For the purpose of this Part, the following definitions shall apply:
Driving a motor vehicle on a street past a traffic control point, as designated by the Police Department, more than twice in any two-hour period, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 3:30 a.m. The passing of a designated control point a third time under the aforesaid conditions shall constitute unnecessary repetitive driving and therefore be a violation of this Part.
The following areas of the Borough of Homestead:
Seventh Avenue: 100 block West;
Eighth Avenue: 100 block West and 200 and 300 block East;
Ninth Avenue: 200 and 300 block East;
Tenth Avenue: 100 block West and 200 and 300 block East;
Eleventh Avenue: 100 and 300 block West and 200 and 300 block East;
Twelfth Avenue: 300 block West and 300 block East;
Thirteenth Avenue: 200 and 300 block West and 200 block East;
Fourteenth Avenue: 100 block West and 100 block East;
Fifteenth Avenue: 200 block West and 100 and 200 block East;
Sixteenth Avenue: 100 and 200 block East;
Seventeenth Avenue: 100 block East;
McClure Street: 1000 to 1300 block and 1600 to 1700 block;
Ann Street: 800 to 1300 block;
Glen Street: 1300 to 1500 block;
Sarah Street: 1100 to 1400 block;
Hays Street: 1200 to 1500 block;
Sylvan Avenue: 1200 to 1500 block.
The above designated areas shall be clearly marked with permanent fixed signs advising the public that these areas are subject to regulation under the Borough Cruising Ordinance.
A clearly identified reference point on a designated street, as determined and marked from time to time by the Police Department.
No person shall engage in unnecessary repetitive driving, also known for purposes of this Part as "cruising," through the designated areas. For purposes of this Part, the person having control and/or ownership of a motor vehicle being used for cruising shall be considered the person cruising, without regard as to whether that person was actually driving the motor vehicle each time it passed the traffic control point. Having control or ownership of a motor vehicle means either the owner of the vehicle as stated on the vehicle registration if present in the vehicle at the time of the violation, or if the owner is not present in the vehicle, the person operating the vehicle at the time of the violation of this Part.
This Part shall not apply to any municipal, emergency, police, fire, ambulance or other governmental vehicle when same is being operated in an official capacity. In addition, this Part shall not apply to any duly licensed public transportation vehicle or to any vehicle being utilized for business or commercial purposes which require the vehicle to pass a traffic control point more than twice in any two-hour period during the aforementioned hours in order to carry out said business or commercial purposes, such as food delivery vehicles making multiple food deliveries for a restaurant or pizza parlor.
The provisions of this Part are severable, and if any of its sections, clauses or sentences shall be any time held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, such a determination shall not invalidate, affect or impair any of the remaining sections, clauses or sentences.
Any person violating the provisions of this Part shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $1,000, together with cost of prosecution, and on default of payment of fine and costs, imprisonment for up to 30 days.