A comprehensive ordinance regulating and limiting the uses of and the uses and locations of buildings and structures; regulating and restricting the height and bulk of buildings and structures and determining the area of yards and other open spaces; regulating and restricting the density of population; dividing the Borough of Ogdensburg into districts for such purposes; classification of such districts; establishing rules, regulations and standards governing the subdivision and development of land within the Borough; establishing a Planning Board and a Zoning Board of Adjustment; and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions.[1]
Editor's Note: All references to the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall refer to the nine member Planning Board. See Section 30-700.
The short form by which this chapter may be known shall be "The Land Development Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg."
The chapter is adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., in order to promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare, and in furtherance of the following related and more specific objectives:
To secure safety from fire, flood, panic, and other natural and manmade disasters;
To provide adequate light, air and open space;
To ensure that the development of the Borough of Ogdensburg does not conflict with the development and general welfare of neighboring municipalities, the County and State as a whole;
To promote the establishment of appropriate population densities and concentrations that will contribute to the well-being of persons, neighborhoods, and preservation of the environment;
To encourage the appropriate and efficient expenditure of public funds by the coordination of public development with land use policies;
To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for a variety of agricultural, residential, recreational and commercial uses and open space, both public and private, according to their respective environmental requirement in order to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens;
To encourage the location and design of transportation routes which will permit the free flow of traffic while discouraging location of such facilities and routes which will result in congestion or blight;
To provide a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good civic design and arrangements;
To promote the conservation of open space and valuable natural resources and to prevent urban sprawl and degradation of the environment through improper use of land;
To protect the environmentally sensitive portions of the Borough;
To ensure that the infrastructure needs of the community are met;
To maintain the small town character of the Borough;
To strengthen the ratable base of the community;
To further the goals and policies of the Master Plan of the Borough of Ogdensburg.
The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements. Where this chapter imposes a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other provisions of law or by other rules, regulations or resolutions, the provisions of this chapter shall control. Where other laws, rules, regulations or resolutions require greater restrictions than are imposed by this chapter, the provisions of such other laws, rules, regulations or restrictions shall control.
[Amended 7-12-2021 by Ord. No. 07-2021]
All uses not expressly permitted in this section are prohibited.
No more than one principal building shall be situated on any lot, nor more than one principal use conducted on any lot, unless specifically permitted by this section.
All classes of cannabis establishments or cannabis distributors or cannabis delivery services as said terms are defined in section 3 of P.L. 2021, c. 16 are specifically prohibited in all zone districts of the Borough of Ogdensburg, except for the delivery of cannabis items and related supplies by a licensed cannabis delivery service. Prohibited uses shall include: (1) facilities involved in growing, cultivating, and producing cannabis and cannabis items, (2) facilities involved in processing, manufacturing, preparing, and packaging cannabis and cannabis items; (3) facilities involved in obtaining, storing, selling, reselling or otherwise transferring cannabis and cannabis items; (4) businesses involved in transporting cannabis and cannabis items in bulk intrastate from one cannabis cultivator, manufacturer, wholesaler, distributer, or retailer to another; and (5) locations at which cannabis and cannabis items and related supplies are sold or dispensed to customers or consumers such as retail cannabis establishments and stores, cannabis consumption areas, and retail cannabis social clubs. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit any privileges or rights of a qualifying patient, primary caregiver, registered or otherwise, or registered dispensary pursuant to the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, N.J.S.A. 24:61-1 et seq.
All applicable requirements shall be met at the time of construction, enlargement, alteration, moving or change in the use of a structure or structures, or land, and shall apply to the entire structure or structures, and/or land, whether or not the entire structure or structures, and/or land, were involved in the construction, enlargement, alteration, moving or change in use.
[Ord. No. 7-12 § 1; Ord. No. 4-10; amended 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
For the purpose of this section, certain phrases and words are herein defined as follows: words used in the present tense include the future; words used in the singular number include the plural number and vice versa; the word "used" shall include arranged, designed, constructed, altered, converted, rented, leased or intended to be used; the work "lot" includes the word "plot" and "premises;" the word "building" includes the words "structure," "dwelling" or "residence;" the word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary; and the word "may" is discretionary and not mandatory. Any word or term not defined herein shall be used with a meaning as defined in Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged and latest edition. Moreover, whenever a term is used in this chapter which is defined in this chapter, such term is intended to have the meaning as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
A building, structure or use which is customarily associated with and is subordinate and incidental to the principal building, structure or use and which is located on the same lot therewith, including, but not limited to, garages, carports, barns, sheds, non-portable swimming pools, guest houses and all roofed structures. Any accessory building permanently, physically and structurally attached to the principal building shall be considered part of the principal building.
The Secretary of the Planning Board of the Borough of Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey, unless a different municipal official is designated by the Governing Body to administer certain of the responsibilities and authorities specified for the administrative officer in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
Conditions or situations created by a proposed development that impose, aggravate or lead to impractical, unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions on surrounding properties including, but not limited to, inadequate drainage facilities, unsuitable street grades, street locations that fail to compose a convenient system, and failure to provide or make future allowance to access the interior portion of adjoining lots or for other facilities required by this chapter.
The cultivation of the ground, including the harvesting of crops and the production of plants, fruits and vegetables. Specifically excluded from this definition is the raising, breeding, housing, sale or use of farm animals or insects. Also specifically excluded from this definition is the cutting, lumbering or milling of any trees 12 feet in height or greater.
Any change in or additions to the supporting members of a building such as walls, columns, beams, girders, posts or tiers.
Any exterior transmitting or receiving device mounted on a tower, building or structure, and which use communications that radiate or capture electro-magnetic waves, digital signals, analogue signals, radio frequencies (excluding radar signals), wireless telecommunications signals or other communication signals.
The legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land to be proposed to be included in a proposed development including the holder of an option or contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.
The application form and all accompanying documents required by this chapter for approval of a subdivision plat, site plan, planned development, conditional use, zoning variance or direction of the issuance of a permit pursuant to section 25 or section 27 of P.L. 1975, c. 291 (C. 40:55D-34 or C.40:55D-36).
Establishments engaged in the repair of vehicles, including the repair of mechanical systems and/or the repair of exterior and interior body damage, as limited by the restrictions of the zone in which the establishment is located.
[Added 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 06-2024]
That portion of a building partly below and partly above grade, where the ceiling averages four feet or more than four feet above the finished grade where such grade meets the outside walls of the building. A basement shall be considered a "story" above grade when the distance from grade to the finished surface of the floor above the basement is more than six feet for more than 50% of the total perimeter or more than 12 feet at any point.
A single building used for the primary purpose of providing sleeping quarters and limited restaurant facilities to transient travelers, and not for permanent residents (other than a resident owner, operator or manager). A transient traveler is defined as one whose stay is limited to seven consecutive days or less. Hotels and Motels as defined by this chapter shall not be considered Bed and Breakfast Establishments.
A room planned, used or designed primarily for sleeping. Any room greater than 80 square feet in size, in addition to a kitchen, dining room and living room, shall be considered a bedroom unless the same can clearly and convincingly be shown not to be a bedroom.
Any structure or portion thereof on which lettered or pictorial matter is displayed for advertising purposes which structure is located on a site other than the site to which the advertising relates.
Borough of Ogdensburg, Sussex County
A combination of materials to form a construction adapted to permanent, temporary or continuous occupancy and having a roof.
The vertical distance measured to the point from the lowest elevation of the finished grade at the foundation along any side(s) of the building. In all cases where this chapter provides for height limitations by reference to a specified height and a specified number of stories, the intent is to limit height to the specified maximum footage and the specified number of stories within said footage.
The hard or paved surface portion of a street customarily used for vehicles in the regular course of travel. Where there are no curbs, the cartway is that portion between the edges of the paved or graded width.
(See definition for basement)
A facility which is maintained for the care, development or supervision of six or more children who attend the facility for less than 24 hours a day, and as further defined by N.J.S.A. 30:5B-3b, as amended. This definition is specifically intended to exclude those exclusions set in the foregoing statute, and "family day-care homes" as defined by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.5b.
A private organization for social purposes in which the principal use is in enclosed buildings; accessory facilities may be included such as, but not limited to, tennis courts, pools and incidental eating and social facilities.
The use of a common wireless telecommunications tower or a common structure, by two or more wireless license holders or unlicensed holders nevertheless regulated by the Federal Communications Commission or by one wireless license holder for more than one type of communications technology and/or the placement of a wireless telecommunication tower on a structure owned or operated by utility or other public entity.
A use intended for exhibition to the public of exhibits and displays of a scientific, historical or educational nature. Said use may include ancillary commercial, retail and recreational facilities.
An open space area within or related to a site designated as a development, and designed intended for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development. Common open space may contain such complimentary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the use or enjoyment of residents and owners of the development.
Any community residential facility licensed pursuant to P.L. 1977, c.448 (N.J.S.A. 30:11B-1 et seq.) providing food, shelter and personal guidance, under such supervision as required, to not more than 15 developmentally disabled or mentally ill persons, who require assistance, temporarily or permanently, in order to live in the community, and shall include, but not be limited to: group homes, half-way houses, intermediate care facilities, supervised apartment living arrangements, and hotels. Such a residence shall not be considered a health care facility, within the meaning of the "Health Care Facilities Planning Act," P.L. 1971, c. 136 (N.J.S.A. 26:2H-1 et seq.). In the case of a community residence housing mentally ill persons, such residence shall have been approved for a purchase of service contract or an affiliate agreement pursuant to such procedures as shall be established by regulation of the Division of Mental Health and Hospitals of the Department of Human Services. "Developmentally Disabled Person" means a person who is developmentally disabled as defined in Section 2 of P.L. 1971, c. 136 (N.J.S.A. 26:2H-1 et seq.). In the case of a community residence housing mentally ill persons, such residence shall have been approved for a purchase of service contract or an affiliate agreement pursuant to such procedures as shall be established by regulation of the Division of Mental Health and Hospitals of the Department of Human Services. "Developmentally Disabled Person" means a person who is developmentally disabled as defined in Section 2 of P.L. 1977, c.488 (N.J.S.A. 30:11B-2). "Mentally Ill Person" means a person who is afflicted with a mental illness as defined in N.J.S.A. 30:4-23, but shall not include a person who has been committed after having been found guilty of a criminal offense by reason of insanity or having been found unfit to be tried on a criminal charge.
Any shelter approved for a purchase of contract and certified pursuant to standards and procedures established by regulation of the Department of Human Services pursuant to P.L. 1979, c.337 (N.J.S.A. 30-40-1-14) providing food, shelter, medical care, legal assistance, personal guidance, and other services to not more than 15 persons who have been victims of domestic violence, including any children of such victims, who temporarily require shelter and assistance in order to protect their physical or psychological welfare.
A use permitted in a particular zoning district only upon showing that such use in a specified location will comply with the conditions and standards for the location or operation of such use as specified in this chapter.
An interest in land less than fee simple absolute, stated in the form of a right, restriction, easement, covenant of condition, in any deed, will or other instrument (other than a lease), executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land, retaining land or water areas predominantly in their natural scenic or wooded condition; or for conservation of soil or wildlife or for outdoor recreation or park use; or as suitable habitat for fish or wildlife, and to forbid or limit any or all inappropriate uses.
[Amended 2-8-2021 by Ord. No. 02-2021]
APARTMENT - One or more rooms with private bath and kitchen facilities comprising an independent, self-contained dwelling unit with a building containing a retail, commercial professional office use on the first floor and one or more dwelling units on the floors above.
[Added 2-8-2021 by Ord. No. 02-2021]
APARTMENT BUILDING - A building containing three or more apartments, including units that are located one over the other.
[Added 2-8-2021 by Ord. No. 02-2021]
CONDOMINIUM - A form of ownership of real property under a master deed, providing for ownership by one or more owners of units of improvements, together with an undivided interest in common elements appurtenant to each such unit and created and established pursuant to the provisions of the New Jersey Condominium Act (N.J.S.A. 46:8(b)-1 et seq.).
CONDOMINIUM, FLAT - A building containing a single living unit on each floor, with private bath and kitchen facilities and having more than two such units within a single building.
DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY - A building physically detached from other buildings or portions of buildings which is occupied or intended to be occupied for residence purposes by one housekeeping unit and which has its own sleeping, sanitary and general living facilities.
SEMI-DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY - Two buildings on two adjacent lots joined by a party wall, each containing one dwelling unit with its own sleeping, cooking and sanitary facilities, and which is occupied or intended to be occupied for residence purposes by one housekeeping unit.
TOWNHOUSE - One building containing at least three connected dwelling units, where each dwelling unit is compatibly designed in relation to all other units, but is distinct by such design features as width, setback, roof design, color, exterior materials, and other features, singularly or in combination. Each dwelling unit may be a maximum of 3 1/2 stories and 30 feet in height, but nothing in the definition shall be construed to allow one dwelling unit over another.
TWO-FAMILY - A building on one lot containing two dwelling units only, each having entrances on the first floor, intended for the residential occupancy by two housekeeping units, each living independently of each other and each unit with its own sleeping, cooking and sanitary facilities. The dwelling units shall be entirely separated from one another by vertical walls or horizontal floors, unpierced except for access to the outside or to a common basement.
A use or burden imposed on real estate by deed or other legal means to permit the use of land by the municipality, public, a corporation or particular persons for specific uses.
Any private residence approved by the Division of Youth and Family Services or an organization with which the Division contracts for family day care in which child care services are regularly provided to no less than three and no more than five children for no less than 15 hours per week. A child being cared for under the following circumstances is not included in the total number of children receiving child care services:
A child being cared for is legally related to the provider; or
The child is being cared for as part of a cooperative agreement between parents for the care of their children by one or more of the parents, where no payment for the care is being provided.
That portion of the flood hazard area outside of the floodway.
Land in the flood plain subject to a 1% or greater chance of flood in any given area.
The river or other watercourse and the adjacent land area that must be reserved in order to discharge the design flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than two-tenths of a foot.
The ratio of the gross floor area to the area of the lot or tract.
The plane projection of all roofed areas on a lot multiplied by the number of full stories under each roof section provided that the area under any roof overhang of four feet or less and/or any under roof parking area shall not be included in the G.F.A. calculation. Basements which satisfy applicable construction definitions of habitable space are included in the G.F.A.
The finished and heated area fully enclosed by the inside surfaces of walls, windows, doors and partitions and having a headroom of at least 6 1/2 feet including working, living, eating, cooking, sleeping, stair, hall, service and storage areas, but excluding garages, carports, parking spaces, cellars, utility (heating and cooling) rooms, half-stories and unfinished attics and basements.
Domesticated chickens (hens only, no roosters) or ducks kept primarily for egg laying purposes.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 01-2021]
The slope of a road, path, driveway, swale or other surface or the average finished ground elevation adjoining a building at project completion.
The non-primary use of a single-family residential dwelling where a business activity for commercial gain is conducted by the owner/occupant or any member of the household. The business activity shall be within the confines of the dwelling unit or principal building. The nature of the business activity shall be limited to those where there are no regularly scheduled appointments for services to customers and where there is no need for any off-street parking facilities that would be caused by the generation of any additional traffic to and from the property that would visibly impact on the neighborhood.
A building or group of buildings consisting of individual sleeping units, with individual sanitary facilities for each said unit, which units are designed for transient travelers and not for permanent residency. Hotels and Motels are a prohibited use in all zones in the Borough of Ogdensburg.
One or more persons living together in one dwelling unit on a non-seasonal basis and sharing living, sleeping, cooking and sanitary facilities on a non-profit basis.
Industrial use of a type which carry on a process within completely enclosed buildings including the manufacturing, processing, fabrication or assembly of products or raw materials which do not produce noticeable noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare outside of the building. Specifically excluded from this definition are the following uses: residential construction or conversion; auction establishments; incineration reduction, storage or dumping of slaughter refuse, rancid fats, garbage, trash, junk, dead animals or offal, except by the municipality or its agents; retail sale of products, outdoor or indoor; petroleum processing or storage of its derivatives, blast furnaces, forges; sand and gravel pits; other extractive industries; tar plants; mink or fox farms; piggeries; brothels; lumber milling or processing.
A lot other than a corner lot.
Any space, whether inside or outside a building, used for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling, demolition, salvage, resale or abandonment of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery or parts thereof. "Junk yards" are not permitted on any lands within the Borough.
Light industrial uses are industrial operations where the manufacturing, finishing or assembly of the principal product does not involve any change in the molecular structure of any ingredient, and which does not produce noticeable noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, odors, heat or glare outside of the building. Specifically excluded from this definition are the following uses: residential construction; auction establishments; incineration reduction, storage or dumping of slaughterhouse refuse, rancid fats, garbage, trash, junk, dead animals or offal, except by the municipality or their agents; retail sales of products, outdoor or indoor; petroleum processing or storage of its derivatives; blast furnaces; forges; sand and gravel pits; other extractive industries; tar plants; mink or fox farms; piggeries; brothels; lumber milling or processing; the rental of storage space, whether enclosed or not, outside of any principal building.
An off-street parking space or berth on the same lot with a building or group of buildings for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading.
Any parcel of land separated from other parcels or portions as by a subdivision plat or deed record, survey map or by metes and bounds, except that for purposes of this section, contiguous undersized lots under one ownership shall be considered one lot and, further, that no portion of an existing public street shall be included in calculating a lot boundary or lot area.
The area contained within the lot lines of a lot, not including any portion of a street right-of-way.
A lot on the junction of land abutting two or more intersecting streets where the interior angle of intersection does not exceed 135°. Each corner lot shall have a front yard and side yards (in accordance with Section 30-602C.); and one rear yard, the said side and rear yards to be designated at the time of application for construction permit; along with an access road to be designated at the time of application approval.
That portion of the lot covered with impervious surfaces, including but not limited to, all buildings, structures, parking and driveways.
The shortest horizontal distance between the front lot line and a line drawn parallel to the front lot line through the mid-point of the rear lot line.
The horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured along the street line. The minimum lot frontage shall be the same as the lot width except that on curved alignments with an outside radius of less than 500 feet measured from the centerline of the street, the minimum distance between the side lot lines measured at the street line shall not be less than 75% of the required minimum lot width unless a lesser frontage is specified in this chapter. In the case of a corner lot, either street frontage which meets the required frontage for that zone may be considered the lot frontage.
The straight and horizontal distance between the side lot lines at setback points on each side lot line measured an equal distance from the street line. The minimum lot width shall be measured at the minimum required building setback line. When side lot lines are not parallel, the minimum lot width at the setback line shall not be less than 75% of the minimum lot frontage for the zoning district in which the lot is located unless a lesser width is specified in this chapter.
Where Side Lot Lines Not Parallel, Min. Lot Width Not Less Than 75% of Frontage Unless Otherwise Specified in This Ordinance.
Frontage on Curve Reduce to Not Less Than 75% Unless Otherwise Specified in This Ordinance.
Any security acceptable to the Governing Body to assure the maintenance of duly approved improvements installed by the developer after the final inspection of the improvements and in accordance with this chapter.
A composite of the mapped and written plans, in accordance with Municipal Land Use law, recommending the physical development of the municipality which shall have been adopted by the Planning Board.
The average of the ground level measurements computed at the four extreme corner points of any proposed or existing building.
The removal of any material (i.e. rock, ore, soil or any other mineral) from the surface or sub-surface of the land, other than for on-site construction/excavation (where a permit to build has been issued), where such material is removed from the site for any purpose. Mining or quarrying is a prohibited use in all zoning districts in the Borough of Ogdensburg.
The Planning Board or the Governing Body, or any agency created by or responsible to one or more municipalities when acting pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
A building or structure which in its location upon a lot or in its size, does not conform to the regulations of this chapter for the zone in which it is located.
A lot of record which does not have the minimum size, width, frontage or depth or contain the minimum area for the zone in which it is located.
A use occupying a building, structure or lot which does not conform with the use regulations for the zone in which it is located.
Located outside the lot lines of the property in question but within the property (of which the lot is a part) which is the subject of a development application, or on a contiguous portion of the street right-of-way.
Not located on the property which is the subject of a development application or on a contiguous portion of a street right-of-way or drainage or utility easement.
Located on the lot in question.
Located on the property which is the subject of a development application or on a contiguous portion of a street right-of-way.
Any parcel or land area or water, essentially unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment, or for the use and enjoyment of owners and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open space; provided that such areas may be improved with only those buildings, structures, streets, off-street parking and other improvements that are designed to be incidental that no portion of the required open space shall include any yard or setback distance stipulated in this chapter and any street right-of-way.
Any equipment, device, appliance or apparatus, or any part thereof, which is: (a) installed, affixed or situated outdoors; (b) wood, biomass and/or pellet-fed; and (c) utilized for the purpose of combustion of fuel to produce heat or energy used as a component of a heating system providing heat for any interior space or water source. This term includes but is not limited to wood boilers
Any area of not less than nine feet wide by 20 feet in length, either within a structure or in the open, for the parking of motor vehicles, exclusive of driveways, access drives, fire lanes and public rights-of-way, except that the length of a parking space may be reduced to 18 feet in length, subject to the approval of the Board in those instances where a two foot overhang area exists beyond a curb and where such overhang does not interfere with any proposed and/or required landscaping. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, nothing shall prohibit private driveways for detached areas, except that no portion of such private driveway within the right-of-way line of the street intersected by such driveway shall be considered off-street parking measured perpendicular to each other regardless of the angle of the parking space to the access aisle or driveway.
Any security, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and as provided for by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53, which may be accepted in lieu of a requirement that certain improvements be completed prior to final approval of a development application, including performance bonds, escrow agreements and other similar collateral or surety agreements.
Any use of land or buildings as permitted by this chapter.
Two or more structures constructed on a parcel of land under the ownership, control or development by a single individual, corporation, partnership or other entity. Farms and agricultural uses are specifically excluded from this definition.
An incorporated, non-profit organization operating in a Planned Development under recorded land agreement through which: (a) each occupied dwelling unit is automatically a member; (b) each occupied dwelling unit is automatically subject to a charge for proportionate share of expenses for the organization's activities and maintenance, including any maintenance costs levied against the organization by the Borough; and (c) each owner and tenant has the right to use the common property.
PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT - An area to be developed as a single entity according to a plan containing residential clusters and including appropriate public or quasi-public uses, all primarily for the benefit of the development.
RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER - An area to be developed as a single entity according to a plan containing residential housing units which have a common or public open space area as an appurtenance; i.e., a multi-unit residential development in which structures are grouped closer to each other than would otherwise be permitted, and in which the open space so saved remains an integral element of the development.
The primary purpose for which a lot or building is used.
The non-primary use of a residential dwelling for commercial gain by a professional person. Professional person shall be defined as a person who's occupation involves a liberal, scientific or artistic education, primarily mental rather than manual labor, requiring licensing to practice by any municipal, State or Federal government or agency. This definition, by way of example, shall include medical and dental practitioners, barbers and beauticians, attorneys, accountants, real estate and insurance agents, engineers, land surveyors, architects, and similar planning and design professionals.
The use of land or buildings by the Governing Body of the Borough or any officially created authority or agency thereof.
The use of equipment and/or structures including telephone and electric lines, poles, water or gas pipes, mains or valves, sewer pipes, and/or related accessory equipment, maintained, operated and conducted for the service, convenience, necessity, health and welfare of the general public, whether owned by any agency of the local, State or Federal government or by any privately owned public utility, but shall exclude dumps and sanitary landfills.
A non-profit public or private use such as a hospital, library, club, lodge, or fraternal, civic, service or charitable organization.
Any establishment, however designated, at which food is sold primarily for consumption on the premises. However, a snack bar or refreshment stand at a public or community swimming pool, playground, playfield or park, operated solely by the agency or group operating the residential facility and for the convenience of patrons of the facility, shall not be deemed a restaurant.
Any restaurant, refreshment stand, snack bar, dairy bar, hamburger stand or hot dog stand where food is served in disposable containers and/or served primarily for consumption at counters, stools or bars outside the building or primarily for consumption in automobiles, whether brought to said automobiles by the customer or by an employee of the restaurant either inside or outside the restaurant or through a drive-up window, regardless of whether or not additional seats or other accommodations are provided for customers inside the building.
Any apparatus or structure constructed or installed out of doors with the purpose of receiving television, radio or similar waves, but excluding, however, conventional television antennae.
Lands and buildings providing for the sale of fuel, lubricant and automotive accessories. Maintenance and repairs for motor vehicles may be provided, but no body repairs or painting or the extended storage of inoperable or wrecked vehicles shall be permitted. Additionally, no car wash operation, sale of new or used motor vehicles, parking for a fee or other activity not specifically a part of the service station use shall be permitted; except that the rental of up to three motor vehicles shall be permitted as an accessory use.
A line drawn parallel with a street line or lot line and drawn through the point of a building nearest to the street line or lot line. The term "required setback" means a line that is established a minimum horizontal distance from the street line or lot line and beyond which a building or part of a building is not permitted to extend toward the street line or lot line. (See Appendix A included as an attachment to this chapter).
A triangular area established in accordance with the requirements of this chapter in which no grading, planting or structure shall be erected or maintained more than 30 inches above the street centerline except for street signs, fire hydrants and light standards.
Any inscription written, printed, painted or otherwise, placed on a board, plate, banner, or upon any material object or any device whatsoever, which by reason of its form, color, wording, activity or technique or otherwise, attracts attention to itself whether it be used as a means of identification, advertisement or announcement. As used in the section, the term shall apply only to such signs as are visible and intelligible to persons located outside the building. In addition to the foregoing, all signs shall conform to the provisions of the Uniform Construction Code.
A development plan of one or more lots on which is shown (1) the existing and proposed conditions of the lot, including but not limited to topography, vegetation, drainage, floodplains, marshes and waterways; (2) the location of all existing and proposed buildings, drives, parking spaces, walkways, means of ingress and egress, drainage facilities, utility services, landscaping, structures and signs, lighting, screening devices; and (3) any other information that may be reasonably required in order to make an informed determination concerning the adequacy of the plan in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
MINOR SITE PLAN - Any development plan which is limited to the proposed construction of any permitted accessory use(s), such as a sign, off-street parking area, or home occupation, as such accessory uses are specifically permitted in Section 30-400 of this chapter, or any development plan consisting of an expansion of, or addition to, an existing conforming structure and/or use not exempted from site plan review by Section 30-802B of this chapter and not accounting for more than 4,000 cubic feet of enclosed or roofed area; providing that such development plan does not involve a planned development, the installation of any road improvements or the expansion of public facilities and does not adversely affect the development of an adjoining property or properties.
MAJOR SITE PLAN - Any development plan not classified as a minor site plan.
The examination of the specific development plans for a lot or tract of land. Whenever the term "Site Plan Approval" is used in this chapter, it shall be understood to mean a requirement that the site plan be reviewed and approved by the Board in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.).
A subcommittee of at least two, but up to three Planning Board members appointed by the Planning Board Chairman. In addition, the Chairman may also appoint any other individuals (not member of the Planning Board) to the subcommittee, subject to an affirmative vote of the Planning Board. The purpose of such subcommittee shall be the reviewing of site plans and/or subdivision applications prior to action by the Board to determine whether such applications comply with all chapter provisions and with other requirements relating to site plans and/or subdivisions as may be conferred on the subcommittee by the Board through a motion duly adopted and recorded.
Man-made trees, clock tower, bell steeples, light poles and similar alternative design mounting structures that camouflage or conceal the presence of antennae or towers.
That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it or, if there be no floor above it, then the surface between the floor and the ceiling next above it. For the purpose of this chapter, the interior of the roof shall not be considered a ceiling; rather, the underside of the highest horizontal surface separating the area above from the remainder of the structure below shall be considered a ceiling. Moreover, cellars and basements ordinarily shall not be considered stories when considering the height of a building; provided, however, that finished basements in nonresidential buildings shall be considered a story for purposes of height, floor area and parking computations in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Finally, a half-story is the area under a pitched roof at the top of a building, the floor of which is at least four feet, but no more than six feet, below the plate; and such half-story shall not be used for nonresidential uses.
Any street, avenue, boulevard, road, parkway, viaduct, drive or other way (1) which is an existing State, County or municipal roadway or (2) which is shown on a plat heretofore approved, pursuant to law, whether publicly or privately owned, or (3) which is approved by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., or (4) which is shown on a plat duly filed in the office of the County Recording Officer prior to the appointment of a Planning Board and the grant to such Board of the power to review plats; and includes the land between the street lines, whether improved or unimproved, and may comprise pavement, shoulder, gutters, sidewalks, parking areas and other areas within the street line. For purposes of the paving design and setback requirements of this chapter for and related to streets, all "private roads" shall be considered "streets."
The edge of the existing or future street right-of-way, whichever may result in the widest right-of-way, as shown on the adopted Master Plan or official map, and/or by the applicable requirements of this chapter, forming the dividing line between the street and a lot.
A combination of materials to form a construction for occupancy, use, or ornamentation, whether installed on, above, or below the surface of a parcel of land.
The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts, parcels, or other divisions of land for sale or development. The following shall not be considered subdivisions within the meaning of this chapter if no new streets are created: (1) divisions of land found by the Planning Board or subdivision committee thereof to be for agricultural purposes where all resulting parcels are five acres or larger in size, (2) divisions of property by testamentary or intestate provisions, (3) divisions of property upon Court order including, but not limited to judgments of foreclosure, (4) consolidation of existing lots by deed or other recorded instrument and (5) the conveyance of one or more adjoining lots, tracts or parcels of land, owned by the same person or persons and all of which are found and certified by the administrative officer to conform to the requirements of the municipal development regulations and are shown and designated as separate lots, tracts or parcels on the tax map or atlas of the municipality. The term "subdivision" shall also include the term "resubdivision."
MINOR SUBDIVISION - Any division of land containing an aggregate of not more than three lots (two new lots and the remaining parcel), each fronting on an existing public street or streets; not involving any new street or the installation of any street improvements or the extension of municipal facilities; not involving any streets requiring additional right-of-way width as specified in the Master Plan or official map and/or street requirements of this chapter, unless such additional right-of-way width, either along one or both sides of said street as applicable, shall be deeded to the Borough or the appropriate governmental authority; not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property; not being a further division of an original tract of land for which previous minor subdivision(s) have been approved by the Borough within the last past two years and where the subdivision(s) constitutes a major subdivision; and not being deficient in those details and specifications required of minor subdivisions as specified in this chapter. The original tract of land shall be considered any tract shown on the Borough Tax Maps. Any readjustment of lot lines resulting in no new lots shall be classified as a minor subdivision.
MAJOR SUBDIVISION - Any division of land not classified as a minor subdivision.
The examination of the specific subdivision plat for a lot or tract of land. Wherever the term "Subdivision Approval" is used in this chapter, it shall be understood to mean a requirement that the subdivision plat be reviewed and approved by the Board in accordance with the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.).
A water-filled enclosure, whether permanently constructed of the portable type, having a depth equal to or more than 24 inches, designed, used and/or maintained for swimming or bathing purposes, including any and all buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances thereto.
Commercial swimming pools shall mean and include all pools associated with other than detached single-family and two-family dwellings. Commercial swimming pools shall be further classified into types in accordance with their particular use and shall meet the appropriate design standards as set forth by the National Swimming Pool Institute.
A commercial establishment duly licensed by the State of New Jersey and the Borough of Ogdensburg to dispense and sell, on site, alcoholic beverages, primarily for consumption on the premises.
The enclosed area in which the tower and its appurtenances are located.
An area of land composed of one or more lots and having sufficient dimensions and area to make one land area meeting the requirements of this chapter for the use intended.
A departure from the terms of this chapter authorized by the appropriate municipal agency in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
An antenna that transmits or receives radio frequency signals for wireless telecommunications towers and the users of towers or other structures.
The accessory structures or uses serving the tower site, such as equipment sheds, telecommunications antennae and fences.
A free-standing, vertical structure designed to support one or more wireless telecommunications antennae. The height of the tower shall not include a lightning rod.
An open space extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the street line and the closest point of any building on the lot. The depth of the front yard shall be measured horizontally from a lot line drawn parallel or concentric to the centerline of the street. (See Appendix A included as an attachment to this chapter).
An open space extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear lot line and the closest point of the principal building on the lot. The depth of the rear yard shall be measured horizontally and at right angles to either a straight rear lot line or the tangent of curved rear lot lines. (See Appendix A included as an attachment to this chapter).
An open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard and lying between each side lot line and the closest point of the principal building on the lot. The width of the required side yard shall be measured horizontally and at right angles to either a straight line or the tangent lines of curved side lot lines. (See Appendix A, included as an attachment to this section).
For the purpose of this chapter, the Borough of Ogdensburg is hereby divided into (12) districts as follows:
Residential — Single and Multi-Family
Congregate Care Residential
Borough Center (Commercial)
Light Industrial/Commercial
Public Conservation
The boundaries of the zoning districts and the areas designated are established on the map entitled "Zoning Map Borough of Ogdensburg", dated August 1, 1991, which accompanies and is hereby made part of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map may be found on file in the Borough offices.
Zoning district boundary lines are intended to follow street centerlines, railroad rights-of-way, streams and lot or property lines as they exist on lots of record at the time of enactment of this chapter unless otherwise indicated by dimensions on the Zoning Map.
The exact location of any disputed zoning district boundary lines shall be determined by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The zoning standards, controls and designation apply to every structure, lot and use within each district and the district lines extend vertically in both directions from ground level.
Unless otherwise specifically permitted within this chapter, no more than one principal dwelling or building, nor more than one principal use, shall be permitted on one lot.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot other than by following a stream or street, which lot is in single ownership at the time of the adoption of this chapter or any subsequent chapter Amendment, any use permitted in either district may be extended not more than 50 feet into the adjacent district, or to the boundary line of the divided lot, whichever is the lesser. A use permitted in the district so extended shall thereafter be a permitted use in the extended area. A property owner, however, shall be permitted only one election, after which the lot use shall be governed by regulations of the district to which the portion of the lot shall have been annexed by such extension.
Where a vacated street is bounded on either side by different districts, the former center line of the vacated right-of-way shall be considered the new district line.
[Ord. No. 7-12 § 2]
No building shall hereafter be used, erected, altered, converted, enlarged, added to, moved or reduced, wholly or in part, nor shall any lands be designed, used or physically altered for any purpose or in any manner except in conformity with this chapter. Where a lot is formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building, any subdivision shall be effected in such a manner as not to impair any of the requirements of this chapter with respect to the existing lot therewith and so that all resulting lots have adequate dimensions consistent with the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located.
Outdoor furnaces are prohibited in all zone districts. No accessory structure shall be permitted to house or enclose an outdoor furnace.
All lots created as a result of a subdivision shall meet the requirements of this chapter and such subdivision shall be effected in such a manner as to not impair any of the requirements of this chapter for any resulting lot or preexisting structures and all resulting lots shall have the required frontage along a public street.
Public purpose uses, as defined by this chapter, are permitted principal uses in all zones of the Borough of Ogdensburg.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single Family Residential Dwellings.
Public Purpose Uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Customary Residential Accessory Uses - patio, tool and garden sheds, garages, gazebos, fences, walls and private residential pools, subject to the provisions of Section 30-500.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (Subject to Section 30-521).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Parish House/Rectory.
Public Utility.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
10,000 square feet per dwelling
100 feet
100 feet
40 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements.
35 feet
30 feet
25 feet total
10 feet minimum
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
1,250 square feet per dwelling.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
30% Total
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Nameplate - Not to exceed two square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Real Estate Sale - Not to exceed four square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
For any Conditional Use - not to exceed 12 square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Required Off Street Parking.
Two spaces per residential dwelling.
Parking for any conditional uses other than home occupation shall be the same as that required where the uses are permitted, or as required by Section 30-600.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single Family, Detached Dwellings.
Public Purpose Uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Customary Residential Accessory Uses - patio, tool and garden sheds, garages, gazebos, fences, walls and private residential pools, subject to the provisions of Section 30-500.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (subject to Section 30-521).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Professional Home Office.
Office, Commercial and Retail.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
Single Family
15,000 square feet
100 feet
100 feet
70 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements.
35 feet
30 feet
25 feet total
10 feet minimum
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
1,250 square feet per dwelling
Maximum Lot Coverage.
30% Total
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Nameplate - Not to exceed two square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Real Estate Sale - Not to exceed four square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
For any conditional use - not to exceed 12 square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Required Off-Street Parking.
Two parking spaces per dwelling.
Parking for any conditional use other than home occupation shall be the same as that required where the uses are permitted, or as required by Section 30-600.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single Family Residential Dwellings.
Public Purpose Uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Customary Residential Accessory Uses - patio, tool and garden sheds, garages, gazebos, fences, walls and private residential pools, subject to the provisions of Section 30-500.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (subject to Section 30-521).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Parish House/Rectory.
Public Utility.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
30,000 square feet per dwelling
150 feet
100 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements.
60 feet
60 feet
25 feet (each side)
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
1,500 square feet per dwelling
Maximum Lot Coverage.
30% of Total
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Nameplate - Not to exceed two square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Real Estate Sale - Not to exceed four square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
For any conditional use - not to exceed 12 square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Required Off-Street Parking.
Two spaces per dwelling.
Parking for any conditional uses other than home occupation shall be the same as that required where the uses are permitted, or as required by Section 30-600.
Lot Size Averaging.
The minimum lot size and dimensions as required by paragraph D above may be adjusted as set forth below, providing the application for development meets the following criteria:
Minimum tract size of 15 acres for simultaneous development.
The application for development, if proposed in phases, must provide for installation and completion of all streets, utilities and off-track as a part of phase I construction.
Providing the application for development meets the above criteria, the following shall apply:
The lot sizes of the subdivision submitted for approval may vary to a minimum lot size of 17,500 square feet and a maximum lot size of 80,000 square feet, providing that the average lot size is 30,000 square feet or greater, and further providing that no more than 30% of the proposed lots are less than 30,000 square feet.
Applications meeting the averaging requirements set forth above may make the following reductions in the frontage and width requirements:
For lots located on a cul-de-sac, 75 feet or greater frontage is required.
For lots under 30,000 square feet the frontage requirement may be reduced by five feet for each 5,000 square feet increment that the lot is undersized, but the minimum frontage shall be 85 feet.
For lots under 30,000 square feet, the lot width requirement may be reduced by 10 feet, for each 5,000 square feet increment, or part thereof, that the lot is undersized, but the minimum lot width shall be 120 feet.
Notwithstanding the above allowed variations, all other yard requirements of paragraph E above shall be complied with.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single Family Residential dwellings.
Public Purpose Uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Customary Residential Accessory Uses - patio, tool and garden sheds, garages, gazebos, fences, walls and private residential pools, subject to the provisions of Section 30-500.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (subject to Section 30-521).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Parish House/Rectory.
Public Utility.
Office, Commercial and Retail.
Professional Home Office.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
40,000 square feet per dwelling.
Width: 175 feet.
Frontage: 100 feet.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
75 feet
75 feet
35 feet minimum (each side)
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
1,800 square feet per dwelling.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet.
Nameplate - Not to exceed two square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Real Estate Sale - Not to exceed four square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
For any conditional use - Not to exceed 12 square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Required Off-Street Parking.
Two spaces per residential dwelling.
Parking for any conditional use other than home occupation shall be the same as that required where the uses are permitted, or as required by Section 30-600.
Lot Size Averaging.
The minimum lot size and dimensions as required by paragraph D above may be adjusted as set forth below providing the application for development meets the following criteria:
The minimum tract size of 15 acres for simultaneous development.
The application for development, if proposed in phases, must provide for the installation and completion of all streets, utilities and off-track as a part of phase I construction.
Providing the application for development meets the above criteria, the following shall apply:
The lot sizes of the subdivision submitted for approval may vary to a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a maximum lot size of 20,000 square feet and a maximum lot size of 120,000 square feet, providing that the average lot size is 40,000 square feet.
Applications meeting the averaging requirements set forth above may make the following reductions in the frontage and lot width requirements:
For lots located on a cul-de-sac, 90 feet or greater frontage is required.
For lots under 40,000 square feet the frontage requirement may be reduced by five feet for each 40,000 square feet increment that the lot is undersized, but the minimum frontage shall be 100 feet.
For lots under 40,000 square feet the lot width requirement may be reduced by five feet for each 4,000 square feet increment, or part thereof, that the lot is undersized, but the minimum lot width shall be 150 feet.
Notwithstanding the above allowed variations, all other yard requirements of paragraph E. above shall be complied with.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single Family Dwelling.
Multi-Family Residential Dwelling.
Public Purpose Uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Customary Residential Accessory Uses - patio, tool and garden sheds, garages, gazebos, fences, walls and private residential pools, subject to the provisions of Section 300-500.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (subject to Section 30-521).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Public Utilities.
Agriculture (single family residential dwellings only).
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
100,000 square feet per dwelling
200 feet
150 feet
Minimum Yard Requirements.
75 feet
75 feet
40 feet Minimum each side
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
2,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
Maximum Lot Coverage
15% Total
Maximum Building/Structure Height
35 feet
Nameplate - Not to exceed two square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Real Estate Sale - Not to exceed four square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
For any conditional use - not to exceed 12 square feet (subject to Section 30-500).
Required Off-Street Parking.
Two parking spaces per residential dwelling.
Parking for any conditional use other than home occupation shall be the same as that required where the uses are permitted, or as required by Section 30-600.
