[§ 1, Ord. 864-91, eff. May 16, 1991]
The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to post and maintain appropriate signs indicating that parking of bicycles is limited or prohibited in any public place, or at any bicycle rack owned or controlled by the City, during such hours, or on such days, or for such length of time, as is necessary for the safety of the public or the reasonable use or enjoyment by the public of the facilities. Whenever such authorized signs are in place, giving notice thereon that parking is limited or prohibited during such hours or on such days as are indicated on the signs, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any bicycle at any time during such hours or on such days, or for any length of time prohibited as indicated by such signs.
[§ 1, Ord. 864-91, eff. May 16, 1991]
A seven-day notice of intent to remove may be attached to any bicycle which is parked at a public facility on which a sign has been posted by the City for three or more consecutive days beyond the length of time permitted. The notice shall be mailed, by registered mail, to the last registered owner of the bicycle, unless the bicycle is unregistered or is in such condition that identification numbers are not available to determine ownership. In addition, a copy of the notice will be attached to the bicycle.
If the bicycle is not removed within seven days of the mailing and/or posting of the notice of intent to remove, the City may remove and store the bicycle as provided in § 4-1.07. Neither the City nor a contractor thereof shall be liable for damage caused to a bicycle or a part thereof, or to any security device connected to the public property and securing the bicycle, by removal pursuant to this section.