[1973 Code § 135-1]
The following rules and requirements shall be deemed to be incorporated in and form part of the terms and conditions for the supply and use of water furnished to all parties and consumers whatsoever by the Town of Kearny, New Jersey, who are deemed to expressly consent hereto as a condition precedent.
[Ord. No. 1997-15 § I]
In this chapter, any reference to the Department of Water, Water Superintendent, the Mayor or the Town Council, or any other Kearny Town official or officer, shall include their designee pursuant to contract.[1]
Editor's Note: The Town entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the East Orange Water Commission to take over the management, operation and maintenance of the Kearny Water Utility.
[1973 Code § 135-2]
All applications for the use of water through a service and all applications for the introduction of services must be made at the office of the Water Superintendent at the Town Hall by the owner of the premises sought to be supplied or by his agent duly authorized in writing. Applicants shall state fully all purposes for which the supply is required, with correct street, lot and block number of the premises. All expense incurred by reason of incorrect information given in an application shall be charged to and paid by the property owner.
[1973 Code § 135-3]
The work of installing ordinary services from main to curb shall consist of tapping the main, inserting corporation cock with proper couplings, laying of pipe from main to curb and providing a stop with suitable stop box and cover marked "Water," and shall be done by the Water Department at the costs and charges of the owner, who must pay all prescribed charges when making application and before any work is done.
The cost of installation services are provided for in subsection 22-8.1. The cost does not include charges for permits to open and repair streets.
Every tenement intended for six families or more must have at least a one inch service connection and a one inch meter.
[1973 Code § 135-4]
For all connections of a larger capacity than one inch, an estimate of each of such connections will be given by the Water Superintendent.
[1973 Code § 135-5]
Excepting employees of the Water Department duly authorized for the purpose, no person shall tap or connect any water main or insert a stopcock therein.
[1973 Code § 135-6]
No person shall attach, alter or extend any water pipe or make any alterations in any tap, cock or other fixtures, nor do any work calculated to increase the facilities for using the water, nor turn on or off the stopcock on the main or at the curb, unless registered as a licensed plumber by the Water Department.
[1973 Code § 135-7]
In introducing new services, express permission of the Water Department must in all cases be obtained before doing any work to connect water services for use; otherwise an adequate penalty will be imposed and the license registry of any plumber failing to comply herewith will be revoked.
Curb stops shall be left closed and in no case shall the water be turned on except by an employee of the Water Department or by a licensed plumber upon authority of written permit so to do.
Plumbers must not have any curb stops open nor water turned on at the premises after connecting to the service pipe, without permit therefor, longer than is required to test their work.
Service pipes in buildings must be located in such parts thereof best protected from frosts.
It shall be the duty of the plumber to protect from frost all work done by him.
The owner of property into which water is introduced by a service pipe shall be required to maintain in perfect order, at his own expense, the service pipe from the curb to his premises, including all fixtures therein provided for delivering or supplying water for any purpose, and in case such service and fixtures are not so kept in repair, the Bureau of Water may shut off the supply of water.
[1973 Code § 135-8]
When a service pipe has been laid to the curb, it must not be diverted to supply other premises even though owned by the same person.
The object of this regulation is to secure a separate and independent service pipe for each separate lot and building.
Plumbers must make their plans and estimates to conform hereto accordingly.
[1973 Code § 135-9]
All inside connections between houses or other buildings are strictly prohibited.
[1973 Code § 135-10; Ord. No. 4-10-85; Ord. No. 1997-15 § I]
Each new service pipe up to and including two inches inside diameter put in service for supplying water for all purposes must be of lead, extra heavy brass or Class K copper, suitable for underground use and equipped with a meter. In no case shall the inside diameter of the service pipe be less than 3/4 of an inch, and service pipes larger than two inches inside diameter shall be of cast iron. All charges for the use of water through such services shall be based upon the meter rates from time to time prescribed by the Water Department.
All meters in excess of two inches in diameter must be set by a registered licensed plumber in the best workmanlike manner.
Meters, except on fire service, must be set entirely above the floor, horizontally, with dial up in a conspicuous place, easy of access and located in a place approved by the Water Department.
All meters must be set with meter couplings and have a compression stop-and-waste cock on street side of house.
Special care must be exercised to keep the inside of meters free and clear of white or red lead, dirt, gravel and all other foreign matter. Male thread only may be leaded.
Carelessness in these and other requirements concerning water distribution, plumbing, metering, appliances and services shall render the offending plumber liable to discipline and his license registry to suspension by the Water Department.
[1973 Code § 135-11]
Plumbers must not interfere with or remove any meter without special permit first obtained from the Water Department in each and every case.
All meters removed by plumbers must be delivered to the Water Department within 24 hours from time of removal.
Notice to the Water Department of any stoppage or other irregularity at the meter should be immediately reported so that such defect may be remedied.
The owner of any premises where a meter is installed shall be held responsible for its care and protection from freezing and from injury or interference by any person or persons.
