[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lackawanna 1-21-2015. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building Code administration — See Ch. 75.
Unsafe buildings — See Ch. 83.
Housing standards — See Ch. 139.
It is the purpose of this chapter to protect the public health, safety and welfare with respect to the demolition of structures located in the City of Lackawanna; to protect structures of special value to the community; and to enhance the visual environment of the City by regulating total and partial demolition of structures in the City of Lackawanna.
In relation to this purpose, the chapter is intended to:
Protect people and properties from unsafe demolition practices and exposure to hazardous substances or unsafe situations occurring before, during or after demolition.
Protect and preserve those structures of special historic, aesthetic, cultural or economic value, and assure future use of the site is not unreasonably impaired.
[Amended 7-22-2019]
Ensure that, after demolition, sites are developed and maintained to give an attractive appearance.
Ensure that development proposals that include demolition of structures are consistent with City policies regarding land use, visual character, health and safety.
This chapter shall be known as the "Demolition Regulation Ordinance of the City of Lackawanna."
All demolition activities requiring a building permit pursuant to Chapter 75 of the City Code shall be in conformance with the provisions set forth herein.
Where this chapter imposes greater restrictions than are imposed by the provision of any law, ordinance, regulation or private agreement, this chapter shall control. Where greater restrictions are imposed by any law, ordinance or regulation than are imposed by this chapter, such greater restrictions shall control.
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter:
The razing, disassembly or removal of:
Any structure.
Any wall, roof, porch, beam or other constructed or essential element of any structure, where such element cannot be easily reused in its same configuration without reconstruction.
The debris of any structure that has been demolished or has collapsed.
The Director of Development of the City or his or her duly authorized representative.
The condition when a building or structure is an imminent danger to life, health or safety as a result of structural instability, fire or any other dangerous or hazardous situations or as a result of substantial violations of any code, ordinance or regulation enforced by the City of Lackawanna.
A substance that:
Because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics causes physical injury or illness when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed.
Poses a present or potential hazard to the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed.
Because of its toxicity or concentration within biological chains, presents a demonstrated threat to biological life cycles when discharged into the environment.
Is a hazardous substance as defined under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq.).
A building permit for demolition, pursuant to Chapter 75 of the City Code.
Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent location on the ground, or anything attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, but not including paving or surfacing of the ground.
Before any demolition activity is commenced, a demolition permit application shall have been filed with the Director, and this application shall have been approved and a building permit shall have been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and of Chapter 75 of the Municipal Code.
A demolition permit application may be filed by a property owner(s) or his or her agent(s) or a demolition contractor(s) engaged by the City of Lackawanna in accordance with an order for demolition pursuant to Chapter 83 and § 84-16.
At the time of filing a demolition permit application, a permit fee, as established in § 75-16 of the Building Code, shall be made payable to the City Treasurer.
In addition to any other fee or penalty, the Director shall have the authority to charge a fee equal to the actual costs to the City of any special activity, including but not limited to inspection, investigation and/or monitoring, whether by City employees or paid consultants, deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare from any exposure to any hazardous substance or unsafe situation that could result from the proposed demolition. The owner shall be notified in writing, by first-class mail with delivery confirmation at the address provided in the application, in advance of any special activity which may cause such fee to be assessed; shall be provided with a written estimate of the amount of the fee; and shall be permitted to withdraw the demolition application from consideration.
If the application is withdrawn prior to the commencement of the special activity, no fee pursuant to this section shall be charged. If the application is not withdrawn within 15 days from receipt of the notice of the proposed special activity, the estimate of the amount of the fee and the option to withdraw the application, then the City may proceed with the special activity. The applicant shall pay the fee before a permit is issued or, if such permit has already been issued, the applicant shall pay the fee before a letter of completion is issued by the Director. The applicant shall be liable for the full fee, representing the actual cost to the City of any special activity as described above, even if such fee shall exceed the written estimate. Such costs shall also be a lien upon the property from the first day the costs are billed to the owner. Such costs shall be assessed and billed to the owner as set forth in Chapter 201 of the City Code for the levy and collection of a special ad valorem levy.
The Director shall have the authority to grant or deny all permits pursuant to this chapter. In granting a permit for demolition, the Director may attach such conditions as are deemed necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Prior to granting a permit for demolition, the Director shall determine that the request is consistent with the purpose and standards set forth in this chapter.
No permit for demolition shall be granted unless applicable requirements of Chapter 75 of the Building Code have been satisfied.
