Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1967 Code §§ 14-114-4, 14-6, 14-7, 14-9, 14-10 and Ordinance Nos. 6-16-69 and 3-90. For ordinances adopted by the Board of Health, refer to the "Revised General Ordinances of the Board of Health".
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
There is hereby established in and for the Township of Long Hill, pursuant and in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:3-1 and 26:3-9, a local Board of Health composed of the members of the Township Committee, the Township Assessor and one physician to be appointed by the Township Committee in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 2-29.2.
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
The physician member of the Board of Health shall be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of three years. Any vacancy occurring in that position shall be filled by the Township Committee for the unexpired term. If the Township Committee shall fail to appoint a physician member within 10 days after the death, removal or resignation of such physician, on or after the expiration of his or her term, the State Department of Health may appoint a physician as a member of the local Board, who shall hold his or her office for the term of three years from the time of his or her appointment by the State Department and until his or her successor shall be appointed. In case of the death, removal or resignation of the Assessor before the appointment of his or her successor, the Township Clerk shall succeed the Assessor as a member of the local Board, and shall continue as a member until a new Assessor shall be appointed.
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
The Township Committee may in its discretion appoint not more than two alternate members to the Board of Health. Alternate member shall be designated at the time of appointment as "Alternate No. 1" or "Alternate No. 2". The terms of alternate members shall be for two years, except that the terms of the alternate members first appointed shall be two years for Alternate No. 1 and one year for Alternate No. 2, so that the term of not more than one alternate member shall expire in any one year. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by the Township Committee for the unexpired term only. An alternate member shall not be permitted to act on any matter in which he has either directly or indirectly any personal or financial interest. An alternate member may, after public hearing, if the alternate member requests one, be removed by the Township Committee for cause. An alternate member may participate in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote first.
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
The Board of Health shall appoint, on the day of its organization, a place, day, and hour for the regular meeting of the Board for the hearing of complaints, reports, and general business, and shall cause to be published in the Township newspaper, or a paper circulating in the Township, notice of the same. At least one regular meeting shall be held in each year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Board or the State Department of Health. All meetings of the Board shall be conducted in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, et seq.
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
The Board shall administer and enforce all health ordinances of the Township, now in effect, whether adopted by the Township Committee or any prior Board of Health, and it shall adopt any other powers as may be granted to it and shall perform such other duties as may be required by any statute of the State of New Jersey now in effect or which may hereafter be enacted.
[Ord. No. 98-2 § 1]
The records and property of the existing Board of Health and all records of any prior Board of Health and all records and property relating to health matters now or at any time in the possession of the present Health Officers are hereby transferred to the Board of Health established by this section.
[Ord. No. 4-95 § 1; Ord. No. 60-00 § 1]
The Recreation Advisory Committee is hereby established. The number of members shall be set by the Mayor. Members shall be residents of the Township appointed by the Mayor for five year terms commencing on the January 1 prior to appointment. Members shall receive no compensation for their services.
Members of the Committee shall duly elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary for the term of one year. The names of the persons so elected shall be submitted to the Township Clerk so that proper notation can be made on the official Township records.
Members of the Committee shall meet monthly on a prescribed date.
The Recreation Committee shall: (a) Recommend a recreation program, including special events, to the Township Committee; (b) Coordinate with independent recreation groups such as Little League, soccer, advise Planning Board regarding recreational facilities; (c) Other duties as assigned by the Township Committee.
Reports shall be submitted to the Township Committee on a periodic basis by the Township Committee person in charge of recreation and parks.
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall submit to the Township Committee an annual proposed budget for both parks and recreation.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code 28-1 § 1; Ord. No. 29-95 § 1]
There is hereby established an Environmental Commission to consist of not less than five nor more than seven members appointed by the Mayor, one of whom shall also be a member of the Planning Board. The Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Committee shall designated one of the members to serve as Chairman and presiding officer of the Commission. The Commissioners first appointed shall serve for terms of one, two or three years in such manner that the terms of approximately 1/3 of the members will expire each year, and their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years and until the appointment and qualification of their successors. All Commissioners shall be residents of the Township and shall serve without compensation. The Mayor or governing body of the Township may remove any member of the Commission for cause, on written charges served upon the member and after a hearing thereon at which the members shall be entitled to be heard in person or by counsel. A vacancy on the Commission occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment.
