[Ord. #324; Ord. #493; Ord. #98-780]
An ordinance abolishing the planning board and zoning board of adjustment as presently constituted pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq.; and providing for the establishment of a nine member planning board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25c(1) to exercise, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions, all of the powers of the planning board and zoning board of adjustment.
The purposes of this chapter are to establish a pattern for the regulation of the uses of land and of buildings and structures, thereon, based on the land use element of the master plan, as adopted and as may be amended from time to time; to prohibit incompatible uses; and to achieve the following:
Guide the appropriate use or development of all lands within the Borough of Union Beach in a manner which will promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare;
Secure safety from fire, flood, panic and other natural and man-made disasters;
Provide adequate light, air and open space;
Ensure that the development of Union Beach does not conflict with the development and general welfare of neighboring municipalities, the County of Monmouth and the State of New Jersey as a whole;
Promote the establishment of appropriate population densities and concentrations that will contribute to the well-being of persons, neighborhoods, communities and regions and preservation of the environment;
Encourage the appropriate and efficient expenditures of public funds by the coordination of public development with land use policies;
Provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for a variety of residential, recreational, commercial and industrial uses and open space, both public and private, according to their respective environmental requirements in order to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens.
Encourage the location and design of transportation routes which will promote the free flow of traffic while discouraging location of such facilities and routes which result in congestion or blight;
Promote a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good civic design and arrangements.
Promote the conservation of open space and valuable natural resources and to prevent urban sprawl and degradation of the environment through improper use of land;
Encourage planned unit developments which incorporate the best features of design and relate the type, design and layout of residential, commercial, and recreational development to the particular site;
Encourage senior citizen community housing construction;
Encourage coordination of the various public and private procedures and activities shaping land development with a view of lessening the cost of such development and to the more efficient use of land;
Promote the conservation of energy through the use of planning practices designed to reduce energy consumption and to provide for maximum utilization of renewable energy sources.
[Amended by Ord. #324, S2.1-2, 3; Ord. #357, S1; Ord. #493; Ord. #2001-831; Ord. #2002-3; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. #2006-81; Ord. #2008-115; Ord. #2009-150, S1; Ord. #2010-162, S1; Ord. #2014-200, S1. Additional amendments noted where applicable.]
Wherever a term which is defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D and/or the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code is used in this section, such term is intended to include and have the meaning set forth in the definition of such term found in said statute in addition to the definition for such term which may be included in this section, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted or defined as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural, the singular; the word "lot" includes the word "plot;" the word "building" includes the word "structure;" the word "zone" includes the word "district;" the word "occupied" includes the word "designed" and the phrase "intended to be occupied;" the word "use" includes the words "arranged," "designed," and the phrase "intended to be used;" and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory; and the word "abut" shall include the words "directly across from," "adjacent" and "next to." The term "such as," where used herein, shall be considered as introducing typical or illustrative, rather than an entirely exclusive or inclusive designation of, permitted or prohibited uses, activities, establishments or structures.
[Ord. No. 2016-234 § 1; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 17]
As used in this chapter:
ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING - Shall mean a subordinate use or building, the purpose of which is incidental to that of a main use or building on the same lot, except that any structure with a floor area in excess of 700 square feet or a building containing living space shall never be considered an accessory building (see subsection 13-5.8).
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - Shall mean the borough clerk for all matters before the borough council, the planning board secretary for all matters involving the planning board, the secretary of the board of adjustment for all matters involving the board of adjustment and the zoning officer for matters pertaining to issuance of permits or enforcement of this chapter. In the event that any matter subject to this chapter is not before the borough council, planning board or board of adjustment or zoning officer, the administrative officer shall be the borough clerk.
ALTERATIONS - Shall mean as applied to a building or structure, a change or rearrangement in the structural supports; or a change in the exterior appearance; or a change in height, width or depth; or moving a building or structure from one location or position to another; or changing, adding to or removing from or otherwise affecting the exterior appearance of a building or structure.
APARTMENT - Shall mean the same as "Dwelling Unit."
APPLICANT - Shall mean a developer submitting an application for development.
APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT - Shall mean the application form and all accompanying documents required by ordinance for approval of a subdivision plat, site plan, planned development, conditional use, zoning variance or direction of the issuance of a permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40: 55D-34 or 40: 55D-36.
APPROVING AUTHORITY - Shall mean the planning board unless a different agency is designated in this chapter when acting pursuant to the authority of N.J.S.A. 40: 55D-1 et seq.
APPLIED LETTERS - Shall mean a type of wall sign utilizing letters or a logo individually mounted on the facade of the structure to form the sign message.
AREA IDENTIFICATION SIGN - Shall mean a sign to identify a common area containing a group of structures, or a single structure, such as a residential subdivision, apartment complex, industrial park, or shopping center, located at the entrance or entrances of the area. Such signs may or may not consist of a fence or wall or archway with letters or symbols affixed thereto.
AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION - Shall mean the same as "Motor Vehicle Service Station."
AWNINGS AND CANOPIES - Shall mean roof-like coverings extending over a walkway, sidewalk or exterior place, supported by a frame attached to the building and/or ground with a surface made of fabric or a more rigid material, such as plastic or metal, and either retractable against the building or fixed in place.
BANNER - Shall mean any sign printed or displayed upon cloth or other flexible material, with or without frames. National flags, state or municipal flags or the official flag or any not-for-profit institution shall not be considered banners for the purposes of this chapter.
BASEMENT - Shall mean a story partly underground and having more than one-half of its height above the average level of the finished grade at the front of the building.
BILLBOARD OR OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGN - Shall mean a sign, which directs attention to a business, industry, profession, commodity, service or entertainment not necessarily, sold or offered upon the premises where the sign is located.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Shall mean the board established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40: 55D-69. The term "board of adjustment" as used in this chapter also means the planning board when it is acting pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ENGINEER - Shall mean the licensed New Jersey Professional Engineer specifically retained by the board of adjustment (or assigned by the borough engineer with the consent of the board) to render engineering services and advice to the board. In the absence of the specific appointment of a board of adjustment engineer, the borough engineer may assume the duties of the office.
BUILDING - Shall mean a combination of materials to form a construction adapted to permanent, temporary, or continuous occupancy and having a roof.
BUILDABLE AREA - Shall mean that central portion of any lot between required yards and/or setback lines.
BUILDING AREA - Shall mean the total of areas of outside dimensions on a horizontal plane at ground level of the principal building and all accessory building, exclusive of unroofed porches, terraces or steps having vertical faces, which at all points are less than three feet above the level of the ground.
BUILDING HEIGHT - Shall mean the vertical distance measured to the collar tie of a building or to the bottom of the rafters for a flat roof (subject to the exceptions listed in subsection 13-5.12) from the average elevation of the original lot grade or any revised lot grade shown on a site plan, subdivision plan, or plot plan approved by the borough engineer. Such revised lot grade shall not include mounding, terracing, or other devices designed to allow increased building height. Building height for all structures located in the area of special flood hazard as set forth on the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and/ or Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (PFIRM) shall be measured from the base flood elevation, the advisory base flood elevations or the preliminary base flood elevation, whichever is greater. The height of accessory structures shall be measured to the peak of the structure.
BUILDING LINE (SETBACK LINE) - Shall mean the line beyond which a building shall not extend unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
BUILDING PERMIT - Shall mean a permit issued for the alteration or erection of a building or structure in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL - Shall mean a structure in which is conducted the principal use of the site on which it is situated. In any district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be a principal building on the lot on which it is located.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - Shall mean a governmental acquisition of real property or major construction project.
CAMPER - Shall mean any self-propelled vehicle with an on board engine, also called a recreational vehicle or RV, whether used for living, recreational or business purposes.
CARPORT - Shall mean an attached or detached accessory building designed for the storage of motor vehicles and constructed primarily as an open building with only a roof and the necessary supporting columns and of an area between the columns not to exceed 200 square feet.
CELLAR - Shall mean a story wholly or partly underground and having more than one-half of its clear height below the average level of the adjoining ground.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETENESS - Shall mean a certificate issued by the administrative officer after all required submissions have been made in proper form, certifying that an application for development is complete.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY shall mean a certificate issued upon completion of construction and/or alteration of any building, or change in occupancy of a commercial or industrial building. Said certificate shall acknowledge compliance with all requirements of this chapter, such adjustments granted by the board of adjustment or planning board and/or all other applicable requirements.
CHURCH - Shall mean a building or group of buildings, including customary accessory buildings designed or intended for public worship. For the purpose of this chapter, the word "Church" shall include chapels, congregations, cathedrals, temples, and other similar designations, as well as parish houses, convents and such accessory uses.
CIRCULATION - Shall mean systems, structures and physical improvements for the movement of people, goods, water, air, sewage or power by such means as streets, highways, railways, waterways, towers, airways, pipes and conduits and the handling of people and goods by such means as terminals, stations, warehouses, and other storage buildings or transshipment points.
CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/PUBLIC OFFICER - Shall mean the person appointed by the mayor and council and empowered to enforce all codes and ordinances of the borough of Union Beach, unless said power is specifically reserved for another designated officer of the borough, by provisions of the law. He shall also serve as "public officer" as defined by Section 10-2[1], and all the supplements and amendments thereto.
(Originally Ordinance No. 170, entitled, "An Ordinance Relating to the Repair, Closing and Demolition of Buildings Unfit For Human Habitation or Occupancy or Use, Establishing Minimum Standards Essential to Making Buildings Fit for Human Habitation or Occupancy or Use, and Providing for the Remedies and Procedure in Connection with Action Thereunder, in the Borough of Union Beach, Monmouth County, New Jersey")
COLLAR TIE - Shall mean the board connecting or bracing together pairs of rafters above the plate line.
COMMON OPEN SPACE - Shall mean an open space area within or related to a site designated as a development, and designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development. Common open space may contain such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development.
COMMUNITY RESIDENCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED - Shall mean any community residential facility licensed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30: 11B-1 et seq. providing food, shelter and personal guidance under such supervision as required, to not more than 15 developmentally disabled or mentally ill persons, who require assistance, temporarily or permanently, in order to live in the community, and shall include but not be limited to: group houses, halfway houses, intermediate care facilities, supervised apartment living arrangements and hostels. Such a residence shall not be considered a health care facility within the meaning of the "Health Care Facilities Planning Law," N.J.S.A. 26: 2H-1 et seq. In the case of such a community residence housing mentally ill persons, such residence shall have been approved for a purchase of service contract or an affiliation agreement pursuant to such procedures as shall be established by regulation of the division of mental health and hospitals of the department of human services.
COMMUNITY SHELTER FOR VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Shall mean any shelter approved for a purchase of service contract and certified pursuant to standards and procedures established by regulation of the New Jersey Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:40-1-14 providing food, shelter, medical care, legal assistance, personal guidance, and other services to not more than 15 persons who have been victims of domestic violence, including any children of such victims, who temporarily require shelter and assistance in order to protect their physical or psychological welfare.
COMPLETE APPLICATION - Shall mean an application for development which complies in all respects to the appropriate submission requirements set forth in this chapter.
CONDITIONAL USE - Shall mean a use permitted in a particular zoning district only upon a showing that such use in a specified location will comply with the conditions and standards for the location or operation of such use as contained in this chapter, and upon the issuance of an authorization by the planning board.
CONSTRUCTION OFFICIAL/BUILDING INSPECTOR - Shall mean the person defined in the Uniform Construction Code who is appointed by the mayor and council to enforce the provisions of the code, and all other applicable laws related thereto.
CORNER LOT - Shall mean a lot on the junction of and abutting two or more intersecting streets where the interior angle of intersection does not exceed 135°. The minimum lot width and the minimum lot depth shall be met at each abutting street.
COUNTY MASTER PLAN - Shall mean a composite of the master plan for the physical development of Monmouth County with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive and explanatory matter adopted by the county planning board pursuant to R.S. 40: 27-2 and R.S. 40: 27-4.
COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - Shall mean the planning board of the County of Monmouth.
COVERAGE - Shall mean the same as "Lot Coverage."
CURB LEVEL - Shall mean the officially established grade of the curb in front of the midpoint of the front lot line.
DAYS - Shall mean calendar days.
DENSITY - Shall mean the permitted number of dwelling units per gross area of land to be developed (see "Residential Density-Gross").
DEVELOPER - Shall mean the legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land proposed to be included in a proposed development including the holder of an option of contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.
DEVELOPMENT - Shall mean the division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any building or other structure, or of any mining, excavation or landfill, and any use or change in the use of any building or other structure, or land or extension of use of land, for which permission may be required pursuant to this chapter.
DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED PERSON - Shall mean a person who is developmentally disabled as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:11B-2, and "mentally ill person" means a person who is afflicted with mental illness as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:4-23, but shall not include a person who has been committed after having been found not guilty of a criminal offense by reason of insanity or having been found unfit to be tried on a criminal charge.
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - Shall mean a document signed by the administrative officer (1) which is required by ordinance as a condition precedent to the commencement of a use or the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion or installation of a structure or building, and (2) which acknowledges that such use, structure or building complies with the provisions of this chapter or variance duly authorized by a municipal agency.
DEVELOPMENT REGULATION - Shall mean this chapter, official map ordinance or other municipal regulation of the use and development of land, or amendment thereto adopted and filed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
DISTRICT - Shall mean any part of the territory of the borough, which is designated on the accompanying zoning map and to which certain uniform regulations and requirements of this chapter apply.
DIVISION - Shall mean the Division of State and Regional Planning in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
DRAINAGE - Shall mean the removal of surface water or groundwater from land by drains, grading or other means and includes control of runoff during and after construction or development to minimize erosion and sedimentation, to assure the adequacy of existing and proposed culverts and bridges, to induce water recharge into the ground where practical to lessen nonpoint pollution, to maintain the integrity of stream channels for their biological functions as well as for drainage, and the means necessary for water supply preservation or prevention or alleviation of flooding.
DRAINAGE RIGHT-OF-WAY - Shall mean the lands required for the installation of storm water sewers or drainage ditches, or required along a natural stream or watercourse for preserving the channel and providing for the flow of water therein to safeguard the public against flood damage.
DWELLING - Shall mean any building or portion designed or used exclusively for one or more dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT - Shall mean a building or part having cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities designed for, occupied by one family and which is entirely separated from any other dwelling unit in the building by vertical walls, or horizontal floors, unpierced, except for access to the outside or a common cellar.
DWELLING, SINGLE FAMILY - Shall mean a building designed for or containing one dwelling unit.
DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY - Shall mean a building designed for, or containing three or more dwelling units, which are entirely separated from each other by vertical walls or horizontal floors, unpierced, except for access to the outside or a common cellar.
DWELLING, TOWNHOUSE - Shall mean a building designed for, or containing three or more dwelling units, which are entirely separated from each other by vertical walls, unpierced, except for access to the outside.
EASEMENT - Shall mean the right of the borough, county, state, sewerage authority or other public or quasipublic agency, their agents, servants and employees to use the land subject to the easement for the purposes specified on the plat or in the document granting the easement.
EROSION - Shall mean the detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice and gravity.
ESSENTIAL SERVICES - Shall mean underground gas, electrical, telephone, telegraph, steam or water transmission or distribution systems, including mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables; and including normal above ground appurtenances such as fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, light standards, poles, traffic signals, hydrants, and other similar equipment and accessories in connection therewith, reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies or for the public health or safety or general welfare.
EXEMPT DEVELOPMENT - Shall mean that site plan and/or subdivision approval shall not be required for the following:
Construction, additions or alterations related to single family detached dwellings on individual lots.
Interior alterations which do not increase the required number of off-street parking spaces.
Any change of use of land or structure to a use for which the standards of this chapter are the same or less restrictive or stringent.
Any increase in the total number of employees, number of employees in any shift, or the number of vehicles to be stored or parked on the site not exceeding 25% of the amount existing at the time of passage of this chapter or as set forth at the time of a previous site plan approval.
Construction or installation of underground facilities which do not alter the general use, appearance or grade of the site.
The construction, alteration of, or addition to any off-street parking area which provides an increase of five or less vehicle parking spaces.
Divisions of property, and conveyances so as to combine existing lots, which are not considered to be subdivisions in accordance with the definition of "Subdivision" contained within this section.
Home professional offices of less than 500 square feet within existing buildings located in districts where such home professional offices are permitted accessory uses or conditional uses, provided that such office does not require more than five off-street parking spaces pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
FAMILY - Shall mean one or more persons living together as a single entity or nonprofit housekeeping unit, as distinguished from individuals or groups occupying a hotel, club, fraternity or sorority house. The family shall be deemed to include necessary servants when servants share the common housekeeping facilities and services.
FENCE- Shall mean an artificially constructed barrier of wood, masonry, stone, wire, metal or any other manufactured material or combination of materials.
FENCE, OPEN - Shall mean a fence in which one-half of the area, between grade level and the top cross member (wire, wood or other material), is open.
FINAL APPROVAL - Shall mean the official action of the planning board taken on a preliminary approved major subdivision or site plan after all conditions, engineering plans and other requirements have been completed or fulfilled and the required improvements have been installed or guarantees properly posted for their completion, or approval conditioned upon the posting of such guarantees.
FINAL PLAT - Shall mean the final map of all or a portion of the site plan or subdivision which is presented to the planning board for final approval in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
FLOOR AREA - Shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the floor or several floors of a building measured between the inside faces of exterior walls, or from the centerline of walls common to two dwelling units or uses. For nonresidential uses, floor areas shall include basements, cellars and storage areas.
FLOOR AREA RATIO - Shall mean the sum of the area of all floors of buildings or structures compared to the total area of the site.
FOOD SERVICE - Shall mean establishments that provide food services at institutional, governmental, commercial, or industrial locations of others based on contractual arrangements with these type of organizations for a specified period of time. The establishments of this industry provide food services for the convenience of the contracting organization or the contracting organization's customers. The contractual arrangement of these establishments with contracting organizations may vary from type of facility operated (e.g., cafeteria, restaurant, fast-food eating place), revenue sharing, cost structure, to providing personnel.
FREESTANDING OR GROUND SIGN - Shall mean any sign supported by permanent structures or supports that are placed on or anchored in the ground and that are independent from any building or other structure.
FRONT BUILDING FACE/FACADE - Shall mean the total wall surface, including door and window area, of a building's principal face. A mansard roof shall be considered as part of the facade.
GARAGE - Shall mean a detached accessory building or portion of a main building for the parking or temporary storage of automobiles of the occupants of the main building to which the garage is accessory.
GAS STATION - Shall mean the same as "Motor Vehicle Service Station."
GRADE, FINISHED - Shall mean the completed surface of lawns, walks and roads brought to grade as shown on official plans or designs relating thereto or as existing if no plans or designs have been approved.
GROSS FLOOR AREA - Shall mean the same as "floor area."
GROSS HABITABLE FLOOR AREA - Shall mean the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the floor or several floors of a dwelling measured between the inside face of exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two dwelling units, having a clear height from finished floor to finished ceiling of not less than 7 1/2 feet, except that in attics and top half stories the height shall be not less than 7 1/3 feet over not less than one-third the area of the floor when used for sleeping, study or similar activity, but not including any unfinished cellar or basement, or any garage space, breezeway, interior patios, enclosed porches or accessory building space.
HISTORIC SITE - Shall mean any building, structure, area or property that is significant in the history, architecture, archeology or culture of the Borough of Union Beach, of Monmouth County, the State of New Jersey or the Nation and has been so designated pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
HOME OCCUPATION - Shall mean any gainful employment, or occupation, of one or more members of the resident family, which shall constitute, either entirely or partly, the means of livelihood of such member or members, and which shall be conducted in clearly secondary or accessory use to the primary residential use of the principal structure. Such occupation may be pursued in the principal dwelling structure, or in a secondary building, which is accessory to such principal structure. Home occupations may include, but are not limited to, such activities as dressmaking, millinery, watchmaking, electrical, radio repair and carpentry. The retail sale of goods or services in structures designed or altered to make such activities the primary use of the site shall not be construed to be a home occupation.
HOME PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - Shall mean any professional use conducted entirely within the dwelling or accessory building to the dwelling which is the bonafide residence of the practitioner. The restrictions as outlined under home occupations shall apply.
HOTEL - Shall mean a building designed for occupancy as the temporary residence for individuals who are lodged, with or without meals, and in which no provision shall be made for cooking in any individual room or suite.
IMPROVED STREET - Shall mean a street curbed and paved in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter for new streets or, alternately, a street which has been accepted and maintained by the borough.
INTERESTED PARTY - Shall mean in a criminal or quasi-criminal proceeding, any citizen of the State of New Jersey; and in the case of a civil proceeding in any court or in an administrative proceeding before a municipal agency, any person, whether residing within or without the municipality, whose right to use, acquire, or enjoy property is or may be affected by any action taken under this chapter and/or pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. or whose rights to use, acquire, or enjoy property under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., or under any other law of this state or of the United States have been denied, violated or infringed by an action or a failure to act under this chapter.
INTERIOR OR INSIDE LOT - Shall mean a lot bounded by a street on one side only.
INTERIOR STREET OR ROAD - Shall mean a street or road that is developed wholly within a parcel under one ownership and meeting all borough standards.
LAND - Shall mean and include improvements and fixtures on, above or below the surface.
LIGHT MANUFACTURING - Shall mean the fabrication, assembly or processing of goods or materials, or the storage of bulk goods and materials where such activities or materials create no hazard from fire or explosion, or produce no toxic or corrosive fumes, gas, smoke, obnoxious dust or vapor, offensive noise or vibration, glare, flashes or objectionable effluent.
LOADING SPACE - Shall mean an off-street space for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading. Such space must have clear means of ingress and egress to a public street at all times.
LOT - Shall mean a designated parcel, tract or area of land established by a plat or otherwise as permitted by law and to be used, developed or built upon as a unit.
LOT AREA - Shall mean the acreage and/or square footage of a lot contained within the lot lines of the property. Any portion of a lot included in a street right-of-way shall not be included in calculating lot area. Portions of lots encumbered by easements shall be included in calculating lot area.
LOT COVERAGE - Shall mean the area of a lot covered by buildings and structures and expressed as a percentage of the total lot area.
LOT DEPTH - Shall mean the mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line as measured from the midpoint of the front and rear lot lines.
LOT FRONTAGE - Shall mean the horizontal distance of lot lines or portions thereof which are coextensive or closely parallel with a street line of an improved paved street. In the case of a street of undefined width, said lot lines shall be assumed to parallel the centerline of the street at a distance of 50% of the statutory street right-of-way width.
LOT LINE - Shall mean any line designating the extent or boundary of a lot which shall further be defined as follows:
Front lot line: A lot line or portion which is coexistent with a street line and along which the lot frontage is calculated.
Rear lot line: The lot line most distant and generally opposite and parallel to the front lot line. (See subsection 13-5.6,c,d and e.)
Site lot line: Any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. (See subsection 13-5.6,c,d, and e.)
LOT WIDTH - Shall mean the mean horizontal distance between side lot lines, but in no case shall the front line be less than 50 feet.
MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE - Shall mean any security other than cash which may be accepted by the borough for the maintenance of any improvements required by the development regulations.
MAJOR SUBDIVISION - Shall mean any subdivision not classified as a minor subdivision.
MANUFACTURING - Shall mean the treatment or processing of raw products, and the production of articles or finished products from raw or prepared materials by giving them new forms or qualities.
MARINA - Shall mean any waterfront facility wherein berthing spaces for any and all watercraft or boats are provided. A marina shall be deemed to include, in addition, automobile parking facilities; sanitary facilities; motor fuel sales; boat sales, repairs, maintenance and service, excluding, however, facilities for the construction of new boats.
MARQUEE SIGN - Shall mean a permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending along and projecting beyond the wall of the building and supported in part from the ground, generally designed and constructed to provide protection to the weather.
MASTER PLAN - Shall mean a composite of one or more written or graphic proposals for the development of the borough as set forth in and adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28.
MINOR SUBDIVISION - Shall mean any subdivision of land that does not involve the creation of more than three lots fronting on an existing improved street and does not involve a planned development, any new street or road provided that the planning board unanimously finds that the following conditions have been met:
That curbs and sidewalks have been installed or that the developer agrees to install and post performance guarantees for curbs and sidewalks, or that curbs and sidewalks are not required due to specific conditions in the area and are waived as a requirement by the board.
That the subdivision does not require the extension of municipal facilities at the expense of the municipality.
That the subdivision and construction resulting therefrom will not adversely affect drainage patterns of the basin in which the lots are situated.
That the subdivision will not adversely affect the development of the remainder of the parcel or the adjoining property.
That the subdivision is not in conflict with any provision or portion of the master plan, official map or this chapter including zoning regulations or amendments thereto.
That in the event a drainage fund has been established by the borough or Monmouth County an assessment has been charged to the lots and has been paid.
That no portion of the lands involved have constituted a part of a minor subdivision within two years preceding the application.
The planning board may also classify consolidations of lots and resubdivisions to readjust lot lines as "minor subdivisions" regardless of the number of lots involved.
MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICE STATION - Shall mean any area of land, including structures thereon, which is used for the retail sale of gasoline or any other motor vehicle fuel and oil and other lubricating substances, including any sale of motor vehicle accessories and which may include facilities for lubricating, or servicing of motor vehicles, except that auto body work of any nature and retail sales unrelated to motor vehicle uses shall be prohibited.
MUNICIPAL AGENCY - Shall mean the planning board or board of adjustment or governing body of the borough when acting pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. and this chapter.
NONCONFORMING LOT - Shall mean a lot the area, dimension or location of which was lawful prior to adoption, revision or amendment to this chapter, but fails to conform to the requirements of the zone district in which it is located by reasons of such adoption, revision or amendment.
NONCONFORMING SIGN - Shall mean any sign that does not conform to the requirements of this chapter.
NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE - Shall mean a structure the size, dimension or location of which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of this chapter, but which fails to conform to the requirements of the zone district in which it is located by reasons of such adoption, revision or amendment.
NONCONFORMING USE - Shall mean a use or activity which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of this chapter, but which fails to conform to the requirements of the zone district in which it is located by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment.
NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION - Shall mean pollution from any source other than from any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, and shall include but not be limited to, pollutants from agricultural, silvacultural, mining, construction, subsurface disposal and urban runoff sources.
OCCUPANCY - Shall mean the specific purpose for which land or a building is used, designed or maintained.
OCCUPANCY PERMIT - Shall mean the same as "certificate of occupancy."
OFFICIAL COUNTY MAP - Shall mean the map, with changes and additions thereto, adopted and established, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Monmouth County pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40: 27-5.
OFFICIAL MAP - Shall mean a map adopted by ordinance by the borough council pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-32 et seq.
OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing a range of day-to-day office administrative services, such as financial planning; billing and recordkeeping; personnel; and physical distribution and logistics for others on a contract or fee basis. These establishments do not provide operating staff to carry out the complete operations of a business.
OFF-SITE - Shall mean located outside the lot lines of the lot in question, but within the property (of which the lot is a part) which is the subject of a development application or contiguous portion of a street or right-of-way.
OFF-TRACT - Shall mean not located on the property which is the subject of a development application nor on a contiguous portion of a street or right-of-way.
ON-SITE - Shall mean located on the lot in question.
ON-TRACT - Shall mean located on the property which is the subject of a development application or on a contiguous portion of a street or right-of-way.
OPEN SPACE - Shall mean any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use of enjoyment or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open space; provided that such areas may be improved with only those buildings, structures, streets and off-street parking and other improvements that are designed to be incidental to the natural openness of the land.
OPEN SPACE, UNOCCUPIED - Shall mean an unoccupied, grassed, wooded or landscaped area open to the sky on the same lot with a principal and/or accessory building. Improved sidewalks, paved paths or other pedestrian ways within an unoccupied open space area, which exceed four feet in width, shall be deducted in determining the unoccupied open space area. Parking area or traffic channelization islands which are not landscaped or which have an area less than 350 square feet shall not be considered as unoccupied open space.
PARKING AREA, PRIVATE - Shall mean an open area, other than street, intended for the same use as a garage.
PARKING AREA, PUBLIC - Shall mean a paved open area, other than a street or other public way, used for the parking of automobiles and available to the public, whether for a fee, free or as an accommodation of clients or customers.
PARKING SPACE - Shall mean an off-street space provided for the parking of a motor vehicle with a minimum area of 200 square feet, exclusive of driveways or access drives.
PARTY IMMEDIATELY CONCERNED - Shall mean for purposes of notice any applicant for development, the owners of the subject property and all owners of property and government agencies entitled to notice under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12.
PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE - Shall mean any security, which may be accepted by the borough including cash; providing that the borough shall not require more than 10% of the total performance guarantee in cash.
PLANNING BOARD - Shall mean the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23. The term planning board as used in this chapter also means the board of adjustment when it is acting pursuant to N.J.S.A. 50:55D-76.
PLANNING BOARD ENGINEER - Shall mean the licensed New Jersey Professional Engineer specifically retained by the planning board or assigned by the borough engineer (with the consent of the board) to render engineering services and advice to the board. In the absence of the specific appointment of a planning board engineer, the borough engineer may assume the duties of the office.
PLAT - Shall mean a map or maps of a subdivision or site plan.
PMS COLOR SAMPLES - Shall mean the Pantone Matching System, a set of standard colors with each color designated by a number.
PRELIMINARY APPROVAL - Shall mean the conferral of certain rights pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40: 55-46, 48 and 49 prior to final approval after specific elements of a development plan have been agreed upon by the planning board and the applicant.
PRELIMINARY FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS - Shall mean architectural drawings prepared during early and introductory stages of the design of a project illustrating in a schematic form, its scopes, scale, relationship to its site and immediate environs and exterior colors and finishes.
PREMISES - Shall mean a lot or tract of land or any combination thereof held under a single ownership or control.
PRIMARY OR PRINCIPAL USE - Shall mean the primary or principal purpose for which a building, structure or lot is used.
PRIVATE BEACH CLUB - Shall mean a primarily recreational use such as swimming pools, tennis courts or ocean beach and also occupying a building of at least 3,000 square feet of floor area. Use of the facility shall be on ownership or on an annual membership basis, and no living quarters except for employees shall be provided.
PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SERVICE - Shall mean and include establishments that specialize in performing professional, scientific, and technical activities for others. The establishments in this sector specialize according to expertise and provide the services to clients in a variety of industries and, in some cases, to households. Activities performed include: legal advice and representation; accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services; architectural, engineering, and specialized design services; computer services; consulting services; research services; advertising services; photographic services; translation and interpretation services; veterinary services; and other professional, scientific, and technical services.
PROFESSIONAL USE - Shall mean the offices of a dentist, doctor, attorney, accountant, engineer or architect. Where such offices are part of a structure where there are residences, the restrictions as outlined under "Home occupations" shall apply.
PROHIBITED USE - Shall mean that use which is not specifically allowed or permitted in a particular zone and for which the granting of a variance under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d, would be necessary, in order to provide that use in that particular zone.
PROJECTING SIGN - Shall mean any sign affixed to a building or wall in such a manner that its leading edge extends more than one foot beyond the surface of such building or wall.
PUBLIC AREAS - Shall mean (i) public parks, playgrounds, trails, paths and other recreational areas; (ii) other public open spaces; (iii) scenic and historic sites; and (iv) sites for schools and other public buildings and structures.
PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL - Shall mean a master plan, capital improvement program or other proposal for land development adopted by the appropriate public body, or any amendment thereto.
PUBLIC DRAINAGE WAY - Shall mean the land reserved or dedicated for the installation of storm water sewers or drainage ditches, or required along a natural stream or watercourse for preserving the biological as well as drainage function of the channel and providing for the flow of water to safeguard the public against flood damage, sedimentation and erosion and to assure the adequacy of existing and proposed culverts and bridges, to induce water recharge into the ground where practical, and to lessen nonpoint pollution.
PUBLIC OPEN SPACE - Shall mean an open space area conveyed or otherwise dedicated to the borough or municipal agency, board of education, state or county agency, or other public body for recreational or conservational uses.
PUBLIC SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE - Shall mean sewer service, gas, electricity, water, telephone, cable television, and other public utilities developed linearly, roads and streets and other similar services provided or maintained by any public or private entity.
QUONSET - Shall mean a permanent or temporary building, consisting of any combination of materials which form a rigid construction having a semicircular arching roof or a peaked roof, including a large tent or tent-like structure.
QUORUM - Shall mean the majority of the full authorized membership of a municipal agency.
RESIDENTIAL DENSITY, GROSS - Shall mean the number of dwelling units, which may be or are developed per acre of land, including areas used for public access and/or open space.
RESIDENTIAL DENSITY, NET - Shall mean the number of dwelling units, which may be or are developed per acre of land exclusive of areas used for public access and/or open space.
RESUBDIVISION - Shall mean (1) the further division or relocation of lot lines of any lot or lots within a subdivision previously made and approved or recorded according to law or (2) the alteration of any streets or the establishment of any new streets within any subdivision previously made and approved or recorded according to law, but does not include conveyances so as to combine existing lots by deed or by other instrument.
RETAINING WALL - Shall mean a structure more than 18 inches high erected between lands of different elevation to protect structures and/or to prevent the washing down or erosion of earth from the upper slope level.
SANDWICH SIGN - Shall mean an A-shaped temporary and easily movable ground sign, usually two-sided used for advertising commodities, services or entertainment usually conducted upon the premises where the sign is located.
SCREENING - Shall mean any concentration or grouping of trees or shrubbery as may be required by this chapter.
SEDIMENT - Shall mean solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported or has been moved from its site or origin by air, water, or gravity as a product of erosion.
SEDIMENTATION - Shall mean the transport and depositing of solid material by water.
SEDIMENT BASIN - Shall mean a barrier or dam built at suitable locations to retain rock, sand, gravel, silt or other materials.
SERVICE ACCESS - Shall mean that portion of any required yard area which is set aside for the sole purpose of access from the road adjoining the premises to the loading or unloading area on the premises, to service the building erected or the use conducted thereon.
SECONDARY USE - Shall mean the same as "Accessory Use."
SETBACK - Shall mean the horizontal distance between a building or structure and any front, side or rear lot line, measured perpendicular to such lot lines at the point where the building is closest to such lot lines.
SETBACK LINE (BUILDING LINE) - Shall mean the line beyond which a building or structure shall not extend unless otherwise provided in this chapter, except that a second story or higher story may have an overhang or cantilever which extends for a distance of not more than one foot into the required setback, and the structures described in subsection 13-5.5(c), which may extend for a distance of not more than two feet into the required setback.
SIGN - Shall mean a structure, building wall or other outdoor surface, or any device used for visual communications in order to bring the subject thereof to the attention of the public, and/or to display, identify and/or publicize the name, location and/or products or service of any person.
SIGN AREA - Shall mean the area defined by the outside edge of the frame surrounding the sign or by the edge of the sign if no frame exists. Where no frame or edge exists, the area shall be defined by a projected enclosed four-sided (straight lines) geometric shape which most closely outlines the sign.
SITE PLAN - Shall mean a development plan of one or more lots on which is shown (1) the existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including but not necessarily limited to topography, vegetation, drainage, floodplains, marshes and waterways, (2) the location of all existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, drainage facilities, utility services, landscaping, structures and signs, lighting, screening devices, and (3) any other information that may be reasonably required in order to make an informed determination pursuant to the provisions of this chapter requiring review and approval of site plans by the planning board adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE - Shall mean standards (i) adopted by ordinance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55-D65d regulating noise levels, glare, earthborne or sonic vibrations, heat, electronic or atomic radiation, noxious odors, toxic matters, explosive and unflammable matters, smoke and airborne particles, waste discharge, screening of unsightly objects or conditions and such similar matters as may be reasonably required by the borough or (ii) required by applicable federal or state laws or borough ordinances.
STORY - Shall mean that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of that next floor above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. No "story" shall be deemed to be a first story if its floor level is more than six feet above the level from which the height of the building is measured. A mezzanine floor shall be counted as a "story" if it covers over one-third the area of the floor next below it. For the purpose of this chapter, a bi-level or split-level dwelling shall be considered a one-story structure.
STORY, HALF - Shall mean that portion of a building under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than two feet above the floor of such half-story. A basement shall also be included as a half-story.
STREET - Shall mean a right-of-way which is open to public travel and which has been accepted for use and maintenance by the State of New Jersey, County of Monmouth or the Borough of Union Beach.
STREET LINE - Shall mean that line determining the limit of the highway rights of the public, either existing or contemplated.
STRUCTURE - Shall mean any combination of materials to form a construction for occupancy, use or ornamentation whether installed on, above, or below the surface of a parcel of land, including paved driveways, unroofed decks, porches, balconies or other extensions of buildings whether the flooring thereof permits the passage of rain or water runoff or not, but shall not include ground covers of gravel, stone, wood chips or other substances easily permeable by rain and other surface water.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS - Shall mean the same as "alterations."
SUBDIVIDER - Shall mean any person or entity commencing proceedings under this chapter to effect the subdivision of land hereunder.
SUBDIVISION - Shall mean the division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts, parcels or other divisions of land for sale or development. The following shall not be considered subdivisions within the meaning of this chapter, if no new streets are created: (i) divisions of land found by the planning board or subdivision committee thereof appointed by the chairman to be for agricultural purposes where all resulting parcels are five acres or larger in size, (ii) divisions of property by testamentary or intestate provisions, (iii) division of property upon court order, including but not limited to judgments of foreclosure, (iv) consolidation of existing lots by deed or other recorded instrument and (v) the conveyance of one or more adjoining lots, tracts or parcels of land, owned by the same person or persons and all of which are found and certified by the administrative officer to conform to the requirements of the municipal development regulations and are shown and designated as separate lots, tracts or parcels on the tax map or atlas of the municipality. The term "subdivision" shall also include the term "resubdivision."
SWIMMING POOL, COMMERCIAL - Shall mean a swimming pool that is operated for profit and open to the public or to a limited number of members and their guests, upon payment of an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annual or other fee or operated as a service rendered by a hotel, motel or apartment development whose units are rented to transient or permanent residents.
SWIMMING POOL, PRIVATE - Shall mean a swimming pool located on a single-family lot with a residence on it and used as an accessory to the residence, and said pool is utilized with no admission charges and not for the purpose of profit.
TEMPORARY SIGN - Shall mean any sign that is used only temporarily and is not permanently mounted.
TRAILER - Shall mean any structure or vehicle originally designed to be transported on integral wheels including lunch wagons, camping trailers, storage trailers, or other similar vehicles or structures whether used for living, recreational or business purposes.
TRANSCRIPT - Shall mean a typed or printed verbatim record of the proceedings before the municipal agency or a reproduction thereof.
VARIANCE - Shall mean permission to depart from the literal requirements of the Land Use and Development Regulations of this chapter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-40b, 70c, 70d.
USE - Shall mean the specific purposes for which a parcel of land or a building or a portion of a building is designed, arranged, intended, occupied or maintained. The term "permitted use" or its equivalent shall not be deemed to include any nonconforming use.
WALL SIGN - Shall mean any sign attached to any part of a building, as contrasted to a freestanding sign.
WINDOW SIGN - Shall mean a sign, pictures, symbol, or combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale or service that is placed inside a window or upon the windowpanes or glass and is visible from the exterior of the window.
YARD - Shall mean an open unoccupied space, on the same lot with a building and unobstructed from the ground to the sky.
YARD, FRONT - Shall mean a yard extending the full width of the lot and not less in depth than the minimum distance required between the street line and the front yard building setback in each district.
YARD, REAR - Shall mean a yard extending the full width of the lot between the extreme rear line of the principal building and the rear lot line.
YARD, SIDE - Shall mean a yard between the principal building or attached structure and the adjacent side line of the lot and extending from the front yard to the rear yard.
ZONE - Shall mean the same as "District," or "Zone District."
ZONING OFFICER - Shall mean the official of the Borough of Union Beach designated to enforce the provisions of this chapter. The zoning officer shall also be the administrative officer in matters pertaining to issuance of permits, and enforcement.
Definitions: Personal wireless telecommunications facilities and equipment are not to be considered essential services as defined in subsection 13-2.3a, 50.
Means a system of electrical conductors that transmit or receive radio frequency signals for wireless communications.
Means a structure other than a telecommunications tower which is attached to a building and on which one or more antennas are located.
Means use of a common PWTF or a common site by two or more wireless license holders or by one wireless license holder for more than one type of communications technology and/or placement of a PWTF on a structure owned or operated by a utility or other public entity.
Means accessory facilities serving and subordinate in area, extent and purpose to, and on the same lot as a telecommunications tower or antenna location. Such facilities include, but are not limited to, transmission equipment, storage sheds, storage buildings, and security fencing.
Means facilities for the provision of wireless communications services, including, but not limited to, antennas, antenna support structures, telecommunications towers, and related facilities other than PWTEFs.
Means a freestanding structure on which one or more antennas are located, including lattice towers, guyed towers, monopoles and similar structures.
Means any personal wireless services as defined in the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FTA) which includes FCC licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services including cellular, personal communication services (PCS), specialized mobile radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging, and similar services that currently exist or that may in the future be developed. It does not include any amateur radio facility that is owned and operated by a federally-licensed amateur radio station operation or is used exclusively for receive only antennas, nor does it include noncellular telephone services.
Certain words, phrases and terms in this chapter with respect to wind energy systems or facilities are defined for the purpose herein as follows:
Shall mean the Borough of Union Beach Zoning Officer or Planning Board Secretary.
Shall mean the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Shall mean an energy system that uses more than one technology to produce energy or work (i.e. wind/solar system).
Shall mean kilowatt.
Shall mean a structure designed to support the gathering of wind energy resource data, and includes the tower, base plate, anchors, guy cables and hardware, anemometers (wind speed indicators), wind direction vanes, booms to hold equipment anemometers and vanes, data logger, instrument writing, and any telemetry devices that are used to monitor or transmit wind speed and wind flow characteristics over a period of time for either instantaneous wind information or to characterize the wind resource at a given location.
Shall mean megawatt.
Shall mean the individual or entity that intends to own and operate the wind energy system in accordance with this chapter XIII, Land Use and Development Regulations.
Shall mean the cross sectional dimension of the circle swept by the rotating blades of a wind-powered energy generator.
Shall mean, in relation to a wind energy system, the vertical distance from the ground to the tip of a wind generator blade when the tip is at its highest point.
Shall mean a monopole, freestanding, or guyed structure that supports a wind generator.
Shall mean an electric generating system whose main purpose is to supply electricity, consisting of one or more wind turbines and other accessory structures and buildings, including substations, meteorological towers, electrical infrastructure, transmission lines and other appurtenances and facilities.
Shall mean a single building mounted wind turbine that has a manufacturer's rating of 10kW or less and projects not more than 60 feet above the existing grade and shall not be considered a small wind energy system in terms of the area or set back requirements. Only one facility is allowed pre-residential or commercial structure.
Shall mean a wind energy facility system which has a rated capacity of not more than 15 kW.
Shall mean equipment that converts energy from the wind into electricity. This term includes the rotor, blades and associated mechanical and electrical conversion components necessary to generate, store and/or transfer energy.
Shall mean electric power generated by wind driven turbine blades turning an electric generator.
Shall mean a wind energy conversion system that converts wind energy into electricity through the use of a wind turbine generator and may include a nacelle, rotor, tower, and pad transformer.
Shall mean the distance measured from the highest grade to the highest point of the turbine rotor or tip of the turbine blade when it reaches the highest elevation.
[Added 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-336]
That area between the mean high waterline of the Raritan Bay and the bayward edge of the dune.
A constructed means of crossing the dune area in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Borough's administrative officer.
A wind or wave deposited or man-made formation of vegetated or drifting windblown sand.
Shall mean that area between the bayward edge of the dune as exists or as established by the USACE Beachfill and Dune Project or as may advance northerly through natural accretion from that initial point and the landward edge of the dune as exists, is constructed as part of the USACE Beachfill and Dune Project or as may be created by natural migration of the dune to the south. The Dune area is generally contained completely within a sand fence.
Includes the terms "native vegetation" or indigenous vegetation." Specifically, it shall include, but not be limited to, Cape American Beach Grass and Seaside Goldenrod, which normally grow or may be planted on the slopes of dunes, no distinction being made as to how such plants are introduced into their location.
Shall include the term "snow fence" or "dune fence" of a barricade type established in a line or a pattern to accumulate sand and aid in the formation of a dune, such as picket construction consisting of wooden lath held together by wire an affixed to wooden posts. Alternate types of "sand fence" may be utilized if approved by the Borough.
A constructed means of crossing the dune area in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Borough's administrative officer.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #334; Ord. #493; Ord. #98-780; Ord. #2006-81]
Establishment. The planning board and zoning board presently in existence are abolished. A planning board is hereby established which will be known as the "Planning Board of the Borough of Union Beach" which will exercise all of the powers of a planning board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25 and all of the powers of a zoning board of adjustment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 and as otherwise provided by the Municipal Land Use Law (MLUL), N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq., and other statutes and laws of the State of New Jersey. The planning board shall consist of nine members of the following four classes:
Class I. The mayor or, in the event of the mayor's absence, the mayor's designee. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25c(1) the class I member will not participate in the consideration of applications which involve relief pursuant to subsection d of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70, commonly known as "use" variances.
Class II. One of the officials of the borough other than a member of the borough council to be appointed by the mayor; provided that if there is an environmental commission, the member of the environmental commission who is also a member of the planning board as required by N.J.S.A. 40:56A-1 may be deemed to be the class II planning board member if there is a member of the board of education among the class IV members.
Class III. A member of the borough council to be appointed by it. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25c(1) the class III member will not participate in the consideration of applications which involve relief pursuant to subsection d of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70, commonly known as "use" variances.
Class IV. Six other citizens of the municipality to be appointed by the mayor. No class IV member shall hold any other municipal office except that one class IV member may be a member of the board of education or the environmental commission if an environmental commission is so established by the mayor and council of this borough. In the event that the mayor and council shall establish an environmental commission, any member of the environmental commission who shall serve on this planning board in addition to a member of the board of education may be deemed to be a class II member.
Alternates. The mayor may appoint not more than two alternate members with the advice of the borough council. Alternate members shall meet the qualifications of Class IV members. Alternate members shall be designated at the time of appointment by the mayor as "alternate no. 1" and "alternate no. 2." Alternate members may participate in discussions of the proceedings, but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member of any class. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, alternate no. 1 shall vote. An alternate member may, after public hearing if he requests one, be removed by the governing body for cause.
Terms. The term of a class I member shall correspond with his official tenure as mayor. The terms of class II and class III members shall be for one year unless their terms as municipal officials shall expire before that time except for a class II member who is also a member of the environmental commission. The term of a class II or a class IV member who is also a member of the environmental commission shall be for three years unless his term as a member of the environmental commission shall expire before that time.
The term of any class IV member who is also a member of the board of education shall terminate when he is no longer a member of that board or at the completion of his term as a class IV member, whichever occurs first.
The terms of all class IV members first appointed pursuant to this chapter shall be so determined that to the greatest practicable extent the expiration of such term shall be evenly distributed over the first four years after their appointment as determined by resolution of the borough council, provided, however, that no term of any member shall exceed four years. Thereafter all class IV members shall be appointed for terms of four years, except as otherwise provided. All terms after the first terms shall commence on the date in January of each year when the borough council shall hold its annual reorganization meeting.
The terms of the alternate members shall be for two years, except that the terms of the alternate members shall be such that the term of not more than one alternate member shall expire in any one year; provided, however, that in no instance shall the terms of the alternate members first appointed exceed two years. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by the appointing authority for the unexpired term only.
Conflicts. No member of the planning board shall be permitted to act on any matter in which he has, either directly or indirectly, any personal or financial interest.
Vacancies. A vacancy in any class shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment, except that the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Removal. Any member other than a class I member, after a public hearing, if he requests one, may be removed by the borough council for cause.
Organization of Board. The planning board shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from the members of class IV and select a secretary who may be either a member of the planning board or a municipal employee or other person designated by it to serve in that capacity.
Planning Board Attorney. There is hereby created the office of planning board attorney. The planning board may annually appoint, fix the compensation of, or agree upon the rate of compensation of a planning board attorney. The planning board attorney shall be an attorney admitted to practice law in the State of New Jersey and shall be some other person than the attorney for the borough or the attorney for the zoning board of adjustment.
Experts and Staff. The planning board may also employ or contract for the services of experts and other staff and services as it may deem necessary. The board may not, however, exceed, exclusive of gifts and grants, the amount appropriated to it by the government for its use.
Power and Duties. The planning board shall adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions and purposes of this chapter as well as the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq. In the issuance of subpoenas, administration of oaths and taking of testimony the Law of 1953, chapter 38 (N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq.) shall apply. The planning board shall have the following powers and duties:
To make and adopt and from time to time amend a master plan for the physical development of the municipality, including any areas outside its boundaries, which in the board's judgment bear essential relation to the planning of the municipality, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28.
To administer site plan and land subdivision review in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-37 through 59.
To grant exceptions from certain requirements for subdivision and site plan approval pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51.
To approve conditional use applications in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67.
To exercise generally and to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions as the former zoning board of adjustment the powers set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 to:
Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by an administrative official or agency based on or made in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-62 through 68.
Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any interested party affected by any decision of an administrative officer of the borough based on or made in the enforcement of the zoning provisions of this chapter or the official map. Such appeal shall be taken within 20 days by filing a notice of appeal with the officer from whom the appeal is taken specifying the grounds of such appeal. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall immediately transmit to the board all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed was taken. A developer may file an application for development with the board for action under any of its powers without prior application to an administrative officer.
An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action in respect of which the decision appealed from was made, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the board after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such cases, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by an order of the Superior Court upon notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown.
The board may, in conformity with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq., reverse or affirm wholly or partly or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from, and make such other requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made, and to that end have all the powers of the administrative officer from whom the appeal was taken.
Hear and decide requests for interpretation of the zoning map or Land Use Development Regulations or for decisions upon other special questions upon which the board is authorized to pass by any zoning or official map ordinance in accordance with this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq.
Where (a) by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness or shape of a specific piece of property, (b) or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions or physical features uniquely affecting a specific piece of property or (c) by reason of an extraordinary and exceptional situation uniquely affecting a specific piece of property or the structures lawfully existing thereon, the strict application of any regulation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-46 would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional and undue hardship upon the developer of each property, grant, upon an application or an appeal relating to such property, a variance from such strict application of such regulation so as to relieve such difficulties or hardship; (2) where in an application or appeal relating to a specific piece of property the purpose of this chapter or N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq., would be advanced by a deviation from the zoning requirements and the benefits of the deviation would substantially outweigh any detriment, grant a variance to allow departure from regulations pursuant to Article 8 of the Municipal Land Use Law, currently N.J.S.A. 40:55D-62 through 40:55D-68.3; provided, however, that no variance from those departures enumerated in subsection (d) below N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d) shall be granted under this subsection.
In particular cases and for special reasons, grant a variance to allow departure from regulations pursuant to Article 8 of the Municipal Land Use Law, currently N.J.S.A. 40:55D-62 through 40:55D-68.3, to permit: (1) a use or principal structure in a district restricted against such use or principal structure, (2) an expansion of a nonconforming use, (3) deviation from a specification or standard pursuant to Section 13-9, Conditional Uses, of this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D- 67 (Conditional Uses; Site Plan Review) pertaining solely to a conditional use, (4) an increase in the permitted floor area ratio as defined in subsection 13-2 3, Definitions, of this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4, (5) an increase in the permitted density as defined in subsection 13-2.3, Definitions, of this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4 except as applied to the required lot area for a lot or lots for detached one or two dwelling unit buildings which lot or lots are either an isolated undersized lot or lots resulting from a minor subdivision or (6) a height of a principal structure which exceeds by 10 feet or 10% the maximum height permitted in the district for a principal structure. A variance under this subsection shall be granted only by an affirmative vote of at least five members. Class I and Class III members shall not participate in the consideration of applications which involve relief pursuant to this subsection.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-76(2)b the developer may elect to submit a separate application requesting approval of the variance or direction of the issuance of a permit and a subsequent application for any required approval of a subdivision, site plan or conditional use. The separate approval of the variance or direction of the issuance of a permit shall be conditioned upon grant of all required subsequent approvals by the planning board.
No variance or other relief may be granted under the terms of this subsection or N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 unless such variance or other relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent and the purpose of the zone plan and this chapter. In respect of any airport hazard areas delineated under the "Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act of 1983," (N.J.S.A. 6:1-80, et seq.), no variance or other relief may be granted under the terms of this subsection permitting the creation or establishment of a nonconforming use which would be prohibited under the standards promulgated pursuant to that Act except under issuance of a permit by the commissioner of transportation. An application under this subsection may be referred to any appropriate person or agency for its report; provided that such reference shall not extend the period of time within which the board shall act.
Whenever relief is requested pursuant to this subsection notice of the hearing on the application for development shall include reference to the request for a variance(s), or direction for issuance of a permit as the case may be.
To participate in the preparation and review of programs or plans required by state or federal law or regulations.
To assemble data on a continuing basis as a part of a continuing planning process. At least once a year the planning board shall review its decisions on applications and appeals for variances and prepare and adopt by resolution a report on its findings on zoning ordinance provisions which were the subject of variance requests and its recommendations for zoning ordinance amendment or revision, if any. The report and resolution will be submitted to the borough council for its review.
Prior to the adoption of a development regulation, revision, or amendment thereto, the planning board shall make and transmit to the borough council, within 35 days after referral by the borough council, a report including recommendations concerning the proposed development regulation, revision or amendment. The borough council, when considering the adoption of a development regulation, revision or amendment thereto, shall review the report of the planning board and may disapprove or change any recommendation by vote of a majority of its full authorized membership and shall record in its minutes the reasons for not following such recommendations. Failure of the planning board to transmit its report within the 35 day period provided herein shall relieve the borough council from the requirements of this subsection in regard to the proposed development regulation, revision or amendment thereto referred to the planning board.
To annually prepare a program of municipal capital improvement projects over a term of six years, and amendments thereto, and recommend same to the borough council pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-29 and to review all capital projects pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-31.
To direct pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 issuance of a permit for a building or structure in the bed of a mapped street or public drainage way, flood control basin or public area reserved pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-32 (Establish an Official Map).
To direct pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36 issuance of a permit for a building or structure not related to a street.
To perform such other advisory duties as are assigned to it by ordinance or resolution of the borough council for the aid and assistance of the borough council or other agencies or officers.
The borough council may by ordinance provide for the reference of any matter or class of matters to the planning board before final action thereon by a municipal body or a municipal officer having final authority thereon. Whenever the planning board shall have made a recommendation regarding the matter authorized by this chapter to another municipal body such recommendation may be rejected only by a majority of the full authorized membership of such other body.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12, et. seq., the planning board is hereby given the power to waive notice and public hearing of minor subdivisions in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-47.
Time Limits for Approvals.
Minor Subdivision: Minor subdivision approvals shall be granted or denied within 45 days of the date of submission of a complete application to the planning board or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Approval of a minor subdivision shall expire 190 days from the date of planning board approval unless within such period a plat in conformity with such approval and the provisions of the "Map Filing Law," or a deed clearly describing the approved minor subdivision, is filed by the developer with the county recording officer, the borough engineer and the borough tax assessor. Any such plat or deed must be signed by the chairman and secretary of the planning board before it will be accepted for filing by the county recording officer.
Preliminary Site Plan Approval: Upon the submission of a complete application to the administrative officer for a site plan for 10 acres of land or less, and 10 dwelling units or less, the planning board shall grant or deny preliminary approval within 45 days of such submission or within such further time as may be consented to by the developer. Upon the submission of a complete application to the administrative officer for a site plan of more than 10 acres, or more than 10 dwelling units, the planning board shall grant or deny preliminary approval within 95 days of the date of such submission or within such further time as may be consented to by the developer. Otherwise, the planning board shall be deemed to have granted preliminary approval of the site plan.
Preliminary Major Subdivision Approval: Upon submission of a complete application to the administrative officer for a subdivision of 10 or fewer lots, the planning board shall grant or deny preliminary approval within 45 days of the date of such submission or within such further time as may be consented to by the developer. Upon submission of a complete application to the administrative officer for a subdivision of more than 10 lots, the planning board shall grant or deny preliminary approval within 95 days of the date of such submission or within such further time as may be consented to by the developer. If the planning board fails to act within these times herein provided without obtaining the consent of the applicant to a further extension of time, it shall be deemed to have granted preliminary approval for the requested subdivision.
