Design Review Authority.
The Village Design Review Standards are adopted pursuant to the authorization contained in Wis. Stat. § 61.35, § 62.23, and § 61.34.
The review duties included in this ordinance are delegated by the Suamico Board to the Design Review Committee.
Statement of Intent.
To encourage growth and development which is consistent with maintaining rural design character and protects and enhances the Village's rural appeal for citizen and visitor use and enjoyment and protect against development which uses standard urban and suburban design approaches.
To implement the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. To safeguard property values, protect public and private investments and promote high-quality commercial, multifamily, and industrial development which is consistent with rural character.
To safeguard property values, protect the public and private investments and promote high-quality commercial, multifamily, and industrial development which is consistent with rural character.
To develop and apply Design Review Standards which do not overly restrict innovation and variety, but are intended to facilitate and assist in focusing on design practices which result in development which sustain a positive rural design character.
To protect against the problem of highway strip commercial development and to encourage well-designed highway clustered commercial development.
To have a minimum number of prescriptive standards and a maximum number of performance standards to allow flexibility in maintaining or enhancing rural character with new development.
Performance Standards. Encourage flexibility and innovation of design in which more than one solution is acceptable. The proposals, however, must meet the range of positive photo examples, performance strategy for natural and cultural resources and the criteria listed for each of the relevant Design Review Standards.
Prescriptive Standards. Dictate a specific type of design condition which is a requirement that is deemed necessary to meet rural character.
To encourage landscape design which compliments the natural landscape, improves the general appearance of the Village and utilizes locally native plant species.
To protect adjacent landowners from adverse or inappropriate aesthetic impact problems of new development which is not consistent with rural design character.
To establish a formal review process, which includes appropriate criteria for design review related to new or remodeled buildings, site protection, landscaping and site development.
To maintain the appearance of design approved developments throughout the entire life of the development.
The provisions of this ordinance are a furtherance of the land use and development controls of land in the Village.
All new commercial, multifamily, and industrial development within the Village is subject to design review. New development includes one or more of the following types of development; building, landscaping, signage, or parking areas. Landscaping is subject to design review when new buildings, exterior alterations, signage or parking is proposed. New development does not include landscaping for minor additions to existing landscaping.
Design review approval is required prior to the issuance of a building permit for new commercial, multifamily, and industrial development or for exterior wall and roof alterations to existing commercial, multifamily, and industrial development not previously subject to design review.
Design review approval is required for exterior wall and roof alterations to existing commercial, multifamily, and industrial development which had not previously been subject to design review. Painting and the replacement of roofing are not considered design alterations if earth tone colors are used.
Design Review Standards.
Performance Strategy for Natural Resource Design Review. Natural resources are significant in maintaining high quality aesthetic character for the Village. The Village's desired future condition for commercial, multifamily, and industrial development, is to locate and design new development which respects sensitive natural resources and places the development within or visually related to a forested or wetland setting in which the new development visually compliments the overall naturalness. This is contrasted by development which dominates the setting and appears inconsistent with Suamico's rural character.
Performance Strategy for Cultural Resource Design Review. A range of development types (buildings/parking) is acceptable if they are sensitive to the Village's natural resources and contribute to the stated desirable living conditions-uncongested living; beauty, peace, and quiet; unspoiled rural atmosphere; lack of commercialism; a close friendly community feeling. There is not one architectural style or overall historic setting which always needs to be met. However, the desired future condition for new development is to fit into the existing rural character through building design and the use of materials, colors, landscaping, and signage which compliment naturalness, open space, a clean appearance and maintain visual order.
In applying the standards and strategies, the applicant has the burden of showing that the proposed development contains the necessary design qualities which will meet the Natural and Cultural Resource Strategies Design Standards while providing a sustainable positive rural character.
Open Space/Natural Resources Design Standards. The intent of this section is to ensure that adequate open space and natural resources are incorporated into design solutions to provide an overall appearance of rural character.
Where open space, natural resources, or topographic patterns contribute to the beauty and utility of the area, they shall be incorporated into the design of the new development.
Minimum green space which is required to be maintained on a given parcel shall typically be 30%. However, its location and quality in which the green space is incorporated into the design of the development may allow reduction of that to 25%. Combining of areas/parcels will be considered in the overall green space provided they are under the same ownership and development is accruing on all parcels or in the same planned development overlay.