Prior to the issuance of any building permit for demolition, the applicant shall provide proof, satisfactory to the Director, that a comprehensive liability policy exists which covers the demolition work. The Director shall establish minimum limits of insurance and may require that the City be named as an additional insured.
For all demolition activity requiring a plumbing permit, no permit for demolition shall be granted unless such plumbing permit has been issued.
For all demolition activity requiring a water cutoff permit, no permit for demolition shall be granted unless such water cutoff permit has been issued.
Prior to the issuance of any permit for demolition, the applicant shall provide proof, satisfactory to the Director, that all rodents at the subject property have been exterminated.
Modifications of the terms of approved applications or permits shall follow the same application, review and approval procedures as those set forth in this section for the original permit.
The Director may order inspection of sites to be conducted as frequently as necessary to assure compliance with the terms of approved permits and the provisions of this chapter and may issue written notification of any violations of these terms or provisions.
If at any time during the effective period of a permit, or upon its expiration, the terms of the permit are violated, the Director may revoke the permit and may require that the performance guaranty required by § 84-9 be forfeited to the City.
A request for a permit for demolition activity shall be initiated by filing with the Director a demolition permit application. The Director may require that additional copies of the application be filed and may modify the requirements concerning materials to accompany the application by waiving or adding such requirements as is deemed necessary to determine the effect of the demolition on the environment and as is deemed appropriate to the nature and scope of the proposed activities. The Director may require the applicant(s) to submit amended application materials if those submitted are deemed to be of insufficient scale or quality or not to meet the standards of this section.
Permit application data required. Except for modifications authorized or required by the Director, the plans and specifications accompanying the demolition application shall contain the following data:
The applicant's name and address and his or her interest in the property.
The owner's name and address, if different from the applicant, and the owner's signed consent to the filing of the application.
The street address, parcel identifier number or legal description of the property.
The zoning classification and present use of the subject property.
A description of the proposed demolition activity and of subsequent development plans for the property.
Identification of all structures, sites or properties of historic or archaeological significance to be affected by the proposal, including but not limited to the following:
All buildings, structures, landscapes, sites, objects or properties which are local landmarks or are located within a preservation district designated pursuant to the City Code.
All buildings, structures, landscapes, sites, objects or district properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, pursuant to the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and its implementing regulations.
All buildings, structures, landscapes, sites, objects or district properties listed on or determined eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places, pursuant to the provisions of the New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980, as amended, and its implementing regulations.
All buildings, structures, landscapes, sites, objects or district properties which have been identified by the Director as potentially eligible for listing on the National and State Registers of Historic Places.
Identification of all hazardous substances to which people or properties may be exposed before, during or after the proposed demolition activity.
A hazardous substances abatement and disposal plan, if applicable, including copies of any required state or federal certifications.
An asbestos survey performed pursuant to New York State Industrial Code Rule 56 (12 NYCRR 56), if required by Code Rule 56.
A building materials disposal plan, including proof of authorization to dispose of the full quantity of material.
A site plan at the scale of one inch to 50 feet or at the scale of one inch to 20 feet illustrating the following at the time of the application:
The boundary lines and dimensions of the subject property; existing subdivision lots; available utilities; and easements, roadways, rail lines, areaways, vaults, tunnels, bridges, survey monuments and public rights-of-way crossing and adjacent to the subject property.
All significant natural, topographical or physical features of the property and adjacent or crossing public rights-of-way, including, at least, watercourses, marshes, trees in excess of four inches in diameter and existing contours in excess of four feet in 100 feet.
The location, size, use and arrangement of all structures on the property.
Identification of each structure on the property to be affected by the proposed demolition, annotated with the height in stories and feet and the total floor area of each such structure.
Minimum distances between the structure(s) and the lot lines.
The location and dimensions of all vehicular and pedestrian circulation elements, including streets and roadways, driveways, entrances, curbs, curb cuts, parking stalls, loading spaces and access aisles; and sidewalks, walkways and pathways.
All surface and subsurface drainage facilities.
Clear photographs of all exterior elevations of each structure to be demolished or to be affected by the proposed demolition and photographs showing the condition of public rights-of-way crossing and adjacent to the subject property that might be affected by the proposed demolition.
A site plan at the scale of one inch to 50 feet or at the scale of one inch to 20 feet illustrating the site once the proposed demolition and subsequent project improvements are completed, which shall include:
The boundary lines and dimensions of the subject property; subdivision lots; utilities; and easements, roadways, rail lines, areaways, vaults, tunnels, bridges, survey monuments and public rights-of-way crossing and adjacent to the subject property.
