing agencies to determine conformity of the application to the standards of this chapter and any other applicable ordinance. The Board may specify conditions, changes, modifications, or additions to the application which the Board deems necessary and may make a decision to grant preliminary approval subject to such conditions, changes, modifications, or additions, citing provisions of the statute or ordinance (including, without limitation, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, this chapter, and Chapter 215, Zoning, of this Code) relied upon to support the changes, modifications, or additions.
Whenever the Board approves a preliminary plan subject to any conditions, the applicant shall indicate whether such conditions are accepted or rejected within 15 calendar days of receipt of notice of the decision of the Board. If the applicant does not accept the conditions of approval, the plan shall be deemed denied.
In the event that the preliminary plan is not approved by the Board as filed, the decision of the Board shall specify the defects found in the preliminary plan, describe the requirements which have not been met, and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance (including, without limitation, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, this chapter, and Chapter 215, Zoning, of this Code) relied upon.
The decision of the Board shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to the applicant at his last-known address not later than 15 calendar days following the decision. The form and content of the decision shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Whenever the approval of a preliminary plan is subject to conditions, such conditions shall be stated in whole on the plan prior to signature by the Board.
The final plan shall conform to the terms of approval of the preliminary plan.
The Board may permit submission of the final plan in sections, each covering a reasonable portion of the entire proposed subdivision as shown on the approved preliminary plan, but in no case (except for the last section) shall any section include less than 25% of the total number of lots or units as depicted on the approved preliminary plan unless a lesser percentage is approved by the Board in its discretion.
All final plan applications, together with and/or including the items listed below and otherwise required by this chapter, shall be submitted to the Township Secretary at least 12 calendar days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
Final plan applications shall include the following items:
Two copies of the official Township application for final subdivision review form;
A minimum of 12 prints of the final plan and one digital copy in PDF format and one digital copy in DGN, DXF or DWG format on compact disc (CD);
A minimum of three copies of all required supporting information and plans including, but not limited to, traffic impact study (if required), and a water supply study and other water supply information required by this chapter;
Payment of required application fees, engineering review fees, legal fees, and escrow deposits, as determined by resolution of the Board; and
A planning module for land development as required by the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act and/or the rules and regulations thereunder of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, concerning sewage facilities proposed to serve the subdivision and/or land development. All items of the planning module, except those requiring signatures of Township officials and those indicating approval or disapproval by the Township, shall be fully prepared and completed by the applicant.
The Township Secretary shall note and stamp the date of receipt of the application, fees and any escrow deposits. The application shall not be deemed to be submitted until a complete application and required fees have been submitted.
Upon receipt of all items comprising a complete and official submission, the Township Secretary shall accept the application and shall distribute or retain copies of the application and supporting information and plans, as follows:
Four copies of the final plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application form to the Township Planning Commission;
One copy of the final plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application form to the Township Engineer;
One copy of the final plan, county referral form and accompanying fee to the County Planning Commission;
Two copies of the final plan, completed planning module for land development and appropriate fee to the County Health Department;
One copy of the final plan to the Chester County Conservation District at the discretion of the Township, for review of matters relating to drainage, NPDES eligibility, and soil erosion management;
Two copies of the final plan, supporting information and plans, and official Township application forms to be retained by the Township Secretary for Township records; and
An electronic copy PDF and an electronic copy as DGN, DXF, or DWG to Township and copied to Township Engineer.
Where the final plan is for minor subdivision, the Township Secretary shall forward copies of the plan to the Township Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission, the Township Engineer and, where required, to any other agency listed in § 170-14F above.
Official review period:
The Township shall have 90 days in which to review and take action on the final plan.
The ninety-day period shall commence on the date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting following the date a complete and official submission of a final plan application was filed. The Planning Commission shall be responsible for confirming a complete submission of the final plan and start of the ninety-day period.
Whenever the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 days following the filing of a complete and official submission, the said ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the day the application is filed.
An extension of the ninety-calendar-day review period shall occur only when requested by the applicant and approved by the Board.
Township Planning Commission:
The Planning Commission shall review the final plan submitted and shall consider any recommendations of the Township Engineer, and any other reviewing agency submitting comments.