To the extent possible, existing topographic grades will be incorporated into the design. However, when grading or contouring the site, the finished grades should appear naturally to the site and surrounding area, protect the natural resources and adjacent properties.
Roadside trees are very important to the rural character of the community and shall be incorporated into the site plan if at all possible.
Waterfront development needs to be especially sensitive to water quality and riparian vegetation management. The design emphasis needs to demonstrate the maximum protection of the natural shoreline along with transition area forest preservation. A minimum amount of impervious development, along with a minimum level of lawn area, would best meet the environmental and aesthetic qualities of rural character.
Existing Built Environment Design Standards. The intent is to maintain the existing built environment which respects the design review standards and use these examples to serve as a base from which appropriate design solutions are proposed for commercial, multifamily, and industrial development.
Existing development can serve as a justification for new development only to the extent that the existing development meets the Design Review Standards.
Existing development which does not meet the Design Review Standards is encouraged to make changes towards the approved standards. However, this ordinance does not require changes unless the existing development meets the conditions in Section 16.35(3).
Relationship of Building to Site Design Standards. The intent of this section is to incorporate into a site plan the design standards for commercial, multifamily, and industrial development. In particular, the site plan should integrate natural resources, buildings, parking, and landscaping into a functional and aesthetic solution which respects desired rural character.
The areas of green space must be located to provide resource protection, transitions between adjacent sites and as a visual transition between the public roads and the building or parking lot.
The arrangement of all functions, uses, and improvements must be designed to reflect positive rural characteristics.
Where appropriate, the design solution should incorporate existing natural features such as forested areas, streams, wetlands, and topography.
The size, shape, scale, and location of the structure(s) need to be architecturally compatible with the existing site features.
Where appropriate, the site design needs to integrate the proposed landscaping/open space into the adjacent landscaping, open space or forested area.
All mechanical equipment (HVAC, exhaust fans, etc.) shall be shielded from view by the use of fencing, landscaping, or possibly matching paint on roof top units. Other solutions may be considered.
Place underground all newly installed utility services and service revisions necessitated by exterior alterations.
Landscape buffers will be required between all commercial and residentially zoned properties. Buffers may consist of:
A twenty-foot wide area with a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs.
A berm and fence with plantings.
A berm with hedge type plantings.
Other solutions as determined appropriate by the committee.
Parking areas need to be carefully designated to fit the site and with sensitivity to location, size, and perimeter screening. This is especially critical if the Village is to maintain rural character rather than an urban community appearance. The Committee will review parking area site design performance which includes the following:
In cases where quality forestland exists, existing trees are preserved between the parking area and the right-of-way.
The location of the parking areas relative to the public roads and buildings should be placed at the side or rear of the building and away from direct public view.
When options of side yard and rear yard parking do not exist, front yard parking (between the building and public road) will require an effective landscape setback which includes extensive landscaping.
Parking areas with 10 or more spaces will require perimeter landscaping to visually reduce the adverse parking area impacts.
New developments with large parking space requirements will need to demonstrate that they will not provide an urban parking lot appearance. This will require design attention which locates the parking in the least visual impact area, includes extensive perimeter landscaping, interior plant islands, maintains existing vegetation where appropriate and incorporates several smaller parking areas to meet parking space requirements. Landscape islands shall be incorporated into all parking areas in excess of 10,000 square feet. Required islands shall be a minimum of 10% of total parking area.
Trash receptacles shall be kept in enclosures constructed of the same materials as the main structure. Enclosures shall be large enough to conceal trash from view.
Building Design Standards. The intent is to not restrict developments to a predetermined architectural style. However, for approval, new developments must meet the design standards by clearly demonstrating how the building design maintains or enhances rural character. The building design must avoid presenting an appearance of either monotonous similarity or excessive dissimilarity with appropriate existing structures. The building standards are intended to prevent these extremes.
Architectural style is not restricted. However, extremes of style which do not fit rural character are to be avoided.
Building architecture needs to compliment, rather than dominate the rural character setting of the Village, such as:
Wood, brick, stone, and other "natural" materials are strongly preferred.
