[HISTORY: Adopted by ordinance 6-14-1993; amended 8-12-2002 by Ord. No. 165; 10-11-2005 by Ord. No. 294; 11-9-2009 by Ord. No. 535; 1-11-2016 by Ord. No. 726; 2-8-2016 by Ord. No. 736; 8-1-2018 by Ord. No. 811; 8-13-2018 by Ord. No. 817. Amendments after 5-13-2020 are noted off of the specific articles, sections or subsections affected.]
[Amended 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044; amended 6-10-2024 by Ord. No. 1075]
For the purposes of Chapter 73, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section:
Normal and prudent attention to the needs of an animal, including wholesome food, clean water, shelter, and health care as necessary to maintain good health in a specific species of animal.
Reasonable restraint sufficient to prevent an animal from running at large, injuring itself, or any person, animal, or property.
Structurally sound, properly ventilated, and weatherproofed housing which is large enough to let the animal housed in it stand up, turn around, and lie down; is equipped with bedding that will not absorb water and/or freeze; and will not exacerbate existing weather conditions by, for example, absorbing heat on hot sunny days. This adequate shelter must be located at least six (6) feet from side or rear property line.
Any living vertebrate except humans.
Off the premises of the owner, or of anyone having care, custody, or control, and not under the adequate control of anyone.
Any animal, including but not limited to a cat, dog, kitten, or puppy, that has historically been tamed and kept by humans primarily for human companionship. Does include pot-bellied pigs and small mammals such as rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and hamsters. Does not include reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, dangerous, exotic, or wild animals.
Any animal not indigenous to the United States and/or not normally kept as a pet, including, but not limited to, non-human primates, alligators, large carnivores, deadly or poisonous reptiles, wolves, coyotes or any animal bred with a wolf or coyote.
Swine, cows, horses, sheep, goats, poultry (guineas, turkeys, ducks, geese), alpacas, and llamas.
A domestic cat born in the wild or that has reverted to a wild state and is not tame or socialized.
To feed, shelter, or confine an animal.
Any person with custody or control of an animal who legally acquired such animal, any person who claims ownership of such animal.
Any indigenous species of animal which is not normally domesticated in the United States and would normally live in the wild, irrespective of its actual state of domesticity, docility, or tameness, including but not limited to feral cats.
Every owner of any dog or cat shall procure a license for each dog or cat as required by this chapter.
On the first day of January of each year, the owner of each dog or cat, then over the age of six months, kept within the City, and for each dog or cat then thereafter kept in the City, on attaining six months of age during the year, shall secure from the City Clerk a license tag for such dog or cat, which license tag shall be issued upon payment of a $5 fee, and compliance with § 73.280 hereof. The license tag shall expire on the 31st day of December next following issuance. The owner shall keep the tag securely fastened by means of a collar about the neck of the dog or cat at all times.
It shall be the duty of the owner of every dog or cat kept within the City, subject to the license tag specified in the preceding section, to cause the same to be registered at the office of the City Clerk, in the City animal register, and the City Clerk shall enter into the City animal register the date of application for the license tag, the number of the tag issued, to whom and for whom issued and the breed, sex and color of such dog or cat. The Clerk shall thereupon furnish to the person a tag, having plainly marked, cast or stamped thereon the figures indicating the year for which the tag was issued and a number corresponding with the number of the entry on the animal register. Before any dog or cat required by the preceding section to have a City license tag shall be registered at the office of the City Clerk as required in the section, there shall be presented to the City Clerk a written statement briefly describing such dog or cat sought to be registered and naming the alleged owner thereof, signed by a duly licensed veterinarian who shall certify that such dog or cat has been immunized against rabies or accompanied by a rabies control tag and the date of immunization. Such date of immunization and effective period of the immunization shall be recorded at the time of registration of such dog or cat.
The City Clerk is authorized annually to procure on behalf of the City, a supply of tags sufficient for the need of that particular year.
Editor's Note: Former § 73.300, No control requirement; animals at large, was repealed 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044.