After such review, the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall provide the Board with notice of its recommendation through transmittal of the official minutes or a separate letter.
Township Engineer:
The review by the Township Engineer shall include, but shall not be limited to, a comparison of the final plan with the approved preliminary plan, and an examination of the engineering feasibility and reasonableness of the various schemes presented for lot layout and configuration, and for the location, alignment, grade of streets, stormwater drainage, sanitary sewers, water supply, surface water drainage facilities, stormwater detention, erosion/sediment control, and easements related thereto in accordance with the standards and regulations and other provisions of this chapter and Chapter 215, Zoning, of this Code.
The Township Engineer shall forward comments on the plan to the Planning Commission together with any related or supporting documentation and materials that are received.
Board of Supervisors:
Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation and other agency reviews and supporting information, the Board shall, at one or more regular or special public meetings, review the final plan and shall, within the time limitations set forth herein below, either approve or disapprove the plan.
Before acting on any final subdivision or land development plan, the Board may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
The Board shall render a decision, in writing, on all final plans, and shall communicate the decision to the applicant personally or mail the same to him at his last-known address not later than 15 days following the decision. The form and content of the decision shall comply with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
In the event that the final plan is not approved as filed, the decision of the Board shall specify the defects found in the final plan and describe the requirements which have not been met, and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance (including, but not limited to, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, this chapter, and Chapter 215, Zoning, of this Code) relied upon.
Copies of the final plan as finally approved, with the appropriate endorsement of the Board, shall be distributed as follows:
At least three copies, one of which shall be recorded in accordance with this chapter, to the applicant;
One copy to be retained by the County Planning Commission; and
Two copies to be retained in the Township files, together with one copy of all supporting materials.
Every final plan approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
The applicant, together with the bonding company or financial institution posting escrow for the public improvements, shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Township a financial security agreement and the applicant shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Township a subdivision/land development improvements agreement in accordance with this chapter.
The applicant shall provide an improvements guarantee in accordance with this chapter.
The applicant agrees, if agreed to by the Board, to tender a deed of dedication to the Township for such streets; any and all easements for sanitary sewers, water lines, or storm sewers, and public improvements, including street paving, sidewalks, shade trees, water mains, any fire hydrants, sanitary and storm sewers, as are required for the promotion of public welfare, after all said improvements are completed and such completion is certified as satisfactory by the Township Engineer. The Board may require that the applicant supply a title insurance certificate from a reputable company evidencing that the property to be dedicated is clear and free of all liens before dedication of any property is accepted for the Township.
If the development is to be carried out in progressive stages, each stage shall be planned so that all requirements, conditions, and the intent of this chapter shall be fully complied with at the completion of any stage.
Whenever the applicant is providing open space as part of the subdivision or land development, a deed or agreement granting an easement in perpetuity which provides for and describes such open space and restricts the same against further subdivision or development, and which shall run to the benefit of the Township and the lot purchasers in the subdivision or land development, shall be executed, acknowledged and delivered by the applicant and the landowner, or by such other person or organization acceptable to the Township. The form and contents of the deed or agreement of easement shall be in recordable form and shall be acceptable to and approved by the Township and shall be recorded with the record plan.
The applicant shall have applied for all required permits from agencies having jurisdiction over ancillary matters necessary to effect the subdivision or land development, such as, but not necessarily limited to, PADEP or the United States Army Corps of Engineers for wetlands and/or floodplains, the Pennsylvania Departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection, the Public Utility Commission, and the Chester County Health Department.
The recording of the final plan and other documents by the applicant shall be in accordance with § 170-16 of this chapter.
Upon completion of the procedures outlined under this article, all endorsements shall be indicated on the record plan and on at least seven copies of the final plan. Such endorsements shall include the approval endorsement of the Board, the signatures and acknowledgements of the applicant and landowner, and the signatures and certifications of the engineer and/or surveyor who prepared the final plan.
The signatures and acknowledgements of the applicant and landowner shall include, without limitation, a certification of their respective acceptances of the plan and a statement concerning any offer of dedication of public improvements. The certification of the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan shall include, without limitation, a certificate as to the accuracy of the subdivision and/or land development plan, that the monuments shown thereon exist as located, and that all dimensions and other physical details are correct.