Lot Size Averaging
The minimum lot size and dimensions as required by paragraph D above may be adjusted as set forth below, providing the application for development meets the following criteria:
The minimum tract size of 25 acres for simultaneous development;
The applications for development, if proposed in phases, must provide for the installation and completion of all streets, utilities and off-tract as a part of phase I construction;
Providing the application for development meets the above criteria, the following shall apply:
The lot sizes of the subdivision submitted for approval may vary to a minimum lot size of 60,000 square feet and a maximum lot size of 180,000 square feet, providing that the average lot size is 100,000 square feet or greater, and further providing that no more than 30% of the proposed lots are less than 100,000 square feet.
Applications meeting the averaging requirements set forth above may make the following reductions in the frontage and lot width requirements:
For lots located on a cul-de-sac, 100 feet or greater frontage is required.
Notwithstanding the above allowed variations, all other yard requirements of paragraph E above shall be complied with.
Multi-Family Dwelling Units.
Principal Permitted Use Subject to Site Plan Approval.
Multi-family dwellings, including townhouses, condominiums and apartments.
Public and quasi-public uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses (Residential Multi-Family Only).
Recreational facilities, including swimming pools, tennis courts, other outdoor facilities and recreational/community structures intended primarily for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the development, located in common (or public) recreational areas only.
Off-street parking facilities, including detached private garages and detached common garage structures.
Fences, walls, street furniture and ancillary maintenance or storage sheds.
Conditional Uses.
Minimum Lot Size and Density.
Minimum lot size is 25 acres.
A density of four dwelling units per acre. For the purpose of calculating density, any areas dedicated for the purpose of on-site water or sewerage utilities are deducted from the gross tract area.
Multi-Family General Development Requirements.
If the site plan indicates any construction development on a slope of 25% or greater, the site plan must include specific engineering proposal which addresses to the satisfaction of the reviewing Board (Planning Board/Board of Adjustment) erosion and other appropriate environmental concerns during construction and post-construction.
Plans shall clearly delineate the area of the tract to be devoted to each use. Public, quasi-public and open space uses shall be provided in locations convenient to the residents of the development.
Required Open Space:
Land area equal to a minimum of 25% of the gross tract area shall be set aside for conservation, recreation, open space and park area. The requirements applicable to the reservation, improvements, dedication, ownership and maintenance of open spaces shall be approved as a part of preliminary site plan approval which shall include an Open Space Management Plan. Said plan shall specifically address the following:
Provisions for the replenishment of any vegetation in the open space areas which may become destroyed for any reason.
Provisions for preventive maintenance for, and correction of, soil erosion in said open space areas.
Provisions for the timely removal of dead or downed trees.
Provisions for the timely treatment of diseased trees in open space areas.
The required open space areas shall not include any area within 40 feet of any structure or amenity.
All disturbed portion of the tract not utilized by buildings or paved surfaces shall be suitably landscaped to maintain and/or re-establish the tone of the vegetation in the area and lessen the visual impact of development. The established grades on any site shall be planned for both aesthetic and drainage purposes. The grading plan, drainage facilities, and landscaping shall be coordinated so as to prevent erosion, silting and flooding.
Any multi-family development proposal exceeding 30 dwelling units shall have a minimum of two primary means of vehicular ingress and egress to the site. Each of said primary means of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located so as to equally serve all portions of the development.
If the development is proposed in phases, all streets, roads, utilities, recreation and off-tract improvements shall be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for the first phase.
Townhouse Development Standards.
No individual townhouse dwelling unit shall be less than 18 feet wide. Building coverage shall not exceed 20% of the net tract area.
Any overall structure of attached townhouses shall provide that no more than four adjacent dwelling units have the same setback. No more than eight townhouses nor less than four shall be attached to produce one overall structure.
Required minimum distances between buildings shall be as follows:
Between any principal building and any detached accessory building: 10 feet.
Between the side walls of all principal buildings where said walls are parallel to each other: 20 feet with no more than 20 feet overlap, otherwise 30 feet.
Between the front facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 65 feet.
Between the rear facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 50 feet.
Between the front facade of one principal building and the sidewall of another principal building where said walls are parallel: 50 feet, except that if the overlap is 20 feet or less than 30.
The term "parallel" as used herein shall also refer to positions which are approximately or approaching parallel.
Each dwelling unit and combined complex of dwelling units shall have a compatible architectural theme with variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development which shall include consideration of landscaping techniques, building relation to the site and other structures, topography, natural features and individual dwelling unit design such as varying unit widths, staggering unit setbacks, and changing roof lines and building heights.
As a part of preliminary site plan application, the developer shall submit complete building/architectural plans, for each and every building, and, should the application be approved, all buildings constructed shall conform to said approved building/ architectural plans.
Condominium Unit Development Standards.
No individual condominium unit shall contain less than 750 square feet Building coverage shall not exceed 20% of the net tract area.
Condominium unit structures shall contain no less than four dwelling units, not more than 18 dwelling units. No condominium structure with off-set fronts shall exceed a length of 225 feet and if said building does not have off-set fronts, no more than 150 feet in front of building not off-set.
Required minimum distances between buildings shall be as follows:
Between any principal building and any detached accessory building: 10 feet.
Between the side walls of all principal buildings where said walls are parallel to each other: 20 feet with no more than 20 feet overlap, otherwise 30 feet.
Between the front facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 65 feet.
Between the rear facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 60 feet.
Between the front facade of one principal building and the side wall of another principal building where said walls are parallel: 30 feet.
The term "parallel" as used herein shall also refer to the positions which are approximately or approaching parallel.
Unobstructed access for emergency vehicles shall be provided in accordance with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
Multi-Family Building Standards.
Maximum Building Height: No principal building shall exceed 2 1/2 stories or 30 feet.
Each building shall be served by a single cable TV antenna system which shall served all dwelling units within the building. A satellite dish TV system for the development may be allowed subject to site plan and landscaping review, and subject to the requirements of Section 30-600.
A firewall, extending to the roofline, shall be constructed between attached townhouse units and between each set of four or less condominium units and any other units.
Refuse pickup and other utility areas shall be located for the convenience of the occupants and shall be easily accessible to collection vehicles. Such areas shall be suitably screened from view through the use of fencing, landscaping or both.
Accessory Building Design Standards.
Accessory buildings shall meet the street setback of the principal building and shall be at least 10 feet from a principal building or property line. Recreation buildings and structures (including swimming pools, tennis courts and so forth) shall be at least 50 feet from any principal residential building or property line.
The maximum height of an accessory building shall be 16 feet except for clubhouses which shall not exceed 28 feet in height.
Architectural design and materials used in the construction of accessory buildings shall conform to or compliment those used in the construction of the principal buildings.
Off-Street Parking Requirements.
Within any multi-family residential development there shall be provided conveniently located off-street parking facilities for all buildings and uses. Parking shall be provided at a minimum rate of 1 1/2 spaces per each one-bedroom dwelling unit; a 1.75 spaces per each two-bedroom unit and two spaces for each three-bedroom unit.
No parking area containing three or more parking spaces shall be located within 15 feet of a multi-family dwelling unit, or within 25 feet of any tract property line or lot line of any on or off-tract single-family residence.
Each garage may be considered as 1/2 of a required parking space. Paved driveways serving garages which are part of the individual townhouse dwelling units may be considered part of the required parking.
Parking areas shall not directly access public streets, but shall be provided with access drives which shall be kept clear of parked vehicles.
All off-street parking spaces shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable Borough standards governing off-street parking and shall comply with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
Property Line and Street Setbacks.
Property Line Setbacks.
The following setbacks and buffer requirements shall be applicable within any Multi-family Residential Development:
No principal building shall be erected closer than 75 feet from the perimeter of any Multi-family Residential Development Tract. No accessory building or structure shall be erected closer than 50 feet from the perimeter of any Multi-family Residential Development Tract.
A landscaped buffer zone of at least 25 feet in width shall be maintained along the perimeter of any Multi-family Residential Development Tract. This buffer zone shall be kept in its natural state to the greatest extent practicable. Any newly installed trees constituting said buffer zone shall be a minimum of six feet at planting.
Within the buffer zone, no buildings, structures, off-street parking or loading areas or other uses shall be permitted. Utility easement, streets and driveways, storm water management facilities and other necessary infrastructure improvements shall be permitted within the buffer zone, so long as proper buffering has been reintroduced as shown on a landscape plan approved by the Board.
The buffer zone may be included for the purposes of computing open space requirements for Planned Residential Developments.
Street Setbacks.
No principal building shall be erected within 25 feet of the right-of-way of any public street or within 25 feet of the curb line of any internal private street or drive. No principal building shall be erected within 15 feet of the curbline of any common parking area.
Site Improvements.
If the Board determines that it would be desirable to have a public street at any location in the development, it may require the dedication of the street and its improvements in accordance with all Borough requirements and specifications. The area within the right-of-way of any such road may be included in the gross acreage of the property for the purposes of determining maximum density.
All streets within the development intended for dedication to the Borough shall conform with the requirements of Section 30-500 of this section. All streets within the development not intended for dedication to the Borough shall have a minimum pavement width of 24 feet and the minimum right-of-way shall be 24 feet. Private streets, as roads and access driveways shall conform with the requirements of Section 30-500 as to construction standards.
Sidewalks shall be provided at least on one side of all public or private streets, and approved walkways shall be approved wherever else pedestrian traffic is expected to occur.
Prior to preliminary approval, the developer shall submit plans for the public water and public sewerage systems which plans shall be in conformance with and provide the information required by Section 30-500 of this chapter. Prior to final approval, the developer shall submit the final plans for these systems which shall have been approved by the local Board of Health and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). Individual septic systems and/or private wells shall not be permitted.
All improvements shall comply with the improvements and design standards established in this chapter unless a stricter requirement is specified in this section.
All proposed signs shall be considered as a part of the preliminary site plan application and shall conform with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
Lighting shall be adequate to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles along the interior streets and driveways and pedestrian walkways, in parking areas and outdoor recreational areas, and near front and rear entrances to dwellings.
Development Phasing.
Any proposal for Multi-Family Residential Development may include provisions for its construction in sections over a period of years, provided that the following terms and conditions are met:
Where the development is intended to be constructed in sections over a number of years, prior to the granting of preliminary approval for the entire development, there shall be an explanation, including appropriate maps, indicating the location, number and type of units to be constructed in each section and the priority of each section.
Preliminary approval shall be granted for the complete proposal before final approval shall be granted for any section.
Each development section shall maintain a proportional balance of residential uses, recreational uses, and open space to serve the residents. For all development sections subsequent to the first, no building permits may be issued for construction of units in any section until construction of proceeding sections is substantially completed.
Open Space Management.
Unless a property owners association has responsibility and control of open space, an open space organization for the purpose of owning and maintaining common lands and facilities, including conservation, open space, recreation and park areas, shall be established in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43 and the following provisions:
Membership in any created open space organization by all property owners shall be mandatory. Such required membership in any created open space organization and the responsibilities upon the members shall be in writing in the form of a covenant with each member agreeing to his liability for his pro-rata share of the organization's costs and providing that the Borough shall be a party beneficiary to such covenant entitled to enforce its provisions.
The open space organization and/or property owner's association responsible for liability insurance, municipal taxes, maintenance and any facilities that may be erected on any land deeded to the open space organization and shall hold the Borough harmless from any liability.
Any assessment levied by the open space organization may become a lien on the private organization shall be allowed to adjust the assessment to meet changing needs and any deeded lands may be sold, donated or in any other way conveyed to the Borough for public purposes only.
The open space organization initially created by the developer shall clearly describe in its by-laws the rights and obligation of any homeowner and tenant in the development, and shall be submitted for the Board's approval, along with the covenant and model deeds and the articles of incorporation of the association, prior to the granting of preliminary approval by the Board.
Part of the development proposals submitted to and approved by the Borough shall be provisions to insure that control of the open space organization will be transferred to the individual lot owners in the development based on a percentage of the dwelling units sold and/or occupied, together with assurances in the by-laws that the open space organization shall have the maintenance responsibilities for all lands to which it holds title.
The development plans must include on-site recycling facility sufficient for all residents of the proposed multi-family development which shall be of such items and in such manner as approved by the governing body, including method of disposal. Removal and disposal of recycled material shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners' Association.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Principal Permitted Use Subject to Site Plan Approval.
Single family dwellings as allowed in the R 30 Zone.
Multi-family dwellings, including townhouses, condominiums and apartments.
Public Purpose uses and public utility uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Recreational facilities, including swimming pools, tennis courts, other outdoor facilities and recreational/community structures intended primarily for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the development, located in common (or public) recreational area only.
Off-street parking facilities, including detached private garages and detached common garage structures.
Fences, walls, street furniture and ancillary maintenance or storage sheds.
Conditional Uses None.
Minimum Lot Size and Density (Multi-Family).
Minimum lot size is 25 acres.
A density of six dwelling units per acre. For the purpose of calculating density, average areas dedicated for the purpose of on-site water and sewerage utilities shall be deducted from the gross tract area.
Plans shall clearly delineate the area of the tract to be devoted to each use. Public, quasi-public and open space uses shall be provided in locations convenient to the residents of the development.
Required Open Space.
Land area equal to a minimum of 25% of the gross tract area shall be set aside for conservation, recreation, open space and park area. The requirements applicable to the reservation, improvements, dedication, ownership and maintenance of open spaces shall be approved as a part of preliminary site plan approval which shall include an Open Space Management Plan. Said plan shall specifically address the following:
Provisions for the replenishment of any vegetation in the open space areas which may become destroyed for any reason.
Provisions for preventative maintenance for, and correction of, soil erosion in said open space areas.
Provisions for the timely removal of dead or downed trees.
Provisions for the timely treatment of diseased trees in open areas.
All disturbed portions of the tract not utilized by buildings or paved surfaces shall be suitably landscaped to maintain and/or re-establish the tone of the vegetation in the area and lessen the visual impact of development. The established grades on any site shall be planned for both aesthetic and drainage purposes. The grading plan, drainage facilities, and landscaping shall be coordinated so as to prevent erosion, silting and flooding.
Any multi-family development proposal exceeding 30 dwelling units shall have a minimum of two primary means of vehicular ingress and egress to the site. Each of said primary means of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located so as to equally serve all portions of the development.
If the development proposed is proposed in phases, all streets, roads, utilities, recreation and off-tract improvements shall be constructed and operational prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for the first phase.
If the site plan indicates any construction development on a slope of 25% or greater, the site plan must include a specific engineering proposal which addresses to the satisfaction of the Planning Board erosion and other appropriate environmental concerns during construction and post-construction.
Townhouse Development Standards.
No individual townhouse dwelling unit shall be less than 18 feet wide. Building coverage shall not exceed 20% of the net tract area.
Any overall structure of attached townhouses shall provide that no more than four adjacent dwelling units have the same setback. No more than eight townhouses nor less than four shall be attached to produce one overall structure.
Required minimum distances between buildings shall be as follows:
Between any principal building and any detached accessory building: 10 feet.
Between the sidewalls of all principal buildings where said walls are parallel to each other: 20 feet with no more than 20 feet overlap, otherwise 30 feet.
Between the front facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 65 feet.
Between the rear facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 50 feet.
Between the front facade of one principal building and the sidewall of another principal building where said walls are parallel: 50 feet, except that if the overlap is 20 feet or less than 30 feet.
The term "parallel" as used herein shall also refer to positions which are approximately or approaching parallel.
Each dwelling unit and combined complex of dwelling units shall have a compatible architectural theme with variations in design to provide attractiveness to the development which shall include consideration of landscaping techniques, building relation to the site and to other structures, topography, natural features and individual dwelling unit design such as varying unit widths, staggering unit setbacks, and changing roof lines and building heights.
As a part of preliminary site plan approval, the developer shall submit complete building and architectural plans, for each and every building and, should the application be approved, all buildings constructed shall conform to said approved building/architectural plans.
Condominium Unit Development Standards.
No individual condominium unit shall contain less than 750 square feet. Building coverage shall not exceed 20% of the net tract area.
Condominium unit structures shall contain no less than four dwelling units nor more than 18 dwelling units. No condominium unit structure with offset fronts shall exceed a length of 225 feet and if said building does not have offset fronts, no more than 150 feet if front of building is not offset.
Required minimum distances between buildings shall be as follows:
Between any principal building and any detached accessory building: 10 feet
Between the side walls of all principal buildings where said walls are parallel to each other: 20 feet with no more than 20 feet overlap, otherwise 30 feet.
Between the front facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and the walls are parallel: 65 feet.
Between the rear facades of any two principal buildings where said buildings are opposite each other and walls are parallel: 60 feet.
Between the front facade of one principal building and the side wall of another principal building where said walls are parallel: 30 feet.
The term "parallel" as used herein shall also refer to positions which are approximately or approaching parallel.
Unobstructed access for emergency vehicles shall be provided.
Multi-Family Building Standards.
Maximum Building Height.
No principal building shall exceed 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet.
Each building shall be served by a single TV cable antenna system which shall serve all dwelling units within the building. A satellite dish TV system for the development may be allowed subject to site plan and landscaping review, and subject to the requirements of Section 30-600.
A firewall, extending to the roofline, shall be constructed between attached townhouse units and between each set of four or less condominium units and any other units.
Refuse pickup and other utility areas shall be located for the convenience of the occupants and shall be easily accessible to collection vehicles. Such areas shall be suitably screened from view through the use of fencing, landscaping or both.
Accessory Building Design Standards.
Accessory buildings shall meet the street setback of the principal building and shall be at least 10 feet from a principal building or property line. Recreation buildings and structures (including swimming pools, tennis courts and so forth) shall be at least 50 feet from any principal residential building or property line.
The maximum height of an accessory building shall be 16 feet except for clubhouses which shall not exceed 28 feet in height.
Architectural design and materials used in the construction of accessory buildings shall conform to or compliment those used in the construction of the principal buildings.
Off-Street Parking Requirements.
Within any Multi-Family Residential Development there shall be provided conveniently located off-street parking facilities of all buildings and uses. Parking shall be provided at a minimum rate of 1.5 spaces per each one-bedroom dwelling unit; 1.75 spaces per each two-bedroom unit and two spaces for each three-bedroom unit.
No parking area containing three or more parking spaces shall be located within 15 feet of a multi-family dwelling unit, or within 25 feet of any tract property line or lot line of any on or off-tract single-family residence.
Each garage may be considered as 0.5 of a required parking space. Paved driveways serving garages which are part of individual townhouse dwelling units may be considered part of the required parking.
Parking areas shall not directly access public street, but shall be provided with access drives which shall be kept clear of parked vehicles.
All off-street parking spaces shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable Borough standards governing off-street parking, and shall comply with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
Property Line and Street Setbacks.
Property Line Setbacks.
The following setbacks and buffer requirements shall be applicable within any Multi-Family Residential Development:
No principal building shall be erected closer than 75 feet to the perimeter of any Multi-Family Residential Development Tract. No accessory building or structure shall be erected closer than 50 feet from the perimeter of any Multi-Family Residential Development Tract.
A landscaped buffer zone of at least 25 feet in width shall be maintained along the perimeter of any Multi-Family Residential Development Tract. This buffer zone shall be kept in its natural state to the greatest extent practicable. Any newly installed trees constituting said buffer zone shall be a minimum of six feet at planting.
Within the buffer zone, no buildings, structures, off-street parking or loading areas or other uses shall be permitted. Utility easement, streets and driveways, storm water management facilities and other necessary infrastructure improvements shall be permitted within the buffer zone, so long as proper buffering has been reintroduced as shown on a landscape plan approved by the Board.
The buffer zone may be included for the purpose of computing the open space requirements for Planned Residential Developments.
Street Setbacks.
No principal building shall be erected within 25 feet of the right-of-way of any public street or within 25 feet of the curb line of any internal private street or drive. No principal building shall be erected within 15 feet of the curbline of any common parking area.
Site Improvements.
If the Board determines that it would be desirable to have a public street at any location in the development, it may require the dedication of the street and its improvements in accordance with all Borough requirements and specifications. The area within the right of way of any such road may be included in the gross acreage of the property for the purpose of determining maximum density.
All streets within the development intended for dedication to the Borough shall conform with the requirements of Section 30-500 of this chapter. All streets within the development not intended for dedication to the Borough shall have a minimum pavement width of 24 feet and the minimum right-of-way shall be 24 feet. Private streets, as roads and access driveways shall conform with the requirements of Section 30-500 of this chapter as to construction standards.
Sidewalks shall be provided at least on one side of all public or private streets, and approved walkways shall be provided wherever else pedestrian traffic is expected to occur.
Prior to preliminary approval, the developer shall submit plans for the public water and public sewerage systems which plan shall be in conformance with and provide the information required by Section 30-500 of this chapter. Prior to final approval, the developer shall submit the final plans for these systems which shall have been approved by the local Board of Health and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). Individual septic systems and/or private wells shall not be permitted.
All improvements shall comply with the improvement and design standards established in this chapter unless a stricter requirement is specified in this section.
All proposed signs shall be considered a part of the preliminary site plan application and shall conform with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
Lighting shall be adequate to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles along interior streets and driveways and pedestrian walkways, in parking areas and outdoor recreational areas, and near front and rear entrances to dwellings.
Development Phasing.
Any proposal for Multi-Family Residential Development may include provisions for its construction in sections over a period of years, provided that the following terms and conditions are met:
Where the development is intended to be constructed in sections over a number of years, prior to the granting of preliminary approval for the entire development, there shall be an explanation, including appropriate maps, indicating the location, number and type of units to be constructed in each section and the priority of each section.
Preliminary approval shall be granted for the complete proposal before final approval shall be granted for any section.
Each development section shall maintain a proportional balance of residential uses, recreational uses, and open space to serve the residents. For all development sections subsequent to the first, no building permits may be issued for construction of units in any section until construction of proceeding sections is substantially completed.
Open Space Management.
Unless a property owners' association has responsibility and control of open space, an open space organization for the purpose of owning and maintaining common lands and facilities, including conservation, open space, recreation and park areas, shall be established in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43 and the following provisions:
Membership in any created open space organization by all property owners shall be mandatory. Such required membership in any created open space organization and the responsibilities upon the members shall be in writing in the form of a covenant with each member agreeing to his liability for his pro-rata share of the organization's costs and providing that the Borough shall be a party beneficiary to such covenant entitled to enforce its provisions.
The open space organization and/or property owners' association shall be responsible for the liability insurance, municipal taxes, maintenance and any facilities that may be erected on any land deeded to the open space organization and shall hold the Borough harmless from any liability.
Any assessment levied by the open space organization may become a lien in the private properties in the development. The open space organization shall be allowed to adjust the assessment to meet changing needs and any deeded lands may be sold, donated or in any other way conveyed to the Borough for public purposes only.
The open space organization initially created by the developer shall clearly describe in its by-laws the rights and obligations of any homeowner and tenant in the development, and shall be submitted for the Board's approval, along with the covenant and model deeds and the articles of incorporation of the association, prior to the granting of preliminary approval by the Board.
Part of the development proposals submitted to and approved by the Borough shall be provisions to insure that control of the open space organization will be transferred to the individual lot owners in the development based on a percentage of the dwelling units sold and/or occupied, together with assurances in the by-laws that the open space organization shall have the maintenance responsibilities for all land to which it holds title.
The development plans must include on-site recycling facilities sufficient for all residents of the proposed multi-family development which shall be of such items and in such manner as approved by the governing body, including method of disposal. Removal and disposal of recycled material shall be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Association.
The purpose of the Continuing Care Retirement Community Zone is to provide an area of the Borough which will encourage the design and development of a multi-faceted, relatively self-contained living environment for individuals of 55 years of age and older who wish to live within an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive spectrum of residential living services responsive to the enormous variety of needs of the elderly. Facilities pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code shall be provided to offer a "continuum of care" to residents as their individual needs for services increase and shall include:
Independent Living.
A living unit chosen by the resident for his or her exclusive use in which the resident can live and function independently.
Assisted Living/Personal Care.
Should a resident require assistance and/or supervision with one or more activities of daily living, then, depending on the facility and the degree of care needed, assistance to a resident may be given in a variety of settings. Possibilities include:
Assistance in the resident's living unit.
Transfer to a residential health care unit which is located within the community and which has been licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health.
Transfer to a designated supervised unit specifically reserved by the provider for assisted living within the community.
Long Term Care/Nursing Home.
When a resident can no longer function independently and requires constant supervision or care, that care will be provided in a long term facility, commonly known as a nursing home, which has been licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health.
General Requirements.
The proposed site development and facilities shall comply in all aspects with the regulations, requirements and guidelines of the following provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code, as applicable at time of preliminary site plan approval:
N.J.A.C. 5:19-1 et seq. (Continuing Care Retirement Community Rules)
N.J.A.C. 8:33H-1 et seq. (Certificate of Need: Reviews of Long-Term Care Facilities and Services)
N.J.A.C. 8:39-1 et seq. (Manual of Standards for Long-Term Care)
N.J.A.C. 8:43-1 et seq. (Residential Health Care Facilities)
N.J.A.C. 8:43F-1 et seq. (Manual of Standards for Licensure of Adult Day Health Care Facilities)
Any and all other applicable Administrative Code or New Jersey Department of Community Affairs regulations.
Proof of compliance with the above shall be submitted upon final site plan application.
Occupancy of all residential units for such a proposed facility shall be by persons 55 years of age or older, subject to the following exemptions and requirements:
One immediate family member of a residential unit occupant, under the age of 55 (but in no case under the age of 18 may share the unit with the older occupant, provided that in the event of the vacation of the unit by the elder occupant (due to death or any other reason), the person under the age of 55 shall vacate the unit within 90 days. Transfer to another section of the facility shall not be considered vacation of a unit. Contracts or agreements for residence shall contain the vacation requirements related above.
Those persons, regardless of age, whose documented health care condition requires a specialized spectrum of health care as provided by this chapter subject to the limitation that no more than 5% of the occupants of the facility may be from this specialized class.
The above referred to age restriction shall not apply to administrative staff referred to in Section E-5.
A condition of any approval granted pursuant to this chapter shall require a deed restriction prohibiting any future use or conversion of all, or any part, of the proposed development to facilities for drug or alcohol rehabilitation, correctional facilities, abortion clinics, facilities for the indigent, homeless or insane.
Required and/or permitted uses may be constructed or provided in one or more principal buildings on one lot.
NURSING HOME - Shall mean a use of building or land for the care of two or more unrelated persons who are suffering from an acute or chronic illness or are being treated or convalescing from the effects of an injury and surgical or obstetrical treatment who require nursing care as a result of one or more of the above-mentioned conditions. The term "nursing home" as used herein does not include the term "boarding house or other home for the sheltered care of adult persons," as defined by law, but it does include any structure licensed by the State of New Jersey Department of Health to operate a "nursing home." This facility will be serviced 24 hours a day by a registered nurse and include medical facilities, meals, housekeeping, social services and physical therapy.
RESIDENTIAL HEALTH CARE FACILITY-Shall mean an institution or a distinct part of an institution which is licensed by the State of New Jersey Department of Health to provide health care under medical supervision to two or more patients who are not related to the governing authority of the institution or its members by marriage, blood or adoption. This facility is to assist with semi-independent personal care but includes provisions for meals, social services, medical and/or personal service and emergency care if necessary.
ADULT INDEPENDENT LIVING UNIT - Shall mean multi-family apartment type housing for independent residents with some common facilities provided for the occupants of that building. However, they also share in common social, recreational and other facilities offered by the community. Assistance may be provided in this residential dwelling unit.
ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES - Such services as limited health services, supervision of medication, assistance with daily activities, twenty-four-hour supervision on premises, housekeeping services and social and recreational activities which may be provided in either adult independent living units or in designated assisted living units.
CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT COMMUNITY - Shall mean such communities that combine independent living accommodations for the elderly with the provisions of lodging and nursing, medical or other health related services at the same or another location to an individual pursuant to an agreement effective for the life of the individual or for a period greater than one year of the payment of certain fees all consistent with the applicable New Jersey Administrative Code.
ADULT DAY CARE - Shall mean a provision of care for elderly or frail persons who require daily non-residential care, which care may include nursing supervision, other health care services, nutrition, rehabilitation, socialization and transportation.
Required Uses.
Because of the special nature of the zone, the following uses are required to be included in any development proposal:
Nursing home.
Adult Independent Living Units.
Administrative, social and recreational buildings, structures and open areas. A minimum of four recreational accessory uses cited in paragraph E, 1 below shall be required.
Neighborhood commercial uses including services/retail and professional office planned, designed and constructed to serve the needs of the zone's residents.
Community food service facility for the project residents.
Adult day care.
Assisted living services.
Residential health care.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Supporting recreational facilities including, but not limited to swimming pools, tennis courts, open field areas, passive sitting areas, picnic facilities, walking trails, gymnasium, library, solarium, craft room, basketball and handball.
Off-street parking and private garage facilities.
Fences and walls.
Utility and maintenance structures.
One single family dwelling unit to be utilized and occupied as a residence exclusively for the director of the facility, administrator or other "head of operations" whose presence on the site is essential for effective operation of the facility.
Building Height and Fire Safety.
A building height of 100 feet above immediate surrounding grade shall be the maximum permitted. Height shall be measured to highest point of a structure, including roof peak, chimney, or any structure or device on the roof.
A Fire Safety Plan and Impact Statement shall be submitted as a part of the application for preliminary approval. It shall be prepared by a fire safety expert and shall detail all steps taken to address safety of the persons or property and detail the location of all fire lanes, apparatus access, and other fire safety features in conformance with recognized standards. Included in the Plan shall be an evacuation plan.
All construction, residential and otherwise, shall include the provision of approved fire sprinkling systems in accordance with applicable standards.
Minimum Tract Size.
The minimum tract size for each project in the zone shall be 30 contiguous acres of land (prior to dedication of any land, right-of-way, parks, easements, etc.).
Projects Components.
In accordance with the required principal uses in the zone, each project shall be comprised of the following:
For projects consisting of less than 500,000 square feet floor space:
% of Total Habitable/Occupiable Floor Area Minimum
Project Maximum
Recreation (indoor)
For projects consisting of more than 500,000 square feet floor space:
% of Total Habitable/Occupiable Floor Area Minimum
Project Maximum
Recreation (indoor)
As part of site plan review, the percentage of total floor area minimums set forth above may be varied or waived as a design requirement by the reviewing Board.
The maximum densities in the following project components shall be:
Nursing home: 120 beds.
Residential Health Care Facilities: 120 beds.
Adult Independent Living Units: 21 units per acre.
No residential unit shall have more than two bedrooms.
Adult Day Care: 100 clients capacity at any one time.
Maximum Impervious Coverage.
The total amount of impervious coverage from buildings, roofs, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, etc. shall not exceed 50% for the entire project.
Area and Buffer Requirements.
Buffer Along Public Road (feet)
Buffer Along External Residential Property Line (feet except where Public road buffer applies)
Nursing Home/Residential Health Care
Adult Residential Dwelling
Parking Area
The above schedules are basic parameters for site design; however, the reviewing board may be flexible in design standards based on the merits of an application.
Yard Area Setback Requirements (in feet)
Building to Public Road
Building to Project Internal Road
Buildings to Property Line
Nursing Home/Residential Health Care
Adult Residential Dwelling
Accessory Buildings
The above requirements are basic parameters for the site design, however, the reviewing board may be flexible to design standards based on the merits of an application.
Open Space.
A minimum of 30% of the total project area shall be set aside for open space. This area may include buffer areas as prescribed above and all building setback areas. Of the total amount of open space, 15% shall be devoted to active and passive recreational uses such as recreational and social gathering areas, walkways, sitting areas, gardens, and adjacent useable space. The determination as to the extent of active recreational space shall be made by the Board.
Project Phasing.
Project phasing for completion of nonresidential use components shall be keyed to completion of basic residential use components in accordance with the following schedules:
When 50% of the Residential Units are complete:
At least 50% of the Commercial Center shall be completed.
At least 50% of the Nursing/Health Care facility shall be completed (or more if the same is required by State regulations).
At least 50% of the Recreational facilities shall be completed.
When 75% of the Residential Units are complete:
At least 75% of the Commercial Center shall be completed.
At least 75% of the Nursing/Health Care facility shall be completed (or more if the same is required by State regulations).
At least 75% of the Recreational facilities shall be completed.
When 100% of the Residential Units are complete:
100% of the Commercial Center shall be completed.
100% of the Nursing/Health Care facility shall be completed.
100% of the Recreational facilities shall be completed.
No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the requirements of subparagraph 1 above are met.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements.
One parking space per independent living or assisted living apartment unit.
One-half parking space per nursing home bed (Long Term Health Care).
One and one-quarter parking space per employee based upon number of employees in the largest shift.
One-half space per bed for Residential Health Care.
The Planning Board may waive any of the above parking requirements if the Applicant can demonstrate, to their satisfaction, the necessity.
Special Design Regulations.
Handicapped access to all buildings and floors within said buildings shall be provided as required by applicable codes and regulations.
Each parking space shall be a minimum of nine feet by 20 feet with 4% of the overall parking requirements reserved for handicapped parking spaces with a minimum size of 12 feet by 20 feet.
A Wastewater Treatment Plan shall be submitted by the applicant for preliminary approval. The submitted plan shall be in conformance with the Borough's adopted Wastewater Master Plan as endorsed by the applicable authorities and agencies. Specific plans for sewerage facilities shall be submitted as a part of the application for preliminary approval.
Specific plans for all water usage and facilities, including those required to meet fire flow standards, shall be submitted as a part of the application for preliminary approval.
The applicant shall submit proof of an application for both a Certificate of Need and Certificate of Authority from the New Jersey Department of Health and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, or proof from such agencies that same are not required, as a condition of final site plan approval from the Board.
The facilities and services available on the site shall contain a pharmacy. An on-site certified emergency medical care unit, and certified emergency first aid, transportation vehicles, and personnel shall be provided and operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The commercial uses and those recreational uses designated by the Planning Board in the course of site plan approval may be opened to the general public, as well as the project residents, as long as the security and privacy of the project's occupants are not compromised.
The minimum residential unit size shall be 300 square feet and the maximum 1,200 square feet and every unit may contain a kitchen or kitchenette consisting of a minimum of a sink, a refrigerator, and a small stove, exclusive of the administrative unit.
There shall be two means of egress and ingress for the project site, one of which may be an emergency access only.
Buffer areas less than 100 feet from the property line shall be supplemented with additional plantings of deciduous trees of sufficient size and height to provide additional screening where the Board determines that the natural state is insufficient for that purpose for adjoining residential properties.
Internal road maintenance, snow, trash and recycling removal shall be the responsibility of the property owner and specific plans for the same shall be a part of the application for preliminary site plan approval.
As a part of the preliminary site plan application, the applicant shall submit a Financial Impact Statement detailing the specific anticipated impacts of the project upon the tax ratable, school system and other areas of the municipal fiscal responsibility.
As a part of the preliminary site plan application, the applicant shall submit a specific plan for Open Space Management, which plan, at a minimum, shall address the following:
Provisions for the replenishment of any vegetation in the open space areas which may become destroyed for any reason.
Provisions for preventative maintenance for, and correction of, soil erosion in said open space areas.
Provisions for the timely removal of dead or downed trees.
Provisions for the timely treatment of diseased trees in open space areas.
Tennis facilities shall be in conformance with other sections of this chapter except they may be located in any yard if they are set back at least 200 feet from nearest property line.
Submission of Marketing Plan Required.
The applicant shall submit a Marketing Plan that will detail the marketing and sale of all units in the facility and shall include a provision for 5% of all residential units to be dedicated to low and moderate income senior citizens with a rolling or continuing first preference for residents of the Borough of Ogdensburg. This Plan shall be submitted prior to preliminary site plan approval. The plans submitted shall include a sample copy of any contract or contracts to be offered to prospective residents, and said plans shall comply with and meet the requirements of the Borough's ordinance on affordable housing.
[Ord. No. 3-10; amended 2-8-2021 by Ord. No. 02-2021; 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 06-2024]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Single family residential.
Retail sale of goods and services.
Fabrication, finishing and assembly of retail goods sold on site and limited to first floor and basement.
Parking lot - private passenger vehicles.
Professional office and/or commercial service, i.e. bank, barber shop, beauty salon, studio, tailor shop, clinic real estate office, auto repair services, and other business and governmental offices.
Apartments shall not be permitted on the first-floor structure on Main Street (CR517).
Public purpose uses.
Bed and breakfast establishments.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Fences and walls (subject to Section 30-500).
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Home Occupation (subject to Section 30-521).
Apartments are permitted on the second floors and above in structures where commercial, retail or professional offices are located on the first floor.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
10,000 square feet.
Buffer Strip: 20 feet if adjacent to residential zone.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
Front: 10 feet.
Rear: 10 feet.
Side: 10 feet.
Minimum Floor Area (Gross).
1,250 square feet for single family residential.
600 square feet per dwelling unit for apartments.
Not greater than two times the lot area (total, principal and accessory) for all other uses.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
30% for single family residential.
None of other permitted uses.
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Signs (subject to Section 30-500).
Only one exterior sign shall be permitted per use on the same exterior wall of the building. A second exterior sign shall be permitted, per use, on any other exterior wall. No more than two exterior signs are permitted per use. Any sign smaller than three square feet is permitted in any quantity and on any exterior wall, as long as such sign conveys a complete message.
All exterior signs shall be limited to messages pertaining to the business being conducted on the premises.
Each permitted exterior sign may not exceed 5% in total square footage of the wall upon which it will be attached. Calculation for square footage shall include any extended flat side of a roof and exclude any window area used for commercial or nonresidential purposes. Under no circumstances may any one exterior sign exceed 32 square feet.
Any permitted exterior sign may be illuminated but shall not have any flashing, pulsating, or continuously moving parts. Neon signs are prohibited for exterior display. All exterior signs shall be professionally painted and lettered and may not contain any fluorescent or "day-glo" based paint or materials. LED signs are permitted but the Borough prohibits LED signs with any movement activity of the sign itself, not a flashing sign or moving sign.
All permitted exterior signs may be two-sided by the 32 square foot limitation and the 5% limitation described in paragraph 3 of this paragraph H. shall apply to the combined total of both display surfaces.
Only one freestanding or sandwich-type sign is permitted per building, regardless of multiple use of the building. Such signs shall not exceed 2x3 square feet in display and only out during business hours. Such signs must be placed at least 10 feet from the curbline and not interfere with pedestrian traffic or obstruct the view of vehicular traffic.
Interior signs which are displayed through a door or window for exterior view shall not be limited to quantity or size, but none may cover more than 25% of the door or window in which it is displayed. Neon signs are only permitted in doors or windows and there shall be no limitation in size or area coverage.
Required Parking.
For residential uses, two spaces per dwelling unit.
For nonresident uses, one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
The above parking requirements may be waived by the Zoning Officer if the site under consideration contains a preexisting structure and has little or no undeveloped land area available to meet these parking requirements.
Miscellaneous Criteria.
Non-abutting buildings shall maintain a ten-foot alleyway between buildings to the rear of the building.
More than one principal use per lot may be allowed in the Borough Center District, subject to applicable site plan review and approval.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Retail sale of goods and services.
Restaurants other than drive-in fast food restaurants.
Fabrication, finishing and assembly of retail goods sold on site and limited to first floor and basement.
Professional office and/or commercial service, i.e., bank, barber shop, beauty salon, studio, tailor shop, clinic, real estate office, other business and government offices.
Public purpose uses.
Quasi-public uses.
Child care center.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Parking lot.
Satellite Dish Antenna (See Section 30-600).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Public utilities.
Adult uses.
Service stations.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
Twenty thousand square feet with 200 feet lot frontage.
Buffer strip - 20 feet if adjacent to residential zone.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
Front: 50 feet.
Rear: 50 feet.
Side: 25 feet.
Minimum Floor Area (Gross)
1,200 square feet
Maximum Lot Coverage
60% Total.
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Signs (subject to Section 30-500).
One attached or free-standing sign per use.
Maximum 36 square feet
Free-standing signs must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from curbline.
Required Off-Street Parking.
One space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Parking is allowed in front yard area, but not within 10 feet of any building line.
More than one principal use may be allowed in the Commercial/Retail district, subject to applicable site plan review and approval, however, permitted conditional uses are excluded from this provision allowing multiple principal uses.
[Ord. No. 3-10]
Permitted Principal Uses.
Light industrial uses as defined by Section 30-200 of this chapter.
Office and office buildings with or without multi-tenant space.
Indoor warehousing, shipping and receiving and distribution provided, however, that the same is ancillary to a limited industrial use.
Scientific research laboratories and other experimental testing or research establishment including applied engineering research such as product development.
Public purpose uses.
Quasi-public uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Satellite Dish Antenna (subject to Section 30-600).
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Public utility.
Limited industrial/commercial parks on tract of land at least 10 acres in area, comprising of any of the permitted uses allowed in the zone.
Service stations.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
Two acres with 150-foot frontage.
Buffer Strip - 25 feet on all property lines and 50 feet where the property abuts a residential zone.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
50 feet
40 feet
25 feet each side
Minimum Floor Area (Gross)
1,500 square feet
Maximum Lot Coverage
50% Total.
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
35 feet
Signs (subject to Section 30-500).
One attached or freestanding sign per use.
Maximum 36 square feet.
Free standing signs must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the curbline.
Required Off-Street Parking.
1 1/4 space for each employee for all manufacturing and industrial uses. All other uses require 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Miscellaneous Criteria.
An Environmental Impact Statement is a mandatory requirement on any site plan application for land development.
More than one principal use may be allowed in the Light Industrial/Commercial District, subject to applicable site plan review and approval, however, other than limited industrial/commercial parks, permitted conditional uses are excluded from this provision allowing multiple principal uses.