[Added 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044; amended 6-10-2024 by Ord. No. 1075]
No more than any combination of four (4) domesticated animals may be kept in all residential zoning districts by the occupant(s) of a dwelling unit unless otherwise prohibited by the owner(s) of said dwelling unit. Said animals may not be kept for commercial or sale purposes. Said animals may not be kept as to cause a public nuisance.
Chickens shall be allowed to be kept in all residential zoning districts on tracts of at least 2/10 of an acre under the following conditions:
The term “chicken” shall mean the genus of female chickens known as gallus gallus. The term “chicken” shall not mean the genus of male chickens known as gallus gallus and more commonly known as a rooster. In the event that chickens are acquired at an age when gender cannot be determined, any male chickens, also known as roosters, must be removed from the premises within ten (10) days of the date that the gender can be determined.
There shall be a maximum of six (6) chickens per tract.
Upon formal request made by a property owner in a district that is not residential, the Board of Aldermen may allow, in its sole discretion, chickens to be kept in or on a tract which is located in such district provided that the tract is used as a single-family dwelling, and such allowance will cease when the property owner no longer resides on the property, or if the Board of Aldermen disallows the keeping of chickens on the tract due to complaints by adjoining property owners in the district.
Chickens may not be kept for commercial or sale purposes.
Chickens may not be kept as to cause a public nuisance.
All owners of domesticated animals and chickens shall provide adequate care, adequate control, and adequate shelter.
The parent or guardian of a minor child is responsible for the adequate care, adequate control, and adequate shelter of any pet of the minor child.
No domesticated animal or chicken shall be allowed at-large. Chickens must be kept within a coop or pen and shall not be allowed to roam on their home property.
No domesticated animal or chicken shall be allowed to habitually bark, yelp, howl, or make noise so that it disturbs others.
No domesticated animal or chicken shall be allowed to threaten or cause fear to others.
Any dog off its home property must be on a leash under the adequate control of a person.
[Added 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044]
Farm animals may only be kept in the "A-1" zoning district under the following conditions:
The tract size of the farm must be at least five (5) acres and cannot be in a subdivision.
No barn, shed, coop, or other shelter shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to any property line.
Only one (1) farm animal shall be allowed per acre.
No farm animal shall be allowed at large.
[Added 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044; amended 6-10-2024 by Ord. No. 1075]
No owner shall fail to provide a domesticated animal or chicken with sufficient good and wholesome food, water, protection from the weather, and veterinary care when needed to preserve the health of the animal.
No person shall cruelly treat, torment, overload, overwork or otherwise abuse a domesticated animal or chicken or cause, instigate, or permit any fighting or combat between domesticated animals or chickens or roosters.
No person shall intentionally kill a domesticated animal or chickens in any manner except humane euthanasia.
No person shall purposely abandon any domesticated animal or chicken in any place without making provisions for its care as described in this Section.
No person shall transport any domesticated animal or chicken in a non-enclosed vehicle from which it can escape, fall, or be thrown.
Any person who, as the operator of a motor vehicle, strikes a domesticated animal or chicken shall immediately report such injury or death to the animal's owner. In the event the owner cannot be ascertained or located, such person shall report the incident to the City of Moscow Mills Police Department.
All fecal accumulations in any pen, run, cage, kennel, yard or dwelling unit where any domesticated animal or chicken is kept shall be removed and disposed of in such a manner as to prevent the breeding of flies and the creation of offensive or noxious odors or other nuisance. Any person having control of any domesticated animal or chicken, whether on personal property owned by another or in a public place, shall possess and carry a device, mechanism, or container designed for the removal of fecal matter deposited by said domesticated animal or chicken, and shall, immediately remove any and all such fecal matter and dispose of same properly. Fecal matter may not be disposed of in the City’s stormwater system.
No domesticated animal or chicken may be confined in a building, enclosure, car, boat, vehicle, or vessel of any kind when weather conditions, hot or cold, may be harmful to its health.
Police officers shall have the right of entry to any lots or lands for the purpose of inspecting any animal reported or reasonably believed to be in violation of this chapter.
No owner of an animal affected with rabies or exposed to rabies, shall permit such animal anywhere within the City other than the property of the actual owner of such animal, and then only if such animal is so confined as to prevent its straying from the actual owner's property.