[1973 Code § 135-12]
All water supplied through taps shall be metered.
[1973 Code § 135-13]
No standpipes or other appliances for any purpose will be allowed to be attached at the curb stops. Where use of water is desired, the service pipe must be extended across the sidewalk before any attachment is made.
[1973 Code § 135-14]
Excepting where water has been turned off by a licensed plumber for immediate repairs, no person may turn it on unless properly authorized by the Water Department.
[1973 Code § 135-15]
The attention of licensed plumbers is particularly directed to places where water may be turned off at the curb because of leakage. After making the necessary repairs, they must leave the water turned off until proper permit is given to turn it on.
[1973 Code § 135-16]
Attachments to disused or old pipe fixtures shall not be allowed without special permit therefor.
Any services substituted by another or the use of which has been permanently discontinued must be turned off at the corporation stop on the main.
[1973 Code § 135-17]
Hydrants, hose bibs and other fixtures shall be so placed as not to be readily accessible to persons occupying adjoining or neighboring premises.
[1973 Code § 135-17; Ord. No. 5-12-82; Ord. No. 1997-15 § I; Ord. No. 2002-O-69A; Ord. No. 2011-17 § 1]
There shall be a charge to each water customer who is presently connected to or wishes a connection to the water systems for the purpose of providing fire protection, based upon the size of the service line, at the following rates:
For a meter size of two and three inches $52.
For a meter size of four inches $63.
For a meter size of six inches $140.
For a meter size of eight inches $260.
For a meter size of 10 and 12 inches $345.
[1973 Code § 135-18]
In applying for a permit where any part of the work is considered as out of the ordinary, plumbers must make a full explanation of the same without waiting to be questioned.
[1973 Code § 135-19]
Registry in the Water Department of plumbers licensed by the Board of Health shall in all cases be a requisite for water plumbing, meter setting and all other work relating to the Water Department.
Upon presentation of the plumber's license issued to him by the Board of Health, the Clerk in the Water Department shall record such license in a book provided for that purpose and make endorsement thereof on the license in such registry.
[1973 Code § 135-20]
At least one member of a firm or corporation doing plumbing work shall be a licensed plumber duly registered. Every plumber applying for a license registry must be a citizen of the United States and have a regular and recognized place of business within the water supply district controlled by this Department.
At the time of his application he must be not less than 21 years of age and furnish satisfactory evidence that he is a practical plumber educated for the business. Either such license registry or the words "licensed plumber, registered," together with licensee's full name and license registry number as therein designated, must be legibly and conspicuously displayed on the premises outside of the registered place of business. Failure so to do shall make the registry liable to revocation by the Water Department.
Any unregistered person, firm or corporation making false pretense as a licensee registered, on conviction, shall be liable to a fine as provided for in subsection 22-1.42.
Upon receipt of an order or engagement to put in new service pipes and plumbing fixtures connected therewith, or to make extensions or alterations in existing service pipes or fixtures connected with the water supply, licensed plumbers shall at once notify the Water Department on a blank form provided therefor.
License registry will be recorded at the same time and expire at the same time as the license issued to the plumber by the Board of Health.
[1973 Code § 135-21]
No plumber shall allow his name to be used by any other person or party either for the purpose of obtaining permits or for doing work under his license registry.
[1973 Code § 135-22]
Master plumbers registered will be held responsible for the violation of any rules of this Department by journeymen plumbers or others in their employ.
All plumbers registered by this Department shall give immediate notice to the Clerk of the Department of change of address in their place of business.
Any plumber guilty of any violation of the rules and regulations adopted from time to time or at present established by this Department may be fined, suspended or deprived of his license registry, at the discretion of the Department.
[1973 Code § 135-23]
The forfeiture or suspension of the license registry of any plumber operates as a forfeiture or suspension of the license of his plumbing business. Only one license registry shall be recorded for one member of a firm or corporation, and the registry recorded for the member of a firm or corporation shall state the name or names of the applicant.
[1973 Code § 135-24]
A license registry becomes forfeited whenever the party or parties for whom it is recorded has no longer a recognized place of business.
A license registry shall not be transferred under any circumstances.
[1973 Code § 135-25]
Only registered licensed plumbers must be employed to make water connections from the curb to the house and to do all plumbing work and repairs on the premises.
[1973 Code § 135-27]
There shall be a compression stop-and-waste cock inside the building as near the front wall as possible in order to shut off the water in case of accident to the inside pipe. The pipe shall be carried in at least four feet six inches deep and protected from frost at all exposed points.
[1973 Code § 135-28]
In all cases where a kitchen boiler is attached, a suitable safety or vacuum valve shall be applied to prevent damage by collapsing or otherwise when the water is shut off from the street mains.
[1973 Code § 135-29]
This Department will not be liable for any damage which may result from shutting off the water, whether with or without notice. The Bureau always endeavors to give reasonable notice before water is shut off.