Effect of Preliminary Approval: Preliminary approval of a major subdivision or of a site plan shall, except as otherwise provided, confer upon the applicant the following rights for a three-year period from the date of the preliminary approval:
That the general terms and conditions on which preliminary approval was granted shall not be changed, including but not limited to use requirements; layouts and design standards for streets, curbs and sidewalks, lot size; yard dimensions and off-tract improvements; and, in the case of a site plan, any requirements peculiar to site plan approval pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-41; except that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the borough from modifying by ordinance such general terms and conditions of preliminary approval as relate to public health and safety;
That the applicant may submit for final approval on or before the expiration date of preliminary approval the whole or a section or sections of the preliminary subdivision plat or site plan, as the case may be; and
That the applicant may apply for and the planning board may grant extensions on such preliminary approval for additional periods of at least one year, but not to exceed a total extension of two years, provided that if the design standards have been revised by ordinance, such revised standards shall govern.
In the case of a subdivision of or site plan for an area of 50 acres or more, the planning board may grant the rights referred to in paragraphs (a) (b) and (c) above for such period of time, longer than three years, as shall be determined by the planning board to be reasonable taking into consideration (1) the number of dwelling units and non-residential floor area permissible under preliminary approval, (2) economic conditions, and (3) the comprehensiveness of the development. The applicant may apply for thereafter and the planning board may grant an extension to preliminary approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the planning board to be reasonable taking into consideration (1) the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under preliminary approval, and (2) the potential number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area of the section or sections awaiting final approval, (3) economic conditions and (4) the comprehensiveness of the development; provided that if the design standards have been revised, such revised standards shall govern.
Final Approval: Application for final subdivision or site plan approval shall be granted or denied within 45 days of submission of a complete application to the planning board or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant.
Final approval of a major subdivision shall expire 95 days from the date of signing of the plat unless within such period the plat shall have been duly filed by the developer with the county recording officer, the borough engineer and the borough tax assessor. The planning board may, for good cause shown, extend the period for recording for an additional period not to exceed 190 days from the date of signing of the plat.
Effect of Final Approval:
Minor Subdivision: The zoning requirements and general terms and conditions, whether conditional or otherwise, upon which minor subdivision approval was granted, shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of minor subdivision approval.
Major Subdivision: The zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval first granted and all other rights conferred upon the developer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-49 of this act, whether conditionally or otherwise, shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of final approval; provided that in the case of major subdivision the rights conferred by this section shall expire if the plat has not been duly recorded within the time period provided in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-54 of this act. If the developer has followed the standards prescribed for final approval, and in the case of a subdivision, has duly recorded the plat as required in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-54 of this act, the planning board may extend such period of protection for extensions of one year but not to exceed three extensions. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the granting of final approval terminates the time period of preliminary approval pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-49 of this act for the section granted final approval.
In the case of a subdivision or site plan for a planned unit development or planned unit residential development or residential cluster of 50 acres or more or conventional subdivision of site plan for 150 acres or more, the planning board may grant rights, referred to in subsection (a) of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-52, for such period of time, longer than two years, as shall be determined by the planning board to be reasonable taking into consideration (1) the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, (2) economic conditions and (3) the comprehensiveness of the development. The developer may apply for thereafter, and the planning board may thereafter grant, an extension of final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the planning board to be reasonable taking into consideration (1) the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, (2) the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed, (3) economic conditions and (4) the comprehensiveness of the development.
Combined Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision or Site Plan Approval: An applicant may request and the planning board may consent to accept an application for development for combined preliminary and final major subdivision or site plan approval provided that:
The proposed development is not to be constructed in sections or stages.
The applicant pays the application fees and provides all submissions required for both preliminary and final applications.
Any notice of hearing requirements applicable to the preliminary plat stage are complied with.
Any approval granted by the planning board on such combined application shall confer upon the applicant all the rights set forth in this section for final approval.
Conditional Uses: Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (a), the planning board shall grant or deny an application for a conditional use within 95 days of submission of a complete application by a developer to the planning board, or within such review by the planning board of a conditional use shall include any required site plan review pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:44D-37. The time period for approval by the planning board of conditional uses shall apply to such site plan review.
Variances. The planning board shall grant or deny approval of an application for a variance within 120 days after submission by a developer of a complete application to the administrative officer or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. In the event that the developer elects to submit separate consecutive applications, the aforesaid provision shall apply to the application for approval of the variance or direction for issuance of a permit. The period for granting or denying any subsequent approval shall be as otherwise provided in these regulations and N.J.S.A. 40: 55D-1, et seq.
Failure to Act: Failure of the planning board to act within the period prescribed shall constitute approval of the application and a certificate of the administrative officer as to the failure of the planning board to act shall be issued on request of the applicant, and it shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement or other evidence of approval, herein required, and shall be so accepted by the county recording officer for purposes of filing subdivision plats.
Appeal to the Governing Body: Any interested party may appeal to the borough council any final decision of the planning board, subject to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-17, and this chapter.
Required Approval by County Planning Board: Whenever review or approval of the application by the Monmouth County Planning Board is required by N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.3 (County Planning Board Law), in the case of a subdivision, or N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.6, in the case of a site plan, the planning board shall condition any approval that it grants upon timely receipt of a favorable report on the application by the Monmouth County Planning Board or approval by the Monmouth County Planning Board by its failure to report thereon within the required time period.
Advisory Committee. The mayor may appoint one or more persons as a citizens advisory committee to assist or collaborate with the planning board in its duties, but such person or persons shall have no power to vote to take other action required by the board. Such person or persons shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor.
Environmental Commission. Whenever the environmental commission has prepared and submitted to the planning board an index of the natural resources of the municipality, the planning board shall make available to the environmental commission an informational copy of every application for development to the planning board. Failure of the planning board to make such informational copy available to the environmental commission shall not invalidate any hearing or proceeding.
Simultaneous Review. The planning board shall have the power to review and approve or deny conditional uses or site plans simultaneously with review for subdivision approval without the developer being required to make further application to the planning board, or the planning board being required to hold further hearings. The longest time period for action by the planning board, whether it be for subdivision, conditional use or site plan approval, shall apply. Whenever approval of a conditional use is requested by the developer, notice of the hearing on the plat shall include reference to the request for such conditional use.
Continuance of Hearing and Voting Eligibility: A member of the planning board who was absent for one or more of the meetings at which a hearing was held shall be eligible to vote on the matter upon which the hearing was conducted, notwithstanding his absence from one or more of the meetings; provided, however, that such board member has available to him the transcript or recording of all of the hearing from which he was absent, and certifies in writing to the board that he has read such transcript or listened to such recording.
Informal Review. At the request of the developer, the planning board shall grant an informal review of a concept plan for a development for which the developer intends to prepare and submit an application for development. The developer shall not be required to submit any fees for such an informal review. The developer shall not be bound by any concept plan for which review is requested, and the planning board shall not be bound by any such review.
Expiration of Variance. Any variance hereafter granted by the planning board permitting the erection or alteration of any structure or structures, or permitting a specified use of any premises shall expire by limitation unless such construction or alteration shall have been actually commenced on each and every structure permitted by said variance, or unless such development has actually been commenced, within one year of the date of publication of the notice of the final judgment or determination, whether that final judgment or determination be by the borough council or the planning board; except, however, that the running of the period of limitation herein provided shall be tolled from the date of filing an appeal from the decision of the planning board or the borough council to a court of competent jurisdiction, until the termination in any manner of such appeal or proceeding. Where subdivision or site plan approval is required the period of time for commencement of the development specified by the planning board shall be the same as the period of time for which other rights are conferred upon the applicant by such subdivision or site plan approval pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Any interested party may appeal to the borough council any final decision of the planning board approving an application for development pursuant to subsection 13-3.1i,5(d) [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)]. Such appeal shall be made within 10 days of the date of publication of such final decision pursuant to subsection 13-3.3f, 3 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10i). The appeal to the borough council shall be made by serving the borough clerk in person or by certified mail with a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and the name and address of the appellant and name and address of his attorney, if represented, and by serving a copy of such notice on the applicant. Such appeal shall be decided by the borough council only upon the record established before the planning board.
Notice of the meeting to review the record below shall be given by the borough council by personal service or certified mail to the appellant and to the applicant, to those entitled to notice of a decision pursuant to subsection 13-3.3f. 2 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10h), and to the planning board at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. The parties may submit oral and written argument on the record at such meeting and the borough council shall provide for verbatim recording and transcripts of such meeting pursuant to subsection 13-3.3c, 6 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10f).
The appellant shall: (1) within five days of service of the notice of the appeal pursuant to paragraph 1 above, arrange for a transcript pursuant to subsection 13-3.3c, 6 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10f) for use by the borough council and pay a deposit of $200 or the estimated cost of such transcription, whichever is less, or (2) within 35 days of service of the notice of appeal, submit a transcript as otherwise arranged to the borough clerk; otherwise, the appeal may be dismissed for failure to prosecute.
The borough council shall conclude a review of the record below not later than 95 days from the date of publication of notice of the decision below pursuant to subsection 13-3.3f, 3 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10i) unless the applicant consents in writing to an extension of such period. Failure of the borough council to hold a hearing and conclude a review of the record below and to render a decision within such specified period shall constitute a decision affirming the action of the board.
The borough council shall conduct a de novo review of the record made before the planning board, and shall have the right to draw on its own expertise and knowledge of the community in making its final evaluation. The borough council is not required to accord a presumption of validity to the action of the planning board. The borough council may reverse, remand, or affirm with or without the imposition of conditions the final decision of the planning board approving a variance pursuant to subsection 13-3.1i,5(d) (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d). If the decision of the council reverses or remands the decision of the planning board its findings of fact and conclusions must be grounded in the record compiled before the board and set forth in a resolution stating in detail the reasons for its disagreement.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the full authorized membership of the borough council shall be necessary to reverse, remand, or affirm with or without conditions any final action of the planning board.
An appeal to the borough council shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action in respect to which the decision appealed from was made unless the planning board certifies to the borough council, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with such board, that by reasons of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in its opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by an order of the Superior Court on application upon notice to the board and on good cause shown.
The borough council shall mail a copy of the decision to the appellant and the applicant, and if represented then to the attorney, without separate charge, and for a reasonable charge to any interested party who has requested it, not later than 10 days after the date of the decision. A brief notice of the decision shall be published in the official newspaper of the borough, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the borough. Such publication shall be arranged by the applicant or the appellant, unless a particular municipal official is so designated by ordinance; provided that nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the applicant or the appellant from arranging such publication if he so desires. The borough council may make a reasonable charge for its publication. The period of time in which an appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction may be made shall run from the first publication, whether arranged by the borough, the appellant or the applicant.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict the right of any party to obtain a review by any court of competent jurisdiction according to law.
Meetings of the planning board shall be scheduled no less often than once a month and any meeting so scheduled shall be held as scheduled unless canceled for lack of applications for development to process.
Minutes. Minutes of every regular or special meeting shall be kept and shall include the names of the persons appearing and addressing the board and of the persons appearing by attorney, the action taken by the board, the findings, if any, made by it and reasons therefor. The minutes shall be made available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the administrative officer. Any interested party shall have the right to compel production of the minutes for use as evidence in any legal proceedings concerning the subject matter of the minutes. Such interested party may be charged a reasonable fee for reproduction of the minutes in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of reproduction.
Rules: The planning board shall hold a hearing on each application for development and shall make rules governing the conduct of hearings before it which shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq. or of this chapter.
Filing of Documents: Any maps and documents for which approval is sought at a hearing shall be on file and available for public inspection at least 10 days before the date of the hearing during normal business hours in the office of the administrative officer. The applicant may produce other documents, records or testimony at the hearing to substantiate or clarify or supplement the previously filed maps and documents.
Oaths: The officer presiding at the hearing or such person as he may designate shall have power to administer oaths and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant evidence, including witnesses and documents presented by the parties, and the provisions of the "County and Municipal Investigations Law" N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq. shall apply.
Testimony: The testimony of all witnesses relating to an application for development shall be taken under oath or affirmation by the presiding officer and the right of cross examination shall be permitted to all interested parties through their attorneys, if represented, or directly, if not represented, subject to the discretion of the presiding officer and to reasonable limitations as to time and number of witnesses.
Evidence: Technical rules of evidence shall not be applicable to the hearing, but the board may exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence.
Records: The municipal agency shall provide for the verbatim recording of all proceedings by either stenographer, mechanical or electronic means. The municipal agency shall furnish a transcript, or duplicate recording in lieu thereof, on request to any interested party at his expense; provided the governing body may provide by ordinance for the municipality to assume the expense of any transcripts necessary for appeal to the governing body pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d, up to a maximum amount as specified by the ordinance.
The municipal agency in furnishing a transcript of the proceedings to an interested party at his expense shall not charge such interested party more than the maximum permitted in N.J.S.A. 2A:11-15. Said transcript shall be certified in writing by the transcriber to be accurate.
Notice of Applications and Hearings. Notice pursuant to paragraphs 1 through 7 below shall be given by the applicant. Notice pursuant to paragraphs 1 through 7 below, shall be given at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing.
Public notice of a hearing on an application for development shall be given except for minor subdivisions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-47 or final approval pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-50 and provided that public notice shall be given in the event that relief is requested pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60 or D-76 as part of an application for development otherwise excepted herein from public notice.
Public notice shall be given by publication in the official newspaper of the municipality, if there be one, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality.
Notice to a hearing requiring public notice pursuant to paragraph a of this subsection shall be given to the owners of all real property as shown on the current tax duplicate, located in the state and within 200 feet in all directions of the property which is the subject of such hearing; provided that this requirement shall be deemed satisfied by notice to the (1) condominium association, in the case of any unit owner whose unit has a unit above or below it, or (2) horizontal property regime, in the case of any co-owner whose apartment has an apartment above or below it. Notice shall be given by: (i) serving a copy thereof on the property owner as shown on the said current tax duplicate, or his agent in charge of the property, or (ii) mailing a copy thereof by certified mail to the property owner at his address as shown on the said current tax duplicate.
Notice to a partnership owner may be made by service upon any partner. Notice to a corporate owner may be made by service upon its president, vice president, secretary or other person authorized by appointment or by law to accept service on behalf of the corporation. Notice to a condominium association, horizontal property regime, community trust, homeowners' association, because of its ownership of common elements or areas located within 200 feet of the property which is the subject of the hearing, may be made in the same manner as to a corporation without further notice to unit owners, co-owners, or home-owners on account of such common elements or areas.
Notice of all hearings on applications for development involving property located within 200 feet of an adjoining municipality shall be given by personal service or certified mail to the clerk of such municipality, which notice shall be in addition to the notice required to be given pursuant to subsection 13-3.3d.3 of this chapter to the owners of lands in such adjoining municipality which are located within 200 feet of the subject premises.
Notice shall be given by personal service or certified mail to the county planning board of a hearing on all applications for development of property adjacent to an existing county road or proposed road shown on the official county map or on the county master plan, adjoining other county land or situated within 200 feet of a municipal boundary.
Notice shall be given by personal service or certified mail to the commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Transportation of a hearing on any application for development of property adjacent to a state highway.
Notice shall be given by personal service or certified mail to the director of the Division of State and Regional Planning in the Department of Community Affairs of any hearing on an application for development of property which exceeds 150 acres or 500 dwelling units. Such notice shall include a copy of any maps or documents required to be on file with the administrative officer pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10b.
The applicant shall file an affidavit of proof of service with the board holding the hearing on the application for development, at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.
Any notice made by certified mail as hereinabove required shall be deemed to be complete upon mailing in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-14.
Form of Notice: All notices required to be given pursuant to the terms of this chapter shall state the date, time and place of the hearing, the nature of the matters to be considered and identification of the property proposed for development by street address, if any, or by reference to lot and block numbers as shown on the current tax duplicate in the borough tax assessor's office and the location and times at which any maps and documents for which approval is sought are available for public inspection as required by law.
List of Property Owners Furnished. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-12c, the tax assessor shall within seven days after receipt of a request and upon receipt of payment of a fee of $10, make and certify a list from the current tax duplicate of names and addresses of owners to whom the applicant is required to give notice pursuant to subsection 13-3.3d.3 of this chapter and submit the certified list with the application.
The municipal agency (planning board or borough council in the event of an appeal of a final decision of the planning board approving an application for development pursuant to subsection 13-3.1i,5(d) (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)) shall include findings of fact and conclusions based thereon in each decision on any application for development and shall reduce the decision to writing. The municipal agency shall provide the findings and conclusions through:
A resolution adopted at a meeting held within the time period provided in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. for action by the municipal agency on the application for development; or
A memorializing resolution adopted at a meeting held not later than 45 days after the date of the meeting at which the municipal agency who voted to grant or deny approval. Only the members of the municipal agency who voted for the action taken may vote on the memorializing resolution, the vote of a majority of such members present at the meeting at which the resolution is presented for adoption shall be sufficient to adopt the resolution. An action pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-9 (resulting from the failure of a motion to approve an application) shall be memorialized by resolution as provided above, with those members voting against the motion for approval being the members eligible to vote on the memorializing resolution. The vote on any such resolution shall be deemed to be a memorialization of the action of the municipal agency and not to be an action of the municipal agency; however, the date of the adoption of the resolution shall constitute the date of the decision for purposes of the mailings, filings, and publications required by paragraphs 2 and 3 below (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10). If the municipal agency fails to adopt a resolution or memorializing resolution as herein above specified, any interested party may apply to the Superior Court in a summary manner for an order compelling the municipal agency to reduce its findings and conclusions to writing within a stated time and the cost of the application, including attorney's fees, shall be assessed against the municipality.
A copy of the decision shall be mailed by the administrative officer within 10 days of the date of decision to the applicant, or if represented then to his attorney, without separate charge, and to all who request a copy of the decision for a reasonable fee in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of such mailing. A copy of the decision shall also be filed by the municipal agency in the office of the administrative officer. The administrative officer shall make a copy of such filed decision available to any interested party for a reasonable fee in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of such copy and available for public inspection at his office during reasonable hours. Copies of approvals shall also be forwarded to other appropriate officials.
A brief notice of the decision shall be published in the official newspaper of the municipality, if there be one, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. Such publication shall be arranged by the applicant and proof of publication shall be submitted to the administrative officer. The period of time in which an appeal of the decision may be made shall run from the first publication of the decision.
Conditional Approvals.
In the event that a developer submits an application for development proposing a development that is barred or prevented, directly or indirectly, by legal action instituted by any state agency, political subdivision or other party to protect the public health and welfare or by a directive or order issued by any state agency, political subdivision or court of competent jurisdiction to protect the public health and welfare, the municipal agency shall process such application for development in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. and this chapter, and, if such application for development complies with the provisions of this chapter, the municipal agency shall approve such application conditioned on removal of such legal barrier to development.
In the event that development proposed by an application for development requires an approval of a governmental agency other than the municipal agency, the municipal agency shall, in appropriate instances, condition its approval upon the subsequent approval of such governmental agency; provided that the municipal agency shall make a decision on any application for development within the time period provided in this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. or within an extension of such period as has been agreed to by the applicant unless the municipal agency is prevented or relieved from so acting by the operation of law.
Whenever review or approval of the application by the county planning board is required by N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.3, in the case of a subdivision, or N.J.S.A. 40:27-6.6, in the case of a site plan, the municipal agency shall condition any approval that it grants upon timely receipt of a favorable report on the application by the county planning board or approval by the county planning board by its failure to report within the required time period.
Tolling of Running of Period of Approval. In the event that, during the period of approval granted to an application for development, the developer is barred or prevented, directly or indirectly, from proceeding with the development otherwise permitted under such approval by a legal action instituted by any state agency, political subdivision or other party to protect the public health and welfare or by a directive or order issued by any state agency, political subdivision or court of competent jurisdiction to protect the public health or welfare and the developer is otherwise ready, willing and able to proceed with the development, the running of the period of approval shall be suspended for the period of time the legal action is pending or such directive or order is in effect.
Payment of Taxes. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65, every application for development submitted to the planning board shall be accompanied by proof that no taxes or assessments for local improvements are due or delinquent on the property which is the subject of such application; or if it is shown that taxes or assessments are delinquent on the property, any approvals or other relief granted by the board shall be conditioned upon either the prompt payment of such taxes or assessments, or the making of adequate provision for the payment in such manner that the municipality will be adequately protected.
Certification of Complete Application for Development; Certification Time Limits. An application for development shall be complete for purposes of commencing the applicable time period for action by a municipal agency when so certified by the municipal agency or its authorized committee or designee.
In the event that the agency, committee or designee does not certify the application to be complete within 45 days of the date of its submission, the application shall be deemed complete upon expiration of the forty-five-day period for purposes of commencing the applicable time period unless (a) the application lacks information indicated on a check list adopted by ordinance and provided to the applicant and (b) the municipal agency or its authorized committee or designee has notified the applicant, in writing, of the deficiencies in the application within 45 days of submission of the application. The applicant may request that one or more of the submission requirements be waived in which event the agency or its authorized committee shall grant or deny the request within 45 days. Nothing herein shall be construed as diminishing the applicant's obligation to prove in the application process that he is entitled to approval of the application. The municipal agency may subsequently require correction of any information found to be an error and submission of additional information not specified in the ordinance or any revisions in the accompanying documents, as are reasonably necessary to make an informed decision as to whether the requirements necessary for approval of the application for development have been met. The application shall not be deemed incomplete for lack of any such information of any revisions in the accompanying documents so required by the municipal agency.
[Ord. #324, S3.4; Ord. #414; Ord. #453; Ord. #483; Ord. #548; Ord. #2006-81; Ord. #2011-181; Ord. #2014-208; Ord. No. 2016-236; amended 2-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-322; 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-336]
The developer, at the time of filing an application or appeal, or as otherwise provided herein, shall deposit with the administrative officer in cash or certified check made payable to the borough, an amount determined by the schedule set forth in this subsection. Applications for development requiring a combination of approvals such as subdivision, site plan, conditional use and/or variance shall pay a fee equal to the sum of the fees for each required approval.
In addition to the below listed basic fees chargeable on applications for minor subdivisions, for sketch plats, preliminary plats and final plats with regard to major subdivisions, and for either or both preliminary and final approval, each applicant shall be responsible to pay in full to the borough and prior to the adoption of any resolution or approval, all reasonable and necessary costs, expenses and fees incurred in connection with the application by the planning board or board of adjustment for the services of the professional planner, engineer, attorney or other professional consultant not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of $5,000. The planning board or board of adjustment, as the case may be shall, prior to the meeting scheduled for final action on the particular application, notify the applicant in writing at least 10 days in advance thereof, of the amount of such fees for which payment will be required, and the method of calculation thereof. The applicant shall cause such sum to be paid prior to any final action by the particular municipal agency involved. All professional fees charged for such services shall be paid to the Borough of Union Beach as a "pass through" to the professional(s) involved who shall submit a voucher for payment to the Borough of Union Beach, indicating that the source of funds for payment is "pass through from fees paid by the applicant."
Application for a Zoning/Development Permit. $25 minimum per permit.
Zoning/Development Fees shall be assessed according to Appendix A.
[Amended 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-336]
(subsection 13-3.4a,2)
Flag Pole
Gazebo (Under 100 square feet)
Lawn Sprinklers
Hot Tub/Spa (outdoor Above Ground)
Ponds (Under 24 inches deep)
Pool House/Cabanas (under 100 square feet)
Pools (Above Ground)
Shed (Under 100 square feet)
Solar Panels
Flatwork (Concrete, Gravel, Macadam, Pavers)
Retaining Walls
Change/Revision of Electrical Contractor
Change/Revision of Fire Contractor
Shed (Over 100 square feet)
Gazebo (Over 100 square feet)
Ponds (deeper than 24 inches & must meet Barrier Free Regulations)
Hot Tubs/Spas (below ground)
Home Elevations
New House
$5 per thousand cost or $75 minimum
$5 per thousand cost or $75 minimum
$5 per thousand cost or $75 minimum
Dune Crossovers
Application/Administrative Fees.
[Added 2-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-322]
Type of Application
Administrative Fee
Informal review
Owner occupant
Minor subdivision; amended minor subdivision
$350 for each lot created, plus $350 for the remainder of the original lot
Lot consolidation and resubdivision to adjust lot lines
Preliminary major subdivision; amended preliminary major subdivision
Final major subdivision; amended final major subdivision
50% of prelim major subdiv.
Request for an extension of time
Site plan
Informal review
Minor site plan; amended minor site plan
Preliminary major site plan; amended preliminary major site plan
Nonresidential; commercial; industrial
Mixed use (residential/commercial)
Final major site plan; amended final major site plan (residential, nonresidential and mixed-use site plan)
50% of the preliminary site plan fee
Request for an extension of time
Decide and hear appeals (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70a)
Interpretations (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70b)
Bulk (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c)
Each in conjunction with a site plan or subdivision approval
Per variance without site plan or subdivision approval
Use or special reasons variance (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d)
Other uses
Building permit in conflict with the Official Map or building permit for a lot not related to a street
Request for an extension of time
Conditional use approval
Application or permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 and 40:55D-35
Subdivision approval certificate
Certificate of nonconformity (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-68)
Request for reapproval- single-family residential, single lot
Request for reapproval- other
Special meetings, requested by applicant
Developer's agreement
Waiver of site plan application
Escrow Fees.
[Added 2-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-322[1]]
Type of Application
Escrow Fee
Informal review
Minor subdivision; amended minor subdivision
Lot consolidation and resubdivision to adjust lot lines
Preliminary major subdivision; amended preliminary major subdivision, 1 to 5 lots
Preliminary major subdivision; amended preliminary major subdivision, 6 to 25 lots
Preliminary major subdivision; amended preliminary major subdivision, 25 to 100 lots
Preliminary major subdivision; amended preliminary major subdivision, 101+ lots
Final major subdivision; amended final major subdivision
50% of the preliminary major subdivision fee
Request for an extension of time
Site plan
Informal review
Minor site plan; amended minor site plan
Preliminary major site plan; amended preliminary major site plan
$2,000 plus 25 per unit
Nonresidential; commercial; industrial, 0 to 5,000 square feet new floor area
Nonresidential; commercial; industrial, 5,001 to 10,000 square feet of new floor area
Nonresidential; commercial; industrial, 10,001 to 25,000 square feet of new floor area
Nonresidential; commercial; industrial, 25,000+ square feet of new floor area
Mixed-use (residential/commercial)
Residential (a)+
Commercial (b, c, d, or e)
Final major site plan; amended final major site plan (residential, nonresidential and mixed-use site plan)
50% of the preliminary site plan fee
Request for an extension of time
Decide and hear appeals (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70a)
Interpretations (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70b)
Bulk (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c)
Each in conjunction with a site plan or subdivision approval
Per variance without site plan or subdivision approval
Use or special reasons variance (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d)
Use or special reasons variance (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d)- single-family residential, 1 to 2 dwelling units
Building permit in conflict with the Official Map or building permit for a lot not related to a street
Request for an extension of time
Conditional use approval
Application or permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 and 40:55D-35
Subdivision approval certificate
Certificate of nonconformity (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-68)
Request for reapproval
50% of final subdiv/site plan, per this schedule
Developer's agreement (Subsection 13-7.2a,2e)
Drainage review
Floodplain review
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsections n, o, p, q and y as Subsections d, e, f, g, h and i, respectively, and repealed former Subsections r, Requests for Reapproval, s, Special Meetings, t, Certificate of Nonconforming Structures and Uses, u, regarding developers agreements, v, Drainage and Floodplain Reviews, and w, Requests for Informal Review.
Inspection Fees for a Major Subdivision. Required inspection fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a development permit or signing of a final plat or, where authorization has been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, prior to the start of construction of any improvements before final plat approval. Such fees shall be paid in the amount of 5% of the approved construction cost of the bondable and non-bondable items requiring inspection as established by the borough engineer.
Inspection Fees for a Major Site Plan. Required inspection fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a development permit or signing of a final plat or, when authorization has been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, prior to the start of construction of any improvements before final plat approval. Such fees shall be paid in the amount of 5% of the approved construction cost of the bondable and non-bondable items requiring inspection as established by the borough engineer.
Reproduction Fees. $3 per sheet of the plat and attachments, except that the minimum fee shall be $5. An additional reproduction fee of $15 shall be charged for minor subdivisions and final plats of major subdivisions to cover the cost of the borough clerk obtaining a reproducible original of the filed map.
Revised Plats. Any proposed revisions to a plat, including all supporting maps and documents, previously approved which approval is still in effect, or pending approval by the planning board, shall require submission of a revised plat and payment of fees in accordance with the following:
Where changes in the plat are requested by the planning board or borough engineer, fees shall be paid in an amount equal to one-fourth of the original fee submitted and only sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution need be submitted.
Where there are only minor changes in the plat proposed by the applicant or required by another governmental agency where approval was a condition of the planning board's approval, and which do not involve any additional building or parking or significant change in the design of the site or subdivision, an application fee of $50 will be required along with sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution. Where such changes are technical in nature and do not affect the basis upon which the planning board approval was given, the planning board engineer may administratively approve changes and forward a copy of the approval letter to the planning board office for proper distribution. The planning board, may, however, within 30 days of receiving such approval letter, disapprove any such administrative approval and require that any such plat revisions be submitted to and acted upon by the full planning board.
Where there are changes in the plat proposed by the applicant or required by another governmental agency where approval was a condition of the planning board's approval, which do involve additional building or parking or a significant change in the design of the site or subdivision, an application fee equal to 1/2 the fee required for the initial submission will be required along with sufficient copies of the plat incorporating the changes as may be necessary for distribution.
Where the proposed changes involve a change in use and/or major alteration of the design concepts of the plat approved by the planning board, it shall be considered a new application and shall require the full payment of fees as set forth in this section for new applications for development.
Where revisions in the plat only involve additional information required as a condition of a previous approval no additional fees shall be required.
Escrow Accounts and Technical Review Fees.
In addition to the above general nonrefundable fees for each application filed, the applicant shall reimburse the borough for all professional or technical review fees deemed necessary or desirable by the board, and shall establish an escrow fund with the borough treasurer to pay such fees or charges. The escrow fund shall be utilized to reimburse the borough for all costs, which are reasonable and related to the review of such application.
As part of the application submission, the applicant shall be required to make a deposit to the escrow account in an amount provided for in this section below. If the amount posted is not sufficient to cover the borough's professional charges associated with the application, the board shall request additional funds.
[Added 2-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-322]
After approval of an application and prior to the start of construction, the applicant shall be required to deposit with the borough clerk engineering inspection escrow fees to provide for anticipated inspection and any additional professional review services in accordance with paragraph 9(b) below.
Additional escrow funds, equal to 25% of the applicable escrow fee, will be required upon submission of a revised plan for review by board professionals.
Additional escrow funds shall be required when the balance of any escrow account reaches 20% of the initial deposit. The borough shall notify the applicant who shall be requested to deposit up to 35% of the original escrow account. No further consideration, review, processing or inspection shall take place until the additional escrow has been paid.
For escrow deposits over $5,000 the procedures under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.1 shall prevail.
At the applicant's written request and at his cost, an account of the expenses or fees paid by him for professional services shall be provided. Borough professionals shall submit vouchers for all services to be assessed against an escrow account, which vouchers shall state the hours spent, the hourly rate and the expenses incurred.
Any unexpended monies remaining after the completion of the project and maintenance period shall be returned to the applicant.
Initial Escrow Deposits.
Escrow deposits for professional and technical review - The initial deposit of escrow funds for technical and professional review of an application shall be in an amount equal to the chart in subsection c above but not less than $750.
[Added 2-16-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-322]
Escrow deposit for inspection - Prior to the start of construction, the applicant shall post engineering inspection fees determined in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53h and 53.4. Inspection fees shall be 5% of the cost of improvements, with a minimum of $500.
Where any approved plan for development requires an amendment to the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Union Beach, a fee shall be assessed against the escrow of the applicant for $250. Said fee must be paid before any permits for development are granted.
All fees shall be paid by the applicant upon request by the secretary of the planning board and all fees must be paid before the approval of a final resolution or the signing of a final plat.
[Ord. #324, S3.5]
The duty of administering and enforcing the provisions of this chapter is hereby conferred upon the code enforcement, construction official and/or zoning officers, who shall have such powers as are conferred upon him by this chapter, and as reasonably may be implied. He shall be appointed as provided in the administrative code. In no case shall a development permit be granted for a subdivision or the construction of or alteration of any building or site where the proposed construction, alteration or use thereof would be in violation of any provisions of this chapter. It shall be the duty of the code enforcement officer to cause any building, plans or premises to be inspected or examined and to order in writing the remedying of any conditions found to exist in violation of this chapter, and he shall have the right to enter any building or premises during the daytime, or other normal business hours of the premises, in the course of his duties.
[Ord. No. 324, § 3.6; Ord. No. 357, § 2; Ord. No. 493; Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 2]
Development Permit.
Development permits shall be secured from the administrative officer prior to filing of a subdivision; or the issuance of a building permit for the construction, erection or alteration of any structure or sign or part of a structure; or upon a change in the use of a structure or land; or prior to any use of or alteration of the natural condition of a parcel of land or the construction of any improvement above or below the ground. Where no building permit is required, the development permit shall be secured prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Prior to issuance of a development permit, the applicant shall have, where applicable, secured other required permits including, but not limited to:
Access permit from the New Jersey Department of Transportation and/or Monmouth County Engineering Department.
Drainage permits from the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
Stream encroachment permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (C.A.F.R.A.) permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Wetlands permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Riparian construction permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Required permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for work within navigable waterways.
Sewerage and/or industrial waste treatment permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Land Disturbance permit from the Freehold Area Soil Conservation District.
Certificates as to Approval of Subdivision of Land.
The prospective purchaser, prospective mortgagee, or any other person interested in any land which forms part of a subdivision, or which formed part of such a subdivision three years preceding the effective date of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., may apply in writing to the administrative officer for issuance of a certificate certifying whether or not such subdivision has been approved by the planning board. Such application shall contain a diagram showing the location and dimension of the land to be covered by the certificate and the name and the owner.
The administrative officer shall make and issue such certificate within 15 days after the receipt of such written application and the fees. The officer shall keep a duplicate copy of each certificate, consecutively numbered, including a statement of the fee charged, in a binder as a permanent record of his office.
Each such certificate shall be designated as "Certificate as to Approval of Subdivision of Land", and shall certify:
Whether there exists in the borough a duly established planning board and whether there is an ordinance controlling subdivision of land adopted under the authority of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
Whether the subdivision, as it relates to the land shown in said application, has been approved by the planning board, and, if so, the date of such approval and any extensions and terms thereof, showing the subdivision of which the lands are a part is a validly existing subdivision.
Whether such subdivision, if the same has not been approved, is statutorily exempt from the requirement of approval as provided in this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
The administrative officer shall be entitled to demand and receive for such certificate issued by him a reasonable fee not in excess of those provided in N.J.S.A. 54:5-14 and 54:5-15. The fees so collected by such official shall be paid by him to the municipality.
Any person who shall acquire for a valuable consideration an interest in the lands covered by any such certificate of approval of a subdivision in reliance upon the information therein contained shall hold such interest free of any right, remedy or action which could be prosecuted or maintained by the borough pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-55.
If the administrative officer designated to issue any such certificate fails to issue the same within 15 days after receipt of an application and the fees therefor, any person acquiring an interest in the lands described in such application shall hold such interest free of any right, remedy or action which could be prosecuted or maintained by the borough pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-55.
Any such application addressed to the borough clerk shall be deemed to be addressed to the proper designated officer and the borough shall be bound thereby to the same extent as though the same was addressed to the designated official.
Building Permit. No building or structure shall be erected, restored, added to, or structurally altered until a permit therefor has been issued by the construction official. All applications for such permits shall be in accordance with the requirements of the building code. No building permit shall be issued unless the applicant shall have first secured a development permit.
Certificate of Occupancy.
New Uses: No building, structure or land shall be occupied or used until such time as a certificate of occupancy is issued by the construction official.
Such certificate shall be issued upon application by the owner, prospective occupant, or purchaser only after the construction official determines that the facts represented on the application are correct and that the building, structure or use is in conformance with the provisions of the building code and other codes and ordinances affecting construction and occupancy.
A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter for any structure or use for which site plan approval has been secured, but not all conditions of approval have been complied with.
Existing Uses:
At the time of passage of this chapter: upon written request from the owner, tenant, occupant, or purchaser under contract, the construction official, after inspection, shall issue an occupancy permit for a use legally existing at the time this chapter is made effective, certifying the extent and kind of use and whether any such existing use conforms with the provisions of this chapter.
Nonconforming Uses and Buildings: No change or extension of use and no alterations shall be made in a nonconforming structure, use or premises without an occupancy permit having first been issued by the construction official stating that such change, extension or alteration is in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, or that same has been permitted by action of the zoning board of adjustment or planning board.
Certificate of Occupancy: A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained for each and every change of occupant(s), of any building including but not limited to residential, commercial or industrial which shall be reoccupied after it has once become vacant.
A vacant building shall be broadly construed to mean that a vacancy occurs upon the surrender of the premises by one in possession and shall exist regardless of whether new occupants have taken possession. Vacancy shall continue to exist until such time as a certificate of occupancy has been obtained.
This requirement shall extend to a change of occupant(s) by persons who obtain possession by any means whatsoever, including but not limited to fee owners, owners under color of title, contract purchasers, under a use and occupancy agreement, lessees or sublessees. The code enforcement officer/public officer, may issue such certificate of occupancy for any building including but not limited to residential, commercial and industrial where there has been a change of occupant(s) only.
The construction official/building inspector may issue said certificate of occupancy for any building, including but not limited to residential, commercial and industrial where there has been a change of use, addition or alteration to an existing building.
Scope of Certificate of Occupancy: The certificate of occupancy shall contain sufficient information as to the extent and kind of use or uses, such that any future investigation of the premises would disclose the extent to which a use was altered. It shall also indicate whether such use is a permitted or nonconforming use and the extent to which the use does not conform to the provisions of this chapter.
Improvement Required: No permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all required improvements have been installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Development Permit Required: No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the use of any building, structure or land unless a development permit shall have first been issued for the use of such building, structure or land.
Disturbed areas must be stabilized prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (CO).
Land Disturbance Permit. Where required, a land disturbance-permit shall be obtained from the Freehold Area Soil Conservation District prior to subdivision or the erection of any structure or the alteration of the existing grade on any lot. No land disturbance permit shall be issued until a development permit shall have first been issued for the subdivision, building, structure or use, except that the planning board and borough engineer may authorize the issuance of a land disturbance permit prior to issuance of a development permit as provided for elsewhere in this chapter.
Certificate of Validity of Nonconforming Use or Structure. Any person interested in any land upon which a nonconforming use or structure exists may apply in writing for the issuance of a certificate certifying that the use or structure existed before the adoption of the ordinance which rendered the use or structure nonconforming. The applicant shall have the burden of proof. Application may be made to the administrative officer within one year of the adoption of the ordinance which rendered the use or structure nonconforming or at any time to the planning board. A denial by the administrative officer shall be appealable to the planning board.
[Ord. No. 324, § 3.7]
It shall be the duty of the administrative officer to keep a record of all applications for and all development permits issued, together with a notation of all special conditions involved. He shall file and safely keep copies of all plans submitted, and the same shall form a part of the records of his office and shall be available for the use of the borough council and of other officials of the borough.
The administrative officer shall prepare a monthly report for the borough council, summarizing for the period since his last previous report all development permits issued and all complaints of violations and the action taken by him consequent thereon. A copy of each such report shall be filed with the borough tax assessor at the same time it is filed with the borough council.
[Ord. No. 324, § 3.8]
In the application and interpretation of this chapter, all provisions hereof shall be held to be minimum standards or requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the borough. Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations or ordinances, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards, shall govern.
[Ord. No. 324, § 3.9]
All sections of the land subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance, site plan review ordinance or any other ordinance of the Borough of Union Beach, which contains provisions contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be and are hereby (to the extent of such inconsistency), repealed, except that any building permit, variance, special use permit, occupancy permit or other permit validly issued pursuant to any such ordinance shall remain valid and effective and shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of such ordinance.
General Fines.
For any and every violation for the provisions of this section, or the use of construction methods and procedures, site maintenance methods and procedures, or any other activities which may result in hazards to life, health or property, the developer, owner, agent, tenant or contractor or other person having control of the building or premises where such violation has been committed or shall exist, and any other person who commits, takes part in, assists, allows or suffers such violation to exist, shall for each and every day that such a violation continues be subject to a fine not less than $100 nor more than $2,000 for each offense or may be imprisoned in the county jail or another place of imprisonment or confinement for a term not exceeding 90 days or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, or both.
If the code enforcement bureau official, borough engineer or other code enforcement officer chooses to impose a line in an amount greater than $1,250, the owner or agent or contractor or other person having control of the building or premises shall, upon notice by personal service or certified mail, have a period of not less than 30 days in which the owner, agent or contractor shall be afforded the opportunity to cease, cure or abate the condition constituting the violation. Subsequent to the expiration of the thirty-day period of a fine greater than $1,250 may be imposed if a court of competent jurisdiction has not determined otherwise or, upon reinspection of the property, it is determined that the abatement has not been substantially completed.
The minimum penalty that shall be imposed for a violation of this section is a fine of $100. Each day that a violation occurs shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation.
Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section within one year of the date of a previous violation, which resulted in a conviction, shall be sentenced to an additional fine or other penalty as a repeat offender. The additional fine imposed by the court for a repeat offense shall not be less than the minimum fine or exceed the maximum fine permitted by this section, but shall be calculated separately from the fine imposed for the violation of the section.
If, before final subdivision approval has been granted, any person transfers or sells or agrees to transfer or sell, except pursuant to an agreement expressly conditioned on final subdivision approval, as owner or agent, any land which forms a part of a subdivision for which municipal approval is required by this chapter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., such person shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed $1,000, and each lot disposition so made may be deemed a separate violation.
In addition to the foregoing, the municipality may institute and maintain a civil action:
For injunctive relief; and
To set aside and invalidate any conveyance made pursuant to such a contract of sale if a certificate of compliance has not been issued in accordance with subsection 13-3.6b of this chapter.
In any such action, the transferee, purchaser or grantee shall be entitled to a lien upon the portion of the land, from which the subdivision was made that remains in the possession of the developer or his assigns or successors, to secure the return of any deposits made or purchase price paid, and also, a reasonable search fee, survey expense and title closing expense, if any. Any such action must be brought within two years after the date of the recording of the instrument of transfer, sale or conveyance of said land or within six years, if unrecorded.
If, after final approval it is discovered that there was any misrepresentation of any statements or proofs contained in any plat or in any application for approval or in any representations made to induce approval, the planning board or the borough council may, in addition to such other sanctions as are available in the law, revoke the approval of any plat and proceed as if final approval had not been obtained.
All amendments to this chapter and to the zoning map, which forms a part hereof, shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., as amended and supplemented.
If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause or provision of this chapter shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, subdivision, clause or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of this chapter shall be deemed valid and effective.
After the effective date of this chapter all new applications for development shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. Within 45 days of submission of such application for development the administrative officer shall notify the developer in writing if an application for development is found to be incomplete or it shall be deemed to be properly submitted and constitute a complete application 45 days after the date of submission. If a developer is notified that an application for development is incomplete the administrative officer shall further notify the developer within 45 days of submission of all the additional plans and supporting documentation requested if an application for development is still found to be incomplete or it shall be deemed to be properly submitted and constitute a complete application 45 days after submission of all the additional plans and supporting documentation requested.
All applications for development filed prior to the effective date of this chapter may be continued, subject to the following:
The time limits for approval by the municipal agency set forth within this chapter shall not apply unless the developer shall notify the municipal agency in writing that he desires the application to be considered within such time limits. Such letter of notification from the developer shall constitute the filing of a new application for development subject to the provisions of paragraph a of this subsection and all other provisions of this chapter.
If the developer does not notify the municipal agency that he desires the application for development to be considered within the time limits set forth in this chapter, such application for development shall be processed and acted upon pursuant to the procedures heretofore in effect at the time of such application.
All approvals granted after the effective date of this chapter shall confer upon the applicant all the rights set forth in this chapter.
Upon adoption of this chapter the borough clerk shall file a copy of this chapter with the Monmouth County Planning Board as required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-16.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #444; Ord. #96-748; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. #2007-102]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the lawful use of land or a building existing at the date of the adoption of this chapter may be continued although such use or building does not conform to the regulations specified by this chapter for the zone in which such land or building is located; provided, however, that:
No nonconforming lot shall be further reduced in size.
No nonconforming building shall be enlarged, extended or increased unless such enlargement would tend to reduce the degree of nonconformance, provided, however, that any nonconforming residential and accessory buildings now existing can be enlarged, extended or increased in size as long as the enlargement does not violate front, side, rear yard, height and total lot coverage regulations for the zone in which the building(s) exist(s) and does not continue an existing violation of front, side or rear yard setback(s), or height limitation(s), further in the direction where the extension does not violate the setback regulation.
No nonconforming use may be expanded.
A nonconforming use or building shall be presumed to be abandoned when there occurs a cessation of use or activity by an apparent act or failure on the part of the tenant or owner to reinstate such use or occupancy within a period of one year from the date of cessation of discontinuance. Such use shall not thereafter be reinstated and the structure or building shall not be reoccupied, except in conformance with this chapter.
Any nonconforming use, building or structure which shall sustain partial destruction by any means or cause may be restored or repaired to its condition prior to the destruction. For the purpose of determining what constitutes partial destruction 50% of replacement value of the affected improvement may be used as a nonbinding guideline subject to the facts of each case. Any decision of the zoning officer denying the permits required to restore or repair a partially destroyed nonconforming use, building or structure may be reviewed by the planning board pursuant to an application for a variance under either N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(c) or (d) as appropriate.
No nonconforming use shall, if once changed into a conforming use, be changed back again into a nonconforming use.
A nonconforming building or structure may be altered, but not enlarged or extended, during its life provided no walls or partitions, no doors or other openings are removed or installed, and no other structural changes are made either within or without the building or structure, unless said building is changed to a building or structure conforming to the requirements of this chapter.
Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction or designated use of a building for which a building permit has been heretofore issued and substantial construction has taken place prior to the date of the adoption of this chapter.
Whenever the boundaries of a district shall be changed so as to transfer an area from one district to another district of a different classification, the provisions of this chapter shall also apply to any nonconforming uses existing therein or created thereby.
[Ord. #324.19; Ord. #670; Ord. #2001-831; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. #2006-81]
Any restrictions or requirements with respect to buildings or land, which appear in other ordinances of the borough or are established by law and which are greater than those set forth herein, shall take precedence over the provisions of this chapter.
Except as herein otherwise provided:
No building shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land or building be designed, used, or intended to be used, for any purposes or in any manner other than as specified among the uses hereinafter listed as permitted in the zone in which such building or land is located.
No building shall be erected, no existing buildings shall be altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except in conformity to the yard, lot area, and building location regulations hereinafter designated for the zone in which such building or open space is located.
No off-street parking area, loading or unloading area provided to meet the minimum off-street parking, loading or unloading requirements for one use or structure shall be considered as providing off-street parking, loading or unloading area for a use or structure on any other lot, unless specifically permitted elsewhere in this chapter.
No subdivision may be approved unless each lot contained in said subdivision complies with all the requirements of the zone in which said lot is located, or unless a variance has been granted therefrom.
No use shall be considered a permitted use or a conditional use in a zone district unless included as such in the particular zone district.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.3; Ord. No. 2006-81]
Effective June 3, 1997 certain site improvements as specified by state statute and associated with residential site plans, subdivisions, or planned unit residential developments are regulated by the Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C., Title 5. Chapter 21).
For residential development, the standards set forth in any subsequent provision of this section relating to bikeways, curbs and gutters, parking, public utilities, sewage collection and disposal systems, sidewalks, walkways and pedestrian walks, sight easements, storm drainage facilities, street signs, streets and highways and water supply systems are superseded by the Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. Title 5, Chapter 21).
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.4]
Every principal building shall be built upon a lot with frontage upon a public street improved to meet the borough requirements or for which such improvement has been guaranteed by the posting of a performance guarantee pursuant to this chapter unless relief has been granted under the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36.
Where a building lot has frontage on a street, which the master plan or the official map of the borough indicates is proposed for right-of-way widening, the required front yard setback shall be measured from such proposed right-of-way line.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.5; Ord. No. 2005-55; Ord. No. 2014-200, § 2; Ord. No. 2017-259 § 1]
No yard or other open space provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this chapter shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other buildings, and no yard or other open space on one lot shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for a building on any other lot.
All yards facing on a public street shall be considered front yards and shall conform to the minimum front yard requirements for the zone in which located, except as otherwise provided in this chapter and that for purposes of swimming pools and accessory buildings the yard upon which the principal building faces shall be considered the front yard and the yard to the rear of the principal building shall be considered a rear yard.
Every part of a required yard shall be open and unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky, except for the ordinary projections allowed by the State Uniform Construction Code including, but not limited to, sills, belt courses, chimneys, flues, buttresses, ornamental features, and eaves, provided, however, that none of the aforesaid projections shall project into the minimum required yards more than 24 inches unless otherwise permitted by this chapter. Unroofed entrance porches, terraces, ADA ramps, stairs and landings which do not rise above the height of the floor level of the ground floor may extend up to five feet into the required side yard; up to 10 feet into any required front yard and up to 10 feet into any required rear yard providing the total area of all such porches, terraces, ADA ramps, stairs and landings which extend into such yards, does not exceed 1,000 square feet.
The total lot coverage of the square footage of the ground floors of all buildings located on a lot in any residential zone shall not exceed 25% of the total square footage of the lot as shown by an accurate survey. The total lot coverage of the square footage of the ground level of all buildings and structures combined located on a lot in any residential zone shall not exceed 50% of the total square footage of the lot. The purpose of this limitation is to ensure a water permeable surface within the residential zone sufficient to absorb and diffuse rain and other surface water in order to prevent or alleviate flooding.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.6]
On all corner lots, the depth of all yards abutting on streets shall not be less than the minimum front yard depth required on all adjoining interior lots fronting on such street. However, provisions of this section shall not apply so as to reduce the buildable width to less than 50% of any lot less than 100 feet in width. No corner lot setback shall in any case be less than 20 feet unless otherwise permitted in this chapter.
Where the corner lot abuts interior lots located in an adjoining zone having lesser front setback requirements, buildings may assume the minimum front setback dimension of the adjoining zone only if the adjoining zone is immediately adjacent and contiguous to the property and the proposed building is to be situated within 100 feet of said adjacent zone.
Lot lines of corner lots that are coexistent with side lines of abutting lots shall be considered side lines.
Lot lines of corner lots that are coexistent with rear lines of adjoining lots shall be considered rear lines.
Lot lines of corner lots that are coexistent with lot lines of adjoining corner lots shall be considered side lines.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.7]
Unless more stringent regulations are provided by other provisions of this chapter, at the intersection of two or more streets no hedge, fence, screening strip or wall higher than 30 inches above curb level, nor any obstruction to vision other than a post not exceeding one foot in diameter, shall be permitted on any lot within the triangular area formed by two intersecting street lines bounding said lot, or the projection of such lines, and by a line connecting a point on each street line located 25 feet from the intersection of the street lines.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.8; Ord. No. 657; Ord. No. 2001-831; Ord. No. 2005-55; Ord. No. 2010-162, § 2; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 3; amended 6-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-292]
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, accessory buildings and structures shall conform to the following regulations.
An accessory building attached to a principal building shall comply in all respects with the yard requirements of this chapter for the principal building. Detached accessory buildings shall be located in other than the front yard, and if located in a side or rear yard area, shall be set back as indicated in § 13-10, Zoning District Regulations, for the specified distance, except that in the R-8 Residential Zone, storage sheds containing less than 100 square feet of floor area may be located not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line. Any storage shed having a floor area of 100 square feet or more shall be not less than five feet from any side or rear lot line.
[Amended 2-25-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-297]
Accessory buildings may occupy not more than 35% of the rear or side yard area in any residential zone, provided that: such buildings shall not exceed 16 feet in height to the peak of the roof.
No detached accessory structure, in any residential zone, shall be less than five feet from the principal building.
If garage space is attached to or provided on the first floor of a single-family residence, vehicular entrances thereto shall be limited to not more than two garage doors, the maximum size of which shall not exceed nine feet in width and seven feet in height.
No accessory building located in any zone shall be either a quonset or a trailer, except for temporary structures erected or placed in the B-2, M-1 or M-2 Zones for a period not exceeding two months, or as extended pursuant to subsections 13-10.6d, 10, 13-10.8d,3 and 13-10.9d,1, or emergency or temporary structures in the R-8 Residential Zone for an initial period not exceeding six months, or as extended up to three months, as provided in subsection 13-10.4d,9 of this chapter, Temporary Uses and Structures, while a principal building is being repaired or modified.
No accessory building shall be used for residential purposes by any person or persons, including members of the family or occupants of the principal building or others employed on the premises.
The term "residential purposes" used in this subsection is to be broadly construed as including all normal residential use, excluding only accessory uses such as storage, utilities, mechanical equipment, parking, workshops, property maintenance activities, garden support facilities.
Detached accessory buildings shall not have exterior staircases that provide access to any attic space; however, interior stairs or pull down stairs shall be permitted.
Any lot shall not contain more than two accessory storage shed structures, in addition to a detached garage. The combined floor area of any two storage shed accessory structures shall be no more than 180 square feet.
[Amended 2-25-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-297]
Accessory structures, such as a detached garage, storage shed, and gazebo over 100 square feet should be anchored for flood hazard purposes.
Unroofed decks and/or raised patios which do not rise above the height of the first floor level may extend up to five feet into the side yard setback; up to 10 feet into the front yard setback; and located not less than 10 feet from any rear yard lot line. At-grade patios shall conform to the accessory structure setbacks as set forth in § 13-10.3A, Schedule of Area, Yard, Setback and Height Requirements, of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.9]
Any lot utilized for single-family or two-family dwelling purposes shall not contain more than one principal building.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.10]
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to customary underground essential services, except that all facilities such as pumping stations, repeater stations and electric substations, which require a building above ground or any other above ground appurtenance of any type more than 40 feet high, shall require approval as a conditional use subject to the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 324, § 5.11]
Where two or more lots, created by the filing of a map pursuant to the Map Filing Law prior to establishment of the borough planning board, have any contiguous lines and are in single ownership and one or more of the lots is nonconforming in any aspect, the lots involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes of this chapter and no portion of said parcel shall be conveyed or divided except through the filing of an approved subdivision in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
No structure shall extend higher than the limit provided in each zone created hereunder for building height.
The height limitations created hereunder shall not apply to spires, belfries, cupolas or domes not used for human occupancy, or to parapets, walls or cornices extending not more than four feet above the building height limit.
The height limitations created hereunder shall apply to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, tanks, stair towers, elevator towers, appurtenances usually carried above the roof level and non-commercial radio and television antennas attached to a building, except that the same may exceed said height limitation by not more than 15 feet, except that skylights, heating and air conditioning equipment and ventilators may exceed the height limitation by no more than four feet. Such features shall not exceed, in total coverage, 20% of the total roof area.
Free standing non-commercial radio and television antennae and flag poles may exceed the height limits created hereunder by not more than 15 feet.
Wherever feasible all of the following shall be preserved in its natural state:
Floodway areas.
Areas containing a significant number of specimen trees.
Existing water courses, ponds, marshes and swamps.
Wetlands as defined by the New Jersey Wetlands Act of 1970 and delineated on wetlands maps prepared by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Whenever a person acquires title to the land under water adjacent to his property by virtue of a riparian grant from the state, then the grant area shall automatically be zoned the same as the upland property adjacent to the grant, provided, however, that any part of this grant not filled, graded and stabilized pursuant to a valid construction permit shall not be applicable to meeting the minimum lot area for the governing zone.
Where applicable, the planning board shall require as a condition of site plan approval, that the owner convey to the borough, drainage easements, conservation easements, sight easements and/or other easements which may be required.
Solid wastes from single and two family homes, if stored outdoors, shall be placed in metal or plastic receptacles with tight fitting covers or in closed plastic bags.
Such receptacles shall not be stored or placed within any front yard area prior to the time at which solid wastes are permitted to be placed at the curb lines for collection. Such receptacles may be stored in either the rear or side yard areas, but if stored within a side yard area, they shall be screened from view of adjoining properties and street areas with planting or fencing.
Solid wastes from all uses other than single or two family homes shall comply with subsection 13-8.27 of this chapter.
The dumping of refuse, waste material or other substances is prohibited in all districts within the borough as permitted by borough ordinance.
Retail and/or wholesale business uses shall not display goods for sale, including motor vehicles, outdoors except in accordance with a site plan approved by the planning board, except as permitted for a marina operation.
Such outdoor displays shall only be permitted where the goods displayed are the merchandise of a business enclosed within a structure located on the site, or for temporary sidewalk or other types of outdoor sales, in accordance with a permit or other approval issued therefor by the borough council. Uses such as flea markets where two or more concessionaires, proprietors or businesses display goods for sale out of doors shall not be permitted in any zone within the borough.
Coin operated vending machines shall not be located further than two feet from a related business structure.