Limited industrial/commercial parks as permitted as a conditional use in this district shall be exempt from the prohibition with respect to multiple principal buildings.
Where multiple principal buildings are proposed for a single site, the following requirements shall be met:
No building shall be closer than 50 feet to any other building on the site.
Each building shall have a fifteen-foot fire lane adjacent to all sides of it, which fire lane shall not be closer than 20 feet from the building, nor more than 35 feet from the building.
There shall be no parking allowed in the fire lanes and no fire lane shall exceed an 8% slope.
The building in closest proximity to the lot's road frontage shall have its front facade facing the road frontage.
Any site developed under the provisions allowing for multiple principal buildings shall thereafter not be subdivided, and every site plan approving development for multiple principal buildings shall provide, as a condition of approval, for a deed restriction prohibiting further subdivision.
Permitted Principal Uses.
Industrial uses as defined in Section 30-200 of this chapter.
Office and office buildings with or without multi-tenant space.
Indoor warehousing, shipping and receiving, and distribution.
Scientific research laboratories and other experimental testing or research establishments, including applied engineering research such as product development.
Public Purpose Uses.
Commercial-Recreational uses as defined in Section 30-200 of this chapter.
Retail or wholesale sales of building materials, industrial supplies, and products intended for outdoor use or construction.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Uses accessory to and conducted in conjunction with a principal permitted use.
Satellite Dish Antenna (See Section 30-600).
Outdoor storage of materials in conjunction with retail or wholesale sales as referred to above, provided said outdoor storage is out of public view and/or buffered from the view of adjacent properties, residential zones, and public roads.
Conditional Uses (See Section 30-600 for Conditions and Standards).
Public utility.
Limited industrial/commercial parks on a tract of land at least 10 acres in area, comprising of any of the permitted uses allowed in the zone.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
Five acres with 150 feet frontage.
Buffer strip - minimum 25 feet on all property lines, except a 100-foot buffer is required on property lines abutting residentially zoned properties.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
Front: 100 feet.
Rear: 50 feet.
Side: 30 feet each side.
All yard requirements are subject to applicable buffer requirements.
Minimum Floor Area (Gross)
1,500 square feet
Maximum Lot Coverage
50% Total.
Maximum Building/Structure Height
30 feet
Signs (subject to Section 30-500).
One attached or freestanding sign per use.
Maximum 36 square feet
Free standing signs must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the curb line.
Required Off-Street Parking.
1 1/4 space for each employee for all manufacturing and industrial uses. All other uses require one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Miscellaneous Criteria.
An Environmental Impact Statement is a mandatory requirement on any site plan application for land development.
More than one principal use may be allowed in the Industrial/Commercial District, subject to site plan review and approval, however, other than limited industrial/commercial parks, permitted conditional uses are excluded from this provision allowing multiple principal uses.
Where multiple principal uses are proposed for a site, the application shall be exempt from the prohibition against multiple principal buildings.
Where multiple principal buildings are proposed for a single site, the following requirements shall be met:
No building shall be closer than 50 feet to any other building on the site.
Each building shall have a fifteen-foot fire lane adjacent to all sides of it, which fire lane shall not be closer than 20 feet nor more than 35 feet from the building.
There shall be no parking allowed in the fire lanes and no fire lane shall exceed an 8% slope.
The building in closest proximity to the lot's road frontage shall have its front facade facing the road frontage.
Any site developed under the provisions allowing for multiple principal buildings shall thereafter not be subdivided, and every site plan approving development for multiple principal buildings shall provide as a condition of approval, for a deed restriction prohibiting further subdivision.
Permitted Principal Uses.
Public playgrounds, public conservation areas, public parks, recreation facilities and public open space.
Public purpose uses" as defined in Section 30-200 of this chapter.
Quasi-public uses.
Permitted Accessory Uses.
Those uses ordinarily associated with the principal permitted uses on the lands.
Tennis courts and other usual recreational facilities.
Minimum Lot Size and Dimensions.
Minimum Yard Requirements.
75 feet
50 feet
50 feet each side
Minimum Floor Area.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
Maximum Building/Structure Height.
30 feet
Miscellaneous Requirements.
All uses and activities must comply with appropriate State and Federal regulations.
If any land within the designated PC District reverts to private ownership, (other than quasi-public ownership), that land shall become part of the R-100 District.
More than one principal use may be allowed in the Public Conservation District, subject to applicable site plan review and approval.
Accessory Buildings as Part of Principal Buildings.
Any accessory building attached to a principal building shall be considered part of the principal building and the total structure shall adhere to the yard requirements for the principal building regardless of the technique of connecting the principal and accessory buildings.
Accessory Buildings and Structures Not to be Constructed Prior to Principal Building.
No construction permit shall be issued for the construction of an accessory building or structure, other than construction trailers or storage sheds, prior to the issuance of a construction permit for the construction of the main building upon the same premises. If construction of the main building does not precede to coincide with the construction of the accessory building or structure, the Construction Official shall revoke the construction permit for the accessory building or structure until the construction of the main building has proceeded substantially toward completion.
Distance Between Adjacent Buildings and Structures.
The minimum distance between an accessory building or structure and any other building(s) on the same lot shall be 10 feet or as prescribed in Section 30-500 or 30-600, as applicable.
Height of Accessory Buildings and Structures.
The height of accessory buildings shall be a maximum of 15 feet unless otherwise specified in Section 30-500 or 30-600, as applicable.
An accessory building or structure may be erected in side and rear yard areas only and shall be set back from side and rear lot lines a minimum of five feet or as prescribed in Section 30-500 or 30-600, as applicable, except that if erected on a corner lot, the accessory building or structure shall be set back from the side street to comply with the setback line applying to the principal building for that side street.
Construction of all accessory buildings shall be completed within 150 days of the issuance of the construction permit for same, in the absence of which the construction code official may require removal of the partially completed accessory building.
Temporary Construction Trailers.
Temporary construction trailers and one sign not exceeding 32 square feet, advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s), architect, financing institution, or similar data shall be permitted for the period of construction beginning with the issuance of a Construction Permit and concluding with the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, or one year, whichever is less, provided said trailer(s) and sign are on the site where construction is taking place.
All streets shall be provided with manholes, catch basins and pipes where the same may be necessary for proper drainage.
The system shall be adequate to carry off storm water and natural drainage water which originates within the watershed affected by the plan. No storm water runoff or natural drainage water shall be so diverted as to overload existing drainage systems to create flooding or the need for additional drainage structures on other private properties or public lands without proper and approved provisions being made for taking care of these conditions.
Techniques for computing water run-off and designing drainage controls shall be as prescribed by the Soil Conservation Method or the Rational Method and subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer.
The following intensities shall be used to determine the required capacity in cubic feet per second for the collection system design:
Systems carrying roadway drainage: 15 years.
Crosspipe or culverts carrying runoff from one side of the roadway to the other: 25 years; tributary areas over 20 acres: 50 years.
Bridges: 100 years.
All materials used in the construction of storm sewers, bridges and other drainage structures shall be in accordance with the specifications of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1989."
Pipe sizes shall be determined by acceptable drainage design procedures; provided that the pipe size in a surface water drainage system shall in no instance be less than 15 inches in diameter. All piping and the manner installed shall be subject to approval by the Borough Engineer.
The rate and velocity of runoff from the site following completion of the proposed development shall not exceed that which would prevail in a pasture of good hydrologic condition or previous cover, whichever produces the least amount of runoff. Peak flows should be controlled for the one- ten- and 100-year storms with any release rate (Q) not to exceed the ten-year storm volume.
Drainage inlets shall be located at all intersections, with inlets on both sides of a street at intervals of not more than 400 feet or such shorter distances as required to prevent the flow of surface water from exceeding six cubic feet per second at the drainage inlet.
Access manholes shall be placed at maximum 500 feet intervals throughout the system and at pipe junctions where there are no drainage inlets.
Lots shall be graded away from the building(s). Additionally, drainage shall be provided in a manner which will prevent the collection of storm water in pools or other unauthorized concentrations of flow and water shall not flow across adjacent property lines at greater than predevelopment rates.
Approval of drainage structures shall be obtained from the appropriate municipal, County, State and Federal agencies and offices. Where required, each applicant shall make application to the Division of Water Resources of the State Department of Environmental Protection, the Sussex County Engineering Department and the Borough Engineer. Final approval from the proper governmental authorities shall be furnished to the Secretary of the Planning Board with a copy of each letter forwarded to the Borough Engineer.
When required by the municipality and as indicated on an approved development plan, a drainage right-of-way easement shall be provided to the Borough where a tract or lot is traversed by a watercourse, surface or underground drainage way or drainage system, channel or stream. The drainage right-of-way easement shall conform substantially with the lines of such watercourse and provide a ten-foot access strip along at least one side of the watercourse. In any event, the easement shall be consistent with any minimum widths and locations as shown on any adopted Official Map or Master Plan. Such easement shall be expressed on the plat as follows: "Drainage easement granted for the purposes provided and expressed in the Land Development Ordinance of the Borough of Ogdensburg."
[Amended Ord. No. 5-07 § 502.1; 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Policy Statement. Flood control, groundwater recharge, and pollutant reduction shall be achieved through the use of stormwater management measures, including Green Infrastructure Best Management Practices (GI BMPs) and nonstructural stormwater management strategies. GI BMPs and low impact development (LID) should be utilized to meet the goal of maintaining natural hydrology to reduce stormwater runoff volume, reduce erosion, encourage infiltration and groundwater recharge, and reduce pollution. GI BMPs and LID should be developed based upon physical site conditions and the origin, nature and the anticipated quantity, or amount, of potential pollutants. Multiple stormwater management BMPs may be necessary to achieve the established performance standards for water quality, quantity, and groundwater recharge.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum stormwater management requirements and controls for "major development," as defined below in § 30-502.1.2.
This section shall be applicable to the following major developments:
Non-residential major developments; and
Aspects of residential major developments that are not pre-empted by the Residential Site Improvement Standards at N.J.A.C. 5:21.
This section shall also be applicable to all major developments undertaken by the Borough of Ogdensburg.
An application required by ordinance pursuant to paragraph C1 above that has been submitted prior to December 11, 2023, shall be subject to the stormwater management requirements in effect on December 10, 2023.
An application required by ordinance for approval pursuant to paragraph C1 above that has been submitted on or after March 2, 2021, but prior to December 11, 2023, shall be subject to the stormwater management requirements in effect on December 10, 2023.
Notwithstanding any rule to the contrary, a major development for any public roadway or railroad project conducted by a public transportation entity that has determined a preferred alternative or reached an equivalent milestone before July 17, 2023, shall be subject to the stormwater management requirements in effect prior to July 17, 2023.
Compatibility with Other Permit and Ordinance Requirements. Development approvals issued pursuant to this section are to be considered an integral part of development approvals and do not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to secure required permits or approvals for activities regulated by any other applicable code, rule, act, or ordinance. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this section shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare.
This section is not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul any other ordinances, rule or regulation, statute, or other provision of law except that, where any provision of this section imposes restrictions different from those imposed by any other ordinance, rule or regulation, or other provision of law, the more restrictive provisions or higher standards shall control.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
For the purpose of this section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this section clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The definitions below are the same as or based on the corresponding definitions in the Stormwater Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8-1.2.
An infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond, established in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.2(c)14, that is designed and constructed in accordance with the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, or an alternate design, approved in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), for an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond and that complies with the requirements of this section.
The increase in soil bulk density.
The area from which stormwater runoff drains to a stormwater management measure, not including the area of the stormwater management measure itself.
A pedestrian-oriented area of commercial and civic uses serving the surrounding municipality, generally including housing and access to public transportation.
An agency designated by the County Commissioners to review municipal stormwater management plans and implementing ordinance(s). The county review agency may either be:
A county planning agency; or
A county water resource association created under N.J.S.A. 58:16A-55.5, if the ordinance or resolution delegates authority to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove municipal stormwater management plans and implementing ordinances.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
A person professionally qualified and duly licensed in New Jersey to perform engineering services that may include, but not necessarily be limited to, development of project requirements, creation and development of project design and preparation of drawings and specifications.
A State Development and Redevelopment Plan Center as designated by the State Planning Commission such as urban, regional, town, village, or hamlet.
The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlarge-enlargement of any building or structure, any mining excavation or landfill, and any use or change in the use of any building or other structure, or land or extension of use of land, for which permission is required under the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq.
In the case of development of agricultural land, development means: any activity that requires a State permit, any activity reviewed by the County Agricultural Board (CAB) and the State Agricultural Development Committee (SADC), and municipal review of any activity not exempted by the Right to Farm Act, N.J.S.A. 4:1C-1, et seq.
The placement or reconstruction of impervious surface or motor vehicle surface, or exposure and/or movement of soil or bedrock or clearing, cutting, or removing of vegetation. Milling and repaving is not considered disturbance for the purposes of this definition.
A geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.
The following areas where the physical alteration of the land is in some way restricted, either through regulation, easement, deed restriction or ownership such as: wetlands, floodplains, threatened and endangered species sites or designated habitats, and parks and preserves. Habitats of endangered or threatened species are identified using the Department's Landscape Project as approved by the Department's Endangered and Nongame Species Program.
An area or feature which is of significant environmental value, including but not limited to: stream corridors, natural heritage priority sites, habitats of endangered or threatened species, large areas of contiguous open space or upland forest, steep slopes, and well head protection and groundwater recharge areas. Habitats of endangered or threatened species are identified using the Department's Landscape Project as approved by the Department's Endangered and Nongame Species Program.
The detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, or gravity.
A stormwater management measure that manages stormwater close to its source by:
Treating stormwater runoff through infiltration into subsoil;
Treating stormwater runoff through filtration by vegetation or soil; or
Storing stormwater runoff for reuse.
An area within which water drains to a particular receiving surface water body, also known as a subwatershed, which is identified by a fourteen-digit hydrologic unit boundary designation, delineated within New Jersey by the United States Geological Survey.
A surface that has been covered with a layer of material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by water.
The process by which water seeps into the soil from precipitation.
One or more public entities having stormwater management planning authority designated by the regional stormwater management planning committee pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:8-3.2, that serves as the primary representative of the committee.
An individual "development," as well as multiple developments that individually or collectively result in The disturbance of one or more acres of land since February 2, 2004;
Major development includes all developments that are part of a common plan of development or sale (for example, phased residential development) that collectively or individually result in the disturbance of one or more acres of land since February 2, 2004. Projects undertaken by any government agency that otherwise meet the definition of "major development" but which do not require approval under the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., are also considered "major development."
Land vehicles propelled other than by muscular power, such as automobiles, motorcycles, autocycles, and low speed vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, motor vehicle does not include farm equipment, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, motorized wheelchairs, go-carts, gas buggies, golf carts, ski-slope grooming machines, or vehicles that run only on rails or tracks.
Any pervious or impervious surface that is intended to be used by "motor vehicles" and/or aircraft, and is directly exposed to precipitation including, but not limited to, driveways, parking areas, parking garages, roads, racetracks, and runways.
Any city, borough, town, township, or village.
The manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this section. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department's determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this section. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this section, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with § 30-502.4F and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this section.
An area designated by the State Planning Commission concentrating facilities and activities which are not organized in a compact form.
A chemical element or compound, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, which is essential to and promotes the development of organisms.
Any individual, corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, political subdivision of this State and any state, interstate or Federal agency.
Any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, refuse, oil, grease, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, medical wastes, radioactive substance (except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§ 2011 et seq.)), thermal waste, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, industrial, municipal, agricultural, and construction waste or runoff, or other residue discharged directly or indirectly to the land, ground waters or surface waters of the State, or to a domestic treatment works. "Pollutant" includes both hazardous and nonhazardous pollutants.
A pathway for use by motor vehicles or trains that is intended for public use and is constructed by, or on behalf of, a public transportation entity. A public roadway or railroad does not include a roadway or railroad constructed as part of a private development, regardless of whether the roadway or railroad is ultimately to be dedicated to and/or maintained by a governmental entity.
[Added 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
A Federal, State, county, or municipal government, an independent State authority, or a statutorily authorized public-private partnership program pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 90 (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-52 et seq.), that performs a public roadway or railroad project that includes new construction, expansion, reconstruction, or improvement of a public roadway or railroad.
[Added 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
The amount of water from precipitation that infiltrates into the ground and is not evapotranspired.
Any of the following, alone or in combination:
A net increase of impervious surface;
The total area of impervious surface collected by a new stormwater conveyance system (for the purpose of this definition, a "new stormwater conveyance system" is a stormwater conveyance system that is constructed where one did not exist immediately prior to its construction or an existing system for which a new discharge location is created);
The total area of impervious surface proposed to be newly collected by an existing stormwater conveyance system; and/or
The total area of impervious surface collected by an existing stormwater conveyance system where the capacity of that conveyance system is increased.
Any of the following, alone or in combination:
The total area of motor vehicle surface that is currently receiving water;
A net increase in motor vehicle surface; and/or quality treatment either by vegetation or soil, by an existing stormwater management measure, or by treatment at a wastewater treatment plant, where the water quality treatment will be modified or removed.
Solid material, mineral or organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by air, water or gravity as a product of erosion.
The lot or lots upon which a major development is to occur or has occurred.
All unconsolidated mineral and organic material of any origin.
An area delineated on the State Plan Policy Map and adopted by the State Planning Commission that is intended to be the focus for much of the State's future redevelopment and revitalization efforts.
The geographic application of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan's goals and statewide policies, and the official map of these goals and policies.
Water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.
An excavation or embankment and related areas designed to retain stormwater runoff. A stormwater management BMP may either be normally dry (that is, a detention basin or infiltration system), retain water in a permanent pool (a retention basin), or be planted mainly with wetland vegetation (most constructed stormwater wetlands).
Any practice, technology, process, program, or other method intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff and associated pollutants, or to induce or control the infiltration or groundwater recharge of stormwater or to eliminate illicit or illegal non-stormwater discharges into stormwater conveyances.
A public body authorized by legislation to prepare stormwater management plans.
The geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.
A structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, ten-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.
The ocean and its estuaries, all springs, streams, wetlands, and bodies of surface or groundwater, whether natural or artificial, within the boundaries of the State of New Jersey or subject to its jurisdiction.
An area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, commonly known as hydrophytic vegetation.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
Stormwater management measures for major development shall be designed to provide erosion control, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quantity control, and stormwater runoff quality treatment as follows:
The minimum standards for erosion control are those established under the Soil and Sediment Control Act, N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq., and implementing rules at N.J.A.C. 2:90.
The minimum standards for groundwater recharge, stormwater quality, and stormwater runoff quantity shall be met by incorporating green infrastructure.
The standards in this section apply only to new major development and are intended to minimize the impact of stormwater runoff on water quality and water quantity in receiving water bodies and maintain groundwater recharge. The standards do not apply to new major development to the extent that alternative design and performance standards are applicable under a regional stormwater management plan or Water Quality Management Plan adopted in accordance with Department rules.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
The development shall incorporate a maintenance plan for the stormwater management measures incorporated into the design of a major development in accordance with § 30-502.1.10 below.
Stormwater management measures shall avoid adverse impacts of concentrated flow on habitat for threatened and endangered species as documented in the Department's Landscape Project or Natural Heritage Database established under N.J.S.A. 13:1B-15.147 through 15.150, particularly Helonias bullata (swamp pink) and/or Clemmys muhlenbergii (bog turtle).
The following linear development projects are exempt from the groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity requirements of § 30-502.1.4P, Q and R.
The construction of an underground utility line provided that the disturbed areas are revegetated upon completion;
The construction of an aboveground utility line provided that the existing conditions are maintained to the maximum extent practicable; and
The construction of a public pedestrian access, such as a sidewalk or trail with a maximum width of 14 feet, provided that the access is made of permeable material.
A waiver from strict compliance from the green infrastructure, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity requirements of § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R may be obtained for the enlargement of an existing public roadway or railroad; or the construction or enlargement of a public pedestrian access, provided that the following conditions are met:
The applicant demonstrates that there is a public need for the project that cannot be accomplished by any other means;
The applicant demonstrates through an alternatives analysis, that through the use of stormwater management measures, the option selected complies with the requirements of § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R to the maximum extent practicable;
The applicant demonstrates that, in order to meet the requirements of § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R existing structures currently in use, such as homes and buildings, would need to be condemned; and
The applicant demonstrates that it does not own or have other rights to areas, including the potential to obtain through condemnation lands not falling under § 30-502.1.4D3 above within the upstream drainage area of the receiving stream, that would provide additional opportunities to mitigate the requirements of § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R that were not achievable onsite.
Tables 1 through 3 below summarize the ability of stormwater best management practices identified and described in the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual to satisfy the green infrastructure, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality and stormwater runoff quantity standards specified in § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R. When designed in accordance with the most current version of the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, the stormwater management measures found at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(f) Tables 5-1, 5-2 and 5-3 and listed below in Tables 1, 2 and 3 are presumed to be capable of providing stormwater controls for the design and performance standards as outlined in the tables below. Upon amendments of the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices to reflect additions or deletions of BMPs meeting these standards, or changes in the presumed performance of BMPs designed in accordance with the New Jersey Stormwater BMP Manual, the Department shall publish in the New Jersey Registers a notice of administrative change revising the applicable table. The most current version of the BMP Manual can be found on the Department's website at: https://njstormwater.org/bmp_manual2.htm.
Where the BMP tables in the NJ Stormwater Management Rule are different due to updates or amendments with the tables in this section the BMP Tables in the Stormwater Management rule at N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(f) shall take precedence.
Table 1
Green Infrastructure BMPs for Groundwater Recharge, Stormwater Runoff Quality, and/or Stormwater Runoff Quantity
Best Management Practice
Stormwater Runoff Quality TSS Removal Rate
Stormwater Runoff Quantity
Groundwater Recharge
Minimum Separation from Seasonal High Water Table
Dry well(a)
Grass swale
50 or less
Green roof
Manufactured treatment device(a)(g)
50 or 80
Dependent upon the device
Pervious paving system(a)
Small-scale bioretention basin(a)
80 or 90
Small-scale infiltration basin(a)
Small-scale sand filter
Vegetative filter strip
60 to 80
(Notes corresponding to annotations(a) through (g) are found after Table 3.)
Table 2
Green Infrastructure BMPs for Stormwater Runoff Quantity
(or for Groundwater Recharge and/or Stormwater Runoff Quality with a Waiver or Variance from N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.3)
Best Management Practice
Stormwater Runoff Quality TSS Removal Rate
Stormwater Runoff Quantity
Groundwater Recharge
Minimum Separation from Seasonal High Water Table
Bioretention system
80 or 90
Infiltration basin
Sand filter(b)
Standard constructed wetland
Wet pond(d)
50 to 90
(Notes corresponding to annotations(b) through (d) are found after Table 3.)
Table 3
BMPs for Groundwater Recharge, Stormwater Runoff Quality, and/or Stormwater Runoff Quantity
only with a Waiver or Variance from N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.3
Best Management Practice
Stormwater Runoff Quality TSS Removal Rate
Stormwater Runoff Quantity
Groundwater Recharge
Minimum Separation from Seasonal High Water Table
Blue roof
Extended detention basin
40 to 60
Manufactured treatment device(h)
50 or 80
Dependent upon the device
Sand filter(c)
Subsurface gravel wetland
Wet pond
50 to 90
Notes to Tables 1, 2, and 3:
Subject to the applicable contributory drainage area limitation specified at § 30-502.1.4O2;
Designed to infiltrate into the subsoil;
Designed with underdrains;
Designed to maintain at least a ten-foot wide area of native vegetation along at least 50% of the shoreline and to include a stormwater runoff retention component designed to capture stormwater runoff for beneficial reuse, such as irrigation;
Designed with a slope of less than 2%;
Designed with a slope of equal to or greater than 2%;
Manufactured treatment devices that meet the definition of green infrastructure at § 30-502.1.2;
Manufactured treatment devices that do not meet the definition of green infrastructure at § 30-502.1.2;
An alternative stormwater management measure, alternative removal rate, and/or alternative method to calculate the removal rate may be used if the design engineer demonstrates the capability of the proposed alternative stormwater management measure and/or the validity of the alternative rate or method to the municipality. A copy of any approved alternative stormwater management measure, alternative removal rate, and/or alternative method to calculate the removal rate shall be provided to the Department in accordance with § 30-502.1.6B. Alternative stormwater management measures may be used to satisfy the requirements at § 30-502.1.4O only if the measures meet the definition of green infrastructure at § 30-502.1.2. Alternative stormwater management measures that function in a similar manner to a BMP listed at § 30-502.1.4O2 are subject to the contributory drainage area limitation specified at § 30-502.1.4O2 for that similarly functioning BMP. Alternative stormwater management measures approved in accordance with this subsection that do not function in a similar manner to any BMP listed at § 30-502.1.4O2 shall have a contributory drainage area less than or equal to 2.5 acres, except for alternative stormwater management measures that function similarly to cisterns, grass swales, green roofs, standard constructed wetlands, vegetative filter strips, and wet ponds, which are not subject to a contributory drainage area limitation. Alternative measures that function similarly to standard constructed wetlands or wet ponds shall not be used for compliance with the stormwater runoff quality standard unless a variance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.6 or a waiver from strict compliance in accordance with § 30-502.1.4D is granted from § 30-502.1.4O.
Whenever the stormwater management design includes one or more BMPs that will infiltrate stormwater into subsoil, the design engineer shall assess the hydraulic impact on the groundwater table and design the site, so as to avoid adverse hydraulic impacts. Potential adverse hydraulic impacts include, but are not limited to, exacerbating a naturally or seasonally high water table, so as to cause surficial ponding, flooding of basements, or interference with the proper operation of subsurface sewage disposal systems or other subsurface structures within the zone of influence of the groundwater mound, or interference with the proper functioning of the stormwater management measure itself.
Design standards for stormwater management measures are as follows:
Stormwater management measures shall be designed to take into account the existing site conditions, including, but not limited to, environmentally critical areas; wetlands; flood-prone areas; slopes; depth to seasonal high water table; soil type, permeability, and texture; drainage area and drainage patterns; and the presence of solution-prone carbonate rocks (limestone);
Stormwater management measures shall be designed to minimize maintenance, facilitate maintenance and repairs, and ensure proper functioning. Trash racks shall be installed at the intake to the outlet structure, as appropriate, and shall have parallel bars with one-inch spacing between the bars to the elevation of the water quality design storm. For elevations higher than the water quality design storm, the parallel bars at the outlet structure shall be spaced no greater than one-third the width of the diameter of the orifice or one-third the width of the weir, with a minimum spacing between bars of one inch and a maximum spacing between bars of six inches. In addition, the design of trash racks must comply with the requirements of § 30-502.1.8C;
Stormwater management measures shall be designed, constructed, and installed to be strong, durable, and corrosion resistant. Measures that are consistent with the relevant portions of the Residential Site Improvement Standards at N.J.A.C. 5:21-7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 shall be deemed to meet this requirement;
Stormwater management BMPs shall be designed to meet the minimum safety standards for stormwater management BMPs at § 30-502.1.8; and
The size of the orifice at the intake to the outlet from the stormwater management BMP shall be a minimum of 2 1/2 inches in diameter.
Manufactured treatment devices may be used to meet the requirements of this subchapter, provided the pollutant removal rates are verified by the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology and certified by the Department. Manufactured treatment devices that do not meet the definition of green infrastructure at § 30-502.1.2 may be used only under the circumstances described at § 30-502.1.4O4.
Any application for a new agricultural development that meets the definition of major development at § 30-502.1.2 shall be submitted to the Soil Conservation District for review and approval in accordance with the requirements at § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R and any applicable Soil Conservation District guidelines for stormwater runoff quantity and erosion control. For purposes of this subsection, "agricultural development" means land uses normally associated with the production of food, fiber, and livestock for sale. Such uses do not include the development of land for the processing or sale of food and the manufacture of agriculturally related products.
If there is more than one drainage area, the groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity standards at § 30-502.1.4P, Q and R shall be met in each drainage area, unless the runoff from the drainage areas converge onsite and no adverse environmental impact would occur as a result of compliance with any one or more of the individual standards being determined utilizing a weighted average of the results achieved for that individual standard across the affected drainage areas.
Any stormwater management measure authorized under the municipal stormwater management plan or Ordinance shall be reflected in a deed notice recorded in the Office of the County Clerk. A form of deed notice shall be submitted to the municipality for approval prior to filing. The deed notice shall contain a description of the stormwater management measure(s) used to meet the green infrastructure, groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity standards at § 30-502.1.4O, P, Q and R and shall identify the location of the stormwater management measure(s) in NAD 1983 State Plane New Jersey FIPS 2900 US Feet or Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees. The deed notice shall also reference the maintenance plan required to be recorded upon the deed pursuant to § 30-502.1.10B5. Prior to the commencement of construction, proof that the above required deed notice has been filed shall be submitted to the municipality. Proof that the required information has been recorded on the deed shall be in the form of either a copy of the complete recorded document or a receipt from the clerk or other proof of recordation provided by the recording office. However, if the initial proof provided to the municipality is not a copy of the complete recorded document, a copy of the complete recorded document shall be provided to the municipality within 180 calendar days of the authorization granted by the municipality.
A stormwater management measure approved under the municipal stormwater management plan or Ordinance may be altered or replaced with the approval of the municipality, if the municipality determines that the proposed alteration or replacement meets the design and performance standards pursuant to § 30-502.1.4 and provides the same level of stormwater management as the previously approved stormwater management measure that is being altered or replaced. If an alteration or replacement is approved, a revised deed notice shall be submitted to the municipality for approval and subsequently recorded with the Office of the County Clerk and shall contain a description and location of the stormwater management measure, as well as reference to the maintenance plan, in accordance with Paragraph M, above. Prior to the commencement of construction, proof that the above required deed notice has been filed shall be submitted to the municipality in accordance with Paragraph M, above.
Green Infrastructure Standards.
This subsection specifies the types of green infrastructure BMPs that may be used to satisfy the groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity standards.
To satisfy the groundwater recharge and stormwater runoff quality standards at § 30-502.1.4P and Q, the design engineer shall utilize green infrastructure BMPs identified in Table 1 at § 30-502.1.4F and/or an alternative stormwater management measure approved in accordance with § 30-502.1.4G. The following green infrastructure BMPs are subject to the following maximum contributory drainage area limitations:
Best Management Practice
Maximum Contributory Drainage Area
Dry well
1 acre
Manufactured treatment device
2.5 acres
Pervious pavement systems
Area of additional inflow cannot exceed three times the area occupied by the BMP
Small-scale bioretention systems
2.5 acres
Small-scale infiltration basin
2.5 acres
Small-scale sand filter
2.5 acres
To satisfy the stormwater runoff quantity standards at § 30-502.1.4R, the design engineer shall utilize BMPs from Table 1 or from Table 2 and/or an alternative stormwater management measure approved in accordance with § 30-502.1.4G.
If a variance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.6 or a waiver from strict compliance in accordance with § 30-502.1.4D is granted from the requirements of this subsection, then BMPs from Table 1, 2, or 3, and/or an alternative stormwater management measure approved in accordance with § 30-502.4G may be used to meet the groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality, and stormwater runoff quantity standards at § 30-502.1.4P, Q and R.
For separate or combined storm sewer improvement projects, such as sewer separation, undertaken by a government agency or public utility (for example, a sewerage company), the requirements of this subsection shall only apply to areas owned in fee simple by the government agency or utility, and areas within a right-of-way or easement held or controlled by the government agency or utility; the entity shall not be required to obtain additional property or property rights to fully satisfy the requirements of this subsection. Regardless of the amount of area of a separate or combined storm sewer improvement project subject to the green infrastructure requirements of this subsection, each project shall fully comply with the applicable groundwater recharge, stormwater runoff quality control, and stormwater runoff quantity standards at § 30-502.1.4P, Q and R unless the project is granted a waiver from strict compliance in accordance with § 30-502.1.4D.
Groundwater Recharge Standards.
This subsection contains the minimum design and performance standards for groundwater recharge as follows:
The design engineer shall, using the assumptions and factors for stormwater runoff and groundwater recharge calculations at subsection 30-502.1.5, either:
Demonstrate through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that the site and its stormwater management measures maintain 100% of the average annual pre-construction groundwater recharge volume for the site; or
Demonstrate through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that the increase of stormwater runoff volume from pre-construction to post-construction for the projected two-year storm, as defined and determined pursuant to subsection 30-502.1.5D, is infiltrated.
This groundwater recharge requirement does not apply to projects subject to Paragraph 4 below.
The following types of stormwater shall not be recharged:
Stormwater from areas of high pollutant loading. High pollutant loading areas are areas in industrial and commercial developments where solvents and/or petroleum products are loaded/unloaded, stored, or applied, areas where pesticides are loaded/unloaded or stored; areas where hazardous materials are expected to be present in greater than "reportable quantities" as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") at 40 CFR 302.4; areas where recharge would be inconsistent with Department approved remedial action work plan approved pursuant to the Administrative Requirements for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites rules, N.J.A.C. 7:26C, or Department landfill closure plan and areas; and areas with high risks for spills of toxic materials, such as gas stations and vehicle maintenance facilities; and
Industrial stormwater exposed to "source material." "Source material" means any material(s) or machinery, located at an industrial facility, that is directly or indirectly related to process, manufacturing or other industrial activities, which could be a source of pollutants in any industrial stormwater discharge to groundwater. Source materials include, but are not limited to, raw materials; intermediate products; final products; waste materials; by-products; industrial machinery and fuels, and lubricants, solvents, and detergents that are related to process, manufacturing, or other industrial activities that are exposed to stormwater.
Stormwater Runoff Quality Standards.
This subsection contains the minimum design and performance standards to control stormwater runoff quality impacts of major development. Stormwater runoff quality standards are applicable when the major development results in an increase of 1/4 acre or more of regulated motor vehicle surface.
Stormwater management measures shall be designed to reduce the post-construction load of total suspended solids (TSS) in stormwater runoff generated from the water quality design storm as follows:
Eighty percent TSS removal of the anticipated load, expressed as an annual average shall be achieved for the stormwater runoff from the net increase of motor vehicle surface.
If the surface is considered regulated motor vehicle surface because the water quality treatment for an area of motor vehicle surface that is currently receiving water quality treatment either by vegetation or soil, by an existing stormwater management measure, or by treatment at a wastewater treatment plant is to be modified or removed, the project shall maintain or increase the existing TSS removal of the anticipated load expressed as an annual average.
The requirement to reduce TSS does not apply to any stormwater runoff in a discharge regulated under a numeric effluent limitation for TSS imposed under the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) rules, N.J.A.C. 7:14A, or in a discharge specifically exempt under a NJPDES permit from this requirement. Every major development, including any that discharge into a combined sewer system, shall comply with Paragraph 2 above, unless the major development is itself subject to a NJPDES permit with a numeric effluent limitation for TSS or the NJPDES permit to which the major development is subject exempts the development from a numeric effluent limitation for TSS.
The water quality design storm is 1.25 inches of rainfall in two hours. Water quality calculations shall take into account the distribution of rain from the water quality design storm, as reflected in Table 4, below. The calculation of the volume of runoff may take into account the implementation of stormwater management measures.
Table 4 - Water Quality Design Storm Distribution
Cumulative Rainfall
Cumulative Rainfall
Cumulative Rainfall
If more than one BMP in series is necessary to achieve the required 80% TSS reduction for a site, the applicant shall utilize the following formula to calculate TSS reduction:
R = A + B - (A x B)/100
total TSS percent load removal from application of both BMPs.
the TSS percent removal rate applicable to the first BMP.
the TSS percent removal rate applicable to the second BMP.
Stormwater management measures shall also be designed to reduce, to the maximum extent feasible, the post-construction nutrient load of the anticipated load from the developed site in stormwater runoff generated from the water quality design storm. In achieving reduction of nutrients to the maximum extent feasible, the design of the site shall include green infrastructure BMPs that optimize nutrient removal while still achieving the performance standards in § 30-502.1.4P, Q and R.
In accordance with the definition of FW1 at N.J.A.C. 7:9B-1.4, stormwater management measures shall be designed to prevent any increase in stormwater runoff to waters classified as FW1.
The Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-4.1(c)1 establish 300-foot riparian zones along Category One waters, as designated in the Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B, and certain upstream tributaries to Category One waters. A person shall not undertake a major development that is located within or discharges into a 300-foot riparian zone without prior authorization from the Department under N.J.A.C. 7:13.
Pursuant to the Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:13-11.2(j)3.i, runoff from the water quality design storm that is discharged within a 300-foot riparian zone shall be treated in accordance with this subsection to reduce the post-construction load of total suspended solids by 95% of the anticipated load from the developed site, expressed as an annual average.
This stormwater runoff quality standards do not apply to the construction of one individual single-family dwelling, provided that it is not part of a larger development or subdivision that has received preliminary or final site plan approval prior to December 3, 2018, and that the motor vehicle surfaces are made of permeable material(s) such as gravel, dirt, and/or shells.
Stormwater Runoff Quantity Standards.
This subsection contains the minimum design and performance standards to control stormwater runoff quantity impacts of major development.
In order to control stormwater runoff quantity impacts, the design engineer shall, using the assumptions and factors for stormwater runoff calculations at subsection 30-502.1.5, complete one of the following:
Demonstrate through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that for stormwater leaving the site, post-construction runoff hydrographs for the current and projected two-, ten- and 100-year storm events, as defined and determined in subsection 30-502.1.5C and D, respectively, do not exceed, at any point in time, the pre-construction runoff hydrographs for the same storm events;
Demonstrate through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that there is no increase, as compared to the pre-construction condition, in the peak runoff rates of stormwater leaving the site for the current and projected two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events, as defined and determined pursuant to subsection 30-502.1.5C and D, respectively, and that the increased volume or change in timing of stormwater runoff will not increase flood damage at or downstream of the site. This analysis shall include the analysis of impacts of existing land uses and projected land uses assuming full development under existing zoning and land use ordinances in the drainage area;
Design stormwater management measures so that the post-construction peak runoff rates for the current and projected two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events, as defined and determined in subsection 30-502.1.5C and D, respectively, are 50%, 75% and 80%, respectively, of the pre-construction peak runoff rates. The percentages apply only to the post-construction stormwater runoff that is attributable to the portion of the site on which the proposed development or project is to be constructed; or
In tidal flood hazard areas, stormwater runoff quantity analysis in accordance with Paragraphs 2a, 2b and 2c above is required unless the design engineer demonstrates through hydrologic and hydraulic analysis that the increased volume, change in timing, or increased rate of the stormwater runoff, or any combination of the three will not result in additional flood damage below the point of discharge of the major development. No analysis is required if the stormwater is discharged directly into any ocean, bay, inlet, or the reach of any watercourse between its confluence with an ocean, bay, or inlet and downstream of the first water control structure.
The stormwater runoff quantity standards shall be applied at the site's boundary to each abutting lot, roadway, watercourse, or receiving storm sewer system.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Stormwater runoff shall be calculated in accordance with the following:
The design engineer shall calculate runoff using one of the following methods: The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) methodology, including the NRCS Runoff Equation and Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph, as described in Chapters 7, 9, 10, 15 and 16 Part 630, Hydrology National Engineering Handbook, incorporated herein by reference as amended and supplemented. This methodology is additionally described in Technical Release 55 — Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (TR-55), dated June 1986, incorporated herein by reference as amended and supplemented. Information regarding the methodology is available from the Natural Resources Conservation Service website at: https://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/viewerFS.aspx?hid=21422 or at United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, New Jersey State Office.
For the purpose of calculating curve numbers and groundwater recharge, there is a presumption that the pre-construction condition of a site or portion thereof is a wooded land use with good hydrologic condition. The term "curve number" applies to the NRCS methodology above at subsection 30-502.1.5A1. A curve number or a groundwater recharge land cover for an existing condition may be used on all or a portion of the site if the design engineer verifies that the hydrologic condition has existed on the site or portion of the site for at least five years without interruption prior to the time of application. If more than one land cover has existed on the site during the five years immediately prior to the time of application, the land cover with the lowest runoff potential shall be used for the computations. In addition, there is the presumption that the site is in good hydrologic condition (if the land use type is pasture, lawn, or park), with good cover (if the land use type is woods), or with good hydrologic condition and conservation treatment (if the land use type is cultivation).
In computing pre-construction stormwater runoff, the design engineer shall account for all significant land features and structures, such as ponds, wetlands, depressions, hedgerows, or culverts, that may reduce pre-construction stormwater runoff rates and volumes.
In computing stormwater runoff from all design storms, the design engineer shall consider the relative stormwater runoff rates and/or volumes of pervious and impervious surfaces separately to accurately compute the rates and volume of stormwater runoff from the site. To calculate runoff from unconnected impervious cover, urban impervious area modifications as described in the NRCS Technical Release 55 - Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds or other methods may be employed.
If the invert of the outlet structure of a stormwater management measure is below the flood hazard design flood elevation as defined at N.J.A.C. 7:13, the design engineer shall take into account the effects of tailwater in the design of structural stormwater management measures.
Groundwater Recharge may be Calculated in Accordance with the Following: New Jersey Geological Survey Report GSR-32, A Method for Evaluating Groundwater-Recharge Areas in New Jersey, incorporated herein by reference as amended and supplemented. Information regarding the methodology is available from the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual; at the New Jersey Geological Survey website at: https://www.nj.gov/dep/njgs/pricelst/gsreport/gsr32.pdf or at New Jersey Geological and Water Survey, 29 Arctic Parkway, PO Box 420 Mail Code 29-01, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420.
