List adapted from Urban Horticulture Institute, Cornell University.
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Amelanchier spp. (A. arborea, A. canadensis, A.
laevis, and A. x grandiflora)
Serviceberry Species and Hybrids, Tree Forms
Carpinus caroliniana
Ironwood, Musclewood, or American Hornbeam
Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud
Cornus mas
Corneliancherry Dogwood
Cotinus obovatus
American Smoketree
Crataegus phaenopyrum
Washington Hawthorn
Crataegus punctata var. inermis 'Ohio Pioneer'
Ohio Pioneer Dotted Hawthorn
Crataegus viridis 'Winter King'
Winter King Hawthorn
Koelreuteria paniculata
Liquidambar stryaciflua 'Clydesform'
Emerald Sentinel® Sweetgum
Malus spp.
Flowering Crabapple
Maple (all varieties)
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Parrotia persica
Persian Parrotia
Prunus 'Accolade' (P. sargentii x P. subhirtella)
Accolade Flowering Cherry
Prunus 'Snow Goose'
Snow Goose Cherry
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red Select'
Canada Red Chokecherry
Pyrus betulaefolia 'Southworth' and P.
calleryana x P. betulaefolia 'Edgedell' DancerTM
Ornamental Birchleaf Pear and EdgewoodTM Callery Pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Jaczam', 'Jilzam', 'Valzam',
and 'Cleprizam'
JackTM, JillTM, Valiant®, and Cleveland
Pride® Callery Pears
Pyrus fauriei 'Westwood'
Korean SunTM Pear
Pyrus ussuriensis 'Mountain Frost' and 'MorDak
'Mountain Frost' and Prairie GemTM Ussurian Pears
Robinia pseudoacacia 'Globe' (or 'Inermis')
and 'Bessoniana'
Globe and Bessoniana Black Locust
Sorbus intermedia
Swedish Mountainash
Sorbus x hybrida and Sorbus x thuringiaca (these
hybids of S. aria x S. aucuparia are virtually the same plant and
therefore readily confused in the trade)
Oak-Leaf Mountainash
Syringa reticulata
Japanese Tree Lilac
Tilia cordata 'Halka'
Summer Sprite® Littleaf
Viburnum sieboldii
Siebold Viburnum
Zelkova serrata 'Schmidtlow'
Wireless® Japanese
List adapted from Urban Horticulture Institute, Cornell University
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Aesculus x carnea (A. hippocastanum x A. pavia)
Red Horsechesnut
Alnus glutinosa
European Alder or Black Alder
Betula nigra 'Cully' and 'BNMTF'
Heritage® and Dura-HeatTM River Birch
Betula populifolia 'Whitespire Sr.' (cultivar
formerly listed as Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Asian White Birch)
Whitespire Sr. Gray Birch
Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam
Catalpa speciosa
Northern Catalpa
Celtis laevigata
Sugar Hackberry, Southern or Mississippi Hackberry
Celtis occidentalis
Common Hackberry
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura Tree
Cladrastis kentukea
Corylus colurna
Turkish Filbert
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo, sometimes called Maidenhair Tree
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
Thornless Common Honeylocust
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky Coffeetree
Liquidambar stryraciflua
American Sweetgum
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tuliptree or Tulip Poplar
Maclura pomifera var. inermis (male)
Osage Orange
Maple (all varities)
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Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Dawn Redwood
Nyssa sylvatica
Black Tupelo, also known as Sour Gum or Black Gum
Ostrya virginiana
American Hophornbeam (also known as Ironwood, but
should not be confused with Carpinus caroliniana, which is more commonly
called Ironwood)
Phellodendron amurense
Amur Corktree
Platanus x aceriflolia
London Planetree
Prunus sargentii
Sargent Cherry
Pyrus calleryana
Callery Pear
Quercus acutissima
Sawtooth Oak
Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
Quercus coccinea
Scarlet Oak
Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Bur Oak or Mossycup Oak
Quercus muehlenbergii
Chinkapin Oak, sometimes called Yellow Chestnut
Quercus palustris
Pin Oak
Quercus phellos
Willow Oak
Quercus robur
English Oak
Quercus rubra
Northern Red Oak
Quercus shumardii
Shumard Oak
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black Locust
Sorbus alnifolia
Korean Mountainash
Styphnolobium japonicum (Sophora japonica)
Japanese Pagodatree or Scholar-tree
Taxodium distichum
Common Baldcypress
Tilia americana
Tilia cordata
Littleleaf Linden
Tilia x euchlora (T. cordata x T. dasystyla)
Crimean Linden
Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden
Ulmus americana
American Elm Cultivars
Ulmus x species
Elm Hybrids
Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese Elm or Lacebark Elm
Zelkova serrata
Japanese Zelkova