[Ord. No. 3-90; 1967 Code § 28-1A]
The Township Committee may in its discretion appoint not more than two alternate members of the Environmental Commission. Alternate members shall be designated at the time of appointment by the Township Committee as "Alternate No. 1" or "Alternate No. 2." The terms of the alternate members shall be for two years, except that the terms of the alternate members first appointed shall be two years for Alternate No. 1 and one year for Alternate No. 2, so that the term of not more than one alternate member shall expire in any one year. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by the Township Committee for the unexpired term only. The alternate member shall not be permitted to act on any matter in which he has either directly or indirectly any personal or financial interest. An alternate member may, after public hearing, if he requests one, be removed by the Township Committee for cause. An alternate member may participate in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote first.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-2]
The Environmental Commission established herein shall have all of the powers pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:56A-2 and N.J.S.A. 40:56A-6, as supplemented and amended.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-3]
The Environmental Commission may, subject to the approval of the governing body of the Township, acquire property, both real and personal, in the name of the Township by gift, purchase, grant, bequest, devise or lease for any of its purposes and shall administer the same for such purposes subject to the terms of the conveyance or gift. Such an acquisition may be to acquire the fee or any lesser interest, development right, easement (including conservation easement), covenant or other contractual right (including a conveyance on conditions or with limitations or reversions) as may be necessary to acquire, maintain, improve, protect, limit the future use of or otherwise conserve and properly utilize open spaces and other land and water areas in the Township.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-4]
The Environmental Commission shall keep records of its meetings and activities and shall make an annual report to the governing body of the Township covering income and expenses within 10 days after the close of the calendar year.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-5]
The governing body of the Township may appropriate funds for the expenses incurred by the Environmental Commission. The Commission may appoint such clerks and other employees as it may from time to time require and as specified by the Township Committee in the Salary Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-6]
The Environmental Commissioners shall submit to the Township Committee prior to November 10 of each year an annual proposed budget for the next year.
[Ord. No. 11-73; 1967 Code § 28-7]
The Conservation Commission of the Township which has existed prior to the effective date of this ordinance[1] shall henceforth be known as the Environmental Commission of the Township of Long Hill.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 11-73 was adopted on March 19, 1973.
Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1967 Code §§ 77C-1 — 77C-4 and Ordinance No. 28-99.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:64, there is hereby established a Shade Tree Commission to consist of seven members, and not more than two alternate members. The members and alternate members shall be appointed by the Mayor, shall be residents of the Township, and shall serve without compensation except as hereinafter provided. The first Commissioners shall be appointed within 60 days after this section becomes effective and their terms of office shall commence upon the day of their appointment and be for the respective periods of one, two, three, four and five years, beginning on January 1 next succeeding said appointment. Two of the initial Commissioners shall be appointed for five years and two shall be appointed for four years. If the Mayor appoints alternate members, they shall be designated at the time of appointment as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate No. 2" and shall serve during the absence or disqualification of any regular member or members. The term of each alternate member shall be five years commencing on January 1 of the year of appointment; provided, however, that in the event two alternate members are appointed, the initial term of Alternate No. 2 shall be four years and the initial term of Alternate No. 1 shall be five years. The terms of the first alternate members appointed pursuant to this section shall commence on the day of their appointment and shall expire on the fourth or fifth December 31 next ensuing after the date of their appointments, as the case may be. An alternate member may participate in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
The Commission shall organize within 30 days after the appointment of its total membership for the remainder of the then calendar year and thereafter annually by the election of one of its members as Chair, and the appointment of a Secretary, who need not be a member. The salary of the Secretary, who may be compensated even if a member of the Commission, shall be fixed by the Township Committee; the salary of all other employees shall be fixed by the Commission. All salaries shall be fixed as nearly as practicable in accordance with the salary schedule, if any, of the Township for corresponding positions.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
Any vacancy occurring by reason of the death, resignation or removal of any Commissioner shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
