Items of personal property (materials, supplies, parts and equipment) owned by the City may from time to time need to be disposed of due to obsolescence, wear and tear, partial destruction, etc. To protect the public interest, the disposition of such property shall be controlled by the following administrative procedures:
Procedure for declaring property surplus.
Department heads shall periodically submit to the City Manager an inventory of all personal property and scrap material which has outlived its usefulness to their department.
Periodically the Comptroller shall circulate to all department heads a list of all such surplus property to determine if there is any need for the City to retain such property.
Procedure for disposing of surplus personal property.
After the Comptroller has determined that there is no need for the property, he shall cause to be advertised in the newspaper of record at least once each week for two weeks a notice listing or describing the property to be disposed of and the method of disposal.
Surplus personal property so advertised shall be disposed of either at public auction or by sealed bid.
These procedures are not intended to control the disposition of abandoned vehicles (regulated by the Vehicle and Traffic Law and regulations of the Department of Motor Vehicles) or real property.
Surplus personal property may be sold directly to other governmental agencies without recourse to bidding or auction. Such sales shall only be subject to City Council approval.