Goods for sale, displayed or stored outdoors including garage, yard or porch sales shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any street right-of-way or 15 feet to any side or rear line, except in conjunction with temporary sidewalk or other types of outdoor sales as permitted under paragraph b. Garage, yard or porch sales shall not exceed four to eight hours in duration in any given month.
Goods for sale, displayed or stored outdoors, shall not be located closer than 25 feet to any street right-of-way or 15 feet to any side or rear line, except in conjunction with temporary sidewalk or other types of outdoor sales as permitted under paragraph b.
Within any residential district, no building with a permitted home professional office or home occupation shall be constructed or altered so as to be inharmonious to the residential character of adjacent structures.
The types of construction not considered to be residential in character include store front type of construction, buildings with garage doors larger than needed for passenger vehicles or light commercial vehicles, unfinished concrete or cinder block wall surfaces, quonsets and trailers.
The exterior elevations shall be arranged and outer walls of non-residential buildings shall be faced with materials approved by the planning board in conjunction with site plan approval. The architecture of all buildings shall be compatible with structures on adjacent lands and in the neighborhood.
No part of a boat, trailer or camper shall intrude into the sidewalk or public street.
No boat, trailer or camper shall be parked on a public street without the approval of the police department. This approval shall be limited to a maximum period of 24 hours.
No boat, trailer or camper shall be stored in such a fashion as to block access or passage by emergency personnel.
Any boat, trailer or camper stored on property shall have a current registration, except for commercial property licensed to store boats or recreational vehicles. This requirement shall not apply to rowboats or sailboats which do not have an auxiliary engine and which move entirely by oar or sail.
No person or persons shall occupy or reside in any boat, trailer or camper, except for a trailer used for emergency purposes, as provided in subsection 13-5.8e, or temporary visits up to two weeks. If the visit exceeds two weeks the boat, trailer or camper must be moved to a campground.
No commercial vehicle having a rated maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) in excess of five tons or having more than two axles shall be parked or stored overnight on any occupied property which is primarily used for residential purposes or on any vacant property in a residentially zoned area except for vehicles engaged in construction, parked or stored on an active construction site.
Not more than one motor vehicle with commercial motor vehicle registration having a rated maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) of five tons or less shall be parked or stored overnight on any occupied property which is primarily used for residential purposes or on any vacant property in a residentially zoned area, except for vehicles engaged in construction, parked or stored on an active construction site. This provision shall not apply to passenger automobiles with commercial motor vehicle registration.
No building, structure or use shall be permitted within areas defined as wetlands by the New Jersey Wetlands Act of 1970 and delineated on the wetlands maps prepared by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection except in accordance with a permit issued under the Act.
Free standing radio and television antennae shall only be placed in the rear yard area and shall be located no closer than 15 feet to any property line.
Free standing antennae over 20 feet in height or antennae extending 20 feet above the point of attachment to a building shall be built to withstand winds of 100 miles per hour. In no circumstance shall the height of the antennae exceed the height limitations under subsection 13-5.12.
All development within the borough shall conform to the regulations of the State Uniform Construction Code which requires that any new construction or substantial improvements be reasonably safe from flooding. All new construction or substantial improvements shall also comply with current U.S. Housing and Urban Development Comprehensive Flood Insurance Regulations.
As a condition of approval and the continuance of any use, occupancy of any structure, and operation of any process or equipment, the applicant shall supply evidence, satisfactory to the planning board or to its designated representative that the proposed use, structure, process, or equipment will conform fully with all of the applicable performance standards. As evidence of compliance, the board may require certification of tests by appropriate government agencies or by recognized testing laboratories, any costs thereof to be borne by the applicant. The planning board may require that specific types of equipment, machinery or devices be installed, or that specific operating procedures or methods be followed if the government agencies or testing laboratories examining the proposed operation shall determine that the use of such specific types of machinery, equipment, devices, procedures or methods are required in order to assure compliance with the applicable performance standards. Permits and certificates required by other government agencies shall be submitted to the planning board as proof of compliance with applicable codes.
The planning board and/or governing body may require that instruments and/or other devices, or professional reports or laboratory analysis be used to determine compliance with the following performance standards for an existing or proposed use and the cost thereof shall be borne by the owner, applicant or specific use in question.
Artificial lighting or illumination provided on any property or by any use shall adhere to the following standards:
The illumination provided by artificial lighting on the property shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles beyond any property line.
Spotlights or other types of artificial lighting that provide a concentrated beam of light shall be so directed that the beam of light does not extend beyond any property lines.
Spotlights or other types of artificial lighting used to illuminate signs or building faces shall not emit beams of light that extend beyond the vertical plane of the sign or building face that they illuminate and shall not be located in such a manner as to cause the beams of light to be reflected upon any adjoining property, public street or vehicular circulation area.
It shall be the responsibility of every property owner, tenant, developer and applicant to maintain in a safe and orderly condition all buildings and land in the borough which they own, use, occupy or have maintenance responsibility for in accordance with the following regulations.
Maintenance of all land uses within the borough shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
Potholes and other pavement failure within paved parking areas shall be repaired on a regular basis, but in no event shall potholes or pavement failures be left unrepaired for a period in excess of 30 days. If such potholes or pavement failure are hazardous to vehicles, they shall be appropriately barricaded and marked to warn motorists.
Paint striping, traffic control signs and markings, and all other signs and graphics shall be maintained in a condition whereby they can be clearly seen and are legible.
Curbing, other pavement edging and sidewalks shall be maintained free of cracks and holes which would present a hazard to pedestrians or are unsightly.
Unpaved or gravel parking and pedestrian areas shall be maintained and regularly regraded in a manner which will keep the area free of holes and other severe grade changes which would be hazardous to vehicular and pedestrian usage.
All areas of the site shall be kept free of debris and other materials. All users of shopping carts or similar items shall provide for the regular pickup of such shopping carts or similar items from parking areas and other portions of the site at least once every hour during their business hours. All shopping carts or similar items shall either be stored indoors or in a location adjacent to the building specifically set aside for such storage during nonbusiness hours.
Shopping carts shall be marked with the name of the establishment, title and telephone number of person responsible for maintenance of the shopping carts, and a notice that they are not to be removed from the property on which the business is located. If shopping carts are removed from the property and abandoned, they shall be picked up by the business to which the cart belongs within 24 hours of notice from the borough. Failure to pick up such shopping carts within 24 hours of notice shall be a violation of this chapter, subject to the penalties prescribed herein.
All plantings and ground cover shall be regularly watered and cut. All dead plant materials shall be removed or replaced (if such plantings are required under this chapter, they shall be replaced only). All lawn or other non-paved areas shall be kept trimmed and free from weeds and other noxious growth.
Building finishes shall be maintained reasonably free of peeling or cracked paint, rust or other unsightly conditions.
All refuse stored outdoors shall be kept within containers having lids, which lids shall be kept closed except when refuse is being loaded or unloaded, and which lids shall secure tightly onto the container without any gaps providing access for rodents, insects and other vermin or animals. Such containers shall be stored in a manner that the refuse is not visible to pedestrians or persons within vehicles on or off the site. Such containers shall be stored only within side or rear yard areas and shall not be located to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian circulation.
All outdoor lighting shall be maintained in a working condition.
All land uses for which future development (site plan or subdivision) approval is granted subsequent to the adoption of this chapter or for which site plan or subdivision approval was previously granted under regulations heretofore in effect shall be required to maintain all structures and improvements shown on the approved site plan or subdivision in a safe and orderly condition. In addition to the maintenance responsibilities specified in subsection 13-5.28a, above, additional maintenance responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
All ground cover and plantings within screening and landscaping areas shown on an approved site plan or subdivision shall be regularly maintained. When plant material shown on an approved site plan or subdivision dies, it shall be replaced within the first 30 days of the next planting season.
Where a site plan specifies an outdoor refuse storage area, refuse shall only be stored outdoors in such area. Refuse containers located elsewhere on the site shall not be permitted.
Failure of the responsible property owner, tenant, developer and/or applicant to maintain property in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be a violation of this chapter subject to the penalties prescribed in subsection 13-3.10.
Notwithstanding any provisions contained in Chapter 13, Land Use and Development Regulations to the contrary, entertainment both live and nonlive shall be permitted at schools, churches, public buildings, parks, and playgrounds, fire and first aid houses and veterans halls which are consistent with the normal contemplated uses and special event uses of such facilities, including but not limited to plays, skits, shows, dances and dancing, and such other reasonable activities with the consent and under the supervision of the group or organization which has authority and control of such facility.
[Ord. No. 95-741]
Adult Movies and Bookstores Prohibited.
Purpose and Intent: In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2 it is declared to be the purpose and intent of this subsection to protect the public health, safety, welfare and morals of the Borough of Union Beach, to promote the stability of property values, and impose restrictions upon those activities which pander to gross sexuality in a manner that would detract from the neighborhood, adversely affect the property values, increase crime and violence, and be repugnant to the morals of the community. In recognition of the protections afforded to the citizens under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, it is not the intent of this subsection to inhibit freedom of speech or the press, but rather to deter those of low morals from imposing their lack of morals upon the rest of the community; and further recognizing that those parts of a community, which become centers of loose moral conduct, frequently become places of rowdiness, criminality, and indecent behavior. It is further the belief that just as advertising is designed to stimulate one's appetite for desiring goods or a service, an over-abundance of preoccupation with sexual displays or material arouses the appetites of those so preoccupied and encourages violations of the criminal statutes involving sexual offenses and is contrary to the health, safety and welfare of the community.
Definitions. As used in this subsection, 13-5.30, any defined terms shall have the meanings as defined, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended.
For the purpose of this Section "specified sexual activities" is defined as:
Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy;
Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast.
For the purpose of this subsection, "specified anatomical areas" is defined as:
Less than completely and opaquely covered:
Human genitals, pubic region,
Buttock, and
Female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and
Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Adult Movies, Cabarets, and Bookstores Prohibited.
Book Sales. No person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer for sale any book, magazine or other periodical such is distinguished or characterized by emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."
Mini Motion Picture Displays. No person, firm or corporation shall offer for viewing either free of charge or through coin-operated motion picture devices or any other movie or form of display; which has significant displays of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Cabarets. No person, firm or corporation shall feature or permit dancers, or other persons to be engaged in specified sexual activities.
Obscene Video Games, Computer Games and Coin Operated Games. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, lease, operate or offer for the use of the public within the Borough of Union Beach any coin-operated amusement devices, video games, computer games or viewing machines which depict material which is obscene if considered as a whole, applying community standards, its predominate appeal is to prurient interests, that is, a shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex or excretion, and utterly without redeeming social value and if, in addition, it goes substantially beyond customary limits of candor in describing or representing such matters. This prohibition also applies to the free of charge showing and/or allowing the viewing in total or part of any of said obscene games or devices, etc., which are otherwise offered for sale for either on or offsite viewing.
Visibility - Required in Picture Arcades.
Findings and Purpose. Enclosed or concealed booths and unlit or dimly lit areas within picture arcades greatly increase the potential for misuses of the premises, including unlawful conduct of a type which facilitates transmission of disease. The provisions of this subsection are necessary in order to reduce the opportunity for, and therefore the incidence of, illegal conduct within picture arcades, and to facilitate the inspection of conduct within picture arcades by law enforcement personnel and authorized borough inspectors.
Picture Arcade. Any room to which the public can gain admittance where one or more coin or slug-operated or electrically, electronically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines or projectors or video monitors are designed, operated or maintained to show still or motion pictures or videos to five or fewer persons per machine, projector or monitor at any one time.
Visibility of Interior. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, corporation or other entity to own, operate, maintain or manage a picture arcade, unless the complete interior of the portion of the premises where the pictures can be viewed is continuously open and fully visible. Booths within picture arcades where still or motion pictures are viewed are prohibited.
Minimum Lighting Requirements. A level of illumination established by the chief of police, based upon generally accepted lighting standards, and published in a list of rules and regulations governing picture arcades shall be maintained during hours of operation in all parts of any picture arcade which are open to the public. The list of rules and regulations shall be available upon request to the police department.
Existing Picture Arcades. Any picture arcade lawfully in existence on the effective date of this subsection shall be made to conform to the provisions of this subsection by January 1, 1996.
Nuisance Injunction. Any violation of this subsection 13-5.30 is hereby declared to be a nuisance. In addition to any other relief provided by this subsection, the borough attorney may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction to prohibit the continuation of any violation of this subsection. Such application for relief may include seeking a temporary restraining order, temporary injunction or permanent injunction.
Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this subsection 13-5.30 shall be fined or imprisoned pursuant to the general penalty provision provided by section 3-1 et seq. of the "Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Union Beach 1980" for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
[Ord. No. 2003-34; 6-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-291]
For individual building lots, no fill shall be placed on any property within the Borough of Union Beach, nor shall any soil be removed from any property within the Borough of Union Beach without the prior approval of the Borough. Approval of a site plan or subdivision showing such filling or removal or approval of a grading plan upon the advice of the Borough Engineer and/or Planning Board shall constitute such approval of the Borough.
Where soil removal or fill changes the existing grade of the property, a grading plan will be required for review and approval upon advice of the Borough Engineer. The proposed grading shall be in a manner so as to permit the continued flow of natural drainage and shall not cause surface water to be blocked or dammed to create ponding either on the subject property upon which such is located or on any adjacent lots.
Prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy an as-built grading plan will be required for review and approval by the Borough Engineer. The as-built plan shall show the existing grade prior to the removal or fill, as well as the completed grading.
Unless otherwise permitted by a municipal agency, the construction official or his designee, grading plans and/or accompanying information submitted must conform to the following minimum standards:
Show existing and proposed grading information for the entire property, not just the limits of disturbance.
Existing grading information must be taken from field surveys or identifiable aerial mapping of appropriate resolution (0.5 feet+-). Existing grading information taken from aerials is not acceptable. The source of the existing grading information must be identified.
Show the locations of all existing and proposed principal and accessory structures.
Show all existing and proposed improvements (principal and accessory) and grading changes with sufficient horizontal and vertical information to identify the limits of grading.
Include the name and the qualifications of the person preparing the plan.
Include the name and address of the property owner, if known; provide the name and address of the contractor, the name and address of the person responsible for the site grading; and a 24 hour emergency contact telephone number.
Show all proposed soil erosion and sediment control measures, as well as a proposed sequence of construction.
Show the locations of all streams, drainage swales or ditches, bodies of water, regulated wetlands, or similar environmental features.
Show all existing and proposed subsurface drainage related elements, including, but not limited to, pipes, inlets, blind drains, wet wells, sump pump discharges, down spout/leader drains, dry wells, etc.
Show grading information on adjacent lots which clearly identifies drainage patterns. A minimum of 20 feet is required. If the property is flat or if the drainage patterns are poorly defined, additional information may be required.
Provide gutter and centerline elevations on all abutting roads at 50 foot intervals. If the lot frontage is 100 feet or less, a minimum of three elevations must be provided along the frontage; one at each property line and one in the center.
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 4]
Building on Pilings, Columns or Piers. Elevated buildings shall provide screening (except where vehicular access is provided, and except where the columns or piers are suitably finished) so that the construction-grade pilings, columns, piers and cross-bracing are not visible from the street and adjoining properties, in a manner permitted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Hazard Regulations and the Borough Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. The screening shall be permanent (except in a "V" zone where break-a-way walls are required), and may be constructed of wood panels, vinyl, dimensional lattice, masonry or other suitable material compatible with the finish and architectural style of the building.
Buildings Elevated by Means of Solid Foundation Perimeter Walls. Solid foundation perimeter walls shall be finished in a manner that does not detract from the appearance of the neighborhood. Unfinished concrete block and cinder block is not acceptable. Split-face and decorative block, stucco, wood, vinyl and fiber cement siding, brick (and veneers), stone (and veneers), or other suitable material compatible with the finish and architectural style of the building are acceptable foundation wall treatments.
[Added 6-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-292]
A private garage accessory to a principal residential building is permitted in any residential zone.
No part of any garage shall be used for residential purposes. The term "residential purposes" used in this subsection is broadly construed as including all normal residential use, excluding only accessory uses such as storage, utilities, mechanical equipment, parking, workshops, property maintenance activities, garden support facilities.
One driveway and one curb cut shall be permitted for lots with less than 100 feet of frontage the R-8 Residential Zone district. Lots with greater than 100 feet of frontage shall have no more than two single driveway curb cuts having a maximum twelve-foot width in the R-8 Zone district.
Driveways in the R-8 Zone district shall be set a minimum of two feet from adjacent property lines unless adjacent property owners enter into an agreement for maintaining a joint driveway.
Driveways in the R-8 Zone district shall have a minimum width of nine feet.
Driveway shall have a maximum width of the greater of the width of the garage door plus two feet, or 12 feet, whichever is greater.
Off-street overnight parking shall be permitted only in garages or in driveways. No overnight parking may take place on lawn areas or other portions of the lot not intended for parking. All areas properly used for parking shall be defined and included in lot coverage.
Residential driveways and parking areas shall not occupy more than 40% of the front yard in the R-8 Zone district.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #625; Ord. #98-780; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. #2006-81]
In all zones for all proposed uses, subdivision, site development or construction other than an "exempt development," site plan and/or subdivision approval shall be required prior to:
Subdivision of land.
Issuance of a development permit.
The issuance of a building permit for any new structure or for any addition to or alteration of an existing structure.
Any change of use of land or structure to a use for which any of the standards of this chapter are more restrictive or stringent.
Any expansion of the total number of employees, number of employees in any shift, or the number of vehicles to be stored or parked on the site exceeding 25% of the amount existing at the time of passage of this chapter or as set forth at the time of a previous site plan approval.
The construction or alteration of any public facility, structure or building for which referral to the planning board for review and recommendation is required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-31.
The construction or alteration of, or addition to any off-street parking area which provides an increase of more than five parking spaces.
Application shall first be made to the administrative officer for issuance of a development permit by any person wishing to undertake any of the following:
Subdivision of land.
Construct a new building or structure.
Add to or structurally alter any existing building.
Change the use on any land or within any building or structure.
Any expansion of the total number of employees, number of employees in any shift, or the number of vehicles to be stored or parked on the site exceeding 25% of the amount existing at the time of passage of this chapter or as set forth at the time of a previous site plan approval.
Construct, add to or alter any parking area, signs, lighting, drainage facility or any other site improvement above and/or below ground level.
Alter the existing condition of any parcel of land.
If the construction official shall determine that the proposed undertaking is an "exempt development" which conforms in all aspects to the requirements of this chapter, and does not change or alter the grading or runoff flow or capacity of the site, and does not require direction for issuance of a building permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 or 36 of the Municipal Land Use Law, he shall issue a development permit and the applicant may then apply for a building permit and/or other permits that may be required.
If the construction official shall determine that the proposed undertaking is an "exempt development" but does not conform in all aspects to the requirements of this chapter, and/or does not change or alter the grading or runoff flow or capacity of the site, and/or requires direction for issuance of a building permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 or 36 of the Municipal Land Use Law, he shall instruct the applicant that planning board approval of the application for development and/or variance and/or direction for issuance of a building permit is required before a development permit may be issued allowing the applicant to apply for a building permit and/or other permits that may be required.
If the construction official shall determine that the proposed undertaking is not an "exempt development" he shall instruct the applicant that planning board approval of an application for development is required. He shall further advise the applicant which of the following approvals are required:
Site plan.
Conditional use.
Direction for issuance of a building permit.
Unless the developer elects to submit a separate application pursuant to the last paragraph of subsection 13-3.1i,5(d) (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)) the planning board shall hear and act upon any requests for granting of variances, conditional use approval and/or direction for issuance of a building permit at the same time that they hear and act upon a minor subdivision, preliminary plat of a major subdivision, or a preliminary plat of a major site plan. Such simultaneous action may be taken in conjunction with a final plat of a major subdivision or site plan if revisions in the plat subsequent to preliminary plat approval shall have created the need for such simultaneous action or if the application is for combined preliminary and final plat approval.
Certain commercial, industrial, multi-family or professional buildings shall be exempt from the requirement for site plan approval under the following circumstances.
The proposed change in use of the land or building is from one permitted use to another permitted use and the cost of the alteration of the building or site will not exceed $50,000;
The proposed change in use of the land or building is from one permitted use to another permitted use and the proposed alteration of the building will not extend the physical size of the building, structure or other site improvement, regardless of cost;
The proposed change in use of the land or building is from one permitted use to another permitted use and the applicant proposes to install additional exterior lighting not exceeding 500 watts.
Any person who desires to obtain approval of a site plan or subdivision may request to be scheduled at a conference meeting of the planning board for an informal discussion of the proposed development. The purpose of the informal discussion shall be to establish general guidelines to be followed by the applicant in preparing the submission.
Submission Requirements. All applications for development shall be submitted and shall be accompanied by at least seven copies of the required application forms, plat maps and supporting attachments, exhibits and information. Applications for development shall not be accepted by the administrative officer unless they are accompanied by the required fees and all taxes are paid up to date as set forth in subsection 13-3.4.
Administrative Review. Upon receipt of an application for development, the construction official shall retain the original of the application and forward the other two copies of the application and all plat maps, supporting attachments, exhibits and other information submitted to the secretary of the planning board. The secretary of the planning board shall review the application for compliance with submission requirements. If the application is for a site plan, subdivision and/or conditional use, the secretary of the planning board shall make the following distribution of the application, plat maps and attachments:
Plat Maps & Attachments
Monmouth County Planning Board
Bayshore Regional Sewage Authority
Borough Engineer
The planning board may determine that additional distribution of the application, plat map and attachments should be made to other agencies and in such cases the applicant may be required to submit additional prints.
Engineering Review. The borough engineer shall review applications for development for site plans, subdivisions and conditional uses and shall advise the planning board and the applicant of any technical deficiencies, required changes and/or recommended changes. Seven copies of revised plans and attachments, which correct all deficiencies, incorporate all required changes and satisfactorily consider all recommended changes shall be submitted to the planning board for further review.
Certificate of Completeness. When all submission requirements have been fulfilled and, in the case of site plans, subdivisions and conditional uses, when reports have been received from the borough engineer that the plans and attachments submitted are in technical compliance, the secretary shall issue a certificate of completeness and schedule the application for development for public hearing before the planning board.
Conditional Approvals. After issuance of a certificate of completeness, all applications for development shall be acted upon by the planning board within the time limits set forth within section 13-3 of this chapter, or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. If required approvals from other government agencies have not been received prior to planning board approval of an application for development, such approval shall be conditional upon the subsequent approval or approvals by the other government agencies unless the applicant shall request that such approval be withheld until the approval or approvals from the other government agencies have been received.
If approval is granted conditioned upon the subsequent approval of another government agency and such government agency requires revisions in the plat which alter the layout and design standards approved by the planning board to an extent that the board determines that the basis upon which the approval was granted has been changed, the applicant shall be required to receive revised approval from the planning board and pay the fees for such revised approval set forth in subsection 13-3.4 of this chapter.
Board Action. In acting upon an application for development for a subdivision or site plan, the planning board shall consider whether the submittal complies to the following standards and regulations:
The proposed use is consistent with the master plan.
The plat submission contains all of the information and data required by this chapter.
The details and improvement standards of the plat are in accord with the standards of this chapter.
Adequate provision is made for safe and convenient vehicular traffic access, circulation and parking.
Adequate provision is made for safe and convenient pedestrian circulation.
Ingress and egress for the site will not unduly impede or obstruct the flow of traffic on public streets.
Adequate provision has been made for the collection and disposal of storm water runoff and the proposed drainage facilities have been approved by the borough engineer.
Adequate provision has been made to screen adjoining residential properties from any adverse effects that might result from outdoor lighting, buildings, parking areas, refuse storage areas, recreation areas, equipment areas, bulk storage areas or similar utilities or structures located on the site.
Adequate provision has been made for compliance with the performance standards of this chapter.
Adequate provision has been made to provide structures and uses of a quality and design which will not produce adverse effects on existing developments in the surrounding areas or further uses designated for the surrounding area in the master plan.
The proposed development is compatible with approved subdivisions and/or site plans for adjacent and nearby parcels of land.
Materials designated in the Borough of Union Beach Recycling Ordinance-520 (The Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Union Beach, 1980, section 12-6 et seq.) shall be separated from other solid waste by the generator and a storage area for recyclable material shall be provided as follows:
For each application for development or building permit for "exempt development" for single family unit(s), the applicant shall provide a storage area of at least 12 square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate a four week accumulation of mandated recyclables (including but not limited to: newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bi-metal cans). The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage, basement or kitchen.
For each application for development for multifamily units, the applicant shall provide a storage area of at least three square feet within each dwelling unit to accommodate a one week accumulation of mandated recyclables (including but not limited to: newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bi-metal cans). The storage area may be located in the laundry room, garage, or kitchen. Unless recyclables are collected on a weekly basis from each dwelling unit, one or more common storage areas must be provided at convenient locations within the development.
For each site plan application for commercial and industrial developments that utilize 1,000 square feet or more of land, the applicant shall provide the municipal agency with estimates of the quantity of mandated recyclable materials (including but not limited to: newspaper, glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin and bi-metal cans, high grade paper, and corrugated cardboard) that will be generated by the development during each week. A separated storage area must be provided to accommodate a one to four weeks accumulation of recyclable material. The municipal agency may require the location of one or more common storage areas at convenient locations within the development.
Reproduction Fee and Issuance of Development Permit. Approvals of all applications for development shall not be valid until all of the following have taken place;
The administrative officer shall certify that all conditions of approval have been satisfied.
In the case of applications for development for site plans and subdivisions, the applicant shall submit the reproducible original of the plat for signature by the chairman and secretary of the planning board, and in the case of minor subdivisions or final plats of major subdivisions, to the borough engineer.
In the case of applications for development for site plans and subdivisions, the applicant shall have been paid the required reproduction fees.
The administrative officer shall cause three copies of the signed plat and attachments to be reproduced. One copy shall be retained in the files of the administrative officer, one copy shall be retained in the files of the borough engineer and one copy shall be retained in the files of the planning board.
After signature and reproduction the administrative officer shall return the reproducible original of the plat and attachments to the applicants.
For all applications for development that receive minor or final plat approval, the administrative officer shall issue a development permit after the plat has been signed. The date of the development permit shall be the date upon which the approval becomes valid. The date upon which the approval of applications for development related to preliminary plats becomes valid shall be the date on which the plat is signed by the chairman and secretary of the planning board. However, the period of time for which certain rights are conferred upon the applicant shall commence on the date which the planning board granted the approval.
Required Documents. Prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of a minor subdivision for public hearing, the board secretary shall determine that the following have been submitted in proper form:
A certificate of title, which may be on the plat (signed by the owner and notarized) or a letter form, signed by a member of the New Jersey Bar, by a title officer or authorized agent of a title insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which certificate shall confirm that the owner of the premises in question is the owner as shown on the plat.
Borough engineer's report.
Application for state wetlands approval where required.
Other submittals that may be required by the borough engineer, planning board, board of adjustment, or federal, state or local law.
The application for development for a minor subdivision shall include a request for the granting of any variances required.
Required application fees.
Seven copies of a plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below.
Plat Requirements.
General Requirements: The plat for a minor subdivision shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch, shall conform to the provisions of the Map Filing Act, Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey as amended and supplemented and shall include or be accompanied by the information specified below:
All dimensions both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, all lots and lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance and their descriptions shall close within a limit or error of not more than one part in 10,000.
The minor subdivision shall be based upon a current boundary survey certified to the subdivider and prepared or recertified not less than 12 months prior to the date of application.
Title Block: A title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
Title of "minor subdivision."
Name of the subdivision, if any.
Tax map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest borough tax map, the date of which shall also be shown.
Acreage of the tract being subdivided to the nearest tenth of an acre.
Names and addresses of owner and subdivider so designated.
Date (of original and all revisions).
Name, signature, address and license number of the land surveyor who prepared the map and made the survey (the plat shall bear the embossed seal of said land surveyor).
Detailed Information:
A key map (at a scale of not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet showing the location of the tract to be subdivided with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets which intersect or border the tract, the names of all such streets and any zone boundaries and borough boundary which is within 500 feet of the subdivision.
The names of all owners of and property lines of parcels adjacent to the land to be subdivided, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the borough.
All zone boundaries, borough borders, existing public easements, tax map lot and block numbers, watercourses, floodways and flood hazard areas within 200 feet, and both the width of the paving and the width of the right-of-way of each street within 200 feet of the subdivision.
All existing structures, with an indication of those which are to be destroyed or removed, and the front, rear and side yard dimensions of those to remain, referenced to proposed lot lines.
All proposed public easements or rights-of-ways and the purposes thereof.
The existing system of drainage of the subdivision and of any larger tract of which it is a part, together with information on how it is proposed to dispose of surface drainage (where required by the board or borough engineer.)
All proposed lot lines and the areas of all lots in square feet. The areas and dimensions specified shall be shown to the nearest hundredth of a square foot or hundredth of a linear foot.
North arrow.
Written and graphic scales.
A copy of any existing or proposed covenants or deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided or certification that none exist. Such certification may be in letter form signed by a member of the New Jersey Bar, by a title officer or authorized agent of a title insurance company licensed to do business in New Jersey.
Proposed lot and block numbers approved by the borough engineer.
Such other information as the board and/or borough engineer may require or request during the review of the application for classification and approval as a minor subdivision.
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development for a minor subdivision granted by the planning board or board of adjustment shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied prior to signing of the plat or issuance of a development permit:
Installation of or posting of performance guarantees for the installation of any improvements required by the board.
Payment of any outstanding real estate taxes.
Monmouth County Planning Board approval (if not previously granted).
Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority approval or waiver of sewer requirements (if not previously granted).
Payment of the required reproduction fee.
Submission of additional prints of the plat map and attachments for distribution (if required).
Publication of a notice of the decision of the board by the applicant.
Any other conditions which may be imposed by the board or which may be required by federal, state or local law.
Certification. In the event that the application for development for a minor subdivision is approved, a certification to that effect in this form:
Classified and approved as a minor subdivision by the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board (Board of Adjustment) on _______________________.
This plat (or a deed describing this subdivision) must be filed in the office of the Clerk of Monmouth County on or before __________, which date is 190 days after approval as a minor subdivision by the Borough of Union Beach Planning (Board of Adjustment).
shall be endorsed on the plat and the original reproducible thereof shall be provided to the board by the applicant. Said original shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board and the borough engineer (as to the map filing law certification) after they receive a certification from the administrative officer that the conditions of approval have been satisfied. After signature the plat shall be reproduced as provided for in subsection 13-6.4 of this chapter and the signed original shall be returned to the applicant for filing.
Filing of Approved Plat. If the applicant desires to proceed with a subdivision for which approval as a minor subdivision has been granted, he shall file with the county recording officer a deed or the approved minor subdivision plat, drawn in compliance with the Map Filing Law, (Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960), as amended and supplemented, within 190 days from the date of approval by the board. The applicant shall, within one week after filing the subdivision, notify, in writing the borough engineer and borough tax assessor of the date of the filing of the subdivision with the county recording officer, and the case and sheet or page number for the filed plat or deed. A duplicate tracing of the filed map or copy of the deed, indicating thereon the filing date, shall be obtained from the county recording officer by the borough who shall distribute copies of the filed map to appropriate municipal officials. In the event the subdivider fails to so file within the period allowed, the approval of the plat shall expire.
Required Documents. Prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness of scheduling of a preliminary plat of a major subdivision for public hearing, the board secretary shall determine that the following has been submitted in proper form:
Borough engineer's report.
Copy of application for granting of a CAFRA Permit, where required and if submitted.
Application for State Wetlands Permit, where required.
Other submittals which may be required by the borough engineer, planning board, board of adjustment, or federal, state or local law.
The application for development for a preliminary plat of a major subdivision shall include a request for the granting of any variances required.
Required application fees.
Seven copies of a plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below.
Plat Requirements.
General Requirements: All plats containing proposals or designs for drainage, streets and subdivision layouts shall be prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and shall bear the address, signature, embossed seal and license number of said professional engineer. The preliminary plat shall be based on a land survey conducted not more than five years prior to the date of application and certified to the subdivider and shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch for subdivisions up to 100 acres in size, and not less than 200 feet to the inch for subdivisions over 100 acres in size, and shall show or be accompanied by the information specified below.
Title Block: The title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
"Preliminary Plat - Major Subdivision."
Name of subdivision, if any.
Tax map sheet, block, and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest borough tax map, the date of which shall also be shown.
Date (of original and all revisions).
Names and addresses of owner and subdivider, so designated.
Name, signature, address and license number of the engineer and/or land surveyor who prepared the map. (The plat shall bear the embossed seal of said engineer and land surveyor.)
A key map (at a scale of not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet) showing the location of the tract to be subdivided, with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets which intersect or border the tract, the names of all such streets and any zone boundary or borough boundary which is within 500 feet of the subdivision.
A schedule shall be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the number of lots, the zone, the minimum required lot areas, setbacks, yards and dimensions.
Zone boundaries, borough borders and the names of all owners, lot and block numbers and property lines of parcels within 200 feet of the land to be subdivided, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the borough, or of the municipality of which the property is a part. Property owners names within 200 feet shall be included on the plat plan and a listing will not be acceptable.
The preliminary plat shall be based on a current certified boundary survey as required above with sufficient lines of the adjoining tracts surveyed to establish any overlap or gap between the adjoining boundary lines and the boundary lines of the tract in question. The date of the survey and the name of the person making the same shall be shown on the map.
Existing one foot interval contours based on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL=0) shall be shown extending a minimum of 100 feet beyond the boundary of the tract in question and shall be certified by a New Jersey licensed surveyor or professional engineer as to accuracy, except that where the slopes exceed 5%, a two foot interval may be used, and if the slopes exceed 10%, a five foot interval is permissible. The source of elevation datum base shall be noted. If contours have been established by aerial photography, a check profile shall be made on the boundary line of the tract and certified by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor.
90% of elevations interpolated from contour lines will be within one-half the contour interval when referred to the nearest bench mark. All spot elevations shall be to the nearest one-tenth foot and accurate to within three-tenths of a foot.
90% of all planimetric features shown on the map will be within 1/40 inch of their true position and no planimetric features will be out of true position more than 1/20 inch at map scale when referenced to the nearest field-established station. A statement of compliance and/or a complete statement concerning any areas of noncompliance with this requirement shall be placed on the tentative plat.
All existing streets, public easements, watercourses, floodways and flood hazard areas within the proposed subdivision and within 200 feet of the boundaries thereof, including both the width of the paving and the width of the right-of-way of each street, within 200 feet of the subdivision.
All existing structures, an indication of those which are to be destroyed or removed, and the front, rear, and side yard dimension of those to remain.
The boundaries, nature, extent and acreage of wooded areas and other important physical features, including swamps, bogs and ponds within the proposed subdivision and within 200 feet.
The layout of the proposed subdivision drawn in compliance with the provisions of the chapter.
All proposed public easements or rights-of-way and the purposes thereof, and proposed streets within the proposed subdivision. The proposed streets shall show the right-of-way and proposed pavement width.
The existing system of drainage of the subdivision and of any larger tract of which it is a part, together with information on how it is proposed to dispose of surface drainage.
The acreage of the drainage area (or areas) of each natural or man-made watercourse traversing the subdivision, including the area within the subdivision and the area upstream from the subdivision.
All proposed lot lines and the areas of all lots in square feet. The areas and dimensions specified should be accurate to within minus 0% and plus 4% (for example, a lot line specified as 250 feet long should not be less than 250 feet but may be as long as 260 feet).
North arrow and basis therefor and written and graphic scales.
Preliminary utility layouts showing methods of connection and sources of service.
The proposed location and area, in acres or square feet, of all proposed common open space areas.
The types and locations of all stakes, marks or flagged points, if any, placed on the property to aid in on-site inspections. The planning board may require the marks or stakes, as a minimum, be placed at the intersection of all lines of the tract boundary with existing streets, at the center of all cul-de-sacs, at all internal street intersections, along street tangents at intervals not exceeding 500 feet, and at such additional locations as the planning board may deem necessary. The locations indicated on the plat shall be accurate within plus or minus 10 feet. Any traverse lines cut out and/or marked on the site shall be shown on the plat. If such on-site points, as above discussed, have not been established at the time of submission of a tentative plat, the planning board may give the subdivider 15 days' notice of the date of any proposed site inspection by the board, so the points can be set.
The tentative plat shall show, on the property to be subdivided and within 200 feet of that property all existing paper streets, dirt roads, paved streets, curbs, manholes, sewer lines, water and gas pipes, utility poles, ponds, swamps and all other topographical features of a physical or engineering nature.
Preliminary on-site grading and drainage plan:
The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by a preliminary grading and drainage plan which shall show locations of all existing and proposed drainage scales and channels, retention-recharge basins, the scheme of surface drainage and other items pertinent to drainage including the approximate proposed grading contours at one foot intervals, except if slopes exceed 5%, a two foot interval may be used, and if they exceed 10%, a five-foot interval is permissible. Datum shall be United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL=0) and the source of datum shall be noted.
The plan shall outline the approximate area contributing to each inlet, catch basin or drain.
All proposed drainage shall be shown with preliminary pipe type and sizes, invert elevations, grades and direction of flow. The direction of flow of all surface waters and all watercourses shall be shown.
The preliminary grading and drainage plan shall be accompanied by drainage calculations made in accordance with standards set forth in this chapter.
Preliminary off-site drainage plan. The preliminary plat shall also be accompanied by a preliminary off-site drainage plan prepared in accordance with the following standards:
The plan shall consist of an outline of the entire drainage basin in which the property to be subdivided is located. The terminus of the basin and existing ground contours or other basis for determining basin limits shall be shown.
Pertinent off-site existing drainage, which receives or discharges runoff from or onto the site, shall be shown with elevations of inverts, pipe types and sizes or other appropriate physical data for open or nonpipe conduits.
To the extent that information is available and may be obtained from the county or borough engineer, any existing plans for drainage improvements shall be shown.
In the event a temporary drainage system is proposed, tentative plans of that system shall be shown.
Boring Logs: Unless the borough engineer shall determine that less boring logs are required or that some or all of the boring logs may be deferred to the final plat stage, the preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a set of boring logs and soil analyses for borings made in accordance with the following requirements:
Borings shall be spaced evenly throughout the tract.
One boring not less than 15 feet below the proposed grade or 20 feet minimum depth shall be made for every five acres, or portion thereof, of land within a tract where the water table is found to be 10 feet or more below the proposed or existing grade at all boring locations.
One additional boring shall be made per acre, or portion thereof, in those areas where the water table is found to be less than 10 feet below the proposed or existing grade.
In addition to the above, in those areas where the water table is found to be five feet or less below the existing or proposed grade, two additional borings per acre, or portion thereof, will be required. If construction of homes with basements is contemplated, at least one boring will be located on each lot within the building setback lines.
Boring logs shall show soil types and characteristics encountered, groundwater depths, the methods and equipment used, the name of the firm, if any, making the borings and the name of the person in charge of the boring operation. The boring logs shall also show surface elevations to the nearest one-tenth (0.1) of a foot.
Based on the borings, the preliminary plat shall clearly indicate all areas having a water table within two feet of the existing surface of the land, or within two feet of proposed grade, or all areas within which two feet or more of fill is contemplated or has previously been placed.
The location, dimensions, area and disposition of any park and recreation areas shall be shown and noted on the preliminary plat and shall be subject to the approval of the planning board.
Sectionalization and staging plans: The preliminary sectionalization and staging plan showing the following:
If the subdivision is proposed to be filed for final approval in sections, the plan shall show each such section and the anticipated date of filing for each section. The staging of the various sections in the subdivision shall be such that if development of the subdivision were to be discontinued after the completion of any section, the developed portion of the subdivision would be provided with adequate street drainage and utility systems. The size and staging of the section in a subdivision shall be established to promote orderly development and shall be subject to the approval of the board.
The sectionalization and staging plan shall identify for each lot or groups of lots in the subdivision those improvements that will be completed prior to application for certificates of occupancy. The plan should demonstrate that the staging of construction will minimize adverse affects upon occupied buildings in the subdivision and adjoining properties.
If the borough engineer, planning board or board of adjustment, determines that existing trees located on the site may have an effect on the proper layout of the subdivision, it may be required that the location, caliper and type be shown on the plat for the following:
Living deciduous trees having a trunk of six inches diameter or more at breast height.
All living coniferous trees having a trunk of six inches or more diameter at breast height.
All living dogwood (Cornus florida) or American Holly (Ilex opaca) trees having a trunk of one inch or greater diameter at breast height.
All native laurel (Kalmia latifolia) shrubs having a root crown of three inches or greater measured at the soil or surface level.
The location of proposed depressed pedestrian ramps and other facilities for the handicapped.
Such other information as the board and/or borough engineer may require or request during the review of the preliminary plat.
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development for a preliminary plat of a major subdivision by the planning board or board of adjustment shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied prior to the signing of the plat:
Payment of required reproduction fee.
Submission of additional prints of the plat and attachments for distribution (if required).
Preliminary Monmouth County Planning Board approval (if not previously granted).
Preliminary Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority approval (if not previously granted).
Publication of a notice of decision of the board by the applicant.
Any other conditions which may be imposed by the board or may be required by federal, state or local law.
The board may also condition its preliminary approval upon the applicant providing for certain revisions or additions on the final plat submission.
Certification. In the event that the application for development for a preliminary plat of a major subdivision is approved, a certificate to that effect in this form:
Approved as a preliminary plat of a major subdivision by the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board (Board of Adjustment) on ______________________.
shall be endorsed as the preliminary plat and the original reproducible thereof shall be provided to the board by the applicant. Said original shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board after they receive certification from the administrative officer that all conditions of approval have been satisfied. After signature, the preliminary plat shall be reproduced as provided for in subsection 13-6.4 of this chapter and the signed original shall be returned to the applicant.
Applicant's Rights Upon Approval. Approval of a preliminary plat shall confer upon the applicant the rights set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-49 and subsection 13-3.1j.5 of this chapter.
Improvements not to be Installed. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not confer upon the developer the right to undertake any clearing, grading and/or to install any improvements prior to final plat approval unless it shall be determined by the planning board or board of adjustment and the borough engineer that (1) such clearing, grading and/or installation of improvements would not hinder future development or create physical or aesthetic problems in the event that further development of the subdivision is not undertaken and (2) that required inspection fees have been paid and adequate performance guarantees have been posted to provide for the cost to the borough of performing work that may be necessary to protect adjacent property owners and the public interest in the event that such clearing, grading and/ or installation of improvement is not completed and/or further development of the subdivision is not undertaken. Such performance guarantees shall include, but are not limited to, the cost to the borough of providing erosion control facilities, seeding or otherwise stabilizing the site, drainage facilities necessary to protect off-tract acres from flooding, screening or fencing that may be required and all improvements to be undertaken that may be required and all improvements to be undertaken which are within existing public rights-of-way of easements.
Required Documents. Prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of a preliminary plat of a site plan for public hearing, the board secretary shall determine that the following has been submitted in proper form:
Borough engineer's report.
Copy of application for granting of a CAFRA Permit, where required and if submitted.
Application for municipal and/or State Wetlands Permit, where required.
Other submittals that may be required by the borough engineer, planning board, board of adjustment, or federal, state or local law.
The application for development for a preliminary plat of a major site plan shall include a request for the granting of any variances required.
Required application fees.
Seven copies of a plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below.
Plat Requirements.
General Requirements:
Any preliminary plat of a site plan presented to the planning board or board of adjustment for its approval shall be signed and appropriately sealed by an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor and/or professional planner licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey; provided, however, that sanitary sewer, water distribution and storm drainage plans and water and sewage treatment plans may only be signed and sealed by a professional engineer.
Site plans shall not be drawn at a scale smaller than one inch equals 50 feet nor larger than one inch equals 10 feet. If the size of the site would require the use of sheets larger than 30 inches by 42 inches in order to show the entire site on one sheet, the detailed information for the site plan shall be shown in sections on sheets not larger than 30 inches by 42 inches, which sheets shall be keyed to an overall plan of the site drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 200 feet.
The site plan shall be based on a monumented, current certified boundary survey. The date of the survey and the name of the person making same shall be shown on the map. If 12 months or more has passed since the date of (or date of last recertification of) the survey, it shall be recertified and if necessary, brought up to date.
Title Block: The title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
Title of "Preliminary Plat - Site Plan."
Name of the development, if any.
Tax map sheet, block and lot number of the site, as shown on the latest borough tax map, the date of which should also be shown.
Date (of original and all revisions).
Names and addresses of owner and developer, so designated.
Names(s), signature(s), addresses(es), and license number(s) of engineer, architect, land surveyor or planner who prepared the plan and their embossed seal.
If the site plan contains more than one sheet, each sheet shall be numbered and titled.
A schedule shall be placed on the site plan indicating:
The acreage of the tract and site (the portion of the tract involved in the site plan).
The floor area of the existing and proposed buildings (listed separately).
The proposed use or uses and the floor area devoted to each use.
The zone in which the site is located.
Proposed and required lot dimensions and front, rear and side setbacks.
Proposed and required off-street parking spaces.
Square footage and percentage of the site retained in unoccupied open space and occupied by buildings.
North arrow and written and graphic scales.
The tops of the banks and boundaries of the floodways and flood hazard areas of all existing watercourse, where such have been delineated or the limits of alluvial soils where the boundaries of floodways and flood hazard areas have not been determined, and/or such other information as may assist the board in the determination of floodway and flood hazard area limits.
Paving and right-of-way widths of existing streets within 200 feet of the site.
The boundary, nature and extent of wooded areas, swamps, bogs and ponds within the site and within 200 feet thereof.
Existing and proposed manholes, sewer lines, fire hydrants, water lines, utility poles and all other topographical features of a physical or engineering nature within the site and within 200 feet thereof.
All existing structures on the site and within 200 feet thereof, including their use, indicating those to be destroyed or removed and those to remain.
Location, use, finished grade level, ground coverage, first floor and basement elevations, front, rear and side setbacks of all existing buildings and other pertinent improvements.
Existing and proposed public easements or rights-of-way and the purposes thereof.
A grading plan showing existing and proposed grading contours at one foot intervals throughout the tract, except if slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used, and if they exceed 10%, a five-foot interval is permissible. Datum shall be United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL=0) and source of datum shall be noted. In addition to proposed grading contours, sufficient additional spot elevations shall be shown to clearly delineate proposed grading.
On-site drainage plan:
The drainage plan shall be presented in graphic form which shall clearly show the street and lot layout and those items which are pertinent to drainage including existing and proposed contours as previously required.
The plan shall outline each area contributing to each inlet.
All proposed drainage shall be shown with pipe type and sizes, invert and grate or rim elevations, grades and direction of flow. The direction of flow of all surface waters and of all streams shall be shown.
The drainage plan shall be accompanied by complete drainage calculations made in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter.
Off-site drainage plan: The plat shall also be accompanied by an off-site drainage plan prepared in accordance with the following standards:
The plan shall consist of an outline of the entire drainage basin in which the site is located. The terminus of the basin and existing ground contours or other basis for determining basin limits shall be shown.
The pertinent off-site existing drainage shall be shown with elevations of inverts and grates to the nearest one-tenth of a foot.
To the extent that information is available and may be obtained from the county or municipal engineer, any existing plans for drainage improvements shall be shown.
In the event a temporary drainage system is proposed, full plans of that system shall be shown.
The off-site drainage plans shall be accomplished by profiles of all proposed drainage, showing existing details, pipe sizes, type, inverts, crowns and slopes; all proposed structures and connections and design hydraulic grade lines for all conduits designed to carry 40 or more cubic feet per second. Cross-sections at intervals not exceeding 100 feet shall be shown for all open channels.
If required by the borough engineer, centerline profiles of streets bordering the site, internal roadways and major circulation aisles showing:
Existing and proposed final grades and slopes.
Pipe sizes, slope, type, inverts and grate or rim elevation of drainage and sanitary sewage facilities.
Boring Logs: Unless the borough engineer shall determine that less boring logs are required or that some or all of the boring lots may be deferred to the final plat stage, the site plan shall be accompanied by a set of boring logs and soil analyses for borings made in accordance with the following requirements:
Borings shall be spaced evenly throughout the site.
One boring not less than 15 feet below grade or 20 feet minimum depth shall be made for every five acres (or portion thereof) of land where the water table is found to be 10 feet or more below proposed or existing grade at all boring locations.
One additional boring shall be made per acre (or portion thereof) in those areas where the water table is found to be less than 10 feet below proposed or existing grade.
In addition to the above, in those areas where the water table is found to be five feet or less below existing or proposed grade, two additional borings per acre (or portion thereof) will be required if construction of basements is contemplated. Borings shall be located where such basements are proposed.
Boring logs shall show soil types and characteristics encountered, ground water depths, the methods and equipment used, the name of the firm, if any, making the borings and the name of the person in charge of the boring operation. The boring logs shall also show surface elevations to the nearest one-tenth of a foot.
Based on the borings, the site plan shall clearly indicate all areas having a water table within two feet of the existing surface of the land, or within two feet of proposed grade; or all areas within which two feet or more of fill is contemplated or has previously been placed.
Zone boundaries and the tax map sheet, lot and block numbers and names of owners of all properties within 200 feet of the site.
A key map, (at a scale of not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet), showing the location of the site with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets, the names of all such streets and any zone boundary or borough boundary which is within 500 feet of the subdivision.
The location, area, dimensions and proposed disposition of any area or areas of the site proposed to be retained as common open space, indicating the facilities to be provided in such areas.
The capacity of off-street parking areas and the location and dimensions of all access drives, aisles and parking stalls. The location and treatment of existing and proposed entrances and exits to public rights-of-way, including the possible utilization of traffic signals, channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional width and any other device necessary for traffic safety and/or convenience, and the estimated average number of passenger vehicles, single unit trucks or buses, and semitrailers that will enter the site each day.
Graphic depiction of the anticipated routes and details of the system of on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation. If the developer desires to have the appropriate provisions of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes governing motor vehicle operation, made applicable to the site, thereby allowing municipal police regulation of traffic control devices, he shall submit a formal request and a detailed plan meeting the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The borough engineer will advise the developer regarding the details of such a plan.
The location and size of proposed loading docks.
Location of curbs and sidewalks.
Cross-sections showing the composition of pavement areas, curbs and sidewalks.
Exterior lighting plan, including the location, direction of illumination, amount of illumination expressed in horizontal foot candles, wattage and drawn details of all outdoor lighting standards and fixtures.
Landscaping and screening plan showing the location, type, spacing and number of each type of tree or shrub and the location, type and amount of each type of ground cover to be utilized.
Location of signs and drawn details showing the size, nature of construction, height and content of all signs.
Drawn details of the type of screening to be utilized for refuse storage areas, outdoor equipment and bulk storage areas.
Floor plans and building elevation drawings of any proposed structure or structures, or existing structures to be renovated.
Location of handicapped facilities including parking spaces and ramps (where applicable).
If the borough engineer or planning board determines that existing trees located on the site may have an effect on the proper layout of the site, it may be required that the location, caliper and type be shown on the plat for the following:
Living deciduous trees having a trunk of six inches diameter or more at breast height.
All living coniferous trees having a trunk of six inches or more diameter at breast height.
All living dogwood (Cornus florida) or American holly (Ilex opaca) trees having a trunk of one inch or greater diameter at breast height.
All native laurel (Kalmia latifolia) shrubs having a root crown of three inches or greater measured at the soil or surface level.
Sectionalization and staging plan: Developers of large uses such as shopping centers, multi-family dwellings, industrial parks or other such uses proposed to be developed in stages shall submit a sectionalization and staging plan showing the following:
The anticipated date for commencing construction of each section or stage. The staging of development on the site shall be such that if development of the site were discontinued after the completion of any stage, the developed portion of the site would comply in all respects to the requirements of this chapter and be provided with adequate drainage and utility systems.
Those improvements that will be completed in each stage prior to application for certificate of occupancy. The plan should demonstrate that the staging of construction will minimize adverse affects upon occupied buildings in the site and adjoining properties.
Written description of the proposed operations in sufficient detail to indicate the effects of the use in producing traffic congestion, noise, glare, air pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards. The written description shall also include the hours of operation of the use, the number of shifts to be worked, the number of employees in each shift, the number of vehicles to be stored or parked on the site, and provisions to be made for site maintenance.
Such other information as the planning board and/or borough engineer may request during site plan review.
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development for a preliminary plat of a major site plan by the planning board or board of adjustment shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied prior to the signing of the plat:
Payment of required reproduction fee.
Submission of additional prints of the plat and attachments for distribution (if required).
Preliminary Monmouth County Planning Board approval (if not previously granted).
Preliminary Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority approval (if not previously granted).
Publication of a notice of the decision of the board by the applicant.
Any other conditions which may be imposed by the board or may be required by federal, state or local law.
The board may also condition its preliminary approval upon the applicant providing for certain revisions or additions on the final plat submission.
Certification. In the event that the application for development for a preliminary plat of a site plan is approved, a certification to that effect in this form:
Approved as a preliminary plat of a site plan by the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board (Board of Adjustment) on __________.
shall be endorsed on the preliminary plat and the original reproducible thereof shall be provided to the board by the applicant. Said original shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board after they receive certification from the administrative officer that all conditions of approval have been satisfied. After signature the preliminary plat shall be reproduced as provided for in subsection 13-6.4 of this chapter and the signed original shall be returned to the applicant.
Applicant's Rights Upon Approval. Approval of a preliminary plat shall confer upon the applicant all the rights set forth in N.J.S.A. 40: 55D-49 and subsection 13-3.1j5 of this chapter.
Improvements Not to be Installed. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not confer upon the developer the right to undertake any clearing, grading and/or to install any improvements prior to final plat approval unless it shall be determined by the planning board or board of adjustment and the borough engineer that (1) said clearing, grading and/or installation of improvements would not hinder future development or create physical or aesthetic problems in the event that further development of the site plan is not undertaken and (2) that required inspection fees have been paid, and adequate performance guarantees have been posted to provide for the cost to the borough of performing work that may be necessary to protect adjacent property owners and the public interest in the event that such clearing, grading and/or installation of improvements is not completed and/or further development of the site is not undertaken. Such performance guarantees shall include, but are not limited to, the cost to the borough of providing erosion control facilities, seeding or otherwise stabilizing the site, drainage facilities necessary to protect off-tract areas from flooding, screening or fencing that may be required and all improvements to be undertaken which are within existing public rights-of-way or easements.
Waiver of Site Plan Approval Procedure. The planning board may waive the requirement for the submission of a site plan for its review and approval if the application involves an addition to or an alteration of an existing structure, a change in use of any existing structure or improvement to a business costing less than $5,000. The planning board shall grant such a waiver if it finds, on the basis of documentation and evidence presented that the existing conditions on the premises involved are satisfactory for the proposed use. Application for a waiver of site plan approval shall be submitted in writing to the administrative officer with a fee of $20 payable to the Borough of Union Beach. The planning board shall hold a public hearing on the application as in the case of an application for site plan approval. The planning board shall act on the application for a waiver at its meeting during which it holds the public hearing or within such additional time as may be agreeable to the applicant. Any waiver of site plan approval shall be valid for the same period of time as an approval of a final site plan would have been valid.
Required Documents. Prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of a final plat of a major subdivision for public hearing, the board secretary shall determine that the following has been submitted in proper form:
Borough engineer's report.
Application for land disturbance permit.
Application for fire department approval.
Application for municipal and/or state wetlands approval, where required.
Application for stream encroachment permit, where required.
Where applicable, a copy of the permit issued, or if the permit has not been issued, the application filed with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, under the Coastal Area Facility Review Act, and copies of the environmental impact statement and any attachments thereto filed in accordance with the provisions of the Act, or, in the alternate, a statement issued by the Department of Environmental Protection that the proposed development is exempt from the Act.
A certificate of title, which may be on the plat (signed by the owner and notarized) or in letter form, signed by a member of the New Jersey Bar or by a title officer or authorized agent of a title insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which certificate shall confirm that the owner of the premises in question is the owner as shown on the plat.
Other submittals that may be required by the borough engineer, planning board, board of adjustment, or federal, state or local law.
Unless waived by the board, a formal request, in appropriate statutory form, requesting that the applicable provisions of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes be made applicable to the site in order to permit police regulation of traffic control devices prior to acceptance of streets.
Required application fees.
Seven copies of the plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below.
Plat Requirements.
General Requirements: A final plat may, for all or any portion of an approved preliminary plat, be submitted to the planning board within three years of the date of approval of the preliminary plat. In general, all requirements set forth in this chapter for tentative plats shall apply to final plats with the addition of the specific additional requirements set forth herein.
A final plat shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch, shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey, as amended and supplemented, specified herein.