The Shade Tree Commission established herein shall have those powers set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:65-5, as supplemented and amended, including the power to:
Exercise full and exclusive control over the regulation, planting and care of shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery now located, or which may hereafter be planted in any public highway, park or parkway, except such as are excluded pursuant to Section 40:64-1 of this Title in the municipality for which it was created, including the planting, trimming, spraying, care and protection thereof;
Regulate and control the use of the ground surrounding the same, so far as may be necessary for their proper growth, care and protection;
Move or require the removal of any tree, or part thereof, dangerous to public safety;
Care for and control such parks and parkways; encourage arboriculture; make, alter, amend and repeal, in the manner prescribed for the passage, alteration, amendment and repeal of ordinances by the governing body of the municipality, any and all ordinances necessary or proper for carrying out the provisions hereof;
Administer treatment to, or remove, any tree situate upon private property which is believed to harbor a disease or insects readily communicable to neighboring healthy trees in the care of the municipality and enter upon private property for that purpose, with the consent of the owner thereof, provided the suspected condition is first confirmed by certificate issued by or on behalf of the Department of Agriculture.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
Except as hereinafter provided the initial cost of all trees planted by the Commission, the cost of planting the same, the cost of the posts and boxes or guards used for the protection thereof, and the cost of the removal of any tree or part thereof dangerous to public safety shall, if the Commission shall so determine, in accordance with uniform rules and regulations promulgated for this purpose, be a charge upon the real estate in front of which such tree or trees shall be planted or removed as an improvement thereof. Such cost if it is so determined that it is to be paid by the owner shall, unless paid directly to the Commission be certified by it to the collector of taxes of the municipality, shall thereupon become and be a lien upon said real estate, shall be included in the next tax bill rendered to the owner or owners thereof, and be collected in the same manner as other taxes against that property.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
A planting to replace a tree or trees theretofore planted by the Commission;
A planting in connection with Arbor Day exercises or other educational demonstration.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
In every case where the property of an abutting owner will be chargeable with the cost of the planting of any shade tree or trees the Commission, in accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 40:64-9, shall give notice of the meeting at which it is proposed to consider said planting by publishing the notice at least once, not less than 20 days before the meeting, in a newspaper circulating in the municipality, or by personal service of a copy of the notice upon the abutting owner at least 10 days before the meeting. When the required statutory notice is by publication, the Commission shall also mail a copy of the notice to the property owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, at his or her address as shown on the current tax duplicate. The additional certified mail notice required by this section shall be deemed complete upon mailing. The notice shall specify the street, streets, or portions thereof, on which such planting is proposed and require all persons who may object thereto to present their objections in writing at the office of the Commission at or before the meeting. Before final action shall be taken all objections so filed shall be considered. The Commission shall give reasonable notice of its intention to remove, or cause the removal of, a tree, or part of a tree, dangerous to public safety, unless public safety requires immediate removal, in which case no notice shall be necessary.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
No statute giving any person or State, County or municipal board, body or official, power or authority to lay any sidewalk along, or to open, construct, curb or pave any street, or to do any similar act, shall be construed to permit or authorize any interference with or injury to a shade tree without the consent of the Shade Tree Commission within whose jurisdiction such tree shall be located. In all cases such Commission shall reasonably cooperate with such person, board, body or official for the general public good.
Nothing in this section contained shall be held to take away or diminish any of the powers or authority of any County Park Commission over the trees or shrubbery in any County park or parkway within its jurisdiction, or to give any other commission or board any power or authority with respect to such trees or shrubbery.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
During the month of December in each year, the Shade Tree Commission shall certify to the Township Committee, the estimated sum necessary for the proper conduct of its work during the ensuing fiscal year, which shall include the sums estimated to be expended for such of the following items as it is anticipated expenditure will be made for, namely,
Payment of wages and salaries of employees;
Expenses of Commission members in discharging official duties including expenses incident to attendance at professional meetings;
Purchase of trees and shrubbery; and
Purchase of necessary equipment and materials and the cost of services for the prudent promotion of the work.
