It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding that the inadequate provisions for light and air, insufficient protection against fire, unsanitary conditions, improper heating, overcrowding, dilapidation and disrepair of buildings, structures, dwellings and premises, and the use and occupancy or existence of buildings, structures and dwellings unfit for use, occupancy or human habitation in the City of Allentown endanger the health, safety, morals and welfare of the community, and that transfers and leases of substandard buildings, structures and premises to transferee and lessees who are unaware of, or unconcerned with, such conditions often create unwarranted delays in correcting such conditions dangerous to the health, safety, needs and welfare of the community; and that the establishment and maintenance of proper residential and nonresidential standards and procedures for requiring the inspection, rehabilitation, repair, abatement of nuisances or compulsory demolition of buildings, structures and housing are essential to the public health, safety and welfare.
This Chapter 455 of the Codified Ordinances shall be known as the "Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code," and is hereinafter referred to as "this code." The minimum standards as set forth herein shall apply to all buildings, structures and properties within the City.
The purpose of this code is to protect the public health, safety and welfare in buildings and on the premises as hereinafter provided by:
Establishing minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities for light, ventilation, space heating and sanitation; for safety from fire; for space, use and location; for safe and sanitary maintenance; and for cooking equipment in all structures now in existence;
Fixing the responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants of all structures;
Providing for administration, enforcement and penalties.
The provisions of this code shall apply to all structures and premises, which are now or may become in the future, substandard with respect to: structure, premises, protection against fire hazard, equipment or maintenance, inadequate provisions for light and air, lack of proper heating, unsanitary conditions, overcrowding or other conditions which may be deemed to constitute a menace to the safety, health or welfare of their occupants, except as provided herein. The existence of such conditions, factors or characteristics adversely affects public safety, health and welfare and leads to the continuation, extension and aggravation of urban blight. Adequate protection of the public, therefore, requires the establishment and enforcement of these minimum standards.
All movable units used for human occupancy, and the areas, grounds or parcels on which they are located, insofar as they are applicable thereto and not in conflict with, shall comply with the requirements of this code.
Every portion of a building or premises used or intended to be used shall comply with the provisions of this code, irrespective of when such buildings were constructed, altered or repaired, except as hereinafter provided.
Application of Building Code. Any alterations to buildings, or changes of use therein, which may be caused directly or indirectly by the enforcement of this code, shall be done in accordance with applicable section of the Uniform Construction Code; see Chapter 225, Construction Codes, Uniform.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Application of Zoning Law. Nothing in this code shall permit the establishment or conversion of a multifamily dwelling, or any use in any zone except where permitted by Chapter 660, Zoning, nor the continuation of such nonconforming use in any zone except as provided therein.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Existing buildings. This code establishes minimum requirements for the initial and continued occupancy of all buildings and structures and does not replace or modify requirements otherwise established for the construction, repair, alterations or use of building, equipment or facilities except as provided in this section.
Existing remedies. Nothing in this code shall be deemed to abolish or impair existing remedies of the City or its officers or its agencies relating to the removal or demolition of any buildings which are deemed to be dangerous, unsafe, or unsanitary.
[Amended 4-6-1977 by Ord. No. 12244; 11-7-1991 by Ord. No. 13088]
The public officer shall make or cause to be made inspections to determine the workman like state of maintenance and repair and the conditions of all structures and premises in order to safeguard the safety, health and welfare of the public under the provisions of this code. The public officer, after reasonable notice, is authorized to enter any structure or premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of performing his duties under this code. The owner, occupant, or operator of every structure or premises, or the person in charge thereof, shall give the public officer free access thereto and to all parts thereof and to the premises on which it is located at all reasonable times for the purpose of such inspection, examination and survey.
[Amended 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 14737]
If any owner, occupant or other person in charge of a structure subject to the provisions of this code refuses, impedes, inhibits, interferes with, restricts or obstructs entry and free access to every part of the structure or premises where inspection authorized by this code is sought, the administrative authority shall promptly apply for a search or inspection warrant to a court of competent jurisdiction and shall supply all necessary affidavits and testimony to indicate that there is reasonable or probable cause to conduct an inspection. For the purposes of this section, a reasonable or probable cause to gain access and inspect shall include, without being limited to, the following:
That the inspection of the area is part of a planned routine inspection being conducted pursuant to a systematic or concentrated code enforcement program in that portion of the City;
That the public officer, after investigation, has knowledge, information or a reasonable belief that a violation of this code or other codes and ordinances of the City exist;
That such entry is for the purpose of reinspecting a previous notice of violations;
That the public officer has received a complaint concerning a violation on or within the premises; or
That such entry is necessary to determine if the building, structure, premises, dwelling or dwelling units meet code standards.
