[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 561]
A user charge is hereby imposed upon the owner of each improved property which shall be connected to the sewer system, and any other user, for use of the sewer system, whether such use is direct or indirect, and for services rendered by the Township in connection therewith, and shall be payable as provided herein. At the discretion of the Township, such user charge may be imposed upon the owner of an improved property or other user who fails to timely connect such improved property to the sewer system in violation of Subpart B of this Part as compensation for the availability of service by the Township in connection with the sewer system.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 562; as amended by Ord. 12/12/2002; and by 4/12/2007]
The user charge shall be payable by the owner of each improved property or other use commencing the earlier of:
The day after actual, physical connection of an improved property to the sewer system;
The day after the date which is 60 days from the date indicated in a notice to connect as described in Subpart B of this Part;
The day after the date which is one year from the date a permit for connection to the sewer system is issued; or
Such other date established by the Township for commencement of the payment of the user charge.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 563; as amended by Ord. 6/10/2004;[1] by Ord. 7/8/2004; and by Ord. 2/9/2006]
The user charge applicable to any improved property shall be calculated, imposed and collected according to a flat rate or EDU basis as determined and applied by the Township.
An improved property billed on a flat rate basis shall be charged a user charge as a specific amount per equivalent dwelling unit applicable to such improved property, as determined by the Township, from time to time. The number of equivalent dwelling units applicable to each improved property shall be determined as follows:
Computation of Equivalent Dwelling Units
Description of Improved Property
Unit of Measurement
Number of EDUs per Unit of Measurement
Residential dwelling unit (year-round or seasonal)
Each single-family dwelling unit
Retail store, professional office or other commercial or office use or establishment
1 to 20 employees
Each additional 20 employees or fraction thereof
Restaurant, club, tavern or other retail food or drink establishment
1 to 20 customer seats
Each additional 20 seats or fraction thereof
Beauty parlor or barber shop (attached to or part of a dwelling unit)
First 3 chairs
Each 3 additional chairs or fraction thereof
Beauty or barber shop (not attached to or part of a dwelling unit
First chair
Each additional chair
School, public or private
Without kitchen
Per each 20 pupils, faculty, administrators and staff or fraction thereof
With kitchen
Per each 14 pupils, faculty, administrators and staff or fraction thereof
Each property
Fire company
Each property
Industrial establishment
1 to 10 employees
Each additional 10 employees or fraction thereof
Mobile home park
Each space
Campground, with central comfort station
First 20 spaces
Each additional 20 spaces or fraction thereof
Automobile service station or commercial vehicle repair shop
1 or 2 bays
Each additional 2 bays or fraction thereof
Day-care facility
Per each 20 children and staff or fraction thereof
The number of equivalent dwelling units applicable to commercial establishments and industrial establishments shall be computed on the basis of the average daily number of full and part-time employees [including the owner(s) or employer(s)] for the calendar month preceding the date of the monthly billing. The owners of such facilities shall be responsible for advising the Township in writing of the number of employees upon connection to the sewer system and upon request of the Township. The number of equivalent dwelling units applicable to educational and institutional establishments shall be computed on the highest monthly average daily attendance of pupils (plus faculty, administrators and staff) during the 12 months preceding the date of the monthly billing. The owners of such facilities shall be responsible for advising the Township in writing of the number of pupils, faculty, administrators and staff in attendance as an average daily figure upon request of the Township. The number of equivalent dwelling units applicable to campgrounds, with central comfort station, shall be computed on the basis of the average daily number of spaces being occupied during the 12 months preceding the date of the monthly billing. The owners of such facilities shall be responsible for advising the Township, in writing, of the average daily number of spaces being occupied upon request of the Township.
If the use or classification of any improved property changes within a billing period, the user charge for such billing period may be prorated by the Township. The owner of the improved property shall be responsible for advising the Township, in writing, of any such change affecting the user charge payable hereunder. The appropriate credit or additional charge shall appear on the statement for the next succeeding billing period.
The monthly flat rate user charge payable per equivalent dwelling unit shall be as set forth in the Fee Schedule.[2]
[Amended 12/13/2007]
Editor's Note: The specific fee from this section was removed to the Fee Schedule in Chapter 1, Part 6, of this Code, in order to maintain the style of keeping all of the fees in a single location.
Editor's Note: Ord. 7/8/2004 provided that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force as of July 15, 2004.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 564]
In the case of a multiple-use improved property sharing a common connection to the sewer system or a common structure, each such classification of improved property shall pay a separate user charge, as though it were housed in a separate structure and had a direct and separate connection to the sewer system, computed in accordance with § 18-563 of this Part.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 565]
The owner of any improved property discharging domestic sanitary sewage or industrial wastes into the sewer system shall furnish to the Township, including by way of the application for permit described in Subpart B of this Part, all information deemed essential or appropriate by the Township for the determination of all applicable user charges and surcharges. The costs of obtaining such information shall be borne by such owner of the improved property.
In the event of the failure of the owner to provide adequate information, the Township shall estimate the applicable user charge and surcharges based upon available information until such time as adequate information is received. There shall be no rebate of past payments if the owner's refusal to provide such information results in overpayment.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 567]
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the Township from entering into separate or special agreements with any owner of improved property with respect to the user charge or surcharge to be imposed in those cases where, due to special or unusual circumstances, the user charge set forth herein shall be deemed by the Township, in its sole discretion, to be inequitable, or where it is in the best interests of the Township to do so.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 568]
User charges shall be payable on a monthly basis, on the first day of each month, and shall cover a billing period consisting of the immediately preceding month. Owners of improved property that shall be first connected to the sewer system during any monthly period may pay a pro-rated user charge, determined by the Township, for service for the balance of the monthly period, plus any applicable surcharges.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 569]
Payment of user charges and any applicable surcharges shall be due and payable upon the applicable billing date, at the office of the Treasurer or other designated representative of the Township, in the appropriate amount, computed in accordance with this Part, which shall constitute the net bill. If any user charge or any applicable surcharge is not paid within 30 calendar days after the applicable billing date, an additional sum of 10% shall be added to such net bill, which net bill, plus such additional sum, shall constitute the gross bill. Payment made or mailed and postmarked on or before the last day of such thirty-calendar day period shall constitute payment within such period. If the end of such thirty-calendar day period shall fall on a legal holiday or on a Sunday, then payment made on or mailed and postmarked on the next succeeding business day which is not a legal holiday shall constitute payment within such period. Interest shall accrue on any delinquent account at the maximum rate permitted by law. Any and all payments received on account of delinquent accounts shall be applied first to interest accrued on such account, then to the oldest outstanding gross bill, including any accumulated late fee, and each remaining gross bill thereafter in chronological order.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 570]
It shall be the responsibility of each owner of an improved property to provide the Township with, and thereafter keep the Township continuously advised of, the correct mailing address of such owner. Failure of any owner to receive a bill for charges due and payable shall not be considered an excuse for nonpayment, nor shall such failure result in an extension of the period of time during which any bill shall be payable.
[Ord. 1-1997, 1/15/1997, § 571]
No officer or employee of the Township is authorized to reduce, vary or exempt charges imposed herein or other provisions of this Subpart G without official action by the Board of Supervisors of the Township. Every owner of an improved property shall remain liable for the payment of user charges and surcharges until the later of the receipt by the Township of written notice by such owner that the property has been sold, containing the correct name and mailing address of the new owner, or the date on which title to the improved property is transferred to a new owner. Failure to provide notice renders an owner continuously liable for any charges that may accrue until such time as the Township has been properly notified of any change in ownership as described above.