[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The following streets and roads are designated to be arterial streets for the purpose of administering this chapter and Chapter 250, Subdivision of Land:
Albion Road
Augusta Road
Bay Street
Benton Avenue
China Road
Clinton Avenue
Cushman Road
Garland Road
Halifax Street
No obstructions, such as structures, parking, or vegetation shall be permitted in any district between the heights of 2 1/2 feet and 10 feet above the plane through the mean curb grades within the triangular space formed by any two existing or proposed intersecting street or alley right-of-way lines and a line joining points on such lines located a minimum of 15 feet from their intersection.
The shaded area on the plan view and the side view indicates the area where vision clearance must be obtained. The lines are the right-of-way lines for a typical street intersection. Within this area, no obstruction are allowed 2 1/2 feet above a plane surface passing through the average height of the abutting curb or edge of the paved part of the street. In the case of arterial streets intersecting with other arterial streets or railways, the corner cutoff distances establishing the triangular vision clearance space shall be increased to 50 feet.
All driveways installed, altered, changed, replaced, or extended after the effective date of this chapter shall meet the following requirements:
Islands between driveway openings shall be provided with a minimum of 12 feet between all driveways and six feet at all lot lines.
Openings for vehicular ingress and egress shall not exceed 24 feet at the street line and 30 feet on the roadway.
No direct public or private access shall be permitted to the existing or proposed right-of-way of the following:
Arterial streets intersecting another arterial street within 100 feet of the intersection of the right-of-way lines.
Streets intersecting an arterial street within 50 feet of the intersection of the right-of-way lines.
Access barriers such as curbing, fencing, ditching, landscaping, or other topographic barriers shall be created to prevent unauthorized vehicular ingress and egress to the above specified streets or highways.
Temporary access to the above rights-of-way may be granted by the Police Department after review and recommendation by highway agencies having jurisdiction. Such access permit shall be temporary, revocable, and subject to any conditions required and shall be issued for a period not to exceed 12 months.
All buildings, structures and uses which have a total gross floor area and effectively utilized outdoor ground space of more than 5,000 square feet shall provide loading areas so that vehicles loading and maneuvering, or unloading and maneuvering are completely off the public ways and so that no vehicles need back onto any public way.
In all districts and in connection with every use, there shall be provided at the time any use of building is erected, enlarged, extended, or increased, off-street parking space for all vehicles in accordance with the following:
Adequate access to a public street shall be provided for each parking space, and driveways shall be at least 10 feet wide for one- to six-family dwellings and a minimum of 20 feet for all other uses.
All parking spaces except those serving one to six family houses shall be accompanied by off-street maneuvering space designed so as to permit all cars to enter and leave the parking facility driving forward without backing into a public right-of-way.
The size of each parking space shall not be less than 180 square feet exclusive of the space required for ingress and egress.
The location of each parking space shall be on the same lot as the principal use or not over 400 feet from the principal use. No parking stall or driveway, except in residential districts shall be closer than 25 feet to a residential district lot line.
All commercial or residential off-street parking for more than three cars on a lot in other than a rural district shall be graded so as to be dust-free and properly drained; the minimum standard could be gravel with calcium chloride. Any parking area for more than 10 vehicles shall have asphalt or similar surface, and the aisles and spaces shall be clearly marked.
Curbs or barriers shall be installed so as to prevent the parked vehicles from extending over any lot lines.
When the Town or municipal parking authority provides public parking space lots as a special exception initiated by the Town or authority, all uses within the designated municipal parking area may be proportionally exempted from the parking requirements of this article provided a fair financial settlement is made between the owner of the affected lot and the municipality or authority.
[Amended 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 6-2017]
The following table indicates the minimum number of parking spaces required for each use. In the case of uses not listed, the provision for a use which is similar shall apply. Combinations of any of the above uses shall provide the total of the number of spaces required for each individual use.
Type of Use
Parking Spaces Required
Single-family dwellings
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Multifamily dwellings
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
Hotels, motels
1 space per guest room and 1 space per each 3 employees
Hospitals, dormitories
1 space per each 2 beds, and 1 space per each 3 employees
Nursing homes, rest homes
1 space per each 5 beds and 1 space per each 3 employees
Medical and dental clinics
6 space per each doctor
Churches, theaters, auditoriums, community centers, schools, and places of public assembly
1 space per each 5 seats
High schools
1 space per each employee and 1 space per each 15 students
Elementary and junior high schools
1 space per each 2 employees
1 space per each 2 employees and 1 space per each 5 students
Restaurants, funeral homes, bars
1 space per 10 square feet of gross floor area or 1 space per 3 persons of legal or practical capacity
Retail and service
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area
Manufacturing, warehouse
1 space per each 3 employees
Professional office, government building
1 space per employee and 1 space per 300 square feet of floor area
Indoor recreation
1 space per 100 square feet of recreation space and 1 space per employee