The precipitation depths of the current two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events shall be determined by multiplying the values determined in accordance with paragraphs C1 and 2 below:
The applicant shall utilize the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service's Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates: NJ, in accordance with the location(s) of the drainage area(s) of the site. This data is available at: https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=nj; and
The applicant shall utilize Table 5: Current Precipitation Adjustment Factors below, which sets forth the applicable multiplier for the drainage area(s) of the site, in accordance with the county or counties where the drainage area(s) of the site is located. Where the major development lies in more than one county, the precipitation values shall be adjusted according to the percentage of the drainage area in each county. Alternately, separate rainfall totals can be developed for each county using the values in the table below.
Table 5: Current Precipitation Adjustment Factors
Current Precipitation Adjustment Factors
Design Storm
Design Storm
Design Storm
Table 6: Future Precipitation Change Factors provided below sets forth the change factors to be used in determining the projected two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events for use in this chapter, which are organized alphabetically by county. The precipitation depth of the projected two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events of a site shall be determined by multiplying the precipitation depth of the two-, ten-, and 100-year storm events determined from the National Weather Service's Atlas 14 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates pursuant to paragraph C1 above, by the change factor in the table below, in accordance with the county or counties where the drainage area(s) of the site is located. Where the major development and/or its drainage area lies in more than one county, the precipitation values shall be adjusted according to the percentage of the drainage area in each county. Alternately, separate rainfall totals can be developed for each county using the values in the table below.
Table 6: Future Precipitation Change Factors
Future Precipitation Change Factors
Design Storm
Design Storm
Design Storm
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Technical guidance for stormwater management measures can be found in the documents listed below, which are available to download from the Department's website at http://dep.nj.gov/stormwater/bmp-manual/
Guidelines for stormwater management measures are contained in the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, as amended and supplemented. Information is provided on stormwater management measures such as, but not limited to, those listed in Tables 1,2, and 3.
Additional maintenance guidance is available on the Department's website at: http://dep.nj.gov/stormwater/bmp-manual/
Submissions required for review by the Department should be mailed to: The Division of Watershed Protection and Restoration, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Mail Code 501-02A, PO Box 420, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
Site design features identified under § 30-502.1.4F, above, or alternative designs in accordance with § 30-502.1.4D7, above, to prevent discharge of trash and debris from drainage systems shall comply with the following standard to control passage of solid and floatable materials through storm drain inlets. For purposes of this paragraph, "solid and floatable materials" means sediment, debris, trash, and other floating, suspended, or settleable solids. For exemptions to this standard see § 30-502.1.7A2 below.
Design engineers shall use one of the following grates whenever they use a grate in pavement or another ground surface to collect stormwater from that surface into a storm drain or surface water body under that grate:
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) bicycle safe grate, which is described in Chapter 2.4 of the NJDOT Bicycle Compatible Roadways and Bikeways Planning and Design Guidelines; or
A different grate, if each individual clear space in that grate has an area of no more than seven square inches, or is no greater than 0.5 inch across the smallest dimension.
Examples of grates subject to this standard include grates in grate inlets, the grate portion (non-curb-opening portion) of combination inlets, grates on storm sewer manholes, ditch grates, trench grates, and grates of spacer bars in slotted drains. Examples of ground surfaces include surfaces of roads (including bridges), driveways, parking areas, bikeways, plazas, sidewalks, lawns, fields, open channels, and stormwater system floors used to collect stormwater from the surface into a storm drain or surface water body.
For curb-opening inlets, including curb-opening inlets in combination inlets, the clear space in that curb opening, or each individual clear space if the curb opening has two or more clear spaces, shall have an area of no more than seven square inches, or be no greater than two inches across the smallest dimension.
The standard in Paragraph A1 above does not apply:
Where each individual clear space in the curb opening in existing curb-opening inlet does not have an area of more than nine square inches;
Where the municipality agrees that the standards would cause inadequate hydraulic performance that could not practicably be overcome by using additional or larger storm drain inlets;
Where flows from the water quality design storm as specified in N.J.A.C. 7:8 are conveyed through any device (e.g., end of pipe netting facility, manufactured treatment device, or a catch basin hood) that is designed, at a minimum, to prevent delivery of all solid and floatable materials that could not pass through one of the following:
A rectangular space 4.625 inches long and 1.5 inches wide (this option does not apply for outfall netting facilities); or
A bar screen having a bar spacing of 0.5 inch.
Note that these exemptions do not authorize any infringement of requirements in the Residential Site Improvement Standards for bicycle safe grates in new residential development (N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.18(b)2 and 7.4(b)1).
Where flows are conveyed through a trash rack that has parallel bars with one inch spacing between the bars, to the elevation of the Water Quality Design Storm as specified in N.J.A.C. 7:8; or
Where the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection determines, pursuant to the New Jersey Register of Historic Places Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:4-7.2(c), that action to meet this standard is an undertaking that constitutes an encroachment or will damage or destroy the New Jersey Register listed historic property.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
This section sets forth requirements to protect public safety through the proper design and operation of stormwater management BMPs. This section applies to any new stormwater management BMP.
The provisions of this section are not intended to preempt more stringent municipal or county safety requirements for new or existing stormwater management BMPs. Municipal and county stormwater management plans and Ordinances may, pursuant to their authority, require existing stormwater management BMPs to be retrofitted to meet one or more of the safety standards in § 30-502.1.8C1, C2 and C3 for trash racks, overflow grates, and escape provisions at outlet structures.
Requirements for Trash Racks, Overflow Grates and Escape Provisions:
A trash rack is a device designed to catch trash and debris and prevent the clogging of outlet structures. Trash racks shall be installed at the intake to the outlet from the Stormwater management BMP to ensure proper functioning of the BMP outlets in accordance with the following:
The trash rack shall have parallel bars, with no greater than six-inch spacing between the bars;
The trash rack shall be designed so as not to adversely affect the hydraulic performance of the outlet pipe or structure;
The average velocity of flow through a clean trash rack is not to exceed 2.5 feet per second under the full range of stage and discharge. Velocity is to be computed on the basis of the net area of opening through the rack; and
The trash rack shall be constructed of rigid, durable, and corrosion resistant material and designed to withstand a perpendicular live loading of 300 pounds per square foot.
An overflow grate is designed to prevent obstruction of the overflow structure. If an outlet structure has an overflow grate, such grate shall meet the following requirements:
The overflow grate shall be secured to the outlet structure but removable for emergencies and maintenance.
The overflow grate spacing shall be no greater than two inches across the smallest dimension.
The overflow grate shall be constructed and installed to be rigid, durable, and corrosion resistant, and shall be designed to withstand a perpendicular live loading of 300 pounds per square foot.
Stormwater management BMPs shall include escape provisions as follows:
If a stormwater management BMP has an outlet structure, escape provisions shall be incorporated in or on the structure. Escape provisions include the installation of permanent ladders, steps, rungs, or other features that provide easily accessible means of egress from stormwater management BMPs. With the prior approval of the municipality pursuant to § 30-502.1.8C, a free-standing outlet structure may be exempted from this requirement;
Safety ledges shall be constructed on the slopes of all new stormwater management BMPs having a permanent pool of water deeper than 2 1/2 feet. Safety ledges shall be comprised of two steps. Each step shall be four to six feet in width. One step shall be located approximately 2 1/2 feet below the permanent water surface, and the second step shall be located 1/2 to 1 1/2 feet above the permanent water surface. See § 30-502.1.8E for an illustration of safety ledges in a stormwater management BMP; and
In new stormwater management BMPs, the maximum interior slope for an earthen dam, embankment, or berm shall not be steeper than three horizontal to one vertical.
Variance or Exemption from Safety Standard. A variance or exemption from the safety standards for stormwater management BMPs may be granted only upon a written finding by the municipality that the variance or exemption will not constitute a threat to public safety.
Safety Ledge Illustration.
Elevation View - Basin Safety Ledge Configuration
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
Submission of Site Development Stormwater Plan.
Whenever an applicant seeks municipal approval of a development subject to this section, the applicant shall submit all of the required components of the Checklist for the Site Development Stormwater Plan at § 30-502.1.9C, below, as part of the submission of the application for approval.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the project meets the standards set forth in this section.
Site Development Stormwater Plan Approval. The applicant's Site Development project shall be reviewed as a part of the review process by the municipal board or official from which municipal approval is sought. The municipal board or official shall consult the municipality's review engineer to determine if all of the checklist requirements have been satisfied and to determine if the project meets the standards set forth in this section.
Submission of Site Development Stormwater Plan. The following information shall be required:
Topographic Base Map. The reviewing engineer may require upstream tributary drainage system information as necessary. It is recommended that the topographic base map of the site be submitted which extends a minimum of 200 feet beyond the limits of the proposed development, at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet or greater, showing two-foot contour intervals. The map as appropriate may indicate the following: existing surface water drainage, shorelines, steep slopes, soils, erodible soils, perennial or intermittent streams that drain into or upstream of the Category One waters, wetlands and flood plains along with their appropriate buffer strips, marshlands and other wetlands, pervious or vegetative surfaces, existing man-made structures, roads, bearing and distances of property lines, and significant natural and manmade features not otherwise shown.
Environmental Site Analysis. A written and graphic description of the natural and man-made features of the site and its surroundings should be submitted. This description should include a discussion of soil conditions, slopes, wetlands, waterways and vegetation on the site. Particular attention should be given to unique, unusual, or environmentally sensitive features and to those that provide particular opportunities or constraints for development.
Project Description and Site Plans. A map (or maps) at the scale of the topographical base map indicating the location of existing and proposed buildings roads, parking areas, utilities, structural facilities for stormwater management and sediment control, and other permanent structures. The map(s) shall also clearly show areas where alterations will occur in the natural terrain and cover, including lawns and other landscaping, and seasonal high groundwater elevations. A written description of the site plan and justification for proposed changes in natural conditions shall also be provided.
Land Use Planning and Source Control Plan. This plan shall provide a demonstration of how the goals and standards of § 30-502.1.3 through § 30-502.1.5 are being met. The focus of this plan shall be to describe how the site is being developed to meet the objective of controlling groundwater recharge, stormwater quality and stormwater quantity problems at the source by land management and source controls whenever possible.
Stormwater Management Facilities Map. The following information, illustrated on a map of the same scale as the topographic base map, shall be included:
Total area to be disturbed, paved or built upon, proposed surface contours, land area to be occupied by the stormwater management facilities and the type of vegetation thereon, and details of the proposed plan to control and dispose of stormwater.
Details of all stormwater management facility designs, during and after construction, including discharge provisions, discharge capacity for each outlet at different levels of detention and emergency spillway provisions with maximum discharge capacity of each spillway.
Comprehensive hydrologic and hydraulic design calculations for the pre-development and post-development conditions for the design storms specified in § 30-502.1.4.
When the proposed stormwater management control measures depend on the hydrologic properties of soils or require certain separation from the seasonal high water table, then a soils report shall be submitted. The soils report shall be based on onsite boring logs or soil pit profiles. The number and location of required soil borings or soil pits shall be determined based on what is needed to determine the suitability and distribution of soils present at the location of the control measure.
Maintenance and Repair Plan. The design and planning of the stormwater management facility shall meet the maintenance requirements of § 30-502.1.10, below.
Waiver from Submission Requirements. The municipal official or board reviewing an application under this section may, in consultation with the municipality's review engineer, waive submission of any of the requirements in § 30-502.1.9C1 through § 30-502.1.9C6e when it can be demonstrated that the information requested is impossible to obtain or it would create a hardship on the applicant to obtain and its absence will not materially affect the review process.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021; amended 12-11-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Applicability. Projects subject to review as in § 30-502.1.1C shall comply with the requirements of § 30-502.1.10B and C.
General Maintenance.
The design engineer shall prepare a maintenance plan for the stormwater management measures incorporated into the design of a major development.
The maintenance plan shall contain specific preventative maintenance tasks and schedules; cost estimates, including estimated cost of sediment, debris, or trash removal; and the name, address, and telephone number of the person or persons responsible for preventative and corrective maintenance (including replacement). The plan shall contain information on BMP location, design, ownership, maintenance tasks and frequencies, and other details as specified in Chapter 8 of the NJ BMP Manual, as well as the tasks specific to the type of BMP, as described in the applicable chapter containing design specifics.
If the maintenance plan identifies a person other than the property owner (for example, a developer, a public agency or homeowners' association) as having the responsibility for maintenance, the plan shall include documentation of such person's or entity's agreement to assume this responsibility, or of the owner's obligation to dedicate a stormwater management facility to such person under an applicable Ordinance or regulation.
Responsibility for maintenance shall not be assigned or transferred to the owner or tenant of an individual property in a residential development or project, unless such owner or tenant owns or leases the entire residential development or project. The individual property owner may be assigned incidental tasks, such as weeding of a green infrastructure BMP, provided the individual agrees to assume these tasks; however, the individual cannot be legally responsible for all of the maintenance required.
If the party responsible for maintenance identified under § 30-502.1.10B3, above, is not a public agency, the maintenance plan and any future revisions based on § 30-502.1.10B7 below, shall be recorded upon the deed of record for each property on which the maintenance described in the maintenance plan must be undertaken.
Preventative and corrective maintenance shall be performed to maintain the functional parameters (storage volume, infiltration rates, inflow/outflow capacity, etc.).of the stormwater management measure, including, but not limited to, repairs or replacement to the structure; removal of sediment, debris, or trash; restoration of eroded areas; snow and ice removal; fence repair or replacement; restoration of vegetation; and repair or replacement of non-vegetated linings.
The party responsible for maintenance identified under § 30-502.1.10B3, above, shall perform all of the following requirements:
Maintain a detailed log of all preventative and corrective maintenance for the structural stormwater management measures incorporated into the design of the development, including a record of all inspections and copies of all maintenance-related work orders;
Evaluate the effectiveness of the maintenance plan at least once per year and adjust the plan and the deed as needed; and
Retain and make available, upon request by any public entity with administrative, health, environmental, or safety authority over the site, the maintenance plan and the documentation required by § 30-502.1.10B6 and B7 above.
The requirements of § 30-502.1.10B3 and B4 above, do not apply to stormwater management facilities that are dedicated to and accepted by the municipality or another governmental agency, subject to all applicable stormwater general permit conditions, as issued by the Department. Maintenance and inspection guidance can be found on the Department's website at: http://dep.nj.gov/stormwater/maintenance-guidance/
In the event that the stormwater management facility becomes a danger to public safety or public health, or if it is in need of maintenance or repair, the municipality shall so notify the responsible person in writing. Upon receipt of that notice, the responsible person shall have 14 days to effect maintenance and repair of the facility in a manner that is approved by the municipal engineer or his designee. The municipality, in its discretion, may extend the time allowed for effecting maintenance and repair for good cause. If the responsible person fails or refuses to perform such maintenance and repair, the municipality may immediately proceed to do so and shall bill the cost thereof to the responsible person. Nonpayment of such bill may result in a lien on the property.
Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the municipality from requiring the posting of a performance or maintenance guarantee in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 03-2021]
Any person(s) who erects, constructs, alters, repairs, converts, maintains, or uses any building, structure or land in violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in the Borough's General Penalty, Chapter 1, § 1-5, of the Borough Code and each day that the building, structure or land is permitted to remain in violation of this section shall be considered a separate and distinct offense. The Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction to enforce and collect any such penalty imposed in a summary manner and in accordance with the Penalty Enforcement Law, N.J.S.A. 2A:58-1, et seq.
All permitted fences or walls shall be situated on a lot in such a manner that the finished side of the fence or wall shall face adjacent properties. All poles, posts, etc., shall be erected on the inside of the fence or wall. No fence or wall shall be erected of barbed wire, broken glass, topped with metal spikes, nor constructed of any material or in any manner which may be dangerous to persons or animals, except for nonresidential uses where the Board determines that such construction is reasonable and affords safety. Electric fences or walls are prohibited.
All fences or walls shall be constructed and maintained to withstand a wind load of no less than 15 pounds per square foot. Construction materials may be of wood board (picket or panel), metal chain link fabric, picket or bent salvage on tip, or concrete panel. All materials shall be treated against infestation and corrosion.
All fences or walls shall be symmetrical in appearance, with posts separated by identical distances, with the fencing conforming to a definite pattern and uniform design. Fences or walls shall be kept in good repair, shall be regularly painted, and shall be maintained in a clean condition.
On any lot in any district, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that said wall or fence shall be over four feet in height in front yards and six feet in height in side and rear yards with the following provisions and exceptions:
A dog run may have fencing a maximum of six feet in height provided such area is located in rear yards only and is set back from any lot line 25 feet.
A private residential swimming pool area must be surrounded by a fence at least four feet, but not more than six feet in height. Swimming pool areas shall be located in rear yards only. See Section 30-515 for additional standards.
A tennis court area, located in rear yards only, may be surrounded by a fence a maximum of 15 feet in height; said fence to be set back from any lot line the distance required for principal buildings in the zoning district as provided for by this chapter.
Schools, playgrounds and parks in any district and commercial and industrial uses may erect security fences to control ingress and egress to all or part of the lot. Said fence shall be no more than 10 feet in height, and no such fence shall be located within a front yard setback area.
Sight triangle areas shall be required at street intersections and nonresidential driveways entering public streets, in addition to the specified right-of-way widths, in which no grading, planting or structure shall be erected or maintained more than 30 inches above the street centerline, except for utility poles, street signs, fire hydrants and light standards.
The sight triangle is defined as that area outside of the street right-of-way which is bound by the intersecting street lines and the straight line connecting "sight points," one each located on the two intersecting street centerlines:
'Arterial' streets at 300 feet;
'Collector' streets at 200 feet;
'Local' streets and residential driveways at 90 feet.
Sight triangle easements shall be required for any new development and such easement dedication shall be expressed on the plat or plan as follows: "Sight triangle easement deeded for purposes provided for and expressed in the Land Development Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg."
Street lighting of a type supplied by the utility and of a type and number approved by the Borough Engineer may be required at all street intersections and along all arterial, collector and local streets and anywhere else deemed necessary for safety reasons.
All parking areas and walkways thereto and appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial, public, office, multiple family or other uses having common off-street parking and/or loading areas shall be adequately illuminated for security and safety purposes. The lighting plan in and around the parking areas shall provide for non-glare lights focused downward. The light intensity provided at ground level shall be indicated in footcandles on the submitted site plans and shall average at least 0.5 footcandles at intersections and 0.3 footcandles elsewhere in the area to be illuminated. Lighting shall be provided by fixtures with a mounting height not more than 18 feet or the height of the building, whichever is less, measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source.
Any outdoor lighting such as building and sidewalk illumination, driveways with no adjacent parking, the lighting of signs and ornamental lighting, shall be shown on the lighting plan in sufficient detail to allow a determination of the effects upon adjacent properties and traffic safety. The objective of these specifications is to minimize undesirable off-premises effects. No light shall shine into windows or onto streets and driveways in such a manner as to interfere with or distract driver vision. To achieve these requirements, the intensity of such light sources, the light shielding and similar characteristics shall be subject to site plan approval.
Automatic shut-off or dimming devices shall be required for all parking areas providing 20 or more parking spaces.
Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be either at right angles or radial to street lines.
Each lot must front upon an approved street.
All lots shall be suitable for the purpose(s) of their intended use. Where there is a question as to the suitability of a lot or lots for their intended use due to factors such as poor drainage conditions or flood conditions, the Board, after adequate investigation, may withhold approval of such lots. If approval is withheld, the Board shall give reasons and notify the applicant and enter the same in the minutes.
Concrete monuments shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Map Filing Act.
Natural features such as trees, hill tops and views, natural terrain, open waters and natural drainage ridge lines shall be preserved whenever possible in designing any development containing such features.
Natural fertility of the soil shall be preserved and soil on-site shall be disturbed as little as possible. No topsoil shall be removed from the site. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed evenly over the tract so as to provide at least six inches of cover to all areas, where possible, which cover shall be established by approved seeding and/or planting.
During the design, planning and construction of any development, a conscious effort shall be made to preserve the existing vegetation on the site. Additionally, the planting of shade trees shall be provided in all residential developments and in subdivisions of other kinds where deemed appropriate by the Planning Board. Trees shall be planted along both sides of existing and/or new streets at intervals of not more than 50 feet and in types, sizes and locations conducive to healthy growth, and according to any standards adopted by the Governing Body so as not to interfere with street paving and utilities. All planting strips within street rights-of-way shall be finished graded, properly prepared, and seeded or sodded with lawn grass. The proposed location of the trees shall be indicated on the site plan and/or subdivision submission. All newly planted shade trees shall be of nursery stock, shall have a minimum caliper two to 2 1/2 inches and shall be of a species indigenous to the area. All plantings shall be done in conformance with good horticultural practice.
Landscaping provided as part of any development plan should provide for a variety and mixture of plantings. The selection should consider susceptibility to disease, colors, season, textures, shapes, blossoms, and foliage. The site plan shall show the location, specie, size at planting and quantity of each plant.
A five-foot wide shade tree easement shall be provided adjacent to the street line in all subdivisions.
Whenever the owner of a lot existing at the time of adoption of this chapter has dedicated or conveyed land to the Borough in order to meet the minimum street width requirements of the Official Map or Master Plan of the Borough, the Zoning Officer shall issue zoning and occupancy permits for lots whose depth and/or areas are rendered substandard only because of such dedication and where the owner has no other adjacent lands to provide the minimum requirements.
In all residential zones, any existing lot on which a building or structure is located and which lot does not meet the minimum lot size, or a structure which violates any yard requirements, may have additions to the principal building and/or construction of an accessory building without an appeal for variance relief provided: a) the existing use(s) on the lot are conforming to the permitted use(s) set forth on this chapter for the lot in question; b) the total permitted building coverage is not exceeded; c) the accessory building and/or addition does not violate any other requirements of this chapter such as, but not limited to, height, setback and parking and does not increase any existing non-conformity; and d) the lot is not reduced in size.
Existing lots in the BC zone shall be exempt from the lot size and yard requirements of Section 30-400 of this chapter.
Structures and Uses.
Any preexisting nonconforming use or structure existing at the time of the passage of this chapter may be continued upon the lot or in the structure so occupied and any such structure may be repaired in the event of partial destruction thereof. Partial destruction is defined as destruction equaling less than 50% of the replacement value of the use or structure.
Repairs and maintenance work required to keep a structure in sound condition may be made to a nonconforming structure or a conforming structure containing a nonconforming use, including renovation which may require structural alterations or reconstruction. However, no structure or use shall be enlarged, extended or expanded in any manner without an appeal for variance relief, unless specifically permitted elsewhere in this chapter.
A nonconforming use shall be considered abandoned if there is a cessation of the previous use or activity on the part of the owner or tenant; thereafter, such building, structure and/or land shall not be used in a nonconforming manner.
Any nonconforming use or structure which has been changed back again into a nonconforming use or structure.
Any nonconforming use, structure or lot may change ownership and continue to function as the same nonconforming use, structure or lot provided all other provisions of this chapter and other applicable laws are met.
A screen planting, berm, fence, wall or combination thereof, no less than five feet in height, shall be provided between the off-street parking areas for more than 10 vehicles and any lot line or street line except where a building intervenes or where the distance between such areas and the lot line or street line is greater than one maintained in good condition and without advertising.
All loading areas shall be landscaped and screened sufficiently to obscure the view of the loading vehicles and platforms from any public street, adjacent residential district(s), or on-site parking areas, throughout the year. Such screening shall be by an extension of the building, a fence, berm, wall, evergreen planting or combination thereof and shall not be less than five feet in height.
Each off-street parking area shall have a minimum area equivalent to one parking space per every 25 spaces landscaped with approximately one-half said area having shrubs no higher than three feet and the other half having trees with branches no lower than seven feet. Such landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout the parking area in order to break the view of parked cars in a manner not impairing visibility.
Lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be arranged to reflect the light away from residential premises and public streets and shall be in accordance with Section 30-504. All parking facilities providing five or more parking spaces shall be lighted.
Paving and Curbing.
All parking and loading areas and access drives shall be paved as outlined below unless said requirement is otherwise waived by the appropriate municipal agency and approved as part of the development application approval. All parking areas, regardless of size and location, shall be suitably drained and maintained.
Areas of ingress or egress, loading and unloading areas, parking areas, interior driveways or access aisles and other areas likely to experience heavy traffic shall be paved with not less than six inches of soil aggregate base course prepared and constructed in accordance with Division 3, Road and Bridge Construction, 1983, as prepared by the New Jersey State Department of Transportation, and any supplements, addenda and modifications thereto. A minimum of two inch compacted wearing surface of bituminous concrete (FABC) shall be constructed thereon in accordance with Division 3, Section 10, of the aforesaid New Jersey State Department of Transportation specifications and amendments thereto.
Where subgrade conditions of proposed parking and loading areas are wet, springy or of such a nature that surfacing would be inadvisable without first treating the subgrade, the treatment of the subgrade shall be made in the following manner: The areas shall be excavated to a suitable depth below the proposed finished grade and filled with a suitable subgrade material as reasonably determined by the Borough Engineer. Where required by the Borough Engineer, a system of porous concrete pipe subsurface drains or an alternate solution approved by the Borough shall be constructed beneath the surface of the parking area and connected to a suitable drain. After the subbase material has been properly placed and compacted, the parking area surfacing material, as described herein above, shall be spread thereon.
All off-street parking lots shall have adequate designations to indicate traffic flow and parking spaces.
Parking spaces shall be dimensional in accordance with the definition of "parking space" in Section 30-200 of this chapter.
All off-street parking and loading areas shall be provided with curbing or curb stops so that vehicles cannot be driven onto required perimeter landscaped areas, buffer zones and street rights-of-way and so that each parking and loading area has controlled entrances and exits and drainage control. Curbing or wheel stops shall be located to prevent any part of a vehicle from overhanging internal sidewalks or landscaped areas. Parking and loading spaces shall not be an extension of any street right-of-way.
An evergreen planting strip not less than five feet in width and six feet in height shall be provided as a buffer between any property line which abuts a residential use or district and any parking area with five or more parking spaces.
Each lot developed with a detached single-family dwelling unit shall provide an on-site driveway turnaround and shall be permitted only one curb cut per each lot; each curb cut shall be a minimum 10 feet wide and the curb cut and access drive shall be located on the side property line. Each lot developed with other than a detached single- family unit shall not be so restricted, however, curb cut access shall be limited by the Borough Planning Board, as deemed necessary, and no curb cut shall be more than 24 feet in width. In all instances, due consideration to the proposed width, curbing, direction of traffic flow, radii of curves and method of dividing traffic lanes shall be given. Curbing, where required, shall be depressed at the driveway and the curbing may be rounded at the corners. Driveways and access to any public street, except for single-family dwelling units, shall be located at least 35 feet from the intersection of the street at the curb line, and shall be designed in a manner conducive to safe ingress and egress.
Location of Parking and Loading.
Required off-street parking and loading spaces shall be located on the same lot or premises as the use served, regardless of the number of spaces required by this chapter, except that in cases when it is determined during site plan review that the requirements for on-site off-street parking cannot be met because of existing conditions, the location and adequacy of off-site parking spaces to service the use shall be specified on the site plan for approval by the Planning Board. No parking of vehicles shall be permitted in fire lanes, streets, driveways, landscaped areas, aisles, buffer areas, sidewalks or turning areas. Parking may occupy front, side and rear yard areas subject to site plan approval, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. Where different specific activities with different parking requirements share the parking area, the total number of required parking spaces shall be the sum of the individual requirements for each activity.
Type of Facility.
Parking spaces may be on, above or below the surface of the ground. When parking spaces are provided within a garage or other structure, said structure shall adhere to the proper accessory or principal building setbacks, as applicable.
The provision of parking and loading spaces shall also include adequate driveway and necessary turning areas for handling the vehicles for which provision is made. Parking areas shall be designed to permit each motor vehicle to proceed to and from the parking space provided for it without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicles. Aisles providing access to parking areas shall have the following minimum dimensions:
Angle of Parking Space
One-Way Aisle
Two-Way Aisle
24 feet
24 feet
18 feet
15 feet
15 feet
15 feet
Where the angle of parking is different on both sides of the aisle, the larger aisle width shall prevail.
Where the separate designation of a specific loading space is not required for an activity, the required off-street parking area shall not be used for loading and unloading purposes except during hours when normal business operations are suspended.
Parking lots shall not exceed a maximum grade of 6% and shall be so graded that storm water runoff flows from aisles to parking stalls and does not cross drives or roads in a concentrated flow.
[Added 3-28-2022 by Ord. No. 02-2022]
General Standards. In order to protect traffic upon the public thoroughfare within the Borough of Ogdensburg, the Borough deems it necessary to regulate the grade, materials and design standards of driveways that provide entrances and exits from the public thoroughfare. The following standards are applicable for single-family residences:
Within 20 feet of the near street right-of-way line, all driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications:
Base material: a minimum of four inches of soil aggregate, Dense Graded Aggregate Base Course (DGA), in accordance with New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications or an approved equal combination of material and thickness.
Surface material: a minimum two-inch thickness of HMA Surface Course, as per New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications.
Driveway construction beyond 20 feet of the near street right-of-way line shall be constructed with a minimum of four inches of HMA Base Course, as per New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications, except that the Borough Engineer may require extension of the HMA Surface Course material if it is required to prevent erosion and debris on the roadway.
All driveways constructed or modified shall be constructed so as to be as near perpendicular to the existing pavement or traveled way. Any curving alignment of the driveway for aesthetic or topographic reasons shall be accomplished beyond the Borough right-of-way.
All driveways shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent erosion of the soil and its deposit upon the street or road, gutters, catch basins, inlets, drains or traveled way. The owner of the property shall be responsible for any debris, soil, water or ice accumulating on the roadway as a direct result of the construction of the driveway.
All driveways constructed or altered shall be constructed in such a manner as to not interfere with the drainage along the proposed or existing pavement or traveled way, nor shall runoff from a driveway discharge beyond an existing ditch onto the traveled way. Under no circumstances shall the driveway be allowed to extend beyond the edge of the existing pavement and traveled way, thereby creating an uneven driving surface on the pavement or traveled way.
The installation of a suitably sized pipe or culvert will be required in the event that the existing flow line or ditch cannot be crossed with a dish-type gutter. The size of the pipe or culvert required shall be determined by the Borough Engineer or his authorized agent.
No cars shall be parked on site except as located within an approved driveway in accordance with this subsection.
No residential zoning lot shall have more than one driveway cut for the purpose of accessing said lot.
Permitting and Design Criteria.
No driveway entrance may be constructed or existing driveway entrance altered within an existing or future street or road right-of-way without first obtaining an approved driveway construction permit from the Borough Zoning Officer. If necessary, the application would need to be submitted to the Borough Engineer.
Applications for new driveways or modifications shall be directed to the Borough Engineer. Plans and profiles as required below for the proposed driveway, prepared in a workmanlike and professional manner, shall be submitted to the Borough Zoning Officer. If necessary, the application would need to be submitted to the Borough Engineer.
Design criteria. All driveways shall conform to the following criteria:
No portion of the grade of a driveway may exceed 15%.
To prevent erosion, the side slopes of driveways shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched in accordance with the Sussex County Soil Conservation District standards. If banks exceed a one-foot rise in a two-foot horizontal grade, retaining walls shall be required.
Turning radii measured on the inside curve of the driveway shall not be less than 25 feet.
Within 25 feet of the centerline of an existing Borough road, the finished grade of a driveway shall not exceed 2%.
Profiles of the centerline of the driveway, both existing and proposed, shall be submitted for the entire length of the driveway from the centerline of the Borough road to the garage floor for an existing slope in excess of 10%.
Within 20 feet of the garage, the grade shall not exceed 3%. Downhill grades must have the drainage directed away from the dwelling.
The Borough Engineer shall have the authority to reasonably direct the owner to construct the driveway at such a location as to maximize sight distance.
The plan must indicate the method of discharge of stormwater drainage from the driveway into the Borough drainage system.
All driveways shall have a minimum width of 10 feet for single-family homes.
Adequate vertical transition for all grade changes shall be provided.
Where a site occupies a corner of two intersecting roads, no driveway shall, where possible, be located within 100 feet of the centerline intersection and shall, where possible, connect to the less trafficked street.
The entire length of all driveways having a grade in excess of 10% from the road pavement to the terminus of the driveway shall be required to be paved in accordance with the standards with reference to pavement within the first 50 feet of the street right-of-way line. Alternative pavement material can be used if approved by the Borough Engineer. There shall be a minimum centerline radius on all curves within any driveway of not less than 25 feet. Upon good cause shown, upon application to the Land Use Board or an approving authority before which an application is pending, the approving agency has the right to waive this requirement, in whole or in part, in its sole discretion.
Driveway openings shall not exceed more than 24 feet in width.
All driveways on residential lots shall maintain a minimum setback of five feet from the adjacent lot.
Where a driveway is longer than 500 feet, unless otherwise determined by the Borough Engineer, a pull-off shall be provided at least every 300 feet along the driveway, so as to permit emergency vehicles to pass each other safely. Where pull-offs are required, they shall become part of the driveway design.
Plans showing a proposed disturbed area in excess of 5,000 square feet may be sent, at the Engineer's discretion, to the Sussex County Soil Conservation District for recommendations on soil erosion control prior to application approval.
An as-built driveway plan shall be required if, in the judgment of the Borough Engineer, the finished driveway does not conform to the driveway design as approved.
A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued by the Construction Code Official until the driveway construction is completed in accordance with the approved application to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer.
Permit Fee.
All applications for new driveways or modifications made to existing driveways that change slope, contour, material to construct driveway or footprint shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer with an application fee of $50.
The property owner may apply to the Borough Council for an exception from provisions of this section if the literal enforcement of such provision is impracticable or will exact undue hardship because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land. Such application shall present an alternative, which is within the general purpose of this section.
The Borough Council shall consider the recommendations of the Borough Engineer in such cases. The decisions of the Council shall be made by resolution. Applicant is required to post escrow fee in amount of $500 for the Borough's professional(s) to review the proposal.
Violations and Penalties.
Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both.
An application for a construction permit shall provide documentation that the intended use will comply with the performance standards enumerated below. In the case of a structure being built where the future use is not known, a construction permit may be issued with the conditions that not Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until such time as this documentation is submitted with respect to the particular occupant. These provisions shall not apply to any sewage treatment plant which has received approval by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Electrical and/or Electronic Devices.
All electric or electronic devices shall be subject to the provisions of Public Law 90-602, 90th Congress, HR 10790, dated October 18, 1968, entitled "An Act for the Protection of Public Health and Safety from the Dangers of Electronic Product Radiation" and the BOCA Basic Building Code as adopted by the State of New Jersey.
No use shall produce a strong, dazzling light or reflection of a strong, dazzling light or glare beyond its lot lines. Exterior lighting shall be shielded, buffered, and directed so that glare, direct light or reflection will not become a nuisance to adjoining properties, adjoining units, adjoining districts or streets.
No use shall produce heat perceptible beyond its lot lines. Further, no use shall be permitted which could cause the temperature to rise or fall in any body of water, except that this provision shall not apply to any sewerage treatment plant which has received approval by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
The sound level of any operation (other than the operation of registered motor vehicles or other transportation facilities operation involved in the construction or demolition of structures, emergency alarm signals or time signals) shall not exceed the decibel levels in the designated octave bands as stated below. The sound pressure level shall be measured with a Sound Level Meter and an Octave Band Analyzer that conform to specifications published by the American Standards Association, New York, New York.
The maximum permissible sound-pressure levels for smooth and continuous noise shall be as follows (all of the decibel levels stated below shall apply in each case) between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.:
Frequency Band
(Cycles per second)
Maximum Permitted Sound-Pressure Level
Above 4,800
If the noise is not smooth and continuous (if the variation of the noise level involves maximum at intervals of one second or less, it is to be considered as continuous noise) or it is not radiated at nighttime, one or more of the corrections below shall be added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given above.
Type of Operation of Character of Noise
Correction in Decibels.
Daytime operation only (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
Noise occurs less than 5% of any one-hour period
+ 5
Noise is of peculiar character (hum, scream, etc.) or is of impulsive character (hammering, etc.) (In the case of impulsive noise, the correction shall apply only to average pressure during an impulse, and impulse peaks shall not exceed the basic standards given above).
Odors shall not be discernible at the lot line or beyond. Any process which may involve the creation or emission of any odors shall be provided with a secondary safeguard system so that control will be maintained if the primary safeguard system should fail.
Storage and Waste Disposal.
No flammable or explosive liquid, solids or gases shall be stored in bulk above ground; provided, however, that tanks or drums of fuel directly connected with energy devices, heating devices, or appliances located on the same lot as the tanks or drums of fuel are excluded from this provision.
No provision shall be made for the depositing of materials or waste upon a lot where they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces, or where they can contaminate an underground aquifer or otherwise render such an underground aquifer undesirable as a source of water supply or recreation, or where they will destroy aquatic life. Provision shall be made for all material or waste which might cause fumes or dust, or which constitutes a fire hazard, or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents and insects, to be enclosed in appropriate containers to eliminate such hazards and stored outdoors. Such outdoor storage containers shall be surrounded by fencing and adequately screened from adjacent properties.
All development plans shall provide for sufficient area for the storage or recyclable materials as follows:
Each application for residential development of 50 or more units of single-family housing or 25 or more units of multi-family housing must include provisions for the collection, disposition, and recycling of recyclable materials. A single-family unit or a unit within a multi-family dwelling should provide at least 12 square feet or floor area conveniently arranged and located as a holding area for a four week accumulation of materials. Such an area may be within a hidden laundry room, basement or garage.
Each application for a nonresidential use which utilizes 1,000 square feet or more of land must include provisions for the collection, disposition and recycling of recyclable materials. Each application shall quantify the amount of recyclable material it will generate as part of its weekly generation, including newspapers, leaves, white high-grade paper, glass bottles and jars, aluminum, corrugated cardboard, and tin and bi-metal cans. The application shall provide a storage area to contain a week's accumulation of recyclable material.
The storage area for recyclable materials shall be designed for truck access for pick-up of materials and be suitable screened from view if located outside a building.
No use shall obstruct the natural ventilation of adjacent uses nor contaminate the air with excessive heat or odor. Further, no air conditioners or exhaust fans shall be permitted to discharge exhausted air unless set back from all property lines at least 10 feet or equipped with baffles to deflect the discharged air away from the adjacent use.
There shall be no vibration which is discernible to the human senses or which is at low or high frequencies capable of causing discomfort or damage to life or property.
Toxic and Radioactive Substances.
There shall be no toxic or radioactive substances associated with any use.
No storm water or natural drainage which originates on the property or water generated by the activity (e.g., air conditioners, swimming pools, etc.) shall be diverted across property lines unless transported in an approved or existing drainage system.
Smoke Control (for nonresidential uses).
No smoke shall be emitted from any chimney or other source visible gray greater than No. 1 on the Ringelmann smoke chart as published by the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
Smoke of a shade not darker than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart may be emitted for not more than four minutes in any 30 minute time period.
These provisions, applicable to visible gray smoke, also shall apply to visible smoke of a different color, but with an equivalent apparent opacity.
Control of Dust and Dirt, Fly Ash, Fumes, Vapors and Gases.
No emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, fumes, vapors and gases shall be made which can cause any damage to health, animals or vegetation or other forms of property or which can cause any noticeable soiling at any point.
No emission of liquid or solid particles from any chimney, etc., shall exceed 0.3 grains per cubic foot of the covering gas at any point.
Any emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, fumes, vapors or gases shall be in compliance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.1.
For measurement of the amount of particles in gases resulting from combustion, standard correction shall be applied to a stack temperature of 500° F. and 50% excess air.
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, no more than one principal dwelling or building, nor more than one principal use, shall be permitted on one lot.
All public services shall be connected to an approved public utilities system where one exists. The developer shall arrange with the servicing utility for the installation of the distribution supply lines and service connections, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions incorporated as part of its tariff, as the same are on file with New Jersey State Board of Public Utility Commissioners; provided however, that lots which abut existing streets where overhead electric or telephone distribution supply lines and service connections have heretofore been installed may be supplied with electric and telephone service from these overhead lines, but any new service connections from the utilities' overhead lines shall be installed underground. In cases where extension of service is needed to existing buildings, the present method of service may be continued. In the case of existing overhead utilities, however, should a road widening or an extension of service or such other condition occur as a result of the development and necessitate the replacement or relocation of such utilities, the developer shall cause the replacement to be underground.
Upon submission of preliminary plats or plans for approval, the developer shall present a statement of intent, setting forth all public utility companies to serve the tract. All preliminary plats and plans shall show the location, size and capacity of all utility structures and facilities within 200 feet of the tract.
Prior to the commencement of construction, the developer shall furnish the Borough Clerk a copy of the agreement with the applicable public utility companies certifying the jurisdiction of the public utility company for the particular portion of the Borough; indicating agreement with the proposed utility installation design; and stating who will construct the facility so that service will be available prior to occupancy. The form of such agreement(s) shall be reviewed and approved by the Borough Attorney prior to the commencement of construction.
The developer shall provide the Borough with four copies of a final "as built" plan showing the installed location of the facilities.
Easements along property lines or elsewhere for utility installation may be required. Such easements shall be at least 20 feet wide and located in consultation with the companies or Borough departments concerned and, to the fullest extent possible, shall be centered on or adjacent to lot lines. Such easement dedication shall be expressed on the plat or plan as follows: "Utility right-of-way easement granted for the purposes provided for and expressed in the Land Development Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg."
General Provisions.
Where a public waste water treatment plant and collection system is accessible or proposed, the developer shall construct sanitary sewer lines and building connections in accordance with the Borough's Waste Water Management Plan and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection permit requirements and in such a manner as to make adequate sewage treatment available to each lot and building within the development.
