The subdivider shall observe the following requirements and
principles of land subdivision in the design of each subdivision or
portion thereof. All materials and construction practices for construction
of streets, curbs, sidewalks and storm sewers, as well as the type
and quantity of topsoil and other concrete work, shall be accomplished
in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2007, as amended,
which shall hereafter be referred to as the "Standard Specifications."
Monuments shall be of the size and shape required by Section
3 of the Map Filing Law, Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, and shall
be placed in accordance with the requirements of said statute and
the specifications of the Borough.
Street signs shall be of a type approved by the Borough Engineer
and conforming to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The
foundation for street signs shall be designed by a licensed professional
engineer to withstand wind load of 80 miles per hour. The head of
the sign shall be so secured by welding or bolting as to ensure refusal
to turn under normal conditions.
All electric and telephone utility lines shall be installed
underground. The subdivider shall require the serving utility to install
its distribution supply lines, services and streetlighting supply
facilities underground, in accordance with its specifications and
with the provisions of applicable standard terms and conditions incorporated
as part of its tariff, as the same are then on file with the State
of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners.
In all major subdivisions, streetlights shall be installed at
street intersections and shall provide an average illumination of
0.4 footcandle per square foot of pavement for local streets in residential
areas. The ratio of average-to-minimum illumination shall not exceed
six to one (6:1). For streets other than local streets in residential
areas, streetlighting shall meet the requirements of the Borough Engineer.
Where required by the Board, not less than two new shade trees
shall be installed on each lot not closer than 25 feet from any existing
or proposed streetlight or street intersections and installed in the
front of the lot between the building and the street right-of-way
area and in a line with other trees planted on the same side of the
same street and shall be installed so as not to interfere with utilities,
roadways, schoolways or sidewalks. Trees shall be nursery-grown stock
not less than two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in diameter, planted
and staked in a manner approved by the Planning Board. Trees shall
be of the following species: sugar maple (Acer saccharum), willow
oak (Quercus phellos), red oak (Quercus borealis maxima), scarlet
oak (Quercus coccinea), pin oak (Quercus palustris), sweet gum (Liquidambar
styraciflua), ginko (male only, Ginko biloba), Japanese pagoda tree
(Sophora japonica), thornless honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos
inermis), little leaf linden (Tilia cordata) and London plane (Platanus
acerifolia). All trees not surviving after one growing season shall
be replaced by the developer. Other species may be proposed in writing
to the Board for its approval. The Board may require the subdivider
or developer, at his sole expense, to retain a qualified person to
report to the engineer as to what can be done to save existing trees,