The Board of Commissioners, by motion, resolution, or ordinance, may regulate the number and classes of offices and positions of employment in the various departments, offices, and agencies of the city government, and may determine or regulate the compensation to be paid to officers and employees.
[Ord. No. 2005-09, Ord. No. 2009-03; Ord. No. 2013-05 adopted 11-27-2013; amended 2-28-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01; 8-29-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-07; 5-31-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03; 6-30-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
The City Commission shall, adopt by ordinance, and amend from time to time the personnel practices in the "Weatherford Employee Handbook" including rules and regulations required to comply with applicable Federal and State employment related law. The personnel practices adopted pursuant to said ordinance shall be included in the "Weatherford Employee Handbook" and applicable to all employees of the city.
The Mayor shall be responsible to implement and enforce the personnel policies and procedures adopted by this ordinance and pursuant to this section. If there is a conflict between said personnel practices and any duly adopted and lawful collective bargaining agreement, personnel services contract, or Federal or State law, the terms and conditions of that agreement, contract or law shall prevail. In all other cases, the practices adopted pursuant to this ordinance shall prevail.
The City of "Weatherford Employee Handbook" adopted by Ordinance 2009-03, on February 27, 2009 is hereby repealed.
The City of "Weatherford Employee Handbook" referenced by this Ordinance No. 2013-05 is hereby adopted.