The Township Committee shall annually appropriate such sum as it may deem necessary for said purposes.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
The Commission may prescribe a fine for the violation of each of its ordinances in an amount not exceeding $1,500 for each violation, and the courts which now or hereafter shall have jurisdiction over actions for the violation of ordinances of the municipality in which the Commission has been or shall be appointed shall have jurisdiction in actions for the violation of such ordinances as the Commission shall enact.
The ordinances shall be enforced by like proceedings and process and the practice for the enforcement thereof shall be the same as that provided by law for the enforcement of Township ordinances.
The officers authorized by law to serve and execute process in the aforementioned courts shall be the officers to serve and execute any process issued out of any court under this chapter.
A copy of any ordinance of the Commission, certified to under the hand of its Secretary, or Chair shall be received in any court of this State as full and legal proof of the existence of the ordinance, and that all requirements of law in relating to the ordaining, publishing and making of the same, so as to make it legal and binding, have been complied with, unless the contrary be shown.
In addition to the penalties authorized by Subsection a of this subsection, the Commission may require a person who removes or otherwise destroys a tree in violation of a municipal ordinance to pay a replacement assessment to the municipality. The replacement assessment shall be the value of the tree as determined by the appraisal of a trained forester or certified tree expert retained by the Commission for that purpose. In lieu of an appraisal, the Commission may adopt a formula and schedule based upon the number of square inches contained in a cross section of the trunk of the tree multiplied by a predetermined value per square inch, not to exceed $27 per square inch. The square inch cross section shall be calculated from the diameter at breast height and, if there is a multiple stem tree, then each trunk shall be measured and an average shall be determined for the tree. For the purposes of this section, "diameter at breast height" shall mean the diameter of the tree taken at a point 4 1/2 feet above ground level. The Commission shall modify the value of the tree based upon its species variety, location and its condition at the time of removal or destruction.
Any public utility or cable television company that clears, moves, cuts or destroys any trees, shrubs or plants for the purpose of erecting, installing, moving, removing, altering or maintaining any structures or fixtures, necessary for the supply of electric light, heat or power, communication, or cable television services upon any lands in which it has acquired an easement or right-of-way, shall not be subject to any penalty imposed by a Commission pursuant to Subsections a or b of this subsection. This subsection shall not exempt any public utility or cable television company from any penalty or replacement assessment imposed for negligent actions.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
All moneys collected, either as fines or penalties, for any violation of a rule or regulation of the Shade Tree Commission, or as a charge against real estate, under any provision of this section, shall be forthwith paid over to the Chief Financial Officer or other municipal officer empowered to be Custodian of the Funds of the Township.
[Ord. No. 28-99 § 1]
Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed to make any or any member thereof, or any volunteer participating in a community forestry program as provided for by N.J.S.A. 13:1L-17.4, responsible for the death or injury of any person, or for an injury to any property or highway tree or shrub. Liability for any such death or injury shall be governed by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 59:4-10 and any other relevant provisions of the "New Jersey Tort Claims Act," N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 210-07 § 1]
The Long Hill Township Free Public Library was established by the voters of the Township pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:54-1.
[Ord. No. 210-07 § 1; Ord. No. 253-09 § 1]
The library is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven to nine members, one of whom shall be the Mayor, and one of whom shall be the local Superintendent of Schools and from five to seven citizens to be appointed by the Mayor, at least four of whom shall be residents of the Township. The Mayor and the Superintendent of Schools may, respectively, appoint an alternate to act in his or her place and stead with authority to attend all meetings of the Board and, in his or her absence, to vote on all questions before the Board. The term of office of the citizen members shall be five years (ending on December 31 of the last year of the term) and those terms shall be staggered so that at least one and not more than two trustees' terms expire each year. Vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees shall be filled for the unexpired term only. Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services and shall not incur any expense or enter into any obligation to an amount in excess of the annual appropriation for library purposes and of the funds on hand.
