It is the intent of this district to provide a central shopping and service area within a traditional downtown atmosphere which favors pedestrian activity and the consolidated design concepts of a traditional downtown main street. The uses established in this district are intended to complement one another to provide for the needs of these shoppers, along with cultural and social activities that support a high level of nonmotorized activity. The district is further established to improve the sense of place in the Village, improve the environment for business, to support a healthy economy by providing a vibrant mix of uses, and to strike a balance between the needs of the car and pedestrian by creating pleasant and safe surroundings.
Land, buildings and other structures in this zoning district may only be used for the following purposes by right:
Convenience stores.
Financial institutions without drive-through facilities.
Medical clinics.
Office buildings.
Personal service establishments.
Professional service establishments.
Parks and public facilities.
Residential above retail or offices.
Restaurants without drive-through facilities.
Retail businesses.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(11), Short-term rentals of permitted dwelling units, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 1-16-2023 by Ord. No. 382.
The following special land uses may be approved by the Planning Commission subject to the applicable general and specific standards in Article XVIII:
Automobile gasoline stations.
Automobile repairs, minor.
Automobile repairs, major.
Automobile wash.
Farmer's markets.
Financial institutions, with drive-through facilities.
Funeral homes.
Hotels and motels.
Indoor recreation facilities.
Open air business.
Restaurants with drive-through facilities.
Restaurants with assembly operations.
[Added 9-18-2023 by Ord. No. 386[2]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection B(13) through (15) as Subsection B(14) through (16).
Short-term rentals of permitted dwelling units.
[Added 1-16-2023 by Ord. No. 382
Tattoo or piercing parlor.
Veterinary hospitals.
Site and building placement standards (Figure 390-70C):
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width
Minimum setbacks
Minimum floor area
Maximum building height
45 feet
Maximum lot coverage
With the exception of single-family structures, all new structures, major exterior structural renovations, or additions to structures, shall adhere to the following design standards (Figure 390-71):
All structures shall be a minimum of two stories in height except that additions to existing one-story structures may be one story in height if the square footage of the addition is less than 570 square feet.
All buildings with flat roofs shall include parapet articulation on the facade(s) of each building facing the street.
No side yards are permitted except that one pedestrian accessway may be developed to access the rear of the site, subject to Planning Commission approval during the site plan review process. In no case shall there be another such pedestrian accessway within 100 feet unless approved by the Planning Commission. Accessways shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Accessway width shall be a minimum of five feet and a maximum of 10 feet in width.
Buildings shall adjoin and align with neighboring structures to form a consistent streetwall. If an adjacent structure does not exist, the front setback shall be no more than 15 feet from the street right-of-way line. The front yard, if provided, shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and have appropriate amenities (benches, bike racks, etc.) to enhance the street atmosphere.
Detached accessory structures shall be behind the principal building.
No off-street parking or delivery areas shall be permitted in the front yard of the property.
Any façade facing the street or rear yard shall have an entrance for the public. Where building frontages exceed 50 feet in width, doors, or entrances with public access shall be provided at intervals averaging no greater than 50 feet apart.
For buildings facing the street, no more than 50 feet of horizontal distance of wall shall be provided without articulation of architectural design variations to assure that the building is not monotonous in appearance. Acceptable variations include, but are not limited to, the following:
Recess and projections along the building façade. Variation in depth must be a minimum of 18 inches.
Architectural details or features such as arches; changes in vertical elements such as towers, cupolas, or changes in roof design; contrasting bases, masonry courses, or molding; pilasters and columns; stone accents; colonnades; or porches.
Enhanced ornamentation around building entryways, such as canopies, paving treatments, change in roofline, porticos, larger door openings and display windows, accent colors, arches, arcades, distinctive door pulls, decorative lighting and planters
All building walls which face a street shall be comprised of at least 60% windows on the first floor and at least 40% windows on upper floors. Windows on upper floors shall be vertically oriented, rectangular windows with lintels and sills. Reflective glass, bronze-tinted glass, and frosted materials shall be prohibited for ground floors and strongly discouraged on upper floors. Window glazing shall be recessed from the outside of all building walls.
Window awnings shall mimic classic design depicted in the Village Design Manual. High-gloss or bubble awnings are prohibited.
Non-windowed areas of the first story of structures shall be comprised of any combination of the following:
Brick or composite mimicking brick;
Decorative concrete block;
Stone or composite mimicking stone;
Horizontal clapboard siding;
Commercial-grade horizontal vinyl siding mimicking wood (at least 0.44 gauge).
High quality vertical siding materials when approved by the Planning Commission.
[Added 6-14-2021 by Ord. No. 368]
Areas above the first story may also be comprised of stucco or cement board.
In no case shall cinder blocks or sheet metal be considered an acceptable building cover.
[Added 6-14-2021 by Ord. No. 368]
All development shall be adequately served by a sidewalk at least five feet in width or as otherwise required by the Village.
For the purpose of this section, an "exception" may be defined as a request to waive one or more or the requirements of § 390-71 above.
Exceptions, as defined in this section, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission through a site plan review process. Exceptions to the requirements may be approved by the Planning Commission upon a finding that the following criteria are met:
The proposed construction is consistent with the overall intent of these minimum design requirements; and
The applicant proves a practical difficulty in complying with the provisions of § 390-71, owing to conditions peculiar to the land or structure and not the result to the action of the applicant, would result from strict adherence to these requirements;
That the site plan meets the requirements of this chapter;
That the exception is no more than what is necessary to relieve the applicant's practical difficulty.