All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and all lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance and their description shall close within a limit of error of not more than one part in 10,000.
Unless specifically waived by the borough engineer, the bearing system used on the exterior boundaries of the final plat shall conform to the New Jersey State Plan Coordinate System or the plat shall show bearings based on said system in addition to any other bearings shown. When multiple bearing systems are shown, the bearings conforming to the New Jersey State Plan Coordinate System shall be enclosed in brackets.
Unless specifically waived by the borough engineer, coordinates, based on the New Jersey State Plan Coordinate System (x and y) shall be shown, individually or in tabular form, for the monumented (existing or proposed) corners of the exterior boundary of the tract.
The source of New Jersey State Plan Coordinate System information shown as required above shall be noted on the final plat.
Purpose of Final Plat: A final plat and supporting drawings and documents for a proposed subdivision constitute the complete and fully detailed and documented development of the subdivision proposal and becomes the basis for the construction of the subdivision and inspection by the borough engineer, other officials and planning board or board of adjustment. The portion of the plat intended for filing must be recorded at the county clerk's office to have legal status.
Title Block: The title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
Title of "Final Plat - Major Subdivision."
Development name, if any.
Tax map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest borough tax map, the date of which shall also be shown.
Date (of original and all revisions).
Names and addresses of owner and subdivider, so designated.
The name(s), signature(s), address(es) and license number(s) of the engineer and land surveyor who prepared the map. (The plat shall bear the embossed seal of said engineer and land surveyor).
The final plat shall be based on a monumented, current, certified boundary survey. The date of the survey and the name of the person making the same shall be shown on the map. If 12 months or more have passed since the date of or date of last recertification of the survey, it shall be recertified and, if necessary, brought up to date. Any necessary revisions from the survey used as a base for the tentative plat shall be specifically noted.
A schedule shall be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the number of lots, the zone, the minimum required lot areas, setbacks, yards and dimensions.
All design information submissions required by the provisions of the improvements and design standards portions of this Ordinance shall accompany the final plat.
A grading plan showing existing and proposed grading contours at one foot intervals throughout the tract, except if slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used, and if they exceed 10%, a five-foot interval is permissible. Datum shall be United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL=0) and source of datum shall be noted. In addition to proposed grading contours, sufficient additional spot elevations shall be shown to clearly delineate proposed grading, including corner elevations of buildings and first floor and basement elevations.
The limits of all areas of proposed cuts and fills (exclusive of excavations for basements) shall be clearly designated.
On-site Drainage Plan:
The drainage plan shall be presented in graphic form which shall clearly show the street and lot layout and those items which are pertinent to drainage including existing and proposed contours as previously required.
The plan shall outline each area contributing to each inlet.
All proposed drainage shall be shown with pipe type and sizes, invert and grate or rim elevations, grades and direction of flow. The direction of flow of all surface waters and of all streams shall be shown.
The drainage plan shall be accompanied by complete drainage calculations made in accordance with standards set forth herein.
Off-site Drainage Plan: The final plat shall also be accompanied by an off-site drainage plan prepared in accordance with the following standards:
The plan shall consist of an outline of the entire drainage basin in which the property to be subdivided is located. The terminus of the basin and existing ground contours or other basis for determining basin limits shall be shown.
The pertinent off-site existing drainage shall be shown with elevations of inverts and grade to the nearest one-tenth of a foot.
To the extent that information is available and may be obtained from the county municipal engineer, any existing plans for drainage improvements shall be shown.
In the event a temporary drainage system is proposed, full plans of that system shall be shown.
The off-site drainage plans shall be accompanied by profiles of all proposed drainage, showing existing and proposed finished grades, channel section details, pipe sizes, type, inverts, crowns and slopes; all proposed structures and connections and design hydraulic grade lines for all conduits designed to carry 40 or more cubic feet per second. Cross-sections at intervals not exceeding 100 feet shall be shown for all open channels.
Centerline profiles of all proposed streets showing:
Existing and proposed finished grades and slopes.
Pipe sizes, slope, type, inverts and grate or rim elevations of drainage and sanitary sewage facilities.
Where required by the borough engineer, cross-sections of proposed streets to at least 10 feet outside of any grading limit at intervals of at least every 100 feet, of all proposed streets.
Where required by the planning board or board of adjustment, the location, caliper and type of all:
Living deciduous trees having a trunk of six inches diameter at breast height or more.
All living coniferous trees having a trunk of six inches or more diameter at breast height.
All living dogwood (Cornus florida) or American holly (Ilex opaca) trees having a trunk of one inch or greater diameter at breast height.
All native laurel (Kalmia latifolia) shrubs having a root crown of three inches or greater measured at the soil or surface level.
The number, locating and species of all proposed shade trees or other plantings.
Utility layouts, specifications and cross-sections (sewers, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc.), showing feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility systems; provided, however, that detailed layouts of gas, electric and telephone lines are not required. An indication of these on a typical road cross-section shall be sufficient. Layouts shall include proposed locations of street lights and fire hydrants. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply with all local, county and state regulations.
The tops of the banks and boundaries of the floodways and flood hazard areas of all existing watercourses, where such have been delineated or the limits of alluvial soils where boundaries of floodways and flood hazard areas have not been determined, and/or such other information as may assist the board in the determination of floodway and flood hazard area limits.
Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way; land to be reserved or dedicated to public use, all lot lines and site easement lines, with accurate dimensions and bearings and radii, tangents, chords, arcs and central angles of all curves and all front, rear and side (or yard) setback lines.
All monuments in accordance with Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960 of the State of New Jersey, including all monuments found, monuments set, and monuments to be set, and an indication of monumentation found and reset.
Certificate of engineer or land surveyor as to accuracy of the details of the plat.
Lot and block numbers shown on the final plat shall conform to the borough tax map (or proposed revisions thereof) and shall be obtained by the applicant's engineer from the borough engineer. Proposed house numbers shall also be obtained from the borough engineer and shall be shown encircled on the final plat, or on one of the attachments thereto. The borough engineer shall not affix his signature to the final plat unless the applicant has fully complied in this regard.
Subdivision names and street names shown on the final plat shall not be the same or similar to any name of any existing subdivision or street in the borough, and shall be approved by the borough engineer.
The location of areas dedicated for park and recreation facilities or common open space as approved by the board.
Unless waived by the board, a detailed plan setting forth the type and location of all traffic control and regulatory devices. This plan shall have been approved by, or in the opinion of the borough engineer be likely to be approved by the New Jersey Department of Transportation. This plan shall be prepared in consultation with the borough engineer and the borough police department and shall provide for all appropriate traffic control measures necessary for the health, safety, convenience and well being of those occupying, or likely to occupy, the subdivision between final approval and final acceptance. This plan shall be accompanied by the formal request referred to in subsection 13-6.8a.
Such other information as the board and/or borough engineer may request during review.
Sectionalization of final plats shall be in conformance with the sectionalization and staging plan, if any, approved with the preliminary plat.
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development of a final plat of a major subdivision shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied within a period of time specified by the planning board or board of adjustment, prior to the signing of the plat or issuance of a development permit.
Payment of any outstanding real estate taxes.
Submission of additional prints of the plat map and attachments for distribution, if required.
Publication of a notice of the decision of the board by the applicant.
Final Monmouth County Planning Board approval (if not previously obtained).
Final Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority approval (if not previously obtained).
Payment of required reproduction fees.
Issuance of a Freehold Soil Conservation District Permit.
Granting of state of municipal wetlands permit (if required).
Certification of approval of plans for drainage or watercourse diversions by the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, where required.
Granting of a Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) Permit (where required).
Approval of any required riparian grants or licenses.
Granting of any required construction permits.
Posting of required performance guarantees.
Payment of required inspection fees.
Evidence of a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than $300,000 per occurrence identifying and saving harmless the borough and its agencies, employees and agents from any liability for any acts of the subdivider or his agents, contractors or employees in the implementing of the approved subdivision. The insurance policy shall provide for 10 days' notice to the borough prior to cancellation. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any property owner, subdivider or building to carry on the construction of a subdivision without having current valid evidence of insurance on file.
Any other conditions which may be imposed by the board or may be required by federal, state or local law.
Certification. In the event that the application for development for a final plat of a major subdivision is approved, a certification to that effect in this form:
Approved as a final plat of a major subdivision by the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board (Board of Adjustment) on ________________________.
This plat must be filed in the office of the Clerk of Monmouth County on or before ________________________, which date is 95 days after the date upon which this plat was signed.
shall be endorsed on the plat and the original reproducible thereof shall be provided to the board by the applicant. Said original shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board and the borough engineer (as to the map filing law certification) after they receive a certification from the administrative officer that all conditions of approval have been satisfied. After signature, plat shall be reproduced as provided for in subsection 13-6.4 of this chapter and the signed original shall be returned to the applicant for filing.
Filing of Approved Plat. If the applicant desires to proceed with a subdivision for which final approval has been granted, he shall file with the county recording officer a plat map drawn in compliance with Chapter 141 of the Laws of 1960, as amended and supplemented, within 95 days from the date upon which the plat was signed by the planning board chairman and secretary. The applicant shall, within one week after filing the subdivision with the county recording officer, notify, in writing, the borough engineer and borough tax assessor of the date of filing of the subdivision with the county recording officer and the case and sheet or page number for the filed map. A duplicate tracing of the filed map indicating thereon the filing date shall be obtained from the county recording officer by the borough who shall distribute copies of the filed map to appropriate municipal officials. In the event the subdivider fails to so file within the period allowed, the approval of the plat shall expire unless, prior to expiration, such time is extended by the board for a period not to exceed 95 days for good cause shown.
Applicant's Rights Upon Approval. Approval of final plat shall confer upon the applicant all the rights set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-52 and subsection 13-3.1j.7 of this chapter.
Display of Final Plat. The subdivider or his agent shall keep a clear and legible copy of the approved final plat in plain view in a prominent location in his offices and/or sales-rooms from which sales in the approved subdivision are made so that prospective purchases may have the opportunity to learn the special conditions, if any, under which approval was given.
Required Documents. Prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of a final plat of a site plan for public hearing, the board secretary shall determine that the following has been submitted in proper form:
Borough engineer's report.
Application for a Freehold Soil Conservation District Permit.
Application for municipal and/or state wetlands approval, where required.
Application for a Stream Encroachment Permit, where required.
Where applicable, a copy of the permit issued, or if the permit has not been issued, the application filed with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, under the Coastal Area Facility Review Act, and copies of the environmental impact statement and any attachments thereto filed in accordance with the provisions of the Act, or, in the alternate, a statement issued by the Department of Environmental Protection that the proposed development is exempt from the Act.
Other submittals that may be required by the borough engineer, planning board, board of adjustment or federal, state or local law.
Required application fees.
Seven copies of a plat and attachments meeting the requirements set forth below.
Plat Requirements. The final plat shall include all data required for the preliminary plat of the site plan, and shall be drawn to incorporate all changes required as a condition of preliminary approval and shall be drawn by persons and to specifications as required for a preliminary plat and shall be titled "Final Plat - Site Plan."
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development of a final plat of a major site plan shall be subject to the following conditions being satisfied, within a period of time specified by the planning board or board of adjustment, prior to signing of the plat or issuance of a development permit:
Payment of any outstanding real estate taxes.
Submission of additional permits of the plat map and attachments for distribution, if required.
Publication of a notice of the decision of the board by the applicant.
Final Monmouth County Planning Board approval (if not previously obtained).
Final Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority approval (if not previously obtained).
Payment of required reproduction fees.
Issuance of Freehold Soil Conservation District Permit (if not previously obtained.)
Granting of state wetlands permit (if required).
Certification of approval of plans for drainage or watercourse diversions by the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection, where required.
Granting of a Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFRA) Permit, where required.
Approval of any required riparian grants or licenses.
Granting of any required construction permits.
Posting of required performance guarantees.
Payment of required inspection fees.
Evidence of a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than $300,000 per occurrence identifying and saving harmless the borough and its agencies, employees and agents from any liability for any acts of the developer or his agents, contractors or employees in the implementing of the approved site plan. The insurance policy shall provide for 10 days notice to the borough prior to cancellation.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any property owner, developer or builder to carry on the construction of the site without having a current valid evidence of insurance on file.
Any other conditions which may be imposed by the board or may be required by federal, state or local law.
Certification. In the event that the application for development for a final plat of a major site plan is approved, a certification to that effect in this form:
Approved as a final plat of a major site plan by the Borough of Union Beach Planning Board (Board of Adjustment) on _______________________.
shall be endorsed on the plat and the original reproducible thereof shall be provided to the board by the applicant. Said original shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the board after they receive a certification from the administrative officer that all conditions of approval have been satisfied. After signature, the plat shall be reproduced as provided for in subsection 13-6.4 of this chapter and the original shall be returned to the applicant.
Applicant's Rights Upon Approval. Approval of a final plat shall confer upon the applicant all the rights set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-52 and subsection 13-3.1j of this chapter.
Required Documents. In cases where a proposed exempt development requires board of adjustment action on an application for development for either (1) the granting of a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 or (2) direction for issuance of a building permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 or N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36, prior to issuance of a certificate of completeness or scheduling of the application for development for public hearing before the board of adjustment, the board secretary shall determine that the following has been submitted in proper form:
Required application fees.
Seven copies of a plat plan and/or other documents which clearly describe the basis for the variance being requested or the basis for direction for issuance of a building permit being requested. If this plot plan is prepared by other than a licensed surveyor or architect, the applicant must furnish the board with an affidavit stating that all the information shown thereon is correct. The plat plan shall show:
Block and lot numbers.
Dimensions of present and proposed structures.
Dimensions of the lot.
Location of all structures and distances between the various structures and property lines.
Seven copies of an area map showing the tax lot and block numbers of all properties located within 200 feet of the property for which the application is being made.
Any other documents which the board of adjustment may request.
Conditions of Approval. Any approval of an application for development by the board of adjustment or issuance of a development permit under this section shall be subject to the following:
The applicant obtaining a building permit, or certificate of occupancy where a building permit is not required, within a period of time specified by the board of adjustment. The approval shall expire and the development permit shall become invalid if the required permit is not obtained within the specified period.
Any other conditions which the board of adjustment may impose.
All references to the board of adjustment in the Land Use and Development Regulations of the Borough of Union Beach shall be deemed to be references to the planning board.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #493; Ord. #658]
Prior to the signing of a final plat, issuance of a development permit, and/or the commencing of any clearing, grading or installation of improvements, the developer shall have filed with the borough a performance guarantee sufficient in amount to equal the total cost of the borough, as estimated by the borough engineer, of constructing those on-site, off-site and off-tract improvements necessary to protect adjacent property and the public interest in the event development of the subdivision or site were not completed. Such improvements shall include, but are not limited to, drainage facilities necessary to protect off-tract areas from flooding, erosion control facilities, required screening and fencing, all improvements within public rights-of-way and easements and the cost of seeding or otherwise stabilizing the site or subdivision. Such guarantee shall assure the installation of such improvements on or before an agreed date, guarantee the completion of all improvements without damage to or interference with adjacent properties or public facilities, and hold the borough council and the planning board and their employees and agents harmless with respect to any acts of the developer, its agents, successors or assigns. The total estimated cost to the borough of constructing all improvements shall be based upon the estimated contract construction costs which would prevail upon expiration of the guarantee period, and shall also include appropriate allowances for contract related costs such as engineering, legal, financial and other usual costs, which shall be estimated to be 20% of the estimated contract construction costs. Such performance guarantee may be in the form of cash, certified check, negotiable securities, a performance bond issued by a bonding company or surety company approved by the borough council, or any other type of surety acceptable to and approved by the borough attorney and borough council, provided that at least 10% of the performance guarantee shall be in the form of cash, certified check, or savings passbook or certificate of deposit drawn on an insured banking institution in the State of New Jersey; provided, however, that all rights, including the right to interest with dividends, be assigned to the borough in a form of assignment acceptable to the borough attorney for the period of the bond and that the principal amount of the passbook or certificate of deposit, together with interest, be returned to the developer upon completion of the bonded improvements, or in the event of default, both interest and principal shall be used by and for the benefit of the borough in the completion of said improvements.
If at the time the performance guarantee is filed with the borough, the developer has not also filed with the borough proof that any other necessary performance guarantees have been filed and accepted by governmental bodies, authorities, public utility companies, and private utility companies other than the borough, which have jurisdiction over improvements in the site or subdivision, the amount of the performance guarantee shall be increased to reflect the cost of such improvements.
All performance guarantees shall run to and be in favor of the Borough of Union Beach.
The performance guarantee shall be approved by the borough attorney as to form, sufficiency and execution. Such performance guarantee shall run for a period to be fixed by the borough council, but in no case for a term of more than two years. However, with the consent of the owner and the surety, if there be one, the borough council may, by resolution, extend the term of such performance guarantee for an additional period not to exceed one year. The amount of the performance guarantee may be revised by the borough council from time to time to reflect work progress, increasing costs and changing conditions in regard to the uncompleted or unacceptable portions of the required improvements, if the required improvements have not been installed in accordance with the performance guarantee, the obligor and surety shall be liable thereon, at the option of the municipality for:
The reasonable cost of the improvements not installed, and upon receipt of the proceeds thereof, the municipality shall install such improvements; or
The completion of all required improvements.
If during the period of the performance guarantee the developer fails to prosecute the work of completing the improvements so as not to create hazards to life, health, property or public safety, the borough may, after five days' notice perform, or cause to be performed, any necessary corrective work and deduct the cost thereof from the 10% cash or certified check portion of the guarantee. Upon notice of any such deduction, the developer shall, within 10 days, restore the full 10% cash balance or his performance guarantee will be held to be void and the borough may take action as if final plat approval had not been obtained.
When all of the required improvements have been completed, the obligor shall notify the borough council in writing, by certified mail addressed in care of the borough clerk of the completion of said improvements and shall send a copy thereof to the borough engineer, which shall be accompanied by supporting documentation set forth in subsection 13-7.6g of this chapter. Thereupon the borough engineer shall inspect all of the improvements and shall file a detailed report, in writing, with the borough council, indicating either approval, partial approval or rejection of the improvements with a statement of reasons for any rejection. If partial approval is indicated, the cost of the improvements rejected shall be set forth.
The borough council shall either approve, partially approve or reject the improvements, on the basis of the report of the borough engineer and shall notify the obligor in writing, by certified mail, of the contents of said report and the action of said approving authority with relation thereto, not later than 65 days after receipt of the notice from the obligor of the completion of the improvements. Where partial approval is granted, the obligor shall be released from all liability pursuant to its performance guarantee, except for that portion adequately sufficient to secure provision of the improvements not yet approved; provided that 30% of the amount of the performance guarantee may be retained to ensure completion of all improvements. Failure of the borough council to send or provide such notification to the obligor within 65 days shall be deemed to constitute approval of the improvements and the obligor and surety, if and, shall be released from all liability, pursuant to such performance guarantee.
If any portion of the required improvements are rejected, the borough council may require the obligor to complete such improvements and, upon completion, the same procedure of notification, as set forth in this section shall be followed.
Nothing herein, however, shall be construed to limit the right of the obligor to contest by legal proceedings any determination of the borough council or the borough engineer.
The obligor shall reimburse the borough for all reasonable inspection fees paid to the borough engineer for the foregoing inspection of improvements; provided that borough may require of the developer a deposit for all or a portion of the reasonably anticipated fees to be paid to the borough engineer for such inspection.
In the event that final approval is by stages or sections of development pursuant to subsections 13-6.7b, 32 and 13-6.8b, 1 and 25 of this chapter and N.J.S.A. 40:55-D-38 the provisions of this section shall be applied by stage or section.
Duties of Borough Engineer, Borough Attorney and Borough Clerk. No performance guarantees shall be presented for approval of the borough council until the municipal officials listed below have performed the following and make certification of their performance, in writing to the borough council.
Borough Engineer: The borough engineer shall:
Where applicable, examine the plat map of a subdivision to make certain that it complies with all state laws and this chapter relative to the preparation and filing of maps or plans for the subdivision of land.
Ascertain that the plat of a site plan or subdivision has been approved by the Monmouth County and Union Beach Planning Boards.
Determine those acts or things the applicant is to do to protect the borough, such as to provide proper drainage, streets, curbs, signs, monuments or any other item or thing and the cost of each, as well as the maximum time he recommends granting the applicant to provide each item or all items.
Determine if the landowner is an individual, corporation or partnership; if an individual, his full name and address; if a corporation, its correct name, date and state of incorporation, the name of its president and secretary and location of its principal office in this state; if a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners.
Give the applicant a form of the surety company bond required by the borough, and all figures, dates and details required by subsection 13-7.2a.1(c) above so that same may be included in the bond to be furnished to the borough; also, advise the applicant of the amount required to pay the borough as a proper inspection, testing and administration fee.
Deliver to the borough attorney:
A copy of the letter advising the applicant of amount required to pay the borough as proper inspection, testing, and administration fee so that a developer's agreement can be prepared; and
The original copy of the surety company bond of the applicant; and
The borough engineer's written certificate addressed to the borough council which certificate and bond shall be delivered at one and the same time.
The borough engineer's certificate shall also state and give the nature of cash, or its equivalent, deposited as a portion or all of the performance guarantee (i.e., cash, certified check, cash escrow deposit, or other security).
If there is nothing the applicant needs to do under subsection 13-7.2a.1(c) above the certificate shall so state and give the reason therefor.
Borough Attorney: The borough attorney shall:
Upon receipt from the borough engineer of the surety bond, engineer's certificate, and the copy of the engineer's letter advising the applicant of the amount required to pay the borough as a proper inspection, testing and administration fee, the borough attorney shall promptly examine said bond and determine whether or not it is in correct form, content and execution.
If the bond is not correct, the borough attorney shall notify the applicant of its shortcomings. When the bond is or has been made correct, the borough attorney shall make a written certificate to that effect to the borough council. Thereupon the attorney shall deliver the bond and engineer's and attorney's certificates to the borough clerk.
Prepare a developer's agreement and forward same to developer for execution and thereafter upon receipt of executed agreement cause same to be executed by the mayor and witnessed by the clerk. Applicant shall post an initial escrow fee as set forth in said developer's agreement to reimburse the borough for legal fees incurred in the review and preparation of the documents and the administration and enforcement of the terms set forth in said developer's agreement as well as inspection, testing and administration fees provided in the engineer's estimate.
Borough Clerk: Upon the receipt from the borough attorney of the bond and certificates of the engineer and attorney, and the developer's agreement, the borough clerk shall:
Cause the developer's agreement to be executed by the mayor and witnessed by the clerk; and thereafter.
Collect from the applicant the proper fee or fees, if any, payable to the borough in accordance with the engineer's certificate and the developer's agreement.
Place the matter of approval of bonds on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the borough council for its consideration;
Submit the bond, certificate and fees to the borough council at the next regular meeting of the council.
Certificates - Form, Dating. Each of the certificates shall be dated and written in letter form upon the stationery of the maker or of the borough, and signed by him or his authorized agent or representative.
Bond Requirements. There must be attached to the bond an authority of the surety company empowering the person or persons who executed the bond for the surety company to do so. If the bonding company is not a New Jersey corporation, there should also be attached to the bond proof of its authority to do business in New Jersey and a copy of its last financial statement, made not more than one year before, showing its financial conditions. If the principal on the bond is a corporation, there must be attached to the bond a certified copy of a resolution adopted by its board of directors authorizing the execution and delivery of the bond. The bond must also bear the corporate seal of the surety company and the seal, corporate or otherwise, of the principal.
Copies. The borough clerk shall keep a supply of copies of these bond requirements in his office for the use of applicants and the general public.
General Requirements. Where the planning board determines that off-tract improvements are necessary for the proper development and utilization of the proposed site or subdivision and the surrounding area, it may require either (1) that such off-tract improvements be installed or (2) that the developer contribute to the installation of such off-tract improvements. Where the planning board has determined that off-tract improvements are required, it shall be a condition of the granting of final approval that such improvements be constructed or that the developer shall make payments toward the ultimate installation of off-tract improvements such as, but not limited to, streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and culverts, monuments and street lights, all in accordance with the specifications governing on-tract improvements.
Cost Allocation. If the planning board determines that the developer may contribute toward required off-tract improvements in lieu of such improvements being installed, the planning board shall allocate the cost of the off-tract improvements in accordance with the standards set forth. The improvement of a stream and/or widening of, or the construction of drainage or other improvements in, a street or road fronting on the tract to be subdivided and/or developed shall not constitute an off-tract improvement and the cost of the improvement shall not be allocated.
The allocation of the cost of off-tract improvements shall be determined in accordance with the following:
The planning board may consider the total cost of the off-tract improvements, the benefits conferred upon the site or subdivision, the needs created by the site or subdivision, population and land use projects for the general areas of the site or subdivision and other areas to be served by the off-tract improvements, the estimated times of construction of off-tract improvements and the condition and periods of usefulness, which periods may be based upon the criteria of N.J.S.A. 40A:2-22. The planning board may further consider the criteria set forth below.
Road, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements may be based upon the anticipated increase of traffic generated by the site or subdivision. In determining such traffic increase, the planning board may consider traffic counts, existing and projected traffic patterns, quality of roads and sidewalks in the area, and the other factors related to the need created by the site or subdivison and anticipated thereto.
Drainage facilities may be based upon the percentage relationship between the site or subdivision acreage and the acreage of the total drainage basins involved or upon calculations developing the percentage contribution that the storm runoff from a particular site or subdivision bears to the total design capacity of any improvement; the particular methods to be selected in each instance by the borough engineer.
Sewage facilities shall be based upon a proportion as determined by the current rules and regulations of the Northeast Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority.
Water supply and distribution facilities may be based upon the current rules and regulations governing the particular utility supplying water service.
All monies received by the municipality in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be paid to the municipal treasurer who shall provide for a suitable depository therefor. Such funds shall be used only for the improvements for which they are deposited or improvements serving the same purposes unless such improvements are not initiated for a period of five years from the date of payment, after which time the funds shall be transferred to the capital improvement fund of the municipality.
The apportionment of costs shall be determined by the planning board. The developer shall be afforded an opportunity before the board to present evidence relative thereto.
Assessment Not Precluded. Nothing in this section shall preclude the municipality from assessing any property benefiting from installation of any off-tract improvements as provided in this section pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, an allowance being made to the respective parcels of realty for payments herein.
Before any developer effectively assigns any of his interest in any preliminary or final approval he must notify the administrative officer and supply detailed information with regard to the name, address, principals, type of organization, competency, experience and past performance of the assignee, transferee or agent. Notice of such assignment or transfer shall be given no later than 10 days after its effective date. The assignee must be made acquainted with all the conditions of approval and the developer shall so certify.
No contractor, builder, developer or subcontractor shall engage any personnel in any of the work on constructing any improvements unless they are continually supervised by a competent, English-speaking supervisor acceptable to the borough engineer.
No less than five days prior to commencing construction of any improvements on the site, the developer or his agent shall provide the borough engineer with the names, addresses, phone numbers and emergency phone numbers of the subdivider and/or a representative empowered to act for the developer and/or each contractor and their supervisor in charge of the construction, setting forth the aspect of construction for which each is responsible.
The developer may retain throughout the course of construction a registered New Jersey Professional Engineer to supervise the implementation of the approved subdivision or site design and to make periodic reports to the borough as well as to the developer regarding conformance of the construction with the requirements of final approval.
If the developer proposes to retain someone other than the engineer who prepared the final plat to supervise construction, he shall notify the borough engineer and the planning board of the name, address and license number of the engineer retained. If at any time during the course of construction the developer elects or is required to replace the responsible engineer and/or employ additional engineers, he shall likewise notify the borough engineer and the planning board.
The supervising engineer shall immediately notify the borough engineer of any deviation (observed or proposed) from the requirements of final approval and/or this chapter.
At regular intervals during the course of construction, but not less often than at monthly intervals, the supervising engineer shall submit to the borough engineer a report listing his observations of the work undertaken during the reporting period, specifically noting any deviation from the requirements of final approval and/or this chapter and listing those improvements expected to be undertaken during the next reporting period. The developer shall accompany any request for acceptance of public improvements and/or release of performance guarantees with a certification by the responsible supervising engineer attesting to the completion of the improvements in full conformance with the requirements of final approval and this chapter and/or specifically noting any deviation therefrom.
Inspection, Testing and Engineering Administration Fees. Prior to signing of any final plat, issuance of a development permit or the start of construction of any improvements required by the provision of this chapter the developer shall deposit by cash or certified check with the borough clerk an amount determined from the schedule under subsection 13-3.4m or n of this chapter. The amount shall be used to defray the cost of inspection, testing, engineering, administration, and other costs, and fees paid by the borough in connection with the inspection and acceptance of the installation of the required improvements. All monies received on account of engineering and inspection fees shall be deposited by the borough treasurer as general revenue as provided by law. The borough shall provide appropriate budget items to cover the cost of all necessary administrative and engineering services.
Inspection Notice. All required improvements except those utility improvements which are not the responsibility of the borough shall be subject to inspection and approval by the borough engineer, who shall be notified by the developer at least five days prior to the initial start of construction and again 24 hours prior to the resumption of work after any idle period exceeding one working day. All of the utility improvements shall be subject to inspection and approval by the owner of or agency controlling the utility who shall be notified by the developer in accordance with the utilities requirements. No underground installation shall be covered until it is inspected and approved by the owner of or agency controlling the utility or by the borough engineer in all other cases.
Modification of Improvements. At any time, whether as a result of his inspection of work underway or otherwise the borough engineer may recommend that the developer be required to modify the design and extent of the improvements required, notifying the planning board of his recommendations. The planning board shall, if it considers such modifications to be major, or if requested by the developer or borough engineer, take formal action to approve or disapprove such recommendations; provided, however, that it must first afford the developer an opportunity to be heard. If the board takes no formal action within 30 days of such recommendations, or where the developer has not requested formal planning board action, its approval will be assumed. Similarly, the planning board may grant or deny the developer permission to effect such modification upon his application and the borough engineer's approval. In either event, where such modification is to be effected, the appropriate plat must be revised by the developer or his engineer to reflect such modification and sufficient copies thereof submitted to the administrative officer for distribution.
General Inspection Requirements. All improvements, except as otherwise provided, shall be subject to inspection and approval by the borough engineer. No underground installation shall be covered until inspected and approved by the borough engineer or those agencies having jurisdiction over the particular installation. If such installation is covered prior to inspection, it shall be uncovered or other inspection means used, such as a television or other pipeline camera as may be deemed necessary by the borough engineer, and charges for such work will be paid for by the developer.
Inspection not Acceptance. Inspection of any work by the borough engineer, or his authorized representative, shall not be considered to be final approval or rejection of the work, but shall only be considered to be a determination of whether or not the specific work involved was being done to borough specifications or other required standards at the time of inspection. Any damage to such work or other unforeseen circumstances such as the effect of the weather, other construction, changing conditions, settlement, etc., between the time of installation and the time that the developer wishes to be released from his performance guaranty, shall be the full responsibility of the developer, and no work shall be considered accepted until release of the performance guaranty.
Payment to Contractors. No developer shall enter into any contract requiring the borough council, the borough engineer, or any of their agents, employees or other representatives to make any declarations, written or otherwise, as a condition of payment of said developer to a contractor as to the acceptance or rejection of the work. Neither the borough council, the borough engineer nor any of their agents, employees or representatives shall make any such declaration.
Procedure on Acceptance of Public Improvements. When the developer has constructed and installed the streets, drainage facilities, curbs, sidewalks, street signs, monuments and other improvements in accordance with borough regulations, standards and specifications, and desires the borough to accept the improvements, he shall, in writing, addressed to and in a form approved by the borough council, with copies thereof to the borough engineer, request the borough engineer to make a semi-final inspection of the improvements. If the improvements have been constructed under a performance guaranty after approval of a final plat, the developer shall submit an as-built plan showing as-built grades, profiles and sections and locations of all subsurface utilities such as french drains, combination drains, sanitary sewage disposal systems, both public and individual water lines and control valves, gas lines, telephone conduits, monuments, iron property markers, and any other utilities or improvements installed other than as shown on the approved final plat. The as-built plan shall be certified to by a licensed New Jersey professional engineer. If any improvements are constructed prior to final plat approval, the final plat shall reflect all changes and as-built conditions and be so certified. The as-built plans shall be submitted on reproducible media.
It shall be the responsibility of the developer to maintain the entire site or subdivision in a safe and orderly condition during construction. Necessary steps shall be taken by the developer to protect occupants of the site or subdivision and the general public from hazardous and unsightly conditions during the entire construction period. These steps shall include but are not limited to the following:
Open excavations shall be enclosed by fencing or barricades during nonconstruction hours. Moveable barricades shall be equipped with yellow flashing hazard markers or other lighting during the hours of darkness.
The excavation of previously installed sidewalk and pavement areas which provide access to occupied buildings in the site or subdivision shall be clearly marked with signs and barricades. Alternate safe access shall be provided for pedestrians and vehicles to the occupied buildings.
Materials stored on the site shall be screened from the view of occupants of the subdivision or site and adjoining streets and properties.
Construction equipment, materials and trucks shall not be stored within 150 feet of occupied buildings in the site or subdivision and adjoining streets and properties during nonconstruction hours.
Safe vehicular and pedestrian access to occupied buildings in the site or subdivision shall be provided at all times.
Construction activities which create obnoxious and unnecessary dust, fumes, odors, smoke, vibrations or glare noticeable in occupied buildings in the subdivision or site and adjoining properties and streets shall not be permitted.
Construction activities which will result in damage to trees and landscaping in occupied buildings in the site or subdivision or adjoining properties shall not be permitted.
All locations and activities in the site or subdivision which present potential hazards shall be marked with signs indicating the potential hazard.
Unsightly construction debris, including scrap materials, cartons, boxes and wrappings must be removed daily at the end of each working day.
Whenever construction activities take place within or adjacent to any traveled way, or, interfere with existing traffic patterns in any manner, suitable warning signs, conforming to the requirements of the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices, will be erected and maintained by the developer.
Should the developer fail in his obligation to maintain the site or subdivision in a safe and orderly condition, the borough may, on five days' written notice or immediately in the case of hazard to life, health or property, undertake whatever work may be necessary to return the site or subdivision to a safe and orderly condition and deduct the cost thereof from the 10% cash or certified check portion of the performance guaranty. Upon notice of such deduction, the developer shall, within 10 days, restore the full 10% cash balance or his performance guaranty will be held to be void and the borough may take action as if final plat approval had not been obtained.
The construction official shall, upon receiving notice from the borough engineer that a developer is in violation of this section, suspend further issuance of certificates of occupancy and building permits and may order cessation of work on any outstanding permits.
No permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any use or building until all required improvements are installed and approved by the borough engineer or other appropriate authority.
No temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any use or building involving the installation of utilities or street improvements, parking areas, buffer areas, storm drainage facilities, other site improvements, the alteration of the existing grade on a lot or the utilization of a new on-site well or sanitary disposal system unless the borough engineer or other appropriate authority shall have, where applicable, certified to the following:
Utilities and Drainage: All utilities, including, but not limited to, water, gas, storm drains, sanitary sewers, electric lines and telephone lines shall have been properly installed and service to the lot, building or use from such utilities shall be available.
Street Rights-of-Way: All street rights-of-way necessary to provide access to the lot, building or use in question shall have been completely graded and all slope retaining devices or slope planting shall have been installed.
Sidewalks: All sidewalks necessary to provide access to the lot, building or use in question shall have been properly installed.
Streets: Curbing, and the bituminous base course of bituminous concrete streets or the curbing and pavement course for portland cement concrete streets necessary to provide access to the proposed lot, building or use shall have been properly installed.
Curbing and Parking Areas: Curbing and the bituminous base course of parking areas necessary to provide access to the required number of parking spaces for the building or use in question shall have been properly installed.
Obstructions: All exposed obstructions in parking areas, access drives or streets such as manhole frames, water boxes, gas boxes and the like shall be protected by building to the top of such exposures with bituminous concrete as directed by the borough engineer.
Screening, Fences and Landscaping: All required screening, fencing and/or landscaping related to the lot, building or use in question shall have been properly installed unless the borough engineer shall direct the developer to delay the planting of screening and landscaping until the next planting season in order to improve the chances of survival of such plantings.
Site Grading: All site grading necessary to permit proper surface drainage and prevent erosion of soils shall have been completed in accordance with the approved soil disturbance plans.
On-site Wells: All on-site wells have been installed, tested and approved by the board of health.
On-site Sanitary Disposal Systems: All on-site sanitary disposal systems shall have been installed and approved by the board of health and the Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority.
Public Water Supply: Where the proposed lot, building or use is served by a public water supply, said supply shall have been installed and tested and all required fire hydrants or fire connections shall have been installed and tested and approved.
Lighting: All outdoor lighting shall have been installed and shall be operational.
Street Signs and Traffic Control Devices: All street signs, paint lining and/or traffic control devices affecting the proposed lot, building or use, and required under the terms of approval of a subdivision or site plan or by federal, state, county or municipal rules, regulations or laws, shall have been installed.
Other: Any other conditions established for issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the planning board as a condition of final site plan approval shall be complied with.
Temporary certificates of occupancy shall be issued for a specified period of time, not to exceed one year, and the applicant shall post a cash guarantee with the borough in an amount equal to the cost, to the borough, of constructing all uncompleted improvements, prior to the issuance of any such temporary certificate of occupancy.
A maintenance guarantee shall be furnished by the developer upon release of the performance guarantee, acceptance of public improvements by the borough council and/or approval of site improvements by the borough engineer. The developer may elect to furnish such maintenance guarantee either by (1) maintaining on deposit with the borough the 10% cash or certified check portion of the performance guarantee provided in accordance with subsection 13-7.1 or (2) by a bond issued by a bonding company or surety company, or other type of surety acceptable to and approved by the borough attorney and borough council in an amount equal to 15% of the total performance guarantee provided in accordance with subsection 13-7.1. The maintenance guarantee shall begin with the release of the performance guarantee and shall run for a period of two years. The maintenance guarantee shall be to the effect that the applicant, developer, owner or user guarantees the complete maintenance of all improvements for a period of two years from the release of his performance guarantee. Should he fail in his obligation to properly maintain all improvements, the borough may, on 10 days' written notice or immediately, in the case of hazard to life, health or property, proceed with necessary repair or replacement of any unacceptable improvements and charge the cost against the guarantee. At the end of the maintenance guarantee the cash or certified check on deposit will be returned to the subdivider less any sums, properly documented by the borough, which have been expended to repair or replace any unsatisfactory improvements.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #410; Ord. #662; Ord. #675; ; Ord. #690; Ord. #2006-81; Ord. #2008-115]
General. All improvements shall be installed in complete accordance with the standards of this chapter, with other particular specifications approved by the planning board and borough engineer and with all other applicable municipal, county, state and federal regulations. Should improvements be required which are not provided for within the particular sections of this chapter, they shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice and recognized design standards. The developer (or his engineer) shall submit detailed design calculations and construction specifications in each such instance. Prior to the initiation of such specialized design, the particular standards to be utilized shall be submitted for review by the planning board and borough engineer.
Standard Specifications and Construction Details. The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (latest edition), including all addenda, and the Standard Construction Details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (latest revision) as modified, supplemented, amended or superseded by the requirements of this ordinance, by the approved final plat, by particular agreement among the planning board, the borough council and subdivider or by other applicable municipal, county, state or federal regulations, shall govern the completion of the required improvements. Such Standard Specifications and Standard Construction Details are made a part of this chapter by reference and will not be herein repeated. It is the responsibility of all developers to familiarize themselves with these standards, copies of which may be examined at the offices of the borough clerk and borough engineer and may be obtained, upon payment of the cost, from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The requirements of this chapter, of an approved final plat or of particular agreements and conditions of approval and of applicable municipal, county, state or federal regulations shall govern and prevail in the case of conflict between them and the Standard Specifications or Standard Construction Details. Should the borough adopt, subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, particular and specific Standard Construction Details for the borough, they shall govern and prevail over the Standard Construction Details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation previously referred to.
Objectives. All site plan and subdivision plats shall conform to design standards that will encourage desirable development patterns within the borough. Where either or both an official map or master plan have been adopted, the site plan or subdivision shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon. The streets, drainage rights-of-way, school sites, public parks and playgrounds and other municipal facilities shown on an adopted master plan or official map shall be considered in the review of site plans and subdivision plats. Where no master plan or official map exists, or makes no provisions therefor, streets and drainage rights-of-way shall be shown on the final plat in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-38, and shall be such as to lend themselves to the harmonious development of the municipality and the enhancement of the public welfare.
Responsibility for Design. Within the criteria established by and subject to the review and approval of the planning board, all design of a site plan or subdivision is the responsibility of the developer and he shall be responsible for and bear the entire cost of any and all investigations, tests, reports, surveys, samples, calculations, environmental assessments, designs, researches or any other activity necessary to the completion of the design. The standards set forth in this chapter shall be taken to be the minimum necessary to meet its purposes as set forth elsewhere herein. The responsibility of the planning board shall be to see that these minimum standards are followed and, in those cases not covered by these standards, sufficient precautions are taken to assure that the eventual design is conducive to the implementation of the purposes of this chapter and the borough master plan. The planning board may employ professionals in various disciplines to advise and assist it in its determinations. Any decisions of the planning board regarding the suitability or sufficiency of any design proposal, taken upon advice of its professionals and subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed conclusive.
Design Data. To properly execute the design of a site plan or subdivision, it is anticipated that the developer will obtain or cause to be obtained certain design data including, but not limited to, soil tests and analyses, environmental assessments, traffic studies and traffic projections, surveys, reports and similar design data. Any and all such data obtained by the developer, or by others retained by him to complete the design, shall be made available to the planning board and its employees and professional consultants, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed design. Should the planning board determine that the design data submitted is not sufficient for the purpose of completing a full review of the proposal, it may request the applicant to provide such additional information as is deemed necessary. Until the applicant supplies such information, no submission under the provisions of this chapter shall be termed complete. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to prevent the planning board from making or causing to be made such independent studies, calculations or other undertakings as it deems necessary in the review of any application for development.
Design Standards. When a developer determines that it will be necessary to utilize design standards in addition to or other than those minimum requirements established herein, he is advised to consult with the borough engineer prior to beginning his detailed design, for review and approval of his proposed design standards. Standards utilized should generally be nationally recognized and in common use in this area. Design standards may not be utilized if they do not have the approval of the borough engineer.
Waiver of Requirements. It is recognized that, in certain instances, preexisting conditions or the uniqueness of a particular proposal may require the waiver of some of the standards presented herein. The planning board may consider and, for cause shown, may waive strict conformance with such of these detailed design standards as it sees fit. Any developer desiring such action shall present with his application for development a listing of all such waivers desired together with the reasons therefor.
The block length, width, and acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size and dimensions of lots required for the zoning district by this chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation control, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians.
Block lengths may vary between 500 and 3,000 feet but blocks along other than local or collector streets shall not be less than 1,200 feet long.
Interior crosswalks with a right-of-way 20 feet wide containing a sidewalk of four feet or greater in width and fenced on both sides may be required for blocks longer than 1,200 feet, from the ends of the cul-de-sacs to adjacent streets and elsewhere as required by the public convenience, including the provision of walks giving access to schools, playgrounds and shopping centers without the necessity of crossing traffic thoroughfares.
Buffer Areas. All uses, other than single family detached and two family detached dwellings and their accessory uses (except as otherwise provided in this chapter), shall provide twenty-foot wide buffer areas along all side and rear property lines which abut areas zoned residentially (including single family detached and multi-family dwellings) and along front property lines on local or collector streets which abut areas zoned for such residential uses.
If a home professional office, home occupation or an accessory use to a single family detached dwelling requires 10 or more off-street parking spaces, the planning board shall consider the need for a buffer area and may require that buffer areas of 20 feet in width be provided along side and rear property lines adjacent to such accessory use and/or off-street parking.
If a proposed single family detached subdivision abuts a collector or arterial highway or an area zoned for or occupied by other uses, the planning board shall consider the need for buffer areas and may require:
That a buffer strip not exceeding 50 feet in width be provided and maintained in its natural state and/or suitably planted with screening and landscaping, or
That the adjacent lots front on an interior street and have a depth of at least 200 feet with suitable screening and landscaping planted at the rear, or
That other suitable means of separation be provided.
Buffer areas shall be maintained and kept free of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass.
No structure, activity, storage of materials or parking of vehicles shall be permitted within the buffer area, except that, where permitted by the planning board, the buffer area may be broken for vehicular or pedestrian access and appropriate directional and safety signs provided.
Screening. Within buffer areas required by paragraph a above, there shall be provided screening in accordance with the following regulations:
Except as otherwise provided herein, the screening, area shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width and shall be planted with evergreen trees approved by the planning board. Trees shall be planted in two staggered rows eight feet apart and shall be between six and eight feet in height and shall conform to the current American Standard for Nursery Stock sponsored by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. Within each row, the trees shall be planted on six foot centers (see Figure 1 below).
Double staggered rows of approved evergreen trees
In cases where it is determined to be desirable by the planning board, evergreen trees planted with a minimum height of four feet may be substituted for the six to eight foot trees required under paragraph a provided that the developer shall install a solid six-foot high stockade fence along the outside of the required screening strips in accordance with subsection 13-8.14 prior to commencing the construction of improvements on the site.
The stockade fence shall be maintained in good condition by the developer until such time as the evergreen trees have grown to a minimum height of 10 feet at which time, the developer may remove the stockade fence.
Where suitable trees exist within a screening area, they should be retained and supplemented with shade tolerant evergreen trees to provide the equivalent of the required screening as determined by the planning board.
Where all proposed buildings, parking areas and other improvements are located 50 feet or more from a property line abutting a residential zone, the planning board may permit a screening area 10 feet in width planted with a single row of evergreen trees in a location approved by the planning board planted on five foot centers with a minimum height of six to eight feet of a type and species to be substituted for the screening area required in Figure 1 (see Figure 2 below).
Single row of approved evergreen trees
The required height for a screening area shall be measured in relationship to the elevation of the land at the nearest required rear, side or front yard setback line of the abutting residentially zoned properties. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is less than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the planning board may require the height of trees planted in the required screening strip be increased by an amount equal to the difference in elevation. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is greater than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the planning board may permit the height of trees planted in the required screening strips to be decreased by an amount equal to one-half the difference in elevation, except that in no case, shall the required height be reduced to less than four feet.
All trees in a screening area shall be watered weekly through the first growing season. The developer shall construct a six inch deep earth saucer around each tree to hold water and fill with woodchips or other suitable mulch. Trees shall be nursery grown, balled and bagged, sheared and shaped, of the required height and planted according to accepted horticultural standards.
At the following locations within required screening areas, evergreen shrubs with a maximum mature height of 30 inches or less, approved by the borough planning board as to type, location and spacing, shall be provided in lieu of the evergreen trees specified above:
Within sight triangle easements.
Within 25 feet of intersections where sight triangle easements are not provided.
Within 25 feet of access drives.
Waiver: The planing board, after favorable recommendation by the borough engineer, and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions, and/or may require supplementary plantings.
Topsoil Preservation: No topsoil shall be removed from the site or used as spoil, except excess topsoil remaining after all improvements have been installed in accordance with an approved site plan or subdivision map after topsoil has been redistributed in accordance with this paragraph. All topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all regraded surfaces so as to provide an even cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. All regraded areas and all lawn areas shall be covered by a four inch minimum thickness of topsoil. If sufficient topsoil is not available on the site, topsoil meeting the requirements of the standard specifications shall be provided to result in a four inch minimum thickness.
Protection of Trees: No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within six feet of any trees or shrubs designated to be retained on the preliminary and/or final plat. Where grading may be required, trees not shown for removal shall be walled in and extension tiled to the outer crown of the tree.
Removal of Debris: All tree stumps and other tree parts or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with law. No tree stumps, portions of a tree trunk or limbs shall be buried anywhere in the development. All dead or dying trees, standing or fallen, shall be removed from the site. If trees and limbs are reduced to chips they may, subject to the approval of the borough engineer, be used as mulch in landscaped areas.
Slope Plantings: Landscaping of the area of all cuts or fills and terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion, shall be approved by the borough engineer. All roadway slopes steeper than one foot vertically to three feet horizontally shall be planted with suitable cover plants combined with grasses and/or sodding. Grasses or sodding alone shall not be acceptable.
Selective Thinning: Throughout the development except in areas specifically designated to remain in their natural state, in landscaped or buffer areas, on building lots and in open space areas for public or quasi-public use, the developer shall selectively thin to remove all dead or dying vegetation, either standing or fallen, and shall remove, including grubbing out stumps, all undesirable trees and other growth. The developer shall, in accordance with overall site development and his proposed landscaping scheme, provide cleared, graded and drained pathways approximately four feet wide through all public or quasi-public open space in heavily wooded areas. Such pathways should be sited to conform to the existing natural conditions and should remain unobstructed. They are not intended to provide improved walkways, but only to provide easy access through open space areas.
Additional trees in single family subdivisions: Besides the screening and shade tree requirements, additional trees shall be planted throughout the subdivision in accordance with a planting plan approved by the planning board at the time of final approval. The number of trees planted shall be not less than 10 per acre, calculated on the basis of the entire subdivision tract. The variety of plantings may vary from those listed under shade tree requirements and may include flowering types and/or evergreens, not exceeding 30% of the total plantings.
Additional landscaping for non-residential uses: In conjunction with all uses other than single family homes, all areas of the site not occupied by buildings, pavement, sidewalks, required screening, required parking area landscaping, required safety islands, or other required improvements, shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover acceptable to the planning board and a minimum of two shrubs and one tree of each 250 square feet of open space.
Trees shall be planted with a minimum diameter of two inches breast high.
Waiver: The planning board, after favorable recommendation by the borough engineer and after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions, and/or may require supplementary plantings.
Specifications: All planting, clearing, selective thinning, topsoiling, seeding and other landscaping work shall conform to the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.
Landscaping Plan: The placement of landscaping shall be in accordance with a landscaping plan submitted with the final plat.
Relocated Plantings: Existing plants may be salvaged and/or relocated from clearing areas within the development and utilized to meet the planting requirements of subsection 13-8.4c.6 and 7, provided that:
Each three items of salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be considered equivalent to two items of new plant material, and
All such salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be of a type, size and quality acceptable to the borough engineer, and
All such salvaged and/or relocated plant material shall be dug, transported and replanted at a season of the year and using a schedule and equipment, methods and materials conforming to the requirements of the standard specifications and subject to the approval of the borough engineer.
The developer has received the approval of the borough engineer of the items to be relocated and the schedule and methods of relocation prior to any work of salvaging and/or relocation taking place.
Shade Trees.
In each subdivision of land, the developer shall plant between the sidewalk and right-of-way line proper shade and/or decorative trees of a type approved by the planning board, at a maximum distance of 50 feet between trees. The minimum distance between such trees planted shall be 40 feet. Planting sites shall be indicated on the final plat. Such plantings shall not be required within sight easements as required elsewhere herein.
All trees planted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be placed in a proper manner and in a good grade of topsoil and within the area of the tree well at the point where the tree is planted. In the event that any individual person or group of individual persons desire to plant a tree or trees in a tree well or within the jurisdiction of the planning board, such person or persons may do so, provided that they conform to the provisions of this chapter, and further provided that permission of the planning board is obtained.
All shade trees to be hereafter planted in accordance with this chapter shall be nursery grown, or of substantially uniform size and shape and shall have straight trunks. Ornamental trees need not have straight trunks, but must conform in all other respects with the provisions for trees and tree plantings outlined in this chapter.
All trees planted pursuant to this chapter shall be planted in a dormant state.
Subsequent or replacement plants shall conform to the type of existing tree in a given area, provided that if any deviation is anticipated, it must be done only with the permission of the Shade Tree Commission. In a newly planted area, only one type of tree may be used on a given street, unless otherwise specified by the planning board.
A hole in which a tree is to be planted shall be in each case, one-third larger in width and in depth than the existing root ball of the particular tree to be planted. The hole for a tree to be planted shall contain proper amounts of topsoil and peat moss, but no chemical fertilizer shall be added until the tree has been planted for one year.
All shade trees shall be planted in accordance with the landscaping requirements of the standard specifications.
All development on tidal lagoons, navigable waterways or other bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading. All development on non-tidal bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading or other appropriate permanent bank stabilization, acceptable to the planning board. In no case shall bank slopes, bulkhead, rip-rap, revetments, or other elements of bank stabilization be located within required minimum yard areas.
Bulkheads may be constructed of treated timber, reinforced concrete, marine alloy steel or other materials in accordance with approved details (if adopted) and a detailed design to be submitted by the developer in each case for approval by the borough engineer, and such other approval authorities, including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, as may be necessary. New or reconstructed lagoons shall have a minimum width of 100 feet and be provided with suitable turning basins.
The planning board may consider waiver and/or modification of this requirement when necessary to preserve wetlands or other natural features, provided that minimum lot sizes may be maintained and that all development may be made reasonably secure from erosion.
In zoning districts where bulk storage is a permitted accessory use, the following minimum requirements shall apply:
No bulk storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted in any required front yard area or within 100 feet of any public street, whichever is greater.
No bulk storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted between any side or rear lot line and the required side or rear setback line.
All bulk storage areas shall be screened from public view by means of suitable fencing and/or evergreen plantings as required by the planning board. Where the property is adjacent to a residential zone, the screening shall meet the minimum requirements of subsection 13-8.4.
No fence used to screen a bulk storage area shall be placed closer to any property line than the distance constituting the required front, side or rear setbacks and all setback areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of subsection 13-8.4.
All service roads, driveways and bulk storage areas shall be paved with bituminous concrete or other surfacing material, as required by the planning board, which shall be of sufficient strength to handle the anticipated use.
In no instance shall on-site bulk storage of material exceed the height of 10 feet.
No heavy equipment shall be operated or parked closer to the front property line than the required front setback plus 50 feet, except as the same may be in transit to or from the site.
All grading, excavation or embankment construction shall be in accordance with the approved final plat and shall provide for the disposal of all stormwater runoff and such groundwater seepage as may be encountered. All clearing, excavation and embankment construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications. No excavated material may be removed from the site except in accordance with an approved final plat nor without the prior approval of the borough engineer. Where borrow excavation materials from off-site sources are required to complete the necessary grading, such material shall meet the requirements of the standard specifications for borrow excavation, zone 3, and shall be subject to the approval of the borough engineer.
Material which the borough engineer judges unsuitable for use in roadway embankment may be used for grading outside the roadway right-of-way or in building areas with the permission of the borough engineer and the construction official (for building areas). Any unsuitable material which cannot be satisfactorily utilized on the site shall be removed from the site and disposed of at places to be provided by the developer.
All construction layout and grading stakes shall be set by a licensed land surveyor or professional engineer employed by the developer or his contractor.
All rough grading must be completed prior to the construction of roadway subgrade. All sidewalk areas and slope areas must be fully graded prior to the construction of finished pavements or pavement base courses.
To preserve the integrity of pavements, embankments and excavations for streets or roadways shall be provided with slopes no steeper than one foot vertical rise for every three feet of horizontal distance.
Such slopes shall be suitably planted with perennial grasses or other ground cover plantings in accordance with the plans approved by the planning board. In areas where excavations or embankments would extend significantly beyond road rights-of-way, thereby causing disruption to the natural environment of the development, the planning board may, upon the application of the developer, consider or may, upon its own initiative, direct the use of terraces, retaining walls, crib walls or other means of maintaining roadway slopes. In any event, the entire roadway right-of-way shall be fully graded and any retaining walls, crib walls or terraces shall be located outside of the roadway right-of-way and their maintenance shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property on which they are constructed. The developer shall make suitable provisions in the instruments transferring title to any property containing such terraces, retaining walls or crib walls and shall provide a copy thereof to the planning board and the borough clerk. All graded areas within or outside of the roadway right-of-way shall be neatly graded, topsoiled, fertilized and seeded to establish a stand of perennial grasses.
Top of slopes in excavations and the toe of slopes in embankment areas shall not extend beyond the right-of-way line or, where provided, the exterior line of the six-foot wide shade tree and utility easement required herein. Sidewalk and easement areas shall slope at 2% to the top of the curb elevation, and sidewalk construction shall conform to this slope.
Lot Grading. Lots shall be graded to secure proper drainage and to prevent the collection of stormwater. Said grading shall be performed in a manner which will minimize the damage to or destruction of trees growing on the land. Topsoil shall be provided and/or redistributed on the surface as cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. Grading plans shall have been submitted with the preliminary and final plats, and any departure from these plans must be approved in accordance with the requirements of this chapter for the modification of improvements. Grading shall be designed to prevent or minimize drainage to structures or improvements when major storms, exceeding the design basis of the storm drainage system, occur.