Every occupant of a dwelling unit, building, structure or premises shall give the owner thereof, or his agent or employee, access to any part of such dwelling, dwelling unit, building, structure or premises, at all reasonable times for the purpose of conducting inspections to determine whether or not violations of this code may exist, or for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with the provisions of this code or with any lawful rule or regulation adopted or any lawful order issued pursuant to the provisions of this code.
Whenever the public officer determines that there exists a violation of any provision of this code, he shall issue a notice which shall:
Be in writing;
Include a brief description of the real estate sufficient for identification;
Specify the violation which exists with reference to the applicable code or ordinance provisions together with a brief statement of the remedial action required;
Provide a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days, for letting of a contract for the correction of any violation alleged; and
Include a statement regarding the right of appeal.
It is the right of every tenant and resident to report any presumed violations of this code to the Bureau of Inspection or the public officer. A landlord cannot evict a tenant or tenants in retaliation for the reporting of alleged code violations.
[Amended 5-18-1995 by Ord. No. 13332; 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 14737]
Any violation of the provisions of this code may be cause for a citation, a violation ticket and/or a notice of violation to be issued to the violator.
A notice of violation or a violation ticket shall be served upon the owner or occupant in the following manner:
[Amended 10-17-2012 by Ord. No. 15022]
By handing it to the person to be served;
By handing the notice, at the residence of the person to be served, to an adult member of the family with which he resides; but if no adult member of the family is found, then to an adult person in charge of such residence;
By handing the notice at any office or usual place of business of the person to be served to his agent or to the person for the time being in charge thereof; or
By mailing the notice to the last known address of the person to be served by certified mail, unrestricted delivery, return receipt requested or first-class mail.
If any person to whom the notice of violation is addressed cannot be served in the above manner, the public officer shall briefly note the appropriate facts in the file and shall make service upon such person by posting the notice of violation in a conspicuous place on the premises described in the notice.
For the purposes of this section, a person "cannot be served" when the person to be served has no residence or office or usual place of business within the City and the mailed notice of violation is returned undelivered; or when the notice of violation cannot be served under Subsection A(1), (2) or (3) hereof after two trips on two separate days to the residence or office or usual place of business of the person to be served and if the mailed notice of violation is returned undelivered.
Service upon any executive officer of a corporation shall be a sufficient, but not exclusive, method of service upon the corporation. Service upon any partner of a partnership shall be a sufficient, but not exclusive, method of service upon the partnership.
In addition to service of the notice as prescribed above, the public officer may post a notice of violation on the premises or part thereof alleged in violation.
If, upon any inspection or reinspection, the public officer determines that the premises are in compliance with the provisions of this code, he shall note this determination in the file together with the date of such inspection. If, upon reinspection after a notice of violation, the public officer determines that the violation has been corrected satisfactorily and that the premises are in compliance, he shall, without charge, issue a written certificate of compliance to each person served the notice of violation.
Any person, as owner, operator or agent, selling, transferring, conveying, letting or leasing any dwelling, building, structure or premises which to their knowledge has been cited as not in compliance with the minimum standards of this code, shall first give to the prospective purchaser, transferee, grantee, lessee or its agent appropriate notice of such violation.
Regardless of whether or not the required notification, as provided herein, has been given, any notice of violation or order for correction of violation, shall nevertheless remain in full force against the premises, and any new owner, occupant or operator shall be bound thereby.
Any owner, owner's agent, lessee, mortgagee or mortgagor of any dwelling, building, or structure may request the public officer to make an inspection of the premises. If the public officer, in his discretion, deems an inspection is warranted, such inspection will be made upon receipt of an inspection fee in the amount which shall be fixed from time to time by regulations.
The public officer shall issue a letter or certificate of compliance, notice of violation or refusal of inspection within 15 days of a request for an inspection.
Any party in interest affected by a notice of violation or order may appeal to the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals.
[Amended 5-4-1983 by Ord. No. 12554]
A person in receipt of a violation ticket may appeal to the Bureau of Building Standards and Safety by filing a request within 10 days of receipt of the violation ticket.
A Hearing Officer, designated by the Director of the Building Standards and Safety, may uphold the appeal, deny the appeal or may modify the violation ticket and/or any associated costs, fines or penalty amounts.
[Amended 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 14737]
[Amended 5-4-1983 by Ord. No. 12554]
The Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals shall hear all appeals as required by the standards of this code.
[Amended 5-4-1983 by Ord. No. 12554]
Any party in interest affected by a notice of violation or order may appeal to the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals for a review of the action of the public officer in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Board; provided, however, that such person file such appeal with the Board and deliver a copy of such appeal to the public officer within 30 days after service of notice of violation or order. Except as provided herein, compliance with the notice of violation shall not be required during the time an appeal is pending before the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals or the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County.
The Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals shall be a body of five members, one of whom shall be from the minority community of Allentown and two alternate members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. A member or alternate member shall serve a term of three years from the time of his appointment or reappointment or until his successor shall take office. Alternate members may be requested to attend meetings in absence of a regular member and shall have all the powers of a regular member at such meetings. The Board shall have the following powers:
To adopt and administer the rules of procedure regarding its organization, officers, times and places of meetings, conduct of meetings and other legal procedures relating to the hearing and determination of appeals and other matters within the Board's jurisdiction;
To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the public officer in the enforcement of the provisions of this code or any other City ordinance that has a relationship to the establishment and maintenance of proper standards, including, but not limited to, fire prevention, health or buildings;
To modify any notice of violation or order and to authorize a variance from the terms of this code when because of special circumstances, undue hardship would result from literal enforcement, and where such variance substantially complies with the spirit and intent of the code;
To grant a reasonable extension of time for the compliance of any order where there is a demonstrated case of hardship and evidence of an actual undertaking to correct the violation together with a bona fide intent to comply within a reasonable time period;
In exercising the above-mentioned powers, the Board shall act with reasonable promptness and seek to prevent unwarranted delays prejudicial to the party involved and to the public interest; provided, however, that the Board shall file its decision within 45 days after the appeal hearing. The Board may reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as justice would require, and, to that end, shall have all the powers of the public officer; provided, however, that the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals, in its determination, shall be bound by this code and shall not ignore the clear provisions and intent of this code.
Whenever the public officer finds that there exists any violation of this code which creates an emergency requiring immediate correction to protect the health or safety of any occupant of a dwelling or the public, he may issue a notice of violation stating the facts which constitute the emergency and requiring necessary action to be taken immediately. Any person to whom such notice is directed shall comply immediately, even though an appeal is taken to the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals or the Court of Common Pleas. Any person aggrieved by such notice of violation may appeal to the Board, as provided in this code, and the Board shall give priority to such appeal.
Any person, including the public officer for the City, aggrieved by any decision of the respective Board, may appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County. Such appeal shall be made by a duly verified petition which shall set forth the factual and legal basis upon which the decision of the Board is alleged to be illegal, in whole or in part. Such petition shall be presented to the Court of Common Pleas, and a notice thereof must be given to the appellee within 30 days after the filing of the decision in the office of the Board.
If no appeal is pending, within five days after the expiration of the time for compliance as stated on the notice of violation or any decision by the Property Rehabilitation and Maintenance Code Board of Appeals or Court of Common Pleas, the public officer shall reinspect to determine compliance. If the violation has not been corrected, the public officer shall institute prosecution for the violation; provided, however, the public officer may extend the time of compliance specified in any notice or order where there exist reasonable conditions which prevent early compliance or would work a hardship; provided, further, that there is clear evidence of an actual undertaking to comply with the order within a reasonable time period together with a bona fide intent to comply.
Every notice of violation, and all records of all proceedings occurring subsequent to the notice of violation and until the final disposition of the matter outlined in the notice of violation, shall be public and available for inspection; provided, however, that the public officer may prescribe reasonable regulation regarding the time and manner of inspection.
When, upon reinspection after the expiration of the time for compliance, the public officer finds that the violation has not been corrected, he is authorized to cause such dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, building, structure or other part of the premises to be repaired, altered, demolished, improved, vacated, or closed. Notices and orders issued pursuant to this section shall be served in the same manner as notices of violation.
Whenever, upon initial inspection or reinspection, the public officer finds that any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, building, structure or premises constitutes a serious hazard to the health or safety of the occupants or to the public because it is dilapidated, unsafe, unsanitary, unhealthful, vermin-infested or lacking in facilities required by this code, he shall designate such dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, building, structure or premises as unfit for human habitation or use and shall cause to be posted on the main entrance area of the dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, building, structure or premises so closed, a placard with the following words: "This premises is unsafe for use or human habitation; the use and occupancy of this premises for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful."
If the premises so designated are occupied, the public officer shall order such premises vacated and shall prescribe a reasonable time for compliance. A vacant premises which has been designated as unsafe for human habitation and which has been placarded as such shall not be used again for human habitation or use until written approval is secured from the public officer and the placard is removed by the public officer. Where the conditions causing said designation present a potential fire hazard or unsanitary condition, the public officer may include in said order a requirement that all flammable or unsanitary materials, including but not limited to personally, such as furniture and clothing, be removed from the premises. The public officer shall rescind the designation as unsafe for human habitation or use and shall remove the placard when he finds that the defect or condition has been removed or eliminated and that the dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit is a fit place or unit for human habitation. No person shall remove or deface the placard from any premises which has been designated as unsafe for human habitation and has been placarded as such.
