In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1984 Code have been included in the 2022 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Replaced with Model Code provisions.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Repealed effective with adoption of 2022 Code; obsolete or not desired by Governing Body.
Chapter/Title From 1984 Code
Location in 2022 Code
Ch. 10, Adoption Provisions
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Ch. 11, General Provisions
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. II
Ch. 12, Penalties
MC; see Ch. 100, Art. III
Ch. 13, Administration
Art. I, Generally
NCM and MC; see Ch. 115, Art. I
Art. II, Board of Aldermen
MC; see Ch. 110
Art. III, City Officers - Generally
MC; see Ch. 115, except:
§ 13.580, City Collector Duties Generally
Ch. 115, Art. IV
A. Aldermen
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
B. Mayor
MC; see Ch. 110, Art. I
Ch. 14, Personnel
See Ch. 135
Ch. 15, Elections
MC; see Ch. 105
Ch. 16, Fiscal Matters and Taxation
Art. I, Fiscal Matters in General
MC; see Ch. 130
Art. II, Taxation
MC; see Ch. 130
Ch. 17, Civil Defense and other Emergencies
Art. I, Civil Emergencies Generally
MC; see Ch. 225
Art. II, Civil Defense and Disasters of Nature
MC; see Ch. 225
Ch. 20, Municipal Court
MC; see Ch. 125
Ch. 21, Police Department
Art. I, In General
MC; see Ch. 200
Art. II, The Marshal
MC; see Ch. 200
Ch. 22, Subdivision Regulations
Ch. 405
Ch. 23, Fire Protection
Art. I, In General — §§ 23.010 through 23.100
Ch. 210, Art. XV
§ 23.110
Ch. 210, Art. XIV
Art. II, Fire Prevention
Div. 1, Generally
Ch. 507, Art. I
Div. 2, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishments
Div. 3, Explosives
Div. 3, Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Div. 5, Garages
Ch. 507, Art. II
Div. 6, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Div. 7, Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film
Art. III, Fire Department
Ch. 25, Plumbing
Ch. 26, Electricity
Ch. 27, Building Permits
Ch. 502
Ch. 28, Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, In General
MC; see Ch. 600
Art. II, Licenses
MC; see Ch. 600
Ch. 29, Cigarettes
Ch. 615
Except §§ 29.050, 29.080, 29.120, 29.130, and 29.190
Ch. 30, License and Occupation Taxes
Art. I, In General
MC; see Ch. 605
Art. II, Telephone Service
Ch. 620, Art. I
Art. III, Electrical Service
Ch. 620, Art. II
Ch. 31, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Art. I, In General
§§ 31.010 and 31.020
Ch. 510, Art. I
§§ 31.030 and 31.040
Art. II, Excavations, §§ 31.050 through 31.100
Ch. 510, Art. II
Art. III, Sidewalks Construction, §§ 31.110 through 31.170
Ch. 510, Art. III
Ch. 32, Junk Yards and Junk Autos
A. Junk Yards
§§ 32.010 and 32.020
Ch. 625
§§ 32.030 through 32.100
B. Junk Autos
Superseded by Ord. No. 02
Ch. 33, Peddlers and Solicitors
MC; see Ch. 610
Ch. 34, Litter
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. IV
Ch. 35, Fireworks
Ch. 210, Art. XIV
Ch. 36, Garbage, Refuse and Vegetation
Art. I, In General
MC; see Chs. 215 and 230
Art. II, Maintenance of Premises
MC; see Chs. 215 and 230
Art. III, City Dump
MC; see Chs. 215 and 230
Ch. 37, Nuisances
Art. I, In General
MC; see Ch. 215
Art. II, Abatement Procedure
MC; see Ch. 215
Ch. 38, Animals and Fowl
Art. I, In General, §§ 38.010 through 38.140
Ch. 205, Art. I
§§ 38.150 and 38.160
MC; see Ch. 205, Art. I
Art. II, Dogs and Cats Generally,  §§ 38.200 through 38.250
Ch. 205, Art. II
Art. III, Rabies Control, §§ 38.300 through 38.410
Ch. 205, Art. III
Except § 38.370
MC; see Ch. 205, Art. III
Except §§ 38.400 and 38.410
Ch. 39, Offenses - Miscellaneous
MC; see Ch. 210
Ch. 40, Drugs and Alcohol Related Offenses
Art. I, Drug-Related Offenses
MC; see Ch. 210, Art. XI
Art. II, Alcohol-Related Offenses
MC; see Ch. 342
Ch. 41, Water
Art. I, In General, §§ 41.010 through 41.080
Ch. 700, Art. I
Art. II, Water Service Outside City, §§ 41.150 through 41.170
Ch. 700, Art. II
Art. III, Requirements for Cross Connections and Backflow Prevention, §§ 41.200 through 41.290
Ch. 700, Art. III
Ch. 42, Traffic and Motor Vehicles
MC; see Chs. 300 through 385, except:
§ 42.590
Ch. 340
§ 42.680
Sch. I
§ 42.1170
§§ 42.1650 through 42.1660
Ch. 365
§ 42.2200 through 42.2210
Ch. 375
§ 42.2510
Ch. 355
Ch. 44, Cable Television