Data Required to be Submitted.
The applicant shall submit the following information and data prior to, and as a part of, the application for preliminary approval:
The data on underlying geology, water table, depth of rock, soils analysis, soil stratigraphy, percolation tests for every sewerage disposal site, topography, location and depth of aquifers, and depth, capacity and type of all wells which have been recorded or can be obtained from interviews with adjacent property owners within 500 feet of the site; soil logs and percolation test for each disposal site as witnessed by the Board of Health, and any other pertinent data.
If disposal is off-site:
The projected sewer discharges stated in average daily flows (gallons per day) for initial phase and five and ten-year projections for each of the following categories:
Residential discharges.
Industrial/Commercial discharges described as follows:
Type of process.
Projected daily flow.
Physical characteristics including temperature, biological characteristics, chemical characteristics, and description of toxic components.
If the treatment facilities is by interconnect to a regional system: the developer shall provide:
The name of the public facility and point of connection and description of the interconnecting facilities shall be provided.
If the treatment facilities is by discharge into stream or watercourse: the developer shall provide:
Location of treatment facility.
Receiving stream and data on stream classification, water quality, seven day flow at ten-year frequency.
Description of treatment facilities and proposed effluent quality.
The evaluation of initial and future deleterious effects on the use of the stream for water supply, recreation, and aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. Evaluation shall not include effect of nutrients on downstream ponds and lakes.
General Provisions.
No signs shall be placed on or attached to a building or erected independently for any purpose other than to advertise a permitted business or use conducted on the same premises unless specifically permitted herein.
No billboards hall be erected or replaced.
No sign having a message which in and of itself is lewd and licentious or advocates an act in violation of any municipal, County, State of Federal law is permitted.
No signs shall be erected, altered or replaced which are not in accordance with the standards established in this chapter.
No sign except traffic signs and those of a duly constituted governmental body shall be erected with the street right-of-way, nor shall any sign be placed on any property without the consent of the property owner.
No permit shall be issued to erect an exterior sign on any property containing a nonconforming sign or signs, until such time as the nonconforming sign or signs have been removed.
No sign of any type shall be permitted to obstruct driving vision, traffic signals, traffic directional and identification signs, other places of business, or other signs or windows of the building on which they are located.
No signs shall be attached to trees, fence posts, stumps, utility poles, but shall be free-standing or attached to buildings in an approved manner.
No sign shall be erected so as to project over the property line or emit any sound, odor or other nuisance beyond the property line or above 20 feet.
The erection of any sign shall require a sign permit from the Borough Zoning Officer unless specifically exempted herein or unless the sign has been approved by the Planning Board as part of an approved site plan or subdivision application for development. Additionally, all signs shall require a construction permit from the Construction Official unless specifically exempted herein.
The applicant shall file for the Sign Permit by paying a fee of $5 to the Zoning Officer, on behalf of the Borough, and by providing the Zoning Officer with the necessary information from which to determine whether the subject sign meets the terms of this chapter. Within 15 days after the filing for the permit, the Zoning Officer shall either issue or deny the permit. If denied, the Zoning Officer shall indicate in writing the reason(s) for such denial; provided, however, that should the Zoning Officer have particular questions regarding any particular application, the application may be referred by the Zoning Officer to the Planning Board for review and comment prior to action by the Zoning Officer. Once the Zoning Permit has been issued, the Construction Official may issue a construction permit as may be necessary, after the required review and approval.
Animated, Flashing and Illusionary Signs.
Signs using mechanical or electrical devices to revolve, flash or display movement or the illusion of movement are prohibited.
No free-standing or attached sign shall be higher than 20 feet except that no sign shall exceed any lesser height if particularly specified.
Free-Standing Signs.
Free-standing signs shall be supported by one or more columns or uprights which are firmly imbedded in the ground. Exposed guy wires, chains or other connections shall not be a support of a free-standing sign.
Illuminated Signs.
Illuminated signs shall be arranged to reflect the light and glare away from adjoining streets and adjacent residential districts. No sign with red, green, blue or amber illumination in a beam, beacon or flashing form resembling an emergency light shall be erected in any location. Illuminated signs shall not be erected in residential districts.
Information and Direction Signs.
Street number designations, household name plates, postal boxes, "private property," "no hunting," on-site directional and parking signs and warning signs are permitted in all zoning districts but are not considered in calculating sign area. No such sign(s) shall exceed six square feet in area, and such sign(s) shall not require either a sign permit or a construction permit.
Signs and, in the case of permitted free-standing signs, the mounting area on the ground level beneath the sign, must be constructed of durable materials, maintained in good condition and not allowed to become dilapidated or unsightly.
Political Signs.
Political signs temporarily giving notice of political campaigns shall be located on private property and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all side property lines and shall not exceed 32 square feet in area in nonresidential zones. Signs shall be permitted within 45 days prior to any municipal, County, State or national election and shall be removed within five days after the election. All such signs do not need either a sign permit or a construction permit.
Real Estate Signs.
Real estate signs temporarily advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises or portion thereof shall be located on private property and, if not attached to the building, shall be set back from all street lines at least five feet. Signs shall not exceed six square feet in area. All such signs shall be removed at the expense of the advertiser within 30 days after the termination or completion of the matter of business being advertised. "Sold" signs shall be permitted between the signing of the contract of sale and the date of the legal closing. All real estate signs do not require either a sign permit or a construction permit.
Sign Area.
The area of a sign shall be measured around the edges of a framed or enclosed sign or by the area utilized by isolated words and/or symbols, including the background whether open or enclosed, but said area shall not include any supporting framework and bracing incidental to the display itself.
Signs With Two Exposures.
Such signs shall be measured for area by using the surface of one side of the sign only. Both sides may be used.
Wall Fascia or Attached Signs.
Wall fascia or attached signs shall be firmly attached to the exterior wall of a building and shall not project more than 15 inches from the building.
Window Signs.
Interior window signs shall not be considered in computing the allowable signs provided, however, that such interior signs shall not exceed 25% of the total window area. Permitted window signs shall not require a sign permit or a construction permit.
Flag of United States of America.
The flag of the United States of America may be displayed in all zones and does not need either a sign permit or a construction permit, except that all permanently installed poles used to display the flag shall require a construction permit, which permits shall not require a fee.
Non-Profit Organization Event Signs.
Temporary signs announcing an event sponsored by a non-profit organization shall not require a construction permit. Said signs may be displayed for a period not to exceed two weeks, after which it shall be the responsibility of the nonprofit organization to promptly remove each of said signs.
Prohibited Signs.
Unless specifically permitted in this chapter, all other signs, whether of a permanent or temporary nature, shall be prohibited.
Street Signs.
Street signs shall be of the type, design and standard approved by the Planning Board, or Governing Body, as the case may be. The location of the street signs shall be determined by the Borough, but there shall be at least two street signs furnished at each intersection. All signs shall be installed free of visual obstruction.
All developments shall be served by paved streets in accordance with the approved subdivision and/or site plan and all such streets shall have an adequate crown. The arrangement of such streets not shown on the Master Plan or Official Map, as adopted by the Borough, shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension of such streets.
In all developments, the minimum public street right-of-way shall be measured from lot line to lot line and shall be in accordance with the following schedule, provided that any new street that is a continuation of an existing street shall be continued at a width equal to that of the existing street, although a greater width may be required in accordance with the following schedule, unless otherwise determined by the Borough Engineer:
80 feet
60 feet
66 feet
40 feet
50 feet
28 feet
In the event that a development includes existing streets that do not conform to the street width requirements of this chapter, additional land along either or both sides of the street, within the development, sufficient to conform to the right-of-way requirements, shall be dedicated for the location, installation, repair and maintenance of streets, drainage facilities, utilities and other facilities customarily located on street rights-of-way. The necessary deeds of ownership shall be furnished and dedication shall be expressed as follows: "Street right-of-way granted for the purposes provided for and expressed in the Land Development Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg." If the development is along one side only, 1/2 of the required extra width shall be dedicated and the road shall be improved, including excavation, base course, surfacing and drainage improvements in accordance with the approved application, which may require that the improvements extend across the centerline of the road.
No street shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate the name of an existing street name that confusion results. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name. The approving agency reserves the right to approve or name streets within a proposed development.
The pavement width of streets and the quality of sub-surfacing and base materials shall adhere to the minimum standards set forth by the County or State Engineers which said paving concerns roads under their jurisdiction and where such standards exist. Concerning streets under the jurisdiction of the Borough, the following standards shall apply:
All pavements are to be constructed in accordance with N.J. Highway Specifications entitled "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction 1961 and Amendments Thereto."
A sub-base of bank-run gravel six inches thick shall be constructed in accordance with Division 2, Section 9 of the N.J. State Highway Department Specifications.
The base course shall consist of five inches of stabilized base, either lime fly ash aggregate or bituminous concrete.
The binder course shall consist of a plant-mix bituminous concrete having a compacted thickness of two inches. The materials and methods of construction shall be as set forth for bituminous concrete bottom course of Addendum A of the aforesaid N.J. State Highway Department Specifications.
The surface course shall consist of a plant-mix bituminous concrete having a compacted thickness of 1 1/2 inches. The materials and methods of construction shall be as set forth in Addendum A of the aforesaid N.J. State Highway Department Specifications.
The developer shall, at his own expense, have core borings made by a certified laboratory to verify the total actual depth of all courses. Said borings shall be at such locations as required by the Borough Engineer and shall not exceed 6% every 3,000 square feet of paved area, in the same proportions for smaller areas.
Curbing, either Belgian block (for all residential developments), granite or concrete, is required along both sides of all streets. All curbing shall be laid in the manner approved by the Borough Engineer, including both horizontal and vertical alignments. Depressed curb ramps for the handicapped shall be installed at all radii in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Concrete curbing shall be in accordance with N.J. Department of Transportation Standards and measure eight inches by nine inches by 18 inches in depth.
Belgian block curbing shall be installed in accordance with Borough Engineer requirements.
Sidewalks and Aprons.
Sidewalks and aprons are required on both sides of all existing and proposed streets, land shall be located as required by the Borough Engineer with the approval of the Planning Board.
Sidewalks shall be at least four feet wide and shall be four inches to six inches thick, constructed on a subgrade properly prepared as required by, and with the approval of, the Borough Engineer. Sidewalks shall be set back at least three feet from the curbline.
[Ord. No. 4-10]
Private Residential.
No private residential swimming pool shall be constructed or installed on any lot unless the lot contains a residence building. All private residential pools and all buildings, structures, equipment and appurtenances thereto shall be located in the rear yard, shall be located no closer than 10 feet to any lot line or building, and shall occupy no more than 50% of the rear yard in which it is located. All necessary permits, including zoning, building and electrical permits, shall be obtained prior to constructing or installing any pool. A property owner shall submit a diagram and pay required permitting and inspection fees in order to obtain the required permit for a swimming pool.
Ladders and stairs, fencing and enclosures, and all electrical wiring, illumination and ventilation shall be provided and shall conform to the requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-1.1 et seq., as may be amended from time to time.
A private residential pool may be lighted by both underwater or exterior lights, provided that all exterior lights are located so that the light is neither directed nor reflected upon adjacent properties. All standards used for exterior lighting shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
Public and Commercial.
Public and commercial pools shall be located within an area not less than 1,000 square feet that is devoted to the use of the pool and for such adjacent uses as lounge chairs, shuffle board or walking areas around the pool. All necessary permits, including zoning, building and electrical permits, shall be obtained prior to constructing or installing any pool. A property owner shall submit a diagram and pay required permitting and inspection fees in order to obtain the required permit for a swimming pool.
Any public or commercial pool or separate swimming tank including related decking, patio and other accessory uses, shall be no closer to any property line than the setback distances prescribed for accessory uses in the applicable zoning district as prescribed in this chapter or 15 feet whichever is more stringent. All public and commercial pools shall be located in the rear yard.
The varying depths of the pool shall be prominently marked in the pool as well as at the edge of the pool.
The pool shall be lighted both internally and externally, but in no case shall any light be directed in a direct or indirect fashion upon any adjacent property. If any portion of the pool, part of the land devoted to the use of the pool, light standard or loud speakers are located closer to any residential building or any property line than 15 feet, adequate buffers of trees and shrubs shall be provided to protect against light and sound.
The total land devoted to the use of the pool shall be enclosed with a fence no less than four feet in height but no more than six feet in height. The fence shall be equipped with a positive, self-latching gate. Ladders and stairs, fencing and enclosures, and all electrical wiring, illumination and ventilation shall be provided and shall conform to the requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-1.1 et seq., as may be amended from time to time.
No public or commercial pool shall be constructed or installed unless site plan approval has been obtained by the Ogdensburg Borough Planning Board. All pools must comply with the relevant requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23-1.1 et seq., as may be amended from time to time.
Regarding all nonresidential developments and all planned developments, and regarding subdivisions where public water is accessible, water mains shall be constructed and connected to the existing public water supply systems by the applicant, at the applicant's sole expense, and in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each lot or building within the development. The entire system shall be designed in accordance with the requirements and standards of the local and/or State agency having approval authority and shall be subject to their approval. The system also shall be designed with adequate capacity and sustained pressure and in a looped system with no dead-end lines, whenever possible.
For purposes of the chapter, section regarding subdivisions, 'accessible' shall mean that the property to be developed is no further from an existing water main than the number of feet calculated by multiplying the number of lots in the proposed subdivision by 200 or, in the case of subdivision in which more than 15 lots are proposed, 'accessible' shall mean that the property to be developed is within one mile of an existing water main.
Where no public water is 'accessible' to a subdivision as defined hereinabove, water shall be furnished on an individual lot basis. If wells are installed on each lot and the lot also contains its own sewage disposal facilities, the wells shall be of the drilled type with a minimum 50 feet of casing where possible or, where such minimum footage of casing is not possible, the well shall be drilled at least 20 feet into unweathered rock. Well installation, sealing and testing shall be in accordance with the New Jersey Standards for Construction of Water Supply Systems in Realty Improvements (Chapter 199 of the Public Laws of 1954), as amended, and in accordance with the guidelines and resolution adopted by the County Board of Health. Prior to being placed in consumer use and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building served by the well, the developer shall certify to the County Board of Health that he/she has complied with all applicable State, County and local regulations.
Where no public water is 'accessible' to a subdivision as defined hereinabove, in addition to complying with Section 30-516B, the applicant shall deposit funds in escrow with the Borough of Ogdensburg in an amount equal to the cost of connecting the subdivision to an existing public water supply system calculated on the basis of 200 feet per unit. The escrow amount shall be calculated by determining the costs of providing such water main extension as charged by the public water utility for such service, including but not limited to, materials, installation, taxes, appurtenances and surcharges, if any.
In lieu of depositing the aforesaid escrow funds, the applicant may, at his/her option, elect to install water main extensions in the subdivision, even though public water may not be 'accessible' as defined hereinabove.
Within any residential district, no building with permitted professional, office or other home occupation shall be constructed or altered so as to be inharmonious with the residential character of the adjacent residential areas such as store front types of construction, unfinished concrete block or cinder block wall surfaces.
Where property to be subdivided is next to or includes a railroad right-of-way, suitable provisions shall be made for such things as railroad crossings, screening or buffer strips, freight access, warning signals and signs in recognition of the relationship between the railroad, the subdivision and the intended use of the land.
For the construction of the planned building groups, as defined by this ordinance, the following requirements shall be met:
A means of access for fire department apparatus shall be constructed of a hard, all weather surface adequately designed to support the heaviest piece of fire apparatus to be operated on the fire lane, private street or parking lot lane.
The fire lanes shall be provided as required by the Fire Subcode Official having jurisdiction and in keeping with the following recommendations:
The fire lanes shall be at least 20 feet in width, with the road edge closest to the structure a minimum of 10 feet from the structure.
Fire lanes connecting to public streets, roadways, or private streets shall be provided with curb cuts extending at least two feet beyond the edge of the fire lane.
Chains or other barriers may be provided at the entrance to the fire lanes or private streets, provided that they are approved by the Fire Sub-Code Official and the Borough Engineer.
The designation and maintenance of the fire lanes shall be accomplished as specified by the Fire Subcode Official having jurisdiction.
Parking lot lanes shall have minimum of a fifteen foot unobstructed width between rows of parked vehicles for the movement of emergency equipment.
A minimum of at least 14 feet of overhead clearance shall be required on all fire lanes, public or private streets and parking lot lanes.
Landscaping, topography or other obstruction shall not be designed around structures in a manner as to impair or impede accessibility for fire fighting and rescue operations, as determined by the Fire Subcode Official or Borough Engineer.
All fire hydrants and proven water flow requirements shall be in place prior to the start of any construction that utilizes combustible materials.
Any discretionary power given to the Borough Engineer by this chapter with respect to design standards, or otherwise, shall be subject to the approved site plan or subdivision approval, and any related recommendations by the Planning Board Engineer.
Home Occupation Use.
The proposed accessory use shall meet the requirements of the definition of Home Occupation as set forth in Section 30-200 of this chapter.
No person other than a resident of the premises shall be employed by said occupation.
No retail sales shall be conducted on the premises.
No machinery, equipment or operations shall cause interference with radio or television reception or any other form of electrical disturbance in the immediate area, nor shall the same create any noise which is discernible beyond the limits of the property, or produce any gas, fumes, dust, odors, air pollution, heat or movement of air.
No clients or customers shall be received on a regular or scheduled basis if the same would involve more than two clients or customers on the premises at the same time.
There shall be no signs or displays of any kind and no physical or visual evidence of the business activity from the exterior of the building so used.
There shall be no structural changes to the interior of the dwelling that would essentially alter the character of the structure as a single family residence. There shall be no markings or colorations made to the exterior that would create a significant uniqueness to the building that would set it apart from the other buildings in the neighborhood.
[Added 3-8-2021 by Ord. No. 01-2021]
No more than six fowl, as defined by § 30-201, may be kept and maintained in connection with a single-family residential use lot. This shall only be permitted in Residential Zones and for personal use only.
Maintaining fowl as permitted by this Section shall be subject to the following conditions:
A zoning permit must be obtained from the Borough's Zoning Officer for all coops and runs. All coops and runs shall not exceed an area of 200 square feet and shall not exceed 6' in height.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, fowl shall be housed and kept in a manner which will not constitute a public or neighborhood nuisance. Fowl shall not be permitted to fly or run at large.
All fowl shall be housed in coops or structures that are properly designed for such use and completely separated from any building utilized for dwelling purposes.
Coops and runs shall be restricted to the rear yard area and shall adhere to the applicable side and rear year setbacks of 15' and 75' to an occupied adjacent dwelling.
The Zoning Officer shall approve the structures prior to their installation with the issuance of a zoning permit.
No fowl shall be kept unless they can be contained on the property of their owner or the agent of their owner.
Waste management for fowl, as defined in § 30-201, shall be subject to the following:
Fowl manure may be applied to garden soil and incorporated into the soil.
Fowl manure shall not be used on the surface of any property or portions thereof in a manner similar to that used in the laying of mulch or topsoil.
Fowl manure may be composted in such a way as to minimize any fly and odor problems.
Fowl manure may be bagged and removed from the premises.
Fowl manure may not be stored, composted or applied to soil within 10 feet of the property line.
There shall be no runoff of fowl manure to neighboring properties.
Feed for fowl, as defined in § 30-201, shall be subject to the following:
Any food scattered for fowl consumption shall be cleaned up daily.
All fowl food shall be stored and kept in tight containers.
All fowl food shall be protected from access by rodents and other wildlife.
Enforcement of this section, and penalties for violations thereof shall be provided for as follows:
All enforcement agents of the Borough shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this section. Such enforcement agents shall include but not be limited to the Zoning Officer, the Health Officer and his/her staff, the Animal Control Officer, and/or the Police Department.
Penalties may include the removal of fowl from the property.
Summonses for noncompliance with any provision hereof may be issued by the appropriate enforcement officials.
Penalties may be imposed by the Municipal Court Judge up to the maximum penalty allowed by law.
Before a construction permit or Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any conditional use as permitted by this chapter, application shall be made to the Planning Board. The review by the Planning Board of a conditional use shall include any required site plan review pursuant to this chapter. Public notice and a hearing shall be required as stipulated in this chapter. Conditional uses include the following:
Public Utility Uses.
The proposed installation in a specific location must be necessary for the neighborhood or area in which the particular use is located.
The design of any building in connection with such facilities must not adversely affect the safe, comfortable enjoyment of property rights in the surrounding area.
Adequate fences and other safety devices must be provided as may be required. Fences, when used to enclose public utility facilities such as electrical power substations, shall be built in accordance with the applicable requirements of the New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners and the National Electrical Code in effect at the time of the construction.
Landscaping, including shrubs, trees and lawns, shall be provided and maintained.
Off-street parking shall be provided as determined by the Planning Board during site plan review.
Service Stations.
No service station shall be located within 500 feet of any firehouse, school, playground, church, hospital, public building or institution.
All appliances, pits, storage areas and trash facilities other than gasoline filling pumps or air pumps shall be within a building. Gasoline filling pumps and air pumps shall be permitted within the required front yard space of service stations but shall be no closer than 30 feet to any existing or future street line. All lubrication, repair or similar activities shall be performed in a fully-enclosed building and no dismantled parts shall be displayed outside of an enclosed building.
No junked motor vehicles or part thereof shall be permitted on the premises of any service station. Moreover, no more than six motor vehicles (other than permitted rental vehicles, if applicable) may be located upon any gas station premises outside of a closed or roofed building for a period of time not to exceed seven days, and providing that the owners of said vehicles are awaiting their repair.
Landscaping shall be provided in the front yard area equal to at least 20% of the front yard area and such landscaping shall be reasonably distributed throughout the entire front yard area.
The exterior display and parking of more than three motor vehicles, trailers, boats or other similar equipment for sale shall not be permitted as part of a service station; the rental of up to three motor vehicles shall be permitted.
Service stations shall provide at least 10 off-street parking spaces for the first lift, wheel alignment pit or similar work area; five additional spaces for a second work area; and an additional three spaces for each additional work area. Such spaces shall be separated from the driveway and general apron areas which give access to the gasoline and air pumps and service areas. No designated parking space shall obstruct access to such facilities. No parking shall be permitted on unpaved areas.
Service stations may be permitted one free-standing sign and one sign attached flat against the building. The free-standing sign shall not exceed an area of 20 square feet and shall be set back at least 20 feet from all street right-of-way and lot lines. The attached sign shall not exceed 30 square feet in area.
All of the other area, yard, and general requirements of the respective zone and other applicable requirements of this chapter must be met.
Adult Uses.
Purpose These regulations are adopted in furtherance of all of the public purposes of municipal zoning and planning, including, but not limited to, guiding the appropriate use and development of the Borough of Ogdensburg in a manner which will promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, and in order to meet the needs of citizens of the Borough of Ogdensburg and of the State of New Jersey, while maintaining the quality and character of the Borough of Ogdensburg and deterring the growth and spread of blight and crime (especially prostitution, sexual offenses, public indecency, and related offenses). It is recognized that there are some uses commonly known as "adult" uses which, because of their very nature, are recognized as having serious objectionable operational characteristics, particularly when such uses are located near residential areas or in other inappropriate locations, or without sufficient showing that such uses in a specified location will comply with the conditions and standards for the location and operation of such uses. Therefore, special regulations of these objectionable "adult" uses are deemed necessary to ensure that adverse effects will not contribute to the blighting or downgrading of the Borough of Ogdensburg regulates any or all of the adult uses described herein or prohibits or allow them in the various zoning districts, to be construed as approval of, or condoning of such uses.
An establishment from where minors are excluded, having a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, other periodicals, films, or other viewing material which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas," as defined herein, or an establishment in which a segment or section of the premises is devoted to the sale, rental, display or viewing of such material.
An enclosed building with a capacity of less than 50 persons, from which minors are excluded, used for presenting material, films, movies, video or live shows distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specific sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as defined herein, for observation by patrons therein. This definition shall also apply to an enclosed building which contains any number of individual viewing booths not in excess of the maximum permitted by this chapter in which a person may privately or individually view materials, films, movies, videos or live shows distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas," as defined herein.
Adult bookstores or adult mini motion picture/live entertainment theatre, as defined herein.
(1) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks and/or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola, or (2) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely or opaquely covered.
No permitted adult use shall be located within 250 feet of any residential district; within 250 feet of any existing church, synagogue, or other place of worship within 250 feet of any religious, charitable or nonprofit institution, or any public or private school, nursery, child care center, public community center, park, playground, recreation center, or similar use; or within 250 feet of any premises licensed for the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages. The foregoing distance limitations shall be measured by a straight line drawn from the nearest point of the lot boundary on which the proposed adult use is to be located to the nearest point of the lot or district boundary, as the case may be, of the other use or district and such uses, district boundary lines and dimensions shall be indicated on the submitted site plan.
No permitted adult use shall be located within 250 feet of any existing residential use in the Borough of Ogdensburg or in any contiguous municipality, nor within 250 feet of any residential zone in any contiguous municipality.
Adult uses must be located in a free standing building which will include a buffer zone to separate it from family oriented businesses.
Adult uses in buildings having a capacity of 50 or more persons are prohibited.
Off-street parking shall be provided at the ratio of one space per every 200 square feet of gross floor area or portion thereof. In addition, one parking space is required for each viewing theater of from one to three occupants and one parking space for each additional three occupants or part thereof. Provided, that at least 10 parking spaces shall be provided in any case.
Signs shall meet the requirements specified for retail commercial activities in the district where the conditional use is permitted; additionally, no "specified anatomical areas" or "specified sexual activity" shall be shown, described or depicted on any signs, advertisements, displays or exhibits that are visible from outside the building.
The interior of the adult use building shall be designed so that no interior contents of the building are visible at any time from the outside through windows, door openings or in any other manner.
The interior of any building in which an adult use is located shall be adequately lighted and shall be constructed so that every portion thereof is readily visible without obstruction to the clerk or other person in charge of the building from the counter, booth, cash register, or other place where such person is normally stationed.
All other applicable requirements of the district in which the conditional use is permitted and of the Land Development Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg shall be met.
All such uses must be licensed as may be required in the Code of the Borough of Ogdensburg.
Hours of operation shall not be earlier than 9:00 a.m. nor later than 12:00 midnight, prevailing time, on weekdays and Saturday. All premises shall be closed on Sundays.
Churches, Parish Halls/Rectories.
For purposes of this chapter, churches shall include commonly known, recognized and long-established sects or denominations.
Churches, parish halls shall meet the area and yard requirements set forth in Section 30-400 of this chapter for the respective zone.
Traffic movement generated by a church use shall not have a negative or adverse impact on adjoining and nearby properties.
The architectural design of the church shall be of a similar scale and character of surrounding land uses.
The site plan shall include adequate landscaping in order to protect surrounding residential properties from the effect of light and noise generated by the use of the subject site for a church.
Community Residences For the Developmentally Disabled and/or Community Shelters For Victims of Domestic Violence.
Any community residence for the developmentally disabled or community shelter for victims of domestic violence that house more than six persons, excluding resident staff, shall require a "Conditional Use" permit for the use of a dwelling unit for such shelter or residence, including the conversion of a dwelling for such use.
In no case shall more than 15 persons, excluding resident staff, occupy any community residence or community shelter.
The minimum area and yard requirements applicable to the particular zoning district shall each be increased by 16.67% for each person housed in the community residence or community shelter over and above six persons, excluding resident staff.
No community residence for the developmentally disabled or community shelter for victims of domestic violence occupied by more than six persons shall be located within 1,500 feet of an existing community residence or community shelter.
A "Conditional Use" permit shall not be granted if the total number of persons, other than resident staff, residing at such community residences or community shelters exceeds 50 person or 0.5% of the population of the Borough, whichever is greater.
The residential character of the lot and buildings shall not be changed and there shall be no exterior evidence of the community residence or community shelter. No signs shall be permitted except information and direction signs as permitted for single-family detached dwellings.
The following design requirements shall be incorporated within the submitted plan:
Each community residence or community shelter shall be connected to public water and sewer facilities;
Community residences or community shelters shall have immediate access to public transportation services or, in the alternative, provide occupants with a van or equivalent transportation service.
The minimum area of the agricultural tract must be six acres used for gain in the raising of agricultural crops.
The conditional use may include buildings for the housing of agricultural equipment, produce, or for the incidental or customary processing of agricultural products raised on the premises.
Any buildings shall conform to the setback and yard requirements of the zone in which the conditional use is located.
Office, Commercial and Retail.
The property must front on County Route 517.
If the proposed development is for vacant land, the minimum bulk requirements shall be:
Lot Area
20,000 square feet
150 feet
Lot Width
150 feet
Lot Depth
150 feet
Front Yard
20 feet
Side Yard
15 feet (each)
If the proposed development is for conversion of an existing structure or for a preexisting lot under single ownership prior to the enactment of this chapter, the bulk requirements referred to above need not be met, however, the conditional use shall not be permitted on a lot smaller than 3,750 square feet or having less than 50 feet of frontage on County Route 517.
Submission of a plan showing adequate treatment and disposal of sewerage.
Submission of a traffic circulation plan showing adequate traffic safety, proper circulation and adequate parking as required by ordinance.
Site plan approval is mandatory.
Any change of use requires site plan approval and re-submission of a traffic circulation plan.
Buffering is required on all property lines adjacent to all residential properties.
Thirty feet maximum building height.
Professional Office.
All required parking areas shall be clearly designated and paved or graveled.
The parking areas shall not exceed 400 square feet, and unless an extension of an existing drive, shall not be located on the front yard area.
Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The proposed conditional use must meet the requirements of the definition of Professional Office as set forth in this chapter.
If the Professional Office is to be used in a residential dwelling, the professional person shall be a resident of the premises.
A Professional Office located in a residential dwelling may be located only on the main floor or in the basement area.
No more than 500 square feet of the main floor area or 50% of the main floor area, whichever is less, shall be devoted to a Professional Office use in a residential dwelling.
No more than one person not a resident in the dwelling shall be employed in the Professional Office.
In addition to off-street parking required for residential dwellings, there shall be provided at least one off-street parking space for each 250 square feet (or part thereof) of floor area devoted to the Professional Office use.
Off-street parking areas shall be located at least five feet from a building, 10 feet from any adjoining property lines, 10 feet from any street right-of-way line, and 25 feet from the point of intersection of any two street right-of-way lines.
There shall be no outdoor storage or display of any kind in connection with said use.
Only one sign shall be permitted, being a nameplate sign, situated between the property lines. Said sign shall not exceed 72 square inches in total area and shall bear only the name and professional designation of the professional occupant.
The property must front on County Route 517.
Limited Industrial/Commercial Parks.
The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres.
Streets and roads shall be privately owned and maintained by a Property Owner's Association, to which all lot owners must belong. Private road width shall be a minimum of 24 feet and shall be curbed and without shoulders. The main access road for the park may exceed 600 feet in length and still end in a cul-de-sac, provided said cul-de-sac allows a fifty foot or greater radius for vehicle turn around, and has a mountable curb.
Individual lots within the park shall meet the following requirements:
Minimum lot size: 1.5 acres.
(minimum lot area shall not include private street or road area)
Minimum lot frontage (on internal private roads) — 150 feet.
Side Yards: 15 feet.
Rear Yard: 50 feet.
Front Yard: 50 feet.
Lot Coverage (all impervious surfaces): 75%.
Buffering: 30 feet to all residential properties and 10 feet to all other properties not within the park. Minimum buffer height — six feet at planting.
Parking — as permitted or required for individual uses where same are designated as permitted uses. No on-street parking shall be permitted on the park's internal roads.
The signage within the park shall meet the following requirements:
One free-standing sign shall be allowed in the vicinity of the entrance access of the private park Said sign shall not exceed 64 square feet and may provide for a changeable menu to identify individual uses within the park.
Each individual lot or use may have one free-standing or attached sign not to exceed 32 square feet.
All free-standing signs shall set back a minimum of 25 feet from the front lot line.
Miscellaneous Criteria.
Street lighting shall be provided in connection with Section 30-504 of this chapter.
Access drives of individual uses within the park which are opposite of each other shall either face each other in alignment or be offset by a minimum of 75 feet.
All site distances shall comply with Section 30-500 of this chapter.
No streets or roads shall have a grade greater than 8%.
Minimum building size shall be 2,500 square feet.
The development of each individual lot shall require a separate site plan.
All utilities required to service all lots within a park shall be required as a part of subdivision approval and shall be installed prior to, or as a part of, site plan for the first lot developed.
Prior to or as a part of site plan approval for the first lot developed, the applicant shall provide evidence of the establishment of the required Property Owners' Association.
Wireless Telecommunications Towers, Equipment and Facilities Conditional Use Requirements.
Location Criteria.
Location Priorities - Locations are enumerated below in the order of the location priority.
Completely concealed in existing lawful structures in nonresidential zones.
In or upon existing municipally owned land of five acres or more or municipally owned structures wherever located not exceeding the zone height restriction or the existing municipal structure by 10% or 25 feet, whichever is greater.
Within or upon existing structures in the BC, IC, LIC and PC zones provided stealth technology is used and structures are within the zone height limitations and shall not occupy more than 25% of any roof area.
Constructing new towers or replacing existing towers in nonresidential zones.
Stealth technology must be used in all installations and monopoles for all new towers to reduce visual impact.
Point-to-point microwave antennae on the mast of towers are prohibited and land lines must be used.
Residential areas and uses are to be protected from the actual or any adverse impacts of wireless telecommunications towers, antennas and facilities.
To minimize the height and visual negative impact of towers throughout the community, owners and users of towers, antennas and related facilities are required to construct and configure these structures in such a way as to minimize any adverse visual impact of towers and antennas through careful design, siting, landscape screening and innovative stealth camouflage techniques.
Telecommunications towers, equipment and facilities are permitted conditional uses, subject to the following conditions.
Zoning. Telecommunications towers and antennae as described below are limited to the BC, IC, LIC and PC zones, except for facilities on municipal structures and stealth towers on municipal land of five acres or greater as authorized by the Governing Body.
Site Location Analysis. Every application for a telecommunication tower or antennae shall include a site location alternative analysis, including an analysis of the location priorities set forth in paragraph J,1, describing the locations of other sites considered, the availability of those sites, the extent to which other sites do or do not meet the provider's service or engineering needs and the reason why the subject site was chosen. The analysis shall address the following issues:
How the proposed location of the wireless telecommunication tower or antennae relates to the objective of providing full wireless communication services within the Ogdensburg area at the time full service is provided by the applicant and by other providers of wireless telecommunications services within the Ogdensburg area.
How the proposed location of the wireless telecommunications tower/facility relates to the anticipated need for additional antennae or towers within and near the Ogdensburg area.
How the proposed location of the wireless telecommunications tower/facility relates to the anticipated need for additional antennae or towers within and near the Ogdensburg area by the applicant, and by other providers of wireless telecommunications services within the Ogdensburg area.
How the proposed location of the wireless telecommunications tower/facility relates to the objective and goal of maintaining concealed or reduced tower height with groups of towers within close proximity to one another rather than isolated, taller towers with many users at greater tower heights at random locations throughout the Borough.
Existing Structures.
Nonmunicipal Structures. Towers or antennae meeting the zone requirements are permitted in all BC, IC, LIC and PC zones provided they are concealed in existing lawful structures or constructed as stealth tower structures as defined in Section 30-200, while meeting the height limitation requirements of the zone.
Municipal Structures. Existing municipally-owned utility structures, such as water tanks, and municipally- owned towers located in any zone may be used for the installation of antennae to service the wireless telecommunications industry, provided:
That the antenna does not increase the structure by 20% or 25 feet, whichever is greater, or otherwise less than the permitted height in the zone.
A license or lease authorizing such antenna or tower has been approved by the Borough of Ogdensburg. However, the Borough may, as a condition of such lease, require site plan approval. The decision to extend such licenses or leases to an applicant shall be vested solely with the municipality, which shall not be governed by this chapter. The Borough of Ogdensburg in its absolute discretion reserves the express right to deny all users of its property for antenna or towers.
Towers or antennae may also be located on power transmission line systems such as pylons provided they satisfy the stealth requirements and either (a) meet the zone height limitations; or (b) do not exceed the structure height by 10% or 25 feet, whichever is greater.
New Wireless Free-Standing Telecommunications Towers, Equipment and Facilities.
For towers which do not satisfy criteria of paragraphs J,2,c(1), (2) or (3) above.
Lot Size - Five acre minimum.
Maximum Tower Height - For towers not meeting the requirements of paragraphs c, 1 above, 100 feet or 25 feet above the mean tree canopy, whichever is less. Mean tree canopy shall be derived from marking all trees 12 inches in diameter or greater measured 4.5 feet above grade within a two acre area surrounding the tower site. The height of the trees shall be calculated by a professional licensed surveyor in the State of New Jersey. Absence of a suitable stand of trees for concealment renders the site unacceptable. No tower shall have a height or location which would require Federal Aviation Administration lighting. Lightning rods are excluded from towers or antennae height calculations.
Setback distances - For safety reasons concerning tower fall zones and further to insure that appropriate setbacks exist, a telecommunications tower and related facilities must be set back 300 feet as measured from the base footprint of the tower or facility to any structure, lot line or parking lot, or similar area where people congregate at any given time. For example, a tower must be set back at least 300 feet as measured from its base from any adjacent lot, sports field, or ball field, playground, parking lot, picnic area, building, home, etc.
Tower locations shall comply with any buffering required for lots adjacent to residential zones or uses.
Visual Compatibility Requirements and Construction Details for the Installation of Wireless Telecommunications Towers. Monopole tower construction shall be used in all new tower construction. Additionally, applicants are required to use the latest stealth or camouflaging techniques to make the tower appear to be a tree of native species and to blend in with surrounding trees. All towers shall be fitted with anticlimbing devices.
Telecommunications Tower Permitted Accessory Structures or Uses.
Accessory Equipment Sheds.
Maximum height: 20 feet.
Maximum area: 1,500 square feet.
Fencing - All equipment sheds shall be located immediately adjacent to the tower it services. All equipment sheds and tower bases shall be enclosed with a solid wood fence of at least seven feet in height, but no higher than eight feet unless otherwise approved by the Borough Engineer. All fences shall include a locking security gate and a copy of the key to this gate shall be supplied to the Borough.
General Conditions Applying to All Towers and Antennas.
Noise Levels. All noise generated by a tower and/or equipment shed shall meet the minimum standards contained in all State, Federal or local noise regulations.
Co-Location Conditions and Limitations. Any new tower or reconstructed tower approvals shall allow the future co-location as set forth in this section. Co-location by two or more telecommunications providers shall be permitted on one tower provided that by co-locating, all conditions of this chapter are satisfied.
In the event a proposed tower for an existing or future co-location cannot be constructed within the permitted limitations, then such co-location is prohibited and instead, an alternate site or method shall be used but if unavailable, then a second tower to comply with the height limitations shall be constructed.
No tower may be designed or built to co-locate with another telecommunications provider at a height greater than the maximum permitted by this chapter.
In the event any co-location is proposed, a letter of commitment shall be filed by the applicant to lease excess space on the tower to other potential users at prevailing market rates and conditions. The letter of commitment shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit and shall be finding upon the tower owner, property owner and successors in interest.
Annual Report. Upon the issuance of a building permit for a wireless telecommunications tower site, the owner or operator of the site shall provide to the Borough Engineer, Borough Planner and Borough Zoning Officer, an initial report signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, certifying the estimated useful structural life of the tower as well as providing an initial inventory of all equipment and antennae on the site. After 50% of the useful structural life has lapsed, annual re-certification reports as to the structural integrity of the tower shall be required. An updated report shall also be provided whenever antenna arrays are modified and shall include a detail listing of all antennae and equipment. All vendors and lessees shall also be required to notify the above Ogdensburg officials when the use of such antennae or equipment is discontinued. If any of the reports disclose that a condition of any tower presents an imminent hazard to the public health, safety or welfare, or that the tower antennas and equipment are no longer in use, the Borough Engineer or Zoning Officer shall order the owner of the tower or site upon which it is located, to take appropriate corrective action including, if necessary, the removal of the tower to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Wireless telecommunications towers and sites shall be maintained to insure continued structure integrity. The owner of the tower shall also perform such other maintenance of the structure and of the site so as to assure that it does not create a visual nuisance.
Abandonment and Removal. Any antenna or tower that is not operated for a continuous period of six months shall be considered abandoned and the owner of such antenna or tower shall remove the same within 90 days of receipt of notice from the Borough of Ogdensburg notifying the owner of such abandonment. Towers that are rendered obsolete or outdated by advances in technology shall be removed or modified. Failure to remove an obsolete, outdated or abandoned antenna or tower within said 90 days shall be grounds for the Borough to require removal of the tower or antenna at the owner's expense. If there are two or more users of a single tower, then this provision shall not become effective until all users cease using the tower or same is deemed obsolete or outdated by the Borough. The Borough may condition the issuance of any permit to construct a tower or antenna on the posting of an appropriate performance bond or other suitable guarantee in a face amount of not less than 120% of the cost to remove the tower and restore the property as determined by the Borough Engineer for such construction as required under all applicable Borough ordinances.
Signs Prohibited. No signs shall be permitted on either the tower or equipment building, except for those signs required by law or containing such information as owner contact information, warnings, equipment information and safety instructions. These signs shall not exceed two square feet in total area. Absolutely no commercial advertising shall be permitted on any wireless telecommunications tower or equipment building.
