[Adopted 5-13-1974 by Ord. No. 35-1974 (Ch. 2, Art. VI, of the 1976 Code)]
A Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Town to be in charge of the administration, supervision, and activities of the Senior Citizens Association for all senior citizens within the Town.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
Each and every person of any nationality, race or creed who has attained the age of 55 years or older and is a resident of the Town.
The Directors shall be appointed by the Council. The Directors shall be residents of the Town and shall be of good moral character and reputation.
The number of directors of the Senior Citizens Association shall be set at five.
Their term of office shall be three years and such terms shall be staggered.
The Directors shall remain in office unless the office is vacated due to a valid and just reason, unless removed for just cause. The Council may then appoint a successor to finish the unexpired term.
All periods of office shall begin at the time of appointment. A Director may be reappointed to serve another term at the option of the Council.
The Directors shall have the full authority to establish all rules and regulations for the Senior Citizens Association. However, before the rules and regulations become effective, the rules and regulations shall be approved by the Council. All rules and regulations set forth shall comply with the laws of the state.
The Directors shall be the general supervisors of the Senior Citizens Association, and will be responsible for all administrative details. The Directors will attend to all purchases in behalf of the Senior Citizens Association.
The Town Treasurer shall supervise payments and the maintenance of the necessary record books. The records shall be retained in the Town office.
All gifts, monies, and other consideration received or tended the Town in trust or with special stipulation for the benefit of the Senior Citizens Association shall be subject to acceptance by the Board of Directors. Such considerations shall be kept in a separate fund known as the Winslow Senior Citizens Association fund. This fund shall be used or invested at the discretion of the Directors, with the approval of the Town Treasurer. Any interest or gains received from any investment will remain the proceeds of the Senior Citizens Association. The "prudent man rule" shall prevail at all times on investments.
All gifts, monies, and other consideration received or tended to the association without any specific intent shall be placed in an account designated by the Town Council. The Senior Citizens Association fund may be expended by the Directors with the approval of the Town Treasurer for any and all future developments and other authorized purposes of the Senior Citizens Association.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The Board of Directors shall receive no compensation for services rendered.
The Senior Citizens Association is authorized, through the Town Treasurer, to apply for and receive federal, state, and/or private funds in grant form.
Any project which exceeds $1,000 shall have the approval of the Council.