The Administrative Code shall be made a part of the Codified Ordinances. City Council shall enact, and from time to time, may amend the Administrative Code, which shall set forth in detail the organization and administrative structure and procedures of the City, including:
A specific enumeration of departments, offices and agencies and the division of powers and responsibilities among them;
The internal procedures for the operation of the departments, offices and agencies; and
Any other rules, regulations and procedures reasonably appropriate for efficient administration.
City Council shall have the power, by ordinance, to adopt uniform administrative procedures, regulations and forms to be followed by all elected officials, departments, offices and agencies.
Appointment. Except as otherwise provided by this Charter or other applicable statute, the Mayor shall appoint and remove the head of any department, office and agency. An appointment shall not be effective unless City Council, by resolution, confirms it or fails to reject it within 60 days after the appointment. The appointee shall serve unless rejected by City Council or until removal from office, whichever is sooner.
Removal. The Mayor shall have the power at any time to remove the head of any department, office or agency immediately under the Mayor's direction and supervision, but the Mayor shall, within 14 days, notify, in writing, City Council of the removal and the reason for it.
The heads of departments, offices and agencies shall be selected solely on the basis of education, training, experience; and professional, executive and administrative abilities; and such other qualifications as may be set forth in this Charter.
The Department Head shall devote full time to the office; shall hold no compensated elective public office; and shall hold no other City office or City employment for which any compensation is paid or received.
A Department Head who has a financial interest, direct or indirect, or by reason of ownership of stock in any corporation in any sale of land with the City or, in any contract with the City, shall immediately make known that interest to Council. A Department Head who willfully conceals such an interest shall be guilty of malfeasance in office. Violation of this section with the knowledge expressed or implied of the person or corporation contracting with or making a sale to the City shall render the contract or sale voidable by the City.
The Department Head shall refrain from participating in the debate and discussion of policy by City Council unless authorized by the Mayor but may respond to inquiries on any matter under consideration.
The Department of Public Works is mandated by this Charter. The Mayor shall appoint and fix the compensation of the head of the Department of Public Works/City Engineer. He or she shall perform the duties required through the Administrative Code or other action, or as may be required of a City Engineer by general law.
There shall be a Department of Finance which is established for the purpose of creating a unified City accounting system. A Director of Finance shall be appointed by the Mayor with confirmation of Council. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for the administration of activities that include:
The receipt, expenditure, accounting, investment, custody and control of municipal funds and assets, including the budget (both operating and capital);
Financial accounting, which shall be conducted according to generally accepted accounting principles;
Investments and insurance;
Pension administration;
Materials management;
All other financial matters that may arise.