These regulations shall apply to existing mobile homes as of the date of this chapter.
No person shall move into, locate, place, occupy or make additions to or replace a damaged or destroyed mobile home or a double-wide mobile home in the Town of Mount Hope without a permit, pursuant to the provisions as herein provided below, obtained from the Building Inspector, and failure to have such a permit shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
In no event shall a mobile home or a double-wide mobile home be altered as to electrical wiring, walls or roof structure without obtaining a permit and applicable inspections from the Building Inspector.
No mobile home or double-wide mobile home shall be moved into, located, placed or occupied as a residence in the Town of Mount Hope, except as provided by the requirements and restrictions specified in this chapter for the district such mobile home or double-wide mobile home is moved into, located, placed or occupied as a residence.
In the event a mobile home is replacing a mobile home that is damaged or destroyed by fire or other event, the replacement mobile home may be larger than the original, but must be no more than five years old on the date of replacement.
All other applicable Building Codes, municipal standards, rules and regulations requiring permits, certificates of occupancy and other permits for the location of a residential dwelling applicable to a mobile home or double-wide mobile home must be adhered to and complied with, when locating the same in a zone permitting such uses.
The minimum lot area and setback requirements for a lot having a mobile home or double-wide mobile home shall be no less than the minimum required for one-family detached dwellings in that district as such mobile home or double-wide mobile home lot shall be located in. Such minimum requirements for said lots shall be in accordance with the Schedule of District Regulations[1] provided in this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said schedules are included as attachments to this chapter.
The restrictions concerning the number of dwellings per lot as stated in the Table of District Regulations shall apply equally to mobile home or double-wide mobile homes.
Engineering plans required:
All mobile home or double-wide mobile homes shall be placed on permanent foundations. In the event the site will not allow a foundation, a plan prepared, signed and sealed by a New York State licensed architect or engineer shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Inspector showing an alternative plan such as a pier-type foundation for securing the dwelling to the site. Pier-type foundations shall be fully skirted, and such skirting shall consist of approved materials by the Building Inspector for below-grade use and be insulated to meet all New York State Energy Codes.
Any application for a permit to construct an addition to a mobile home or double-wide mobile home shall require stamped and sealed plans by a New York State licensed engineer or architect. Such plans shall show structural tie-ins to roofs, including but not limited to wall-bearing data of structure if applicable.
All mobile home or double-wide mobile homes shall be constructed in conformity with New York State Fire, Building and Energy Codes.
The minimum habitable floor area for a mobile home or double-wide mobile home shall be 800 square feet.
For all mobile homes or double-wide mobile homes, in no event shall a superstructure (i.e., reroof) be placed over the existing roof and bearing on the existing exterior wall. This shall not prevent normal maintenance such as tarring, sealing or painting.