[1973 Code § 135-30]
The Bureau of Water will repair all leaks on ordinary service pipes between mains and the curb stops, but not leaks in private pipes. The expense of all repairs to regular services will be borne by the Bureau of Water whenever the service has been put in within 10 years from the date of notice or of its discovery of leaks or defects. In the event of service pipes being more than 10 years old, the expense of repairs will be charged to and paid by the property owner.
Permits to repair leaks in private pipes will be issued to licensed plumbers upon application made at the office of the Bureau of Water.
For leaks inside the curb or on private pipes in streets, the Department may shut off the water, with or without notice, as long as it may deem necessary.
[1973 Code § 135-31]
Willful and unnecessary waste of water by fastening open self-closing valves, or otherwise, shall be furnished by shutting off of the water service, which will not be restored until all damages have been paid and satisfactory assurances given that such waste will not again occur.
[1973 Code § 135-32]
Water charges are a lien upon the real estate, and the owners thereof are responsible for delinquencies. Information as to water assessments and charges against any property shall at all times be furnished on application, and the expressed wish of property owners with regard to the supply to occupants of their premises will always be considered and, if practicable, complied with, provided that all water rates are paid.
[1973 Code § 135-33]
Any person wishing to discontinue the water service from his premises must give notice thereof at the office and order the same turned off; otherwise charges will be continued until such notice is given and water is shut off by the Bureau of Water.
[1973 Code § 135-34]
When more than one occupant of premises is supplied from the same service pipe, the charges for the whole supply furnished by such pipe will be made to the owner in one amount, and in case of nonpayment, the water may be shut off although some of such occupants may have made settlement therefor with the owner.
[1973 Code § 135-35; Ord. No. 4-11-79; Ord. No. 1997-15 § I]
Application for supply of water for building purposes must be made at the office of the Department of Water of the Town of Kearny, and a permit for the supply of water must be obtained before making use thereof. Temporary water will be billed at prevailing rates through a meter installed by the Town in a temporary meter pit constructed by the builder.
On all buildings other than those specified in the above schedule, and in all construction for street improvements or for any other purpose, the Water Department shall either estimate the quantity of water to be used for the construction work or install a water meter on the construction work, which meter shall be sealed, and all charges will be made and paid for at regular meter rates, and the charges for water consumption shall be a lien on the premises whereon the construction is located, until paid.
All fees paid for the consumption of water during construction shall be paid to the Water Department. All water must be shut off immediately upon completion of the construction work and shall be shut off thereafter until a further permit is issued.
[1973 Code § 135-36]
All street main connections for fire and sprinkler systems or for any other purpose must be provided with valves inside the building line in order that same may be shut off in case of a leak or burst of pipe. The valves must be set in conspicuous places, easily accessible, and left entirely open for fire purposes. If required by the fire insurance representatives, the same may be sealed.
Rebate charges for water actually consumed for fire extinguishment may be claimed on metered lines only, provided written notice for that purpose is filed with this Department within 10 days after the fire, together with a certification from the Fire Department of such use and the duration of such fire extinguishment use.
[1973 Code § 135-37; Ord. No. 1997-15 § I]
Adjustment of charges may be made only upon application by the owner of the premises, or the owner's agent, to the Water Superintendent and Town Administrator with approval of the Mayor and Council. Claims of adjustment must be presented within 30 days from the billing date for which adjustment is claimed.
Adjustments, if made, will be determined on the merits of each particular case; the Department reserves the right to collect the full amount called for by the assessment as long as the fixtures and facilities for using the water remain.
Any deduction made shall not establish a precedent for any ensuing bill.
Premises alleged to have been vacant and unoccupied with no record to turn off in the Bureau of Water may be refused rebate or adjustment for leakage or other waste, whether metered or not.
If turnoff order does not appear to have been given to the Bureau of Water by the owner of the premises or his duly authorized agent, consideration of application for rebate may be refused altogether.
To ensure hearing for adjustment of bills for water consumed on premises alleged to have been vacant and unoccupied, the last turnoff date, as it appears on the records of the Bureau of Water when so ordered and turned off, must be taken as conclusive.
Alleged ignorance of requirements will not avail.
[1973 Code § 135-38]
Official inspection, by authorized employees of the Bureau of Water only, shall be made of all piping, trenches, meters, appliances, plumbing, services and connections (new and old) relating to the water system wherever, and the official requirements shall be final and must be complied with.
When trenches are opened and service pipes laid, such trenches and pipes therein shall be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector of the Bureau of Water before the same are filled, and the contracting plumber performing such work shall notify the Bureau of Water that such trench is opened in order that such inspection may be made. The penalty for allowing pipes to be covered before inspection by the Bureau of Water shall be $10 and repetition of the offense shall subject the plumber to suspension of his registration.
