[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
The MPD (Master Plan Development) District is established to accommodate development that would be difficult or impossible to carry out under otherwise applicable zoning regulations. Different types of MPDs will promote different planning goals. In general, however, all MPDs are intended to result in development that is consistent with the Village's adopted plans and that provides greater public benefits than could be achieved using conventional zoning regulations. MPDs are also generally intended to promote one or more of the following:
Variety in housing types and sizes to accommodate households of all ages, sizes, incomes and lifestyle choices;
Compact, mixed-use development patterns where residential, commercial, employment, civic, and open space areas are located in close proximity to one another;
A transportation network designed to accommodate safe and efficient motorized and nonmotorized travel;
Direct, safe and convenient nonmotorized travel routes within the boundaries of the development site, as well as connections to abutting properties;
Buildings and other improvements that by their arrangement, massing, design, character and site design elements establish a quality, livable environment;
Sustainable development practices;
Incorporation of open space amenities and natural resource features into the development design;
Low-impact development (LID) and best management practices for managing stormwater; and
Flexibility and creativity in responding to changing social, economic and market conditions.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Applications to establish an MPD District or expand the boundaries of an existing MPD District may be initiated only by the owner of the subject property or the owner's agent.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Each MPD application must include a written explanation describing how the proposed development meets the purpose and intent described in § 90-170.10 and the supplemental review and approval criteria of § 90-170.40(b).
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Overview of required approval process.
A property owner request for rezoning to the MPD Zoning District requires review and approval of a Zoning Map amendment (See Division 90-530.), which is processed concurrently with a development plan. (See Division 90-535.)
After approval of the Zoning Map amendment and development plan, site plan review and approval is required in accordance with the procedures of Division 90-540.
No building permit may be issued and no building or development may occur in an MPD Zoning District until a zoning compliance determination has been issued.
Supplemental review and approval criteria. In making recommendations and decisions on MPD District Zoning Map amendments, review and decisionmaking bodies must consider the Zoning Map amendment criteria of § 90-530.80 and the following factors:
Whether the proposed master planned development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and any other adopted plans for the subject area;
Whether the development plan complies with the MPD District provisions of this division;
Whether the development will result in public benefits that are equal to or greater than those that would have resulted from development under conventional zoning (non-MPD) regulations; and
Whether appropriate terms and conditions have been imposed on the approval to protect the interests of surrounding property owners and residents, existing and future residents of the MPD and the general public.
Restrictive covenants. No building permit may be issued, and no building or development may occur in an MPD District until covenants necessary to reasonably ensure continued compliance with the approved development plan are recorded in the County Clerk's office. Such covenants may be established in a subdivision plat or in a separately recorded legal instrument. In order that the public interest may be protected, the Village of Mount Pleasant must be made beneficiary of the covenants pertaining to such matters as location of uses, height of structure, setbacks, screening, and access. Such covenants must provide that the Village of Mount Pleasant may enforce compliance of the covenants, and further provide that amendment of the covenants requires Village Board approval and the filing of record of a written amendment to covenants, endorsed by the Plan Commission.
Issuance of building permits. Building permits may be issued only after a zoning compliance determination has been issued and covenants have been recorded. Any permits issued must be in accordance with the approved development plan.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Abandonment of an approved MPD requires that the property be rezoned to another zoning district in accordance with the Zoning Map amendment procedures or that a new MPD be approved following the procedures of § 90-170.40.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
The use regulations and lot and building standards that apply within an MPD Zoning District must be established at the time of development plan approval by the Village Board.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Unless otherwise expressly provided in the approved development plan, properties within the MPD District are subject to all other applicable provisions of this zoning chapter and the subdivision regulations.[1] The MPD District is expressly intended to accommodate the use of alternative standards for streets and other public improvements based on the approved development plans. The development plan must specify the deviations proposed from otherwise applicable public improvement standards if deviations from otherwise applicable standards are proposed.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 74, Subdivisions.