Wherever possible, the land shall be graded so that the stormwater from each lot shall drain directly to the street. If it is impossible to drain directly to the street, it shall be drained to a system of interior yard drainage designed in accordance with the standards for drainage facilities and suitable drainage easements shall be provided.
Unless otherwise required by the standard specifications, all tree stumps, masonry and other obstructions shall be removed to a depth of two feet below finished grade.
The minimum slope for lawns shall be 3/4 of 1% and for smooth hard-finished surfaces, other than roadways, 0.4 of 1%.
The maximum grade for lawns within five feet of a building shall be 10% and for lawns more than five feet from a building, 25%.
Retaining walls installed in slope control areas shall be constructed of heavy treated timber or logs, reinforced concrete, other reinforced masonry or of other construction acceptable to the borough engineer and adequately designed and detailed on the final plat to carry all earth pressures, including any surcharges. The height of retaining walls shall not exceed one-third of the horizontal distance from the foundation wall of any building to the face of the retaining wall. Should the borough adopt, subsequently to this chapter, standard details for such construction, the same shall govern.
The developer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any siltation of streams during construction. Such provisions may include, but are not limited to, construction and maintenance of siltation basins or holding ponds and diversion berms throughout the course of construction.
Location of Club or Bathhouse: All commercial or private club swimming pools shall provide a suitable club or bathhouse building. The club or bathhouse, for an outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool, shall be set back not less than 100 feet from the front property line and not closer than 50 feet from the side and rear property lines.
Pool Location. An outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool shall be located not less than 25 feet from the side or rear of the clubhouse, bathhouse, motel or hotel on the building lot, and not less than 100 feet from the front property line and not less than 50 feet from the side and rear property lines.
Off-Street Parking. Ample parking spaces shall be provided in an area or areas located not less than 100 feet from the front property line and no less than 50 feet from the side or rear residential property lines.
For a private club with a membership of up to 100 members, not less than 80 car spaces shall be provided. For each additional 25 members or fraction thereof, not less than 20 additional car spaces shall be provided.
For a commercial pool with up to 100 lockers or clothes baskets, there shall be provided not less than 40 car spaces, and for each additional 25 lockers or clothes baskets, not less than 10 additional car spaces, and in addition thereto, two car spaces for each three family lockers.
Size of Pool. A swimming pool for a private club, limited to a maximum of 100 members, shall have a minimum size of 1,800 square feet, and for each additional 25 members or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 450 square feet.
For a commercial swimming pool limited to a total of 100 lockers or baskets for bathers' clothing, the minimum size of the pool shall be 2,000 square feet and for every additional 25 lockers or baskets or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 500 square feet.
Swimming Section. The diving section shall be greater than 5 1/2 feet in depth; the non-diving section shall be less than 5 1/2 feet in depth. The area reserved around each diving board or platform provided for diving purposes shall be not less than 300 square feet.
Pump Location. The pump of a filtration or pumping system of a commercial swimming pool or private club pool shall be located not less than 50 feet from any side or rear property line.
Lounging and Spectator Area. In addition to the decks or walks surrounding the swimming pool, an area shall be provided for lounging or spectator use.
Club and Bathhouse Facilities. The club or bathhouse shall be equipped with separate facilities for men and women. These facilities shall include adequate dressing rooms, lockers, shower and toilets.
Wading Pool. A swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall provide a separate wading pool.
Pool Enclosure. To provide safety and a degree of privacy, an outdoor swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall be surrounded entirely by a suitably strong tight fence, capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts, located not more than eight feet apart; however, one side or sides of the club or bathhouse may serve as a part of the enclosure. The fence shall be located not less than 15 feet from the closest edge of the pool. The fence shall be from eight feet to 10 feet high, having no opening larger than a two inch square. All supporting structures shall be on the inside of the fence and the top of such support shall be at least one inch lower than the top of the fence.
Gate. Any opening or openings in the fence to afford entry to the pool shall be equipped with a substantial gate similar to the fence and shall extend from not less than two inches above the ground to the height of the fence. The gate shall be of a self-closing type, opening outwardly only and be equipped with a lock and key or chain and padlock and shall be kept locked, except when the pool is in use.
Lighting. A complete system of artificial lighting shall be provided for a swimming pool, including lounging and parking areas, which is operated by a private club or for commercial use. Arrangement and design of lights shall be such that all parts of the pool and its appurtenances shall be clearly visible to attendants. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam from falling upon any adjoining property. Overhead wires shall not be carried across the swimming pool and wading pool proper, decks and lounging areas. Underwater lighting shall be designed, installed and grounded so as not to create a hazard to bathers.
Noise. No sound amplifying system shall be operated or other activities permitted at any swimming pool for commercial or private club use, which shall cause undue noise or constitute a nuisance to the surrounding neighbors. Closing time shall be no later than 10:30 p.m.
Common open space or public open space areas proposed to be provided in conjunction with applications for development for subdivisions or site plans shall be subject to the following requirements:
Each open space area should contain a minimum of two contiguous acres.
Open space areas should not be less than 50 feet in width at any location, except where such open space is to be utilized primarily for walkway access from a public street to the open space at the rear of building lots, it may have a minimum width of 20 feet for a length not to exceed 250 feet.
Where possible, all of the following land areas and features shall be preserved as open space:
Floodway and flood hazard areas.
Areas containing a significant number of specimen trees as determined by the planning board.
Existing watercourses, ponds.
Land with a seasonal high water table of less than two feet.
Wetlands as defined by the New Jersey Wetlands Act of 1970 and delineated on wetlands maps prepared by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Site Preparation. Within open space areas, the planning board may require a developer to make certain site preparation improvements, which may include, but are not limited to the following:
Removal of dead or diseased trees.
Thinning of trees or other growth to encourage more desirable growth.
Removal of trees in areas planned for ponds, lakes, active recreational facilities or pathways.
Grading and seeding.
Reservation of Public Areas.
If the master plan or the official map provides for the reservation of designated streets, public drainage-ways, flood control basins, or public areas within the proposed development, before approving a subdivision or site plan, the planning board may further require that such streets, ways, basins or areas be shown on the plat in locations and sizes suitable to their intended uses. The planning board may reserve the location and extent of such streets, ways, basins or areas shown on the plat for a period of one year after the approval of the final plat or within such further time as may be agreed to by the developer. Unless during such period or extension thereof the municipality shall have entered into a contract to purchase or institute condemnation proceedings according to law for the fee or a lesser interest in the land comprising such streets, ways, basins or areas, the developer shall not be bound by such reservations shown on the plat and may proceed to use such land for private use in accordance with applicable development regulations. The provisions of this section shall not apply to streets and roads, flood control basins or public drainageways necessitated by the subdivision or land development and required for final approval.
The developer shall be entitled to just compensation for actual loss found to be caused by such temporary reservation and deprivation of use. In such instance, unless a lesser amount has previously been mutually agreed upon, just compensation shall be deemed to be the fair market value of an option to purchase the land reserved for the period of reservation; provided that determination of such fair market value shall include, but not be limited to, consideration of the real property taxed apportioned to the land reserved and prorated for the period of reservation. The developer shall be compensated for the reasonable increased cost of legal, engineering or other professional services incurred in connection with obtaining subdivision approval or site plan approval, as the case may be, caused by the reservation.
Recreation Areas. Where it is considered appropriate by the planning board, portions of proposed open spaces may be designated for passive and/or active recreational activities. Passive recreational activities may include, but are not limited to, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths, sitting areas and naturally preserved areas. Active recreational activities may include, but are not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, and ball fields. The location and shape of any land to be designated for recreational activities shall be approved by the planning board based on, but not limited to, the following standards:
The board shall consider the natural topography and shall attempt to preserve the same to the greatest extent possible.
The board shall attempt to tailor the location and shape of recreational areas to harmonize with the shape of the entire development.
The board shall consider the extent to which specific recreational areas shall be used for passive or active recreational purposes.
The board shall request and consider recommendations from the appropriate borough officials.
The board shall consider the extent to which the residents of the development shall be served by other existing or future recreational facilities or lands within or in the vicinity of the development.
The board shall consider the sequence of development.
The board shall consider the effect which the location and shape of recreational areas in the development will have upon the application of sound planning principles as well as the general welfare, health and safety of the residents of the development.
Open Space Ownership.
The type of ownership of land dedicated for open space purposes shall be selected by the owner, developer, or subdivider subject to the approval of the planning board and may include, but is not necessarily limited to the following:
The Borough of Union Beach (subject to acceptance of the borough council).
Other public jurisdictions or agencies (subject to their acceptance).
Quasi-public organizations (subject to their acceptance).
Homeowners' or condominium associations or organizations.
Shared, undivided interest by all property owners in the development.
Any lands dedicated for open space purposes shall contain appropriate covenants and deed restrictions approved by the planning board, which insure that:
The open space area will not be further subdivided in the future.
The use of the open space areas will continue in perpetuity for the purpose specified.
Appropriate provisions are made for the maintenance of the open space areas.
Maintenance of Common Open Space.
The borough or other governmental agency may, at any time and from time to time, accept the dedication of land or any interest therein for public use and maintenance, but the planning board shall not require, as a condition of approval, that land proposed to be set aside for common open space be dedicated or made available to public use.
The developer shall provide for an organization for the ownership and maintenance of any open space for the benefit of owners or residents of the development, if said open space is not dedicated to the borough or other governmental agency. Such organization shall not be dissolved and shall not dispose of any open space, by sale or otherwise, except to an organization conceived and established to own and maintain the open space for the benefit of such development, and thereafter such organization shall not be dissolved or dispose of any of its open space without first offering to dedicate the same to the borough.
In the event that such organization shall fail to maintain the open space in reasonable order and condition, the administrative officer may serve written notice upon such organization or upon the owners of the development setting forth the manner in which the organization has failed to maintain the open space in reasonable condition, and the notice shall include a demand that such deficiencies of maintenance be cured within 35 days, and shall state the date and place of a hearing which shall be held within 15 days of the notice. At such hearing, the administrative officer may modify the terms of the original notice as to deficiencies and may give a reasonable extension of time not to exceed 65 days within which they shall be cured.
If the deficiencies set forth in the original notice or in the modification shall not be cured within the 35 days or any permitted extension thereof, the borough, in order to preserve the open space and maintain the same for a period of one year may enter upon and maintain such land. The entry and maintenance shall not vest in the public any rights to use the open space except when the same is voluntarily dedicated to the public by the owners. Before the expiration of the year, the administrative officer shall, upon his initiative or upon the request of the organization responsible for the maintenance of the open space, call a public hearing upon 15 days' written notice to the organization and to the owners of the development, to be held by the administrative officer, at which hearing the organization and the owners of the development shall show cause why such maintenance by the borough shall not, at the election of the borough, continue for a succeeding year. If the administrative officer shall determine that the organization is ready and able to maintain the open space in reasonable condition, the borough shall cease to maintain the open space at the end of the year. If the administrative officer shall determine the organization is not ready and able to maintain the open space in a reasonable condition, the borough may, in its discretion continue to maintain the open space during the next succeeding year, subject to a similar hearing and determination, in each year thereafter. The decision of the administrative officer in any such case shall constitute a final administrative decision subject to judicial review.
The cost of the maintenance of by the borough shall be assessed pro rata against the properties within the development that have a right of enjoyment of the open space in accordance with assessed value at the time of imposition of the lien, and shall become a lien and tax on the properties and be added to and be a part of the taxes to be levied and assessed thereon, and enforced and collected with interest by the same officers and in the same manner as other taxes.
All concrete used in any subdivision or site improvement shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications for the various classes of concrete used, except that the 28 day compressive strength of the concrete used shall not be less than the following:
Type of Concrete
(pounds per square inch)
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Unless specific written permission is obtained from the borough engineer to the contrary, only concrete obtained from dry-batched redi-mixed trucks shall be allowed.
General Requirements. Curb and/or combination curb and gutter shall be constructed along both sides of every street within a development. Any existing pavements damaged by curb construction shall be repaired to the standards herein and/or as shown on the final plat. Where one side of the development boundary is along an existing street, the curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed only on the development side. Curbs and/or combination curbs and gutters shall be constructed of Class B concrete, air-entrained, in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications. Preformed bituminous cellular-type joint filler, one-half inch thick cut to match the cross-section of the curb, shall be used at all expansion joints at intervals not greater than 20 feet. Intermediate plate joints shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 10 feet. At places where a concrete curb abuts Portland cement concrete pavement, joints in the curb shall be placed to match the paving joints and intermediate joints shall be placed so as to create equal curb panels not longer than 20 feet. When concrete curb and gutter is required, the gutter shall be eight inches thick and shall be constructed of Class B air-entrained concrete. Joints in the gutter shall be formed simultaneously with joints in the curb. Curb and combination curb and gutter cross-sections shall be as shown in Figure 3 and 4 below. The requirements of the standard specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.
Use of Combination Curb and Gutter. Use of combination curb and gutter will be allowed in all areas and required in those areas having a bituminous pavement with a profile grade greater than 5% with the following exception:
Both sides of a street for the entire block length shall be constructed with one type of curb; that is, where only a portion of a block is required to have combination curb and gutter, the entire block shall be constructed using the combination curb and gutter.
Where 50% or more of the curb length of any street would be required to have combination curb and gutter, the entire street shall be constructed with combination curb and gutter.
Where 50% of more of any subdivision is required to have a combination curb and gutter, the entire subdivision shall be constructed with combination curb and gutter.
Timing of Curb Construction. In areas with bituminous concrete pavement, required curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed prior to the construction of the bituminous base courses. Any required repairs to curbs and/or combination curb and gutter which are not suitable for acceptance shall be made prior to construction of the final pavement wearing course. In those areas having Portland cement concrete pavement, the curb shall be constructed after the construction and curing of the Portland cement pavement.
Alternate Curb Types. In certain instances it may be necessary or desirable to construct alternate curb types. For example, these may be required by the planning board on the perimeter of channelizing islands or in the areas of unusually heavy gutter drainage flow, or may be desired by the developer for decorative purposes or to preserve vegetation (e.g., granite block curb, rolled concrete curb, etc.). If alternate curb types are to be permitted, an appropriate construction detail shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and final plats. Continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may be permitted if such is considered to be acceptable by the borough engineer. The use of continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may only be permitted if the applicant submits for review and approval details and specifications concerning equipment, materials and methods proposed for use and if the borough engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such curb or combination curb and gutter. In the event the borough engineer does not approve the sample section of curb or combination curb and gutter, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of curb or curb and gutter permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the planning board.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.12]
Drainage Easements.
If the property on which a proposed development is to be located is or is proposed to be traversed by a drainage facility of any kind, including a pipe, channel, stream or swale, the planning board may require that a stormwater and drainage easement or right-of-way along said facility be provided by the developer. If existing land drainage structures, such as french drains, are encountered during the course of construction of any development, such drainage structures shall either be removed entirely or a revised final plat showing the location of such drainage structures and accompanied with detailed cross-sections thereof shall be filed with the borough engineer for consideration by the planning board. The planning board, after consulting its engineer and other appropriate agencies, shall either require a drainage easement, require that the structure be removed in part or in its entirety, or recommend such other action to the governing body as it deems appropriate.
All easements shall be shown on the final plat with a notation as to the purpose and restrictions of the easement. Easement lines on the final plat shall be shown with accurate dimensions and bearings unless the easement lines are parallel or concentric with lot lines.
The land which is the subject of an easement or right-of-way shall in the case of storm drains or constructed channels be of a suitable width meeting the requirements for design of drainage facilities, or be a strip which conforms substantially to the floodplain of any watercourse along both sides of the watercourse to a width of 50 feet in each direction from the centerline of the watercourse, whichever is the greatest; except, however, that if the location of such watercourse is at or near the boundary of the subdivision, the dimensions of the easement and right-of-way shall be modified to retain it within the confines of the development.
Said easement and right-of-way shall include provisions assuring the following:
Preservation of the channel of the watercourse.
Except in the course of an authorized drainage improvement, prohibition of alteration of the contour, topography or composition of the land within the easement and right-of-way.
Prohibition of construction within the boundaries of the easement and right-of-way which will obstruct or interfere with the natural flow of the watercourse.
Reservation of a public right-of-entry for the purpose of maintaining the storm drain, drainage channel or the natural flow of drainage through the watercourse, of maintaining any and all structures related to the exercise of the easement and right-of-way and of installing and maintaining a storm or sanitary sewer system or other public utility.
Conservation Easement.
Conservation easements may be required along all drainage and stormwater rights-of-way in the development and may be required also along ponds, marshes, swamps and streams or other watercourses along which drainage rights-of-way are not required. Such easements are intended to help prevent the siltation of streams and other courses and the erosion of stream banks, other watercourses and adjacent lands. The land subjected to a conservation easement shall be a strip at least 25 feet but not more than 100 feet in width independently located or running adjacent to each side of any required drainage or stormwater right-of-way. Such conservation easement shall contain provisions to restrict the removal of trees and ground cover except for the following purposes: removal of dead or diseased trees; thinning of trees and other growth to encourage the more desirable growth; removal of trees to allow for structures designed to impound water; and removal of trees in areas to be flooded for the creation of ponds or lakes. The easements shall also prohibit filling or grading of the lands or the disposal of refuse or waste material of any type within the limits of the easement.
The easement shall be indicated on the plat and shall be marked on the land by iron stakes wherever the lines of such easement change direction or intersect lot lines.
Sight Triangle Easements. In addition to right-of-way widths required for the full design of all streets and the wider intersections as specified, sight triangle easements may be required on all corners at all street intersections. Such easements shall include provisions to restrict the planting of trees or other plantings or the location of structures exceeding 30 inches in height that would obstruct the clear sight across the area of the easements and a reservation to the public right-of-entry for the purpose of removing any object, natural or otherwise, that obstructs the clear sight. Such easements shall include the area on each street corner that is bounded by the right-of-way lines and a straight line connecting points on each right-of-way line 50 feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines with points on the intersecting right-of-way line, which points are the following distances from the intersection of the right-of-way lines (or of their prolongations):
On local streets - 50 feet.
On collector streets - 100 feet.
On arterial streets - 200 feet.
Where intersections occur on highways or roadways under the jurisdiction of the state or county, the sight triangle easements required by the state or the county may be substituted in lieu of the requirements above.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.13; Ord. No. 2005-55; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 5; Ord. No. 2017-259 § 2]
Fences, hedges and walls hereafter erected, altered or reconstructed in any zone in the borough shall not exceed six feet in height above ground level except as follows:
Hedges, walls and fences, which are not open fences as defined in this chapter, subsection 13-2.3(a), 54 "Fence, open," located in a front yard, or located within five feet of a side (secondary front) yard of a corner lot fronting on a street, or within 50 feet of any river, lagoon or other body of water, shall not exceed 36 inches in height. Fences, hedges and walls which are set back greater than five feet from the side property line corner lot fronting on a street shall not exceed six feet in height.
In any business or industrial zone, open wire fences not exceeding eight feet in height may be erected in the rear or side yard areas and behind the building setback line.
On park, recreation or school properties, open wire fences not exceeding eight feet in height may be erected in the rear or side yards areas and behind the building setback line.
Fences specifically required by other provisions of this chapter and other municipal and state regulations.
All fences must be erected within the property lines, and no fence shall be erected so as to encroach upon a public right-of-way.
The following fences and fencing construction materials are specifically prohibited in all zones in the borough: barbed wire, canvas, cloth, electrically charged, expandable and collapsible fences.
All supporting members of a fence shall be located on the inside of the fence, and if erected along or adjacent to a property line, the supporting members of the fence shall face the principal portion of the tract of land of the property upon which the fence is erected.
Fences should be a minimum of three feet from any existing residential structure.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.14]
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for new residential structure located in an area serviced by a public or private water company unless the distance from the midpoint of the frontage of such premises to a functioning fire hydrant, which has been tested and approved, as measured down to the centerline of connecting public streets, is 400 feet or less.
Final subdivision plats shall not be approved by the planning board unless fire hydrants are indicated on the final plat in accordance with the requirements herein contained as to location of and distances between fire hydrants.
Fire hydrants shall not be placed at the closed end of a turnaround of a cul-de-sac unless the distance between the open end and the closed end is greater than 400 feet, in which event, the fire hydrants shall be placed at both the open end and the closed end of the cul-de-sac.
The installation of fire hydrants with respect to any subdivision shall not be considered a subdivision improvement to be included in the bonding requirements of this chapter but rather the proper installation of fire hydrants shall be a condition of the issuance of certificates of occupancy.
Flow Capacity Classification. All fire hydrants shall be classified as follows:
Class A: flow capacity greater than 1,000 gallons per minute.
Class B: flow capacity of 500 gallons per minute.
Class C: flow capacity of less than 500 gallons per minute.
Said flow capacities are to be rated by a flow measurement test at a period of ordinary demand, the rating to be based on 20 pounds per square inch of residual pressure when initial pressures exceed 40 pounds per square inch. When initial pressures are less than 40 pounds per square inch, residual pressure shall be at least half of the initial pressure.
All fire hydrants shall be painted in accordance with the following schedule:
The tops and nozzle caps shall be painted the color indicated for each of the following classes:
Class of Hydrant
All fire hydrant barrels will be painted with white fluorescent paint.
All fire hydrants installed in the municipality shall have no less than two, 2 1/2 inch hose connection nozzles and one, 4 1/2 inch pumper nozzle. All threads are to be National Standard fire hose threads.
Hydrants shall be set plumb with nozzles 18 inches above the ground or, where they are to be placed in hose houses, 18 inches above the floor.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.15]
Guardrails, pipe railing or other appropriate barricades, as required by the planning board shall be designed and placed at drainage structures, streams, embankment limits, curves and other required locations. Guardrails shall be standard steel-beam type with galvanized steel posts in accordance with the Standard Construction Details. Alternate design of guardrails and barricades may be used and shall be submitted for approval as part of the final plat submission.
Lot Size. Minimum lot size and dimensions shall be governed by the requirements of the respective zoning districts as set forth in this chapter, except that:
The planning board may require larger lots where additional area will partially or completely eliminate the necessity of changes in grade which in the opinion of the board would cause unreasonable destruction of the topography or environment or would create drainage or erosion problems.
The planning board may require larger lots adjacent to collector or arterial streets where, in the opinion of the board, the larger lots would promote the health, safety and general welfare of the public and the residents of the development.
Lot and Block Numbers.
In accordance with the tax map specifications of the State of New Jersey dated May, 1975, prepared by the State of New Jersey Department of the Treasury, as amended, subdivided lots and blocks shall generally bear the original numbers with a number added as a subscript. The use of letter designations should particularly be avoided.
Prior to final plat approval by the planning board, two copies of the map shall be submitted to the borough engineer for proper assignment of lot and block numbers. One copy of said map shall be returned with the new lot and block numbers shown. The other copy will be retained for tax map purposes.
House Numbers.
House numbers shall be assigned each lot by the borough engineer prior to final plat approval by the planning board.
The subdivider, upon completion of curbs and streets, shall place the street number of each lot in the subdivision on the curb or other conspicuous place approved by the borough engineer in size and color designed to make the street numbers readily and distinctly discernible from the street. Unless otherwise permitted by the engineer, such numbers shall be block style, four inches in height, three-quarter inch shape width painted in white fluorescent paint on a black background extending at least one inch beyond the number on all sides.
Area and Side Lot Lines. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements of the zoning district. Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets and radial to curved streets.
Lot Frontage. Each lot shall front on an approved street accepted or to be accepted by the borough.
Lot Line on Widened Street. Where extra width is to be provided for the widening of existing streets, lot measurements shall begin at the proposed right-of-way line, and all setbacks shall be measured from such lines unless otherwise provided by this chapter.
Unsuitable Lots. All lots shall be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to be used. To prevent the use of lots which are not suitable because of adverse topography, environmental, flood conditions or similar circumstances, the planning board may require such revisions in a layout of the subdivision as will accomplish one of the following:
That the area of the unsuitable lot is included in other lots by increasing the size of the remaining lots.
That it is included in an area to be deeded to the township or other public or quasi-public body and will be held in its natural state for conservation and/or recreation purposes.
That some other suitable arrangement is made.
Driveways. All structures must be accessible by means of a paved driveway. The paved driveway must be not less than 10 feet wide and must have a centerline grade of not less than 0.5% and not greater than 10%. For all non-single family uses, driveways must provide turnarounds to eliminate the necessity of any vehicle backing onto any street. No private driveway in any zone shall be located nearer to any side or rear lot line than five feet.
Monuments shall be a size and shape required by Section 4, Chapter 358 of the Laws of 1963, and shall be placed in accordance with said statute. In addition to the required monuments, after the grading is finished, the developer shall install a steel stake one inch in diameter and 30 inches in length on lot corners, lot line angle points, or other changes in direction not marked by monuments, and at all angle points or discontinuities in easement lines where such easements are not parallel to property lines.
In addition to regulations applicable within zones where multi-family dwellings and/or townhouses are a permitted use or are a conditional use, the following regulations shall apply to all multi-family dwellings and/or townhouses:
Setback from Public Streets. All buildings, parking areas and other above ground improvements, with the exception of access drives or access roadways, landscaping and screening areas, shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the right-of way of all public streets unless the required front yard setback for the zone is greater, in which case, the zone regulations shall take precedent.
Setback from other Property Lines. All buildings, parking areas and other above ground improvements, including access drives, with the exception of landscaping and screening areas, shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from all side and rear lot lines, unless the required side or rear yard setback for the zone are greater, in which case, the zone regulations shall take precedent.
Minimum Distance Between Principal Buildings.
Twenty-five feet where neither of the facing walls has windows.
Forty feet where only one of the facing walls has windows.
Sixty feet where both of the facing walls have windows.
Courtyards. Courtyards bounded on three or more sides by wings of the same building or by the walls of separate buildings shall have a minimum court width of three feet for each one foot in height of the tallest building or building wing.
Building Length. No principal building, when viewed from any elevation, shall be greater than 175 feet in length.
Garages and/or carports, when not attached to a principal building, shall be located no closer than 40 feet to a facing wall of a principal building containing windows, nor closer than 20 feet to a facing wall of a principal building which does not contain windows.
Distance Between Principal Buildings and Internal Drives. No multi-family dwellings shall be located closer than 35 feet to any access drive or internal roadway.
Distance Between Principal Buildings and Parking Areas. No principal building shall be located closer than 20 feet to any parking area, except for access aisles or driveways to garages and/or carports, which are attached to principal buildings.
Garage and/or carport parking spaces shall not be counted toward meeting off-street parking requirements, unless the garage or carport space has a driveway in front of it, which is a minimum 20 feet in depth and which driveway is adjacent and accessible from an access aisle or internal roadway.
Refuse Storage. There shall be provided at least one outdoor refuse storage area of at least 100 square feet for each 20 dwelling units. The refuse storage area shall be suitably located and arranged for access and ease of collection and shall not be part of, restrict or occupy any parking aisle and shall not be located further than 300 feet from the entrance to any unit which it is intended to serve and shall be screened in accordance with the requirements of subsection 13-8.4b.
Outdoor Lighting. Interior development roads, parking areas, dwelling entrance ways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same, but in no case, shall such lighting be less than is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal foot candles throughout such areas from dawn to dusk. Where necessary, lights shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of the buildings. Lighting shall be so arranged as to reflect away from all adjoining residential buildings.
Recreation. Passive recreation areas, such as pathways, natural woods and fields, seating areas and lawns, shall be provided, suitably arranged, throughout any multi-family site.
In addition, an active recreation area or areas shall be provided at the rate of at least 250 square feet per dwelling unit. Outdoor play equipment shall be installed in each recreation area in sufficient amount and variety to service the occupants of the project. If a swimming pool area or areas are to be installed, they are to include a pool of a size at least equivalent to 15 square feet per unit, except no pool less than 500 square feet will be allowed, and no pool greater than 3,000 square feet shall be required. An auxiliary building or buildings providing for lavatories and storage shall also be erected in conjunction with pools. Swimming pools shall be subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.8.
Buildings shall have no more than two dwelling units in a line without setbacks and/or breaks in building elevation of at least five feet.
Concrete walkways, at least four feet wide or of such other dimension and composition as may be approved by the planning board, shall be provided where normal pedestrian traffic is like to occur.
Internal roadways shall be constructed in accordance with the standards for public streets in this chapter.
Minimum Gross Habitable Floor Area Requirements.
Efficiency Units: 750 square feet.
One Bedroom Units: 860 square feet.
Two Bedroom Units: 1,000 square feet.
Three Bedroom Units: 1,150 square feet.
The percentage of three bedroom units to the total number of dwelling units shall not exceed 20%. The combined percentage of two or three bedroom units to the total number of dwelling units shall not exceed 70%. No unit larger than a three bedroom unit shall be permitted.
All rooms, exclusive of living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, which contain 70 square feet or more of floor area, shall be considered bedrooms. If a dining room is not directly accessible from and adjacent to both the kitchen and living room, it shall also be considered a bedroom.
For every building, structure or part thereof having over 10,000 square feet of gross floor area erected and occupied for any use other than residential, there shall be provided at least one truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than 12 feet in width, 35 feet in length and with a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet. Buildings that contain in excess of 15,000 square feet of gross floor area shall be required to provide additional off-street loading spaces as determined by the planning board during site plan review.
Access to truck standing, loading and unloading areas may be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.
Unless otherwise permitted, fire zones shall not be used as standing, loading or unloading areas.
Loading areas, as required under this subsection, shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking spaces.
No off-street loading and unloading area shall be permitted in any required front yard area.
In all zones and in connection with every industrial, commercial, institutional, professional, recreational, residential or any other use, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following requirements and parking lot standards:
Type of Parking Permitted. Each dead storage bay of an off-street parking space may be perpendicular with the aisle, parallel with the aisle, or at any angle between 60° and 90°. No angle parking layout shall be permitted with an angle less than 60°.
Stall Size.
Automobiles: Each perpendicular or angle off-street parking space shall occupy a rectangular area of not less than 10 feet in width and 20 feet in depth exclusive of access drives and aisles, except that parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be 12 feet wide.
Parallel parking spaces shall occupy a rectangular area 10 feet by 23 feet.
Other Vehicles:
Uses that own, rent or service motor vehicles larger than automobiles which must be parked and/or stored on the site shall indicate in the statement of operations submitted with the site plan, the size of such vehicles and the anticipated largest number of such vehicles to be stored and/or parked on the site at any single time and the site plan shall show a sufficient number of parking and/or storage stalls at an adequate size for the largest number of such vehicles to be parked and/or stored on the site at any one time. Aisles providing for access to such parking and/or storage stalls shall be of adequate width for the vehicles to be served.
Failure of an applicant to indicate, where applicable, in the statement of operations that vehicles larger than automobiles are to be parked and/or stored on the site and provide for such parking and/or storage on the site plan shall be a violation of this ordinance, and any building permit or certificate of occupancy that has been issued shall not be valid and may be revoked.
Any change of use to a use which requires parking and/or storage space for a greater number of vehicles larger than automobiles than the previous use shall be required to make application for site plan approval.
When off-street parking is provided in connection with a use which will assign or can control the utilization of parking areas (for example, employee only parking areas), the planning board may approve separate parking areas for subcompact vehicles having a length of less than 17 feet and width of six feet or less. Within such areas the planning board may approve the reduction of stall size to an eight and one-half foot width and a seventeen-foot length. Appropriate signing and marking shall be required. The number of parking stalls which may be designed for subcompact vehicles shall be determined by the planning board based upon documentation submitted by the applicant.
Aisle Widths.
Aisles from which cars directly enter or leave parking spaces shall not be less than 24 feet wide for perpendicular parking or for parking at any angle greater than 60°, and 20 feet wide for 60° angle parking, except that all two-way aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide.
Only angle parking stalls or parallel parking stalls shall be used with one-way aisles.
Access Drives. (See Figures 5 and 6[1])
Entrance and exit drives shall have a minimum width of 18 feet for those designed for one-way traffic and 24 feet for those carrying two-way traffic.
Parking areas for 25 or more cars and access drives for all parking areas on arterial highways shall provide curbed return radii of not less than 15 feet for all right turn movements and left turn access from one-way streets and concrete aprons on entrance and exit drives.
Parking areas for less than 25 cars may utilize concrete aprons without curb returns at entrance and exit drives which are not located on a minor arterial or principal arterial highway.
Paint Striping. All parking areas shall provide paint striping to delineate parking stalls, barrier lines, lane lines, directional arrows, stop lines, fire lanes and other striping as may be required to insure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such striping shall be in substantial conformance with the "Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices".
Traffic Signs. All parking areas shall provide traffic control signs and devices necessary to insure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such devices shall be in substantial conformance with the "Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices".
Curbing. The perimeter of all parking areas and internal islands within all parking areas open to the general public shall have continuous cast in place concrete curbing (see Figure No. 3[2]) with a six inch face or such alternate curb types as may be approved by the planning board at the time of site plan approval.
The planning board may waive the requirement for curb in parking areas only to employees, service vehicles or for loading and unloading, provided that drainage, vehicle control and safety can be properly accommodated by alternate means.
Figure 3 can be found in §13-8.11a
Paving. All parking areas shall provide pavement in accordance with the requirements of local street set forth in subsection 18-8.23, except as follows:
Parking areas for less than 50 cars, which the planning board determines are not likely to be utilized by heavy truck traffic or drive-up window service, may be paved with two inches of pavement, Type FA-BC-1 over a six inch gravel base, all in accordance with the specifications contained in subsection 13-8.23.
In parking areas for 100 or more cars, access drives and aisles, which the planning board determines are likely to be utilized by heavy trucks or unusually high traffic volumes, shall provide paving in accordance with the requirements for streets other than local streets set forth in subsection 13-8.23.
Location of Parking.
Parking areas in residential zones for uses other than single family and two family dwellings may be located in any rear or side yard, but may not be located in any required front yard.
No area shall be used for parking unless it is large enough to provide for at least three contiguous stalls.
Where parking is permitted between the front building line and the street line, whether by this chapter variance, a safety island or raised median separating the public street from the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements (see Figures 5 and 6[3]):
The width of the safety island shall be that width between the proposed curb line to a point eight feet inside the property line. When this width is less than 18 feet, the parking area shall be reduced to provide a minimum width for the safety island of 18 feet. All required tree and shrub plantings shall be placed on the on-site portion of the safety island.
When perpendicular or angled parking spaces abut the safety island, the stall depth shall be measured from a point two feet outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than 60°, and three feet outside the face of curb for 60° angle spaces. Such parking spaces shall be separated from access drives by curbed islands with a minimum width of 10 feet.
Safety islands shall be landscaped, topsoiled, and seeded, except that they may, as an alternative to seeding, be provided with a cover or mulch of maintenance free materials which provide a clear and unmistakable distinction between the parking area and the safety island.
Notwithstanding the use of maintenance free materials, there shall be provided at least one deciduous tree two inches in diameter at breast height every 40 feet, or part thereof, on all safety islands. A greater distance will be allowed for plantings if necessary for traffic safety. The area between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three evergreen type shrubs. The portions of the safety island within 25 feet of any access drive or street intersection shall be planted with evergreen shrubs less than 30 inches in height. Alternate or additional plantings may be permitted by the planning board in accordance with an approved site plan.
No commercial signs, light standards or other above ground obstructions other than plantings shall be permitted within 10 feet of the street right-of-way.
All required parking spaces and facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the structure or use it shall serve. In the case of non-residential uses, parking facilities may be provided on other lots or parcels within a radius of 300 feet from the boundary of the lot containing the use to which said parking spaces and facilities are accessory, provided that said lots are in the same ownership as the lot containing the principal use and subject to deed restrictions binding the owner and his heirs, successors and assigns to maintain the required number of spaces available and required facilities throughout the life of such use.
Required parking spaces for the physically handicapped should be located to provide convenient access to building entrances by way of depressed curbs and ramps in accordance with state regulations. Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width and the number of spaces to be provided shall be determined by the following table:
Total Parking Spaces in Parking Area
Minimum Number of Spaces to be Provided for Physically Handicapped
up to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
Over 100
4 plus 1 for each 50 over 100 spaces
Small Parking Areas. Parking lots having 50 or less spaces shall be designed to provide the following minimum design requirements:
A safety island where parking is provided in the front yard area.
A five foot unbroken landscaping strip along side and rear property lines. The five foot landscaping strips shall have the same minimum planting requirements as safety islands, except that:
Where screening is required under this chapter, the screening requirements shall take precedence.
Where the property abuts a lot zoned for non-residential purposes, but utilized for residential purposes, the planning board may also require screening.
Not more than one two-way access drive or two one-way access drives shall be permitted on any street.
Where possible, access drives shall not be located closer than 100 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.
No parking stall shall be located to require a vehicle to back into any portion of the right-of-way in order to enter or exit the parking stall.
All parking areas for 10 or more vehicles shall have artificial lighting that will provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal foot candles throughout the parking area and access drives. For multi-family uses, such lights shall be operated from dusk to dawn and for all other uses when the site or structure is occupied. Free standing light poles shall be no higher than the height of the highest principal building plus five feet. Shielding shall be required where necessary to prevent glare upon adjacent properties or streets.
Large Parking Areas. Parking lots which have a capacity for parking more than 50 vehicles shall incorporate the following minimum design standards:
All the minimum design standards for small parking areas.
All entrance drives shall extend a minimum distance of 100 feet back from the street curb line or to an access aisle.
All exit drives shall extend a minimum distance of 60 feet back from the street curb or to a major access aisle.
No parking stalls shall utilize the required entrance and exit drives or major circulation drives as access aisles.
Wherever feasible, access drives located along one-way streets or divided highways shall be separate one-way drives. Said drives shall be located so that vehicles enter the parking area at the beginning of the property and exit at the far end of the property unless other considerations, such as a median opening, dictate otherwise.
Access drives shall not be located closer than 100 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street, except that for uses such as shopping centers, which in the opinion of the planning board will generate large traffic volumes, access drives shall not be located closer than 200 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.
No driveway shall be located less than 10 feet from the side property line or within 30 feet of an existing drive, whichever is greater.
Properties having a frontage in excess of 500 feet on any one street shall be permitted two-way and one-way access drives providing for not more than two entrance and two exit movements on the street. Properties having a frontage in excess of 1,000 feet on any one street may be permitted to have additional access drives subject to the approval of the planning board.
Where the planning board determines that the total number of off-street parking spaces required by this ordinance may not be immediately required for a particular use, it may permit a staged development plan, which requires that only a portion of the parking area, but not less than 65% of the required spaces, be completed initially, subject to the following regulations:
The site plan shall clearly indicate both that portion of the parking area to be initially paved and the total parking needed to provide the number of spaces required by this chapter.
The site plan shall provide for adequate drainage of both the partial and total parking areas.
The portion of the parking area not to be paved initially shall be landscaped in accordance with subsection 13-8.4.
The applicant shall post separate performance guarantees in addition to the performance guarantees required under section 13-7 of this chapter which shall reflect the cost of installing the additional parking facilities necessary to provide the total number of parking spaces required.
In lieu of a permanent certificate of occupancy, a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a period of two years. Prior to the expiration of the two-year period, the applicant may either (1) install the additional parking shown on the site plan and apply to the construction official for issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy or (2) apply to the planning board after the use has been in operation a minimum of 18 months for a determination as to whether or not the initial parking area provided is adequate. If the planning board determines that the parking facility is adequate as originally constructed, the performance guarantees may be released and a permanent certificate of occupancy issued. If, however, the planning board determines that the partial off-street parking area is not adequate, the applicant shall be required to install the additional parking facilities in accordance with the terms of the performance guarantees prior to issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy.
Any change of use on a site for which the planning board may have approved a partial paving of off-street parking areas, to a use which requires more parking spaces than are provided on the site, shall require submission of a new site plan.
Parking Area Landscaping. Every parking lot with more than 100 spaces shall be divided as nearly as possible into smaller lots of 50 spaces separated by landscaped dividing strips, excepting the area for access aisles. The plantings required within the parking area shall be considered exclusive from any other plantings that may be required for screening or safety island planting. All landscaping for dividing strips shall be shown as part of the detailed landscaping plan submission, where required. The following criteria shall apply for internal landscaped dividing strips:
They shall have a minimum width of 10 feet.
They shall be seeded and topsoiled. The use of maintenance free material other than seeding and topsoil may be permitted if the same provides a safe and attractive alternative.
Unless otherwise approved by the planning board, they shall be planted with deciduous trees of two inch diameter at breast height with a maximum distance between trees at ground level of 40 feet. All trees shall be planted in a dormant state and in accordance with the appropriate requirements of subsection 13-8.4. The area between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three evergreen type shrubs.
The depth of perpendicular or angled parking stalls, which abut a landscaped dividing strip, shall be measured from a point two feet outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than 60° and three feet outside the face of the curb for 60° angled spaces.
Retaining Walls and Embankment Slopes.
In the event that parking is proposed on a lot or site having a slope greater than 10%, regardless of size, it shall be terraced, utilizing retaining walls or properly reinforced embankment slopes and providing for adequate safety, stability and drainage. At no time should an embankment slope that is not reinforced, or any other earthen material having a greater elevation than the adjacent parking area, have a slope exceeding a ratio of three to one (3:1).
When retaining walls, terraces, embankment slopes or similar types of earthen retaining devices are necessitated adjacent to or within the parking area, they shall be kept in good repair or otherwise maintained so as to keep the parking area free of debris and dirt.
Access to Adjoining Property. No unrestricted vehicular access shall be permitted between adjacent properties. Vehicular access, if agreed upon by the owners or possessors of adjacent properties, or if required by the planning board, shall normally be limited to one opening providing two lanes of traffic and shall be located in such a manner as to offer continuity of a similar access drive on the adjacent property. The opening shall occur at a point having the greatest distance from the street line which would facilitate the joining of properties. Access shall normally be denied across the remainder of the side lines by construction of a landscaped dividing strip, five feet in width on the property being developed. If and when the adjacent property is developed, there shall be a similar dividing strip at least five feet wide. All dividing strips shall be landscaped as provided in this section. The planning board may also require that provision be made for future connection to adjacent undeveloped properties.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces Required.
Automotive Repair Garage or Body Shop: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Automotive Sales and Service: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area shall be provided for customer and employee parking. These areas shall be in addition to areas utilized for display and storage of vehicles. Site plans shall specify which parking spaces are designated for customers, employees, display and storage.
Automotive Service Station: five parking spaces for each service bay, exclusive of vehicle service area. In no instance shall there be less than five off-street parking spaces.
Banks, Savings and Loan Associations and Similar Financial Institutions: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Bar, Cocktail Lounge, Nightclub, including Restaurants with Bars: one parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Barber and Beauty Shop: three parking spaces for each chair (if known), but not less than one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Bowling Alley: five parking spaces for each alley. Other commercial uses within the same building will be computed separately in accordance with this subsection.
Business Offices: one parking space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Car Washes: five parking spaces for employees plus off-street storage (stacking) space equal to at least five times the number of cars that can be in the wash process at one time. For self-wash or self service car washes, the requirement for employee parking shall be eliminated.
Church, Temple or Chapel: one parking space for each four seats in the main congregation seating area. Where no individual seats are provided, 20 inches of bench shall be considered as one seat. Where seats or benches are not provided or are provided only in a portion of the main congregation seating area, one parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area within the main congregation seating area.
Community Center, Library, Museum, Art Gallery: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Community Club, Private Club, Lodge: one parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 1/2 spaces for each boat slip where applicable.
Convalescent Home, Nursing Home, Rest Home: one parking space for each two beds based on its licensed bed capacity.
Meeting Rooms, Assembly or Exhibition Hall: one parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Dwellings: One parking space for each single family dwelling. Two parking spaces for each unit in multiple-family dwellings and two-family dwellings.
Dental or Medical Offices: one parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, except that if located within a building housing three or more separate unassociated practitioners the requirement shall be one parking space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Drive-In Restaurant: one parking space for each 35 square feet of gross floor area.
Driving Range, Miniature Golf: one parking space for each tee or hole.
Farmers Market, Auction Market: one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of land area in the site.
Furniture. Appliance Stores or Similar Types of Uses Requiring Large Amounts of Storage: one parking space for each 400 square feet up to 4,000 square feet, plus one parking space for each 800 square feet of gross floor area above 4,000 square feet.
Government Office: to be determined by the planning board, except that governmental offices within privately owned buildings shall provide a minimum of one parking space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area.
Hardware, Auto Supply Stores: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Hospital (General, Mental, Sanitarium): one parking space for each two beds based on its licensed capacity.
Hotel, Motel: one parking space for each rental unit. Each commercial use within the building shall be computed separately according to the requirements for such use set forth herein. The planning board may allow up to 50% of the required parking for commercial uses in the hotel or motel to be satisfied by guest room parking.
Laundromats or Similar Coin-operated Cleaning: one parking space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment, Research or Testing Laboratory, Bottling Plant or Similar Uses: One space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Marina, Boat Yard, Boat Sales: 1 1/2 parking spaces for each boat slip. Where no boat slips exist, one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
Mortuary, Funeral Home: one parking space for every 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Nursery School, Day Camp or Similar Uses: one parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Professional Offices: One space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Public and Private Utilities, Electrical Substation, Gas Regulator, Water Works, Pumping Station and Similar Facilities: to be determined by the planning board based on the specific need of the use.
Restaurant, Cafe, Diner: one parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area.
Recreation Facilities: those not specifically mentioned herein shall be determined by the planning board.
Retail Stores, Except Otherwise Specified: one parking space for each 150 feet of gross floor area.
Studio: art, music, dance, gymnastics and similar for the purpose of giving instruction rather than shows or exhibitions: one parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Elementary: one parking space for each eight students based on design capacity.
Middle or Junior High School: one space for each five students based on design capacity.
High School: one space for each three students based on design capacity.
College or University: one space for each 1 1/2 students based on design capacity.
Shopping Centers: six parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
If more than 5% of the enclosed gross floor area of any shopping center is occupied by malls, lobbies, corridors, heating plants or other space not utilized for direct commercial purposes, which in the opinion of the planning board will not generate a need for parking, the planning board shall allow the parking required to be based on the "gross leasable area" of the shopping center at the above rate. The "gross leasable area," for the purposes of this chapter, shall be defined as the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floors.
Theater: one parking space for each 35 square feet of gross floor area.
Veterinary Clinics or Hospitals or Animal Care Facilities: one parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Warehouse, Wholesale, Machinery or Large Equipment Sales: one parking space for each 1,500 square feet of gross floor area, plus one parking space for each vehicle used in connection with the business.
Criteria for Determining Required Parking Spaces. In computing the number of the above required parking spaces, the following rules shall govern:
Where fractional spaces result, the required number shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.
The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the planning board based upon that use enumerated herein which is most similar to the proposed use. If there is no use enumerated having sufficient similarity to the use proposed to enable the planning board to establish rational parking requirements, the planning board may, in its discretion, direct the applicant to furnish the planning board with such data as may be necessary to enable the planning board to establish rational parking requirements.
Nothing in the above requirements shall be construed to prevent the joint use of off-street parking facilities by two or more uses on the same site, provided the total of such spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses computed separately by the above requirements.
No part of off-street parking required by a structure or use shall be included as part of an off-street parking requirement of another use unless substantial proof and assurances are presented and it is determined by the planning board that the use of this parking will not be simultaneous.
Type of Pools.
Permanent underground.
Permanent above ground: above ground pools equipped with fences built above the top level of the pool.
Temporary above ground: above ground pools not equipped with fences built above the top level of the pool.
Lighting. All lighting fixtures for a private swimming pool shall be installed so as to comply with all applicable safety regulations, and shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam of light from shining on any adjoining property.
Electric Lines. No overhead electric lines shall be carried across any swimming pool or wading area.
Noise. No activities shall be conducted at any private swimming pool which shall cause undue noise or constitute a nuisance to any neighbor.
Building Permit. When an application is made for a permit to construct and locate a private swimming pool, the applicant shall demonstrate to the construction official the suitability and adequacy of design, materials and construction or construction specifications of said pool, including all accessory equipment, apparatus and appurtenances thereto. The application for a private swimming pool building permit shall identify the building lot, the location of the residence, location of swimming pool, all accessory equipment and apparatus, type of pool, all basic dimensions, location of steps, diving stands, boards and location and detail specification of enclosure and gate on the lot.
Pool Location. A wall of an outdoor private swimming pool shall not be located less than six feet (1,829 mm) from any rear or side property line or 10 feet (3,048 mm) from any street property line, nor closer than six feet from the side or rear of the residence on a building lot.
Pump Location. The pump of a filtration or pumping station of a private swimming pool shall be located not less than 10 feet from any side or rear property line.
Drainage. Private pools situated or extended above ground level and less than 50 feet from an abutting property shall be surrounded by a suitable drainage system so as to be able to carry away all the water in the pool in the case of a break. No drainage shall be permitted into a street.
Permanent underground pools shall be surrounded entirely by a fence, with no openings greater than a two inch square, and capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts located not more than eight feet apart; however, side(s) of the residence may serve as part of the enclosure. The fence shall be located not less than six feet from the closest edge of the pool. Fences shall at least be four feet high and if made of wire, they must be of the chain link type. All supporting structures shall be on the inside of the fence, and the top of such support shall be at least one inch lower than the top of the fence.
Permanent above ground pools constructed with an attached fence being at least four feet in height above ground level and capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts located not more than eight feet apart needs no additional fencing.
Temporary above ground pools, when not in use, must be emptied or covered with a suitable protective covering, securely fastened or locked in place unless enclosed by a fence meeting the requirements for a permanent underground pool.
Gate. Any opening or openings in the fence to afford entry to the pool shall be equipped with a gate similar to the fence and shall extend from not more than two inches above the ground to the height of the fence. The gate shall be of a self-closing type, opening outwardly only, and be equipped with a lock and key or padlock and chain, and shall be kept locked, except when the pool is in use.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.22]
General Requirements. Roadways and all appurtenances, including subgrade, subbase, base courses and pavements, shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications as modified herein. All subsurface utilities including service connections (terminating at least two feet behind sidewalk) to each lot and all storm drains shall be installed in all roadway areas prior to the construction of final pavement surfaces.
Type of Pavement. All roadways shall be constructed with either a bituminous concrete flexible pavement structure or a portland cement concrete rigid pavement structure. Only one type of pavement shall be utilized throughout any development.
Pavement Structure Design.
The pavement structure design for each particular development utilizing either a flexible or rigid pavement type shall be the responsibility of the developer or his engineer. The pavement design shall be based upon traffic loading projections and field sampling and laboratory analysis of the subgrade soils to be encountered in roadway areas in the development and shall follow current design recommendations of the Asphalt Institute, the Portland Cement Concrete Association or such other generally recognized standards as may be acceptable to the borough engineer.
As minimum requirements, rigid Portland cement paving shall be expansion joint type paving utilizing joints similar to Type A expansion joints, according to the Standard Construction details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, shall be reinforced, constructed with Class B air-entrained concrete and shall have a minimum thickness of 6 1/2 inches for local, local collector and minor collector streets and eight inches for other classifications. Flexible bituminous concrete pavements shall have an equivalent structural depth of at least 10 inches for local, local collector and minor collector streets; having a minimum wearing surface of not less than 1 1/2 inches of pavement, Type FA-BC-1, and a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than 2 1/2 inches and a dense graded aggregate base course to provide the remaining depth; and an equivalent structural depth of at least 13 inches for other street classifications, having a minimum wearing surface of not less than two inches of pavement, Type FA-BC-1; a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than three inches, and a dense graded aggregate base to provide the remaining depth. Bituminous stabilized base may be substituted for aggregate base on a one to three (1:3) ratio (stabilized base to aggregate base) all in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.
Subgrades. All subgrade shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications for bituminous concrete and reinforced concrete pavements. Prior to the construction of any subbase, base or pavement course, all soft or unyielding portions of the subgrade which do not attain the required stability will be removed and replaced with the suitable material, and the whole surface of the subgrade shall be compacted. The provision of a uniform roadway subgrade meeting the requirements of the standard specifications shall be the full responsibility of the developer. In certain cases, special treatment may be required because of the character or nature of the subsoil. Such special treatment may include lime or cement stabilization, wet excavation, or construction of underdrainage fields. Any proposal by the developer to stabilize subgrade shall be subject to the approval of the borough engineer.
Subbase and/or Aggregate Base Courses. Where granular subbase courses are included in the pavement design section proposed by the developer, they shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications. Bituminous concrete pavements (and stabilized bases) may be constructed on subgrade without subbase or aggregate base courses, provided that the subgrade can be satisfactorily prepared as described. Dense graded aggregate base courses shall comply with the requirements of the standard specifications for soil aggregate, Type 5, Class A, or Type 2, Class A or B.
Portland cement concrete pavements must be constructed with a minimum of six inches of a granular type subbase meeting the requirements of the standard specifications for soil aggregate, Type 4, Class E. Any subbase course of aggregate base course to be utilized with any type of pavement shall have a minimum thickness of four inches.
Bituminous Base Courses.
Bituminous base courses for use with bituminous concrete pavements shall consist of plant-mixed bituminous stabilized base course (stone mix or gravel mix) in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications, except that the requirements for the construction of the base course shall be amended to allow the laying of the base course with a single lift maximum thickness not exceeding four inches.
Prior to placement of any bituminous stabilized base course, the finished surface of any underlying subbase or aggregate base shall receive a prime coat in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications.
Bituminous Pavements. Bituminous pavements shall consist of a bituminous concrete surface course Type FA-BC-1, in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications. The bituminous pavement wearing surface should generally not be installed until just prior to the time the streets are prepared for final acceptance. Prior to the installation of a bituminous concrete surface, the bituminous base course shall be inspected by the borough engineer. Any areas of the base course in need of repair shall be removed and replaced at the direction of the borough engineer. If the borough engineer directs, a leveling course of FA-BC material shall be placed on any uneven or below grade base courses prior to the placement of finished pavement. No pavement surfaces shall be placed unless permission to do so has been granted by the borough engineer.
Concrete Pavements. Concrete pavements shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications. Expansion joints shall be New Jersey State Department of Transportation Type A Expansion Joints. The developer may submit, at the time of the submission of the preliminary plat, an alternate expansion joint detail. The use of such an alternate detail must be recommended by the borough engineer and approved by the planning board. Where existing concrete roadways are being widened as the result of the development of abutting properties, the widened pavement shall be required to be of Portland cement concrete. The remaining pavement in the development may, if the subdivider elects, be bituminous concrete. This will be an exception to the requirements that all pavement constructed within a development be of one type.
Alternate Pavement Types. In areas where alternate pavement types are proposed or desired either for decorative purposes, because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, or because of limitations or shortages in certain types of construction materials, a detail of the type and/or location of alternate pavement types proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat. The use of alternate pavement types may only be permitted if the applicant submits for review and approval details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials and methods proposed for use, and if the borough engineer has inspected the installation of, and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such pavement. In the event the borough engineer does not approve the sample section of pavement, the developer shall remove the same section and replace it with a type of pavement permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the planning board.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.23; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 6]
When the effective operation of a building or structure, or equipment within a building or structure, necessitates placing machinery, motors, generators or similar devices for cooling, heating or generating purposes, outside or on top of any structure, they shall be screened from public view. Said screening may consist of the following:
Densely planted evergreen shrubs, which shall grow to not less than five feet after one growing season, and
A solid and uniform fence at least five feet in height on four sides of said equipment, or
A masonry wall at least five feet in height on four sides of said equipment, or
Extensions of parapet walls or mansard roof lines or structural or ornamental screens or baffles, or
Any similar type of solid or uniform screening, which will prevent exposure of such equipment to public view.
The above requirements shall not be construed to prevent an opening in any required screening for maintenance purposes. However, any such opening shall be made as inconspicuous as is possible so as not to present any unsightly display of said equipment to public view.
Every effort should be taken to place air conditioning (AC) equipment of new single family residences to the rear of the principal structure and under elevated structures.
[Ord. No. 324, § 8.24]
The design and construction or approval of all public systems for extensions of existing system(s), either publicly or privately owned, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Northeast Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority.
Prior to the approval of any final plat, the full approval of any sewage disposal system must have been obtained from the Northeast Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority and filed with the planning board, or the final approval will be conditioned upon full approval of the Northeast Monmouth Regional Sewerage Authority.
General Requirements.
Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets within a development and entirely around the perimeter of all cul-de-sacs. Where the development abuts an existing street, the sidewalk shall be constructed only on that side. Sidewalks shall also be constructed at any other places, such as pedestrian walkways or access points to open space, as shown or required at the approval of the final plat.
The requirements of the standard specifications regarding curing precautions must be strictly observed.
Installation of sidewalks may be waived by the planning board or board of adjustment. When sidewalk installation is waived, an in lieu contribution to the borough's special Trust Account for Sidewalk Construction is required. The board shall make one or more of the following findings when waiving sidewalk installation:
The installation of sidewalks along the frontage of the property involved, would have a detrimental impact and be out of character with the area in question.