[1973 Code § 135-39]
The Bureau of Water may refuse to supply water to premises where the plumbing has not been done in a proper manner or until the plumbing has been examined and approved by the Plumbing Inspector of the Bureau of Water.
When buildings are being torn down, an inspection must be made of all waterpipes and connections to ensure that all services are shut off at the curb. Inspectors must investigate promptly all complaints of poor water pressure, leaks in service pipes or imperfect working meters.
Officers of the Department and all persons authorized by them may enter the premises of any water consumer at any reasonable time and examine the pipes and fixtures, the quantities of water used, the manner of its use, etc., and to verify any claim for rebate. All such officers and employees are provided by the Department with a badge and certificate in order to prove their authority. The efficiency of the water service depends largely on constant supervision and inspection, and the revenue obtained is a direct benefit to every taxpayer.
The Bureau of Water will make inspection of assessed-rate services where it is believed that an excessive amount of water, through defective plumbing or otherwise, is consumed, and notify the owner or consumer when such inspection indicates waste. If the necessary alterations or repairs to prevent such waste are not made within one week from the date of such notice, a meter must be placed on the service or the supply will be shut off.
[1973 Code § 135-40; Ord. No. 2001-O-34 § III]
Payment for meters is required in advance, and only those makes of meters approved by the Department will be allowed to be used.
All meters purchased from the Bureau of Water will be tested before being used. Meters furnished by other parties will not be recognized unless they have been first tested by this Bureau and a fee paid for such test and a special permit given to set the same.
Meters will be tested on application to the Bureau of Water. A testing charge of $35 is made for meters up to and including one inch capacity. For taking out, testing and replacing meters of larger capacity than one inch, estimates will be given upon request, but the actual cost will be charged and, in case of nonpayment, will become a lien upon the property. If the meter is found registering in excess of consumption, charges for test will be refunded and an allowance made for any overpayment for water.
Bills will be delivered as far as practicable; when not delivered, the owner or consumer, for his own protection, must call at the office and obtain the same since notice is not legally required.
[1973 Code § 135-41; Ord. No. 1997-15 § I]
Where water has been turned off for any reason, it is so recorded and the charge ceases from that date; but where water which is recorded as turned off is at any time found on without authority of this Department, the Department will charge for the use of the water from the recorded date of turning off, and it may be shut off at the main, and the service will not again be restored until all charges whatsoever are fully paid and satisfied.
Where water is shut off for nonpayment, it will not be turned on until all arrearage charges are fully paid.
The penalty for any violation of these rules is the liability (in addition to any fine which may be imposed) of having the water service promptly discontinued until such rules and requirements are complied with and a satisfactory guaranty given that no further cause for complaint shall arise.
[1973 Code § 135-43]
The Department expressly reserves the right at any time to alter or amend these rules, requirements and regulations and to promulgate the same or new ones, in its discretion.
[1973 Code § 135-42; New]
Each and every person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[1973 Code § 135-44; Ord. No. 1997-15 § II]
Thirty days after the issuance of bills for repairs to water meters or for water connections, interest shall be charged on the amount due, at the rate of 8% per year, on the total of arrears up to $1,500, and on arrears in excess of $1,500, the rate of interest shall be 18% per year.
[1973 Code § 135-45]
The owner of any house, building, tenement, lot or premises wherein or whereon repairs to meters have been made or water connections have been installed shall be held liable for the payment of the interest charges, which interest charges, as above provided, shall be a lien upon the house, building, tenement, lot or premises until the same shall be paid and satisfied.
[1973 Code § 135-46; Ord. No. 1997-15 § III; Ord. No. 1997-O-46; Ord. No. 1999-O-20 § 2; Ord. No. 2001-O-34 § II; Ord. No. 2002-O-69A; Ord. No. 2004-(O)-49 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-(O)-04 § 1; Ord. No. 2011-17 §§ 2, 3; Ord. No. 2013-6; Ord. No. 2014-46; amended 6-25-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-22[1]; 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
The following rates shall be charged to all commercial, manufacturing and residential water users:
A rate of $2.55 per 100 cubic feet for use not exceeding 18,000 cubic feet;
A rate of $3.45 per 100 cubic feet for use in excess of 18,000 cubic feet, but not exceeding 75,000 cubic feet;
A rate of $4 per 100 cubic feet for use in excess of 75,000 cubic feet but not exceeding 125,000 cubic feet.
A rate of $4.75 per 100 cubic feet for use in excess of 125,000 cubic feet.
The following minimum quarterly and monthly charges shall take effect immediately:
Quarterly Minimums
Meter Size
Monthly Minimum
Meter Size
The following water connection fees shall be charged as follows:
One and two-family houses: $100 per unit.
Structures of more than two-family: $200 per unit.
Commercial properties: $300 per unit.
Replacement water connections: $50 per unit.
Hydrant or stand pipe use shall be charged $78.75 per use.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided the rates within take effect on 7-15-2019.
[1973 Code § 135-47]
All water supplied to consumers by the Water Department of the Town of Kearny shall be measured through water meters.