[Amended 10-21-2004 by Ord. No. 14219; 10-21-2004 by Ord. No. 14224]
Whenever the public officer finds that any premises constitute a public nuisance, he shall serve notice thereof to the owner. Such notice shall indicate the manner in which, and the time by which, the public officer or the City intends to demolish, repair, alter or improve the premises. Unless an emergency exists, the public officer or the City shall not undertake corrective action 30 days from the time such notice is served. A notice that the City intends to undertake corrective action shall be served in the same manner as a notice of violation; provided, however, that such notice shall also be posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises. If, at the expiration of the specified time period, the required corrective action has not been completed, the public officer of the City may undertake such corrective action to abate the declared public nuisance without further notice. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the power of the public officer or the City to take immediate corrective action to abate a hazardous condition without serving notice thereof, where there exists any violation of this code which creates an emergency requiring immediate correction to protect the health or safety of any occupant of a dwelling, building or structure, or of the public.
[Amended 4-6-1977 by Ord. No. 12244]
Where the public officer or the City takes corrective action to abate a public nuisance, the cost thereof, including any labor or materials supplied by the City, shall be charged to the owner and shall constitute a municipal lien against the real property upon which such cost was incurred. The Bureau of Law promptly shall file such lien and shall make every effort to collect it within six months of the recorded date. If the corrective action involves the removal or demolition of any structure, the public officer may sell the materials thereof by public sale and any amounts realized shall be credited against the cost of the corrective action, and any balance remaining shall be deposited with the City Director of Finance or designee in the name of the owner of record. In the event of dispute regarding the proper distributes of such balance, such account shall be disbursed to the persons found to be entitled thereto by final order or decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, and any City expenses incurred for legal fees or court costs may be charged against such balance. The City will add an administrative fee of $300 or 15% of the cost of abatement, whichever is greater, to each bill incurred, as a result of noncompliance with a public nuisance order.
[Amended 5-18-1995 by Ord. No. 13332; 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 14737]
Any party in interest affected by any notice or order issued pursuant to this section may, within 30 days of the service thereof, appeal in accordance with the procedures outlined herein. Except in the case of emergency, corrective action shall be stayed during the time an appeal is pending before the Review Board(s) or the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County.
The public officer is authorized to make and adopt such written rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper enforcement and administration of this code. Such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with the provisions of this code nor with any other ordinance of the City, nor with any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, nor shall they have the effect of waiving any provisions of this code or any other ordinance.
No officer, agent, or employee of the City shall render himself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required, authorized or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this code. Any suit brought against any such officer, agent or employee, as a result of any act required, authorized or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this code, shall be defended by the Bureau of Law until the final determination of the proceedings therein.
Except as provided herein, in any case where a provision of this code is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning, building, fire, safety or health ordinance or code of this municipality existing on the effective date of this code, the provision which established the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the safety and health of the people shall prevail. In any case where a provision of this code is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of this municipality existing on the effective date of this code which establishes a lower standard for the promotion and protection of the safety and health of the people, the provisions of this code shall prevail, and such other ordinances or codes are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent that they may be found in conflict with this code.
The provisions of this code are severable, and if any provision of this code is held unconstitutional or illegal, the remaining provisions of this code shall in no way be affected or impaired.
Whoever violates any provision of this code or any section of this code shall, upon a first offense, be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both.
[Amended 1-21-1993 by Ord. No. 13176]
If, after any conviction for violation of this code or any lawful order issued pursuant thereto, such person continues violation, then such person shall be liable for further prosecution, conviction, and punishment without any necessity of the public officer to issue a new notice of violation or order, and until such violation has been corrected.
In addition to prosecution of persons violating this code, the public officer, the Bureau of Law, or any duly authorized agent of the City may take such civil or equitable remedies in any court of record of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, against any person or property, real or personal, to effect the provisions of this code.
Corrections of violations of this code are to be made in a workmanlike manner and in conformity with accepted good construction practices so as to achieve reasonable longevity and to preserve compliance with the standards of this code.
[Amended 5-4-1983 by Ord. No. 12554]
Violation ticket fines.
[Amended 12-6-2017 by Ord. No. 15405]
Violation tickets shall be issued in the amount of $100.
Any person who receives a violation ticket for any violation of this code, may, within 10 days, admit the violation, waive a hearing and pay the fine in full satisfaction of $100 as indicated on the violation ticket.
Violation ticket penalties.
[Amended 12-6-2017 by Ord. No. 15405]
If the person in receipt of a $100 violation ticket does not pay the fine or request a hearing within 10 days, the person will be subject to a $10 penalty for days 11 through 20.
Failure of the person to make payment within 20 days shall make the person subject to a citation.
Citation fines. Whoever violates the provisions of this code shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both.
[Amended 8-24-2009 by Ord. No. 14737]