[Ord. No. 210-07 § 1]
The Board of Trustees shall make an annual report to the Chief Financial Officer of the Township which shall include a statement setting forth in detail all public revenues received by the library, all State aid received by the library, all expenditures made by the library and the balance of funds available. The annual report shall also include an analysis of the state and condition of the library and shall be sent to the Township Committee and the State Library. The report shall be in the form prescribed by regulation by the State Librarian.
[Ord. No. 210-07 § 1]
If this section conflicts with any provision of N.J.S.A. 40:54 or any other applicable State law or regulation, the provision of the State law or regulation shall prevail.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-34, Affordable Housing Committee, adopted by Ord. No. 11-89; 1967 Code §§ 3-3 through 3-5, 3-9 and 3-11, was repealed 12-9-2020 by Ord. No. 468-20.
[Ord. No. 358-2015]
There is hereby established a Historic Preservation Advisory Committee consisting of nine regular members.
The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall consist of at least one member of each of the following classes of members:
Class A – A person who is knowledgeable in building design and construction or architectural history and who may reside outside the Township,
Class B – A person who is knowledgeable or with a demonstrated interest in local history and who may reside outside the Township.
Class C – Shall be those members who are not designated as Class A or Class B citizens of the municipality who shall hold no other municipal office, position or employment except for membership on the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment.
The Mayor shall appoint all members of the Committee and shall designate at the time of appointment the regular members by class. The terms of the members first appointed under this section shall be so determined that to the greatest practicable extent, the expiration of the terms shall be distributed in the case of regular members, evenly over the first three years after their appointment, provided that the initial term of no regular term shall exceed three years. Thereafter, the term of regular member shall be three years. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term only.
The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair, and select a Secretary, who shall be a member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee. The Committee shall obtain its legal counsel from the Township Attorney.
No member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall be permitted to act on any matter in which he has, either directly or indirectly, any personal or financial interest.
A member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee may, after public hearing if he requests it, be removed by the Township Committee for cause.
[Ord. No. 358-2015; amended 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. 524-23]
The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall have the responsibility to:
Prepare a survey of historic sites in the Township;
Make recommendations to the Planning Board on the historic preservation plan element of the master plan and on the implications for preservation of historic sites of any other master plan elements;
Advise the Planning Board on the inclusion of historic sites in the recommended capital improvement program;
Advise the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment on applications for development pursuant to Subsection 2-35.3 of this section;
Advise the Mayor and Township Committee of the need for repairs, preservation, restoration, or upgrades to Township owned historic sites and structures.
Upon agreement with the Township Committee regarding the cost and scope of the project, document the historical significance of structures to be demolished, if appropriate.
Carry out such other advisory, educational and informational functions as will promote historic preservation in the Township.
[Ord. No. 358-2015]
The Planning Board and Board of Adjustment shall refer to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee every application for development submitted to either Board for development in historic preservation districts or on historic sites identified in any component element of the master plan. This referral shall be made when the application for development is deemed complete or is scheduled for a hearing, whichever occurs sooner. Failure to refer the application as required shall not invalidate any hearing or proceeding. The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee may provide its advice, which shall be conveyed through its delegation of one of its members or staff to testify orally at the hearing on the application and to explain any written report which may have been submitted.
[Ord. No. 358-2015]
All applications for issuance of permits pertaining to historic sites shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee for an advisory report concerning historic preservation to any of those aspects of the change proposed, which aspects were not determined by approval of any application for development by a municipal agency pursuant to the MLUL. The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall submit its advisory report to the Construction Official.
When time does not allow the submission of a permit application to the full Committee, the Chair of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee may act in the place of the full Committee for purposes of this section.
[Ord. No. 358-2015]
The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee shall be guided by the following design standards in reviewing applications:
Every reasonable effort should be made to provide a compatible use for structures which will require minimum alteration to the building.
Rehabilitation should not destroy the distinguishing qualities or character of the structure. The removal or alteration of any historic material or architectural features should be held to a minimum, consistent with the proposed use.