[1973 Code § 135-50; Ord. No. 11-24-76; Ord. No. 11-10-81; Ord. No. 1-25-84; Ord. No. 1997-15 § IV]
Any person, firm or corporation desiring a tapping of any water main in the Town of Kearny must make written application for that purpose to the Water Superintendent of the Town of Kearny and pay with the application the cost of making the tap, in the amount designated below, according to the size of the tap set forth in the application:
Size of Tap
3/4 inch
1 inch
If the size of the tap applied for exceeds one inch, the Water Superintendent shall estimate the cost of making the tap and the applicant shall pay with the application the sum so estimated. If the actual cost of making the tap exceeds the estimated amount, the applicant shall pay the excess upon demand and if the actual cost is less than the estimate, the Town shall remit the difference to the applicant.
[1973 Code § 135-51]
No taps on water mains in the Town of Kearny shall hereafter be made without the approval of the Water Superintendent.
[1973 Code § 135-52]
All meters, whether placed on new or old services, from 5/8 inch in diameter to and including one inch in diameter shall be installed by employees of the Water Department, provided that the owner of the premises has the service line properly prepared, pursuant to the provisions of all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations.
[1973 Code § 135-53]
All meters shall be purchased from the Water Department, and only such meters that have been approved by the Mayor and Town Council will be furnished or installed on any service pipe supplying municipal water.
[1973 Code § 135-54; Ord. No. 1997-15 § IV]
All meters supplied by the Town shall remain the property of the Town. All applicants for municipal water shall pay the tapping charges pursuant to subsection 22- 8.1. All repairs and replacements of meters from the size of 5/8 inch up to and including 1 1/2 inches shall be undertaken by the Department of Water of the Town of Kearny without charge to the owners of the meters except where the meters have been damaged by hot water, frost or negligence of the owners.
[1973 Code § 135-55]
Meters shall be set with couplings and stopcocks on each side, and waste close to the outlet shall be placed in a conspicuous place, ease of access and located so as to control the entire supply. For fire service meters, the installation shall be approved by the Water Superintendent or the Water Engineer, or both, before same is made.
[1973 Code § 135-56]
All meters two inches or over in diameter shall, when set up, have bypass connections with testing corporation valve two inches in diameter and be set in accordance with installation bypass plan on file in the office of the Water Department.
[1973 Code § 135-57]
All meters two inches in diameter and over shall be installed under the supervision of the Water Department and at the expense of the owner of the property.
[1973 Code § 135-58]
Repair to or removal of meters furnishing municipal water is strictly prohibited without first receiving the approval of the Water Superintendent.
[1973 Code § 135-59]
All meters so removed shall be delivered to the Meter Laboratory of the Town of Kearny within 24 hours after such removal.
[1973 Code § 135-60]
Notice to the Water Department of any stoppage or other irregularity of the meter must be immediately given to the Water Superintendent, at which time a closing nipple shall be substituted by the Department until the defect can be remedied.
[1973 Code § 135-61]
The owner of the premises shall be held responsible for the care and protection of meters located on the premises.
[1973 Code § 135-62]
Meters shall be tested on application to the Water Department. A testing charge of $3 shall be made for all meters up to and including one inch in diameter; for testing all meters over one inch in diameter, an estimate will be given by the Department.
[1973 Code § 135-63; amended 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
When a meter is found not registering, repairs shall be made and meter put in an accurate condition. To estimate the consumption during the time of nonregistration, a daily average shall be obtained from the readings taken at least one month after repairs have been made, and this figure shall be used as a basis on which to charge for water during the period of nonregistration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there are accurate reads for four consecutive quarters within the last four years, then the quantity of water consumed during the period in which the meter has been registering inaccurately or has ceased to register shall be estimated by taking the monthly average of the actual metered use over those four quarters.
[1973 Code § 135-64]
Meters shall be taken as correct if found on test to register within 2% plus or minus. When an error of more than 2%, plus or minus, is found, the consumer shall be charged or rebated for same. Where a percentage of inaccuracy is found to be either plus or minus, same shall be figured from 100%.
[1973 Code § 135-65]
Water service shall be discontinued or turned off from any premises upon the written order of the owner.
[1973 Code § 135-66]
All meters from 5/8 inch up to and including one inch in diameter shall be tested at least once in every four years. Meters from one inch up to and including two inches in diameter shall be tested at least once in every three years. Meters from three inches up to and including four inches in diameter shall be tested at least once every second year. Meters in excess of four inches in diameter shall be tested every year.
Meters from 5/8 inch up to and including 1 1/2 inches in diameter shall be removed and tested in the Meter Laboratory of the Town of Kearny. Meters two inches and over in diameter shall be tested in place through the two-inch corporation plug installed for that purpose. All meters tested under this subsection shall be tested free of charge.
