The streets and parts of streets designated in this article are hereby declared to constitute through traffic streets for the purpose of enforcing the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, 75 P.S. § 3323. The following named streets are hereby designated as "through traffic streets," and all vehicles approaching must come to a full stop before entering:
Hulton Road.
All other streets which have been properly posted with official state regulation signs and all other streets that have been properly posted.
Upon the streets designated in this section, vehicular traffic shall move only in the direction specified. A sign indicating the direction of traffic shall be erected and maintained at every intersection where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited:
Tenth Street, northerly direction, from Washington Avenue to Hulton Road.
Maryland Avenue, westerly direction, from Allegheny Avenue to Cedar Way.
All other streets which have been properly posted with official state regulation signs and all other streets that have been properly posted.
The Mayor or the Chief of Police is hereby given authority to temporarily close the whole or part of any street or public highway to vehicular or human traffic thereon when, in his judgment, the public safety requires such closing.