Any proposed regarding of the subject property and adjacent or crossing public rights-of-way as well as all significant natural, topographical or physical features, including, at least, watercourses, marshes, trees in excess of four inches in diameter and existing contours in excess of four feet in 100 feet.
The location, size, use and arrangement of all remaining and proposed structures on the property.
Minimum distances between the structure(s) and the lot lines.
The location and dimensions of all vehicular and pedestrian circulation elements, including streets and roadways, driveways, entrances, curbs, curb cuts, parking stalls, loading spaces and access aisles; and sidewalks, walkways and pathways.
All remaining and proposed surface and subsurface drainage facilities.
Proposed landscaping, including the type, location and quantity of all plant materials, location and height of fences or screen plantings and the type or kind of building materials or plantings to be used for fencing or screening.
Identification of all walls or structural features to become exposed as a result of the proposed demolition.
The location, designation and total area of all usable open space and the extent to which it is to be improved.
The location, size and arrangement of all outdoor signs and lighting.
The location of any proposed outdoor storage of trash, along with the type and number of storage containers as well as evidence as to how the storage area and/or containers will be screened from view from adjoining properties or streets when viewed from ground level.
For each wall or structural feature to become exposed as a result of the demolition, the following information:
Plans, specifications and elevations showing proposed treatment of the surface of the wall to be exposed, including any necessary structural or aesthetic modifications.
A written statement of a New York State-licensed professional engineer or a New York State-licensed registered architect as to the structural stability and integrity of the wall or structural feature if the demolition and subsequent treatment is completed as proposed.
Elevations of all structures proposed to be constructed on the site.
A time schedule indicating when major phases of the proposed project are to be initiated and completed.
Where demolition activities encroach into the public right-of-way, a permit for work in the right-of-way. Permit requirements include a plan approved by the City Engineer for maintaining and protecting pedestrian and vehicular traffic and that specifies the location of equipment and schedule of activity. The City Engineer is authorized to waive permit fees for work being done as part of the demolition of City-owned structures.
Applications for demolitions determined to be Type II actions under § 114-12 of the City Code need not contain the data identified in Subsection B(6), (11), (13), (14), (15) or (16) above.
The Director shall issue written findings setting forth the manner in which any disapproved application fails to comply with the standards listed below. The Director shall not approve demolition applications submitted pursuant to this chapter unless the application complies with all of the following standards:
The application is complete and does not contain or reveal any violation of this chapter or other applicable regulations which the applicant has, after written request, failed or refused to supply or correct.
The proposed development that includes demolition does not unnecessarily endanger the safety, health or welfare of persons who live, work or recreate in the City by exposing or increasing the chance of exposure of persons to hazardous substances or unsafe structures or situations.
The proposed development that includes demolition does not unnecessarily destroy, damage, detrimentally modify or interfere with the enjoyment of significant natural, physical, historic, cultural or educational features on or off the site.
The proposed development that includes demolition does not conflict with, or hinder the implementation of, provisions of the Comprehensive Plan or of other adopted plans or policies of the City.
Demolition work. All demolition work to be performed under this chapter shall include the demolition and removal of all buildings, structures above and below grade level, above- and below-ground storage tanks, underground tunnels, floors and appurtenances thereto and foundations removed to virgin soil. No partial removal or partial demolition of any structure and its components may take place without the written approval of the Director of Development. All demolition work shall include the following:
[Added 7-22-2019]
Removal of all old materials and rubbish of every description from the site of the demolition work, including all basements and/or cellars.
All foundations, concrete floors located in basements, sub-basements, cellars, boiler rooms and crawl spaces, etc., shall be broken, removed and dispensed of in conformance with this chapter.
In all cases where a retaining wall is demolished and/or removed or where the pitch of the finished, graded lot would likely cause erosion problems or where what is known as an embankment would have been formed, the contractor and the Code Enforcement Officer, or his designee, shall meet at the site and agree on type and method of installing fill materials, angle, pitch and relation of finished grade to sidewalk and walkway.
Any damages to existing sidewalks, curbs, or streets caused in the performance of the work of this contact shall be replaced in kind and/or repaired. All remedial work shall be done by the contactor at his own expense, bearing the cost of restoring affected streets and curbs to a good and satisfactory condition and shall be approved by a Code Enforcement Officer.
In the filling of excavations, voids and/or depressions, filling materials must conform to the following standards: The filling material shall be 66% clay materials or higher. The filling materials shall have no particles greater than 216 cubic inches in dimension. Sod, roots, stumps, trees, brush, or asphalt materials shall not be used so as to not disturb the environmental balance of the present and surrounding soils. Documentation of sources and custody of filling materials shall be provided and approved by a Code Enforcement Officer.