[1973 Code § 135-67]
No person or persons, corporation or corporations shall open any fire hydrant in the Town of Kearny without the permission of the Water Superintendent.
[1973 Code § 135-68]
No person shall supply with aqueduct water any person not lawfully entitled to the same.
[1973 Code § 135-69]
No persons or corporation shall obstruct access to any fire hydrant or stopcock connected with the water pipes of the Town of Kearny.
[1973 Code § 135-70; New]
Each and every person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. No. 2011-4]
Whenever the Water Department is unable to access premises either to install, replace, repair or upgrade a water meter, or for any other legitimate and reasonable purpose related to the provision of water, it shall impose a denial of access account administration fee on the account of that premises upon following the following notice procedure:
It shall first send by regular mail to the owner of the premises as reflected on the tax rolls at the address stated therein a notice that the Water Department has been unable to gain access to the premises and requests that the owner communicate with the Department within two weeks of the date of the letter to set a reasonable date and time when such access can be achieved;
At the same time, the Water Department shall post a copy of the letter on the premises;
If access is not achieved or arranged within 20 days of the transmittal of the letter by steps 1. and 2., the Water Department shall send a copy of the letter by certified mail, return receipt requested; and
If access is not achieved within 10 days of the transmittal of the certified letter, the Water Department shall impose the denial of access account administration fee on that account on that date and for each and every quarterly billing cycle thereafter until access is achieved.
There shall be a fee as set forth below for failure to allow access to a water service for purposes of service or installation of the water meters or associated appurtenances or inspection of the water service or for access to the water supply line or water service for inspection or testing of backflow prevention devices. Failure to allow access includes a customer not responding within 10 days to a request for access delivered by regular mail or a customer's refusal to set and honor a date for access when contacted in person or by phone.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
Meter Size
Failure to Allow Access Fee
In addition to the denial of access account administration fee, during the nonaccess period, the Water Department shall assess estimated water charges against the premises.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:31-5h, each denial of access account administration fee shall be a first lien or charge against the premises until the same shall be fully paid and satisfied.
The foregoing shall not apply if the owner establishes by sufficient documentary evidence that he or she was either absent from the State of New Jersey at the time the notices provided for in paragraph a were sent or was hospitalized at that time or was under a disability which prevented him or her from responding to the notices.
[Added 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
There shall be a fee for unauthorized tampering with a water service, including without limit, illegal connections, tampering with the meter, breaking a meter seal or coupling seal, a backwards meter, unauthorized turning on of service after the Town of Kearny has turned it off, removal of a meter, bypass of the meter, bypass of any required reduced pressure zone backflow preventer, failure to protect the water service from freezing or to protect the water meter from flooding, and theft of service by any means. The fee shall be $1,000 for each offense. The assessment of such fee shall be considered in the quantum of penalty to be assessed and shall not in any way limit the Town of Kearny's rights to pursue additional enforcement of any kind including the assessment of additional fees, fines, or penalties, assessment for the cost of meter installation, and assessment of estimated past unrecorded consumption during the past six years. The Town of Kearny's failure to enforce a fee or its decision to waive a fee shall not be considered a waiver of customer's compliance with any term of these rules and regulations and shall not preclude the Town of Kearny from any future enforcement rights.
Noncompliance Fee. There shall be a fee as set forth below for failure to comply that is plumbing-related issues and/or repairs that prevent the Town of Kearny, its operator, contractor or authorized personnel from performing meter maintenance or replacement work, which include updates to any metering equipment. Failure to comply includes a customer not responding within 10 days to a request for access delivered by regular mail or a customer's refusal to make plumbing repairs in person or by phone.
Meter Size
Noncompliance Fee
[1973 Code § 135-73; Ord. No. 10-11-89]
Whenever the Governing Body shall be satisfied and finds that a water emergency exists in the municipality, it may adopt a resolution declaring that a water emergency exists in the municipality. Such resolution shall be adopted by the Governing Body at any regular, special adjourned or emergency public meeting of the Governing Body. Such resolution shall identify that portion of the municipality affected by the water emergency which may include the entire municipality and shall specify which of the water use regulations contained in subsection 22-12.2 is being imposed as well as any exemptions as may be authorized. Such resolution shall be effective immediately upon publication according to law and shall continue in effect for 90 days, unless extended or repealed as set forth in subsection 22-12.3. For the purpose of this subsection, a water emergency shall exist if, for any of the following reasons:
The public utility providing water service to all or a portion of the municipality has adopted water use restrictions, has notified the municipality, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, as well as any other State, County or local agency entitled to notice of such restrictions and such restrictions are not overruled or declared invalid by any State, County or local agency having the jurisdiction and power to do so; or
The governing authority is otherwise satisfied that a water emergency exists in the municipality.
[1973 Code § 135-74; Ord. No. 10-11-89]
Upon adoption by the Governing Body of a resolution declaring that a water emergency exists in the municipality in accordance with subsection 22-12.1, all citizens shall be urged to observe voluntary indoor conservation measures and, any of the following water use restrictions shall be imposed and shall be applicable to all residents and tenants, except where a bona fide health emergency exists and to exempt businesses, as specified herein during the water emergency.
