The municipality is divided into a series of base zoning districts and overlays as illustrated on the Official Zoning Map of Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough and Official Zoning Overlay Maps of Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: Said map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
For the purpose of applying the provisions of this chapter, Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough is hereby classified and divided into the following zoning districts:
RO/R: Residential Overlay and Residential District. This district is intended for residential development on primary municipal or state roads. It shall preserve existing housing developments in such areas.
V: Village District. This district is intended for the preservation and enhancement of existing higher density housing and mixed use opportunities. This shall support locally oriented commercial development.
BO: Business District Overlay. This overlay is intended for providing a range of services to the general public through orderly development of those uses necessary to meet the community and regional needs for general goods and services. This overlay will serve personal needs and daily convenience with direct access to streets.
Ind-1: Limited Industrial District. This district is intended for light industrial uses which shall not disturb surrounding residential areas with noise or other undesirable aspects of industrial uses. This district shall accommodate uses for warehousing, manufacturing, agriculture, and uses including those which require substantial amounts of open air storage or generally considered incompatible with other land uses. This shall also provide for anticipated future needs for limited industrial activity compatible with surrounding residential and/or natural resources areas.
A: Agricultural District. This district is intended for the preservation and conservation of agricultural related practices and production. This shall also provide preservation and conservation of the natural resources associated with agriculture by providing reasonable requirements for the development and use of land. By permitting oil and gas operations in the district, the Township intends to enhance its ability to maintain its rural character by providing sufficient buffers and set backs from the oil and gas operations.
HDO: Heritage District Overlay. This overlay, as permissible through the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Section 603, is intended for the preservation of the long-established physical character within West Middletown Borough. Containing a mix of compatible uses, this overlay anticipates residential and nonresidential land uses generally compatible with one another. Supporting some pedestrian mobility network, the overlay encourages walkability that animates the area while front yard setbacks accentuate the traditional design patterns characteristics of the corridor.
The Official Zoning Map and Official Overlay Map of the Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough are incorporated as part of this chapter and shall define the zoning districts and overlays described in this chapter.[1]tion
Editor's Note: Said map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Whenever there has been an amendment to the boundary of a zoning district or a reclassification of a zoning district, the Zoning Map or Overlay Zoning Map of Hopewell Township and West Middletown shall be accordingly revised and shall be duly certified by the Township Secretary.
The boundaries of the districts shall be as shown on the Official Zoning Map and Official Overlay Map of the Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough which are on file in the municipal office, except for the Floodplain Overlay, which is delineated in the most current Flood Insurance Study and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map of the Hopewell Township and West Middletown Borough, as prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration or other acceptable sources. Generally, the boundary lines follow lot lines or center lines of streets. Boundaries that approximately follow the center line of streams, rivers or other bodies of water shall be construed as following such center lines. Where boundaries do not follow a previously established line, they shall be determined by use of the scale or dimensions indicated on the Official Zoning Map or Official Overlay Map or by description in this chapter. Interpretation concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined by the Zoning Officer.
All territory which may hereinafter be annexed to the municipality shall be considered to be in the Agricultural Zoning District unless it is reclassified.