Deteriorated architectural features should be repaired rather than replaced, wherever possible. In the event replacement is necessary, the new material should match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features should be based on accurate duplication of original features.
Distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship which characterize older structures and which often predate the mass production of building material should be retained wherever possible.
All structures should be recognized as products of their own time. Authorization to create an appearance inconsistent with the original character of the structure should be discouraged.
Contemporary design for new structures in historic districts and additions to existing structures or landscaping should not be discouraged if such design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the historic district, building or environment.
Consideration shall be given to detrimental impact and the financial hardship on the applicant affected by the application of historic preservation standards, and promoting less expensive alternatives when undertaking an alteration, improvement, rehabilitation or restoration of a structure.
Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right should be preserved.
The Committee shall be guided for further details by the "Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Preservation Projects", prepared by the Office of Archeology in Historic Preservation, United States Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., as amended and supplemented.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-36, Office of Emergency Management, was amended by Ord. No. 507-23. Prior history includes 1967 Code, Ord. No. 23-88, and Ord. No. 3-96.
[Added 3-8-2023 by Ord. No. 507-23]
The Office of the Emergency Management is hereby established in the Township of Long Hill in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. App. A:9-41.
[Added 3-8-2023 by Ord. No. 507-23]
The Mayor shall appoint a Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. Any qualified individual appointed as Township Emergency Management Coordinator, who is not a resident of Long Hill Township, shall reside within a reasonable proximity of the Township to ensure prompt responsive coordination of municipal resources for any local incident. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator, subject to fulfilling the requirements of N.J.S.A. App. A:90.1, shall serve for a term of three years.
A municipal emergency management coordinator shall:
Possess a high school diploma or its equivalent;
Satisfy the residency and other applicable position requirements of any relevant state or local statute or ordinance (including N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.1);
Have a minimum of two years of experience in the planning, development, and administration of emergency response activities such as those provided by emergency management, police, fire, rescue or medical personnel either in the public or private sector or in the military service;
Possess a valid New Jersey driver's license; and
Complete National Incident Management System training pursuant to Directive NJOEM-I (2021), and the following courses/continuing education requirements:
The NJOEM Basic Workshop in Emergency Management (within one year of first appointment as required by N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.1);
The FEMA Professional Development Series (within one year of first appointment, in satisfaction of the Home Study Course requirement of N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.1); and
Twenty-four hours of continuing education every 12 months (based upon the date of appointment or reappointment), unless extended for good cause by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
Qualifying classes include the following categories.
Disaster/emergency management, homeland security, incident command system courses;
General management courses: principles of management, finance, organizational behavior, budgeting, community development, human resources, computer systems, MIS applications, business communications, and public speaking; or
Other classes approved by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
The course participation hours for the classes identified in Subsection a1(e)(1) and (2) above can be applied to satisfy the continuing education requirement within any given twelve-month period.
The NJOEM State Training Officer is authorized to develop and disseminate guidance for permitting instructor hours to satisfy a portion of the continuing education requirement up to 12 hours per twelve-month reporting period.
NJOEM Emergency Response Bureau personnel are responsible for verifying compliance. Any questions regarding whether or not a course shall qualify for purposes of this Subsection a1(e)(3) shall be determined by the NJOEM State Training Officer.
A deputy municipal emergency management coordinator shall also be required to meet the standards of Subsection a1.