Every owner of an animal which has bitten a person, or which acts in a manner suggesting that it is or may be affected with rabies, shall quarantine such animal in a facility designated by the City of Moscow Mills for a period of 10 days for observation.
Editor's Note: Former § 73.430, Care of animals, and § 73.430, Annoying animals, were repealed 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044.
Editor's Note: Former § 73.480, No farm animals, was repealed 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044.
No owner of any animal shall keep any animal in a pen or other enclosure of any kind under such conditions that offensive or noxious odors or smells cause annoyance to persons living in the immediate area or persons passing upon sidewalks, alleys or streets.
Editor's Note: Former § 73.510, Chickens and domestic fowl, was repealed 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044.
Classification. The Board of Aldermen or its designated representative shall classify any animal with the following characteristics as a "dangerous animal" for purposes of this chapter:
Any animal which has inflicted a severe or fatal injury on a human on public. "Severe injury" means any physical injury resulting directly from an animal's bite, which results in broken bones or lacerations requiring stitches, or hospitalization. The victim receiving severe injuries as defined above, must provide the Police Chief with a signed physician's statement documenting the injury and the treatment qualifying such as a severe injury, or sign an authorization for the release of such statement.
Any animal which has attacked or bitten a human or domestic animal, on property other than the property of the owner.
Any animal which, while on the owner's property, has attacked or bitten, a human other than the owner or a member of the owner's family who normally resides at the place where the animal is normally kept.
Any animal which, while off the owner's property, has killed a domestic animal, horse, chicken or other domestic fowl.
Any animal owned or harbored primarily, or in part, for the purpose of fighting or any animal trained for fighting.
Any animal which approaches a person upon the sidewalks, alleys, or streets, in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack.
Any animal with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury, or to otherwise threaten the safety of humans or domestic animals.
Notice and hearing.
Within five working days after classifying an animal as a "dangerous animal", the City shall notify the animal's owner of such classification, in writing. The notice shall identify the requirements and conditions for maintaining a dangerous animal as set forth in this chapter. If the owner cannot be located, the animal may be immediately impounded, and notice shall be posted at the owner's last known address.
Appeal and hearing. If the animal owner disputes the classification, then the owner has the option of submitting, within five working days of notice, a written request to the Board of Aldermen for a hearing to contest the classification. The City shall, within 10 working days after receipt of a bona fide written request, conduct a hearing and render a decision.
Pending the outcome of such a hearing, the animal must be confined in such a manner so as not to be a threat to any person or domestic animal. The confinement may be on the owner's premises or with a licensed veterinarian.
The City shall determine whether to declare the animal to be a "dangerous animal" based upon evidence presented at the time of the hearing. The hearing shall be informal and strict rules of evidence shall not apply. The owner may be represented by counsel, present oral and written evidence, and cross examine witnesses.
The City shall issue a decision after the close of the hearing and notify the owner in writing of the decision. The owner or possessor of the animal found to be a "dangerous animal" shall be required to maintain the animal as provided in this chapter.
Owner's responsibilities. Owners or keepers of an animal that has been declared a dangerous animal may maintain the dangerous animal only subject the following limitations requirements and conditions:
Registration. Within 10 days of the designation or the acquisition of a dangerous animal, every owner or keeper of a dangerous animal in the City shall register said animal with the City on the "dangerous animal" registry. Failure to so register shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
Collar. Any dangerous animal shall wear a bright orange collar with a large brightly colored metal tag attached so the animal can readily be identified as a dangerous animal.
Loose, unconfined or missing dangerous animal. The owner or keeper shall notify the Police Department immediately if a dangerous animal is loose, unconfined or missing, or has attacked a human or other animal.
Reporting requirements. The owner or keeper shall notify the City within 24 hours: a. Death or transfer of ownership. If a dangerous animal has died or has been sold or given away, or otherwise transferred in ownership or possession. If the animal has been sold, given away, or otherwise transferred in ownership or possession, the owner or keeper shall provide the City with the name, address and telephone number of the new owner or keeper, and, if the dog is kept within the City, the new owner or keeper must comply with the requirements of this chapter. B. Birth. All offspring born of dangerous animals within the City must be removed from the City within two months of their birth. C. New address. Of the new address of a dangerous animal owner or keeper should the owner or keeper move from one address within the City to another address within the City.