Lighting. No lighting is permitted except as follows:
The equipment building and compound may have security and safety lighting at the entrance, provided the lighting is attached to the facility, is focused downward and is wired with a timing device and/or sensor so that the light is turned off when not needed for safety or security purposes.
No lighting is permitted on the wireless telecommunications tower.
Multiple towers and uses. Any prohibition contained in any ordinance restricting the number of principal uses per lot shall not apply to the construction of wireless telecommunications towers and facilities when the conditions contained in this chapter are met. The minimum setback distance between structures shall not apply to PCs ("Personal Communications Systems") providers and those providers who are licensed to transmit within the 800 MHz frequency band.
Site Plan Approval. Site plan approval shall be required for any wireless telecommunications tower, equipment or facilities, except as may be exempted in this chapter of the Land Use Regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg.
Additional Municipal Experts. The Land Use Board reserves the right to retain, at the applicant's expense, any technical consultants as it deems necessary to provide assistance in the review of site location alternatives analysis and specifications. By submitting an application for a telecommunications tower or facility, the applicant is deemed to have consented to this procedure.
Exceptions to Height.
Any portion of the roof structure above that which is used in measuring the height of a building as defined in this chapter, as well as penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans, air conditioning equipment or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building and fire or parapet walls, skylight, tower, spires, steeples, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, monuments, water tanks, silos, or similar structures may be erected above the height limits prescribed by this chapter, but in no case more than 25% more than the maximum height permitted in the district except water tower and radio and television towers shall have no height restrictions and except further that all such facilities shall comply with any requirements of the Federal Aviation Agency. In addition to the foregoing, any height limitations set forth in this chapter shall not apply to Borough water structures.
Exception to Area Requirements.
Whenever title to two or more contiguous lots is held by the same owner regardless of whether or not each of said lots may have been approved as portions of a major subdivision, or acquired by separate conveyance or by other operations of law, and one or more of said individual lots should, by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, topographical conditions, substandard area of yard space, not conform with the minimum lot area and dimension requirements for the zone in which it is located, the contiguous lots of said owner for the purposes of this chapter, shall be considered as a single lot and the provisions of this chapter shall hold. Whenever land has been dedicated or conveyed to the Borough by a lot owner to meet the minimum street width requirements of the Land Subdivision Regulations or to implement the Official Map or Master Plan of the Borough, the Building Inspector shall issue building and occupancy permits for the lot whose depth and/or areas are rendered substandard in area only because of such dedication and where the owner has no other adjacent lands to provide the minimum requirements.
Corner Lots.
Where a building is situated on a corner lot, in no case shall the building be closer than 20 feet to the curbline. Should the prevailing front yard setback of existing buildings along the street serving as a side yard of the corner lot be less than 20 feet, the building on the corner lot shall be set back at least 20 feet from the street serving as the side yard and the other side yard may be reduced to feet. On a corner lot the front yard shall be the yard between the front elevation of the building and the road which it faces. If the front elevation of the building is not parallel to either road, then both yards adjoining the road shall be considered front yards, for the purpose of meeting the front, side and rear yard requirements of this chapter, regardless of which way the building faces.
Exceptions to Side Yard Requirements.
Undersized lots where Section 30-507 is not applicable may be permitted a reduction in the side yard requirements in the same proportion as the width of the existing lot is to the minimum requirements of this chapter. However, in no case shall any side yard be less than 10 feet.
Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones.
One registered commercial vehicle of a rated capacity not exceeding one ton on four wheels, owned or used by a resident of the premises, shall be permitted to a regularly parked or garaged on a lot in any residential district, provided that said vehicle is parked in a side or rear yard area, which area is relatively unexposed to neighboring properties and is screened from neighboring properties by plantings at least five feet in height. For purposes of this chapter, a commercial vehicle is a bus and/or vehicle containing advertising matter or not said vehicle is registered as a commercial vehicle with the New Jersey State Motor Vehicle Commission. The foregoing restriction shall apply to registered or unregistered construction equipment, except that this provision shall not be deemed to limit construction equipment which is used on the site for construction purposes.
Public Election Voting Places.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed as to interfere with the temporary use of any property as a voting place in connection with a municipal or other public election.
Public Utility Lines. Public utility lines for the transportation and distribution and control of water, electricity, gas, oil, steam, telegraph and telephone communications, and their supporting members, other than buildings or structures, shall not be required to be located on a lot nor shall this chapter be interpreted as to prohibit the use of a property in any zone for the above uses.
For the purposes of this chapter, the term "satellite dish antennas" are any apparatus or structure constructed or installed out-of-doors with the purpose of receiving television, radio or similar waves, but excluding, however, conventional television antennas.
Installation or construction of satellite dish antennas shall be subject to the following minimum requirements:
A satellite dish antenna shall function only as a receiving station and not as a transmitting station.
A satellite dish antenna shall not be placed on any lot which does not contain a permitted principal structure.
A satellite dish antenna may be roof-mounted or may be installed on the ground. If roof-mounted, the satellite dish antenna shall not exceed 40 inches in diameter, shall not extend more than four feet above the roof line where mounted, and shall be located toward the rear of the structure away from the street line. If mounted on the ground, the satellite dish antennae shall not exceed 12 feet in diameter, shall not extend more than 15 feet above the ground level, and shall be located in the rear yard areas only. Moreover, each ground-mounted satellite dish antenna shall be set back a distance equivalent to the diameter of the dish antennae or the setback requirements specified for accessory structures in the zone in which the antenna is located, whichever distance is greater.
A ground-mounted satellite dish antennae shall be effectively screened with non-deciduous plantings from adjacent properties.
Unless impracticable, all satellite dish antennas shall be of the aluminum mesh type and shall blend with the immediate surrounding area, including the color of the roof if roof-mounted.
No lot shall have more than one satellite dish antenna. Wires and cables running between the ground mounted antennae and any structure shall be properly installed underground in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. Additionally, the installation of the satellite dish antennae shall meet all local, State and Federal requirement, including those contained in the Uniform Construction Code.
Portable mounted satellite dish antennas are prohibited.
Satellite dish antennas shall be installed or constructed in a manner so as not to interfere with television, radio or similar reception in adjacent and nearby areas and shall meet all State and Federal requirements.
Applications for installation or construction of satellite dish antennas on lots containing one family or two family dwellings shall be subject to review and approval by the Zoning Officer and a construction permit shall be required. All other satellite dish antennae shall require minor site plan approval by the Planning Board prior to the issuance of a construction permit.
Basis for Establishing Flood Plain Areas.
The mapping of flood plain areas within the Borough of Ogdensburg is indicated on the map entitled "Existing Land Use" and sub-designated "Flood Hazard Zone" which is part of the municipality's "Existing Master Plan." As noted on the map, the basis for the delineation of flood plain areas was the approximate boundaries established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development on the federal insurance anticipated "Flood Hazard Boundaries Map for Ogdensburg Borough." However, it is recognized that more flood plain areas may exist in the Borough than those already mapped. Moreover, the State Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, in accordance with the Flood Hazard Control Act (N.J.S.A. 58-16A-50 et seq.), has adopted N.J.A.C. 7:13 and will be mapping the "Flood Hazard Areas" in Ogdensburg. The Department of Environmental Protection mapping shall take precedence when completed.
NOTE: The Borough adopted N.J.A.C. 7:13 on November 5, 2007, amended June 20, 2016; and FEMA Flood Map for the Borough of Ogdensburg dated September 29, 2011.
Additionally, while information depicted on the Flood Hazard Areas map has been prepared as accurately as possible; nevertheless, it must be understood that detailed information mapped at such a large scale may not represent the actual conditions on any particular parcel of land. Therefore, the information is not intended to take the place of specific on-site engineering data presented to the Borough at the time applications are submitted for approval of a subdivision, site plan, construction permit, and/or any other application which considers the flood plain information depicted on the map.
Regulations for Flood Plain Areas.
The purpose of these regulations is to permit only that development of flood prone areas within Ogdensburg Borough which 1) is appropriate in light of the probability of flood damage and the need to reduce flood losses, 2) represents an acceptable social and economic use of the land in relation to the hazards involved, 3) does not increase the danger to human, plant or animal life, 4) provides that no decreases in the amount of available storage for floodwaters within the flood plain results from any development; and conversely, to discourage all other development. These regulations are created in recognition of the increased threat, severity, and frequency of floods expected to result from areas adjacent to streams and rivers free from structures and other obstructions to the water flow during the periodic rises in the water level.
These regulations are intended to protect floodplains so that flood water may have a natural course to follow; that the water course is not constricted or altered in a manner that will increase water velocities or create a dam; that the water level may rise without danger to persons, animals or property; and the water level may rise and cover larger land surfaces for the purposes of greater water percolation and recharging of the underground water supply.
APPEAL - A request for the review of the Borough Engineer's interpretation of any provision of this section of the chapter or a request for a variance from the Planning Board.
CHANNEL - The bed and banks of the watercourses located within the boundaries of the Borough of Ogdensburg which convey the normal flow of said water courses most of the time.
DESIGN FLOOD PROFILE - The elevations of the water surface of the floodway design flood and the flood hazard area design flood.
DEVELOPMENT - Any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations located within the flood hazard area.
FLOOD ELEVATION DETERMINATION - A determination of the water surface elevations of the design flood, i.e., the flood level that has a 1% or greater chance of occurrence in any given year.
FLOOD FRINGE AREA - The portion of the flood hazard area not designated as the floodway.
FLOOD HAZARD AREA - The floodway and the flood fringe area of a delineated stream.
FLOOD HAZARD AREA DESIGN FLOOD - The 100-year storm in non-delineated areas and the 100-year storm plus 25% in delineated areas.
FLOOD OR FLOODING - A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry areas from:
Inland or tidal waters; and
The unusual and rapid accumulation of run-off of surface water from any source.
FLOOD PLAIN - The relatively flat area adjoining the channel of a natural stream which has been or may be hereafter covered by flood water.
FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS - State or local regulations, in any combination thereof, which provide standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.
FLOODWAY - The channel of a natural stream and portions of the flood hazard area adjoining the channel which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the flood water or flood flow of any natural stream.
HABITABLE FLOOR - For flood plain management purposes, any floor, including the basement, useable for living purposes, which includes working, sleeping, eating, cooking or recreation, or a combination thereof. A floor used only for storage purposes is not a "habitable floor."
NEW CONSTRUCTION - Structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of this chapter.
STRUCTURE - For flood plain management purposes, a walled or roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground. For insurance purposes, "structure" means a walled and roofed building, other than a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground and affixed to a permanent site. For the latter purpose, the term includes a building while in the course of construction, alteration or repair but does not include building materials or supplies intended for use in such construction, alteration or repair, unless such material or supplies are within an enclosed building on the premises.
SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENTS - Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure either:
Before the improvement or repair is started; or,
If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purpose of this definition, substantial improvement is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, floor or other structural part of the floor commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either:
Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing State or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications which is solely necessary to assure safe living conditions; or,
Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Historic Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places.
VARIANCE - A grant of relief by the Planning Board from the requirements of this section permitting construction in a manner otherwise prohibited by this section of the chapter because the literal enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship.
Site Plan Review.
All proposals for any development within a flood plain area shall require site plan approval by the Planning Board in accordance with Section 30-800 of this chapter; provided, however, that when a plan does not include the construction of permanent buildings or structures but, instead, includes such work as grading, landscaping, work associated with agricultural uses and similar uses, the requirement for site plan approval may be waived by the Planning Board upon written recommendation from the Planning Board Engineer. In any case, all other requirements of this section of this chapter shall apply.
Fees shall be as provided for site plans in Section 30-900 of this chapter and public notice of public hearings shall be given as stipulated for site plans in Section 30-706D of this chapter, the following additional information shall be provided.
Proposed finished grade elevations at the corners of any structure or structures.
The extent of proposed or previous filling, cutting or regarding of the land, if any.
The location, type and size of all existing and proposed erosion and siltation control measures, such as slope protection, soil stabilization, sedimentation basins, sediment trap head walls and aprons.
Proof of stream encroachment lines (floodway) obtained from the State Department of Environmental Protection. Should this information not be available through the Department of Environmental Protection, it is required that the applicant submit a floodway delineation for the reach of the stream involved with all required engineering data to the Borough Engineer for review and approval.
The applicant should be prepared to present evidence that the proposal:
Has an inherent low flood damage potential.
Either acting alone or in combination with the existing or future uses will not obstruct flood flows or increase flood heights and/or velocities or reduce ground absorption or storage volume of storm water.
Does not affect adversely the water carrying or storage capacity of the channel, floodway or flood fringe areas.
Does not increase local run-off and erosion and provides proper drainage of the area to an existing adequate water course or drainage system.
Does not unduly stress or degrade the natural environment of the flood plain or degrade the quality of surface water or the quality or quantity of ground waters.
Does not require channel notification or relocation.
Is set forth in this chapter as a permitted use.
Is not a prohibited use in that portion of the flood plain where proposed to be located.
Where required by the Planning Board, the applicant shall furnish information relating to subsurface conditions based on percolation tests and soil borings or probes. Test borings or probes shall be performed by a licensed professional engineer and shall be in accordance with acceptable engineering standards and practices. Written notification of intention to conduct such tests shall be forwarded to and received by the Borough Engineer at least two working days prior to testing. A detailed report of the test shall be submitted to the Planning Board and the Borough Engineer for review.
Uses in Floodways and Flood Fringe Areas.
Prohibited Uses.
No person shall hereafter engage in, cause or permit other persons to engage in prohibited uses within a delineated flood plain. The following uses shall be prohibited:
Placing, depositing or dumping any vehicles, solid waste, garbage, refuse, trash, rubbish or debris.
Dumping or discharging untreated domestic sewerage or industrial waste, either solid or liquid.
Storage or disposal of pesticides.
Storage or processing of materials that are in time of flooding buoyant, flammable or explosive.
The storage or processing of hazardous materials that could be injurious in time of flooding to human, animal or plant life.
Permitted Uses in Floodways.
Within any floodway area, no encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, or other development shall be permitted unless a technical evaluation demonstrates that encroachment shall not result in any increase in flood lands during the occurrence of a flood having a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
Channel improvements or changes may be permitted only in connection with stream improvements and stabilization, which improvements or changes have the approval of the State Department of Environmental Protection, the Sussex County Planning Board and the Borough of Ogdensburg Planning Board. The accepted practices of soil husbandry and farming as well as recreational uses in the nature of parks, wildlife preserves, play yards, picnic areas, golf courses and boat landings shall be permitted. Material, equipment or vehicles related to and used in conjunction with a permitted use shall not be parked or stored in the floodway area.
Permitted Uses in the Flood Fringe Areas.
Within any flood fringe area, the accepted practices of soil husbandry and farming as well as restricted uses in the nature of parks, wildlife preserves and undeveloped common open space shall be permitted provided site plan approval is acquired from the Borough. Additionally, detached dwellings and related development may be constructed on lands within the flood fringe area provided that the lowest habitable floor is at a minimum of one foot above the flood hazard design elevation and provided further that:
No more than 25% of any lot shall be flood plain lands; otherwise, each lot shall be a minimum of five acres in area outside or beyond the floodway;
Each lot have direct access to a public street; and
The lot coverage not exceed 5% in the flood fringe area.
Conditions of Approval.
The Planning Board may impose such conditions on permitted uses as it deems appropriate in order to promote the public safety, health and welfare to protect public and private property, wildlife and fisheries and to preserve and enhance the natural environment of the flood plain. No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued unless all conditions of approval have been complied with. In all flood hazard areas, the following conditions are specified in any case.
All new construction and substantial improvement shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage.
All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage.
All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system.
All new and replacement sanitary sewerage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system and discharges from the system into the floodwaters.
On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding.
All new construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure.
All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as water, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage.
Appropriate and adequate controls on operations, sureties, deed restrictions and maintenance bonds shall be provided, as applicable, for review and approval by the Planning Board Attorney.
The construction of storm water detention and/or retention facilities, channel modifications, dikes, levees and other protective measures may be required as determined by the Borough Engineer.
The installation of an adequate flood warning system shall be required.
The postponement of development until such a time as any necessary and required preconstruction protective measures are installed or implemented shall be required.
New construction or substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest habitable floor, including a cellar or basement, elevated to one foot above the design flood elevation.
New construction or substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including a cellar or basement, elevated to one foot above the design flood elevation or, together with the attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be flood proofed so that below the design flood level the structure is water tight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. A licensed professional engineer or architect shall certify that the standards of this section of this chapter are satisfied. Such certification shall be provided to the Planning Board. Any or all of the following flood proofing measures may be required:
Installation of watertight doors, bulkheads and shutters, or similar devices.
Reinforced walls to resist water pressure.
Use of paints, membranes or mortars to reduce seepage of water through walls.
Addition of weights to structures to resist flotation.
Installation of pumps to lower water levels of structures.
Pumping facilities or comparable measures for the subsurface drainage systems of the building to relieve external foundation wall and basement flood pressures. Over the sidewalk and under the sidewalk gravity or sump pump drains are not permitted. All such drains shall outlet into an existing adequate water course or drainage system.
Construction that resists rupture or collapse caused by water pressure or floating debris.
Installation of valves or controls on sanitary and storm drains which will permit the drains to be closed to prevent backup of sewerage or storm waters into the structure; gravity drainage of basements may be eliminated by mechanical devices.
Location of all electrical equipment, circuits and installed electrical appliances in a manner which will assure they are not subject to inundation and flooding.
Where and when permitted, fill shall be no lower than one foot above the flood design elevation and shall extend at such height for a distance of at least 15 feet beyond the limits of any structure erected thereon.
Where and when permitted, structures on fill shall be so built that the basement, or in the event there is no basement, that the lowest habitable floor is at a minimum of one foot above the flood hazard design elevation.
Variances From Conditions.
Variances from the conditions of this section of this chapter may be granted by the Borough of Ogdensburg Planning Board in conformance with the following provisions:
For the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register of Historic Places.
If an increase in flood levels within any designated floodway or flood fringe area would not occur during the design flood.
Upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary to afford relief considering the flood hazards.
Upon a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant and a determination that the granting of the variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances.
Flood Insurance.
Flood insurance in accordance with the Federal Insurance Agency shall be required for all development in the flood plain.
Warning and Disclaimer.
The degree of flood protection required herein is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This chapter does not imply that land outside flood hazard areas will be free from flooding or flood damage. This chapter shall not create liability on the part of the Borough of Ogdensburg or by any other officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 02-09, adopted on March 9, 2009, created a nine-member Planning Board which shall act as a combined Board and which shall exercise, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions, all the powers of a Zoning Board of Adjustment. All references to the Zoning Board of Adjustment have been retained and be interpreted as the "Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment."
The Planning Board, acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, shall have the power to:
Error or Refusal.
Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the applicant that there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by an official based on or made in the enforcement of the zoning provisions of this chapter.
Exceptions or Interpretations.
Hear and decide requests for interpretation of the Zoning Map or the zoning provisions of this chapter or for decisions upon other special questions upon which the Board is authorized to pass by any zoning provision of this chapter or by any duly adopted Official Map.
General Bulk Variances.
Where (a) by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness or shape of a specific piece of property, or (b) by reason of exceptional topographic conditions or physical features uniquely affecting a specific piece of property, or (c) by reason of an extraordinary and exceptional situation uniquely affecting a specific piece of property or the structures lawfully existing thereon, the strict application of any regulation of this chapter would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional and undue hardship upon the developer of such property, grant, upon an application or an appeal relating to such property, a variance from such strict application of such difficulties or hardship.
Where, in an application or appeal relating to a specific piece of property the purpose of this chapter would be advanced by a deviation from the zoning requirements and the benefits of the deviation would substantially outweigh any detriment, grant a variance to allow departure from such zoning requirements.
No variance from those departures enumerated in Section 30-702D herein below (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d)) shall be granted under this subsection; and provided further, that the proposed development does not require approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision, site plan or conditional use in conjunction with which the Planning Board has power to review a request for a variance pursuant to Section 30-705H of this chapter (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60(a)).
Use Variance, Variances From Conditional Use Standards, and Major Specific Bulk Variances.
In particular cases and for special reasons, grant a variance to allow departure from the zoning provisions of this chapter to permit:
A use or principal structure in a district restricted against such use or principal structure;
An expansion of a nonconforming use;
A deviation from a particular specification or standard set forth in this chapter as pertaining solely to a conditional use;
An increase in the permitted floor area ratio as defined in Section 30-200 of this chapter and in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4;
An increase in the permitted density as defined in Section 30-400 or Section 30-600 of this chapter, as the case may be, and in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-4, except as applied to the required lot area for a lot or lots for detached one- or two-dwelling unit buildings, which lot or lots are either an isolated undersized lot or lots resulting from a minor subdivision, in which event applications would be made pursuant to Section 30-702C herein above.
A variance under this subsection shall be granted only after an affirmative vote of the required members pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
General Provisions.
No variance or other relief may be granted by the Board unless such variance or other relief can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent and purpose of the zone plan and the zoning provisions of this chapter.
In respect to any airport hazard areas delineated under the "Air Safety and Hazardous Zoning Act of 1983" (N.J.S.A. 6:1-80 et seq.), no variance or other relief may be granted permitting the creation or establishment of a nonconforming use which would be prohibited under the standards promulgated pursuant to that act, except upon issuance of a permit by the Commissioner of Transportation.
An application under this section may be referred to any appropriate person or agency for its report; provided that such reference shall not extend the period of time within which the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall act.
Other Powers.
The Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have such other powers as prescribed by law, including, but not limited to, the following:
Direct issuance of a construction permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34 for the construction of a building or structure within the bed of a mapped street or public drainage way, flood control basin or public area as shown on a duly adopted Official Map, if an Official Map is adopted by the Borough, whenever one or more parcels of land within said bed cannot yield a reasonable return to the owner unless a construction permit is granted. The Board may grant such relief only by affirmative vote of a majority of the full authorized membership of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, ensuring that such relief will tend to cause a minimum change of the Official Map and will not significantly add to the cost of opening any proposed street. The Board shall impose reasonable requirements as a condition of granting the construction permit so as to promote the health, morals, safety and general welfare of the public.
Direct issuance of a construction permit pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36 for the construction of a building or structure on a lot not abutting a street which is shown on a duly adopted Official Map, if an Official Map is adopted by the Borough, or which is (a) an existing State, County or municipal street or highway; or (b) a street shown upon a plat approved by the municipal Planning Board; or (c) a street on a plat duly filed in the office of the County Recording Officer. The Board may grant such relief only when the enforcement of the statute requirement that a building lot abut a street would entail practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, or where the circumstances of the case do not require the building or structure to abut a street. The Board shall impose requirements or conditions that will provide adequate access for fire-fighting vehicles for the protection of the health and safety and that will protect any future street layout on the Official Map or on the Traffic Circulation Plan element of the municipal Master Plan.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions as the Planning Board, subdivision, site plan or conditional use approval whenever the proposed development requires approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of a variance pursuant to Section 30-702D of this chapter. The developer may elect to submit a separate application requesting approval of the variance and a subsequent application for any required approval of a subdivision, site plan or conditional use. The separate approval of the variance shall be conditioned upon a grant of all required subsequent approvals by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. No such subsequent approval shall be granted unless such approval can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantial impairment of the intent and purpose of the zone plan and the zoning provisions of this chapter. The number of votes of the Board members required to grant such subsequent approval shall be as otherwise provided in this chapter for the approval in question, and the special vote pursuant to Section 30-702 D of this chapter shall not be required.
Appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment may be taken by any interested party affected by any decision of an administrative officer of the municipality based on or made in the enforcement of the zoning provisions of this chapter or a duly adopted Official Map. Such appeal shall be taken within 20 days by filing a notice of appeal with the official from whom the appeal is taken, with three copies of the notice given to the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The notice shall specify the grounds for the appeal. The official from whom the appeal is taken shall immediately transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment may reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, or may modify the action, order requirements, decision, interpretation or determination appealed from and to that end have all powers of the municipal official from whom the appeal is taken.
An appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action in respect to which the decision appealed from was made unless the municipal official from whose action the appeal is taken certifies to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that any reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by an order of the Superior Court upon notice to the municipal official from whom the appeal is taken and due cause shown.
A developer may file an application for development with the Zoning Board of Adjustment for action under any of its powers without prior application to a municipal official.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall act upon any appeal or any application for development within 120 days either from the date the appeal is taken from the decision of the municipal official or from the date the application is certified as a complete application, as the case may be, or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant, except that when an applicant elects to submit separate consecutive applications for use variance approval and site plan, subdivision or conditional use approval, the 120 day time period for action shall apply to the application for approval of the use variance, and the time period for granting or denying any subsequent approval shall be as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Establishment; Membership.
There is hereby established, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. generally and N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23 specifically, in the Borough of Ogdensburg, a Planning Board of nine members and up to four alternates as set forth in the statute. The composition of the member by class and terms shall be as set forth in the statute.
Removal of Members.
The Governing Body of the Borough of Ogdensburg may remove any member of the Planning Board (other than the Class I member) for cause, on written charges served upon the member, and after a hearing thereon at which the member shall be entitled to be heard in person or by counsel.
The terms of the Planning Board members shall be as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-23. If a vacancy of any class shall occur otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment as above provided for the unexpired term.
Organization of Board.
The Planning Board shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman from the members of Class IV and select a Secretary, who may be either a member of the Planning Board or a municipal employee designated by it.
Planning Board Attorney, Other Staff.
There is hereby created the position of Planning Board Attorney. The Planning Board may annually appoint, fix the compensation of or agree upon the rate of compensation of the Planning Board Attorney, who shall be an attorney other than the Municipal Attorney. The Planning Board may also employ or contract for the services of experts and other staff and services as it may deem necessary. The Board shall not, however, exceed, exclusive of gifts or grants, the amount appropriated by the Governing Body for its use.
[Ord. No. 02-09 § 15-1]
The Board shall adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions and purposes of this chapter. In the issuance of subpoenas, administration of oaths taking of testimony, the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq. shall apply. It shall also have the following powers and duties:
To make and adopt and form time-to-time amend a Master Plan for the physical development of the municipality, including any areas outside its boundaries which, in the Board's judgment, bear essential relation to the planning of the municipality, in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28.
To administer the provisions of Land Use Ordinances of the Borough of Ogdensburg located in this Code in accordance with the provisions of said chapters and the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
To approve conditional use applications in accordance with the provisions of this chapter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
To participate in the preparation and review of programs or plans required by State or Federal law or regulations.
To assemble data on a continuing basis as part of a continuous planting process.
To annually prepare a program of municipal capital improvement projects projected over a term of six years, and amendments therefrom, and recommend same to the Governing Body.
To consider and make report to the Governing Body within 35 days after referral as to any proposed development regulations submitted to it pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-26a and also pass upon other matters specifically referred to the Planning Board by the Governing Body pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-26b.
When reviewing applications for approval of subdivision plats, site plans or conditional uses, to grant, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c. Whenever relief is requested pursuant to this subsection, notice of a hearing on the application for development shall include reference to the request for a variance or direction for issuance of a permit, as the case may be.
To perform such other advisory duties as are assigned to by ordinance or resolution of the Governing Body for the aid and assistance of the Governing Body or other agencies or officers.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25c(1), the Planning Board shall exercise, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions, all the powers of a Board of Adjustment, but the Class I and the Class III members shall not participate in the consideration of applications for development which involve relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d.
Conflicts of Interest.
No regular or alternate member of the Planning Board shall act on any matter in which he has either directly or indirectly any personal or financial interest. Whenever any such member shall disqualify himself from acting on a particular matter, he shall not continue to sit with the Board on the hearing of such particular matter nor participate in any discussion by the Board or any decision relating thereto.
Rules and Regulations.
The Planning Board shall have the power to set forth rules and regulations for the conduct of their business, meetings and public hearings. Said rules and regulations shall be in written form, on file with the Board secretary and available to the public in accordance with this chapter.
Meetings of the Planning Board shall be scheduled no less than once a month and any meeting so scheduled shall be held as scheduled unless cancelled for lack of applications for development to process.
Special meetings may be provided for at the call of the Chairman or on the request of any two Board members, which meetings shall be held on notice to its members and the public in accordance with all applicable legal requirements.
No action shall be taken at any meeting without a quorum being present, said quorum to be the majority of the full authorized membership of the Board.
All actions shall be taken by majority vote of the members of the Board present at the meeting except as otherwise required by a provision of N.J.S.A.40:55D-1 et seq. A member of the Board who was absent for one or more of the meetings at which a hearing was held shall be eligible to vote on a matter upon which the hearing was conducted, notwithstanding his absence from one or more of the meetings; provided, however, that such Board member has available to him the transcript or recording of all of the hearing from which he was absent, and certifies in writing to the Board that he has read such transcript or listened to such recording.
All regular meetings and all special meetings shall be open to the public except as provided in the Open Public Meeting Law C.231, Laws of New Jersey, 1975. Notice of all such meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meeting Law C.231, Laws of New Jersey, 1975.
Public Hearings.
Subsequent to an application for development being declared complete, the Planning Board shall hold a hearing on the application for development. The Board shall make rules governing such hearings.
Any maps and documents for which approval is sought at a hearing shall be on file and available for public inspection at least 10 days before the date of the hearing during normal business hours in the office of the Administrative Officer. The applicant may produce any documents, records or testimony at the hearing to substantiate or clarify or supplement the previously filed maps and documents.
The officer presiding at the hearings, or such person as he may designate, shall have the power to administer oaths and issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant evidence, including witnesses and documents presented by the parties, and the provisions of the "County and Municipal Investigations Law," P.L.1953, C.38 (N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq.) shall apply.
The testimony of all witnesses relating to an application for development shall be taken under oath or affirmation by the presiding officer, or such other person as he may designate, and the right of cross-examination shall be permitted to all interested parties through their attorneys, if represented, or directly, if not represented, subject to the discretion of the presiding officer and reasonable limitations as to time and number of witnesses.
Technical rules of evidence shall not be applicable to the hearing, but the Board may exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence.
Public Notice of a Hearing.
Except for minor subdivisions not requiring variance relief, public notice of a hearing shall be given for all applications for development.
The Clerk/Secretary of the Planning Board shall notify the applicant at least two weeks prior to the public hearing at which the application will be discussed. Notice of a hearing requiring public notice shall be given by the applicant at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing in the following manner:
Publication in an official newspaper of the Borough, if there is one, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough in the absence of an official newspaper; and,
By notification by personal service or certified mail to the following. An affidavit of proof of the giving of the required notice shall be filed by the applicant with the municipal agency at, or prior to, the hearing. It is not required that a return receipt be obtained; notice is deemed complete upon mailing (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-14).
To all owners of real property as shown on the current tax duplicate, located in the State and within 200 feet in all directions of the property which is the subject of the hearing; provided that this requirement shall be deemed satisfied by notice to the (1) condominium association, in the case of any unit owner whose unit has a unit above or below it, or (2) horizontal property regime, in the case of any co-owner whose apartment has an apartment above or below it.
Notice to a partnership owner may be made by service upon any partner.
Notice to a corporate owner may be made by service upon its president, a vice-president, secretary or other person authorized by appointment or by law to accept service on behalf of the corporation.
To the Clerk of any adjoining municipality or municipalities when the property involved is located within 200 feet of said adjoining municipality or municipalities.
To the Sussex County Planning Board when the application for development involves property adjacent to an existing county road or proposed road as shown on the County Official Map or County Master Plan, adjoining other county land or situated within 200 feet of a municipality boundary.
To the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New Jersey when the property abuts a state highway.
To the Director of the Division of State and Regional Planning in the Department of Community Affairs when the hearing involves an application for the development of property which exceeds 150 acres or 500 dwelling units, in which case the notice shall include a copy of any maps or documents required to be filed with the Borough.
Upon the written request of an applicant, the Borough Tax Assessor, or any other designated municipal official, shall, within seven days, make and certify a list from current tax duplicates of names and addresses of owners within the Borough to whom the applicant is required to give notice. The applicant shall be charged $0.25 per name or $10, whichever is greater, for said list and shall be entitled to rely upon the information contained in such list, and failure to give notice to any lot owner not on the list shall not invalidate any hearing or proceeding. Additionally, the applicant shall be responsible for giving proper notice to all property owners who own property not located within the Borough. For the purpose of reliance on the list referred to above, said list shall be effective for 90 days from the date of its issue, after which, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to request a new list, or have the initial list recertified.
The notice shall state the date, time and place of the hearing and the nature of the matters to be discussed, and an identification of the property proposed for development by street address, if any, and by reference to lot and block numbers as shown on the current tax duplicate in the Borough Tax Assessor's office, and the location and times at which any maps or documents for which approval is sought are available for inspection.
Regarding any application for development being reviewed by the Planning Board if the Board determines that substantial revisions have been made to said application subsequent to the date when it was determined to be a "complete application", then the Board may require the applicant to again comply with the notice requirements specified in this section of this chapter.
Minutes of every regular or special meeting shall be kept and shall include the names and addresses of the persons appearing and addressing the Planning Board, and of any persons appearing by attorney, the action taken by the Planning Board, the findings, if any, made by it and the reasons therefore. The minutes shall thereafter be made available, after approval by the Board, for public inspection during the normal business hours at the office of the Administrative Officer. Any interested party shall have the right to compel production of the minutes for use as evidence in any legal proceedings concerning the subject matter of such minutes. Such interested party shall be charged a reasonable fee for the reproduction of the minutes.
A verbatim recording shall be made of every hearing on an application for development submitted to the Borough. The recording of the proceedings shall be made either by stenographer, mechanical or electrical means. The municipality shall furnish a transcript or duplicate recording in lieu thereof on request to any interested party at his expense, provided that the charge for a transcript shall not exceed the maximum amount permitted in N.J.S.A. 2A:11-15. Each transcript shall be certified in writing by the transcriber to be accurate.
Each decision on any application for development shall be reduced to writing by the Board and shall include findings of facts and conclusions based thereon.
The Board shall provide the findings and conclusions through:
A resolution adopted at a meeting held within the time period provided in this chapter for action by the Board on the application for development; or
A memorializing resolution adopted at a meeting held no later than 45 days after the date of the meeting at which the Board voted to grant or deny approval. Only the members of the Board who voted for the action taken may vote on the memorializing resolution, and the vote of a majority of such members present at the meeting at which the resolution is presented for adoption shall be sufficient to adopt the resolution. An action pursuant to N.J.S.A.40:55D-9 (resulting from the failure of a motion to approve an application) shall be memorialized by resolution as provided above, with those members voting against the motion for approval being the members eligible to vote on the memorializing resolution.
The vote on any memorializing resolution shall be deemed to be a memorialization of the action of the Board and not to be an action of the Board; however, the date of the adoption of the resolution shall constitute the date of the decision for purposes of the mailings, filings and publications required in Section 30-708 of this chapter.
If the Board fails to adopt a resolution or memorializing resolution as hereinabove specified, any interested party may apply to the Superior Court in a summary manner for an order compelling the Board to reduce its findings and conclusions to writing within a stated time and the cost of applications, including attorney's fees, shall be assessed against the municipality.
Conditional Approvals:
Conditions Precedent: Whenever any application for development is approved by the Board subject to specified conditions intended to be fulfilled before the approval becomes effective, said approval shall lapse and become null and void unless all specified conditions are fulfilled within 190 days of the date the approval was granted by the Board.
Conditions Subsequent: Whenever any application for development is approved by the Board subject to conditions which are not required to be fulfilled before the approval becomes effective and are not guaranteed pursuant to Section 30-902 of this chapter, then the failure to fulfill any such condition within six months from the date of the approval of the application for development shall be grounds for the issuance of a stop work order by the enforcing official and the withholding of any zoning permit, construction permit, certificate of occupancy or any other approval until such condition is fulfilled.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing the Board from specifying a longer or shorter period of time within which any specific condition must be fulfilled, or from granting, an extension of time for fulfilling a condition for good cause shown.
Only upon fulfillment of all conditions precedent shall any subdivision plat or site plan be signed or any required zoning permit, construction permit, occupancy permit or other approval be issued.
The fulfillment of all conditions, precedent or subsequent, shall be reported in writing to the Board, which may cause such reports to be verified in an appropriate manner.
Any interested party may appeal to the Borough Council any final decision of the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment approving an application for a use variance pursuant to N.J.S.A.40:55D-70d and Section 30-702 D of this chapter. Notwithstanding the aforesaid right of appeal to the Borough Council, any party has the right to obtain a review of such decision by any court of competent jurisdiction according to law.
Any appeal to the Borough Council shall be made within 10 days of the date of publication of such final decision pursuant to Section 30-708 of this chapter. The appeal to the Borough Council shall be made by serving the Borough Clerk in person or by certified mail with a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and the name and address of the appellant and the name and address of his attorney, if represented.
The appellant shall either: 1) Within five days of serving notice of the appeal, arrange for a transcript for use by the Borough Council and pay a deposit in the amount of the estimated cost for such transcription; provided that the charge by the Borough to the applicant for the transcript shall not exceed the maximum permitted in N.J.S.A. 2A:11-15; or 2) Within 35 days of serving notice of appeal, submit a transcript to the Borough Clerk for use by the Borough Council. Should the appellant neither arrange for or submit a transcript as provided hereinabove, the Borough Council may dismiss the appeal for failure to prosecute. All transcripts shall be certified in writing by the transcriber to be accurate.
Notice of the meeting to review the record below shall be given by the Borough Council by personal service or certified mail to the appellant, to those entitled to notice of a decision pursuant to Section 30-708 of this chapter, and to the Planning Board at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. The appeal shall be decided by the Borough Council only upon the record established by the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The parties may submit oral and written arguments on the record at the Borough Council meeting, and the Borough Council shall provide and pay for verbatim recording and transcripts of such meeting.
The Borough Council shall conclude a review of the record below not later than 95 days from the publication of the notice of the subject decision of the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment, unless the appellant consents in writing to an extension of such time period. Failure of the Borough Council to hold a hearing and conclude a review of the record below and to render a decision within such specified period without such written consent of the appellant shall constitute a decision affirming the action of the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Borough Council may reverse, remand or affirm, with or without conditions, the final decision of the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment being appealed. The affirmative vote of four members of the Borough Council shall be necessary to reverse, remand, or impose or remove conditions upon the aforesaid final decision. In the event that an affirmative vote of four members of the Borough Council is not obtained, the aforesaid final decision shall be deemed affirmed without change.
An appeal to the Borough Council shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action in respect to which the decision appealed from was made unless the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment certifies to the Borough Council, after the notice of appeal has been filed with the Board, that by reasons of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in its opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by an order of the Superior Court on application upon notice to the Planning Board acting as the Zoning Board of Adjustment and on good cause shown.
Any decision of the Planning Board when acting upon an application for development and any decision of the Borough Council when acting upon an appeal shall be given notice in the following manner:
A copy of the decision shall be mailed by the appropriate Borough authority within 10 days of the date of decision to the applicant or appellant, or, if represented, then to his attorney, without separate charge. A copy of the decision shall also be mailed within 10 days to any interested party who has requested it and who has paid the fee prescribed by the Borough authority for such services.
A brief notice of every final decision shall be published in the official newspaper of the Borough. Such publications shall be arranged by the Secretary of the Planning Board, or the Borough Clerk, as the case may be, without separate charge to the applicant. The notice shall be sent to an official newspaper for publication within 10 days of the date of any such decision.
A copy of the decision shall also be filed in the office of the Planning Board secretary who shall make a copy of such filed decision available to any interested party upon payment of a fee calculated in the same manner as those established for copies of other public documents in the Borough.
The Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment have certain overlapping powers to expedite the review process. Their respective responsibilities are outlined below:
Powers of the Planning Board.
The Planning Board shall have the power to grant subdivision or conditional use approval simultaneously with site plan approval.
The Planning Board shall have the power to act in lieu of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and subject to the same extent and restrictions of the Zoning Board of Adjustment in the following matters when the Planning Board is reviewing applications for approval of subdivision plans, site plans or conditional uses. Whenever relief is requested pursuant to this subsection, public notice shall be given and shall include reference to the request for a variance or direction for issuance of a permit, as the case may be.
Grant variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70c.
Direct, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34, for issuance of a permit for a building or structure in the bed of a mapped street or public drainage way, flood control basin or public area reserved pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-32.
Direct, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-36, for issuance of a permit for a building or structure not related to a street.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Action in Lieu of Planning Board. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant, to the same extent and subject to the same restrictions as the Planning Board, site plan, subdivision or conditional use approval whenever the proposed development requires approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment of a variance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d.
Subdivision Review.
All subdivisions, as defined under Section 30-200, are subject to the review procedures specified herein.
Site Plan Review.
No construction permit shall be issued for any new structure or parking lot designed for four or more vehicles, or for an addition to an existing structure or parking lot, and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for any change of use of an existing structure until the site plan has been reviewed and approved by the municipality except that:
A construction permit for a single-family detached dwelling unit shall not require site plan approval, except that the use of any existing or proposed principal or accessory building for a "home occupation" as defined and permitted by this chapter shall require minor site plan approval prior to the issuance of a construction permit or a certificate of occupancy. The foregoing shall in no way affect the responsibility of an applicant to submit the necessary information and receive the necessary approvals as may be required pursuant to other ordinances.
Any change of use from one permitted category of nonresidential use to another permitted category of nonresidential use may not require site plan approval if (1) both the Construction Official and Zoning Officer certify to the Board in writing that the existing site development meets the requirements of this chapter for the new use category, and (2) the new use category does not require an increase in the number of required parking spaces.