If the filling material is found to be contaminated or unsuitable as fill in any way, such filling material shall be removed from the site and replaced at the demolition contractor's expense.
Upon completion of the demolition work the work area shall be graded and leveled, taking care to properly fill all depressions and voids. The final grade shall be of 12 inches of 100% soil content free of all aggregate materials as well as lacking sod, roots, stumps, trees, brush, stone and asphaltic material. Bituminous is not allowed to be used as filling materials. The final grade is to also provide for proper drainage and to be done as to not collect any standing water or cause neighboring or adjacent properties to become a receptacle for the aforementioned drainage.
Barricades, "orange" construction fences and all other protection shall be continued, properly supported and maintained by this contractor for the full period of the contract and shall be removed by the contractor upon completion of the work.
[Added 7-22-2019]
The contractor is to notify a Code Enforcement Officer 24 hours prior to the start of demolition to provide for proper inspections.
The contractor shall be required to obtain an inspection from a Code Enforcement Officer after all excavation work is completed and prior to the placement of any filling materials. No backfilling of any excavation shall be performed prior to obtaining written approval from a Code Enforcement Officer.
Material and debris resulting from demolition for which a permit has been granted shall be removed from the premises as follows:
[Added 7-22-2019]
All construction and demolition debris shall be disposed of in conformance and compliance with all state, federal and local legislation governing the disposal of this debris. The staging and/or storage of any construction and/or demolition debris from any demolition and/or cleanup jobs that does not have its origin at the respective job site is prohibited.
Wrecking operations shall be kept within the property lines.
Chutes for the removal of materials and debris shall be provided in all such parts of demolition operations as are deemed necessary by the Code Enforcement Officer or his designee.
Watering-down of airborne particles.
[Added 7-22-2019]
General requirements. The site of demolition activity shall be watered down whenever necessary to prevent the dispersion of airborne particles.
Debris shall be watered down during all demolition activity before and during handling to hold down dust.
After the approval of the application and before the issuance of any permit, the demolition contractor shall file with the Director one of the following performance guaranties in a total amount equal to the estimated cost of the demolition activities. The minimum amount of the performance guaranty filed by the demolition contractor shall be $1,000, even if that amount is greater than the estimated cost of the demolition activities. The estimated cost of demolition activities shall include the costs of hazardous substances removal and disposal and the costs of meeting the minimum site restoration and design standards specified in § 84-12. The performance guaranties shall be in favor of the City and shall be unconditional and irrevocable until a certification of completion shall have been issued by the Director. The performance guaranty shall be:
A performance bond which shall be satisfactory to the Director as to form, sufficiency, manner of execution, surety and period of execution;
A letter of credit from a financial institution, the terms of which are approved by the Director; or
Similar security acceptable to the Director.
Prior to the issuance of any permit, the owner shall submit a fully executed agreement, in a form provided by the City, which shall permit the City to enter the subject property and to perform any work required under the performance guaranty, subject to the requirements of § 84-9C. The agreement shall be irrevocable until a letter of completion is issued by the Director.
Should the owner fail to have the required actions or improvements performed within the agreed period of time, the Director shall issue a written notice of such failure to the owner. It shall be sufficient service of such notice if it is mailed to the owner at the address provided in the application. If the owner fails to perform the required actions or improvements within 15 days of the issuance of such notice, the Director is authorized to draw upon the bond, letter of credit or other approved security as may be necessary to cover the costs to the City to perform work which the owner failed to have performed. The owner may request a hearing before the Director within five business days from the issuance of the notice. The hearing will be held before the expiration of the fifteen-day notice period.
If the owner is unable to have the work completed within the specified time, he or she may, at least 10 days prior to the expiration of the permit, present in writing to the Director a request for an extension of time setting forth the reasons for the requested extension. The Director is authorized to grant additional time for the completion of the work. In the event that the performance guaranty will expire during the requested extension period, the contractor shall secure and furnish evidence of an extension of said performance guaranty.
The Director may grant a waiver of such guaranty if he or she deems the proposed activities to be of minor scope and to be consistent with the provisions of this chapter or such a guaranty has already been made to the City for a more comprehensive project which is inclusive of the requirement determined necessary pursuant to this chapter.
The Director shall have the power to vary or modify, in whole or in part, any provision or requirement of this chapter in cases where strict compliance with such provision or requirement would entail practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship or would otherwise be unwarranted; provided, however, that any such variance or modification will not have a substantially adverse effect on provisions for health and safety and that equally safe and proper alternatives are prescribed.