All dangerous animals must be securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked pen, kennel or other structure, except when leashed and muzzled as provided herein. The pen, kennel or other structure must be suitable to prevent the entry of young children and designed to prevent the animal from escaping. Such pen, kennel or other structure must have minimum dimensions of five feet by 10 feet and must have secure sides and a secure top attached to all sides. The pen, kennel, or other structure must be locked with a key combination lock when dangerous animals are confined within. The pen, kennel or other structure must have a secured bottom or floor attached to all sides; however, if it has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded in the ground no less than 12 inches. The enclosure must also provide protection from the elements for the animal.
The enclosure, when occupied by a dangerous animal, shall not be occupied by any other. If the dangerous animal is a female with offspring under two months of age, the offspring may occupy the same enclosure as the mother.
All structures erected to house dangerous animals must comply with all zoning and building regulations of the City. All such structures must be adequately lighted and ventilated and kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
No dangerous animal may be kept on a porch, patio, or in any part of a house or structure that would allow the animal to exit such building on its own violation. In addition, no such animal may be kept in a house or structure when the windows are open or when screen windows or screen doors are the only obstacle preventing the animal from exiting the structure.
Signs. The owner or keeper shall display a sign on his premises that there is a dangerous animal on the property and which bears a symbol warning children of the presence of a dangerous animal. This sign shall be visible and capable of being seen from the public thoroughfare from which the property is entered. In addition, a similar sign is required to be posted on the pen, kennel or other structure housing the dangerous animal.
Leash and muzzle. A dangerous animal may only be off the owner's premises if it is muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash not exceeding six feet in length and under the control of competent person. The muzzle must not cause injury to the animal or interfere with its vision or respiration but must prevent it from biting any human or other animal.
Insurance. The owner or keeper of a dangerous animal shall present to the City proof that the owner or keeper has procured liability insurance in a single incident amount of at least on $100,000 for bodily injury/death/or damage to property which may result from the ownership, keeping or maintenance of such animal covering the twelve-month period during which licensing is sought. An effective insurance policy with the coverage and in the amounts specified herein must be maintained by the owner or keeper at all times. The policy shall contain a provision requiring the City receive 10 days' written notice prior to any cancellation, termination,] or expiration of the policy.
Photographs. All owners or keepers of dangerous animals, must within 10 days of such classification, provide the City with two color photographs (one showing the left profile and the other showing the right profile) of the animal, clearly showing the color, distinguishing markings, and approximate size of the animal.
Compliance, violations and penalties.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of a dangerous animal within the City to fail to comply with requirements set forth in this chapter. Any animal found to be in violation of this chapter may, in addition to other penalties, be subject to immediate impoundment for the time necessary for the owner or keeper to show compliance with this chapter. Owner shall be liable to City for all expenses of impoundment incurred by the City.
Any person found guilty of violation any provision of the section shall be punished as provided herein. In addition to any penalty as provided herein, the Court may order the registration of the subject dangerous animal revoked and the animal removed from the City. Should the owner or keeper refuse to remove the animal from the City, the Court may find the owner or keeper in contempt and order the immediate impoundment and humane destruction of the dangerous animal. Each day that a violation of this section continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to the foregoing penalties, any person who violates this section shall be liable to the City for all expenses of impoundment and/or humane destruction incurred by the City.
[Amended 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044]
No person or business shall possess any wild, exotic, or dangerous animal for sale, display, or exhibition purposes. No such animal shall be kept as a pet within the City limits. No such animal shall be harbored within the City limits.
[Added 8-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1044]
Bees may be kept in a residentially zoned district under the following conditions:
A minimum lot size of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
The maximum number of colonies shall be limited to three (3) hives.
The hive(s) location shall not be visible where possible or behind a sight-proof fence, which is six (6) feet in height.
A fresh water supply shall be located within five (5) feet of the hive.
An apiary of one (1) or more hives shall be located at least twenty (20) feet from the property line or public right-of-way, with the hive opening directed towards the most distant property line.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500, under such limits as may be imposed by the state statute.