An applicant may elect to file for preliminary and final site plan approval simultaneously to expedite the review process. The site plan shall be prepared according to the requirements stipulated for final approval. Developers electing to bypass the preliminary approval stage are doing so at the peril of added expense if changes in design are required.
Variance Relief.
All applications for variance relief not involving any related site plan, subdivision or conditional use approval shall be made to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and shall be filed at least three weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The filing shall include 15 copies of any maps and related material; 15 completed copies of the appropriate application form(s), which includes the checklist[1] for variances pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10.3 attached to this chapter; and the fee in accordance with Section 30-900 of this chapter. The Board shall act upon the application as required by law.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough Offices.
Informal Review by the Planning Board.
At the request of an applicant, the Planning Board shall grant one informal review of a concept plan for a development for which the developer intends to prepare and submit an application for development.
The applicant shall not be required to submit a fee for such an informal review; however, no professional review(s) will be undertaken unless the applicant has agreed to pay for said review(s) in accordance with Section 30-900 of this chapter.
The applicant shall not be bound by any concept plan for which review is requested, and the Planning Board shall not be bound by any such review.
An applicant desiring to have a concept plan informally reviewed by the Planning Board shall so notify the Administrative Officer at least three weeks prior to the meeting of the Planning Board. The Administrative Officer shall thereafter notify the applicant of the time and place which has been scheduled by the Planning Board for the informal review.
Procedure for Submitting Minor Subdivision Plats and Minor Site Plans.
The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer at least three weeks prior to the meeting: 16 copies of the minor plat or plan; 16 completed copies of the appropriate application(s), which includes the application(s) for any requested variance(s) and the checklist(s)[1] pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10.3 attached to this chapter with the items of information required therein; 16 copies of the Environmental Impact Statement; 10 copies of any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions applicable to the subject site, whether recorded or unrecorded; and the fee in accordance with Section 30-900 of this chapter. The application shall contain an acknowledgement signed by the applicant stating that the applicant is familiar with the procedure set forth herein for submitting and acting upon minor subdivisions plats and minor site plans, and agrees to be bound by it. The Administrative Officer shall process the application and shall issue an application number. Once an application has been assigned a number, such number shall appear on all papers, maps, plats or plans and other document for processing in conjunction with the application.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough Offices.
Details Required for Minor Subdivision Plats and Minor Site Plan.
Each minor plat or minor plan shall be drawn by a professional engineer and/or land surveyor licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and telephone number of the said professional engineer and/or land surveyor; provided, however, that all engineering data shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer and all surveying data shall be signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor.
Each submission shall be drawn at an appropriate scale not less one inch equals 50 feet and shall be submitted on one of four of the following standard sheet sizes (8 1/2" x 13", 15" x 21"; 24" x 36", or 30" x 42"). All plan sheets shall be folded into eighths with the title block revealed.
Each minor plat or plan (and or the accompanying application) shall show the following information as applicable to a minor subdivision or minor site plan, unless the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment determines, upon request of the applicant, that such information either is unnecessary or inapplicable to the particular subdivision or site plan and can be waived:
A key map showing the entire tract and its relation to the surrounding area, at a scale of one inch equals not more than 1,000 feet;
Title block in accordance with the rules governing title blocks for professional engineers (N.J.S.A. 45:8-36), including:
Name of subdivision or development, Borough of Ogdensburg and Sussex County, with each sheet specifically titled with appropriately descriptive words;
Name, title, address and telephone number of sub-divider or developer;
Name, title, address and license number of the professional or professionals who prepared the plat or plan;
Name, title and address of the owner or owners of record;
North arrow;
Scale (written and graphic); and
Date of original preparation and of each subsequent revision thereof and a list of the specific revisions entered on each sheet.
If the applicant is a corporation or a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners, or the names and addresses of all stockholders owning 10% or more of any class of stock of the corporation;
Acreage figures (both with and without areas within public rights-of-way);
Approval signature lines:
Secretary; and
Borough Engineer.
Existing block and lot number(s) of the lot(s) to be subdivided or developed as they appear on the Borough Tax Map, and proposed block and lot numbers as provided by the Borough Tax Assessor upon written request;
Tract boundary line (heavy solid line);
Zone boundary line (heavy dashed line);
The location of existing and proposed property lines (with bearings and distances), streets, structures with their numerical dimensions and an indication as to whether existing structures will be retained or removed, parking spaces, loading areas, driveways, watercourses, railroads, bridges, culverts, drain pipes, any natural features such as wetlands and treed areas, both within the tract and within 100 feet of its boundary;
The location and width of all existing and proposed utility easements, the use(s) for which they are intended to be limited, and the manner in which the easements will be controlled;
Zoning districts affecting the tract, including district names and all area and bulk requirements, with a comparison to the proposed development;
Proposed buffer and landscaped areas;
Delineation of floodplains, including both floodway and flood fringe areas;
Contours as shown on the U.S.G.S. topographic sheets;
Marshes, ponds and lands subject to flooding within the tract and within 100 feet thereof;
The name of all adjacent property owners as they appear on the most recent tax list prepared by the Clerk of the Planning Board;
Five copies of a certificate from the Borough Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments are paid to date;
Five copies of a completed application to the Sussex County Planning Board, if applicable;
Five copies of the completed application to the Ogdensburg Municipal Authority, if applicable;
Concerning minor subdivisions only, existing and proposed monuments;
Proposals for soil erosion and sediment control as required by N.J.S.A. 4-24-1939 et seq.;
All minor subdivision applications shall be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement in accordance with the provisions of 30-804 C of this chapter. The applicant may request a waiver of this requirement, either in whole or in part, provided that the applicant states in writing the basis for the waiver request. The Board shall act upon the requested waiver at the meeting when it determines whether or not the application is complete.
No minor subdivision or minor site plan involving any street(s) additional right-of-way width as specified in the Master Plan or Official Map and the street requirements of this chapter shall be approved unless such additional right-of-way, either along one or both sides of said streets, as applicable, shall be granted to the Borough or other appropriate governmental agency; however the amount of right-of-way dedicated shall not exceed one-half of the distance of the right-of-way from the center line.
Plans of proposed improvements and utility layouts including sewers, storm drains and water lines, and feasible connections to gas, telephone and electrical utility systems. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply fully with all Borough, County, State and Federal regulations. If service will be provided by an existing utility company, in lieu of detailed plans, a letter from that company stating that service will be available before occupancy will be sufficient. Additionally, letters from the appropriate County and State agencies granting approval for the extension of utility service(s) under their respective jurisdiction shall be submitted with the application;
No minor subdivision or minor site plan involving any corner lot shall be approved unless a sight triangle easement shall be granted as specified in this chapter; and
Deed descriptions (including metes and bounds), easements, covenants, restrictions and roadway dedications shall be submitted for approval and required signatures prior to filing with the County Recording Officer.
Action by the Borough.
The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and its professional advisors, shall review the aforesaid application for the purpose of determining, within 45 days of its submission, whether said application is complete and whether any waiver of check list items will be granted. The Board shall:
If said application is found to contain all of the information required by a checklist adopted as part of this Land Development Regulations and attached hereto following Section 30-806 of this chapter, the Board, or its agent in those specific instances where designated, shall certify that said application is complete.
If said application is found to lack some of the information required by the checklist[2] adopted as part of this Land Development Regulations the Board shall either:
Cause the applicant to be notified, in writing, that said application is incomplete, specifying the deficiencies in the application; or,
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are not necessary for it to make any informed decision on the application, but are not of such significance to cause the application to be deemed incomplete, said Board may declare the application complete, conditioned upon the submission of the missing items of information to the Administrative Officer within 10 days; or
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are not necessary for it to make an informed decision on the application, said Board may waive the requirement that said items be supplied as a prerequisite for completeness and certify that the application is complete notwithstanding the missing item.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough Offices.
An applicant who has been notified that his application is incomplete may request waiver of one or more of the submission requirements set forth in Section 30-803 B. and said request shall be the subject of a resubmitted application which shall be acted upon in accordance with Section 30- 803C,1,a or 30-803C,1,b hereinabove.
In the event the Board fails to act pursuant to Sections 30- 803C,1,b(1) or 30-803C,1,b(2) hereinabove within 45 days of the date of submission of the application, said application shall be deemed complete as of the 46th day following its submission.
On the date the aforesaid application is certified complete, or on the 46th day following the submission of the application in the event the Board fails to make a determination of completeness, as the case may be, the applicable time period within which the Board must act upon the application shall commence. In any case, the applicant is obliged to prove that he or she is entitled to approval of the application. The Board may subsequently require correction of any information found to be in error, may require submission of additional information not specified in this chapter, and/or may require revisions in the application documents, all as are reasonably necessary to make an informed decision as to whether the requirements for approval of the application have been met; provided, however, that the application shall not be deemed incomplete for lack of any such additional information or revision.
Promptly after certification of completeness, the application documents shall be distributed by the Administrative Officer to the following:
The Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, (nine copies each of the minor plat or plan, the application, any Environmental Impact Statement);
Planning Board Attorney (one copy each of the minor plat or plan, the application, any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions, and any Environmental Impact Statement);
Borough Planner (one copy each of the minor plat or plan, the application, any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions, and any Environmental Impact Statement);
Borough Engineer (one copy each of the minor plat or plan, the application, any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions, and any Environmental Impact Statement);
Zoning Officer (one copy of the minor plat or plan);
Borough Clerk (one copy each of the minor plat or plan, the application, any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions, and any Environmental Impact Statement for the Borough's files);
Borough Fire Prevention Official (one copy of the minor plat or plan);
At the direction of the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, additional copies of the minor plat or plan and/or other items of submitted information shall be sent to other Borough, County or State agencies and/or to other professional consultants as may be designated by the Board.
The Planning Board shall take action on minor subdivision and minor site plan applications within 45 days after the application has been certified complete by the Board or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application; provided that any minor subdivision or minor site plan application which includes any requested variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60 and Section 30-801A,2 of this chapter shall be acted upon within 120 days or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant.
The Zoning Board shall take action on a minor subdivision or minor site plan application under its jurisdiction as prescribed in Section 30-803C,4 hereinabove unless said minor subdivision or minor site plan application is being considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment simultaneously with an application for a "use" variance in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d and Section 30-702D of this chapter, in which case the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall act upon all aspects of the application within 120 days after the application has been certified complete by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application.
Any designated Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee shall read any written report submitted concerning the application and shall review the submission to ascertain its conformity with the requirements of this chapter; the Committee shall offer its recommendation to the Board.
Any proposed application for development determined by the Board to be creating, imposing, aggravating or leading to the possibility of an adverse effect upon either the property in question or upon any adjacent properties, may be required to be revised to remove any adverse effect(s) prior to further review or approval by the Board, or, where the remaining portion of the original tract is sufficient to be subdivided or developed further, the applicant may be required to submit a sketch of the entire remaining portion of the tract to indicate a feasible plan whereby the applied for subdivision or development, together with subsequent subdivision(s) or development(s), may be submitted that will not create, impose, aggravate or lead to any adverse effect.
All hearings held on applications for minor site plan approval shall require public notice of the hearing. The Board shall set the date, time and place for the public hearing and shall inform the applicant of this at least 14 days prior to said hearing date. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the applicant at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing (see Section 30-706D).
When a minor subdivision or minor site plan is approved by the Board, a notation to that effect, including the date of approval, shall be made on a master copy. At least two prints of the plat or plan and any related deed descriptions to be filed with the County Recording Officer shall be signed by the Borough Engineer and the Chairman and Secretary of the Board (or the Acting Chairman or Secretary where either or both may be absent). No further approval of the application shall be required and the Secretary of the Board, within 10 days of the date of approval, shall notify the applicant of the Board's action. Additionally, the Secretary of the Board shall forward the applicant a copy of the approved resolution, adopted in accordance with Section 30-706F of this chapter, within 10 days of its adoption by the Board.
When a minor subdivision or minor site plan is disapproved by the Board, the Secretary of the Board, within 10 days of such action, shall notify the applicant of such disapproval. Additionally, the Secretary of the Board shall forward the applicant a copy of the disapproval resolution, adopted in accordance with Section 30- 706F of this chapter, within 10 days of its adoption by the Board, setting for the reasons for the disapproval.
Within 190 days from the date of approval by the Board of a minor subdivision, a plat map drawn in compliance with the Map Filing Act, P.L. 190 C. 141 (N.J.S.A. 46:29-9.9 et seq.) or deed description, properly drafted and signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board (or the Acting Chairman or Secretary where either or both may be absent), shall be filed by the subdivider with the County Recording Officer; provided that if an applicant elects to file a deed, said deed shall be accompanied with a photographically reduced copy of the approved plat. Unless filed within 190 days, the approval shall expire and will require Board approval as in the first instance. The zoning requirements and general terms and conditions, whether conditional or otherwise, upon which minor subdivision approval was granted, shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of minor subdivision approval by the Board, provided that the approved minor subdivision shall have been duly recorded.
Before the Secretary of the Board returns any approved minor subdivision or minor site plan to the applicant, the applicant shall provide additional copies of the plat or plan as may be necessary in order to furnish copies to each of the following:
Borough Clerk;
Borough Engineer (in the case of subdivisions only, a map of the plat drawn to the tax map scale of one inch equals 100 feet or one inch equals 400 feet, as directed by the Borough Engineer);
Zoning Officer;
Borough Tax Assessor;
Borough Board of Health;
Such other Borough, County or State agencies and officials as directed by the Board.
Procedure for Submitting Preliminary Major Subdivision Plats and Preliminary Major Site Plans
The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer at least three weeks prior to the meeting: 16 copies of the preliminary plan; 16 completed copies of the appropriate application(s), which includes the application(s) for any requested variance(s) and the checklist(s) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-010.3 attached to this chapter with the items of information required therein; 16 copies of the Environmental Impact Statement; 16 copies of any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions applying to the subject site, whether recorded or unrecorded; and the fee in accordance with Section 30-900 of this chapter. The application shall contain an acknowledgment signed by the applicant stating that the applicant is familiar with the procedure set forth herein for submitting and acting upon preliminary major subdivision plats and preliminary major site plans, and agrees to be bound by it. The Administrative Officer shall process the application and shall issue an application number. Once an application has been assigned a number, such number shall appear on all papers, maps, plats or plans and other documents submitted for processing in conjunction with the application.
Details Required for Preliminary Major Subdivision Plats and Preliminary Major Site Plans.
Each preliminary plat or preliminary plan shall be drawn by a professional engineer and/or land surveyor licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and telephone number of the said professional engineer and/or land surveyor; provided, however, that all engineering data shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer and all surveying data shall be signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor.
Each submission shall be drawn at an appropriate scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet and shall be submitted on one of four of the following standard sheet sizes (8 1/2" x 13"; 15" x 21"; 24" x 36"; 30" x 42"). All plan sheets shall be folded into eighths with the title block revealed.
Each preliminary plat or plan (and or the accompanying application) shall show the following information as applicable to a subdivision plat or site plan, unless the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment determines, upon request of the applicant, that such information either is unnecessary or inapplicable to the particular subdivision or site plan and can be waived:
A key map showing the entire tract and its relations to the surrounding areas, at a scale of one inch equals not more than 1,000 feet;
Title block in accordance with the rules governing title blocks for professional engineers (N.J.S.A. 45:8-36), including:
Name of subdivision or development, Borough of Ogdensburg, Sussex County, with each sheet specifically titled with appropriately descriptive words;
Name, title, address and telephone number of subdivider or developer;
Name, title, address and license number of the professional or professionals who prepared the plat or plan;
Name, title and address of the owner or owners of record;
North arrow;
Scale (written and graphic); and
Date of original preparation and of each subsequent revision thereof and list of the specific revisions entered on each sheet.
Certification that the applicant is the owner of the land or his properly authorized agent, or that the owner has given his consent under an option agreement.
If the applicant is a corporation or a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners, or the names and addresses of all stockholders owning 10% or more of any class of stock of the corporation;
Approval signature lines:
Secretary; and
Borough Engineer.
Acreage to the nearest tenth of an acre (both with and without areas within public rights-of-way);
The names and lot and block numbers of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the tract as shown on the most recent tax list prepared by the Clerk of the Planning Board;
Existing tax sheet number(s) and existing block and lot number(s) of the lot(s) to be subdivided or developed as they appear on the Borough Tax Map, and proposed block and lot numbers as provided by the Borough Tax Assessor upon written request;
Tract boundary line (heavy solid line);
Zone boundary line (heavy dashed line);
Zoning districts affecting the tract, including district names and all area and bulk requirements, with a comparison to the proposed development;
The location of natural features such as wetlands and treed areas, both within the tract and within 100 feet of its boundary;
The proposed location of all proposed plantings, with a legend listing the botanical and common names, the sizes at the time of planting, the total quantity of each plant, and the location of each plant keyed to the plan or plat;
All existing and proposed watercourses shall be shown and accompanied by the following information:
When a stream is proposed for alteration, improvement or relocation or where a drainage structure or fill is proposed over, under, in or along a running stream, a report on the status of review by the State Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Resources, shall accompany the submission;
Cross-sections of watercourses and/or drainage swales at an approximate scale showing the extent of the flood plain, top of bank, normal water levels and bottom elevations at the locations required by the Borough Engineer;
The location and extent of drainage and conservation easements and stream encroachment lines; and
The location and type of adequate drainage provisions to reasonably reduce and minimize exposure to flood damage.
Existing and proposed contours with intervals of one foot where slopes are less than 2%; with intervals of two feet where slopes are between 2% and 15%; and with intervals of five feet where slopes exceed 15%. All contour information shall be shown as a dashed line; finished grades shall be shown as a solid line. Slopes 15% or more in grade shall be shaded;
Proposals for soil erosion and sediment control as required by N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq.;
The location of all existing structures, both within the tract and within 100 feet of its boundary, with an indication of existing and proposed front, rear and side yard setback distances and whether the existing structures and uses will be retained or removed;
Size, height and location of all proposed structures including, but not limited to, signs, fences and lighting facilities, and of all proposed buildings;
All dimensions necessary to confirm conformity to the ordinance, such as the size of the tract and any proposed lot(s), structure setbacks, structure heights, yard areas and floor area ratios. All tract and lot sizes shall be expressed in acres and square feet and shall include bearing and distances.
The proposed location, direction of illumination, power and type of proposed outdoor lighting, including details of lighting poles and luminaries, which information shall be shown on the plat or plan for each light;
The proposed screening, buffering and landscaping, including a landscaping plan;
The location and design of any off-street parking area, showing size and location of bays, aisles and barriers, curbing and paving specifications;
All means of vehicular access and egress to and from the site onto public streets, showing the site and the location of driveways and curb cuts, including the possible utilization of traffic signals, channelization, acceleration and deceleration lanes, sight triangle easements, additional width and other proposed devices necessary to prevent a difficult traffic situation;
The application shall include plans and computations for any storm drainage system including the following as may be required by the Borough Engineer:
All existing or proposed storm sewer lines within or adjacent to the tract showing size and slope of the lines, direction of flow and the location of each catch basin, inlet, manhole, culvert and headwall.
A map drawn to scale (minimum scale one inch equals 100 feet) showing the contributing area to each inlet or cross drain.
A weighted run-off coefficient for each drainage area shall be determined for use in the computations.
The location of existing utility structures such as water and sewer mains, utility structures, gas transmission lines and high tension power lines on the tract and within 200 feet of its boundaries.
Plans of proposed improvements and utility layouts including sewers, storm drains and water lines, and feasible connections to gas, telephone and electrical utility systems. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply fully with all Borough, County, State and Federal regulations. If service will be provided by an existing utility company, in lieu of detailed plans, a letter from that company stating that service will be available before occupancy will be sufficient. Additionally, letters from the appropriate County and State agencies granting approval for the extension of utility service(s) under their respective jurisdiction shall be submitted with the application.
Plans, typical cross sections and construction details, horizontal and vertical alignments of the centerline of all proposed streets and of all existing streets abutting the tract. The vertical alignments shall be based on U.S.G.S. vertical datum or a more specified datum supplied by the Borough Engineer, and shall include curbing, sidewalks, storm drains, drainage structures and cross sections every half and full station of all proposed streets and of all existing streets abutting the tract. Sight triangles, the radius of curblines and street sign locations shall be clearly indicated at the intersections.
Any protective covenants or deed restrictions applying to the land being developed shall be submitted with the application and/or indicated on the submitted plat or plan.
The location and width of all existing and proposed utility easements, the use(s) for which they are intended to be limited, and the manner in which the easements will be controlled;
An aerial photograph showing the entire site, in foliage;
The proposed permanent monuments shall be shown, in accordance with the Map Filing Law, N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9;
The proposed number of shifts to be worked, the maximum number of employees on each shift, and the hours of operation;
Five copies of a certificate from the Borough Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments are paid to date;
Five copies of the completed application to the Sussex County Planning Board, if applicable;
Five copies of the completed application to the Ogdensburg Municipal Authority, if applicable;
All preliminary major subdivision and/or preliminary major site plan applications shall be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement in accordance with the provisions of Section 30-804 C of this chapter. The applicant may request a waiver of this requirement, either in whole or in part, provided that the applicant states in writing the basis for the variance request. The Board shall act upon the requested waiver at the meeting when it determines whether or not the application is complete.
In the case of any subdivision or site plan submission of a planned development, the applicant shall be required to submit all of the required information for all of the properties comprising the planned development, regardless of whether the applicant is seeking approval of the whole or a section of the planned development; specifically, the applicant shall be required to show the interrelationship of each portion of the project with the whole of the project considering land use, traffic, open space, buffering, drainage and surface water management, sewerage, potable water supply and any other specific planning considerations as may be of particular relevance to a particular planned development; and
In case of any subdivision or site plan submission involving a planned building group as defined by this chapter, the applicant shall be required, on the application for preliminary approval, to submit the following:
All information required by Section 30-512 of this chapter.
With respect to proposed water supply for development, all relevant data with respect to source, distribution, capacity and fire flow.
The Board reserves the right to require additional information before granting preliminary approval when unique circumstances affect the tract and/or when the application for development poses special problems for the tract and surrounding area. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, drainage calculations and traffic analysis, provided however, that no application shall be declared incomplete for the lack of such additional information.
Environmental Impact Statement.
General Provisions.
The impact on the environment generated by land development necessitates a comprehensive analysis of the variety of problems that may result and the actions that can be taken to minimize the problems. It is further recognized that the level of detail required for various types of applications will vary depending upon the size of the development, the nature of the site, the location of the development and the information already in the possession of the Borough. Therefore, having determined that some flexibility is needed in preparing the Environmental Impact Statement, the requirements for such a document pertaining to different types of development applications are listed below:
All agricultural operations conducted in accordance with a plan approved by the Soil Conservation District and all silva culture operations conducted in accordance with a plan prepared by a professional forester are specifically exempt from the Environmental Impact Statement requirements.
Any variance applications to the Zoning Board of Adjustment not involving a site plan or subdivision application shall not require an Environmental Impact Statement unless specifically requested by the Board. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall inform the applicant regarding any information that may be required.
Any application for minor site plan approval, either to the Planning Board or to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, shall not require an Environmental Impact Statement unless specifically requested by the appropriate Board. The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, shall inform the applicant regarding any information that may be required.
All minor subdivision, preliminary major subdivision and/or preliminary major site plan applications shall be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement.
Submission Format. When an Environmental Impact Statement is required, the applicant shall retain one or more competent professionals to perform the necessary work. The qualifications and background of the professionals shall be provided, and the method of investigation shall be described. All applicable material on file in the Borough pertinent to evaluation of regional impacts also shall be considered. Furthermore, as much original research as necessary shall be conducted to develop the Environmental Impact Statement. All Environmental Impact Statements shall consist of written and graphic materials which clearly present the required information utilizing the following format:
Project Description:
Indicate the purpose and scope of the proposed project. Enumerate the benefits to the public which will result from the proposed project and describe the particular suitability of the site for the intended use. A description of the proposed project shall be presented to indicate the extent to which the site must be altered, the kinds of facilities to be constructed and the uses intended. The resident population, working population and visitor population shall be estimated. The compatibility or incompatibility of the proposed project shall be described in relation to the following:
Borough Master Plan.
Master Plan of Adjacent Municipalities.
Sussex County Master Plan.
State Development and Redevelopment Plan.
Other Pertinent Planning Document.
Site Description and Inventory.
Provide a description of the environmental conditions on the site, including the following items:
Types of Soil.
List and describe each soil type on the site. If applicable, provide percolation data. Where the proposed area of land disturbance will involve soils with moderate or severe limitations relative to the type of use proposed, a complete mapping of all soil types where the moderate and severe limitations exist shall be provided.
Topography. Describe the topographic conditions on the site.
Describe the geologic formations and features associated with the site as well as depth to bedrock conditions. Delineate those areas where bedrock is within two feet of the surface as well as major rock outcroppings.
Describe the existing vegetation on the site. A map shall be prepared showing the location of major vegetative groupings such as woodlands, open fields and wetlands. Where woodlands are delineated, the forest types shall be indicated.
Identify and describe any unique habitats of endangered or protected species.
Subsurface Water.
Describe the subsurface water conditions on the site both in terms of depth to ground water and water supply capabilities. The location, depth, capacity and water quality of all existing water wells on the site and within 500 feet of the site shall be indicated.
Distinctive Scenic and/or Historic Features.
Describe and map those portions of the site that can be considered to have distinctive scenic and/or historic qualities.
Existing Development Features.
Describe any existing features on the site that are not considered to be part of the natural environment including, but not limited to, roads, driveway accesses, housing units, accessory structures, utility lines, etc.
When warranted, an analysis shall be conducted of existing air quality and noise levels as prescribed by the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection.
Discuss both the negative and positive impacts during and after construction. Indicate those negative impacts that are unavoidable. The specific concerns that shall be considered include the following and shall be accompanied by specific quantitative measurements where possible and necessary:
Soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from surface run-off.
Flooding and flood plain disruption.
Degradation of surface water quality.
Ground water pollution.
Reduction of ground water capabilities.
Sewage disposal.
Solid waste disposal.
Vegetation destruction.
Disruption of wildlife habitats of endangered and protected species.
Destruction or degradation of scenic and historic features.
Air quality degradation.
Noise levels.
Energy utilization.
Environmental Performance Controls.
Describe what measures will be employed during the planning, construction and operation phases which will minimize or eliminate negative impacts that could result from the proposed project. Of specific interest are:
Drainage plans which shall include soil erosion and sedimentation controls.
Sewage disposal techniques.
Water supply and water conservation proposals.
Energy conservation measures.
Noise reduction techniques.
Licenses, Permits and Other Approvals Required by Law.
The applicant shall list all known licenses, permits and other forms of approval required by law for the development and operation of the proposed project. The list shall include approvals required by the Borough, as well as agencies of the County, State and Federal governments. Where approvals have been granted, copies of said approvals shall be attached. Where approvals are pending, a note shall be made to that effect.
All publications, file reports, manuscripts or other written sources of information which were first consulted and employed in compilation of the Environmental Impact Statement shall be listed. A list of all agencies and individuals from whom all pertinent information was obtained orally or by letter shall be listed separately. Dates and locations of all meetings shall be specified.
Disposition by the Board.
The Board shall review the information furnished in the Environmental Impact Statement in the context of the overall design of the proposed development and the relationship of the proposed development to the environment. The information is to be used solely to help insure that the proposed development will cause no reasonably avoidable damage to any environmental resource.
Action by the Borough.
The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and its professional advisors, shall review the aforesaid application for the purpose of determining, within 45 days of its submission, whether said application is complete and whether any waiver of checklist items will be granted. The Board shall:
If said application is found to contain all of the information required by a checklist adopted as part of this Land Development Regulations, the Board, or its agent in those specific instances where designated, shall certify that said application is complete.
If said application is found to lack some of the information required by the checklist[1] adopted as part of this Land Development Regulations, the Board shall either:
Cause the applicant to be notified, in writing, that the application is incomplete, specifying the deficiencies in the application; or
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are necessary to make an informed decision on the application, but are not of such significance to cause the application to be deemed incomplete, said Board may declare the application complete, conditioned upon the submission of the missing items of information to the Administrative Officer within 10 days; or
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are not necessary for it to make an informed decision on the application, said Board may waive the requirement that said items be supplied as a prerequisite for completeness and certify that the application is complete notwithstanding the missing items.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough offices.
An applicant who has been notified that his application is incomplete may request waiver of one or more of the submission requirements set forth in Section 30-804 B. and said request shall be the subject of a resubmitted application which shall be acted upon in accordance with Sections 30-804 D,1,a or 30-804 D,1,b hereinabove.
In the event the Board fails to act pursuant to Sections 30-804 D,1,b(1) or 30-804 D,1,b(2) hereinabove within 45 days of the date of submission of the application, said application shall be deemed complete as of the 46th day following its submission.
On the date the aforesaid application is certified complete, or on the 46th day following the submission of the application, in the event the Board fails to make a determination of completeness, as the case may be, the applicable time period within which the Board must act upon the application shall commence. In any case, the applicant is obliged to prove that he or she is entitled to approval of the application. The Board may subsequently require correction of any information found to be in error, may require submission of additional information not specified in this chapter, and/or may require revisions in the application documents; as are reasonably necessary to make an informed decision as to whether the requirements for approval of the application have been met, provided that the application shall not be deemed incomplete for lack of any such additional information or revisions.
Promptly after certification of completeness, the application documents shall be distributed by the Administrative Officer to the following:
The Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be nine copies each of the preliminary plat or plan, the application, the Environmental Impact Statement, and any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions);
Planning Board Attorney (one copy each of the preliminary plat or plan, the application, the Environmental Impact Statement, and any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions);
Borough Planner (one copy each of the preliminary plat or plan, the application, the Environmental Impact Statement, and any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions);
Borough Engineer (one copy each of the preliminary plat or plan, the application, the Environmental Impact Statement, and any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions);
Zoning Officer (one copy of the preliminary plat or plan);
Borough Clerk (one copy each of the preliminary plat or plan, the application, the Environmental Impact Statement, and any protective covenants, easements and/or deed restrictions for the Borough's files);
Borough Fire Prevention Official (one copy of the preliminary plat or plan);
Borough Tax Collector (one copy of the preliminary plat or plan);
At the direction of the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, additional copies of the preliminary plat or plan and/or other items of submitted information shall be sent to other Borough, County or State agencies and/or to other professional consultants as may be designated by the Board.
The Planning Board shall take action on a preliminary major site plan application involving 10 acres of land or less or 10 dwelling units or less and/or a preliminary major subdivision application involving 10 lots or less within 45 days after the application has been certified complete or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application; provided that any preliminary major site plan or preliminary major subdivision application which includes any requested variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60 and Section 30-801 A,2 of this chapter shall be acted upon within 120 days or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant.
The Planning Board shall take action on a preliminary major site plan application involving more than 10 acres of land or more than 10 dwellings and/or a preliminary major subdivision application involving more than 10 lots within 95 days after the application has been certified complete or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application; provided that any preliminary major site plan or preliminary major subdivision application which includes any requested variance relief pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-60 and Section 30-801 A,2 of this chapter shall be acted upon within 120 days or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall take action on a preliminary major site plan application and/or preliminary major subdivision application under its jurisdiction as prescribed in Sections 30-804 D,4 and 30-804 D,5 hereinabove unless said preliminary major site plan or preliminary major subdivision application is being considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment simultaneously with an application for a "use" variance in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70 and Section 30-702 D of this chapter, in which case the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall act upon all aspects of the application within 120 days after the application has been certified complete by the Zoning Board of Adjustment or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application.
Any designated Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee shall read any written report submitted concerning the application and shall review the submission to ascertain its conformity with the requirements of this chapter; the Committee shall offer its recommendations to the Board.
Any proposed application for development determined by the Board to be creating, imposing, aggravating or leading to the possibility of an adverse effect upon either the property in question or upon any adjacent properties, may be required to be revised to mitigate any adverse effect(s) prior to further review or approval by the Board, or, where the remaining portion of the original tract is sufficient to be subdivided or further developed, the applicant may be required to submit a sketch of the entire portion of the tract to indicate a feasible plan whereby the applied for subdivision or development, together with subsequent subdivision(s) or development(s), may be submitted that will not create, impose, aggravate or lead to any such adverse effect.
In the case of planned developments only, the Board shall find the following facts and conclusions prior to granting approval:
That departures by the proposed development from zoning regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property conform to the zoning provisions specified in Sections 30-400 and 30-600 of this section, as the case may be, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-65c.
That the proposals for maintenance and conservation for the common space are reliable, and the amount, location and purpose of the common open space are adequate;
That provision through the physical design of the proposed development for public services, control over vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment are adequate;
That the proposed planned development which contemplates construction over a period of years, that the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the development are adequate.
All hearings held on applications for preliminary major subdivision approval and/or preliminary major site plan approval shall require public notice of the hearing. The Board shall set the date, time and place for the public hearing and shall inform the applicant of this at least 14 days prior to said hearing date. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the application at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing (see Section 30-706 D.).
If the Board acts favorably on the preliminary plat or plan, the Borough Engineer and the Chairman and Secretary of the Board (or the acting Chairman or acting Secretary, where either or both may be absent) shall affix their signatures to at least 10 copies of the plat or plan with the notification that it has been approved. The applicant shall furnish such copies to the Board.
Should minor revisions or additions to the plat or plan be deemed necessary, the Board may grant preliminary approval subject to specified conditions and receipt of revised plans within 30 days from the date of said approval. Should substantial revisions be deemed necessary, the Board shall require that an amended plat or plan be submitted and acted upon as in the case of the original application.
If the Board, after consideration and discussion of the preliminary plat or plan, determines that it is unacceptable, a notation shall be made by the Chairman of the Board to that effect on the plat or plan and resolution adopted in accordance with Section 30-706 G. of this chapter setting forth the reasons for such rejection. One copy of the plat or plan and said resolution shall be returned to the applicant within 10 days of the adoption of said resolution.
Effect of Preliminary Approval.
Preliminary approval shall confer upon the applicant the following rights for a three-year period from the date of preliminary approval:
The general terms and conditions on which preliminary approval was granted shall not be changed, including but not limited to: layout and design standards for streets, curbs and sidewalks; lot size; yard dimensions; and off-tract improvements; and in the case of a site plan, any requirements peculiar to site plan approval; except that nothing therein shall be construed to prevent the municipality from modifying by ordinance such general terms and conditions of preliminary approval as relate to public health and safety;
That the applicant may submit for final approval, on or before the expiration date of preliminary approval, the whole or a section or sections of the preliminary plat or plan; and
That the applicant may apply for and the Board may grant extensions on such preliminary approval for additional periods of at least one year, but not to exceed a total extension of two years, provided that if the design standards have been revised by ordinance, such revised standards may govern.
In the case of a subdivision or of a site plan for an area 50 acres or more, the Planning Board may grant the rights referred to in Section 30-804 E,1 hereinabove for such period of time, longer than three years, as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under preliminary approval;
Economic conditions; and
The comprehensiveness of the development.
The applicant may apply for thereafter, and the Board may thereafter grant, an extension to preliminary approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under preliminary approval;
The potential number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area of the section or sections awaiting final approval;
Economic conditions;
The comprehensiveness of the development; and
Provided that if the design standards have been revised by ordinance, such revised standards may govern.[2]
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough offices.
Procedures for Submitting Final Plats and Final Plans. A final plat or final plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer within three years after the date of preliminary approval or any authorized extension thereof. The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer at least three weeks prior to the meeting: 16 copies of the final major subdivision plat or final major site plan; 16 copies of the appropriate application(s), which includes the applications for any requested variance(s) and the checklist(s) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10.3 attached to this chapter with the items of information required therein; and the fee in accordance with Section 30-900 of this chapter. The application shall contain an acknowledgment signed by the applicant stating that the applicant is familiar with the procedure set forth herein for submitting and acting upon final major subdivision plats and final major site plans, and agrees to be bound by it.
Details Required for Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans.
The following information shall be submitted:
All details required by Sections 30-804 B. of this chapter.
All additional details required at the time of preliminary approval shall be submitted.
A section or staging plan, if proposed, indicating the portion of the tract to be considered for final approval as part of the current application and the relationship of the portion of the tract to the remaining land area, including all applicable comparisons such as parking spaces, building coverage, lot coverage, open space areas and number of lots.
Detailed architectural and engineering data including:
An architect's design drawing of each building and sign or a typical building and sign showing front, side and rear elevations.
Cross sections, plans, profiles and established grades of all streets, aisles, lanes and driveways, including centerline geometry and horizontal alignments with bearings, radii and tangents.
Plans and profiles of all storm and sanitary sewers and water mains.
All dimensions of the exterior boundaries of any subdivision shall be balanced and closed to a precision of one to 5,000 and the dimensions of all lot lines to within one to 10,000. All dimensions, angles and bearings must be tied to at least two permanent monuments not less than 300 feet apart and all information shall be indicated on the plat. At least one corner of the subdivision shall be tied horizontally to the New Jersey State Grid Coordinate System and vertically to the U.S. Geodetic Survey System, with the data on the plat as to how the bearings were determined.
The final submission shall be accompanied by the following documents:
Certification from the Borough Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments are paid to date;
Letters directed to the Chairman of the Board and signed by a responsible official of the lighting agency, water company, sewer utility and of any other company or governmental authority or district which provides accessory utility service and has jurisdiction in the area, approving each proposed utility installation design and stating who will construct the facility so that service will be available prior to occupancy. The designing engineer(s) shall certify to the Board that the existing cross-section(s) and profile(s) have been run in the field and the field note shall be forwarded to the Borough Engineer;
The applicant shall certify in writing to the Board that he has:
Installed all improvements in accordance with the requirements of this chapter; and/or,
Posted a performance guarantee in accordance with Section 30-902 of this chapter.
A statement from the Borough Engineer that all improvements installed prior to application have been inspected as provided in Section 30-902 of this chapter, and that such improvements installed prior to application for final approval that do not meet or exceed Borough standards shall be factored into the required performance guarantee.
Action by the Borough.
The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and its professional advisors, shall review the aforesaid application for the purpose of determining, within 45 days of its submission, whether said application is complete and whether any waiver of checklist items will be granted. The Board shall:
If said application is found to contain all of the information required by a checklist[1] adopted as part of these Land Development Regulations, the Board, or its agent in those specific instances where designated, shall certify that said application is complete.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough Offices.
If said application is found to lack some of the information required by the checklist[2] adopted as part of this Land Development Regulations, the Board shall either:
Cause the applicant to be notified, in writing, that said application is incomplete, specifying the deficiencies in the application; or
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are necessary to make an informed decision on the application, but are not of such significance to cause the application to be deemed incomplete, said Board may declare the application complete, conditioned upon the submission of the missing items of information to the Administrative Officer within 10 days; or
If the Board reasonably concludes that the missing items of information are not necessary for it to make an informed decision on the application, said Board may waive the requirement that said items be supplied as a prerequisite for completeness and certify that the application is complete notwithstanding the missing items.
Editor's Note: Checklists may be found on file in the Borough Offices.
An applicant who has been notified that his application is incomplete may request waiver of one or more of the submission requirements set forth in Section 30-805B and said request shall be the subject of a resubmitted application which shall be acted upon in accordance with Sections 30-805C,1,a or 30-805C,1,b hereinabove.
In the event the Board fails to act pursuant to Sections 30-805C,1,b(1) or 30-805C,1,b(2) hereinabove within 45 days of the date of submission of the application, said application shall be deemed complete as of the 46th day following its submission.
On the date the aforesaid application is certified complete, or on the 46th day following the submission of the application, in the event the Board fails to make a determination of completeness, as the case may be, the applicable time period within which the Board must act upon the application shall commence. In any case, the applicant is obliged to prove that he or she is entitled to approval of the application. The Board may subsequently require correction of any information found to be in error, may require submission of additional information not specified in this chapter, and/or may require revisions in the application documents; as are reasonably necessary to make an informed decision as to whether the requirements for approval of the application have been met, provided that the application shall not be deemed incomplete for lack of any such additional information or revisions.
Promptly after certification of completeness, the application documents shall be distributed by the Administrative Officer to the following:
The Planning Board, (nine copies each of final plat or plan and the application);
Sussex County Planning Board (one copy each of the final plat or plan and the application);
Planning Board Attorney, (one copy each of the final plat or plan and the application);
Borough Engineer (one copy each of the final plat or plan);
Zoning Officer (one copy each of the final plat or plan);
Borough Clerk (one copy each of the final plat or plan and the application for the Borough files);
Borough Fire Prevention Official (one copy each of the final plat or plan);
At the direction of the Planning Board, additional copies of the final plat or plan and/or other items of submitted information shall be sent to other professional consultants as may be designated by the Board.
The Board shall take action of final site plan and final subdivision applications within 45 days after the application has been certified complete or within such further time as may be consented to by the applicant. Failure of the Board to act within the prescribed time period shall constitute approval of the application.
Any designated Site Plan/Subdivision Review Committee shall read any written report submitted concerning the application and shall review the submission to ascertain its conformity with the requirements of this chapter; the Committee shall offer its recommendations to the Board.
If the Board acts favorably on the final plat or plan, the Borough Engineer and the Chairman and Secretary of the Board (or the acting Chairman or Secretary, where either or both may be absent) shall affix their signatures to at least 10 paper copies of the plat or plan with the notification that it has been approved. The applicant shall furnish such copies to the Board for signing. Moreover, in the case of final subdivisions only, the applicant shall include for signing one cloth copy and at least two mylar copies of the approved plat in addition to the 10 paper copies.