The complete ban and prohibition of outside water usage, including the watering of lawns and plants, the filling of pools and the washing of cars; or
Outside water usage on alternate days allowing outside water usage by persons or businesses having even house or box numbers on even days and those having odd house or box numbers on odd days with outside water usage being completely banned and prohibited on the 31st day of any month during the water emergency; or
Any other water use restriction specified by the Governing Body in the resolution required by subsection 22-12.1 which is reasonable under the circumstances considering the nature and extent of the water emergency. Any water restriction imposed pursuant to this paragraph shall be limited in application to that portion of the municipality, which may include the entire municipality, identified as being affected by the water emergency in the resolution of the Governing Body adopted in accordance with subsection 22-12.1.
[1973 Code § 135-75; Ord. No. 10-11-89]
The resolution of the Governing Body required by subsection 22-12.1 shall, in addition to complying with subsection 22-12.1 provide a period of time during which the water use restrictions imposed shall be applicable and which shall be no longer than reasonably necessary to abate the water emergency under the circumstances considering the nature and extent of the water emergency. At the expiration of the time period specified in the resolution, the water use restriction shall lapse and be inapplicable and unenforceable. If the Governing Body shall be satisfied that the water emergency has been abated prior to the expiration of the time period specified in the resolution, it shall adopt a resolution declaring the water emergency ended and the water use restrictions inapplicable. If, at the expiration of the time period specified in the resolution, the Governing Body shall be satisfied that the water emergency continues to exist, it may adopt a resolution in accordance with the requirements of this section continuing the water use restrictions.
[1973 Code § 135-76; Ord. No. 10-11-89]
The water use restrictions imposed pursuant to this section shall be enforced during a water emergency by the local authorized official. Whenever a local authorized official shall find a violation of the water use restrictions, such authorized official shall give the violator a written warning and explain the penalties for a second and third offense as provided by subsection 22-12.5. The local authorized official shall keep such records as may be reasonable and necessary for the purpose of determining the persons and businesses who have been warned upon a first offense. The local authorized official is hereby empowered to write summonses for the violation of the water use restrictions imposed pursuant to this section.
[1973 Code § 135-77; Ord. No. 10-11-89]
After a first offense in accordance with subsection 22-12.4, any person or business who thereafter violates the water use restrictions imposed pursuant to this section shall be fined or imprisoned in accordance with this subsection. For a second offense, the fine imposed shall be $500 or imprisonment for 10 days or both. For a third and subsequent offense, the fine imposed shall be $1,000 or imprisonment for 30 days or both.
[1973 Code § 135-71; Ord. No. 11-10-81]
Pursuant to the Water Transmission Facilities Act concerning the North Jersey District Water Supply Commission, etc., constituting Chapter 167 and 18, P.L. of 1962 of the State of New Jersey, as heretofore amended and supplemented (herein called the "Act"), the Commission was given powers among other things to finance, construct and to place into operation, operate and use facilities deemed necessary for and incident to the treatment, filtration, transmission and distribution of potable water made available by the State of New Jersey to municipalities and persons pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey Water Supply Law, 1958.
The Commission is ready to design, finance, acquire, construct and put fully in operation and operate the water supply facility known as "Wanaque-South" and seeks contracting municipalities having proprietary allotments aggregating not less than an annual average of 32.0 million gallons per day.
By the provisions of N.J.S.A. 58:5-37, any municipality or municipalities may enter into a contract or contracts with the Commission providing for or relating to the acquisition, construction and financing of the costs thereof and of any additions, extensions and improvements of a Project as defined in the Act and the terms and conditions upon which such acquisition, construction and financing shall be undertaken; and for the operation and maintenance of the Project, the treatment, filtration or transmission of water and the apportionment and distribution of water among participating municipalities and the payments to be made by the various participating municipalities for the various costs of the Project.
The municipalities are authorized and empowered to appropriate monies for the purposes of the Commission and to pay such monies to the Commission in such installments and upon such terms as agreed upon between the individual municipalities and the Commission.
The Town of Kearny is willing to accept and pay for such water and treatment, filtration, transmission and distribution thereof pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
In making the covenants, undertakings and agreements herein set forth, it is the purpose and intent of the Town of Kearny to enable the Commission to issue its bonds or notes for the purpose of paying or financing the costs of the Project, making adequate and effective agreements with the holders of such bonds or notes to secure the payment thereof by, among other things, covenanting to impose, charge and collect amounts of money from the Town of Kearny sufficient to pay when due all operating expenses and the principal or the redemption price of and interest on such bonds or notes and pledging all monies so collected for such purposes.
