[Adopted 10-15-2013 by Ord. No. 1-2013 (Ch. 2, Art. XVI, of the 1976 Code)]
Title and definitions. This post-issuance compliance policy establishes procedures and guidelines to be followed with respect to the Town of Winslow's outstanding tax-exempt obligations and tax credit obligations.
All tax credit bonds and direct pay bonds that provides a tax credit to the holders thereof or a direct pay bond issued under the code, including but not limited to Sections 54, 54A, 54AA, 1394, 1400U-2, 1400U-3, and 6431 or other similar provision of the code.
All tax-exempt bonds, notes and lease-purchase contracts and other evidences of indebtedness the income on which is excludable from the gross income of the holders thereof under Section 102 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "code").
Compliance officer; consultation and training. The Town Treasurer (the "Compliance Officer") shall be responsible for monitoring post-issuance compliance with respect to the Town's tax-exempt and tax credit obligations to monitor for compliance with this policy.
Unless a shorter time-frame is specified below, the Compliance Officer shall annually review each of the Town's tax-exempt and tax credit obligations to monitor for compliance with this policy.
The Compliance Officer shall consult with the Town's bond counsel and/or its financial advisor and a rebate consultant as necessary to meet the requirements of this policy.
The Compliance Officer will be trained to implement this policy.
The Compliance Officer will avail himself of training that may become available through the Maine Municipal Association or through consultation with its accountants and its Bond Counsel or other suitable source of information.
Closing transcripts; Form 8038-G; Form 8038-TC. The Compliance Officer shall maintain a copy of the transcript of proceedings for each tax-exempt and tax-credit obligation issued by the Town. If not included in the closing transcript, the Compliance Officer shall also maintain records required to be maintained to qualify for the safe harbor for investment contracts or defeasance escrows and to identify any qualified hedge contract on the Town's books and records. The Compliance Officer shall confirm the proper filing of an 8038-G, 8038-TC or other applicable Form 8038 return for each tax-exempt and tax credit obligation issued by the Town by no later than the 15th day of the second calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter during which bonds are issued.
Deposit and use of proceeds; arbitrage compliance. The Compliance Officer shall:
Identify or provide for the computation of the bond yield for each tax-exempt and tax credit obligation issued by the Town.
Identify appropriate funds and accounts to track the deposit and use of the sale proceeds and investment proceeds of each tax-exempt and tax credit obligation issued by the Town.
Identify any fund or account that may be expected to be used to pay debt service on each tax-exempt and tax credit obligation issued by the Town.
Maintain records of all investments and expenditures from such funds and accounts and record whether investments were purchased at a fair market value and whether they were purchased on a negotiated basis or were put out for bid. If by bid, obtain all documentation relating to whether there was compliance with the bidding rules established for the specific investment. Consult with Bond Counsel, if needed.
Make a final allocation of the proceeds of any tax-exempt and tax credit obligation to expenditures by no later than: (a) 18 months after the later of the date the expenditure was made; or (b) the date the project being finance was placed in service. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the final allocation shall be made not later than the earlier of five years after the particular tax-exempt or tax credit obligations was issued or 60 days after the issue is retired.
Determine whether each tax-exempt or tax credit obligation meets the requirements of any applicable exception to arbitrage rebate, including the "small issuer" exception to arbitrage rebate or the semiannual target dates for the six-month, eighteen-month, or twenty-four-month spending exception to arbitrage rebate.
Consult with Bond Counsel to identify and monitor any proceeds of a tax-exempt or tax credit obligation that must be invested in yield restricted investments following the expiration of any applicable temporary period or spending period.
In the event the Town fails to meet the requirements of the applicable temporary period, spending period or exception to rebate:
Arrange for the timely calculation and payment of any rebate liability or yield reduction payment, if available and as applicable.
Establish a calendar of each date for each of the Town's bond issues that the Town will be required to make any rebate payment to the United States (generally, every five years and upon final payment of all bonds). Such a calendar must recognize that the dates of any required rebate payment to the United States must be adjusted to reflect any redemption date of a bond issue prior to final maturity.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Ensure that if rebate is due, the first rebate installment is paid and a Form 8038-T is filed by the fifth anniversary of the issue date of the particular tax-exempt or tax credit obligation plus 60 days and each fifth anniversary thereafter until the final maturity date or earlier redemption date plus 60 days.
Proper use of bond financed property. The Compliance Officer shall:
Maintain a record of all bond financed property and the proceeds of any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation spent on each such bond financed property.
Monitor all nonpublic use of any property financed with the proceeds of any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation and confer with Bond Counsel as appropriate. Such nonpublic use may arise out of some of the following arrangements: nonqualified management or research contracts (refer to Rev. Procs. 97-13 and 97-14), leases (including leases to the federal government), naming rights, or the sale, disposition or other change in use of such property.
Maintain copies of any nonpublic use arrangement.
Keep a record of the payments to be derived from operation of the property financed with the proceeds of any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation and whether such property secures the payment of any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation.
With respect to any property financed with any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation, monitor for approval prior to execution:
Any lease, sales contract or other disposition of such property.
Any naming rights, sales or licensing contract; management or service contract, research contract; output contracts; cell phone tower agreements; solar power contracts or windmill-generation contracts of such property.
Immediately upon the execution of any such arrangement or other disposition that constitutes a nonpublic use, and in all events no less than annually during the term of any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation, calculate the amount of nonpublic use and payments with respect to such property.
In the event the Town takes an action which causes the private activity bond tests to be met, contact bond counsel and take all actions necessary to ensure timely remedial action under the applicable IRS Regulation.
Continuing disclosure. The Compliance Officer shall file the annual financial statements and other financial information and operating data and shall provide notice of any material events as required by any continuing disclosure certificate delivered by the Town with respect to any tax-exempt or tax credit obligation.
Significant modification. The Compliance Officer shall evaluate all modifications to any of the Town's Tax-Exempt or Tax Credit Obligations to determine whether such modifications result in a reissuance and, if such modifications do result in a reissuance, to take all actions necessary to maintain the tax-exempt status of the tax-exempt obligation or the tax advantaged status of the tax credit obligation.
Retention of records. The closing transcript for each tax-exempt and tax credit obligation and other records to be retained pursuant to this policy shall be maintained until three years after said tax-exempt or tax credit obligation (or obligations issued to refund such tax-exempt or tax credit obligation) has been retired. If records and materials to be maintained under this policy are kept in electronic format, the record system shall comply with the requirements of Rev. Proc. 97-22, as such may be amended, modified, superseded or replaced.