After approval of the final plat or plan by the Board, the Secretary of the Board shall retain one paper copy of the signed plat or plan and shall furnish other copies to each of the following within 10 days from the date of the adoption of a resolution in accordance with Section 30-706 G. of this chapter:
Borough Clerk (one paper copy);
Borough Engineer (one paper copy and, in the case of subdivisions only, one mylar copy drawn to the tax map scale of one inch equals 100 feet or one inch equals 400 feet, as directed by the Borough Engineer);
Zoning Officer (one paper copy);
Borough Tax Assessor (one paper copy);
The Applicant (one paper copy and, in the case of subdivisions only, one mylar copy); and
Such other Borough, County or State agencies and officials as directed by the Board.
Within 95 days of the date of approval by the Board of a final subdivision plat, the subdivider shall file a copy of same with the Sussex County Clerk. In the event of the failure to file within said 95 days, approval of the major subdivision shall expire and any further proceedings shall require the filing of a new application as in the first instance. The Board, for good cause shown, may extend the filing for an additional 95 days.
If the Board, after consideration and discussion of the final plat or plan, disapproves the submission, a notation to that effect shall be made by the Chairman of the Board on the plat or plan. The Secretary of the Board, within 10 days of such adoption, shall notify the applicant of such disapproval and forward the applicant a copy of the adopted resolution setting for the reasons for the disapproval.
Effect of Final Approval.
Final approval of a subdivision or site plan shall confer upon the applicant the following rights for a period of two years from the date of final approval:
The zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval first granted and all other rights conferred upon the developer, whether conditionally or otherwise, shall not be changed.
If the developer has followed the standards prescribed for final approval, the Board may extend the period of protection for extensions of one year each, not exceeding three extensions.
In the case of a subdivision or site plan for a planned development or residential cluster of 50 acres or more, or in the case of a conventional subdivision or site plan of 150 acres or more, the Board may grant the rights referred to in Section 30-805 D,1 hereinabove for such period of time, longer than two years, as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval;
Economic conditions; and
The comprehensiveness of the development.
The developer may apply for thereafter, and the Board may thereafter grant, an extension to final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval;
The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed;
Economic conditions; and
The comprehensiveness of the development.
[Amended by Ord. No. 5-07 § 901]
Every application for development shall be accompanied by check(s) payable to the Borough of Ogdensburg in accordance with the following schedule.
Type of Application
Preliminary Site Plan
Final Site Plan
Minor Subdivision
Prelim. Major Subdivision (<10)
Major Subdivision (<10)
Major Subdivision (>10)
Final Major Subdivision (<10)
Final Major Subdivision (>10)
Variances (Residential):
A - Appeal
B - Interpretation
C - Bulk
C - Sheds
C - Decks
D - Use
Variances (Commercial):
A - Appeal
B - Interpretation
C - Bulk
D - Use
Variances (Industrial)
A - Appeal
B - Interpretation
C - Bulk
D - Use
Concept Hearing
Special Meeting
Extension of Time
Zone Change
Escrow (Residential):
Variance AB
Minimum $750
Variance C
Minimum $750
Variance D
Minimum $1,250
Escrow (Commercial):
Variance AB
Minimum $750
Variance C
Minimum $750
Variance D
Minimum $1,250
Escrow (Industrial)
Variance AB
Minimum $750
Variance C
Minimum $750
Variance D
Minimum $750
Minor Site Plan
Minimum $750
Preliminary Site Plan
$1,500/acre plus $50/dwelling unit for multifamily; $0.20 square feet gross building area; minimum $2,500
$1,500/acre plus $50/dwelling unit for multifamily; $0.20 square feet gross building area; minimum $2,500
Final Site Plan
$500/acre plus $25/dwelling unit for multifamily; $0.05/gross building area; minimum of $1,000
$500/acre plus $25/dwelling unit for multifamily; $0.05/gross building area; minimum of $1,000
Preliminary Major
$2,000 plus $200/lot; minimum $3,000
Final Major
$500 plus $75/lot; minimum $1,000
Concept Plan for Review
Zone Changes
Minimum $2,000
Extension of Time
Minimum $750
Informal Meeting
Application and Escrow Charges.
The application fee is a flat fee to cover administrative expenses and is nonrefundable. The escrow account is established to cover the costs of professional services including any necessary studies regarding "off tract" improvements. Sums not utilized in the review process shall be returned to the applicant.
Applications fees and escrow charges shall be paid by separate checks in the separate amounts required by this chapter.
If the amount of any escrow account, as required by this chapter, falls during the course of an application to less than 15% of the original amount posted, then, upon notice of the same from the Board Secretary, the applicant shall, within 30 days, bring said escrow account to a level of at least 25% of the original escrow deposit. Should an applicant not comply with the foregoing, the reviewing Board may deny the application without prejudice for failure to post the additional required escrow deposit. Within 90 days of such a denial without prejudice, the applicant may reinstate the application without payment of additional fees, other than the escrow deficit.
In addition to the above, the reviewing Board may condition any approval granted upon the payment within a specified time period of any required escrow fees; and said reviewing Board may, as a part of said condition, void or rescind any approval if said timely payment is not made.
Where one application for development includes several approval requests, the sum of the individual required fees shall be paid.
Each applicant for subdivision or site plan approval shall agree to pay all reasonable costs for professional review of the application (as set forth above) and for inspection of the improvements. All such costs for review, unless otherwise paid as referred to above, must be paid before any approved plat, plan or deed is signed and all inspection fees must be paid in accordance with Section 30-902 D of the chapter before any construction permit is issued, and all remaining costs must be paid in full before any occupancy of the premises is permitted or Certificate of Occupancy issued. Payment of any bill rendered by a professional to the municipality with respect to any service for what the municipality is entitled to reimbursement under this chapter shall in no way be contingent upon receipt of reimbursement by the applicant, nor shall any payment to a professional be delayed pending reimbursement from an applicant.
Requirements Specific to Subdivisions.
No final major subdivision application (whether for an entire tract or a section thereof) shall be approved by the Board until the satisfactory completion and performance of all required public improvements has been certified to the Board by the Borough Engineer unless the owner shall have performed the following:
Satisfactorily completed all required utility installations and their appurtenances, including water mains, drainage and detention facilities, culverts, storm sewers, sanitary sewers or dry sewers and public improvements of open space;
Satisfactorily completed all required grading and the "macadam base course" surfacing of all streets;
Satisfactorily completed the construction of all required curbs; and,
Filed with the Borough a performance guarantee in accordance with Section 30-902 C of this chapter, sufficient in amount to cover the cost of all remaining required improvements, as estimated by the Borough Engineer, and assuring the installation of said improvements on or before an agreed date and as hereinafter provided.
The reviewing Board may require, as a part of preliminary approval, the installation of streets and curbs as a part of the first phase of development, in which case the above referred to requirements shall apply.
Except as hereafter provided, the remaining required improvements shall be at least 50% completed as to each category set forth in the performance guarantee within one year from the date of final approval or by such time as 50% of the lots in the section in question have been conveyed in any manner by the applicant, whichever shall first occur. At least 75% of the remaining required improvements shall be completed as to each category as set forth in the performance guarantee within 18 months from the date of final approval, or at such time as 75% of the lots in the section in question have been conveyed in any manner by the applicant; whichever shall first occur. Such improvements shall be 100% completed and accepted by the Borough within two years from the date of final approval or at such time as all of the lots in the section in question have been conveyed in any manner by the applicant, whichever shall first occur. It is the intention of the Borough Council that these requirements will provide to those living in each new section of a subdivision a lot that is as complete as possible with respect to tract and individual improvements.
Requirements Specific to Site Plans.
No final major site plan application (whether for an entire tract or a section thereof) shall be approved by the Board unless: a) the Borough Engineer has certified to the Board that all public improvements required by the preliminary site plan approval have been satisfactorily completed or, b) the applicant, with the approval of the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, has entered into developer's agreement with the Borough in a form satisfactory to the Borough Attorney and authorized by the Governing Body, requiring the installation and maintenance by the applicant (and the applicant's successors in interest) of the public improvements, imposing such limitations upon, and/or staging of, the development of the site as are necessary to ensure orderly construction of the public improvements, and assuring the installation of the public improvements on or before an agreed date by the filing of a performance guarantee in accordance with Section 30-902 C of this chapter.
Notwithstanding the above, the reviewing Board shall have the discretionary power, as part of the application for preliminary approval, to require the developers agreement referred to above, within a specified time if it so desires.
For purposes of this chapter section, the term "public improvements" shall mean streets, grading, pavement, gutters, curbs, sidewalks, street lighting, shade trees, surveyor's monuments, water mains, culverts, storm sewers, sanitary sewers or other means of sewage disposal, drainage structures, erosion control and sedimentation devices, landscaping, public improvements of open space and other on-site improvements.
Performance Guarantee.
A performance guarantee estimate shall be prepared by the applicant's engineer and submitted to the Borough Engineer for review and approval, setting forth all required improvements as determined by the Board and their estimated cost. Any adjustment in the amount of performance guarantee shall be approved by resolution of the Borough Council.
The applicant shall present two copies of the performance guarantee in an amount equal to 120% of the approved performance guarantee estimate for approval as to form and execution by the Borough Attorney; additional copies of the performance guarantee shall be forwarded by the owner to the Planning Board Attorney.
The performance guarantee shall be made payable and deposited to the Borough of Ogdensburg and shall be in the form of cash, irrevocable letter of credit or certified check or a performance bond in which the applicant shall be principal, the bond to be provided by an acceptable surety company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey. The Borough shall issue its receipt for such deposits and shall cause the same to be deposited in the name of the Borough to be retained as security for completion of all requirements and to be returned to the owner on completion of all required work or, in the event of default on part of the applicant, to be used by the Borough to pay the cost and expense of obtaining completion of all requirements.
10% of the amount of the approved performance guarantee shall be deposited by the applicant in cash with the Borough. The remaining 90% may be in cash, irrevocable letter of credit or surety bond. In the event of default, the 10% cash shall be first applied to the completion of the requirements and any bidding and legal costs associated therewith, and the remaining 90% cash, letter of credit, or surety bond shall thereafter be resorted to, if necessary, for the completion of the requirements and any additional bidding and legal costs associated therewith.
The type of performance guarantee required may be designated as a condition of preliminary or final approval by the reviewing Board.
Start of Construction. Construction pursuant to a site plan or subdivision approval shall not commence until:
The applicant has paid all fees required by this chapter;
The applicant has received all other governmental approvals required by the Board's resolution of Memorialization granting subdivision and/or site plan approval;
The applicant has met or satisfied all conditions of all previous approvals;
All revisions to the submitted plat or plan required by the Board at the time of subdivision or site plan approval have been filed with and approved by the Borough Engineer and any other individual or group as may have been specified by the Board in the applicable resolution of Memorialization granting subdivision and/or site plan approval;
The applicant's construction plans have been filed with and approved by the Borough Engineer;
The applicant has had a preconstruction meeting with the Borough Engineer in accordance with Section 30-1002 A of this chapter for the purpose of forecasting and resolving problems that may arise during the time of construction.
Inspection and Tests.
All site improvements and utility installations for site plans, subdivisions, plot plans and other realty improvements shall be inspected during the time of their installation under the supervision of the Borough Engineer to insure satisfactory completion. The cost of said inspection shall be the responsibility of the owner who shall pay to the Borough Treasurer a sum equal to 4% of the amount of the estimated developer construction costs as approved by the Borough Engineer.
In no case shall any paving work be done without permission from the Borough Engineer. At least two working days' notice shall be given to the Borough Engineer prior to any construction so that he or a qualified representative may inspect the work to be done.
Streets shall not be paved with a top course until all heavy construction is completed and, if determined by the Borough Engineer to be necessary, the macadam base course has first been restored. Shade trees shall not be planted until all grading and earth moving is completed. The placing of surveyor's monuments shall be among the last operations.
The Borough Engineer's office shall be notified at least two working days prior to the commencement of the following phases of work so that he or a qualified representative may inspect the work:
Road subgrade.
Curb and gutter forms.
Curbs and gutters.
Road paving.
Sidewalk forms.
Drainage pipes and other drainage construction.
Street name signs.
Sanitary sewers.
Detention and/or retention basins.
Topsoil, seeding and planting.
Underground utilities.
Any improvement installed contrary to the plan or plat approval by the Borough shall constitute just cause to void the municipal approval.
Any improvement installed without notice for inspection pursuant to section 30-902 D,4 hereinabove shall constitute just cause for:
Removal of the uninspected improvement;
The payment by the developer of any costs for material testing;
The restoration by the developer of any improvements disturbed during any material testing; and/or
The issuance of a "stop work" order by the Borough Engineer pending the resolution of any dispute.
Inspection by the Borough of the installation of improvements and utilities shall not operate to subject the Borough of Ogdensburg to liability for claims, suits or liability of any kind that may at any time arise because of defects or negligence during constructions or at any time thereafter; it being recognized that the responsibility to maintain safe conditions at all times during construction and to provide proper utilities and improvements is upon the owner and his contractor, if any.
Upon the completion or substantial completion of all required appurtenant utility improvements, and the connection of same to the public system, the obligor may notify the Borough Council in writing, by certified mail in care of the Borough Clerk, of the completion or substantial completion of the improvements and shall simultaneously send to the Borough Engineer a certified copy thereof. Within 10 working days of receipt of the notice, the Borough Engineer shall inspect all the improvements of which such notice has been given and file a detailed report, in writing, with the Borough Council, indicating either approval, partial approval or rejection of such improvements, with a statement of the reasons for any rejection. The costs of the improvements as approved or rejected shall be set forth.
The Borough Council shall approve, partially approve or reject the improvements, on the basis of the report from the Borough Engineer, and shall notify the obligor, in writing, by certified mail, of the Engineer's report and the action of the Borough Council, not later than 65 days after the receipt of the notice of the obligor of the completion or substantial completion of the improvements. Failure of the Borough Council to send or provide such notification to the obligor within the 65 days shall be deemed to constitute approval of the improvements and the obligor and the surety, if any, shall be released from all liability pursuant to the performance guarantee for such improvements.
Where partial approval is granted, the obligor shall be released from all liability pursuant to the performance guarantee for such improvements not yet approved; provided that 30% of the performance guarantee posted may be retained to ensure the completion of all improvements and that said 30% may be applied against all improvements, regardless of when completed.
If any portion of the required improvements is rejected, the obligor shall complete such improvements and, upon completion, shall notify the Borough Council as specified in Section 30-902 E,8 of this chapter and the same procedures shall be followed as in the first instance.
Bonds, if any, shall be released first; cash shall be released last.
Conditions and Acceptance of Improvements.
The approval of any application for development by the Borough shall in no way be construed as acceptance of any street or drainage system or other improvement. No improvements shall be accepted by the Borough Council unless and until all of the following conditions have been met:
The Borough Engineer shall have certified in writing that the improvements are completed and that they comply with the requirements of this chapter.
The final application for development shall have been approved by the Board.
The owner shall have filed with the Borough Council a maintenance guarantee in an amount equal to and not more than 15% of the cost of installing the improvements. The maintenance guarantee shall run for a period of two years. The procedures and requirements governing such maintenance guarantee shall be identical with the procedures and requirements for a performance guarantee set forth in this chapter. The requirements for a maintenance guarantee may be waived by the Borough Council only if the Borough Engineer has certified that the improvements have been in continuous use for not less than two years from the date the Borough Engineer certified completion of such improvements and that during this period the owner has maintained the improvements in a satisfactory manner; and
An "as built" plan and profiles of all utilities and roads (three black and white prints plus a mylar copy to be sent to the Borough Engineer), with certification signed and sealed by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer as to the actual construction as approved by the Borough Engineer, shall be provided.
Extension of Time. The time allowed for the installation of the improvements for which the performance guaranty has been provided may be extended by the Borough Council by resolution, provided that the current cost of installation of such improvements shall first be redetermined by the Borough Engineer, and if such current cost is found to be greater than the cost as originally determined, the applicant shall be required to increase the amount of the performance guaranty to an amount equal to 120% of the installation cost as redetermined. In the event that the redetermined cost shall be less than the cost as originally determined, and in further event that the applicant's performance guaranty exceeds 120% of such redetermined costs, the applicant shall be entitled to a reduction of the performance guaranty to an amount equal to 120% of such redetermined costs.
Required Improvements. Applicants shall be required, as a condition of preliminary or final approval of a subdivision, site plan or conditional use, to pay their pro rata share of the cost providing reasonable and necessary street improvements and/or water, sewerage and drainage facility improvements, and any necessary easements therefore, located outside the property limits of the subject premises, but indicated in the Borough Master Plan and necessitated or required by construction or improvements within such subdivision or development. The following criteria shall be utilized in determining the developer's proportionate pro rata monetary share for the necessary off-tract developments.
Improvements to be Constructed at the Expense of the Developer. In cases where the need for an off-tract improvement is reasonably created by the proposed subdivision or development and where no other property owners receive a special benefit thereby (as opposed to a mere incidental benefit), the applicant may be required, as a condition of approval and at the applicant's sole expense, to acquire and/or improve lands outside the tract and dedicate such lands to the Borough of Ogdensburg or Sussex County or, in lieu thereof, require the subdivider or developer to deposit with the Borough a sum of money sufficient to allow the Borough to acquire and/or improve such lands on conditions it may deem appropriate under the circumstances.
General Standards for Other Improvements.
In cases where the need for any off-tract improvement to be implemented now or in the future is reasonably necessitated by the proposed development application, and where it is determined that properties outside the development also will be benefited by the improvement, the following criteria, together with the provisions or rules and regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg or any department thereof, may be utilized in determining the developer's proportionate share of such improvements.
Sanitary Sewers. For distribution facilities, including the installation, relocation or replacement of collector, trunk and interceptor sewers and the installation, relocation or replacement of other appurtenances associated therewith, the applicant's proportionate share shall be computed as follows:
The capacity and design of the sanitary sewer system shall be based on the Rules and Regulations for the Preparation and Submission of Plans for Sewerage Systems, New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection, and all Borough of Ogdensburg sewer design standards or SCMUA standards, including infiltration standards.
Developer's pro rata share:
The capacity of the existing system to serve the entire improved drainage area shall be computed. If the system is able to carry the total development drainage basin, no improvement or enlargement cost will be assigned to the developer although some charges including, but not limited to, capacity charges may be imposed. If the existing system does not have adequate capacity for the total development drainage basin, the prorated enlargement or improvement share shall be computed as follows:
Developer's Pro-Rated Share\Total Enlargement = Development gpd\Total Tributary gpd
If it is necessary to construct a new system in order to develop the subdivision or development, the pro-rated enlargement share to the developer shall be computed as follows:
Developer's Pro-Rated Share\Total Project Cost = Development Tributary gpd\Total Tributary gpd to New System
Specific plans for the improved system or the extended system shall be prepared by the developer's engineer and submitted to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, during the time period when the Board is reviewing the proposed subdivision and/or site plan application. The total cost for the improvement and the developer's pro-rated share of the total cost shall be calculated by the developer's engineer, submitted to the Board, reviewed by the Borough Engineer, and approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, with any reasonable adjustments to the estimated costs, at the time when preliminary approval of the application for development is granted.
For street widening, alignment, channelization of intersection, construction of barriers, new or improved traffic signalization, signs, curbs, sidewalks, trees, utility improvements uncovered elsewhere, the construction or reconstruction of new or existing streets and other associated streets or traffic improvements, the applicant's proportionate cost shall be determined as follows:
The applicant's engineer shall provide the Borough Engineer with the existing and anticipated peak-hour volumes which impact the off-tract areas in question, which volumes shall analyze pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle traffic.
The applicant shall furnish a plan for the proposed off-tract improvements, which shall include the estimated peak-hour traffic generated by the proposed development. The ration of the peak-hour traffic generated by the proposed development to the future peak-hour traffic shall form the basis of the proportionate share. The pro-rated share shall be computed as follows:
Developer's Pro-Rated Share\Total Cost of Roadway Improvement and/or Extension = Additional Peak-Hour Traffic Generated by the Development\Future Total Peak-Hour
Specific plans for the roadway improvement and/or extension shall be prepared by the developer's engineer and submitted to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, during the time period when the Board is reviewing the proposed subdivision and/or site plan application. The total cost for the improvement and/or extension and the developer's prorated share of the total cost shall be calculated by the developer's engineer, submitted to the Board, reviewed by the Borough Engineer, and approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, with any reasonable adjustments to the estimated costs, at the time when preliminary approval of the application for development is granted.
See Section 30-516 of this chapter for requirements.
See Section 30-502 of this chapter for requirements.
Escrow Accounts.
Where the proposed off-tract improvement is to be undertaken at a future date, funds required for the improvement shall be deposited to the credit of the Borough of Ogdensburg in a separate account until such time as the improvement is constructed. In lieu of a cash escrow account, the developer may present irrevocable letters of credit for the term in a form acceptable to the Borough Attorney. If the off-tract improvement is not begun within 10 years of the deposit, all monies and interest shall be returned to the applicant or the letter of credit, as the case may be, surrendered. An off-tract improvement shall be considered "begun" if the Borough of Ogdensburg has taken legal steps to provide for the design and financing of such improvements.
Referral to Borough Council.
Where applications for development suggest the need for off-tract improvements, whether to be installed in conjunction with development in question or otherwise, the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, shall forthwith forward to the Borough a list and description of all such improvements together with a request that the Borough Council determine and advise the Board of the procedure to be followed in construction or installation thereof, including timing. The Board shall defer final action upon the subdivision or site plan until receipt of the Borough Council determination or the expiration of 90 days after the forwarding of such list and description to the Borough Council without determination having been made, whichever comes sooner.
The Borough Council, within 90 days after receipt of said list and description, shall determine and advise the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, concerning the procedure to be followed and advise the Board with regard to suggested conditions of approval, if any, to adequately protect the municipality.
In the event that the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, is required by statute to act upon the application prior to receipt of the Borough Council's determination as to construction of off-tract improvements, it shall request the application to consent to an extension of time within which to act, of sufficient duration to enable the Borough Council to make the aforesaid determination. In the event that the applicant is unwilling to consent to the requested extension of time, the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, shall, in its discretion, either itself determine the procedure to be followed in constructing the aforesaid improvements, or shall condition its approval upon the subsequent determination of the Borough Council.
Implementation of Off-Tract Improvements.
In all cases, developers shall be required to enter into an agreement or agreements with the Borough Council in regard to off-tract improvements, within one year from the date of municipal subdivision and/or site plan approval and in accordance with this chapter and any other ordinances, policies, rules and regulations of the Borough of Ogdensburg, Sussex County and the State of New Jersey and any departments, authorities or agencies thereof.
Should such an agreement or agreements not be entered into within the aforesaid one year time period, or within such extended time period as may be granted by the Borough Council the municipal subdivision and/or site plan approval shall be deemed null and void.
Where properties outside the subject tract will be benefited by the improvements, the Borough Council may require the applicant to escrow sufficient funds, in accordance with Section 30-903 D hereinabove, to secure the developer's pro rata share of the eventual cost of providing future structural improvements based upon the standards expressed herein.
Where properties outside the subject tract will be benefited by the improvements, the Borough Council may determine that the improvement or improvements are to be installed by the municipality as a general improvement, the cost of which is to be borne as a general expense. If the Borough Council shall determine that the improvement or improvements shall be constructed or installed as a general improvement, the Borough Council may direct the Planning Board to estimate, with the aid of the Borough Engineer or such other persons who have pertinent information or expertise, the amount, if any, by which the total cost thereof will exceed the total amount by which all properties, including the subject tract, will be specifically benefitted thereby, and the subdivider or developer shall be liable to the municipality for such expense.
If the Borough Council shall determine that the improvement or improvements shall be constructed or installed as a local improvement, all or part of the cost of which is to be assessed against properties benefitted thereby in proportion to the benefits conferred by the improvements in accordance with Chapter 56 of Title 40 of the Statutes of the State of New Jersey, the developer may be required to sign an agreement acknowledging and agreeing to this procedure and, in addition, the Borough Council may require that the developer shall be liable to the municipality, in addition to the amount of any special assessments against the subject property for benefits conferred by the improvement or improvements, the difference between the total cost actually incurred and the total amount by which all properties, including the subject tract, are specially benefited by the improvement.
If the Borough Council shall determine that the improvements are to be constructed or installed by the applicant, such agreement may contain provisions, consistent with the standards in this chapter and any other rules, regulations or policies of the Borough of Ogdensburg, County of Sussex and the State of New Jersey and any departments, authorities or agencies thereof with jurisdiction therein, whereby the applicant shall be reimbursed by the municipality or otherwise, as a result of any participation fees, connection charges, charges paid in regard to developers agreements with other applicants and the like, all in accordance with an agreement between the Borough Council and the applicant.
In determining the procedures to be followed in the event of the submission of a list and request from the Planning Board, the Borough Council shall be guided by the following standards and considerations:
The local trends in regard to the probability of development within the drainage or circulation area in question and the intensity of such development;
The risk and exposure that neighboring areas are subject to in the event that the improvements to be required are delayed;
The extent to which temporary measures may sufficiently alleviate the condition or conditions requiring the off-tract improvement and the likelihood that larger, regional or subregional facilities will be required in the future to serve the development tract and the general area of the municipality in which the same is located; and
The extent to which the health, safety and welfare of the residents, both current and future, depend upon the immediate implementation of the of the off-tract improvement.
These rules, regulations and standards shall be considered the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Borough of Ogdensburg. Any action taken by the Borough under the terms of this Land Development Regulations shall give primary consideration to the above mentioned matters and to the welfare of the entire municipality.
[Ord. No. 09-2019]
It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer, the Borough Construction Official and the Borough Zoning Officer to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Borough Engineer.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Engineer to monitor all land disturbances and all land improvements undertaken in the Borough pursuant to approval of a subdivision and/or site plan in accordance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Prior to the commencement of any land disturbance or any land improvement, the developer shall arrange for, and attend, a preconstruction meeting with the Borough Engineer. At said meeting, the subject subdivision plat and/or site plan shall be identified, marked and dated by the Borough Engineer with an acknowledgement as to its conformity to the subdivision and/or site plan approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, including any conditions of approval written in the approval resolution. Thereafter, the marked and dated subdivision and/or site plan shall be filed in the office of the Borough Clerk.
The Borough Engineer shall issue a written communication to the developer within 10 days after the pre-construction meeting, either:
Authorizing the commencement of land disturbance and/or land improvement in accordance with the approved plat or plan, including any conditions of approval written in the approval resolution, and in accordance with any and all limitations and/or conditions as deemed appropriate by the Borough Engineer specifically enumerated; or
Denying the commencement of land disturbance and/or land improvement, with the reasons for such denial specifically enumerated.
A copy of the written communication shall be immediately filed in the office of the Borough Clerk, and additional copies shall be immediately forwarded to the Chairman of the Planning Board or the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and to the Board's Attorney.
In accordance with Section 30-902 D of this Land Development chapter, all improvements for both site plans and subdivisions shall be inspected during the time of their installation under the supervision of the Borough Engineer. At the time of inspection, in addition to an evaluation and determination of the sufficiency of the engineering aspects of the improvements, the Borough Engineer shall evaluate and determine the correctness of the improvements relative to all aspects of the approved subdivision and/or site plan. Should any improvements, whether completed or under construction, be found by the Borough Engineer to be contrary to the subdivision and/or site plan as approved by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, including any imposed conditions, such fact shall immediately be orally communicated to the developer or his/her appropriate representative on site and, thereafter, shall be communicated by the Borough Engineer in writing to the developer or his/her attorney.
A copy of the written communication shall be immediately filed in the office of the Borough Clerk, and additional copies shall be immediately forwarded to the Chairman of the Planning Board or to the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and to the Board's Attorney.
On the day following the oral communication to the developer or his/her representative, the improvement found by the Borough Engineer to be contrary to the subdivision and/or site plan shall be corrected so as to conform to the approved subdivision and/or site plan, or the Borough Engineer shall:
Issue a "stop work" order pending the correction of said improvement or the resolution of any dispute; and/or
Refer the matter via a written communication to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, for its review of the matter and reconsideration of its prior approval(s).
The developer immediately shall comply with any issued "stop work" order and/or any other conditions imposed by the Borough Engineer; otherwise the Borough Engineer shall communicate in writing within two working days the particulars of the developer's noncompliance to the Attorney of the Planning Board.
Construction Official.
It shall be the duty of the Construction Official to monitor the construction of any building or structure in the Borough. Where a construction permit is required, no new structure and no improvement to the interior of any existing structure shall be undertaken until a construction permit is obtained from the Construction Official in accordance with Section 30-1002 D of this chapter.
It shall be the duty of the Construction Official to keep a record of all applications and all construction permits which are either issued or denied, with notations of any conditions involved, including the actual elevation (NGVD) of the lowest floor area of any structure and/or the elevation to which a structure has been flood-proofed in flood plain areas, which data shall form a part of the Borough public records. A monthly report of construction permits shall be filed with the Tax Assessor and the Borough Council.
Should any construction, whether completed or in process, be found by the Construction Official to be contrary to the approved construction plans and/or the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey, such fact shall immediately be orally communicated to the land owner or his/her appropriate representative on-site and, thereafter, shall be communicated by the Construction Official in writing the landowner or his/her attorney.
A copy of the written communication shall be immediately filed in the office of the Borough Clerk, and additional copies shall be immediately forwarded to the Mayor and to the Borough Attorney.
On the day following the oral communication to the landowner or his/her representative, the construction improvement found by the Construction Officer to be contrary to the approved construction plans and/or the Uniform Construction Code shall be corrected so as to conform to the applicable construction requirements, or the Construction Official shall:
Issue a "stop work" order pending the correction of said construction or the resolution of any dispute; and/or
Revoke the applicable construction permit.
The landowner immediately shall comply with any issued "stop work" order and/or any other conditions imposed by the Construction Official; otherwise the Construction Official shall communicate in writing within two working days the particulars of the landowner's non-compliance to the Borough Attorney.
Zoning Officer.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer to inspect the uses, land and structures in the Borough and order the owner in writing to remedy any condition found to exist in violation of any provision of this chapter and/or any approved subdivision and/or site plan by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, including any conditions of approval written in the approval resolution; no structure or land shall be used in violation of this chapter and/or any approved subdivision and/or site plan.
Should any use, land or structure be found by the Zoning Officer to exist in violation of any provision of this chapter and/or any approved subdivision and/or site plan, such fact shall immediately be orally communicated to the landowner or his/her appropriate representative on-site and, thereafter, shall be communicated by the Zoning Officer in writing to the landowner or his/her attorney.
A copy of the written communication shall be immediately filed in the office of the Borough Clerk, and additional copies shall be immediately forwarded to the Borough Attorney and to the Chairman of the Planning Board or to the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, and to the Board Attorneys.
On the day following the oral communication to the landowner or his/her representative, the use, land or structure found by the Zoning Officer to exist in violation of any provision of this chapter and/or any approved subdivision and/or site plan, shall be corrected so as to conform to this chapter and any subdivision and/or site plan approval, or the Zoning Officer may revoke the Certificate of Occupancy and, in any case, shall notify the Borough Attorney and the Borough Engineer of the violation via a written communication.
Construction Permits.
Every application for a construction permit shall be accompanied by two sets of plans drawn in ink or a blueprint showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon; the exact location, size and height of all existing and proposed structures and substructures; all existing easements; a delineation of any and all "critical areas" as defined in Section 30-200 of this chapter; the existing or intended use of each structure; the number of dwelling units the structure is designed to accommodate; the number and location of off-street parking spaces and off-street loading areas; and such other information with regard to the lot and neighboring lots as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this Land Development Regulations. All dimensions on these plans relating to the location and size of the lot to be built upon shall be based on an actual survey of the lot by a licensed surveyor in the State of New Jersey.
The fee for each construction permit shall be governed by the terms of the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the Borough of Ogdensburg in the County of Sussex establishing a State Uniform Construction Code Enforcing Agency and A Construction Fee Schedule, pursuant to Chapter 217, Laws of New Jersey 1975 and Title 5, Chapter 23 of the New Jersey Administrative Code," including any amendments or supplements which may from time to time be adopted.
A construction permit shall be granted or denied in writing within 10 days of a complete application unless additional time is agreed upon in writing by the applicant. One copy of such plans shall be returned to the owner when such plans have been approved or denied by the Construction Official together with such permit as may be granted.
The lot and the location of the structure(s) thereon shall be staked out on the grounds before construction is started and a copy of the construction permit shall be posted conspicuously on the premises affected whenever construction work is being performed thereon.
No construction permit shall be issued for any structure until prior site plan, subdivision and variance approvals, as may be necessary, have been granted by the appropriate Federal, State, County or municipal agency or agencies in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and until all review and inspection fees have been paid.
Certificate of Occupancy.
It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any structure or part(s) thereof until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Construction Official. Any change of use from one category of permitted use to another category of permitted use, in accordance with the applicable listings of permitted uses in Sections 30-400 and/or 30-600 of this chapter, shall require a new Certificate of Occupancy.
Additionally, any use requiring site plan approval pursuant to Section 30-800 of this chapter shall require a new Certificate of Occupancy. It shall be the duty of the Construction Official to issue a Certificate of Occupancy only when:
The structure or part(s) thereof and the proposed use conform to this chapter and all other applicable codes and ordinances of the Borough;
Prior site plan, subdivision and variance approvals, as may be necessary, have been granted by the appropriate municipal agency or municipal agencies in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
A letter from each utility company has been received by the Borough stating that the utility has been installed and has been inspected in accordance with the approved plan and is ready for use.
Certificate of Occupancy/Approval.
The fee for a Certificate of Occupancy shall be in the amount of 10% of the new construction permit fee which should be charged by the department pursuant to these regulations. The minimum fee shall be $85 except for one or two family (Use Group R-4 and R-4) structures of less than 5,000 square feet in area and less than 35 feet height and structures on farms (regardless of height) used exclusively for storage of food or grain or sheltering of livestock, for which the minimum fee shall be: $40.
Change of use certificate of occupancy fee: $120.
Certificate of continued occupancy fee: $100.
There shall be no fee for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy: $0.
Certificate of Approval fee: $20.
Waiver of Fees.
The Borough of Ogdensburg shall waive all construction code fees for the following:
As per the "State Uniform Construction Code Act," N.J.S.A. 52:27D-126, 52:27D-126a, 52:27D-126b and 52:27D-126c.
Municipally-owned buildings.
Ogdensburg Fire Department.
Ogdensburg First Aid Squad.
Lt. Robert A. Madden VFW Post #10152.
Ogdensburg Historical Society.
All other applicants seeking to request waiver of construction fees must make application to the Construction Official. Applicants that are denied waiver of fees by the Construction Official shall have the right of appeal before the Borough Council.
Unless additional time is agreed upon the applicant in writing, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be granted or denied in writing within 20 days from the date that a written notification and a certified location or field survey, signed and sealed by a New Jersey State Licensed Surveyor, is filed with the Construction Official stipulating that the erection of the structure and all required site improvements are completed.
With respect to any finally approved subdivision and/or site plan or subsection thereof a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued only upon the completion of the following improvements as such improvements may be required as part of subdivision and/or site plan approval:
All utilities.
Water supply and sewerage treatment facilities, which shall be functioning and servicing the property.
Storm drainage facilities.
Final grading of the property.
Base course (in the case of subdivisions) or final course (in the case of site plans) of the street or streets serving the property.
Base course (in the case of subdivisions) or final course (in the case of site plans) of driveways and parking areas.
Any other improvements or conditions required as part of subdivision and/or site plan approval.
With respect to any individual residential lot within a subdivision or any building containing townhouses or apartments, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued only upon the completion of the following improvements, in addition to those listed in Section 30-1002 E,4 hereinabove, to the extent the same are required as part of a subdivision and/or site plan approval:
Driveway aprons.
Street names and regulatory signs.
A copy of any issued Certificate of Occupancy shall be kept on file at the premises affected and shall be shown to the Construction Official upon request. Additionally, a copy of an issued Certificate of Occupancy shall be provided by the Construction Official to the Secretary of the Planning Board or to the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, for placement in the applicable site plan or subdivision application file.
Should the Construction Official decline to issue a Certificate of Occupancy, his reason for doing so shall be stated on two copies of the application and one copy shall be returned to the applicant.
A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for any new structure or use for which approval has been granted although not all conditions of said approval have been complied with. Such Temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued only in extenuating circumstances and only with the concurrent written approval of the Borough Engineer, Construction Official and Zoning Officer who, together, shall establish specific terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, a timetable not exceeding 90 days for the installation of the uncompleted improvements, and the receipt of a performance guarantee assuring the installation of the improvements as indicated on the approved plat or plan, whether or not said improvements were included within a performance bond in accordance with Section 30-902 of this chapter. Any Temporary Certificate of Occupancy beyond a 90 day time period may only be granted by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be.
A monthly report of the Certificates of Occupancy issued shall be filed with the Tax Assessor. A record of all Certificates of Occupancy shall be kept in the office of the Construction Official and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the structure or land affected. The charge of each copy shall be established by resolution of the Borough except that there shall be no charge to a municipal agency.
The following shall be prohibited until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the Construction Official:
Occupancy and use of a structure erected, constructed, restored, altered or moved, when such erection, construction, restoration, alteration or movement required a construction permit.
Occupancy, use or change in use of vacant land, other than for agricultural purposes.
Any change of use from one category of permitted use to another category of permitted use, in accordance with the applicable listings of permitted uses in Sections 30-400 and/or 30-600 of this chapter.
Any change in the use of a nonconforming use or nonconforming structure.
A prospective purchaser, prospective mortgagee or any other person interested in any land in the Borough which has been part of a subdivision since July 14, 1973 may apply in writing to the Administrative Officer for the issuance of a certificate certifying whether or not such subdivision has been duly approved by the Planning Board.
Such application shall contain a diagram showing the location and dimension of the land to be covered by the certificate and the name of the owner thereof. A fee in accordance with Section 30-901 of this chapter shall be paid to the Administrative Officer, payable of the Borough, for the requested certificate.
The Administrative Officer shall make and issue such certificate within 15 days after receipt of the written application and accompanying fee. The Administrative Officer shall keep a duplicate copy of each certificate, consecutively numbered, including a statement of the fee received, in a binder as a permanent record in his or her office.
Each certificate shall be designated a "Certificate as to Approval of Subdivision of Land" and shall certify:
Whether there exists a duly established Planning Board and whether there is a duly adopted ordinance controlling the subdivision of land;
Whether the subdivision, as it relates to the land shown in the application, has been approved by the Planning Board and, if so, the date of such approval, any conditions attached to such approval and any extensions and terms thereof showing that the subdivision, of which the subject lands are a part, is a validly existing subdivision; and
Whether such subdivision, if the same has been approved, is statutorily exempt from the requirements of approval as provided in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. and as defined in this chapter.
[Ord. No. 02-10]
Fines and Penalties.
For violation of any provision of this chapter or other ordinance of the Borough of Ogdensburg, unless a specific penalty is otherwise provided in connection with the provisions violated, the maximum penalty upon conviction of the violation shall be one or more of the following: imprisonment in the County Jail or in any place provided by the municipality for the detention of prisoners, for any term not to exceed 90 days; or by a fine not exceeding $2,000; or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, or any combination thereof in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge.
Whenever a fine is to be imposed in an amount greater than $1,250 for violations of housing or zoning codes the owner shall be provided a thirty-day period during which the owner shall be afforded the opportunity to cure or abate the condition and shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing before the Court for an independent determination concerning the violation. Subsequent to the expiration of the thirty-day period, a fine greater than $1,250 may be imposed if the Court has determined that the abatement has not been substantially completed. (N.J.S.A. 40:49-5)
The following individuals shall be subject to potential punishment:
The owner, general agent, contractor or occupant of a building, premises or part thereof where such a violation has been committed or does exist; and
Any agent, contractor, architect, engineer, builder, corporation or other person who commits, takes part or assists in the violation.
Each day that violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
The imposition of penalties herein shall not preclude the Borough or any other person from instituting an action to prevent an unlawful construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, or use or to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent the illegal occupancy of a building land or premises.
Injunctive Relief. In addition to the foregoing, the Borough may institute and maintain a civil action for injunctive relief.
If before final subdivision has been granted, any person, as owner or agent, transfers or sells or agrees to transfer or sell any land which forms a part of a subdivision for which municipal approval is required in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, except pursuant to an agreement expressly conditioned on final subdivision approval, such person shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed $1,000, and each lot disposition so made may be deemed a separate violation.
In addition to the foregoing, the Borough may institute and maintain a civil action:
For injunctive relief;
To set aside and invalidate any conveyance made pursuant to such a contract or sale, if a certificate of compliance has not been issued in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-56.
The Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, when acting upon an application for development, shall have the power to grant exceptions from the requirements specified in Sections 30-500 and 30-800 of this chapter for such application for development if an applicant or his or her agent can clearly demonstrate that, because of peculiar enforcement of one or more of said requirements is impracticable or will exact undue hardship; however, any exception granted by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, must be reasonable and within the general purpose and intent of the rules, regulations and standards established by this chapter.
This chapter may be amended from time to time by the Borough Council after the appropriate referrals, notices, hearings and other requirements of law.
If any section, paragraph, subsection, clause or provision of this chapter shall be adjudged by the courts to be invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, subsection, clause or provision so adjudged and the remainder of this chapter shall be deemed valid and effective.
All sections of the Borough Code which contain provisions contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be and hereby are repealed.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon passage and publication, and a filing of a copy thereof with the Sussex County Planning Board, as provided by law.