Duties and Authority of the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall lead the emergency management function at the municipal level. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall:
Maintain proficiency in the profession of emergency management, and participate in appropriate federal, state and local meetings, trainings, conferences and exercises to develop and enhance subject matter expertise;
Establish and oversee the Municipal Office of Emergency Management, and, when applicable, recruit, organize, coordinate and train deputies and staff to administer the Municipal Office of Emergency Management and oversee the functions and programs described in Subsection c;
Comply with federal, state and local statutes, rules, procedures and authorities pertaining to emergency management, adhere to the guidance of the State Director and NJOEM, and maintain an active cooperative working relationship with the County Office of Emergency Management of the county in which the municipality is located, to implement all elements of the municipality's emergency management program;
Establish and implement policies and procedures with respect to the municipality's emergency management program to ensure effective coordination and oversight of all programs and functions described in the municipal emergency operations plan (EOP);
Coordinate the review and update of the EOP pursuant to N.J.S.A. App:A9-36.2 through A9-36.4, NJOEM procedures and directives issued by the State Director;
Chair the Local Emergency Management Township Committee (or participate in a joint emergency management Township Committee if applicable) in accordance with N.J.S.A. App. A:9-41 and directives issued by the State Director;
In accordance with the authority set forth in directives of the State Director and N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.5, when warranted, proclaim (and then rescind) a municipal-level state of emergency, implementing emergency protective measures and issuing all orders required to support life safety and to facilitate preparedness, response and recovery operations;
Attend 75% of all scheduled County Office of Emergency Management meetings for municipal coordinators and assure representation at all other county emergency management meetings as deemed necessary by the County Coordinator; and
Perform, or ensure the performance of, other duties and tasks necessary to administer the municipality's emergency management program.
Oversight of the Municipal Emergency Management Program. The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall lead the municipal emergency management program and oversee the Municipal Office of Emergency Management in accordance with all relevant federal, state and local laws, regulations, procedures and authorities, including State Director directives, The Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall collaborate with municipal agencies and other stakeholders to ensure the efficient administration of the municipality's emergency management budget to support the following responsibilities, duties and functions:
Equipping, staffing, operating, and maintaining a primary municipal emergency operations center, identifying an alternate site, and developing the capability to conduct emergency operations virtually in the event that the primary municipal emergency operations center is impaired or inaccessible;
Coordinating the preparation and periodic review of an approved municipal emergency operations plan, as well as any appendices and plans in support thereof, that reflects the municipality's hazards, risks, capabilities and gaps;
Conducting at least two meetings per year with the Local Emergency Management Township Committee in accordance with directives of the State Director, and conduct other planning meetings as necessary, providing advance notice to the County Office of Emergency Management;
Pursuant to directives of the State Director, conducting and/or participating in emergency management exercises and training;
Acquiring, maintaining and deploying emergency management equipment;
Developing, coordinating and activating mutual aid emergency management plans;
Activating emergency management facilities and services as are available from the resources of the municipal government;
Ensuring effective programmatic support for all functions within the municipal EOP, including, but not limited to:
Implementing a public information and alert and warning system to disseminate timely and effective communications regarding incidents or threats to public safety, and cooperating with the National Warning System (NAWAS);
Facilitating public health and mass care services, including, but not limited to, emergency sheltering; points of distribution (PODs) and bulk distribution of mass care and health supplies; mental health support for individuals impacted by disasters and emergencies; reunification and family assistance centers; and pandemic support;
Coordinating municipal sheltering and evacuation operations, and supporting any county/regional/state sheltering and mass care response activities for affected residents of the municipalities;
Implementing debris management and other public works programs necessary to support the emergency management program;
Facilitating search and rescue operations in accordance with directives issued by the State Director; and
Supporting damage assessments and recovery efforts.
Supporting county and local plans to provide services for at-risk individuals (N.J.S.A. App. A:9-36.18) during extreme weather conditions;
When applicable, supporting the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and related state statutes, regulations and executive or administrative orders, as well as guidance issued by the New Jersey State Emergency Response Commission;
Securing county, state and federal technical and financial assistance as may be required for promoting and/or implementing the emergency management functions within the municipality, and if the municipality is an Emergency Management Agency Assistance (EMAA) funded agency, satisfying all program goals, work plans and guidelines established by the state for such funding;
Supporting municipal hazard assessments and identifying critical infrastructure;
If applicable, developing, adopting and updating a hazard mitigation plan and ancillary plans required to comply with federal and state mitigation requirements;
Interacting with the municipal, state, and federal government for preparedness, response and recovery activities in connection with the state's nuclear power plants as well as those of adjacent states;
Complying with all orders and directives of the State Director, applicable policies and procedures of NJOEM; and relevant guidance and orders of the County Office of Emergency Management in which the municipality is located;
Performing all such other functions and undertaking any action necessary to support the municipality's emergency management program.