When approving an application to vary or modify a provision or requirement of this chapter, the Director shall apply the following criteria and shall find that strict compliance with the provision or requirement:
Would create an undue economic burden.
Would not achieve its intended objective.
Would be physically impossible.
Would be unnecessary in light of alternatives which ensure the achievement of the intended objective or which, without affecting health or safety, achieve the intended objective more efficiently, effectively or economically.
Would entail a change so slight as to produce a negligible additional benefit consonant with the purposes of this chapter.
The Director will conduct a hearing and render a written decision within 21 days of receipt of a complete written application to vary or modify a provision or requirement of this chapter. The Director's decision shall include findings setting forth, in writing, the basis for that determination and conclusions, citing the manner in which the application meets or fails to meet the criteria of Subsection B of this section. Failure of the Director to act on the application within such time period shall be deemed a denial of the application. Notice of the decision shall be mailed to the applicant within seven days following the decision or denial resulting from a failure to act. The Director's decision, or denial resulting from a failure to act, shall be a final determination for purposes of judicial review pursuant to Civil Practice Law and Rules § 7803, Subdivision 4.
In order to protect the public and adjacent public and private properties, all demolition activities shall be undertaken in accordance with standards prescribed by the Director.
All site restoration shall be subject to the requirements set forth in Chapter 75 of the City Code and Zoning Code.
If the project area includes any areaway or vault under a public sidewalk or street and reuse of the areaway or vault is not part of the approved development plan, such areaway or vault shall be backfilled and abandoned in accordance with standards prescribed by the City Engineer.
All areas of excavation shall be filled and all affected surface areas shall be graded, in accordance with standards prescribed by the Director.
All grading plans and specifications, including extensions of previously approved plans, shall include provisions for erosion and sediment control designed and implemented in accordance with standards prescribed by the Director.
Unless the time schedule for the proposed project includes construction activity on the site of any proposed demolition to begin within six months of such demolition and such construction is in fact undertaken and diligently pursued within this time period, the site shall be landscaped as follows:
Providing ground cover to preclude erosion, with a requirement that sodding or hydroseeding be done when the area of ground disturbance exceeds 500 square feet.
Posting or fencing vacant lots or other areas when protection from unauthorized access is required.
Any wall or other structural feature exposed to the elements as a result of the demolition shall be stable and shall withstand such exposure to the elements.
All walls or other parts of any structure exposed to the elements as a result of the demolition, and which are owned by the owner of the property on which the demolition took place, shall be resurfaced and/or painted.
The requirements of this chapter shall be enforced by the Director. The Director or his or her designee may cause the subject structure or property to be inspected as often as necessary to determine whether the demolition and subsequent development work is proceeding or has been completed in compliance with the approved application.
The Director or a duly authorized agent may enter at all reasonable times in or upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions and practices which may be a violation of this chapter and shall seek warrants where such are constitutionally required.
Upon satisfactory execution of all approved work pursuant to this chapter, the Director shall issue a certification of completion. If the Director finds any existing conditions not as stated in any application or approved plan, the Director may refuse to approve further work until such conditions are made to conform with approved plans.
Violations of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Building Code Administration, Chapter 75, and the Unsafe Buildings Law, Chapter 83.
If there is any damage as a result of a violation of this chapter or if any soil, liquid, debris or any other substance is caused to be deposited upon or to roll, flow, wash or in any manner to be released upon any public or private property or right-of-way in violation of this chapter, the owner shall be notified in writing at the address provided in the application and shall cause the same to be removed from such property or way within 36 hours of the issuance of the notice. In the event of an immediate danger to the public health or safety, notice shall be given where practicable by the most expeditious means and the violation shall be remedied immediately. In the event that the violation is not so remedied, the City shall cause such violation to be remedied. The cost of such work shall be a personal liability of the owner, and the Director shall bill the owner therefor. Such costs shall also be a lien upon the property from the first day the costs are billed to the owner. Such costs shall be assessed and billed to the owner as set forth in Chapter 201 of the City Code for the levy and collection of a special ad valorem levy.
Demolition hearing proceedings.
Inspection. Upon the receipt of information that a structure may be unsafe or dangerous to the health, safety or welfare of the public, or that the building or structure is a public nuisance, the Director shall cause an inspection to be made and require that such building or structure be demolished and removed in accordance with the Unsafe Buildings Law of the City of Lackawanna, Chapter 83.
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or other part of this chapter is for any reason invalid, the validity of the remaining portion of this chapter shall not be affected.