The street upon which the sidewalks would be installed does not provide direct pedestrian access to a public facility such as a school or an actively used park.
The road upon which the property fronts is unimproved.
In the case of an expansion or addition, the scope of the proposed project is insignificant as compared to the overall existing development.
When contributions to the Trust Account for Sidewalk Construction are required, the fee paid shall be paid prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and shall be based upon the following:
Site plan
$3/lineal foot of frontage
Use variance or undersized lot variance
In the case of a corner or through lot, if the board requires sidewalk installation on only one street it shall not require an in-lieu contribution for the other. In the case of applications which require multiple approvals such as site plan and subdivision or use variance and site plan, the applicant shall only be required to pay the greater of the individual fee amounts.
Location. Sidewalks within street rights-of-way shall generally be located with the sidewalk edge farthest from the roadway placed one foot from the property line. Sidewalks not within street rights-of-way shall be located to provide for the most likely routes of pedestrian travel. In cases where the topography dictates or a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where sidewalks have already been installed in a location other than as specified above or where such variations in sidewalk locations are needed to preserve trees or natural features, the planning board may approve alternate sidewalk locations in order to provide for the preservation of physical features or the continuation of the existing sidewalks.
Sidewalk Construction. Sidewalks shall be four feet wide and four inches thick, except crossing driveways, where the thickness shall be increased to six inches for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than 50 spaces and to eight inches for all other uses. Where the planning board determines that a sidewalk may be subject to unusually heavy pedestrian traffic it may require that its width be increased (to a maximum of eight feet). All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications. Concrete shall be Class C, air-entrained. Preformed bituminous cellular joint fillers one-half inch thick shall be placed at intervals not exceeding 20 feet. Dummy (formed) joints shall be cut into the concrete sidewalk between the expansion joints at equal intervals not exceeding the width of the sidewalk.
The sidewalk subgrade shall be compacted prior to the placement of any sidewalk. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material acceptable to the engineer. All six inch or eight inch sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be reinforced at the mid-point-or-one-third points, respectively, of the sidewalk section. Reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric (66-1212), or an equivalent approved by the borough engineer.
Apron Construction. Reinforced concrete aprons shall be constructed at all driveways between the concrete curb (or combination curb and gutter) and the concrete sidewalk. Such aprons shall be six inches thick for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than 50 spaces and to eight inches for all other uses and shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric (66-1212), or an equivalent approved by the borough engineer, located at the midpoint or one-third points, respectively, of the apron section. Concrete shall be Class C, air-entrained. The width of the apron at the curbline shall be not less than the width of the driveway plus 10 feet or a minimum of 20 feet, whichever is greater.
Driveway Depressions. At each driveway without curb return radii, the concrete curb or combination curb and gutter shall be depressed to form a driveway opening. The depression shall be equal in length to the width of the driveway plus 10 feet, but not less than 20 feet. At driveways with curb return radii, the curb depression shall accommodate the exterior limits of the radii. The depression shall be smoothly formed to maintain a lowered curb face across the depression of at least one inch, but not more than two inches. The bottom of the curb shall be lowered to maintain full curb depth across the depression.
Alternate Sidewalk or Apron Types and/or Locations. In areas where alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations are proposed or desired, either for decorative purposes or because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, a detail of the type and/or location of sidewalk and apron proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.
Continuous slip-formed sidewalks may be permitted if such is considered to be desirable by the borough engineer. The use of continuous slip-formed sidewalks may only be permitted if the applicant submits, for review and approval, details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials and methods proposed for use; and if the borough engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such sidewalk. In the event the borough engineer does not approve the sample section of continuous slip-formed sidewalk, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of sidewalk permitted by this chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the planning board.
Curb Ramps for the Physically Handicapped. Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed on all street curb returns and where appropriate, in parking areas. In general, two curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner (see Figure No. 7A). A single ramp at the center of the corner is acceptable when site conditions preclude the use of the two ramp system (see Figure No. 7B).[1]
Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed in accordance with the standards shown on Figures No. 7A and 7B. If there is a grass or landscaped area between the curb and the sidewalk, side ramps need not be provided. Curb ramps shall be provided at all four corners of full intersections and at the two corners plus a location across the street from both of the ramps at "T" intersections.
The developer shall submit a detailed intersection grading plan for approval of the borough engineer prior to installation of the curbs, sidewalks and curb ramps at the intersection.
Curb ramps shall be constructed with a rough broom finish in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications and shall be flush with the street pavement at the gutter line.
Figures 7A and 7B referenced herein are included as an attachment to this chapter.
General Provisions.
All signs shall conform to the structural requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code as adopted by the borough.
All signs to be erected, inscribed, installed, replaced or altered shall require a sign permit except permitted signs for private residences, permitted window signs and temporary signs, and name plate signs not exceeding two square feet in size. Application for such sign permit shall be made in the same manner as applications for building permits for the erection or construction of buildings.
The maximum height for free standing or projecting signs, unless otherwise provided, shall not exceed 12 feet above ground level.
All signs shall be located within the building line of the property, unless otherwise specifically provided. Freestanding signs shall be securely anchored into the ground and shall be located no closer to the edge of the paving of a street right-of-way than 10 feet, and not located in any sight triangle; nor shall freestanding signs be located any closer to a front yard lot line than the minimum front yard setback for the principal building, but in any event no closer to the paving of a street right-of-way than 10 feet.
No permanent marquees or canopies shall extend over a required front yard or over a public walk.
Official signs erected by the borough, county, state or federal government shall be permitted in all districts.
One free standing sign for identification shall be permitted for schools, churches, hospitals or similar institutions, and for permitted clubs and lodges, provided that the area shall not exceed 25 square feet on each side, or wall signs may be erected not to exceed 25 square feet in total area.
Flood lights shall not be located more than 12 feet above ground level and shall be so placed and shielded as to prevent any glare or blinding effect upon any lane of moving traffic.
No sign shall be located in such a manner as to materially impede the view of any street or intersection.
No signs except window or special event signs shall be placed on private or public property except for the purpose of identifying a use or uses actually conducted upon the premises upon which such signs are erected and for no other purpose.
Signs placed in windows are permitted subject to the following provisions. Except for "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs, any temporary sign or other advertising material glued or otherwise attached to a window or otherwise exposed to public view shall be removed at the expiration of the event of sale for which it was erected or posted, whichever shall have occurred sooner.
Not more than 20% of the square footage of any single window or single window display area shall be devoted to signs or other advertising material attached thereto or otherwise exposed to public view.
The bottom of all projecting signs must be at least eight feet above ground level, but shall not be above the first floor ceiling line. The top of projecting signs shall not extend above the eaves of the roof. Projecting signs shall be at right angles to the building and the outermost point of the sign shall not be more than five feet from the side of the building.
No signs shall be placed upon or affixed to any roof nor shall any sign extend above the parapet adjoining the roof.
Maintenance. If the construction official shall find that any sign is unsafe, insecure or in need of repair, or is not maintained in proper painted condition, the construction official shall give written notice to the permittee thereof. If the permittee fails to repair or remove it within 30 days after the notice, the sign may be removed in order to comply, by the construction official at the expense of the permittee or owner of property on which it is located.
Prohibited Signs.
No rotating beam of flashing illumination shall be used in connection with any sign.
Signs with any lighting or control mechanism which may cause radio or television interference.
Any sign so erected, constructed or maintained as to obstruct or be attached to any fire escape, door or opening used as means of egress or ingress, or for fire fighting purposes, or placed so as to interfere with any opening for ventilation required by law.
Signs utilizing the colors red or green in their illuminations when the signs are placed within 50 feet of a street intersection.
Any sign which is of such a form, character or shape as to confuse or dangerously distract the attention of a motor vehicle.
Any advertisement that uses a series of two or more signs or units, placed in a line parallel to the street, or in similar fashion, all carrying a single advertising message, part of which is contained on each sign.
Signs which in any way simulate official, directional or warning signs erected or maintained by the state, county or the borough, or by any railroad, or public utility or similar agency concerned with the protection of the public health or safety.
Pennants, multi-color streamers or banners or trading stamps, except during a 10 days' period following the commencement of business by a new owner or tenant.
Signs which rotate or move or which have rotating or moving parts.
Signs which are above the parapet of a building.
Signs which are attached to utility poles or trees.
Signs which advertise that real estate has been sold or rented.
Signs employing mercury vapor, low pressure and high-pressure sodium and metal halide lighting.
Backlit or internally illuminated signs in the B-1 district.
Florescent signs.
Neon signs or lighting.
Marquee signs, except for uses that typically utilize such signs.
Signs on roofs, dormers or balconies.
Billboards, billboard signs or outdoor advertising signs.
Signs mounted upon the exterior side or rear walls of any building or structure, except as otherwise permitted hereafter.
Changeable message signs.
Signs on vehicles. It shall be unlawful to use a vehicle or a trailer as a sign in circumvention of this section.
Signs erected, painted or composed of fluorescent, phosphorescent or similar material.
Banners, string of banners and pinwheels, strings or streamers of flags, pennants, spinners or other similar devices strung across, upon, over or along any premises or building, whether part of a sign or not.
Balloons and inflatable signs.
Sandwich board signs, except as permitted herein.
Signs painted on the exterior walls or facade of a building.
Signs on accessory buildings or structures.
The posting, erection or maintenance of signs on public utility poles.
Permitted Signs in Residential Zones.
Signs to identify a permitted professional use or the occupant of a residence, and trespassing signs, or signs indicating the private nature of a driveway or premises, provided that the area on one side of any such sign shall not exceed two feet, shall not exceed four feet in height above ground level, shall not be artificially lighted and shall be situated within the property lines of the premises it identifies.
One nonilluminated temporary sign advertising the prospective sale or rental of the premises upon which it is maintained, provided that the area on one side of any such sign shall not exceed three square feet, shall not exceed four feet in height above ground level and that it shall be removed within 30 days after consummation of a lease or sale transaction and further provided that the words "For Sale" or "For Rent" or similar words must be the largest wording on the sign.
One free standing sign for each major subdivision, provided such sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area on each side and shall not exceed eight feet in height. Any sign remaining in the area after all work on the subdivision is completed shall not exceed four square feet on each side and shall not exceed eight feet in height above ground level.
No more than one permanent sign per lot shall be permitted, unless otherwise specified, for each use permitted in this zone.
Apartments shall be allowed one sign identifying the apartment. Apartments having access drives from more than one street shall be permitted one sign per street. Such signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area.
All other permitted uses may have one internally lighted or unlighted sign not to exceed 20 square feet in area.
Permitted Signs in Business Zones.
Each commercial use may have a wall sign on the front of the building, not exceeding a total of 10% of the front building face area, including all doors and windows, but excluding the roof, and not exceeding 30 square feet in area.
Each commercial use in the B-1 district may have either a wall-mounted sign(s) as indicated in this subsection or one unlighted projecting sign (not exceeding 18 inches by 30 inches) provided the following standards are met:
The signboard does not exceed an area of nine square feet.
The distance from the ground to the lower edge of the signboard shall be 10 feet or greater;
The height of the top edge of the signboard does not exceed the height of the wall from which the sign projects, if attached to a single story building, or the height of the sill or bottom of any second story window, if attached to a multi-story building;
The distance from the building wall to the signboard does not exceed 12 inches;
The width of the signboard does not exceed four feet;
The height of the lettering, numbers or graphics of the sign does not exceed 10 inches; and
Projecting signs shall be limited to one sign per street address; a projecting sign may advertise more than one establishment located at the same street address, provided the sign does not exceed the provisions of this subsection.
The overall sign area of all signs shall not exceed 15% of the front building face area, including all doors and windows:
Where a commercial structure is located at the intersection of two streets, or a street and a parking lot, an additional wall sign may be erected or inscribed, upon the side wall, provided that such wall sign does not exceed 5% of the face area of the front of the building.
Where the rear of a commercial structure adjoins a parking area or public access to a street, a wall sign not exceeding 10 square feet may be erected or inscribed, provided total sign area of the premises does not exceed 15%, of the building face area of the front of the building. However, where a public entrance exists at the rear of a commercial structure, a wall sign not exceeding two square feet and stating the name of the premises only may be erected or inscribed, which shall not be counted toward the 15% limitation imposed in this subsection.
One temporary sign advertising the sale or rental of real estate on which it is located shall be permitted, provided that the area on any one side of such sign shall not exceed an area of 25 square feet.
Directional signs may be permitted on the premises, however, no such sign shall exceed six square feet in area.
No free standing sign shall be erected, installed or maintained nearer than 50 feet from the boundary of any residential zone unless such free standing sign is of a size and type permissible in a residential zone and unless the illumination, if any, of such sign is from within and of such intensity and so directed as not to cause a nuisance to adjacent residential property owners.
Gasoline service stations may display the following signs:
One free standing or pylon sign advertising the name of the station and for the principal products sold on the premises including any special company or X-brand name insignia or emblem provided that each such sign shall not exceed 35 square feet in area on a side and shall be hung within the property line not less than 10 feet or more than 20 feet above the ground.
One temporary sign located inside the property line and specifically advertising special seasonal servicing of automobiles providing that the sign does not exceed seven square feet in area.
Directional signs or lettering displayed over individual entrance doors or bays, consisting only of the words "washing," "lubrication," "repairs," "mechanic on duty" or other words closely similar in import provided that there shall be no more than one such sign over each entrance or bay. The letters shall not exceed 12 inches in height, and the total of each sign shall not exceed six square feet.
Customary lettering or other insignia which are a structural part of a gasoline pump, consisting only of the brand name of a gasoline sold, lead warning sign, a price indicator, and any other sign required by law, and not exceeding a total of three square feet on each pump.
A wall-mounted building directory sign, identifying the occupants of a commercial building, including upper story commercial uses, shall be permitted providing the following standards are met:
The sign is located next to the entrance:
The sign projects outward from the wall to which it is attached no more than six inches;
The sign does not extend above the parapet, eave or building facade;
The area of the signboard shall not exceed three square feet, with each tenant limited to one square foot; and
Directory signs may be internally illuminated, and shall not count toward the maximum number of signs permitted in business zones.
Awning or canopy signs for ground floor uses only, provided that the following standards are met:
Fixed awnings and canopies attached to buildings shall not extend from the building more than 38 inches, nor shall be greater than 48 inches in height. Drop or retractable awnings shall not extend from the building more than five feet. The lower edge of the curtain or valance of any awning or canopy shall be no closer to the ground or sidewalk than seven feet. No part of the iron or other supporting framework shall be closer than seven feet six inches to the ground or sidewalk, except for the posts supporting a canopy;
Lettering, numbers and graphics shall be located on the valance only, shall not exceed four square feet in areas, and the height of the lettering, numbers or graphics of the sign shall not exceed four inches. Awning sign messages shall convey only the name of the establishment, the street address and phone number. They may also include a logo used by the establishment;
Only one awning or canopy per street address shall be used for signage, except in the case of multiple street frontages, where one awning sign per frontage shall be permitted.
Restaurants and cafes, in addition to other signage shall be permitted the following limited to one sign per business:
A wall-mounted display featuring the actual menu as used at the dining table, to be contained within a shallow wood or metal case, and clearly visible through a glass front. The display case shall be attached to the building wall, next to the main entrance, at a height of approximately five feet, shall not exceed a total area of two square feet, and may be externally illuminated.
A sandwich board sign, as follows:
The area of the signboard, single-sided does not exceed six square feet;
The signboard is constructed of wood, chalkboard, and/or finished metal;
Letters are painted, vinyl die cut or handwritten;
The sign is located within four feet of the main entrance to the business and its location does not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation;
The information displayed is limited to daily specials and hours of operation; and
The sign is removed at the end of the business day.
Each commercial establishment shall identify the number of its address on a minimum of one sign facing each street or parking lot.
Painted window or door signs, provided that the following standards are met:
The sign does not exceed 10% of the window or door area or four square feet, whichever is less:
The sign is silk screened or has seven year high performance vinyl die cut graphics;
The height of the lettering, numbers or graphics of the sign does not exceed four inches; and
Painted signs shall be limited to one sign per street address painted on either a single window or a single door, but not on both. A street address with more than one street frontage may have one painted window sign per frontage.
Special Events Signs.
Civic groups or service organizations may erect a temporary sign prior to a special event provided that permission is granted by the borough council.
Any business, industrial or professional user shall be allowed to erect advertising material which does not conform to the requirements of subsection 13-8.26 all; c8; and e1, e2, e3 and e4 for a continuous period not to exceed 14 days during each calendar year, which right shall be noncumulative. No borough approval of the temporary signs shall be required but each user shall give prior notice to the construction official as to the dates on which the temporary signs will be erected and removed.
Political Signs — General Purpose. This paragraph is adopted to provide the preservation of free speech and for the aesthetic concerns of the community. The limitations as to size and number of signs are made with the understanding and consideration of the density of development in the borough, the relatively small setbacks of a great number of preexisting structures in the borough to preclude signs from falling or blowing onto streets, sidewalks or thoroughfares in order to prevent litter and debris and to ban signs from being erected upon vacant lots without the authorization of the owner or his agent.
Political signs shall be defined as those signs advocating the adoption or rejection of an issue, idea, program, reform or plan whether or not formally placed on any ballot or the election or defeat of a candidate or slate of candidates for any elective office, public or private. They may be attached to the interior or exterior of a principal building or freestanding only unless otherwise permitted by special permit.
Political signs shall be permitted in all zones of the borough.
Residential Zones.
Size. Political signs not exceeding two feet by four feet shall be permitted for all single family residences which have a front yard setback of 25 feet or less. Said signs may be increased by one square foot for each 10 feet that said residence shall be set back beyond 25 feet. The height or the top of any freestanding sign shall not exceed six feet above the ground level and said signs shall be securely anchored.
Number. Each single family residence shall be limited to three signs consisting of two faces, a front and a back.
Multi-family dwellings.
Multi-family dwellings are defined as those residential buildings containing separate living units within the same building or group of buildings and shall include, but not limited to two, three and four family homes, apartments, tenements, boarding homes and nursing homes.
Three political signs consisting of two faces, a front and back not exceeding 22 inches by 28 inches shall be permitted for each family occupying a unit within a multi-family dwelling. Said signs may be increased by one square foot for each 10 feet said multi-family dwelling is set back beyond 25 feet.
Family shall mean that person or group of persons legally occupying a living unit in conformance with the applicable statutes, codes and ordinances.
Nonresidential Zones.
Political signs affixed to buildings in or upon windows of buildings not exceeding a total of 5% of the front building face area including all doors and windows, but excluding the roof, and not exceeding three feet by five feet shall be permitted.
No freestanding political sign shall be permitted unless the nonresidential property shall be set back at least 25 feet from the street toward which the front or back of said sign faces, provided that said sign shall be limited in size and number and prescribed for residential zones.
Maintenance. Political signs shall be maintained in good repair so as to prevent litter and debris from accumulating on any property in the borough.
Preexisting Billboards. Notwithstanding the provisions contained herein, political signs shall be permitted to be placed upon those billboards which are in existence in the borough prior to the adoption hereof, and owned by companies in the advertising business.
Vacant Lots. Political signs shall not be placed upon vacant lots without the owner or his agent first filing a notarized letter with the code enforcement officer in which the owner of said property gives written authorization to himself or his agent to place said sign thereon. Said signs shall be limited in size and number as prescribed for residential zones.
Duration. All political signs relating to a specific issue, idea, program, plan, reform, candidate or slate of candidates, which is placed upon the ballot, whether public or private, shall be removed from the property seven days after the election.
Special Hardship. If the limitations on size and number of signs make it impossible for a particular property owner or his agent to erect a sign that is visible from the street due to the location of fences, trees, shrubbery or other obstructions, said property owner may apply to the code enforcement official for a hardship permit to erect a sign. The code enforcement official shall visit the property forthwith and issue a hardship permit to erect a sign in a size and location that is both visible from the street and in substantial compliance with as much of this section as practicable.
Removal of Certain Signs.
In the event a business ceases operation for a period of time in excess of 60 days, the sign owner or lessee, or the property owner, shall immediately remove any sign identifying or advertising said business or any product sold thereby. Upon failure of the sign owner or lessee, or property owner to comply with this section, the zoning officer shall issue a written notice to the sign owner or any lessee and to the property owner, which notice shall state that such sign shall be removed within the following time period:
Signface: 60 days.
Posts, columns and supporting structures: one year.
If the sign owner or lessee, or property owner, fails to comply with such written notice to remove, the zoning officer is hereby authorized to cause removal of such sign, and any expenses incidental to such removal shall be charged to owner of the property upon which the sign is located and shall constitute a lien upon the property. For the purpose of this section, the word "remove" shall mean:
The sign face, along with posts, columns or supports or freestanding signs, shall be taken down and removed from the property.
The sign face and supporting structures of projecting, roof or wall signs shall be taken down and removed from the property.
Sign Permit Exemptions. Exemptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of such signs from the responsibility of complying with applicable provisions of this chapter. The exemption shall apply to the requirement for sign permit only. No sign permits shall be required for the following signs:
Any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state, county or local law, regulation or ordinance.
Any sign which is inside a building, not attached to a window or door, and is not readable from a distance of more than three feet beyond the lot line of the lot or parcel nearest to where such sign is located.
Holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message, excluding holiday inflatable decorations, which shall require permission of the borough council.
Any sign indicating the name of a building and/or date of construction and/or other incidental information about its construction, which sign is cut into a masonry surface or made of bronze or similar permanent material including historic tablets, cornerstones, memorial plaques and emblems which do not exceed four square feet in area from a single viewpoint.
Traffic control signs on private property, the face of which meets the Department of Transportation standard, and which contain no commercial message of any sort.
Flags of the United States, New Jersey, the Borough of Union Beach, foreign nations having diplomatic relations with the United States, other flags adopted or sanctioned by an elective legislative body of competent jurisdiction and flags flown in conjunction with the flag of the United States, provided that such a flag does not exceed 60 square feet in area and is not flown from a pole in excess of 40 feet in height. A flag's area shall be in reasonable proportion to the length of the pole from which it is displayed. Not more than three flags may be flown from any one pole. The statutory requirements associated with flags and generally accepted standards of flag display etiquette shall be observed.
Signs or banners advertising public or quasi-public events that are posted with the permission of the borough council or of any person to whom the borough council has delegated this authority according to guidelines set by the borough council.
Pump-mounted fuel price informational signs subject to the following:
Only one fuel price informational sign shall be permitted per fuel pump.
Fuel price informational signs shall be limited in size to an area of 216 square inches in accordance with State and Federal regulations.
Each fuel price informational sign shall be affixed directly and firmly to a fuel pump and shall be stationary.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the advertisement of fuel prices on any other sign meeting the requirements of this section.
U.S. Postal regulation mailboxes.
Permit Procedure.
No sign except those exempted by paragraph I above shall be placed, construed, or erected or modified unless a sign permit shall have been obtained from the zoning officer and, where required by the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, a building permit shall have been obtained from the construction official. Signs, which are not specifically allowed by this subsection, shall be prohibited.
A master signage plan shall accompany:
Any application for a sign permit, or
Any application for development filed with the planning board or the zoning board of adjustment that involves installation or modification of any sign.
The master signage plan shall contain the following information for each existing and proposed sign:
Size (i.e. length, height, area, thickness, number of faces).
Letter style and size.
Colors (i.e. letter, background, trim), including PMS color samples.
Construction materials, structural integrity and installation details.
Window size (if applicable).
Location (i.e. height above grade, distance from roofline, building width, location from sides).
Enumeration of relevant requirements with proposed conditions.
The applicant or a sign professional shall prepare the master signage plan graphically depicting the sign. The master signage plan application shall include a sketch or photograph showing the dimensions of each facade, window and canopy of the building to which a sign is to be attached, in sufficient detail to clearly indicate the location, dimension and area of all existing and proposed permanent signs affixed to the walls, windows and canopies of the building. These dimensions shall either be shown on the sketch or photograph or on an attached table. Samples of construction materials shall be submitted.
In the case of a freestanding sign, a plot plan of the lot shall be required as part of the master signage plan, showing the location of buildings, parking lots, driveways, landscaped areas and all other existing and proposed signs.
Whenever a master signage plan is filed with the planning board or the zoning board of adjustment, a plot plan as described in this section shall be required for all applications, and all plans and drawings which comprise a part of the master signage plan shall be prepared by a licensed architect, engineer and/or land surveyor, as appropriate.
The applicant shall provide any additional information that may be deemed necessary to determine whether the signage plan complies with the purpose of the sign regulations.
When the planning board or zoning board of adjustment as part of a development application has approved installation or modification of a sign, the construction official shall issue a sign permit only if the proposed sign is consistent with the reviewing board's approval.
Solid wastes from all uses other than single or two family homes, if stored outdoors, shall be placed in metal receptacles within a screened refuse area subject to the following minimum standards:
The screened refuse area shall not be located within any front yard area.
The refuse storage area shall be surrounded on three sides by a solid uniform fence or wall not less than five feet nor more than eight feet in height. Such fence shall be exempt from the provisions of any ordinance of the borough regulating the height of fences and requiring permits.
A five foot minimum width landscaping area shall be provided along the fence or wall enclosing the refuse storage area. The landscaping to be provided shall be shown on the site plan submitted for planning board approval.
The opening in the enclosed refuse area should be located to minimize the view of refuse from adjoining properties or public streets.
If located within or adjacent to a parking area or access drive, the enclosed refuse areas shall be separated from such parking area or access drive by curbing.
The enclosed refuse area shall not be located so as to interfere with traffic circulation or the parking of vehicles.
All refuse shall be deposited in containers maintained within the refuse area. No containers shall be maintained anywhere on a site except in a refuse area meeting these requirements.
If outdoor storage of solid waste is not proposed, the site plan submission shall detail the methods proposed for accommodating solid waste within the structure. The planning board may require that a suitable area be set aside, but not improved, for a future solid waste storage area meeting these requirements even if indoor accommodations for solid waste are proposed.
The containers maintained in the refuse area must have lids, which lids shall be kept closed except when refuse is being loaded or unloaded, and which lids shall secure tightly onto the container without any gaps providing access for rodents, insects and other vermin or animals.
General Requirements. All storm drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications. The developer (or his engineer) shall submit complete calculations, specifications, plans and details for all proposed storm drainage facilities. Any field samples or laboratory tests required to document the conclusions of such calculations shall be formed at the sole expense of the developer.
Storm Drain Pipe. All storm drain pipes shall be either slip joint type reinforced concrete or, subject to the restrictions herein, fully coated, invert paved, corrugated metal steel culvert pipe meeting the requirements of the standard specifications and of a wall thickness sufficient to meet the proposed conditions of service; but in any event, no wall thickness less than Class 3, Wall B, for concrete pipe or No. 14 gauge for corrugated metal steel pipe shall be allowed. Generally, concrete pipe will be used except in areas of steep grades or other restrictive physical conditions where corrugated metal or other types of pipe may be permitted. No concrete pipe may be laid on grades exceeding 10%. Concrete pipe below 30 inches (or equivalent) in size will be jointed using a mortared joint in accordance with the specifications. Concrete storm drain pipes, 30 inches or larger in diameter, will be jointed using a preformed bituminous mastic pressure-type joint sealer or rubber-ring-type or other equivalent approved joint. All corrugated metal pipe shall be fully bituminous-coated with paved invert and of a gauge meeting the requirements of the standard specifications sufficient for the proposed service. Where conditions permit, corrugated aluminum storm drains may be substituted for corrugated metal steel storm drains where the same is otherwise permitted on the basis of an equivalent three-edge bearing or crushed strength. Substitution on an equivalent gauge basis will not be allowed. All storm drains shall be tangent between inlets, manholes or other structures, except that the use of fittings or factory curved or mitered pipe may be allowed by the borough engineer when necessary to accommodate existing geometry or utilities. Prior to laying any storm drains, the bottom of all trenches shall be inspected by the borough engineer. Should the engineer determine that the trench is unsuitable for the placement of the pipe, the developer shall take all necessary action to remove or eliminate any unsuitable conditions. These may include, but are not limited to, excavation and backfilling with suitable material, placement of bedding material, construction of pipe cradles or such other action necessary to remove all unsuitable conditions. Proposed storm drainage installations which do not conform to the above must be fully detailed and approved as part of the final plat.
Inlets and Manholes. Inlets and manholes shall be constructed where required in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications and standard construction details.
Headwalls. All pipe terminations shall be provided with poured concrete headwalls, precast concrete end sections or corrugated metal end sections in accordance with the approved final plat. Poured concrete headwalls shall be wing-type headwalls with aprons in accordance with the standard construction details.
Inlet and Manhole Location.
In continuous conduit runs, spacing between structures (inlets or manholes) shall not exceed 600 feet.
Structures (inlets or manholes) shall be located so as not to interfere with primary routes of pedestrian travel or any proposed handicapped ramp or similar facility.
In general, surface flow length, for flows of four or more cubic feet per second, on paved surfaces shall not exceed 750 feet, provided that:
Gutter flow widths on local and local collector streets shall not exceed 11 feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide a twelve-foot wide clear lane in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on minor collector streets shall not exceed nine feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide two 12 foot wide clear lanes in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on major collector streets without shoulders shall not exceed five feet, or such narrower width as may be necessary to provide four ten-foot wide clear lanes in the center of the roadway.
Gutter flow widths on minor and principal arterial streets and major collector streets with shoulders shall be retained within the shoulder areas.
Swale gutter flow widths in parking areas shall not exceed 12 feet.
Gutter flow widths shall provide for the maintenance of two ten-foot wide clear lanes in all access and major circulation drives and one twelve-foot wide clear lane in all other aisles in all parking areas, except as otherwise provided in subsection 13-8.29e,7.
Maximum design capacities which may be used to determine actual inlet location and spacing are:
Not in Sump Conditions
Type B
4 cubic feet per second
Type E (in paved areas)
4 cubic feet per second
Type E (in yard areas)
1.5 cubic feet per second
In Sump Conditions
To be individually designed
Only Type B inlets shall be used in curbed roadways or curbed access or major circulation drives.
Generally, sufficient inlets will be placed to eliminate any flow exceeding two cubic feet per second across any intersections.
Parking areas may be designed to allow ponding in order to decrease intensity of runoff. In such case, ponding will not be allowed in any access or major circulation drive or in any area of heavy pedestrian activity and shall not exceed six inches at any point calculated for the appropriate design storm in accordance with subsection 13-8.28h,1 and shall meet the criteria set forth in subsection 13-8.28h,11.
Type of Inlets and Manholes. All curb inlets shall be New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Type B and all yard inlets shall be Standard Type E; all manholes shall be New Jersey Department of Transportation standard four-foot diameter, unless a larger diameter is necessary. Casting heights on curb inlets shall be two inches greater than the specified curb face, and the gutter shall be properly transitioned approximately 10 feet on either side of the inlet.
Open Channels.
Open channels shall be designed to contain the required flow and shall have a design velocity low enough, in the judgment of the borough engineer, to prevent erosion. The minimum easement for open channel sections shall be the maximum design top width of the channel section segment plus 25 feet rounded to the next highest five-foot increment. The excess easement area shall be provided offset to that side of the channel most convenient for use by maintenance crews. The minimum distance between the channel top edge and any easement line shall be five feet. Excess velocity, if any, as determined by the borough engineer, in open channels must be controlled by sod, rip-rap, paving, ditch checks or other suitable methods. Changes of direction in open channels must have a maximum radius of 800 feet or be adequately paved or rip-rapped.
Generally, unlined open channel cross-sections shall have side slopes not steeper than four to one for channel depths of two feet or less and not steeper than eight to one for channel depths of more than two feet. Lined open channel side slopes shall not be steeper than two to one.
The bottoms of all unlined open channels and the channel side slopes, to at least the design flow level, will be sodded with suitable coarse grass sod.
All unlined open channel side slopes above the design minimum flow level will be topsoiled and seeded or otherwise suitably stabilized in accordance with an approved soil disturbance permit.
All unlined open channels which can be expected to have a base flow of five cubic feet per second or more for at least two out of every 12 months will be provided with a low flow channel using gabions, rip-rap, lining, one-third pipe sections or other arrangements approved as part of the final plat submission.
Minimum Basis for Calculations.
Design Storm Frequency:
For closed conduits, five years; or if the above results in a conduit size at least equivalent to a 21 inch reinforced concrete pipe, then 10 years; or if the above results in a conduit size at least equivalent to a 30 inch reinforced concrete pipe, then 25 years; or if the above results in a conduit size at least equivalent to a 54 inch reinforced concrete pipe, then 50 years.
For open channels, 10 years; or if the tributary area exceeds 50 acres; then 25 years; or if the tributary area exceeds 250 acres, then 50 years. The flooding limits for storms with a return period of twice the design storm shall be determined for all open channels. Such limits shall be the drainage or conservation easements delineated on the plat.
For detention facilities, a 24 hour flood with a return period not less than 50 years or, if the tributary area exceeds 50 acres, then 100 years.
For retention facilities, double the capacity obtained by applying the requirements for detention facilities.
For gutter flow calculations, 10 years for local, local collector and minor collector streets, 25 years for major collectors and minor arterials and 50 years for principal arterials.
Runoff Calculations: Runoff determinations should be made using the rational formula or, in unusual cases, other methods with the prior approval of the planning board. Upstream areas should be considered based on their full development potential according to current zoning or the current use, whichever produces the greatest runoff. Runoff coefficients used should generally fall in the following ranges:
Classification Fully Developed
Range of Coefficient
Public parks, open space and land conservation
0.15 - 0.30
Low density residential
0.30 - 0.45
Medium density residential
0.40 - 0.60
High density residential
0.55 - 0.70
Commercial and industrial
0.60 - 0.90
Pavements, roadways, shoulders
Velocity Restriction:
In general, velocities in closed conduits at design flow should be at least two feet per second, but not more than that velocity which will cause erosion damage to the conduit. In general, velocities in open channels at design flow shall not be less than one-half foot per second and not greater than that velocity which will begin to cause erosion or scouring of the channel. For unlined earth channels the maximum velocity allowed will be two feet per second. For other channels sufficient design data and soil tests to determine the character of the channel shall be made by the developer and shall be made available to the planning board at the time of drainage review.
At transitions between closed conduits and open channels or different types of open channels suitable provisions must be made to accommodate the velocity transitions. These provisions may include rip-rapping, gabions, lining, aprons, chutes and checks, or others, all suitably detailed and approved as part of the final plat submission. For all flow of 40 cubic feet per second or more, tailwater depth and velocity calculations shall be submitted.
Design Formulas and Friction Factors: In general, the Manning formula will be used by the planning board to review the adequacy of proposed drainage facilities. Other formulas may be used in particular cases with the previous agreement of the board. A friction factor (n) of 0.012 will be used for nonporous concrete pipe; a factor of 0.020 will be used for fully coated corrugated metal pipe with paved invert. Commensurate factors will be used for other pipe type or shapes. A friction factor (n) not less than 0.012 will be used for fully lined concrete channels; a factor not less than 0.025 will be used for good earth channels and a factor not less than 0.100 will be used for fair to poor natural streams and water courses. Commensurate factors will be used for other channel types.
All drainage facilities carrying runoff from tributary areas larger than 1/2 square mile must have the approval of the New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply.
All encroachments of natural waterways must be referred to the New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply for approval in accordance with statute. The state may retain jurisdiction in which case a permit will be necessary as set forth above or may refer the matter to the county engineer for review.
All non-pipe culverts shall be designed for AASHO H20-44 loading. All culverts of any type shall be carried to the roadway right-of-way and shall terminate with headwalls or other approved end treatment. All conduits terminating or beginning in open channels shall be provided with headwalls or other appropriate end treatment.
Guardrails and/or railings shall be placed at all drainage structures where the interests of pedestrian or vehicular safety would dictate. The planning board may require that any open channel, other than naturally occurring streams, be fenced with chain link fencing 48 inches high if the banks of the channel are steeper than one foot vertically for every four feet horizontally and either the total depth of the channel exceeds four feet, or the channel would be expected to have a depth of flow greater than two feet more often than once every 10 years. For maintenance purposes, gates may be required by the planning board at approximately 100-foot intervals.
Storm drainage systems shall be designed to include not only the proper drainage of the actual area of the specific development and the area tributary, but shall also include the disposal of the stormwater runoff to an adequate outlet or other means of final disposal of the stormwater, such as an ocean, river, running stream, lagoon or an existing adequate storm sewer.
The use of siltation and oil separation basins with controlled outflows will be required to prevent pollution of waterways when discharge is into a lagoon, bay or other standing body of water.
Whenever sump conditions occur, an analysis shall be made of the effect of the occurrence of a major storm having at least 100-year return frequency. The effect of such storm and the flooding limits anticipated shall be shown. Site design, grading and drainage, shall anticipate such major storm and be so arranged so as to prevent damage to existing or proposed structures or adjacent properties under such conditions.
Special Drainage Provisions.
The existing system of natural drainage within each development shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. To this end, the board may require the preservation of natural drainage swales, recharge areas, wet weather ponds and similar features and may require suitable drainage and conservation easements and possible increases in lot size to allow usable lots with the preservation of such features.
Subject to review and approval by the board, the design of the development may be modified to take advantage of the natural drainage features of the land. In such review, the board will use the following criteria:
The utlization of the natural drainage system to the fullest extent possible.
The maintenance of the natural drainage system as much as possible in its unimproved state.
When drainage channels are required, wide shallow swales with natural vegetation will be preferred to other sections.
The construction of flow retarding devices, detention areas and recharge berms to minimize runoff value increases.
Maintenance of the base flow in streams, reservoirs and ponds.
The reinforcement, improvement and/or extension of the natural drainage system to such an extent as is necessary to eliminate flooding and excess maintenance requirements.
All developments or portions or total schemes of development which, based upon the preliminary plat submission, total 15 or more acres will be expected, to the extent that the board considers possible, to limit the total stormwater runoff from the site after development to not more than 115% of the runoff from the site in its undeveloped state. The utilization of the provisions of this section to limit such runoff are encouraged. However, the board may require the use of reasonable artificial methods of detention and/or recharge if it determines that natural provisions are not feasible. The board may waive the provisions of this section if the nature of the development, the character of adjacent previously developed areas or other factors make the utilization of natural drainage features or runoff limiting devices inadvisable or impractical.
Street Extensions. The arrangement of streets within a development shall provide for the extension and/or realignment of existing streets except that local and local collector streets should only be extended when such extension is necessary and the planning board concurs that such extension will promote safety and conform to the street standards contained elsewhere in this chapter.
Street Widening. Where developments abut existing roadways, sufficient right-of-way shall be reserved to provide the right-of-way width proposed for the functional classification of the street in question.
Design of Local Streets. Local streets shall be designed in accordance with the schedule of street design standards and the following requirements:
Local streets shall be arranged so that there exists a minimum possibility of their use by traffic which does not have its origin or destination at the lots to which the local streets provide access.
Cul-de-sacs (dead end streets) should have a centerline length, from the intersecting street centerline to the center point of the turnaround of the cul-de-sac of not less than 100 feet nor longer than 1,200 feet, and should not provide access to more than 25 lots. They shall provide an end turnaround with a pavement radius of not less than 40 feet and a property line radius of not less than 50 feet, which shall have its center point at or to the left of the centerline of the street, when viewed toward the closed end. In the event it is contemplated that a dead end street shall be extended in the future, a temporary turnaround, meeting the aforementioned design criteria, shall be required.
Loop streets should provide access to not more than 45 lots, except that where access is provided by a combination of a short loop street and cul-de-sacs, the maximum shall be 60 lots, provided that the length of the loop street alone will not exceed 3,000 feet. Loop streets shall have both of their termini located on the same street.
P-loops, which are loop streets with a single access point, should have an entrance not exceeding 700 feet in distance from the loop intersection. There should also be provided an emergency vehicular and pedestrian right-of-way of 15 feet minimum width from the loop and providing access to a street which is not a part of the P-loop. The loop of a P-loop should have a street length not exceeding 3,000 feet. P-loops should provide access to no more than 60 lots and the entrance street should be designed in accordance with the design standards for collector streets.
Artificial modifications in street rights-of-way for the purpose of increasing lot frontage shall be prohibited. Such prohibited modification shall include, but not be limited to, widening the right-of-way of a continuous street through the use of semicircular projections.
Reduced Paving Width: When a cul-de-sac or loop street provides access to 25 or fewer lots, the planning board may consider the use of reduced paving width where, by reason of topography, physical features or other conditions the reduced paving width would substantially reduce disruption of the development's environment. In no case shall the paving width of a two-way cul-de-sac or loop street be reduced to less than 26 feet. The planning board may consider the use of one-way loop streets with a minimum paving width of 22 feet. Such one-way streets with reduced paving width are subject to the review and approval of the Traffic Bureau of the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Such review and approval must be obtained by the developer before approval of a final plat will be granted.
Classification of Streets. In any development it shall be the duty of the planning board to approve classification of proposed streets according to their use. In making its decisions, the planning board shall refer to the master plan and shall consider conditions within the development and the surrounding areas and shall use as a guide the following street classifications and criteria.
Local Street: A local street is a street serving only single-family residences and where feasible should be either a cul-de-sac or a loop street meeting the requirements set forth. A street which serves traffic having origins and destinations other than within the lots which abut the street shall not be considered a local street. The traffic normally expected on a local street shall be 400 vehicles per day.
Collector Streets: A collector street is generally a street gathering traffic from local streets and feeding it into a system of arterial highways. Even if laid out as a local street, a street should be considered a collector street if it provides access or could provide access to more than 150 lots, or would be utilized by traffic other than residential in nature. Collector streets should generally be expected to carry traffic volumes of approximately 3,000 vehicles per day. The design speed of collector streets, for alignment and sight distance purposes, should be 40 miles per hour.
Arterial Highways: Arterials are any federal, state or county highway or municipal street or road intended to carry traffic between other arterials and from the borough to destinations outside the borough. Arterial highways should have a design speed of 50 miles per hour and should be designed to carry traffic exceeding 10,000 vehicles per day.
Classification Criteria: Street classifications will be approved by the planning board in accordance with the foregoing definitions, in accordance with the provisions of the master plan and official map if such be adopted, in accordance with the provisions of applicable county and state regulations or plans or, in the absence of specific information from the above, in accordance with its own best judgment concerning the use to which the various streets in any development will be put.
Lots Abutting Collector Streets and Arterial Highways. In any subdivision abutting or being traversed by a collector street or arterial highway, one of the following conditions shall be required by the board:
A marginal street meeting the classifications for a local street shall be provided along each collector, or arterial highway, and shall be separated from the collector or arterial highway by a landscaped strip at least 25 feet in width.
The frontage of all lots abutting the collector or arterial highway shall be reversed so that the lots will front on an internal local street; a natural wooded or landscaped buffer strip at least 50 feet in width will be provided on the abutting lots along the right-of-way of the collector or arterial highway. The area of such buffer strip shall not be considered part of the required minimum lot size.
All lots abutting collector streets may, in lieu of the above, be provided with suitable driveway turnarounds eliminating any necessity for vehicles to back into the collector street.
Other means of providing a satisfactory buffer separating through and local traffic shall be provided as may be deemed proper by the planning board.
Dwellings on corner lots shall have their driveway access on the roadway designed and intended to carry the lesser amount of traffic.
Street Design Standards. Street design standards shall be appropriate to the expected use of the street, soil, topographical and other physical conditions and to the maintenance of the purposes of this chapter, but shall not be less than those set forth in the schedule of street design standards (Figure No. 9[1]).
Street Intersections. Street intersections shall be designed according to the following standards:
No more than two streets shall cross the same point. Street intersections shall be at right angles wherever possible, and intersections of less than 70° (measured at the centerline of streets) shall not be permitted.
Streets should not enter the same side of local collector streets at intervals of less than 500 feet, or arterials at intervals of less than 1,200 feet. Streets which enter collectors or arterials from opposite sides shall be directly opposite to each other or must be separated by at least 300 feet between their centerlines measured along the centerline of an intersected collector; or 500 feet along the centerline of an arterial.
Approaches of any collector or arterial street to any intersection of another collector or arterial street shall be tangent or have a centerline radius greater than 5,000 feet for at least 500 feet from the intersection.
Where a collector or arterial street intersects with a collector or arterial street, the right-of-way of each collector shall be widened by 10 feet (five feet for each side) for a distance of 300 feet in all directions from the intersection of the centerlines and the right-of-way of each arterial shall be widened by 20 feet (10 feet each side) for 500 feet in all directions from the intersection of the centerlines.
Approaches of any local street to any other street shall:
Be tangent (straight) for a distance of at least 50 feet from the intersection, or
Have a centerline radius greater than 1,000 feet for at least 150 feet from the intersection, and
Have a clear site of a point three feet high in the intersection for a distance of not less than 400 feet.
Street Layout.
Curved local streets are preferred to discourage speed and monotony. The maximum straight line distance should not exceed 1,000 feet.
The planning board in all cases may require provisions for continuing circulation patterns onto adjacent properties and, for this purpose, may require the provision of stub streets abutting adjacent properties.
Residential development areas containing more than 150 lots should have two access points from collector streets or arterial highways.
Street Names. Street names and development names shall not duplicate, nearly duplicate or be phonetically similar to the names of any existing streets or development in the borough or contiguous areas of other communities. Any continuation of an existing street shall have the same street name.
Limit of Improvements. The developer shall complete all improvements to the limits of the development, unless other provisions have been made and approved by the planning board. In those instances where completion of certain improvements would not be possible until the development of adjacent land takes place, alternate temporary improvements may be constructed subject to the approval of the planning board, and cash or a certified check representing the difference between the value of the temporary improvements and the required improvements may be accepted by the borough council to be credited toward the completion of such improvements at such time as the adjacent land develops.
Streets Serving Other Than Single-Family Detached Homes. The right-of-way width and other standards for internal roads and alleys in multi-family, commercial and industrial developments shall be determined by the board on an individual basis and shall in all cases be of sufficient width and design to safely accommodate maximum traffic, parking and loading needs, and maximum access for fire-fighting equipment and shall generally conform to the requirements.
Reserve Strips. There shall be no reserve strips or areas controlling access to streets except where control and disposal of the land comprising such strips or areas have been placed in the hands of the governing body under conditions approved by the planning board.
Street lights shall be of a type approved by resolution of the borough council and by the electric utility company serving the proposed development, and located so as to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal foot candle on all local and collector streets and one horizontal foot candle on all arterial streets. The developer shall pay the full cost for initial installation of any street lights. After final acceptance, operation and maintenance costs shall be the responsibility of the borough.
Street signs shall be of a type and size approved by resolution of the borough council and shall be properly installed at each street intersection. Street signs shall be placed, two per intersection, on the near right hand corner as viewed from both directions on the street which is expected to carry the greatest traffic through the intersection. Mountings shall be in accordance with the standard procedures of the borough or with requirements adopted by the borough council. Street signs shall be placed before any certificate of occupancy for houses on the subject street are issued.
The developer shall, prior to final acceptance, install all traffic control devices required within any development or, with the consent of the borough council, may pay to the borough treasurer a nonrefundable sum, in cash or certified check, in the amount set by the borough engineer equal to the cost of all necessary traffic control devices not installed by the developer. Traffic control devices shall include, but are not limited to, signs, traffic lines, lights, reflectors and channelizing markers. The number, type, legend, placement and size of all traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the United States Department of Transportation and the requirements of municipal, county and state regulations and shall be according to an approved plan submitted at the time of final plat approval. Construction details of all proposed traffic control devices shall be in accordance with standards prepared by the borough engineer and approved by the borough council.
All utility lines and necessary appurtenances including, but not limited to, electric transmission and electric, gas and water distribution, communications, street lighting and cable television, shall be installed underground within easements or dedicated public rights-of-way. The developer shall arrange with the serving utility for the underground installation of the utilities supply lines and service connections in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions of its tariff as the same are then on file with the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners and shall submit to the planning board prior to the granting of approval a written instrument from each serving utility which shall evidence full compliance with the provisions of this section; provided, however, that lots which abut existing easements or public rights-of-way where overhead utility lines have theretofore been installed may be supplied with service from such overhead lines if no new utility poles are required. In any event, new building service connections for all multi-family developments, and for any industrial, commercial or office development containing a floor area of 10,000 square feet or more, shall be installed underground. All other new building service connections shall also be installed underground unless specific waiver is granted by the planning board. Wherever the utility is not installed in the public right-of-way, an appropriate utility easement not less than 25 feet in width shall be provided.
The design and construction approval of all public and individual water supply systems (or extensions of existing systems) shall be under the jurisdiction of the owner of the utility or the borough board of health (and the State of New Jersey), respectively. Prior to the approval of any final plat, the full approval of any public water system must have been obtained from the appropriate agency and filed with the planning board, or the final approval will be conditioned upon full approval from the appropriate agency.
[Added 8-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-318]
The purpose of this subsection is to promote and encourage the use of electric vehicles by requiring the safe and efficient installation of EVSE and make-ready parking spaces through municipal parking regulations and other standards. EVSE and make-ready parking spaces will support the state's transition to an electric transportation sector, reducing automobile air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and stormwater runoff contaminants. The goals are to:
Provide adequate and convenient EVSE and make-ready parking spaces to serve the needs of the traveling public.
Provide opportunities for residents to have safe and efficient personal EVSE located at or near their place of residence.
Provide the opportunity for nonresidential uses to supply EVSE to their customers and employees.
Create standard criteria to encourage and promote safe, efficient, and cost-effective electric vehicle charging opportunities in all zones and settings for convenience of service to those that use electric vehicles.
Definitions. As used in this subsection, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The certificate provided for in N.J.A.C. 5:23-2, indicating that the construction authorized by the construction permit has been completed in accordance with the construction permit, the Act and the regulations. See State Uniform Construction Code Act, P.L. 1975, c. 217 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.) and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
The amount of voltage provided to charge an electric vehicle varies depending on the type of EVSE as follows:
Level 1 operates on a fifteen- to twenty-amp breaker on a 120-volt AC circuit.
Level 2 operates on a forty- to 100-amp breaker on a 208- or 240-volt AC circuit.
Direct-current fast charger (DCFC) operates on a sixty-amp or higher breaker on a 480-volt or higher three-phase circuit with special grounding equipment. DCFC stations can also be referred to as "rapid charging stations" that are typically characterized by industrial grade electrical outlets that allow for faster recharging of electric vehicles.
Any vehicle that is licensed and registered for operation on public and private highways, roads, and streets; and operates either partially or exclusively using an electric motor powered by an externally charged on-board battery.
The equipment, including the cables, cords, conductors, connectors, couplers, enclosures, attachment plugs, power outlets, power electronics, transformer, switchgear, switches and controls, network interfaces, point-of-sale equipment, and associated apparatus designed and used for the purpose of transferring energy from the electric supply system to a plug-in electric vehicle. EVSE may deliver either alternating current or, consistent with fast-charging equipment standards, direct-current electricity. "EVSE" is synonymous with "electric vehicle charging station."
The prewiring of electrical infrastructure at a parking space, or set of parking spaces, to facilitate easy and cost-efficient future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment or electric vehicle service equipment, including, but not limited to, Level Two EVSE and direct-current fast chargers. Make-ready includes expenses related to service panels, junction boxes, conduit, wiring, and other components necessary to make a particular location able to accommodate electric vehicle supply equipment or electric vehicle service equipment on a plug-and-play basis. "Make-ready" is synonymous with the term "charger ready," as used in P.L. 2019, c. 362 (N.J.S.A. 48:25-1 et seq.).
PRIVATE EVSE — EVSE that has restricted access to specific users (e.g., single- and two-family homes, executive parking fleet parking with no access to the general public).
PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE EVSE — EVSE that is publicly available (e.g., park and ride, public parking lots and garages, on-street parking, shopping center parking, nonreserved parking in multifamily parking lots, etc.).
Approvals and permits.
An application for development submitted solely for the installation of EVSE or make-ready parking spaces shall be considered a permitted accessory use and permitted accessory structure in all zoning or use districts and shall not require a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70.
EVSE and make-ready parking spaces installed pursuant to Subsection d below in development applications that are subject to site plan approval are considered a permitted accessory use as described in Subsection c1 above.
All EVSE and make-ready parking spaces shall be subject to applicable local and/or Department of Community Affairs permit and inspection requirements.
The Administrative Officer, Construction Official, Zoning Officer and/or Municipal Engineer shall enforce all signage and installation requirements described in this subsection. Failure to meet the requirements in this subsection shall be subject to the same enforcement and penalty provisions as other violations of the Borough of Union Beach's land use regulations.
An application for development for the installation of EVSE or make-ready spaces at an existing gasoline service station, an existing retail establishment, or any other existing building shall not be subject to site plan or other land use board review, shall not require variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. or any other law, rule, or regulation, and shall be approved through the issuance of a zoning permit by the administrative officer, provided the application meets the following requirements:
The proposed installation does not violate bulk requirements applicable to the property or the conditions of the original final approval of the site plan or subsequent approvals for the existing gasoline service station, retail establishment, or other existing building;
All other conditions of prior approvals for the gasoline service station, the existing retail establishment, or any other existing building continue to be met; and
The proposed installation complies with the construction codes adopted in or promulgated pursuant to the State Uniform Construction Code Act, P.L. 1975, c. 217 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.), any safety standards concerning the installation, and any state rule or regulation concerning electric vehicle charging stations.
An application pursuant to Subsection c5 above shall be deemed complete if:
The application, including the permit fee and all necessary documentation, is determined to be complete;
A notice of incompleteness is not provided within 20 days after the filing of the application; or
A one-time written correction notice is not issued by the Zoning Officer within 20 days after filing of the application detailing all deficiencies in the application and identifying any additional information explicitly necessary to complete a review of the permit application.
EVSE and make-ready parking spaces installed at a gasoline service station, an existing retail establishment, or any other existing building shall be subject to applicable local and/or Department of Community Affairs inspection requirements.
A permitting application solely for the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment permitted as an accessory use shall not be subject to review based on parking requirements.
Requirements for new installation of EVSE and make-ready parking spaces.
As a condition of preliminary site plan approval, for each application involving a multiple dwelling with five or more units of dwelling space, which shall include a multiple dwelling that is held under a condominium or cooperative form of ownership, a mutual housing corporation, or a mixed-use development, the developer or owner, as applicable, shall:
Prepare as make-ready parking spaces at least 15% of the required off-street parking spaces, and install EVSE in at least 1/3 of the 15% of make-ready parking spaces.
Within three years following the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, install EVSE in an additional 1/3 of the original 15% of make-ready parking spaces.
Within six years following the date of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, install EVSE in the final 1/3 of the original 15% of make-ready parking spaces.
Throughout the installation of EVSE in the make-ready parking spaces, at least 5% of the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be accessible for people with disabilities.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict the ability to install electric vehicle supply equipment or make-ready parking spaces at a faster or more expansive rate than as required above.
As a condition of preliminary site plan approval, each application involving a parking lot or garage not covered in Subsection d1 above shall:
Install at least one make-ready parking space if there will be 50 or fewer off-street parking spaces.
Install at least two make-ready parking spaces if there will be 51 to 75 off-street parking spaces.
Install at least three make-ready parking spaces if there will be 76 to 100 off-street parking spaces.
Install at least four make-ready parking spaces, at least one of which shall be accessible for people with disabilities, if there will be 101 to 150 off-street parking spaces.
Install at least 4% of the total parking spaces as make-ready parking spaces, at least 5% of which shall be accessible for people with disabilities, if there will be more than 150 off-street parking spaces.
In lieu of installing make-ready parking spaces, a parking lot or garage may install EVSE to satisfy the requirements of this subsection.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict the ability to install electric vehicle supply equipment or make-ready parking spaces at a faster or more expansive rate than as required above.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, a retailer that provides 25 or fewer off-street parking spaces or the developer or owner of a single-family home shall not be required to provide or install any electric vehicle supply equipment or make-ready parking spaces.
Minimum parking requirements.
All parking spaces with EVSE and make-ready equipment shall be included in the calculation of minimum required parking spaces, pursuant to Subsection 13-8.20.
A parking space prepared with EVSE or make-ready equipment shall count as at least two parking spaces for the purpose of complying with a minimum parking space requirement. This shall result in a reduction of no more than 10% of the total required parking.
All parking space calculations for EVSE and make-ready equipment shall be rounded up to the next full parking space.
Additional installation of EVSE and make-ready parking spaces above what is required in Subsection d above may be encouraged, but shall not be required in development projects.
Standards for all new EVSE and make-ready parking spaces.
Location and layout of EVSE and make-ready parking spaces is expected to vary based on the design and use of the primary parking area. It is expected flexibility will be required to provide the most convenient and functional service to users. Standards and criteria should be considered guidelines and flexibility should be allowed when alternatives can better achieve objectives for provision of this service.