[Ord. No. 1-98 § 1]
In the face of increasing development, the preservation of areas of open space is vital to maintaining the Township's rural character and heritage, and to the provision of recreational opportunities for present and future generations. These general goals are an integral part of the Township's Master Plan. The Township Committee, therefore, in the interest of providing for the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Long Hill finds it desirable to establish an advisory committee to identify existing and potential open space and recreational facilities in the Township, to recommend acquisition of properties to enhance these facilities, and in general, to offer advice and recommendations to the Township Committee in connection with the protection and preservation of open space, recreational facilities and historical sites within Long Hill Township.
[Ord. No. 1-98 § 1; Ord. No. 211-07 § 1]
There is hereby established an Open Space Advisory Committee comprised of between seven and 10 members as follows: one member of the Environmental Commission, at least one member of the Township Committee, one member of the Recreation Advisory Committee, and between four and six citizens-at-large. All appointments shall be made by the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 1-98 § 1; Ord. No. 211-07 § 1]
The terms of the Environmental Commission, Township Committee and Recreation Advisory Committee members shall be for one year or terminate at the completion of their respective terms of office, whichever occurs first. The terms of the resident-at-large members first appointed after the adoption of this amendatory ordinance[1] shall be so determined that to the greatest practicable extent the expiration of such terms shall be distributed evenly over the next three years. Thereafter the term of each resident-at-large member shall be three years. If a vacancy in any class of members shall occur otherwise than by expiration of the Open Space Advisory Committee term, it shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 211-07 which amended this Subsection 2-37.3, was adopted August 8, 2007.
[Ord. No. 1-98 § 1; Ord. No. 211-07 § 1]
The Township Committee shall establish the Committee's charge for the ensuing year. The Open Space Advisory Committee shall fix the time and place for holding its regular meetings. Regular meetings shall be scheduled not less than once a month and shall be held as scheduled unless there is no business before the Committee. The Committee may provide for special meetings at the call of the Chair or on the request of any two members, which shall be held on notice to its members and the public in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. No action shall be taken at any meeting without a quorum being present. All elections shall be taken by a majority vote of the members of the Committee present at the meeting. All regular meetings and all special meetings shall be open to the public. Although not technically subject to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, notice of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Executive sessions for the discussion of the possible acquisition of property may be held as authorized by the Open Public Meetings Act. The Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary to undertake specific projects and report back to the Committee as a whole.
[Ord. No. 1-98 § 1]
The duties of the Open Space Advisory Committee are as follows:
Develop a comprehensive open space program for consideration by the Planning Board in connection with the Planning Board's preparation of the Township Master Plan.
Evaluate the importance of specific Township lands for recreational use (both active and passive), stream corridor protection, preservation of aesthetic, cultural and historical value, establishment and maintenance of greenways, and general preservation and conservation.
Identify specific sites and recommend acquisition of open space and other lands.
Recommend that the Township Committee apply for specific County, State and nonprofit foundation grants to supplement the Township's Open Space Fund for the acquisition of these lands.
Interact with other boards, commissions, committees and citizens groups to obtain broad public input for the development of the open space program and to provide the Township Committee with information for dissemination to the residents of the Township.
Assist in the implementation of open space programs established by the Township Committee.
Comment to the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment on the potential for open space preservation opportunities in applications that involve lands that have special open space and recreational potential.
Submit a report to the Township Committee at the end of each calendar year, including specific budget requests for ongoing activities and the status of grant applications and awards.
[Former § 2-38, Communications Advisory Committee, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ord. No. 215-07 and Ord. No. 293-12, was repealed in its entirety by Ord. No. 538-24.]
Editor's Note: Former § 2-39, Community Day Committee, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 239-09, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 307-13.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-40, Floodplain Advisory Committee, adopted by Ord. No. 292-12, was repealed 12-9-2020 by Ord. No. 468-20.