After the endorsements have been indicated on the record plan and copies of the final plan, as provided in § 170-16A, the applicant shall record the record plan in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Chester County within 90 days of the date of approval of the final plan by the Board unless the Board approves an extension of time to record the plan. Thereafter, the applicant shall provide the Township Secretary with a time stamped copy of the record plan which indicates the date of the recording and the plan number.
Where a deed or agreement of easement is provided under this chapter, such deed or agreement shall also be recorded with the record plan and a time-stamped copy shall be provided to the Township Secretary.
Every applicant for approval of a final subdivision or land development plan shall execute and acknowledge, as hereinafter provided, and shall deliver to the Township, a financial security agreement and a subdivision/land development improvements agreement containing such terms and in such recordable and other form as shall be provided by or approved by the Township. No final plan shall be finally approved by the Board and released to the applicant for recording until these agreements are executed, acknowledged and delivered. The financial security agreement shall be executed and acknowledged by the applicant and the landowner, and by a bonding company or financial institution which is posting the financial security for the public improvements. The agreement shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
The applicant agrees that he will properly and accurately lay out, construct and install all streets and other improvements, including, without limitation, grading, paving, sidewalks, fire hydrants, water mains, street signs, shade trees, storm and sanitary sewers, landscaping, traffic control devices, open space areas, and erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the approved final plan and supporting or related documentation and other materials.
The applicant and/or landowner guarantee completion and maintenance of all improvements by means of a type of financial security acceptable to the Township, as specified in the MPC.
The applicant and/or landowner agree to have prepared a deed or deeds of dedication to the Township for such streets and for such easements for sanitary and storm sewers, sidewalks, and other public improvements, provided that the Township shall not be required to accept dedication of any such improvements if the Board believes it in the best interest of the Township not to accept dedication, or if the Board elects to accept dedication of any such improvements, that the Township shall not be obligated to finally accept the same until their completion is certified as satisfactory by the Township Engineer.
Whenever an applicant proposes to establish or continue a street which is not offered for dedication to public use, and to cover those situations in which the Board declines to accept dedication of a street, the applicant and landowner, on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, agrees to establish conditions under and by which the street shall be repaired and maintained and by which the street may be later offered for dedication and accepted by the Township, including, without limitation, the following:
That an offer to dedicate the street or other facility shall be made only for the street or facility as a whole;
That the Township shall not be responsible for repairing or maintaining, or having any other obligation with respect to any undedicated or dedicated street or facility, unless and until such time as the Township formally accepts dedication thereof, and that unless and until such acceptance of dedication, the applicant and landowner shall be responsible for such repair and maintenance;
That the method of assessing repair and maintenance costs of undedicated and dedicated facilities and street, prior to their formal acceptance by the Township, shall be stipulated and set forth in recorded deed restrictions so as to be binding upon the applicant, landowner, and their respective heirs, successors and assigns; and
That, if dedication is to be sought, the street or facility shall conform to Township specifications as shall then be current (unless otherwise provided by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code) or that the owners of the abutting lots shall, at their own expense, construct, reconstruct and/or restore the street to conform with such specifications.
With the exception of soil or percolation testing, well drilling for testing purposes, and similar engineering and/or surveying activities, no construction or land disturbance activities in a subdivision or land development shall be commenced until the applicant submits to the Township secretary a time-stamped copy of the record plan and any other documents and materials required by this chapter to be recorded therewith.
No building or other permit under Chapter 215, Zoning, of this Code shall be issued for any building or other structure in any subdivision or land development until the final plans for the subdivision or land development have been approved and recorded as provided in this chapter and until the terms, conditions and other provisions of this chapter have been satisfied.
No water system or sewer system, including extensions to proposed future Township systems or new systems employing sewage treatment plants, shall be constructed prior to the review and approval by the Township and the issuance of appropriate permits from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection or from federal or local agencies, as required.
Modifications to an approved subdivision or land development plan shall be resubmitted and reprocessed in the same manner as the original plan. All construction and all land and other site disturbance activities shall cease pending approval of the modified plan; provided, however, that activities involving the maintenance of stormwater management, sedimentation and erosion control facilities and devices shall and must be fully continued.