[Adopted 10-11-1972 by Ord. No. 24-1972; amended in its entirety 10-13-2020 by Ord. No. 5-2020 (Ch. 2, Art. IV, of the 1976 Code)]
A Board of Trustees shall be appointed by the Council to oversee the administration of all public cemeteries located within the Town limits. The Trustees are to be referred to as the "Trustees of Winslow's public cemeteries" or, in this Code, as the "Trustees."
The Trustee shall be elected and appointed by the Council and shall be a resident of the Town of Winslow.
The Council shall set the number of Trustees at five. The Trustees' terms of office shall run for three years, such terms to be staggered.
The Trustee shall remain in office unless the office is vacated due to a valid and just reason, or unless removed for just cause. The Council may then appoint a successor to finish the unexpired term.
All periods of office shall begin at the time of confirmation. A Trustee may be reappointed to serve another term at the wish of the Council.
The Trustees shall have the full authority to establish all rules and regulations for all public cemeteries in the Town. Before the rules and regulations become effective, the rules and regulations shall be approved by the Council. All rules and regulations set forth shall comply with the laws of the state.
The Trustees shall act through their Chair. The Chair will be responsible for being the liaison with the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Director will be responsible for all administrative details. The Chair shall have the authority to supervise all burials, interment, and disinterment, as allowed under the laws of the state. A record will always be maintained. This record shall be given to the Board of Trustees upon their request.
The Parks and Recreation Director will receive all funds and other money, pay all accounts payable, and maintain the record of the funds through the Chair of the public cemeteries.
The Town Clerk shall be responsible for the preservation of the records, which will be submitted to the Council annually.
The Trustees shall submit an annual report to the Council. This report, after acceptance by the Council, shall be included in the annual report.
The Trustees are authorized to sell burial lots, issue deeds for the sale, in the name of the Town. The Trustees shall maintain the record of all transactions.
The Chair shall have full supervision, maintenance, and care of the public cemeteries and will be answerable to the Trustees for all his/her actions and deeds.
All gifts, monies, and other consideration received or tended to the Town in trust or with special stipulation for the benefit of the Town public cemeteries shall be subject to the acceptance of the Trustees. Such considerations shall be kept in a separate fund known as the "perpetual care fund." These funds shall be invested at the discretion of the Trustees with the approval of the Town Treasurer.
All gifts, monies and other consideration received or tended to the Town without any specific intent shall be placed in an account designated by the Town Council. The money received from the sale of lots shall also be placed in the cemetery fund. The cemetery fund may be expended by the Trustees for development and maintenance of cemeteries. The cemetery funds and records shall be audited yearly by the Town Auditor.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]