[1973 Code § 135-72; Ord. No. 11-10-81]
The Council of the Town of Kearny resolves that the Town of Kearny does hereby agree to enter into and execute the Agreement, a copy of which shall be on file in the Town offices. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement and the Town Clerk authorized to seal the Contract with the Town Seal.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
A licensed vendor that contracts with the Town of Kearny or the Town's designated Water Service Operator (currently Veolia, formerly known as SUEZ Environmental) to replace lead service lines.
A building or structure or part thereof containing one or more dwelling units. This chapter shall also apply to buildings and structures that are not used for residential purposes.
Any room or groups of rooms or any part thereof located within a building and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used or designed to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or bathing.
Any condition that does not allow access or exposure to lead, in any form, to the extent that adverse human health effects are possible.
The water line on private property that leads to the structure or building that is connected to the main Town water line.
A person or persons in actual possession of and living in the building or dwelling unit.
Any person who has legal title to any dwelling, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or, who has equitable title and is either in actual possession or collects rents therefrom; or, who is executor, executrix, trustee, guardian, or receiver of the estate of the owner, or as mortgagee or as vendee in possession either by virtue of a Court order or by agreement or voluntary surrender of the premises by the person holding the legal title, or as collector of rents has charge, care or control of any dwelling or rooming house.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
It is hereby established that the existence of lead service lines is prohibited in the Town of Kearny.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
A property owner may be excluded from the mandatory lead service line replacement requirement by providing to the Town written proof from a licensed plumber that it does not have a lead service line on its property and/or that the lead service line was previously removed and replaced.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
The owner of any dwelling, building or structure serviced by a lead service line is required to have the lead service line on their property replaced in accordance with the following options:
Participation in the Lead Service Line Replacement Program offered by the Town at no cost to the owner and allowing contractors to access their property to verify the existence of a lead service line and to conduct the replacement; or
Replacing the lead service line on their own and at their own expense. If an owner selects this option, the owner is required to provide the Town with proof that the lead service line has been replaced. Proof must include at a minimum: a permit issued by the Town to a licensed plumber authorized to do the work; an invoice from the contractor who completed the work; a copy of the estimate along with any report of the work completed, and an inspection report verifying the removal.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
Unless an owner has provided proof that it does not have a lead service line pursuant to subsection 22-18.3 above, the Town or the contractor shall seek to gain access to the building to identify and/or replace a lead service line.
Whenever the contractor is unable to access premises to either identify and/or replace a lead service line, then:
The Town or contractor shall send by regular mail to the owner of the premises as reflected on the tax rolls at the address stated therein a notice that the contractor has been unable to gain access to the premises and requests that the owner communicate with the contractor within two weeks of the date of the letter to set a reasonable date and time when such access can be achieved;
At the same time, the Town shall post a copy of the letter on the premises;
If access is not achieved or arranged within 30 days of the transmittal of the letter by steps in paragraph 1 and 2, the Town or contractor shall send a second notice by regular mail; and
If access is not achieved within 15 days of the transmittal of the second notice letter, the Town shall impose the denial of access account administration fee pursuant to subsection 22-9.1 on that account on that date and for each and every quarterly billing cycle thereafter until access is achieved.
If an owner of the dwelling, building or structure does not participate in the Lead Service Line Replacement Program or is inaccessible or otherwise denies access to the property to enable the replacement of the line after notices in accordance with subsection 22-18.5a above, then the Town may proceed as follows:
The Town may secure entrance to the property from the owner or current occupant of the dwelling, building or structure, and the Town shall incur no liability from the owner. The contractor will provide the owner with a Right of Entry form for completion. The Right of Entry form will provide the contractor with access to the property to verify the existence of a lead service line.
If access is granted by the occupant of the dwelling, building, or structure, then the occupant shall be held harmless and no liability shall incur to the Town, contractor or occupant due to the replacement of the lead service line by the Town; and
If access is denied by the current occupant or owner, then the Town may commence procedures, including filing a Court action, to conduct the replacement of the lead service line at the owner's expense or may seek a court order requiring the owner to replace the Lead Service Line within 90 days, at owner's sole cost and expense.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
Upon the sale or transfer of ownership of any dwelling, building or structure, that occurs after two years from the effective date of this section, the owner must provide proof that the lead service line has been replaced (or that the property is excluded from the requirement pursuant to subsection 22-18.4) in order to secure a Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Code Compliance, and Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Certificates.
[Editor's Note: Section 22-18 was adopted 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
Upon the sale of any Town-owned property, within 90 days of the closing, the buyer is responsible for replacing the lead service line, by either participating in the Town's Lead Service Line Replacement Program or replacing the lead service line at its sole cost in accordance with subsection 22-18.4b above.
[Added 9-20-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-23]
In addition to the imposition of the Denial of Access Account Administrative Fees pursuant to subsection 22-9.1, if the lead service line replacement is not performed by the owner within 90 days after final notice by the Town, the owner shall be subject to a fine of at least $250 but not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days or by a period of community service not to exceed 90 days.