[Amended 6-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
Parking of vehicles shall not be permitted on any Borough street when snow and/or sleet is falling, or has fallen, and the accumulation of said snow and/or sleet is such that it covers streets and requires plowing and/or salting.
The above parking prohibition shall remain in effect until after the snow and/or sleet has ceased, the streets have been plowed and/or salted sufficiently and to the extend that parking will not interfere with plowing and/or salting the streets and/or the normal flow of traffic on the streets.
Whenever snow has fallen and the amount of plowed snow on the sides of streets, or parts thereof, as described in Schedule XX (§ 513-62), is of such significant accumulation that it causes said streets to be narrowed to a width so as to prevent, hinder, or make dangerous the safe and free flow of traffic, then parking shall be prohibited on either side or both sides of said streets as described in Schedule XX (§ 513-62). Said parking prohibition shall remain in effect until the snow accumulation has abated to the extent that parking does not interfere with the safe and free flow of traffic. No-parking signs stating "No Parking When Road is Snow Covered" shall be posted on said streets, or parts thereof, in order for this provision to be effective.
The Chief of Police, or designee, is authorized to prohibit parking on specific streets and/or parking lots, or parts thereof, in order to establish a temporary no-parking zone for specific locations, dates and times when necessary to accommodate construction operations, delivery activities or public celebrations so as to avoid hazards and dangerous conditions, provide for the safe and free flow of traffic and/or otherwise ensure the safety of the public.
When a temporary no-parking zone has been scheduled, the Chief of Police, or designee, shall cause to be posted no-parking signs on the streets and/or parking lots, or parts thereof, where the temporary no-parking zone is to be established. Said signs shall clearly state "No Parking" and the date and time when parking will be prohibited and shall be posted not less than 12 hours prior to the temporary no-parking zone's effective date and time.
When and where practical and feasible after a temporary no-parking zone has been scheduled, notice of the temporary no-parking zone's location, date and time shall also be disseminated via additional forms of public notification, such as door-to-door distribution, posting on the municipal website, or transmission via the municipal phone/email/text alert system. Such alternative notification methods shall not be a substitute for the posting of signs.
The Chief of Police, or designee or, in his or her absence the ranking police officer on duty, is authorized to declare an emergency and prohibit parking on specific streets and/or parking lots, or parts thereof, in order to establish an emergency no-parking zone where and when accidents, fires, floods, weather events, road conditions, fallen trees, utility failures, and/or other emergent matter presents a dangerous or hazardous condition, could interfere with the safe and free flow of traffic and/or otherwise endanger the safety of the public and the presence of parked vehicles in the declared zone would exacerbate the emergent matter or hinder its abatement.
When an emergency has been declared and an emergency no-parking zone has been established, the official declaring said emergency shall cause to be posted no-parking signs on the streets and/or parking lots, or parts thereof, where the emergency no-parking zone is to be established. Additionally, no-parking notices shall be posted on the windshield of any unoccupied vehicles parked or standing in the emergency no-parking zone at the time of the emergency declaration. Said signs and notices shall clearly state "Emergency No Parking" and the date and time when parking will be prohibited and shall be posted as soon as possible after the emergency has been declared and the emergency no-parking zone has been established.
When and where practical and feasible after an emergency has been declared and an emergency no-parking zone has been established, notice of the emergency no-parking zone's location, date and time shall also be disseminated via additional forms of public notification, such as door-to-door distribution, posting on the municipal website, or transmission via the municipal phone/email/text alert system. Such alternative notification methods shall not be a substitute for the posting of signs and/or notices.
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this article shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic, and any police officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle, provided that all the provisions regarding the posting of no-parking signs and/or notices contained in this article have been followed. The owner shall pay the costs of the removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.