[Added 4-17-2020 by L.L. No. 3-2020]
The purpose of this article is to provide a means of emergency access to buildings, fire suppression equipment, fire alarm equipment, building systems and information specified by the Fire Marshal, for use by the Fire Department at the time of an emergency or a reported emergency on the subject premises.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A cabinet-style vault approved by the Fire Marshal, installed in an accessible location for the purpose of safe-keeping information and documents related to premises, as may be required by the Fire Marshal, including such items as information on hazardous materials stored on premises, site plans, building plans, emergency notification information or any other information the Fire Marshal may deem to be pertinent to the operations of the responding fire department.
A UL-listed box or container of a type approved by the fire department having jurisdiction, installed in a conspicuous and accessible location on the premises approved by the fire department, for the purpose of containing keys, combinations and/or codes necessary to gain access to the premises.
The site upon which a building, structure, or groups of buildings and/or structures are located, together with such buildings and/or structures. "Premises" may exclude such structures, buildings, or parts thereof as the Fire Marshal may determine are not necessary to access in the event of an emergency, including, but not limited to, fireproof safes, storage vaults, etc.
All commercial premises equipped with fire or police alarm systems (as defined in this chapter) shall comply with the requirements hereof within six months of the effective date of this article. All new residential construction, and existing residential construction for which a building permit is issued or renewed subsequent to the effective date of this article for new construction or alteration (as defined in Chapter 278, Zoning, § 278-1A, Definitions, of the East Hampton Village Code) of a residence, shall comply with the requirements hereof.
Any of the foregoing premises to which this article is made applicable pursuant to Subsection A hereof, which are equipped with fire alarms which when activated transmit a signal to a central alarm station, shall be required to have a key lock box, installed in a conspicuous location approved by the fire department having jurisdiction, as well as an information storage cabinet, if so required by the Fire Marshal.
No equipment installed pursuant to § 62-10 shall be deemed acceptable or approved until an inspection of the same has been conducted by the Fire Marshal's office and/or fire department having jurisdiction, and an appropriate certificate of compliance has been issued.
Key lock boxes, information storage cabinets or combinations thereof which have been installed in compliance with any permit or order pursuant to this chapter shall be maintained in operative condition at all times. It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of any such emergency access system, but this limitation shall not prohibit the owner or occupant from making necessary repairs which temporarily reduce the usefulness of the system, provided such repairs are completed within 10 business days. The fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified before any alterations or repairs are made.
All key lock boxes and information storage cabinets shall be equipped with single lock cylinder and shall be opened only with the master key held by the fire department having jurisdiction for protecting the subject premises. Each fire department key shall be unique in its ability to open only key lock boxes within the department's own jurisdiction. In no case shall any person or entity, other than a member of the fire department having jurisdiction for protecting the subject premises, be issued, possess or use any key intended to operate the fire department lock cylinder on any key lock box or information storage cabinet.
Violations. The following shall constitute violations of this article:
Failure to obtain a letter of approval within 30 days from the time the same is required, from the fire department having jurisdiction, to install a key lock box and/or information storage cabinet.
Failure to install a key lock box or information storage cabinet in accordance with the requirements of the permit and/or approved plans.
Failure to adequately maintain a key lock box or information storage cabinet in proper working order.
Failure to maintain an operable key, combination or access code to the subject premises inside the key lock box or maintain such necessary information as required by the Fire Marshal inside the information storage cabinet.
Possessing a key lock box key or information storage cabinet key by other than the appropriate Fire Department.
Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation who or which is found to have committed a violation of this article shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $250 for the first offense, and $500 for each offense after the first in any five-year period.