Installation of EVSE and make-ready parking spaces shall meet the electrical subcode of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.16.
Each EVSE or make-ready parking space that is not accessible for people with disabilities shall be not less than nine feet wide or 18 feet in length. Exceptions may be made for existing parking spaces or parking spaces that were part of an application that received prior site plan approval.
To the extent practical, the location of accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities with EVSE and make-ready equipment shall comply with the general accessibility requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
Each EVSE or make-ready parking space that is accessible for people with disabilities shall comply with the sizing of accessible parking space requirements in the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
EVSE parking.
Publicly accessible EVSE shall be reserved for parking and charging electric vehicles only. Electric vehicles shall be connected to the EVSE. Time limits, if any, shall be as set by resolution of the governing body.
Electric vehicles may be parked in any parking space designated for parking, subject to the restrictions that would apply to any other vehicle that would park in that space.
Public parking. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2, publicly accessible EVSE parking spaces shall be monitored by the municipality's Police Department and enforced in the same manner as any other parking. It shall be a violation of this subsection to park or stand a nonelectric vehicle in such a space, or to park an electric vehicle in such a space when it is not connected to the EVSE. Any nonelectric vehicle parked or standing in a EVSE parking space or any electric vehicle parked and not connected to the EVSE shall be is subject to fine and/or impoundment of the offending vehicle as described in the general penalty provisions of this Municipal Code under § 7-12. Signage indicating the penalties for violations shall comply with Subsection f5 below. Any vehicle parked in such a space shall make the appropriate payment for the space and observe the time limit for the underlying parking area, if applicable.
Private parking. The use of EVSE shall be monitored by the property owner or designee.
Each publicly accessible EVSE shall be located at a parking space that is designated for electric vehicles only and identified by green painted pavement and/or curb markings, a green painted charging pictograph symbol, and appropriate signage pursuant to Subsection f5 below.
Where EVSE is installed, adequate site lighting and landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the Borough of Union Beach's ordinances and regulations.
Adequate EVSE protection such as concrete-filled steel bollards shall be used for publicly accessible EVSE. Nonmountable curbing may be used in lieu of bollards if the EVSE is setback a minimum of 24 inches from the face of the curb. Any stand-alone EVSE bollards should be three feet to four feet high with concrete footings placed to protect the EVSE from accidental impact and to prevent damage from equipment used for snow removal.
EVSE outlets and connector devices shall be no less than 36 inches and no higher than 48 inches from the ground or pavement surface where mounted, and shall contain a cord management system as described in Subsection f4(e) below. Equipment mounted on pedestals, lighting posts, bollards, or other devices shall be designated and located as to not impede pedestrian travel, create trip hazards on sidewalks, or impede snow removal.
Each EVSE shall incorporate a cord management system or method to minimize the potential for cable entanglement, user injury, or connector damage. Cords shall be retractable or have a place to hang the connector and cord a safe and sufficient distance above the ground or pavement surface. Any cords connecting the charger to a vehicle shall be configured so that they do not cross a driveway, sidewalk, or passenger unloading area.
Where EVSE is provided within a pedestrian circulation area, such as a sidewalk or other accessible route to a building entrance, the EVSE shall be located so as not to interfere with accessibility requirements of the Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23, and other applicable accessibility standards.
Publicly accessible EVSEs shall be maintained in all respects, including the functioning of the equipment. A twenty-four-hour on-call contact shall be provided on the equipment for reporting problems with the equipment or access to it. To allow for maintenance and notification, the Borough of Union Beach shall require the owners/designee of publicly accessible EVSE to provide information on the EVSE's geographic location, date of installation, equipment type and model, and owner contact information.
Publicly accessible EVSE shall have posted regulatory signs, as identified in this subsection, allowing only charging electric vehicles to park in such spaces. For purposes of this subsection, "charging" means that an electric vehicle is parked at an EVSE and is connected to the EVSE. If time limits or vehicle removal provisions are to be enforced, regulatory signs, including parking restrictions, shall be installed immediately adjacent to, and visible from the EVSE. For private EVSE, installation of signs and sign text is at the discretion of the owner.
All regulatory signs shall comply with visibility, legibility, size, shape, color, and reflectivity requirements contained within the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as published by the Federal Highway Administration.
Wayfinding or directional signs, if necessary, shall be permitted at appropriate decision points to effectively guide motorists to the EVSE parking space(s). Wayfinding or directional signage shall be placed in a manner that shall not interfere with any parking space, drive lane, or exit and shall comply with Subsection f5(b) above.
In addition to the signage described above, the following information shall be available on the EVSE or posted at or adjacent to all publicly accessible EVSE parking spaces:
Hour of operations and/or time limits if time limits or tow-away provisions are to be enforced by the municipality or owner/designee;
Usage fees and parking fees, if applicable; and
Contact information (telephone number) for reporting when the equipment is not operating or other problems.
Usage fees.
For publicly accessible municipal EVSE: In addition to any parking fees, the fee to use parking spaces within the municipality identified as EVSE spaces shall be as set by resolution of the governing body.
This fee may be amended by a resolution adopted by the governing body.
Private EVSE. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to preclude a private owner/designee of an EVSE from collecting a fee for the use of the EVSE, in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Fees shall be available on the EVSE or posted at or adjacent to the EVSE parking space.
[Added 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-336]
In granting Storm Damage Reduction Easements for the construction of the Union Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management Project, the right to construct a private dune crossover was reserved for the following residential parcels:
Block 1 Lot 1.
Block 1 Lot 2.
Block 1 Lots 3 & 4.
Block 1 Lot 5.
Block 1 Lot 6.
Block 1 Lots 7 & 8.
Block 1 Lot 9.
Block 1 Lot 10.
Block 29 Lots 11 thru 13.
Block 29 Lot 14.01.
Block 251 Lot 2.01.
Such crossovers are to be considered subordinate to the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of the engineered dune.
Construction of a crossover on these parcels is subject to the following:
Only one crossover or walkway across the dune area is permitted for each parcel. It shall run, generally, the shortest practical course between the landward edge or toe of the dune and the bayward edge or toe of the dune, and shall not exceed four feet in width. The surface of the crossover is to remain the natural composition of the dune, a NJDOT non-angular mix 1-5 soil aggregate or roll-out beach mat. The crossover shall be fenced on both sides through the use of sand fencing and connect with the existing sand fence enveloping the dune. Any grading or excavation associated with the installation of the crossover shall not result in the lowering of the beach or dune design specifications. In the event that any crossover shall be or become, in the opinion of the Borough, a substantial detriment to the development and maintenance of the continuous protective dune, the owner of the premises shall be required to repair and/or replace approved materials sufficient to return the dune to its designed specifications.
The removal of natural or planted vegetation and/or sand fence in the dune area is allowable to the minimum extent necessary for the construction of a crossover. Any vegetation or fencing that is damaged or removed outside of the authorized four-foot crossover area will be required to be replaced.
The removal and grading of sand from the beach area, dune area or areas south of the dune area is prohibited.
The length of the crossover is strictly confined to the area between the landward edge or toe of the dune and the bayward edge or toe of the dune generally defined by the location of existing sand fencing. As the crossovers can be constructed as private for each parcel, gates are allowed at each end of the crossover.
A permit application, with the appropriate fee, must be submitted. An approval of the plans and specifications by the Borough's administrative officer must be granted before construction can begin. Upon completion of the construction, a final inspection will be performed by the Construction Official to confirm compliance with the approved plans.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection, or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant hereto, shall be subject to fines and penalties as follows:
Fines. Any person who is convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $2,000 and/or a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, or both.
Restitution. In addition to the penalties imposed pursuant to paragraph 1 above, any person may be directed by the municipal court or any court of competent jurisdiction to pay to the Borough the cost of the repair, replacement or restoration of any damaged park property.
Each day that a violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #670; Ord. #2006-81; Ord. #2009-150]
Recognizing that certain uses, activities and structures are necessary to serve the needs and provide for the convenience of the citizens of the borough and at the same time, appreciating the fact that they or any one of them may be or may become inimical to the public health, safety and general welfare of the community if located without due consideration to the existing conditions and surroundings, such uses are designated as conditional uses subject to the standards and regulations hereby established. These standards and regulations are intended to provide the planning board with a guide for reviewing applications for conditional uses as provided for by this chapter. As a result of the review procedure, the applicant may be required to meet additional standards and regulations imposed by the planning board during site plan review which are in keeping with and will further the intent of these standards and regulations. Such standards and regulations shall be provided for and maintained as a condition of the establishment and maintenance of any use to which they are a condition of approval. In acting upon an application for conditional use approval, the planning board shall be guided by the following standards and principles:
The use for which an application is being made is specifically listed as a conditional use within the zone where the property is located.
The design, arrangement and nature of the particular use is such that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected and reasonable consideration is afforded to the following:
The compatibility of the proposed use(s) and/or structure(s) within the existing neighborhood.
The potential effect that the proposed use(s) and/or structure(s) will have upon property values.
The adequacy of the proposed parking and traffic circulation for the use(s) and/or structure(s) and the potential for traffic congestion and/or the creation of undue traffic hazards.
The need for such facility or use(s) to serve the area in which it is to be located.
The adequacy of proposed drainage facilities which will serve the use(s) and/or the structure(s).
The adequacy of plans for screening any adverse aspects of the use(s) and/or structure(s) from adjoining properties.
The adequacy of proposed outdoor lighting.
Compliance with the standards, principles and objectives of the master plan.
All conditional uses shall also be required to obtain site plan approval, unless otherwise specified in this chapter.
Conditional uses shall adhere to the additional standards specified for the particular use under this section except where no additional standards are specified.
No use specified within this section shall be considered a conditional use unless it is specifically listed as a conditional use in the zone district regulations.
Churches and places of worship may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
The minimum lot area shall be two acres.
The minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
No principal building shall be located closer than 50 feet to any side or rear property line.
No accessory building shall be located closer than 30 feet to any side or rear residential property line.
Maximum lot coverage - 15%.
The height of structures to be constructed may exceed the maximum height requirements of this chapter, provided, however, that the front, rear and side yard requirements set forth above shall be increased by two feet for each foot by which the height of the structure exceeds the maximum height which would be otherwise permitted by this chapter, and further provided that in no case shall any proposed structure exceed 50 feet in height.
Public utility uses, such as water towers, pumping stations, electric substations, radio towers, transmission lines, switching stations, which must be provided above ground, may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
A statement is submitted setting forth the reasons that the proposed installation must be provided above ground in a specific location and why it is necessary and convenient for the efficiency of the public utility system or for the satisfactory and convenient provision of service by the utility to the neighborhood or area in which the particular use is to be located.
The design of any building in connection with such facility conforms to the general character of the area and will not adversely affect the safe and comfortable enjoyment of property rights of the zone in which it is located.
Adequate and attractive fences and other safety devices will be provided.
Sufficient landscaping including shrubs, trees and lawn are provided and will be periodically maintained.
The public utility use and lot meet all the applicable minimum requirements of the district in which it is located, except that it need not have the minimum required lot area.
Any public utility that includes wind turbine(s) or wind energy systems or facilities shall comply with subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Home professional offices may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
Not more than one professional and one professional only, without associates or partners, may utilize the office, except that one additional professional may be permitted, provided that both professionals are members of the same immediate family which includes parent, children and spouses only.
Not more than two persons may be employed as office personnel.
The portion of the dwelling devoted to professional office use shall not exceed 30% of the total floor area of the dwelling.
Marinas may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
No principal or accessory building shall be located closer than 50 feet to any street line or 25 feet to other property lines, except that buildings for boat repair or maintenance shall not be located closer than 50 feet to any property line.
Boats shall not be stored or displayed closer than 35 feet to any street line or 20 feet to any other property line.
No railway or other launching facility shall be located closer than 20 feet to any property line.
Adequate utilities shall be supplied to each boat slip including electricity, lighting and water supply.
Drive-in restaurants may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
The minimum lot area shall be one acre.
The minimum lot frontage shall be 150 feet.
The maximum lot coverage shall be 15%.
The minimum unoccupied open space shall be 20% of the lot.
The applicant shall demonstrate that trash will be adequately disposed of and that the drive-in use shall not become a public nuisance.
Hotels and motels may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
Minimum lot area - one acre.
Minimum lot area per unit - 1,500 square feet.
Efficiency apartments may be permitted by the planning board provided the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates that they will be utilized primarily for transients.
Maximum lot coverage - 20%.
Minimum unoccupied open space - 20%.
No building shall be located closer than 50 feet to any property line.
Minimum number of units - 20.
No accessory building or parking area shall be located closer than 20 feet to a residential property line.
No additional parking shall be required for swimming pools provided the pools are not open for use by the general public but are primarily for use of the guests at the hotel or motel. Swimming pools shall otherwise be subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.8.
Shopping centers may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
Minimum lot area - five acres.
Minimum front yard setback - 100 feet.
Minimum side and rear yard setback - 75 feet.
No accessory structure or parking area may be located closer than 50 feet to a residential property line.
Maximum lot coverage - 20%.
Minimum unoccupied open space - 20%.
If located within the regional commercial zone, every store, unit or proprietorship within a shopping center shall, in addition to any frontage on or access to and from any aisle or parking area, have frontage on the access to and from a central, landscaped pedestrian walk or passageway, having a minimum width of 25 feet, either open or fully or partially enveloped.
Motor vehicle service stations may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
The site plan shall show the number and location of fuel tanks to be installed, the dimensions and capacity of each storage tank, the depth the tanks will be placed below the ground, the number and location of pumps to be installed, the type of structure and accessory buildings to be constructed, and the number of automobiles which are to be garaged.
Motor vehicle service stations shall have a lot area of not less than 20,000 square feet with a minimum frontage of 125 feet on one street. If the lot requirements for the zone are greater, they shall take precedent.
No motor vehicle service station shall be located within 500 feet of any public entrance to a church, school, library, hospital, fire station, park, playground, charitable institution, or place of public assemblage. The distance shall be measured in a straight line along the centerline of streets forming the shortest route from a point opposite the nearest boundary from said public entrance to a point opposite the nearest boundary of the service station lot.
All fuel pumps shall be located at least 35 feet from all street lines and property lines.
No vehicle shall be permitted to be standing or parked on the premises of a motor vehicle service station other than those used by the employees in the indirect or direct operation of the establishment, except for the following: no more than five during working hours and no more than three overnight. Overnight outdoor storage of more than three vehicles shall be prohibited.
All fuel tanks shall be installed underground.
No outdoor oil drainage pits or hydraulic lifts shall be permitted.
Any repair of motor vehicles shall be performed in a fully enclosed building. No parts or partially dismantled motor vehicle may be stored out-of-doors.
Coin operated service stations are not permitted.
No auto body work shall be permitted.
Illumination shall be such that no direct glare from the lights shall fall upon adjoining streets or properties.
Sale of new or used cars is prohibited.
Accessory goods for sale may be displayed on the pump islands and the building island only. The outside storage of oil cans and/or anti-freeze and similar products may be displayed on the respective islands, if provided for in a suitable metal stand or rack.
The maximum lot coverage shall be 10% of the lot area.
The minimum unoccupied open space shall be 30% of the lot area.
Motor vehicle repair garages may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
Motor vehicle repair garages shall have a lot area of not less than 20,000 square feet with a minimum frontage of 125 feet on one street. If the lot requirements for the zone are greater, they shall take precedent.
No outdoor oil drainage pits or hydraulic lifts shall be permitted.
Any repair of motor vehicles shall be performed in a fully enclosed building.
All motor vehicles awaiting repair or under repair which are stored out-of-doors shall be screened from public by a solid fence and/or evergreen plantings as required by the planning board.
No motor vehicle awaiting repair or under repair may be stored out-of-doors within the required front yard area; within 20 feet of any side or rear lot line; or within 50 feet of any adjoining lot within a residential zone.
No motor vehicle repair garage shall be located within 500 feet of any public entrance to a church, school, library, hospital, fire station, park, playground, charitable institution, or place of public assemblage. The distance shall be measured in a straight line along the centerline of streets forming the shortest route from a point opposite the nearest boundary from said public entrance to a point opposite the nearest boundary of the repair garage lot.
If gas pumps are proposed, subsection 13-9.9a,d, and f, referring to "Motor Vehicle Service Stations," shall also be applicable to "Motor Vehicle Repair Garages."
The maximum lot coverage shall be 20% of the lot area.
The minimum unoccupied open space shall be 30% of the lot area.
Quasi-public or private club buildings and recreation areas, including club houses, parks, playgrounds, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming pools, boat slips, docks and other such activities may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following:
Swimming pools shall be subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.8.
Minimum lot area: five acres.
Maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures (including swimming pools): 20% of the lot area.
Minimum unoccupied open space: 25%.
No building, structure, recreation area or parking area shall be located closer than 50 feet to a residential property line.
The maximum membership limit of said organization shall be fixed at the time of application and shall be commensurate with the amount of land to be used and the exact nature of the use. No further expansion of the membership shall be made unless additional land is acquired and supplemental application is made to the planning board.
Off-street parking requirements shall be determined by the planning board, except that where swimming pools are provided, the offstreet parking requirements shall be not less than the requirements under subsection 13-8.8c, plus such additional parking as may be deemed necessary by the planning board.
Commercial recreation and entertainment uses such as theaters and drive-in theaters, bowling alleys, skating rinks, miniature golf courses, driving ranges, restaurants, bars, eating and drinking establishments, dance halls, amusement parks and commercial swimming pools, all of which may be permitted to have nonlive and live entertainment including entertainment provided by dancers employed by the owner, tenant or patrons of the establishment, may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zones and the following:
No building, structure, active recreation area, or parking area shall be located closer than 50 feet to any residential property line.
Unless elsewhere specified in this chapter, off-street parking requirements shall be determined by the planning board.
Commercial swimming pools shall be subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.8.
Maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures (including swimming pools): 20%.
Minimum unoccupied open space: 20%.
Townhouses for the habitation of people at age 52 years or older (children under 19 years may not be in permanent residence, defined as seven consecutive days or 30 days in a year), as well as residential communities which maintain a private age restriction mechanism, subject to the same standards as apply to townhouses in the TH-2 Townhouse Zone.
Multi-family dwellings may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the minimum standards of the particular zone and those additional standards established for multi-family dwellings under subsection 13-8.18.
[Ord. No. 708; Ord. No. 2005-55]
A semi-divided dwelling known as a "mother-daughter" dwelling, may be permitted as a conditional use in residential zones. A semidivided dwelling shall be a single family home containing two separate living quarters. The two separate living quarters shall comply with the following standards and specifications:
There shall share a common entrance(s) and exit(s) which open into a living room, family room, great room, kitchen or other living area and not into an internal hall or foyer which has a door or doors separating the main entrance to the accessory or secondary living quarters from the main entrance to the primary living quarters;
Each living quarters shall be connected and accessible to the other at a point other than a common area such as a foyer, hallway or main entrance;
The two living quarters shall share one service for all utilities (i.e., gas, electric, water, sewer), except telephone service, cable television and other communication services;
The accessory or secondary living quarters shall not include more than four rooms consisting of one bedroom, one bedroom, one general purpose room (designated as living, family, sitting or similar use room) and a small combined kitchen and dining area;
The accessory or secondary living quarters shall contain a total gross habitable floor area equal to no more than 1/2 (50%) of the total habitable floor area of the main living quarters or 33 1/3%) of the total habitable floor area of the entire dwelling;
The bedroom, the general purpose room, and the kitchen of the accessory or secondary living quarters may be combined or separated by partitions so long as the total number of rooms, exclusive of the bathroom, does not exceed three;
The accessory or secondary living quarters shall not have a second bathroom, half bathroom, vanity, utility room or storage room.
[Ord. No. 2005-55]
Trailers, quonsets, campers and other temporary structures may be permitted as a conditional use for a time period limited by either this chapter or by resolution of the Planning Board.
[Added 6-17-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-302]
All classes of cannabis establishments or cannabis distributors or cannabis delivery services as said terms are defined in Section 3 of P.L. 2021, c. 16, but not the delivery of cannabis items and related supplies by a delivery service are prohibited in the Borough of Union Beach.
[Ord. #324; Ord. #445; Ord. #556; Ord. #99-799; Ord. #2002-3; Ord. #2002-6; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. 2006-81; Ord. #2009-150; Ord. #2009-133; Ord. #2009-150]
[Ord. No. 324, § 10.1; Ord. No. 556, § II; Ord. No. 99-799, § 1; Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2016-244]
For the purpose of this chapter, the Borough of Union Beach is divided into the following zoning districts:
Residential-Adult Community
Neighborhood Commercial
Highway Business
Downtown Gateway Zone
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 10]
Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
Corporate Campus
Waterfront Commercial
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 12]
Department of Public Works Site Overlay District
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 13]
Brook Avenue Redevelopment District
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 14]
Conservation Zone
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 16]
Neighborhood Commercial
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 18]
[Ord. No. 324, § 10.2; Ord. No. 393, § 1; Ord. No. 445; Ord. No. 556, §§ III, V; Ord. No. 99-799, § 2; Ord. No. 2004-38; Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2008-115; Ord. No. 2016-244; amended 6-18-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-290][1]
The boundaries of all zoning districts set forth in this chapter are shown on a map entitled "Zoning Map, Borough of Union Beach, Monmouth County, New Jersey" dated May 24, 1979, and amended by Ordinance No. 393 dated 5-13-1982, Ordinance No. 445 dated 9-13-1984 and amended by Ordinance No. 556 dated 4-28-1988 and Ordinance No. 99-799 dated 9-16-1999 and Ordinance No. 2004-38, dated April 15, 2004 and further amended by Ordinance No. 2006-81, dated May 18, 2006, Ordinance No. 2008-115, dated March 20, 2008, Ordinance No. 2016-244, dated November 21, 2016, and Ordinance No. 2020-290, dated 6-18-2020.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map referred to herein is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 324, § 10.3; Ord. No. 2006-81]
Where uncertainty exists as to any of the boundaries as shown on the map, the following rules shall apply:
Zone boundary lines are intended to follow the centerline of streets, railroad rights-of-way, streams, and lot or property lines as they exist on plats of record at the time of the passage of this chapter, unless such zone boundary lines are fixed by dimensions as shown on the zoning map, and shall include contiguous riparian lands subsequently acquired and/or filled, and lands acquired by accretion or stream diversion by natural causes.
Where such boundaries are not fixed by dimension and where they approximately follow lot lines, and where they do not scale more than 10 feet distant therefrom, such lot lines shall be construed to be such boundaries unless specifically shown otherwise.
In unsubdivided land and where a zone boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary unless the same is indicated by dimensions shown on the map, shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing therein.
Except where riparian lands exist, zone boundary lines adjacent to the Raritan Bay are intended to be drawn to the landward side of the mean high water line.
[Ord. No. 556, § IV; Ord. No. 99-799, § 3; Ord. No. 2008-115]
Schedule "A" is hereby made a part of this chapter.
[Ord. #324, S10.4; Ord. #657; Ord. #96-748; Ord. #2001-831; Ord. #2005-55; Ord. #2006-81; Ord. #2009-150, S3; Ord. #2010-162, S3; Ord. #2014-200, S3; Ord. No. 2016-234 § 2; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 15]
Permitted Uses.
Single family dwellings.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds including schools, parks and playgrounds, but not workshops, warehouses, garages and storage yards.
Private and parochial schools not operated for profit.
Essential services.
Community residences pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.1 of the Municipal Land Use Law for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill, community residences for persons with head injuries, and adult family care homes for elderly persons and physically disabled adults pursuant to the same standards as apply to single family dwellings.
All of the standards and requirements of subsection 13-10.18, Brook Avenue Redevelopment District, shall be permitted, on an optional basis as overlay zoning for the following tax parcels as an integrated part of a redevelopment in the Brook Avenue Redevelopment District: Block 223 Lots 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. The identified parcels adjoin the Brook Avenue Redevelopment District and have been specifically noted in the adopted Brook Avenue Redevelopment Plan to be allowed to utilize either the underlying R-8 Zone requirements or opt for the redevelopment district standards.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Private swimming pools subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.21.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Other customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building and do not include any activity commonly conducted as a business.
Family day care homes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5b of the Municipal Land Use Law which are conducted in the private residence of a family day care provider which is registered as a family day care home pursuant to the "Family Day Care Provider Registration Act," N.J.S.A. 30:5B-16, et seq.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of section 13-9 of this chapter.
Semi-divided dwellings, commonly known as "mother-daughter" dwellings (subsection 13-9.15).
Churches and places of worship (subsection 13-9.2).
Public utilities (subsection 13-9.3).
Marinas, but excluding boat yards (subsection 13-9.5).
Home professional officers (subsection 13-9.4).
Quasi-public and private club recreation areas (subsection 13-9.11).
Townhouse dwellings (subsection 13-9.13) limited to properties having frontage on the south side of Front Street, subject to the following regulations.
The regulations in this subsection shall apply in addition to those in subsection 13-8.18. Where there is a conflict between the regulations in this subsection and the regulations in subsection 13-8.18, the regulation in this subsection shall control.
Maximum density:10 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot area: One acre.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum front setback line.
Principal and accessory buildings: 25 feet.
Parking areas: Five feet.
Minimum side and rear setback lines.
Principal and accessory buildings: twenty-foot rear setback and ten-foot side setback.
Swimming pool: Eight feet.
Parking areas: Five feet (unless greater setback required for buffer and screening strips).
Minimum unoccupied open space: 20%.
Personal wireless telecommunication facilities and equipment subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.14.
The regulations in this subsection shall apply in addition to those in subsection 13-8.18. Where there is a conflict between the regulations in this subsection and the regulations in subsection 13-8.18, the regulations in this subject shall control.
Maximum density: 14 dwelling units per acre.
Minimum lot area: Two acres.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum front setback line.
Principal and accessory buildings: 35 feet.
Parking areas: Five feet.
Minimum side and rear setback lines.
Principal and accessory buildings: 20 feet.
Swimming Pool: Eight feet.
Parking areas: Five feet (unless greater setback required for buffer and screening strips).
Minimum unoccupied open space: 15%.
Temporary Uses and Structures: (subsection 13-9.16)
Trailers, quonsets, campers and other temporary structures may be placed on a lot, for a period not exceeding six months, after the dwelling on the lot has been rendered uninhabitable by wind, storm, fire, explosion or other destructive occurrence, or while a new single family dwelling is being constructed on the lot after the removal of a prior dwelling, for use as shelter or storage during which the main dwelling on the lot is being repaired, restored or constructed. This section shall not apply to the storage of recreational boats, trailers and campers which is regulated by subsection 13-5.21.
Two single family residences may be permitted on one lot, and relief granted from the provisions of subsection 13-5.9 of this chapter, for a period not exceeding six months to permit an applicant to reside in an existing single family dwelling while a new single family dwelling is being constructed on the lot, or upon a contiguous lot under the same ownership when either lot is nonconforming in any aspect, but at no time may both structures be used simultaneously or alternately as a dwelling, and upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new dwelling the old dwelling must be demolished and removed within one week of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
Upon the expiration of the six month duration of the variance the applicant may apply for one extension not to exceed three months in order to complete the repair or construction of the single family dwelling.
If upon the expiration of the six month duration of the conditional use and any extension the owner of the property has not removed the temporary structure or the old dwelling the borough may remove it and the cost of such removal shall become a lien against the property.
Residential adult community single-family dwellings located on an area greater than one acre and subject to the requirements for such dwellings in the R-AC Zone.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Prohibited Uses and Structures.
Quonsets and tent-like structures except as temporary conditional uses and structures as provided in subsection 13-10.4d,9.
Trailers except as temporary conditional uses and structures as provided in subsection 13-10.4d,9.
Single-Family Dwellings - Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
Interior lot: 7,500 square feet.
Corner lot: 10,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width:
Interior lot: 75 feet.
Corner lot: 100 feet.
Minimum lot frontage:
Interior lot: 75 feet.
Corner lot: 100 feet on both streets.
Minimum lot depth:
Interior lot: 100 feet.
Corner lot: 100 feet.
Minimum front setback line: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback line:
Principal building: 30 feet.
Accessory building: five feet.
Private swimming pool: six feet.
Storage sheds containing less than 100 square feet of floor area (subsection 13-5.8a): three feet.
Minimum side yard setback line:
Principal building: Eight feet, with two combined side yards of not less than 20 feet.
Accessory building: five feet.
Private swimming pool: six feet.
Storage sheds containing less than 100 square feet of floor area (subsection 13-5.8a): three feet.
Maximum building height: 30 feet to the collar tie subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12. In any event, the building shall contain not more than two usable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade as determined by the average grade elevations on the corners of the building. Building height for all structures located in the area of special flood hazard as set forth on the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and/or Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (PFIRM) shall be measured from the base flood elevation, the advisory base flood elevations or preliminary base flood elevation, whichever is greater. Attic space shall be for storage only and shall not have stairs other than pull down staircases.
Minimum gross habitable floor area:
One bedroom house: 960 square feet.
Two bedroom house: 1,060 square feet.
Three bedroom house: 1,160 square feet.
Four or more bedroom house: 1,260 square feet.
[Ord. No. 324, § 10.5; Ord. No. 2005-55; Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 8]
Permitted Uses.
The retail business establishments which are clearly of a neighborhood service character, such as, but not limited to, the following:
Stores selling groceries, meats, baked goods, and other such items.
Drug and pharmaceutical stores.
Dry goods stores.
Meat and poultry stores.
Baked goods stores.
Package liquor stores.
Flower shops.
Confectionery stores.
Hardware and household supply stores.
Stationery supplies, tobacco and periodical stores.
Haberdashery, dress goods and notions.
Hardware, plumbing supplies and electrical supplies.
Shops of artisans and craftsmen.
Gift shops.
Shoes and clothing shops.
Personal service establishments which may include the following:
Barber shops and beauty shops.
Tailoring and dressmaking shops.
Dry cleaning and laundry collection shops, including self-service laundries.
Shoe repair shops.
Photographic studios.
Business, professional, medical, governmental and educational offices and services.
Banks and financial institutions with a minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet. Drive-through facilities are not permitted.
Restaurants, bars and other eating and drinking establishments, but not including drive-in restaurants with a minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet. Drive-through food establishments are not permitted. Outdoor seating is permitted.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds, parks and playgrounds.
Essential services.
Single-family dwellings on lots currently used for single-family residential dwellings, subject to the same regulations established for the R-8 Residential Zone. These lots may be enlarged to the extent necessary to bring them into greater conformity with the requirements of the R-8 Residential District, but no new single-family dwelling lots may be created in this district.
Single-Family Dwellings. Townhouses and multi-family dwellings for the habitation of people at age 52 years or older (children under 19 years may not be in permanent residence, defined as seven consecutive days or 30 days in a year), as well as residential communities which maintain a private age restriction mechanism, subject to the same standards as apply to single-family dwellings in the R-AC Adult Community Zone, and townhouses and multi-family dwellings in the TH-2 Townhouse Zone.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use Law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Educational facilities such as music schools, tutoring or special training but not including private elementary schools.
Apartments over ground level retail sales and services uses, subject to the following standards:
Density: One dwelling unit per 8,000 square feet of lot area.
Each second story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 860 square feet of gross floor area.
Site plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit to construct a second story dwelling.
Second story dwellings shall contain at least one bedroom as a separate room and be limited to a maximum of two bedrooms.
Parking for Mixed-Use Buildings.
A minimum of 3.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross commercial floor area shall be provided.
Parking for residential uses shall comply with Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Shared Parking on Adjacent Parcels. When land uses on adjacent parcels create shared parking areas with pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation paths and access points that are under common ownership or controlled by a reciprocal easement agreement, the collective parking requirements for development on those properties may comply with the standards set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above.
Shared Parking on Noncontiguous Parcels. Required parking for mixed-used buildings may be supplied at a noncontiguous parcel, provided:
Parking is available within 1,000 feet of the mixed-use development:
Both the mixed-use development and the parking facility comply with parking lot design standards;
Off-site parking spaces may not already be designated as required parking for some other use.
Documentation conforming the ownership and/or management arrangement for any shared parking arrangement shall be submitted prior to approval by the Planning Board. Properties with extra parking retain expansion rights equivalent to that number of extra spaces.
Provided a mixed-use building(s) complies with off-street parking lot design standards, legal on-street parking along the tract's street frontage may be counted toward the development's minimum parking requirements.
The minimum required number of parking spaces may be reduced by 25% provided a mixed-use building is within 2,500 feet of a designated transit stop.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of Section 13-9 of this chapter.
Churches (subsection 13-9.2).
Home professional offices (subsection 13-9.4).
[Ord. No. 324, § 10.6; Ord. No. 2005-55; Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2009-133; Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 9]
Permitted Uses. Uses within the following categories shall be permitted uses within the highway business zone unless otherwise specified in subsection 13-10.6d as a use requiring a conditional use approval.
Retail and wholesale stores, shops and markets, provided that:
All goods or products fabricated or process incidental to such use shall be sold on the premises or distributed from the premises.
Such fabricating or processing that is done on the premises shall not include a processing activity which would involve a physical or chemical process that would change the nature and/or character of the product and/or raw material.
Such fabricating or processing shall be confined to the first floor and basement of the premises and no supplies, materials or goods shall be stored out-of-doors, except in conformance with the requirements of subsection 13-5.18 and subsection 13-8.6.
Personal service establishments, such as, but not limited to, barbershops, and beauty shops and tailoring and dressmaking shops.
Business and professional offices and banks and fiduciary institutions.
Restaurants, lunchrooms, bars and other eating and drinking establishments.
Art, dancing, music, gymnastics and other similar instructional schools.
Schools for vocational instruction.
Scientific or research laboratories devoted to research, design and/or experimentation, and processing and fabricating incidental thereto, provided that no materials or finished products shall be manufactured, processed or fabricated on the premises for sale, except such as are incidental to the laboratory activities or are otherwise permitted in this zone.
Publication of newspapers and periodicals.
The offices, showrooms, warehouses and garages of contractors in the building trade.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds, but excluding schools.
Essential services.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Artisanal Manufacturing provided that:
Manufacture and production is performed by a manual worker or craftsperson of commercial goods, such as jewelry, metalwork, cabinetry, stained glass, textiles, ceramics, or hand-made food products.
Artisanal manufacturing may include a retail component.
Artisanal Manufacturing does not include any activity that causes noise, odor, or vibration to be detectable on a neighboring property, and is limited to 5,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Gas Stations.
Apartments over ground level retail sales and services uses along Union Avenue, subject to the following standards:
Density: One dwelling unit per 8,000 square feet of lot area.
Each second story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 860 square feet of gross floor area.
Site plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit to construct a second story dwelling.
Second story dwellings shall contain at least one bedroom, as a separate room, and be limited to a maximum of two bedrooms.
Parking for Mixed-Use Buildings.
A minimum of 3.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross commercial floor area shall be provided.
Parking for residential uses shall comply with Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Shared Parking on Adjacent Parcels. When land uses on adjacent parcels create shared parking areas with pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation paths and access points that are under common ownership or controlled by a reciprocal easement agreement, the collective parking requirements for development on those properties may comply with the standards set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above.
Shared parking on noncontiguous parcels. Required parking for mixed-used buildings may be supplied at a noncontiguous parcel, provided:
Parking is available within one 1,000 feet of the mixed-use development:
Both the mixed-use development and the parking facility comply with parking lot design standards;
Off-site parking spaces may not already be designated as required parking for some other use.
Documentation conforming the ownership and/or management arrangement for any shared parking arrangement shall be submitted prior to approval by the Planning Board. Properties with extra parking retain expansion rights equivalent to that number of extra spaces.
Provided a mixed-use building(s) complies with off-street parking lot design standards, legal on-street parking along the tract's street frontage may be counted toward the development's minimum parking requirements.
The minimum required number of parking spaces may be reduced by 25% provided a mixed-use building is within 2,500 feet of a designated transit stop.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Bulk storage subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.6.
Other customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of section 13-9 of this chapter.
Motor vehicle service stations (subsection 13-9.9).
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-244 § 9]
Public utilities (subsection 13-9.3).
Drive-in restaurants (subsection 13-9.6).
Hotels and motels (subsection 13-9.7).
Shopping centers (subsection 13-9.8).
[Deleted by Ord. No. 2016-244 § 9]
Commercial recreation activities (subsection 13-9.12).
Bulk storage of fuel provided the storage area is used solely in conjunction with a retail or wholesale outlet and that the storage containers are built below the ground.
Trailers, excluding boat and construction trailers and trailers used in delivery, loading and unloading operations, to be used for storage or sale of goods or merchandise or in which commercial services are rendered for a period not exceeding two months. Prior to the expiration of the two month duration of the conditional use the applicant may apply for one extension not to exceed 30 days and shall be permitted to continue the use until the decision of the Planning Board if all fees required for the application have been paid.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Churches (subsection 13-9.2).
Drive-through banks.
Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area: 25,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.
Minimum front setback: 35 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback:
Principal building - 20 feet.
Accessory building - 15 feet.
Minimum side yard setback:
Principal building - 10 feet, with two combined side yards not less than 25% of the lot width, except that the combined side yards need not exceed 40 feet.
Accessory building - 10 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12. In any event, the building shall not contain more than three useable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade level as determined by the average grade elevation of the corners of the building.
Maximum lot coverage: 50%.
Minimum unoccupied open space: 10%.
Buffer areas along State Highway 36 should be a minimum of five feet wide; side and rear buffer areas are subject to subsection 13-8.4.
Floor area ratio of any commercial building shall not exceed 1.5.
Purpose. The purpose of the Townhouse - 2 District is to encourage the development of a livable neighborhood that contains townhouse residential dwelling units. The TH-2 District is intended to provide for moderate density housing that meets strict design standards that promote a desirable visual environment based upon a common architectural theme. It is intended that the development of new townhouse residential dwelling units employ a "Shingle Style" architectural theme, which is prevalent along the New Jersey shore. Design requirements and standards are intended to create a compact and pedestrian friendly form of development while ensuring a high quality of development and the preservation of open spaces for residents.
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single family dwellings, subject to the same regulations established for the R-8 District.
Permitted Conditional Uses.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-10.7,f.
Community center, devoted exclusively to the residents of the TH-2 district.
Off and on-site parking.
Tennis courts, exercise rooms and recreation facilities for use of residents and guests.
Uses accessory or incidental to the principal use.
Bulk and Area Requirements.
Minimum tract size: one acre.
Front yard setback: 35 feet.
Setback from all other tract boundaries and/or right-of-way lines: 20 feet.
Maximum density: 10 townhouses per acre.
Minimum tract width: 150 feet.
Minimum tract depth: 100 feet.
Maximum building coverage for the entire tract: 30%.
Maximum impervious coverage for the entire tract: 60%.
Maximum units per structure: Five dwelling units.
Bedroom mix: No more than 80% - two bedroom and no more than 20% - three bedroom.
Maximum building length: 125 feet.
Maximum principal building height: 35 feet.
Maximum number of stories (principal building): 2.5 stories above a garage.
Maximum accessory building height: 15 feet except a clubhouse may be 28 feet in height.
A structure shall not have more than two connected townhouse units on one facade without providing a variation in setback of at least two feet.
The spacing of residential buildings shall adhere to the following minimums:
End wall to end wall = One-half height of highest wall (minimum 12 feet).
End wall to window wall = 1 1/2 height of highest wall (minimum of 30 feet).
Windowed wall to windowed wall:
Front to front: 75 feet.
Rear to rear: 50 feet.
End to end: 30 feet.
Any building face to residential access street curb: Height of highest wall (minimum 30 feet).
Any building face to common parking area: 10 feet.
A minimum of 40% of the tract area shall remain as open space.
Parking area setback to property line: seven feet.
Minimum townhouse width: 24 feet.
Each unit shall provide an off-street parking space consisting of:
At least one garage space.
At least one space behind the garage in a driveway.
At least one on-site visitor parking space.
Townhouse Guidelines. The following requirements for townhouses shall apply to development in the Townhouse - 2 District:
Each application for development should include a site plan, property survey including calculations of existing conditions, i.e., impervious coverage, etc., landscape and lighting plan, grading plan, architectural elevations (for all four building sides), architectural floor plans for each building floor and any additional information deemed necessary by the borough, the board attorney or engineer. All submitted plans shall be sealed by an appropriate licensed professional.
Entrances to townhouses should enhance the pedestrian scale character of the area by strengthening a unit's connection with public streets and internal roadways and by masking the appearance of garage doors.
Townhouses fronting on residential streets should have pedestrian entrances on the street side.
Where townhouses are designed with the end wall adjacent to the public street, the pedestrian entry for the end unit should be designed to also face the street.
Townhouses adjacent to public roads should be designed to make rear building elevations resemble the front of a building. When viewable from a public right-of-way, side elevations should be treated with additional architectural details. Incorporate human-scale elements (windows, doors, roof elements, trellises, etc.) into the building facade visible from the street. Side elevations containing a significant amount of blank wall space are not permitted.
Walls visible from a public street, adjacent off-street parking areas or other residential uses shall include windows and architectural features similar to the front facade of the building, including, but not limited to awnings, cornice work, edge detailing or other decorative finish materials.
Building layout should be designed to maximize waterfront views from public rights-of-way.
The main entrances should emulate the front entrance of single family homes.
Incorporate an architectural theme pursuant to paragraph a., Purpose, with the appropriate variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development design.
Employ features such as front stairs, stoops, gateways, porches, and weather protection to enhance the residential quality of unit and building entries, the visibility of such entries, a comfortable architectural rhythm along the street, and a human scale.
Each townhouse shall have at least one individual private yard area, open patio or court adjoining the unit and having a width of at least 10 feet and an area of at least 100 square feet. Each private yard area, patio, court or deck shall be effectively screened in order to provide a reasonable degree of privacy.
In addition to the above requirements, a storage space with separate access and containing a minimum of 80 square feet of floor area shall be provided for each dwelling unit in the basement of the building in which the unit is located or in the garage serving the unit. Storage space located in a garage shall not encroach upon or be located above a minimum area of 10 feet by 20 feet (10 feet by 20 feet) for the parking of a motor vehicle.
Chimneys, dormers, gables, and similar elements may project into the slope of the roof provided they do not exceed one-half of the roofline. They should also result in an improved design.
All buildings shall have pitched roofs. A varying roofline customary with gable or hip style roofing is encouraged. Functional dormer window features are encouraged.
Roofs should contain an irregular roofline containing cross gables or gambrel roofs. It is appropriate for eaves to be found on several levels and close to the walls. Embellishments may include turrets.
Architectural design and materials used in the construction of accessory buildings shall conform to or complement those used in the construction of principal buildings.
All parking facilities shall be on the same site as the building and located within 150 feet of the nearest entrance of the building they are intended to serve.
Parking spaces shall be provided in areas designed specifically for parking and there shall be no parallel or diagonal parking.
All off-street parking areas and internal roadways shall be paved, bounded by permanent curbing and constructed in accordance with the Borough of Union Beach road specifications; provided, however, that, upon recommendation of the borough engineer, the requirement of curbing may be waived or modified when found not to be needed for control of stormwater, protection of pavement and similar purposes.
Parking areas shall be located at least 10 feet from a building.
Townhouses shall comply with the minimum parking standards of the NJRSIS (Subchapter 4).
Parking spaces shall not be located in the front yard of the site and any off-street parking spaces must be screened from view of any public road or pedestrian path, by a streetwall or hedge along the frontage. Streetwalls shall be three feet in height and constructed out of brick or stone.
No outside area or equipment shall be provided for the hanging of laundry or the outside airing of laundry in any manner. Sufficient area and equipment shall be made available within each building for the laundering and artificial drying of the laundry of the occupants of each building.
Dwelling units may erect an individual external television antenna or satellite dish provided that it is one meter or less in diameter or diagonal measurement and is installed on the balcony, patio or other area within the exclusive use or control of the unit owner, or upon the roof area of the building containing the unity owner's dwelling unit. This guideline is intended to comply with regulations adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which regulations are presently set forth at 47 C.F.R. I.S. If these regulations are amended this guideline will be deemed amended as of the effective date of the amendment to the regulation.
The use of dryvit or similar materials are prohibited. More durable materials shall be incorporated in the harsh marine environment within the TH-2 District.
Adequate trash and garbage pick-up stations shall be provided within a totally enclosed container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses by a fence, wall, planting or combination of the three.
Each townhouse development may have one sign along each public street, which the tract in question abuts, provided there exists at least 250 feet of unbroken frontage. Such signs shall not exceed five feet in height, shall be set back from the street rights-of-way, property lines, and driveways at least 10 feet and shall not exceed an area of 25 square feet and shall be used to display the development's name.
Open space areas where improved, shall be attractively landscaped with grass lawns, trees and shrubs. Provision shall be made for the preservation of existing trees and natural features including those in designated critical areas. All proposed landscaping, including existing and new trees, shrubs and natural screening shall be shown on the site plan submitted to the planning board for approval and prepared by a certified landscape architect.
Setback from the waterfront shall be pursuant to New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection requirements and regulations.
All dwelling units shall be connected to approved functioning water and sanitary systems prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Common Facilities.
A nonprofit homeowners' association in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Community Affairs shall own all areas put into common ownership for common use by all residents.
An irrigation system shall be provided where grassed recreation areas occur.
Accessory buildings for the outdoor recreation facilities and for maintenance purposes shall be provided and shall be sufficient to store recreational and maintenance equipment and supplies.
When adjacent to the waterfront, public access to the waterfront shall be provided and shall facilitate wheelchair access.
Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of streets/private driveways through the development. All developments shall provide pedestrian linkages between public sidewalks and the building entrances. Sidewalk and pathway connections may be required to adjacent uses and activity areas.
A consistent type of pedestrian scale ornamental lighting shall be provided along all streets and sidewalks and within any off street parking lots. Such lighting shall be provided at a frequency and height to provide desired light levels. Freestanding lights shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
Open space areas shall offer a source of passive and/or active recreation, in accordance with the intended character of the neighborhood. Passive recreational areas may include features such as formal seating areas and open lawn area. Active recreational areas may include specific recreation elements such as playgrounds and tennis courts or less formal features such as open play fields and walking paths.
Permitted Uses.
Light manufacturing as defined in this chapter.
The warehousing and storage of goods and products.
Wholesaling or distributing establishments, except for used automobiles.
Scientific or research laboratories.
Executive or administrative offices of an industrial or business concern which are not normally involved in conducting business with the general public.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds.
Essential services.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use Law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Bulk storage subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.6.
Other customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of section 13-9 of this chapter.
Motor vehicle repair garages (subsection 13-9.10).
Public utilities (subsection 13-9.3).
Trailers, excluding boat and construction trailers and trailers used in delivery, loading and unloading operations, to be used for storage or sale of goods or merchandise or in which commercial services are rendered for a period not exceeding two months. Prior to the expiration of the two-month duration of the conditional use the applicant may apply for one extension not to exceed 30 days and shall be permitted to continue the use until the decision of the Planning Board if all fees required for the application have been paid.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area: One acre.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum front setback: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback for principal and accessory buildings: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard setbacks:
Principal building - 20 feet.
Accessory building - 20 feet.
Maximum building height: 55 feet subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12. In any event, the building shall not contain more than five useable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade level as determined by the average grade elevation of the corners of the building.
Maximum lot coverage: 30%.
Minimum unoccupied open space: 20%.
Buffer areas subject to subsection 13-8.4.
Buffer area abutting residential zone: Not-withstanding any other provisions of this chapter there shall be a buffer of 50 feet between any use in a residential zone or existing residential use.
Prohibited Use. No chemicals, explosives, toxic waste or other similar substances shall be manufactured or stored in the M-1 Zone.
Permitted Uses.
Research and testing laboratories, such as aerodynamic; biological; chemical; dental; electronic; pharmaceutical; and general.
Manufacturing of light machinery, such as carburetors and small machine parts; cash registers; sewing machines; and typewriters, calculators and other office machines.
Fabrication of metal products, such as baby carriages, bicycles, and other vehicles; metal foil-tin, aluminum, etc., metal furniture; musical instruments; sheet metal products; and toys.
Fabrication of paper products, such as bags, book binding; boxes and packaging material; office supplies and toys.
Fabrication of wood products, such as boats; boxes; cabinets and woodworking; furniture; and toys.
Food and associated industries, such as bakeries, bottling of food and beverages; food and cereal mixing and milling; food processing; food sundry manufacturing; ice cream manufacturing; and manufacturing of spirituous liquor.
Truck terminals and the warehousing or storage of goods and products.
Other permissible industry, such as brush and broom manufacturing; concrete and plastic products; electrical, light and power, and other utility company installation; electronic products; farm industry - manufacturing and service; glass products manufacturing; jewelry manufacturing, including gem polishing; laundering and cleaning establishments; leather goods manufacturing, except curing, tanning and finishing of hides; motion picture exchange; pharmaceutical products manufacturing; cosmetic products manufacturing; photo finishing; pottery and ceramic products manufacturing, thread and yarn manufacturing; plastics and chemical manufacturing.
Wholesale building materials supply yards, yards of contractors in the construction and building trades and similar operations requiring bulk storage of materials and equipment, such as building construction supplies and the equipment, vehicles and supplies of heavy equipment contractors.
Wholesaling or distributing establishments.
Bulk storage of petroleum and fuels.
Contractors or craftsman's shop or equipment storage area, including general repair shop, except automobile dismantling or cannibalizing.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds.
Essential services.
Above ground public utilities.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use Law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Bulk storage subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.6.
Other customary accessory uses and building which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of section 13-9 of this chapter.
Trailers, excluding boat and construction trailers used in delivery, loading and unloading operations, to be used for storage or sale of goods or merchandise or in which commercial services are rendered for a period not exceeding two months. Prior to the expiration of the two-month duration of the conditional use the applicant may apply for one extension not to exceed 30 days and shall be permitted to continue the use until the decision of the Planning Board if all fees required for the application have been paid.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area: Five acres.
Minimum lot width: 300 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 400 feet.
Minimum front setback: 100 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback:
Principal buildings - 100 feet.
Accessory building - 50 feet.
Minimum side yard setback:
Principal building - 50 feet.
Accessory building - 35 feet.
Maximum building height: 55 feet subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12.
Maximum lot coverage: 35%.
Minimum unoccupied open space: 20%.
Buffer areas subject to subsection 13-8.4.
[Ord. No. 556, § IV; Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 10]
Permitted Uses.
The retail business establishments which are clearly of a neighborhood service character, such as, but not limited to, the following:
Stores selling groceries, meats, baked goods, and other such items.
Drug and pharmaceutical stores.
Dry goods stores.
Meat and poultry stores.
Baked goods stores.
Package liquor stores.
Flower shops.
Confectionery stores.
Hardware and household supply stores.
Stationery supplies, tobacco and periodical stores.
Haberdashery, dress goods and notions.
Hardware, plumbing supplies and electrical supplies.
Shops of artisans and craftsmen.
Gift shops.
Shoes and clothing shops.
Personal service establishments which may include the following:
Barber shops and beauty shops.
Tailoring and dressmaking shops.
Dry cleaning and laundry collection shops, including self-service laundries.
Shoe repair shops.
Photographic studios.
Business, professional, medical, governmental and educational offices and services.
Banks and financial institutions with a minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet. Drive-through facilities are not permitted.
Restaurants, bars and other eating and drinking establishments, but not including drive-in restaurants with a minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet. Drive through food establishments are not permitted. Outdoor seating is permitted.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds, parks and playgrounds.
Essential services.
Single-family dwellings on lots currently used for single-family residential dwellings, subject to the same regulations established for the R-8 Residential Zone. These lots may be enlarged to the extent necessary to bring them into greater conformity with the requirements of the R-8 Residential District, but no new single-family dwelling lots may be created in this district.
Single-Family Dwellings. Townhouses and multi-family dwellings for the habitation of people at age 52 years or older (children under 19 years may not be in permanent residence, defined as seven consecutive days or 30 days in a year), as well as residential communities which maintain a private age restriction mechanism, subject to the same standards as apply to single-family dwellings in the R-AC Adult Community Zone, and townhouses and multi-family dwellings in the TH-2 Townhouse Zone.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use Law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Educational facilities such as music schools, tutoring or special training but not including private elementary schools.
Apartments over ground level retail sales and services uses for lots fronting on Union Avenue, subject to the following standards:
Density: One dwelling unit per 8,000 square feet of lot area.
Each second story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 860 square feet of gross floor area.
Site plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit to construct a second story dwelling.
Second story dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of two bedrooms.
Parking for mixed-use buildings.
A minimum of 3.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross commercial floor area shall be provided.
Parking for residential uses shall comply with Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Shared Parking on Adjacent Parcels. When land uses on adjacent parcels create shared parking areas with pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation paths and access points that are under common ownership or controlled by a reciprocal easement agreement, the collective parking requirements for development on those properties may comply with the standards set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above.
Shared Parking on Noncontiguous Parcels. Required parking for mixed-used buildings may be supplied at a noncontiguous parcel, provided:
Parking is available within 1,000 feet of the mixed-use development:
Both the mixed-use development and the parking facility comply with parking lot design standards; and
Off-site parking spaces may not already be designated as required parking for some other use.
Documentation conforming the ownership and/or management arrangement for any shared parking arrangement shall be submitted prior to approval by the Unified Planning Board. Properties with extra parking retain expansion rights equivalent to that number of extra spaces.
Provided a mixed-use building(s) complies with off-street parking lot design standards, legal on-street parking along the tract's street frontage may be counted toward the development's minimum parking requirements.
The minimum required number of parking spaces may be reduced by 25% provided a mixed-use building is within 2,500 feet of a designated transit stop.
Municipal parks.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Other customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Family day care homes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5b of the Municipal Land Use Law which are conducted in the private residence of a family day care provider which is registered as a family day care home pursuant to the "Family Day Care Provider Registration Act," N.J.S.A. 30:5B-16, et seq.
Conditional Uses. Subject to the provisions of section 13-9 of this chapter.
Home professional offices (subsection 13-9.4).
Residential adult community single-family dwellings located on an area greater than one acre and subject to the requirements for such dwellings in the R-AC Zone.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Residential uses in accordance with R-8 Zone District regulations and requirements.
For all other uses as follows:
Minimum Lot Area: 5,000 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet.
Minimum Lot Frontage:
Interior Lot - 50 feet.
Corner Lot - 75 feet on both streets.
Minimum Lot Depth: 100 feet.
Minimum Front Setback: 10 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback:
Principal Building - 30 feet.
Accessory Building - 15 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback:
Principal Building - eight feet with two combined side yards not less than 20 feet.
Accessory Building - 10 feet.
Maximum Building Height: 35 feet subject and further provided that any building shall contain not more than three usable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade as determined by the average grade elevation of the corners of the building or from the Federal Emergency Management Agency minimum building elevation if a building is located within a designated floodplain.
Maximum Lot Coverage: 50%.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 1.5.
Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened from public view by architecturally compatible materials. Ground level mechanical equipment, such as air-conditioning equipment, utility boxes and meters, should be screened by landscaping, walls or fencing.
Building entrances facing a street should be retained. The visual character of buildings along street frontages and entryways should be pedestrian friendly and porches should not be enclosed. At no time should fire escapes be permitted on the front facade of a building.
Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwellings for the habitation of people at age 52 years or older (children under 19 years may not be in permanent residence, defined as seven consecutive days or 30 days in a year), as well as residential communities which maintain a private age restriction mechanism.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds including schools, parks and playgrounds, but not workshops, warehouses, garages, and storage yards.
Private and parochial schools not operated for profit.
Essential services.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of this subsection.
Family day care homes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5b of the Municipal Land Use Law unless specifically prohibited by deed restrictions or bylaws.
Conditional Uses: Subject to the provisions of Section 13-9 of this chapter.
Churches and places of worship (subsection 13-9.2).
Public utilities (subsection 12-9.3).
Quasi-public and private club recreational areas (subsection 13-9.11).
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area: 4,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
Minimum lot frontage:
Interior lots - 40 feet.
Corner lots - 80 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 80 feet.
Minimum front-yard setback: 20 feet.
Minimum rear-yard setback: 25 feet.
Minimum side-yard setback: five feet with two combined side yards not less than 10 feet.
Maximum building height: 25 feet subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12. In any event, the building shall not contain more than 1 1/2 usable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above grade as determined by the average elevation of the corners of the building.
Minimum gross habitable floor area:
One bedroom house - 960 square feet.
Two bedroom house - 1,060 square feet.
Special Requirements.
The Planning Board shall review architectural elevations for all buildings in the development to assure harmony and compatibility. The architecture should provide a coherent design theme throughout the development, using rooflines, building materials, entrance locations, and foundation landscaping to provide a compatible visual relationship.
The development shall be conditioned upon the placement of a restrictive covenant on the deeds to insure that the occupancy will be limited to persons 52 years of age or older with no children under 19 in permanent residence.
The development shall be conditioned upon the placement of a restrictive covenant on the deeds to insure architectural control. The restrictions as to the following shall be included:
No house shall have the same facade as the house on either side of it or directly across the street.
One and one-half story dwellings will be permitted.
Side windows shall be offset between adjacent houses by at least two feet (measured frame to frame as projected directly across to the adjacent house) in order to promote privacy.
A minimum three different models shall be offered with each model having at least two different elevations and with at least six different elevations being constructed.
The restriction set forth below as to patios, mailboxes, foundation landscaping, privacy fencing, trees, screening, garages and driveways shall also be incorporated.
No sheds or other accessory buildings shall be allowed.
Each dwelling shall have a concrete patio which is a minimum eight by 10 feet and shall be screened on one side with a five-foot high privacy fence, which is 12 feet in length and is constructed of heavy duty board on board fencing consisting of six inch by six inch wolmanized posts and five-eighths inch by six inch wolmanized planking with galvanized hardware. The privacy fencing shall be set into a concrete footing.
Landscaping. All dwellings shall have similar foundation landscaping. A typical foundation-landscaping plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the board. In addition to the foundation landscaping a minimum one deciduous tree (two to two and one-half inch caliper) and one conifer tree (six to eight feet in height) shall be provided in the rear yard of each dwelling.
Each dwelling shall have a one-car garage, which is a minimum 10 feet width by 20 feet in length and a driveway, which is a minimum 12 feet wide and a minimum 20 feet in length. The driveway shall be constructed of a minimum 2 1/2 inches of bituminous concrete surface course installed over a minimum six inches of dense graded aggregate.
Uniform mailboxes and posts shall be provided. A detail of the proposed mailbox must be submitted for board review and approval.
Additional street lighting will be required within the adult community for safety and security.
Where drainage is available in the rear yard, the roof drains shall be connected to the drainage system with PVC pipe.
Open space and Recreation Area. A minimum 10,000 square feet for each 20 units shall be reserved for open space and recreation uses. All open spaces and recreation areas shall be dedicated to the borough for passive recreation or open space. All open space and recreation areas shall be heavily landscaped and provided adequate provisions for passive recreation such as benches, tables, gazebos, etc.
Fencing shall be provided along the rear property lines of all proposed dwellings for safety and security. The fencing shall consist of a six-foot high heavy-duty board on board fencing consisting of six by six inch wolmanized posts and five-eighths inch by six inch wolmanized planking with galvanized hardware. The fencing shall be set into a concrete footing. Additionally, the portion of the existing GPU right-of-way, which abuts senior citizen zone or roadways within the zone, shall be adequately screened subject to review and approval by the borough and borough engineer.
Street Design Standards. Roads for development with 20 dwellings or less, shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 40 feet and a minimum pavement width of 28 feet. Additionally, cul-de-sacs for development with 20 dwellings or less, shall have a minimum right-of-way radius of 50 feet and a minimum pavement radius of 40 feet. Roads for development with more than 20 dwellings, shall have a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet and a minimum pavement width of 30 feet. Additionally, cul-de-sacs for developments with more than 20 dwellings, shall have a minimum right-of-way radius of 60 feet and a minimum pavement radius of 50 feet.
The development shall have a minimum two points of access, which meet the borough roadway design standards.
The development shall have a consistent streetscape appearance as shown in the attached typical lot layout. The street shall have curbing and sidewalk on one side of the street. Shade trees, a minimum two to two and one-half inch caliper, shall be installed on both sides of the street between the curb and sidewalk in a planting area which is a minimum five feet in width.
All utilities shall be installed underground and shall be placed within the paved area of the roadway or within a two-foot wide utility easement behind to the sidewalk.
All air conditioning shall be placed on a concrete pad so as to not interfere with the use of the yard and where probable shall be located away from the master bedroom unit. Units shall be placed so that they do not abut.
Within the adult community, the applicant shall establish a homeowners' association to maintain the standards and practices of the community.
[Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3]
Permitted Uses.
Public parks and recreational facilities.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Concessions or other consumer or personal services including, but not limited to food, soft drinks and souvenirs under contract or permit with the borough.
Conditional Uses.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 2006-81; Ord. No. 2008-115; Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-244 § 11]
Permitted Uses.
Single and multi-user, professional, scientific and technical services;
Single and multi-user office administrative services park;
Light manufacturing (rear of site only);
Warehouses (rear of site only); and
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Food service.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Bulk storage subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.6.
Other customary accessory use and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use of the building.
Conditional Uses:
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
See Schedule A -Schedule of Area, Yard, Setback and Height Requirements.[1]
Editor's Note: Schedule A, referred to herein is included as an attachment to this chapter.
General Zoning Requirements Specific to the Corporate Campus District.
The minimum total area to be developed in the Corporate Campus District shall be 50 acres. Such area shall be developed in accordance with a single comprehensive plan. Streets shall not be deemed to divide acreage for the purposes of this requirement.
Light manufacturing and warehouse uses shall be located behind a professional, scientific and technical services or office administrative services building fronting on Jersey Avenue and shall not be visible from any public right-of-way, including the Henry Hudson Trail.
No building shall exceed 45 feet in height. In the case of buildings with flat roofs, building height shall be measured to the roof level and not to the top of any parapet wall.
Not less than 25% of the capped land area within Block 249, Lot 1 and shall be devoted to common open space. Topsoil and landscaping constructed above the cap shall be required to retain a campus like setting. The location of common open space shall be consistent with the declared function of the common open space, and where possible, the common open space shall be planned as a contiguous area located for the maximum benefit of the area which it was designed to serve, preserving and where possible enhancing natural features.
A concept site plan and concept subdivision plan shall be required for any development proposed within the Corporate Campus District, the concept plan shall indicate the proposed location of all buildings, structures, parking, landscaping, open space, utilities, signage, pedestrian walkways and driveways. The concept plan shall be submitted to the planning board for review prior to any formal preliminary site plan or subdivision plan.
Any principal building may contain more than one use or organization. More than one principal building may be constructed on any lot, provided that all ordinance requirements are met and that a minimum distance of 50 feet is provided between the principal buildings.
Relationship of buildings to lot lines, each other, any other building, or any two or more attached buildings, may straddle lot lines in the Corporate Campus District; provided, that no such lot line shall be straddled if it is also the boundary line of the Corporate Campus District.
Buildings within the district shall be clustered outside of environmentally sensitive areas to minimize the footprint of development on the landscape and provide for green areas, and to encourage pedestrians to walk between buildings and sites. Buildings shall create a continuity of building facades along a building line parallel to the public street or internal private drives, and shall be arranged to define a rhythm of built and open areas that create a series of "outdoor rooms" facing the street or drive.
The preservation of waterfront views and increased access to the waterfront are primary goals for this district. The location of buildings and parking shall be determined based upon the preservation of these vistas.
The frontal aspect of buildings visible from Jersey Avenue shall be oriented to Jersey Avenue, as well as to internal private streets, both functionally and visually. In a development of two or more buildings, buildings facades shall be designed and located to relate to one another, both functionally and visually. To the extent possible, large-scale buildings shall be discouraged in favor of smaller, individualized building groupings, utilizing such features as courtyards, quadrangles, and alleys that encourage pedestrian activity and incidental social interaction among users. Only secondary building facades shall face an open parking area.
Additional Off-Street Parking and Circulation Requirements Specific to the Corporate Campus District.
Any parking proposed within the front yard shall be screened by a landscaped berm of at least 4 1/2 feet in height and having a slope of three to one. The berm shall be required to screen parking located between buildings and any street.
Driveways shall be set back at least 10 feet from all building units to provide room for a landscaped area and sidewalks.
Cross easements to allow for traffic and pedestrian circulation between properties shall be required as necessary as a part of any site plan approval.
Public access pedestrian and bicycle trails at least six feet wide shall be provided along the Raritan Bay waterfront and connect to the Henry Hudson Trail and the Natco Lake property.
Walkways and bicycle paths shall have information signs. If trails are designed to be specifically used for bicycles, then a sign marked with the international bicycling symbol shall be used. The path system shall meet the following requirements:
Pedestrian walkways shall have one bench, each to be six feet long and constructed of metal supports with wood, aluminum or coated metal seats and backs for every one-half mile of trail.
Shade trees shall be planted at bench and sign locations if they are in open areas.
Information signs shall be placed at various points of natural or cultural interest along the trail.
Parking lot layout should take into consideration pedestrian movement and pedestrian crossings should be installed where deemed necessary by the Planning Board.
The required number of parking spaces may be reduced by demonstrating the possibility of shared parking. Shared parking means that multiple uses share one or more parking facilities. Parking demands must "peak" during different times of the day.
Shared parking options are incorporated into the site design. The applicant may request a reduction to or waiver of parking standards based upon a parking impact study.
Maximum parking ratio. Surface parking shall not exceed 110% of the minimum parking requirement.
For additional general design requirements see subsection 13-8.2, General Design Standards.
Additional Landscaping and Buffer Requirements for the Corporate Campus District.
Landscaping is to be provided as part of all development and is to be integrated into building arrangements, topography, parking, buffering and other site features. Landscaping may include trees, shrubs, ground cover, berms, flowers, sculpture, art and similar materials, and shall be designed to provide aesthetic, buffering, environmental, ornamental, and other related functions. All landscaping plans shall be prepared by a New Jersey licensed landscape architect.
Landscaping shall define entrances to buildings and parking lots, define the edges of various land uses, provide transition between neighboring properties (buffering), and provide screening for loading and equipment areas.
Landscaping shall permit adequate site distance for motorists and pedestrians entering and exiting a site and shall not interfere with circulation patterns.
Landscaping shall be provided adjacent to and within parking areas to screen vehicles from view and to minimize the expansive appearance of parking fields.
Street trees shall be installed in the public right-of-way for all development.
A minimum buffer area of 150 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with a residential district, and a minimum buffer area of 75 feet in width shall be provided along any common property line with any residential use.
The interior of all parking lots shall be landscaped to provide shade and visual relief. At a minimum, at least one deciduous tree or large shallow rooted shrub in restricted "capped" areas shall be planted for every 12 parking spaces inside a six-foot wide planter or Landscape Island is required. Landscaping should be utilized to soften edges of parking lots and to provide a sense of lot borders or boundaries.
Trees shall be planted within right-of-ways parallel to the street along all streets.
Street tree spacing shall be determined by species type. Large maturing trees shall be planted a minimum of 40 feet and a maximum of 50 feet on center. Small and medium maturing trees shall be planted a minimum of 10 feet and a maximum of 30 feet on center.
Plantings in immediate proximity to buildings in front and side yards shall respect architectural lines (should be seen as extension of architectural walls).
All plantings shall installed free from disease in a manner that ensures the availability of sufficient soil and water for healthy growth and which is not intrusive to underground utilities.
All loading areas shall be landscaped in a manner that sufficiently screens the view of the loading area and vehicles from any public right-of-way and residential property.
All sides of a building shall receive landscape treatment.
Purpose and Goals. The purpose of this subsection is to provide sound land use policies, procedures and regulations for personal wireless telecommunications facilities to protect the Borough of Union Beach from the visual or other adverse impacts of these facilities, while encouraging their unobtrusive development to provide comprehensive wireless telecommunications services in the Borough of Union Beach with its benefits to residents and businesses. The subsection expresses a preference that antennas be located on existing buildings and towers, preferably on municipal or other public property, and not on newly constructed telecommunications towers; and encourages collocation and site sharing of new and existing PWTFs.
Development Standards.
Height Standards. Where permitted, PWTFs may exceed the maximum building height limitations, provided the height has the least visual impact and is no greater than required to achieve service area requirements and potential collocation, when visually appropriate and complies with the additional setback requirements contained in subsection 13-10.12b,2; PWTEFs are limited to 12 feet in height.
Setback Standards. All PWTFs and PWTEFs shall be set back a distance equal to 100% of the height of the tower from any adjoining lot line and all nonappurtenant buildings. In order to fulfill this requirement, the placement of all telecommunication towers shall be subject to the minimum yard requirements of the applicable zoning district in which it is located, provided that the prevailing setback in the applicable zone be increased by one foot for every one foot of tower height which is in excess of the height permitted according to the applicable zone.
There shall be a minimum telecommunication tower setback of 500 feet from any residential zone district line, school and/or site listed on a historic register.
There shall be a minimum separation distance of 1,000 feet between telecommunication towers to minimize proliferation of telecommunication towers and to encourage shared usage.
If PWTEFs are located on the roof of a building, the area of the PWTEFs and other equipment and structures shall not occupy more than 25% of the roof area.
Location Priority. If needed, in accordance with an overall comprehensive plan for the provision of full wireless communications service within the Borough of Union Beach, PWTFs and PWTEFs shall be permitted as a conditional use at the following prioritized locations:
The first priority location shall be on lands or structures owned by Borough of Union Beach.
The second priority location shall be on lands or structures located in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone and M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone Districts.
The third priority location shall be collocation on existing PWTFs (or existing water tanks) provided that the new installation does not increase the height by more than 10%; and
The fourth priority location shall be such locations, excluding residential zones, as the applicant proves are essential to provide required service to the Borough of Union Beach.
Conditional Use Standards. All PWTFs and PWTEFs shall be located to minimize visual impacts on the surrounding area in accordance with the following standards. In applying these standards, locations in a higher priority category under subsection 13-10.12c, shall be deemed more acceptable than lower priority sites.
Sites for PWTFs and PWTEFs must demonstrate that they provide the least visual impact on residential areas and public ways. All potential visual impacts must be analyzed to illustrate that the selected site provides the best opportunity to minimize the visual impact of the proposed facility.
PWTEFs should be located to avoid being visually solitary or prominent when viewed from residential areas and the public ways. The facility should be obscured by vegetation, tree cover, topographic features and/or other structures to the maximum extent feasible.
PWTFs and PWTEFs shall be placed to ensure that historically significant viewscapes, streetscapes, and landscapes are protected. The views of and vistas from architecturally and/or significant structures should not be impaired or diminished by the placement of telecommunication facilities.
Site Design Standards. The following design standards shall apply to PWTFs and PWTEFs installed or constructed pursuant to the terms of this subsection:
Collocation. Development Review Ordinance limitations on the number of structures on a lot shall not apply when PWTFs and PWTEFs are located on a lot with buildings or structures already on it.
Fencing and Other Safety Devices. PWTFs and PWTEFs shall be surrounded by a security feature, such as a fence. All telecommunications towers shall be designed with anti-climbing devices in order to prevent unauthorized access. Additional safety devices shall be permitted or required, as needed, and as approved by the planning board or the board of adjustment.
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided along the perimeter of the security fence to provide a visual screen and buffer for adjoining private properties and the public right-of-way. Required front yard setback areas shall be landscaped. All PWTEFs shall be screened by an evergreen hedge eight to 10 feet in height at planting time and a solid fence eight feet in height.
Signs shall not be permitted, except for signs displaying owner contact information, warnings, equipment information, and safety instructions. Such signs shall not exceed two square feet in area. No commercial advertising shall be permitted on any PWTF or PWTEF.
Color. PWTFs shall be of a color appropriate to the telecommunications tower's locational context and to make it as unobtrusive as possible, unless otherwise required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Activity and Access. All equipment shall be designed and automated to the greatest extent possible in order to reduce the need for onsite maintenance and thereby to minimize the need for vehicular trips to and from the site. Access shall be from established site access points whenever possible. Minimal off-street parking shall be permitted as needed and as approved by the planning board or the board of adjustment.
Dish Antennas. Dish antennas shall be colored, camouflaged or screened to make them as unobtrusive as possible and in no case shall the diameter of a dish antenna exceed six feet.
Lighting. No lighting is permitted except as follows:
PWTEFs enclosing electronic equipment may have security and safety lighting at the entrance, provided that the light is attached to the facility, is focused downward and is on timing devices and/or sensors so that the light is turned off when not needed for safety or security purposes; and
No lighting is permitted on a PWTF except lighting that specifically is required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and any such required lighting shall be focused and shielded to the greatest extent possible so as not to project towards adjacent and nearby properties.
Monopole. Any proposed new telecommunications tower shall be a "monopole" unless the applicant can demonstrate that a different type of pole is necessary for the collocation of additional antennas on the telecommunications tower. Such telecommunications towers may employ camouflage technology.
Noise. No equipment shall be operated so as to produce noise in excess of the limits set by the local noise ordinance, except for in emergency situations requiring the use of a backup generator.
Radio Frequency Emissions. The FTA gives the FCC sole jurisdiction of the field of regulation of radio frequency (RF) emission and PWTFs which meet the FCC standards shall not be conditioned or denied on the basis of RF impacts. Applicants shall provide current FCC information concerning PWTFs and radio frequency emission standards. PWTFs shall be required to provide information on the projected power density of the proposed facility and how this meets the FCC standards.
Structural Integrity. PWTFs must be constructed to the Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 222 Revision F. Standard entitled "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures" (or equivalent), as it may be updated or amended.
Maintenance. PWTFs shall be maintained to assure their continued structural integrity. The owner of the PWTF shall also perform such other maintenance of the structure and of the site as to assure that it does not create a visual nuisance.
Collocation Policy.
The municipal engineer shall maintain an inventory of existing PWTF locations within or near the Borough of Union Beach.
An applicant proposing a PWTF at a new location shall demonstrate that it has made a reasonable attempt to find a collocation site acceptable to engineering standards and that none was practically or economically feasible.
Each application for a PWTF shall be accompanied by a plan which shall reference all existing PWTF locations in the applicant's Borough of Union Beach inventory, any such facilities in the abutting towns which provide service to areas within the Borough of Union Beach, any changes proposed within the following twelve-month period, including plans for new locations and the discontinuance or relocation of existing facilities.
Each application shall include a site location alternative analysis describing the location of other sites considered, the availability of those sites, the extent to which other sites do or do not meet the providers' service or engineering needs, and the reason why the subject site was chosen. The analysis shall address the following issues:
How the proposed location of the PWTF relates to the objective of providing full wireless communication services within the Borough of Union Beach at the time full service is provided by the applicant throughout the Borough of Union Beach.
How the proposed location of the proposed PWTF relates to the location of any existing antennas within and near the Borough of Union Beach.
How the proposed location of the proposed PWTF relates to the anticipated need for additional antennas within and near the Borough of Union Beach by the applicant and by other providers of wireless communication services within the Borough of Union Beach.
How the proposed location of the proposed PWTF relates to the objective of collocating the antennas of many different providers of wireless communication services on the same PWTF; and
How its plan specifically relates to and is coordinated with the needs of all other providers of wireless communication services within the Borough of Union Beach.
The planning board, or board of adjustment, may retain technical consultants as it deems necessary to provide assistance in the review of the site location alternatives analysis. The applicant and/or service provider shall bear the reasonable cost associated with such consultation, which cost shall be deposited in accordance with the Borough of Union Beach's escrow provisions.
Removal of Abandoned PWTFs. Any PWTF that is not operated for a continuous period of 12 months shall be considered abandoned. If there are two or more users of a single PWTF, then the abandonment shall not become effective until all users cease using the PWTF for a continuous period of 12 months. The owner of such PWTF shall remove same within 90 days of notice from the zoning officer that the PWTF is abandoned. If such PWTF is not removed within said 90 days, the municipality may remove such at the owner's expense. The cost of such removal shall not constitute solely a lien upon the land if it remains unsatisfied, but shall be borne by both the owner of the PWTF and the owner of the land as a personal and corporate liability, and shall also be listed as a lien against the land by the borough tax collector. If the facility is to be retained, the provider(s) shall establish that the facility will be reused within one year of such discontinuance. If a facility is not reused within one year, a demolition permit shall be obtained and the facility removed. At the discretion of the zoning officer, upon good cause shown, the one year reuse period may be extended for a period not to exceed one additional year.
Nonconforming PWTFs. Nonconforming PWTFs which are partially damaged or destroyed due to any reason or cause may be repaired and restored to their former use, location and physical dimensions subject to obtaining a building permit therefor, but without otherwise complying with this subsection. A nonconforming PWTF shall be deemed partially damaged or destroyed if less than 50% of its components by volume or weight, whichever measure shall be more restrictive, need to be replaced or repaired. Otherwise it shall be deemed totally damaged and repair or restoration will require compliance with this subsection.
Additional Site Plan Submission Requirements. In addition to the applicable documentation and items of information required for site plan approval, the following additional documentation and items of information are required to be submitted to the planning board or board of adjustment for review and approval as part of the site plan submission:
Documentation by a qualified expert regarding the capacity of any proposed PWTF for the number and type of antennas;
Documentation by a qualified expert that any proposed PWTF will have sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed antennas and the anticipated future collocated antennas and that the structural standards developed for antennas by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and/or the Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA) have been met;
A letter of intent by the applicant, in a form which is reviewed and approved by the Borough of Union Beach, indicating that the applicant will share the use of any PWTF with other approved providers of wireless communication services; and
A visual impact study, graphically simulating through models, computer enhanced graphics, or similar techniques, the appearance of any proposed telecommunications tower and indicating its view from at least five locations around and within one mile of the proposed PWTF where the PWTF will be more visible. Aerial photographs of the impact area shall also be submitted.
[Ord. No. 2009-150, § 3]
Title. This subsection may be referred to as the wind energy system ordinance.
Applicability. The requirements set forth in this subsection shall govern all zones and wind energy systems or facilities used to generate electricity to perform work which may be connected to the utility grid pursuant to state laws and regulations.
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to: facilitate the permitting wind energy systems; regulate placement, construction and modification of wind energy systems, while promoting the safe, effective and efficient use of wind energy resources and wind energy systems while not interfering with the development of independent renewable energy sources; and preserving and protecting public health and safety without significantly increasing the cost or decreasing the efficiency of wind energy system.
Development Standards. Wind energy systems may be permitted as a conditional use in all zones provided that the use and/or structures comply with the minimum standards of the particular zone and the following requirements:
Minimum Lot Size. Wind energy systems shall have a minimum lot area equal to greater of minimum lot area prescribed in Figure 10 or the minimum lot area prescribed in the zone.
Schedule 1
Figure 10
Minimum Required Lot Area(1)
Met Towers
20,000 Square Feet
Micro System
7,500 Square Feet
Small System
20,000 Square Feet
(1)If the lot area requirements for the zone is greater it shall take precedence
Location. Wind energy system shall not be located in any required front yard area.
Setback Standards.
Wind energy systems meeting the definitions of either "met towers," "micro systems" or "small systems" shall be set back a minimum distance from any property line equal to 100% of the total height of the system as defined in subsection 13-2.5. The minimum setback requirements shall be measured from the tip of the blade to the property line.
No portion of the wind energy system shall extend beyond the setback line, nor into the following:
Any public road right-of-way, unless written permission is granted by the government entity with jurisdiction over the road right-of-way; or
Any overhead utility lines, unless written permission is granted by the utility that owns and/or controls the lines.
Height Standards. Wind energy systems may exceed the maximum building height limitation provided that the total height of the system does not exceed a height above the existing grade as prescribed in Figure 11, as follows:
Schedule 2
Figure 11
Maximum Total Height From Existing Grade
Met Towers
120 Feet
Micro System
60 Feet
Small System
120 Feet
Site Design Standards. The following design standards shall apply to all wind energy systems installed and constructed pursuant to the terms of this subsection:
Installation and Design.
The installation and design of wind energy systems shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of ANSI.
All electrical and mechanical components of the wind energy system shall conform to all relevant and applicable borough, state and national codes and requirements.
Visual Impact. Wind energy systems shall be located so as to not block, interfere or otherwise impair a scenic vista or corridor or block the view of an adjoining residential structure.
All ground-mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access.
The tower shall be designed and installed so as not to provide step bolts, a ladder, or other publicly accessible means of climbing the tower, for a minimum height of eight feet above the ground.
Lighting. Wind energy systems shall not be artificially lighted unless such lighting is required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other applicable authority that regulates air safety.
Appearance, Color, and Finish. The wind energy system, generator and tower shall maintain a galvanized finish or be a non-obtrusive color such as white, off-white or gray. They shall remain painted or finished in the finish that was originally applied by the manufacturer.
Noise. Wind energy systems shall be designed so as to not produce noise in excess of the limits set by the local noise ordinance. Wind energy systems shall be designed to eliminate any nuisances to the surrounding property and to limit any noise from said system from being heard off the property where the system is located. Small and micro wind energy systems shall not exceed 50 decibels as measured at the property line. This level, however, may be exceeded during short term events such as utility outages and/or severe wind storms.
Transmission of Power Lines. Any on-site transmission or power lines shall be placed underground to the maximum extent feasible.
Signs. There shall be no signs that are visible from any public street posted on a wind energy system or any associated building, except for the manufacturer's or installer's identification, appropriate warning signs, or owner or facility operator identification. Wind energy systems shall not display advertising, including flags, streams, or decorative items.
Power. The primary purpose of a proposed wind energy system shall be to provide power for the principal use of the property whereon said system is to be located and shall not be for the generation of power for commercial purposes; although this provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit the sale of excess power generated from time to time from a system designed to meet the energy needs of the principal use.
Utility Notification and Interconnection. Wind energy systems that connect to the electric utility shall comply with the New Jersey's Net Metering and Interconnection Standards for Class I Renewable Energy Systems at N.J.A.C. 14:4-9.
Met Towers. A met tower shall be permitted under the same standards, permit requirements, restoration requirements and permit procedures as a wind energy system.
Abandonment and Decommissioning.
A wind energy system that is out-of-service for a continuous six month period will be deemed to have been abandoned.
The zoning officer, construction official and/or code enforcement officer may issue a notice of abandonment to the owner of a wind energy system that is deemed to have been abandoned. The notice shall be sent return receipt requested.
The owner shall have the right to respond to the notice of abandonment within 30 days from notice receipt date.
If the owner provides information that demonstrates the wind energy system has not been abandoned, the zoning officer, construction official and/or code enforcement officer shall withdraw the notice of abandonment and notify the owner that the notice has been withdrawn.
If the zoning officer, construction official and/or code enforcement officer determines that the wind energy system has been abandoned, the owner of the wind energy system shall remove the wind generator from the tower at the owner's sole expense within three months after the owner receives the notice of abandonment.
If the owner fails to remove the wind generator form the tower in the time allowed in paragraph 5 above, the borough may pursue legal action to have the wind generator removed at the owner's expense.
Decommissioning shall include removal of the wind turbine(s), buildings, cabling, electrical components, access way and any other facilities. Disturbed earth shall be graded and reseeded, in accordance with the Freehold Soil Conservation District requirements.
Additional Site Plan and/or Zoning Permit Submission Requirements. In addition to the applicable documentation and items required for site plan and/or zoning permit approval, the following items shall be required to be submitted to the planning board or zoning officer as part of the site plan and/or zoning permit application for a wind energy system:
Narrative describing the proposed wind energy system;
Plot Plan. The application shall be accompanied by a plot plan which includes, at a minimum, the following:
Property lines and physical dimensions of the property;
Location, dimensions, and types of existing and/or proposed structures on the property;
Location of the proposed wind energy system tower and ancillary equipment, buildings and structures;
Setback lines;
The right-of-way of any public road that is contiguous with the property;
Location of subsection(s) and electrical cabling from the proposed wind energy system to the substation(s); and
Any overhead utility lines.
Specifications, including manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, tower height, tower type (freestanding or guyed) and approximate generating capacity of the wind energy system;
Documentation from a qualified expert that the proposed wind energy system tower will have sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed wind turbine and associated equipment;
Visual impact study graphically simulating, through models, computer enhanced graphic, aerial photo and/or similar techniques, the appearance of any wind energy system and indicating its view from at least five locations within one mile of the proposed facility, where the facility will be visible;
Evidence of compliance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations;
Copies of any negotiated power purchase agreement and utility company's approved schematics;
Approval of the property owner(s) and the facility owner/operator of the energy faculty;
An Environmental Impact Analysis (EIS) for all wind energy systems, which shall include a review and comments from the applicable state and federal agencies; and
Decommissioning plans that describe the anticipated useful life of the proposed wind energy system, estimated decommissioning costs in current dollars, method for ensuring that the funds will be available for the decommissioning and restoration and anticipated matter in which the system will be decommissioned and the site restored. This obligation shall be recorded in the Monmouth County Clerk's Office and shall run with the land.
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 12]
Permitted Uses.
Retail and wholesale stores, shops and markets.
Personal service establishments, such as, but not limited to barbershops, and beauty shops and tailoring and dressmaking shops.
Business and professional offices and banks and fiduciary institutions.
Restaurants, lunchrooms, bars and other eating and drinking establishments.
Art, dancing, music, gymnastics and other similar instructional schools.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds, but excluding schools.
Commercial recreation activities.
Essential services.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19. Loading areas shall be separated and screened from circulation drives and parking areas by landscaped islands, substantial fencing, walls or buffer plantings or shall be enclosed.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Other customary accessory uses and building which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Conditional Uses.
Single-family, two-family and multi-family dwellings provided that they are located entirely above the first floor in a building which contains a use otherwise permitted in this zone on the first floor; with the exception of the area north of Front Street.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum lot area: 5,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 50 feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 50 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 100 feet.
Minimum front setback: five feet.
Minimum rear yard setback for principal and accessory buildings: 20 feet.
Minimum side yard setback:
Principal building - Five feet.
Accessory building - Five feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet above base flood elevation.
Maximum lot coverage: 50%.
All sides of any structure shall be architecturally finished with materials approved by the planning board. Specifically prohibited is construction which utilizes flat roofs with parapets or mansards on only a portion of the perimeter of the structure; unfinished (or painted) concrete block walls or substantial architectural finish deviations between the front, side and rear elevations.
Floor area ratio of any commercial building shall not exceed 0.8.
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 13]
The purpose of this overlay zone within the M-1 Zone District is to allow for the development of age-restricted apartment dwelling units in lots 3 and 3.01 of block 103 in addition to the permitted uses in the M-1 Zone in accordance with the standards set forth herein.
Permitted Uses.
Age-restricted apartment dwelling units, restricted to residents 62 years of age or more, and restricted to the second floor and above.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Conservation areas, open spaces, and common property.
Recreation facilities for use of residents and guests.
A Senior Citizen Center for the Borough of Union Beach, which shall contain at least 2,000 square feet of gross floor area unless a lesser size is approved for good cause shown by the applicant, and which shall be comprised of the following facilities:
Meeting room;
Kitchen facility; and
Adequate restroom facilities.
Signs subject to the provisions herein.
Uses accessory or incidental to the principal use.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Minimum Lot Area: 5.28 acres.
Minimum Lot Frontage: 692 feet.
Minimum Front Setback: 50 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 50 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback: 20 feet.
Minimum Number of Dwelling Units: 60 units.
Maximum Number of Dwelling Units: 80 units.
Maximum Density: 15 units per acre.
Number of Units per Building: 80.
Maximum Lot Coverage: as permitted by CAFRA regulations.
Maximum Building Height: four stories (three stories/35 feet above BFE).
Ground floor parking will be located below any residential units.
All residential units shall be located on the second floor and above, set at an elevation above the base flood elevation (BFE) plus a minimum of two feet of freeboard.
Building Design Requirements.
All buildings shall be constructed with elevator access.
All portions of all buildings shall be provided both heat alarms and smoke alarms and, except for any outside balconies and attics, all interior areas of all buildings shall have a "wet" fire suppression sprinkler system.
Only the following structures may be erected above the actual height of a building; and such structures shall not exceed more than 10 feet above the actual height of the building:
Penthouses or other roof structures for the housing of stairways;
Spires, cupolas, chimneys, and similar architectural structures associated with the building and its design.
The existing on-site cell phone tower.
All residential dwellings shall be located on the second floor and above.
Parking and Circulation Requirements.
Off-street parking shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 0.75 spaces per senior apartment unit.
Off-street parking for the Senior Center shall be provided at the minimum ratio of 1.0 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Parking spaces shall be nine feet by 18 feet in size.
All parking areas and driveways shall be set back at least 10 feet from all property lines.
Vehicular access shall be provided on all sides of the apartment building for emergency vehicles.
Permitted Signs.
One ground-mounted monument-type sign identifying the name of each development shall be permitted. Each such sign shall not exceed 10 feet in height, shall be set back at least 15 feet from all street and property lines, and shall not exceed an area of 50 square feet in area. The location of such signs shall not impede sight triangles.
Additionally, information and directional signs, each not more than three feet in height and 10 square feet in area, shall be permitted where appropriate and as approved by the Planning Board in order to guide traffic to its intended destination in a safe and convenient manner.
Lighting shall be minimal for security and safety purposes, and a point-by-point lighting plan shall be submitted indicating the location of the lighting fixtures, the direction of illumination, the wattage and the foot-candle levels of illumination for each fixture, and the details of the lighting poles and the luminaries.
The lighting is to be provided by fixtures with a mounting height not higher than 25 feet, measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source.
The lighting fixtures are to include non-glare lights with recessed lenses focused downward and with "cut-off" shields as appropriate in order to mitigate adverse impacts upon adjacent and nearby properties, the safety of traffic along adjacent roadways, and light pollution.
The light intensity provided at ground level shall be indicated in foot-candles on the submitted plans and shall average not more than two foot-candles throughout the area to be illuminated.
The landscaping within the Redevelopment Area shall be conceived as a total pattern throughout the tract, integrating the various elements of the architectural design of the buildings and creating an aesthetically pleasing environment.
The landscaping shall include shade trees, decorative flowering trees, evergreen trees, shrubs and hedges, ground cover, perennials, and annuals, and may include other materials such as rock sculpture, art, walls, fences, and decorative brick or paving materials.
The dollar amount expenditure for the landscaping shall not be less than the equivalent expenditure for the planting of at least 12 shade trees of a minimum size as indicated in paragraph 4(a) below per gross acre of the tract not covered by buildings and other impervious surface, and sufficient information shall be provided to the Planning Board to confirm this requirement.
The minimum size of new plants at the time of planting shall be as follows:
Shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of 2 1/2 inches measured by six inches from the ground level, shall have a standing height of at least 10 feet, and shall be balled and burlapped;
Decorative flowering trees shall have a minimum caliper of 1 1/4 inches measured six inches from ground level, shall have a standing height of at least six feet, and shall be balled and burlapped. Decorative flowering trees shall be well branched, with the branches starting not less than three feet above the crown of the root system;
Evergreen trees shall be at least six feet in height at time of planting and shall be balled and burlapped; and
Shrubs and hedges shall be at least 18 to 24 inches tall at time of planting, depending upon and appropriate to the species of plant.
All plants shall be installed in accordance with the American Nurseryman Guide, latest edition.
All plant material shall be guaranteed for at least two years and a written copy of the guarantee executed between the developer and the nursery of landscape architect installing the plantings shall be reviewed by the attorney and planner for the Planning Board prior to the Board granting any final approval.
There shall be full landscape screening between the Redevelopment Area and adjacent nonresidential properties.
Refuse and Recycling Requirements. An indoor or outdoor area for the collection and storage of refuse and recyclables shall be provided as follows:
The dimension of the refuse and recycling area shall be sufficient to accommodate covered bins or containers which are of adequate size and number, and which are consistent with anticipated usage and with current methods of collection in the area in which the project is located.
The refuse and recycling area shall be well lit and shall be safely and easily accessible by collection personnel and vehicles. Collection vehicles shall be able to access the area without interference from parked cars or other obstacles. Reasonable measures shall be taken to protect the area, and the bins or containers placed therein, against theft of materials, bins, or containers.
The recycling area, and the bins or containers placed therein, shall be designed so as to provide protection against adverse environmental conditions which might render the collected materials unmarketable. Any bins or containers which are used for the collection of recyclable paper or cardboard, and which are located in an outdoor recycling area, shall be equipped with a lid, or otherwise covered so as to keep the paper or cardboard dry.
Signs clearly identifying the refuse and recycling area and the materials accepted therein shall be posted adjacent to all points of access to the recycling area. Individual bins or containers shall be equipped with signs indicating the materials to be placed therein.
A barrier consisting of landscaping and a gated enclosure of at least six feet in height shall be provided around any outdoor refuse and recycling area and shall be provided in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
The separation, storage, collection, and recovery of recyclable materials shall be in accordance with Chapter 10, Public Works, of the Revised General Ordinances of the Borough of Union Beach.
Storm Resiliency Guidelines. The following storm resiliency guidelines refer to additional steps that can be taken to better prepare the Redevelopment Area for extreme weather events:
Where appropriate, the Redevelopment Area shall employ the use of rain gardens and bioswales to absorb excess stormwater generated by impervious surfaces on site, provided that the area is capable of absorbing the stormwater within a twenty-four-hour period of time.
The entire development shall have access to a standby/backup generator that will provide limited power during service outages. The generator will be powered by a connection to an existing natural gas service line, or through the installation of an LPG tank.
Conservation easements shall be designated for drainage and stormwater rights of way, as well as along ponds, marshes, swamps, and streams or other watercourses along which drainage rights of way are not required. The easement shall be reviewed and amended at a minimum of every 10 years by the Borough to reflect geomorphological and hydrologic changes to the site, including erosion and deposition that extend beyond annual patterns.
Additional Requirements.
The Redevelopment Area and any project thereon shall be served by both public water and public sewerage facilities.
Any development in the Redevelopment Area may provide, at no cost to the Borough of Union Beach, a Senior Citizen Center for use by the senior citizen residents of the Borough.
There shall be a maintenance staff on site every day, and all residents shall be provided with a telephone number to receive emergency services during the evening and overnight hours; the telephone number also shall be provided to the Union Beach Police Department and the Borough Administrator.
All provisions within Section 13-8 of the Land Use and Development Regulations, entitled Design Standards and Improvement Specifications, which are not inconsistent with the provisions specified hereinabove, shall govern the design and construction of any development within the Redevelopment Area.
Any development in the Redevelopment Area shall require preliminary and final major site plan approval in accordance with the procedures and requirements specified in Section 13-6 of the Borough of Union Beach "Land Use and Development Regulations."
Architectural Design Standards.
Purpose. The purpose of the architectural design standards is to establish a set of principles and requirements to provide for the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing and provides visual interest. The guidelines work to provide standards that allow for flexibility and creativity while encouraging high-quality development.
Design Standards.
The buildings shall have an architectural scheme with appropriate variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development. Such scheme and variations shall be compatible within the development and in relationship to adjacent land uses.
Such variations in design shall result from:
The use of landscaping and the orientation of buildings to the natural features of the site and to other buildings;
The orientation to the sun so that solar energy may be utilized;
The use of different exterior materials;
Variations in roof lines and roof designs;
Variations in architectural elements including window types, shutters, doors, porches, and exterior colors and materials.
Architectural elevations shall be submitted to the Board for review and approval.
All parking facilities shall be located no more than 200 feet from the nearest entrance of the building they are intended to serve. Parking spaces shall be provided in areas specifically for parking, and there shall be no parallel or diagonal parking along interior streets.
The buildings shall have adequate access for firefighting purposes. Sufficient numbers of water hydrants shall be appropriately located, and no parking shall be permitted in any required "fire zones."
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 14]
The provisions of the Brook Avenue Redevelopment District shall prevail in the area shown on the Union Beach Borough Zoning Map and as an overlay zone to the delineated area of the R-8 Zone on the Zoning Map.
Permitted Uses.
Multifamily dwelling units.
Townhouse dwelling units, upon completion of the Army Corps of Engineers flood control project.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Signs subject to the provisions herein.
Tennis courts, exercise rooms and recreation facilities for use of residents and guests.
Uses accessory or incidental to the principal use.
Area, Yard, and Building Requirements.
Setback from Brook Avenue: 20 feet.
Setback from Rear Lot Line: 30 feet.
Setback from Side Lot Line: 10 feet.
Maximum Number of Dwelling Units: 120.
Parking Spaces Maximum: 250.
Maximum Density: 15 Dwelling Units/Acre.
Maximum Impervious Coverage: as permitted by CAFRA regulations.
Building Height: three stories/ 35 feet above Base Flood Elevation (BFE).
Bedroom % Distribution and Sizing:
One bedroom units (35% max.): 860 square feet.
Two bedroom units (75% max.): 1,000 square feet.
Three bedroom units (10% max.): 1,150 square feet.
Residential Design Standards.
Each building shall have an architectural scheme with appropriate variations in design to provide complementary attractiveness to the development. Such scheme and variations shall be compatible within the development and in relationship to adjacent land uses.
Such variations in design shall result from:
The use of landscaping and the orientation of buildings to the natural features of the site and to other buildings;
The orientation to the sun so that solar energy may be utilized;
The use of different exterior materials;
Variations in roof lines and roof designs;
Variations in architectural elements including window types, shutters, doors, porches, and exterior colors and materials.
Building layout and spacing should be designed to maximize waterfront views from public rights-of-way.
No unit larger than a three bedroom unit shall be permitted.
All residential units shall have connections for washing machines and driers.
Each building shall have adequate access for firefighting purposes. Sufficient numbers of water hydrants shall be appropriately located, and no parking shall be permitted in any required "fire zones."
Buildings with exterior walls greater than 50 feet in horizontal length shall be constructed using a combination of architectural features and a variety of building materials and landscaping near the walls. Walls which can be viewed from public streets shall be designed using a variety of architectural features and landscaping, which may include decorative gardens.
Garages and other areas located below the elevated residential floor will be designed in accordance with National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Guidelines for storm surge and flooding, including but not limited to: latticework, insect screening, breakaway walls and flood protection barriers where appropriate. Solid, basement level walls are not permitted. Enclosures using breakaway walls should be limited to minimize flood insurance costs and discourage conversions to habitable areas.
Buildings shall, to the greatest extent practicable, incorporate storm protection measures required by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA), such as window coverings, into the proposed design.
Building construction shall employ durable materials that tolerate coastal marine conditions.
Multifamily Design Standards.
A storage space with separate access and containing a minimum of 80 square feet of floor area shall be provided for each dwelling unit in the basement of the building in which the unit is located or in the garage serving the unit.
Dwelling units located on the ground floor shall be provided with a private rear yard consisting of a minimum area of 200 square feet. Such private rear yard shall be enclosed by means of vegetative screening from all other neighboring dwelling units and private rear yards, walkways, common recreational facilities, parking lots, driveways and streets. A minimum of one low-wattage incandescent light fixture shall be provided to light such area.
Each dwelling unit located above the ground floor level shall be provided with a private outdoor patio or balcony area consisting of a minimum of 64 square feet. The minimum length of any individual dimension of such area shall not be less than six feet. This area shall be located or recessed inside the outer wall plane of the building on which it is located. A minimum of one low wattage incandescent light fixture shall be provided to light such area.
The front elevation of any multifamily residential building shall have a minimum of four offsets of no less than four feet each for every 100 feet along the front facade.
Townhouse Design Standards.
Walls visible from a public street, adjacent off-street parking areas or other residential uses shall include windows and architectural features similar to the front facade of the building, including, but not limited to awnings, cornice work, edge detailing or other decorative finish materials.
Employ features such as stoops, gateways, porches, and weather protection to enhance the residential quality of unit and building entries, the visibility of such entries, a comfortable architectural rhythm along the street, and a human scale.
Each townhouse shall have at least one individual private yard area, open patio or court adjoining the unit and having a width of at least 10 feet and an area of at least 100 square feet. Each private yard area, patio, court or deck shall be screened in order to provide a reasonable degree of privacy.
Community Amenities.
A nonprofit homeowners' association in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Community Affairs shall own all areas put into common ownership for common use by all residents.
There shall be a maintenance staff on site every day, and all residents shall be provided with a telephone number to receive emergency services during the evening and overnight hours; the telephone number also shall be provided to the Union Beach Police Department and the Borough Administrator.
Passive recreation such as pathways, seating areas and natural areas, in addition to outdoor play equipment shall be provided, suitably arranged, throughout any multifamily site to service the occupants of the project.
When adjacent to the waterfront, public access to the waterfront shall be provided and shall facilitate wheelchair access.
Common Facilities.
Architectural design and materials used in the construction of accessory buildings shall conform to or complement those used in the construction of principal buildings.
Concrete walkways shall be provided where normal pedestrian traffic is likely to occur, including from parking areas to residences.
Accessory buildings for outdoor recreation facilities and maintenance purposes shall be provided and shall be sufficient to store recreational and maintenance equipment and supplies, unless it is demonstrated that the homeowners' association will contract with an outside entity for the purposes of landscaping and maintenance.
Refuse and Recycling Requirements.
Indoor areas designated for the collection and storage of refuse and recyclables shall be centrally located in each of the multifamily dwellings for efficient pickup by collection personnel and vehicles.
The dimension of the refuse and recycling area shall be sufficient to accommodate covered bins or containers which are of adequate size and number, and are consistent with anticipated usage.
The refuse and recycling area shall be well lit and shall be safely and easily accessible by collection personnel and vehicles, without interference from parked cars or other obstacles.
Signs clearly identifying the refuse and recycling area and the materials accepted therein shall be posted adjacent to all points of access to the recycling area. Individual bins or containers shall be equipped with signs indicating the materials to be placed therein.
Driveway and Parking Standards.
Parking shall be primarily located underneath dwelling units.
All efforts shall be made to reduce the amount of impervious surface generated from off-street parking and internal roadways, while maintaining the integrity of the road surface.
Where possible, roadways and driveways shall utilize pervious paving stones.
In areas highlighted by the developer or the Borough Engineer to be inappropriate for pervious paving materials, construction shall utilize either bituminous concrete flexible pavement structure or a Portland cement concrete rigid pavement structure, or an alternative material when submitted for approval by the Borough Engineer.
The widths of internal streets in a multifamily development designed as a whole in accordance with a comprehensive site plan shall be determined by the Planning Board and the Redeveloper in light of the circumstances in the particular situation and with a view to assuring the maximum safety and convenience of access for traffic and firefighting equipment, circulation and parking, including provisions for the loading and unloading of goods.
The maximum number of parking spaces permitted on site is 250.
Where possible, parking areas shall utilize tiled pervious paving stones.
Parking space shall measure nine feet by 18 feet, with the exception of accessible parking that meets the standards of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
Parking spaces shall be located, whenever possible, underneath each residential structure to limit impervious coverage and provide the maximum amount of open space and view corridors on the site.
All off-street parking areas and internal roadways shall be paved, bounded by permanent curbing and constructed in accordance with the Borough of Union Beach road specifications; provided, however, that, upon recommendation of the borough engineer, the requirement of curbing may be waived or modified when found not to be needed for control of stormwater, protection of pavement and similar purposes.
Development of parking may be phased as development takes place. If the developer can demonstrate that demand for parking spaces is less than expected, the developer may request the Planning Board to waive the total number of spaces, and permit an area to be set aside as a "parking bank" that can be constructed when needed.
Landscape and Site Design. Landscaping within the Redevelopment Plan Area shall be conceived as a total pattern throughout the tract, integrating the various elements of the architectural design of the buildings. Landscaping includes mixture of elements, signage, lighting, plants and other materials including rock sculpture, art, walls, fences, and decorative brick or paving materials.
One ground-mounted monument-type sign identifying the name of the development from the street shall be permitted. This sign shall not exceed five feet in height, be set back from the street right-of-way, shall not exceed an area of 10 square feet in area, and shall not impede sight triangles.
Information and directional signs, each not more than two feet in height and five square feet in area, shall be permitted where appropriate and as approved by the Planning Board in order to guide traffic to its intended destination in a safe and convenient manner.
Ground-mounted monument signs, or wall-mounted signs that identify the name or number of each building may be permitted, but shall not exceed more than three square feet in area.
Lighting Requirements.
The use of low-energy lighting shall be utilized whenever possible to reduce maintenance and energy use.
Outdoor lighting along interior development roads, parking areas, dwelling entrance ways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles utilizing the same, but in no case, shall such lighting be less than is required to provide a minimum lighting level of 0.5 horizontal foot candles throughout such areas from dawn to dusk. Where necessary, lights shall be shielded to avoid glare disturbing to occupants of the buildings. Lighting shall be so arranged as to reflect away from all adjoining residential buildings.
Lighting is to be provided by fixtures with a mounting height not higher than 15 feet, measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source.
Floor-level recessed lighting shall be utilized along walkways and outdoor entryways to minimize light pollution and maximize privacy to neighboring dwelling units.
Landscape Vegetation.
Vegetation shall provide a natural buffer from coastal flooding, while creating a visually pleasing environment.
Irrigation systems shall draw from cisterns that collect and reuse stormwater from rooftops. A backup system that utilizes potable water is permitted when rainwater collection is insufficient, and must utilize a "smart" irrigation controller.
Landscape vegetation shall include a mixture of elements, including shade trees, decorative flowering trees, evergreen trees, shrubs and hedges, ground cover, perennials, and annuals, and may include other materials such as rock sculpture, art, walls, fences, and decorative brick or paving materials.
The use of native vegetation is encouraged, specifically those that are tolerant to coastal marine environments, and those specially attuned to soil stabilization. More flexibility will be given to the size, design, and layout of these plantings to buffer against coastal flooding and maximize stormwater absorption. Vegetation that does not conform to this subsection will be subject to the minimum size requirements outlined subsection 13-10.18o.5 above.
The use of sod or similar turf grasses shall not be permitted.
Compliance with subsection 13-10.18.o.3(a) above shall be demonstrated by the developer through a landscaping plan and testimony to the planning board about how the landscaping design meets the goals and objectives of this Redevelopment Plan and subsection 13-10.18.o.2 above.
For proposed vegetation not in compliance with subsection 13-10.18.o.3(a) above, the minimum size of new plants at the time of planting shall be as follows:
Shade trees shall have a minimum caliper of 2 1/2 inches measured by six inches from the ground level, shall have a standing height of at least 10 feet, and shall be balled and burlapped;
Decorative flowering trees shall have a minimum caliper of 1 1/4 inches measured six inches from ground level, shall have a standing height of at least six feet, and shall be balled and burlapped. Decorative flowering trees shall be well branched, with the branches starting not less than three feet above the crown of the root system;
Evergreen trees shall be at least six feet in height at time of planting and shall be balled and burlapped; and
Shrubs and hedges shall be at least 18 to 24 inches tall at time of planting, depending upon and appropriate to the species of plant.
All plant material shall be guaranteed for at least two years and a written copy of the guarantee executed between the developer and the nursery shall be reviewed by the attorney and planner for the Planning Board prior to the Board granting any final approval.
The planning board may waive screening along the property line to maximize waterfront views from the development and the surrounding neighborhood.
Fence or vegetative screens shall be installed around outdoor utility boxes and standby generator equipment.
Stormwater Management Requirements.
Stormwater generated from residential rooftops shall be collected into rain barrels or other collection cisterns for reuse as irrigation. Rain barrels and collection cisterns will be appropriately screened with mesh to prevent the influx of debris and insects.
Where appropriate, the site shall employ the use of rain gardens and bioswales to absorb excess stormwater generated by impervious surfaces on site, provided that the area is capable of absorbing the stormwater within a twenty-four-hour period of time.
Storm Resiliency.
The entire development shall have access to a standby/backup generator that will provide limited power during service outages. The generator will be powered by a connection to an existing natural gas service line, or through the installation of an LPG tank.
Conservation easements shall be designated for drainage and stormwater rights-of-way, as well as along ponds, marshes, swamps, and streams or other watercourses along which drainage rights of way are not required. The easement shall be reviewed and amended at a minimum of every 10 years by the Borough, Borough Engineer and the Homeowners Association to reflect geomorphological and hydrologic changes to the site, including erosion and deposition that extend beyond annual patterns. The easement shall be extended to areas of the site subject to future repetitive loss by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 16]
The purpose of the Conservation Zone is to preserve the ecological integrity of areas that serve to buffer the U.S. mainland from storms and provide important habitats for fish and wildlife.
Permitted Uses.
Public buildings for conservation purposes and nature preserves.
Public open space.
Fish and wildlife management.
Public service infrastructure.
Flood control facilities.
Conditional Uses.
Public utilities.
Cellular telecommunication towers and facilities.
Area, Yard and Bulk Regulations. Area, yard and bulk regulations shall be as follows:
The minimum lot area shall be five acres (217,800 square feet).
The minimum lot width and frontage shall be 200 feet.
The minimum lot depth shall be 200 feet.
The minimum front yard shall be 100 feet.
The minimum rear yard shall be 50 feet.
The minimum side yard shall be 50 feet;
The maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
The maximum lot coverage by buildings shall be 10%.
[Ord. No. 2016-244 § 18]
Permitted Uses.
The retail business establishments which are clearly of a neighborhood service character.
Personal service establishments.
Business, professional, medical, governmental and educational offices and services.
Restaurants, bars and other eating and drinking establishments, but not including drive-in restaurants with a minimum lot area of 25,000 square feet. Drive-through food establishments are not permitted. Outdoor seating is permitted.
Federal, state, county and municipal buildings and grounds, parks and playgrounds.
Essential services.
Single-family dwellings on lots currently used for single-family residential dwellings, subject to the same regulations established for the R-8 Residential Zone. These lots may be enlarged to the extent necessary to bring them into greater conformity with the requirements of the R-8 Residential District, but no new single-family dwelling lots may be created in this district.
Child care centers pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.6 and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.7 of the Municipal Land Use Law which are required to be licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to N.J.S.A. 30:5B-1, et seq.
Educational facilities such as music schools, tutoring or special training but not including private elementary schools.
Apartments over ground level retail sales and services uses, on lots fronting on Union Avenue, subject to the following standards:
Density: One dwelling unit per 8,000 square feet of lot area.
Each second story dwelling shall contain a minimum of 860 square feet of gross floor area.
Site plan approval shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit to construct a second story dwelling.
Second story dwellings shall contain at least one bedroom as a separate room and be limited to a maximum of two bedrooms.
Parking for Mixed-Use Buildings.
A minimum of 3.5 parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross commercial floor area shall be provided.
Parking for residential uses shall comply with Residential Site Improvement Standards.
Shared Parking on Adjacent Parcels. When land uses on adjacent parcels create shared parking areas with pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation paths and access points that are under common ownership or controlled by a reciprocal easement agreement, the collective parking requirements for development on those properties may comply with the standards set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.
Shared Parking on Noncontiguous Parcels. Required parking for mixed-used buildings may be supplied at a noncontiguous parcel, provided:
Parking is available within 1,000 feet of the mixed-use development:
Both the mixed-use development and the parking facility comply with parking lot design standards;
Off-site parking spaces may not already be designated as required parking for some other use.
Documentation conforming the ownership and/or management arrangement for any shared parking arrangement shall be submitted prior to approval by the Planning Board. Properties with extra parking retain expansion rights equivalent to that number of extra spaces.
Provided a mixed-use building(s) complies with off-street parking lot design standards, legal on-street parking along the tract's street frontage may be counted toward the development's minimum parking requirements.
The minimum required number of parking spaces may be reduced by 25% provided a mixed-use building is within 2,500 feet of a designated transit stop.
Required Accessory Uses.
Off-street parking subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.20.
Off-street loading subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.19.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.13.
Signs subject to the provisions of subsection 13-8.26.
Other customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.
Family day care homes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5b of the Municipal Land Use Law which are conducted in the private residence of a family day care provider which is registered as a family day care home pursuant to the "Family Day Care Provider Registration Act," N.J.S.A. 30:5B-16, et seq.
Conditional Uses. Subject to the provisions of Section 13-9 of this chapter.
Home professional offices (subsection 13-9.4).
Residential adult community single-family dwellings located on an area greater than one acre and subject to the requirements for such dwellings in the R-AC Zone.
Wind energy systems or facilities subject to the specifications, standards and regulations established in subsection 13-10.15 of this chapter.
Area, Yard and Building Requirements.
Residential uses in accordance with R-8 Zone District regulations and requirements.
For all other uses as follows:
Minimum Lot Area: 7,500 square feet.
Minimum Lot Width: 75 feet.
Minimum Lot Frontage:
Interior Lot: 75 feet.
Corner Lot: 100 feet on both streets.
Minimum Lot Depth: 100 feet.
Minimum Front Setback: 20 feet.
Minimum Rear Yard Setback:
Principal Building - 30 feet.
Accessory Building - 15 feet.
Minimum Side Yard Setback:
Principal Building - eight feet with two combined side yards not less than 20 feet.
Accessory Building - 10 feet.
Maximum Building Height: 30 feet subject to the provisions of subsection 13-5.12 and further provided that any building shall contain no more than two usable floor levels counted vertically at any point in the building above the grade as determined by the average grade elevation of the corners of the building or from the Federal Emergency Management Agency minimum building elevation if a building is located within a designated floodplain.
Maximum lot Coverage: 50%.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 1.5.
Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened from public view by architecturally compatible materials. Ground level mechanical equipment, such as air-conditioning equipment, utility boxes and meters, should be screened by landscaping, walls or fencing.
Building entrances facing a street should be retained. The visual character of buildings along street frontages and entryways should be pedestrian friendly and porches should not be enclosed. At no time should fire escapes be permitted on the front facade of a building.