Earth tone colors are strongly preferred and color accents must be visually compatible.
Roofs with darker earth tone colors are expected.
Buildings which maintain colors, style, and setting of an earlier era will be considered.
All sides of a structure shall receive full design consideration. A facade unrelated to the rest of the building is not in keeping with acceptable design.
All visually pitched roofs shall have a minimum of a six-inch fascia.
All projections and mechanical details such as louvers, exposed flashing, flues, vents, gutters, and downspouts are to be recognized as architectural features and shall be treated to match the color of the adjacent surface or an approved complimentary color.
The design must avoid a monolithic ("big box") appearance of frontages and rooflines. The large "box" massing of such a structure must be diminished by breaking up building sections or by the use of such elements as variable planes, projections, bays, dormers, setbacks or changes in roofline.
If the project is likely to become a Village landmark, or if it is in a visually prominent area or if it is located so as to become part of the Village's gateway, the design must acknowledge the special impact the project would have on the entire community by addressing the design solution in an exemplary manner.
The signage and lighting fixtures must be compatible with the architectural design.
The clustering of smaller, visually compatible, commercial structures is desired over singular large structures.
In very limited situations, smaller isolated retail buildings may contrast in color (i.e., white) or style (English Tudor) or theme ("Christmas House") with the more dominant rural character expectation. However, in these limited situations, the applicant must explain why these design expressions are essential to their business and demonstrate that the new development will:
Include a landscaped backdrop or become part of a rural setting.
Include well maintained landscaping.
Be visually separated from other areas (i.e., not part of visually continuous highway development pattern).
Be a very small structure and present a "cottage-like" appearance.
New building development must avoid:
The look of franchise architecture.
Buildings which advertise by appearance (i.e., storage buildings).
Buildings which demand visual attention through the use of bold colors and materials which are not found to be positive in meeting rural character.
Buildings in commercial or industrial areas with the appearance of large metal buildings which lack design details or are otherwise without the positive attributes of rural character.
The appearance of the "big box" visual character.
Landscaping Design Standards. The intent is to provide a landscape design which preserves existing natural vegetation and incorporates additional locally native plants which compliment the plant communities and ecosystem of the area. The aesthetic intent is to improve the appearance of all areas through incorporating green space into the development in ways that harmonize and enhance the natural as well as the manmade environment and respect the principles of naturalistic landscaping. The design review plan should indicate:
A dominant visual character for the landscape design which maintains or creates a strong appearance of rural character. It should avoid a design concept which creates a suburban or urban visual character.
The size, species, and location of plant materials to be retained or placed on the site.
Areas to remain "in natural state" shall be identified on the site plan. All other areas shall be properly maintained as designated on the plan.
The percentage of the site which will be maintained in green space and the green space setback distance between the highway property line and the building and/or parking lot.
As appropriate, planting concepts which meet the needs of front yard plantings, building entry plantings, building corner plantings, larger parking lot interior plantings, plantings related to signage and buffer plantings at the property edge which effectively screen within three years what the Committee deems incompatible land uses.
The planted size of shade trees should be not less than one inch diameter (measured six inches above ground) and eight feet in height; conifers (evergreen trees) should be at least four feet in height. Shrubs should be of good nursery stock and provide effective landscape development within three years of planting.
Plant material which provides interest in structure, texture, color, and its ultimate growth pattern. Trees and shrubs which are exotic cultivars and provide highly showy aesthetic patterns, such as red or bronze summer foliage or variegated leaf patterns, are to be avoided.
Plants which are native to the area and provide a rural appearance:
Botanical Name
Common Name
Acer rubrum
Red Maple
Acer saccharinum
Silver Maple
Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple
Acer spicatum
Mountain Maple
Amelanchier (several spp.)
Betula alleghaniensis
Yellow Birch
Betula papyrifera
Paper Birch
Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam
Carya cordiformis
Butternut Hickory
Carya ovata
Shagbark Hickory
Crataegus sp.
Fagus grandifolia
American Beech
Fraxinus americana
White Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash
Juglans cinerea
Ostrya virginiana
American Hophornbeam
Populus balsamifera
Balsam Poplar
Populus grandidentata
Bigtooth Aspen
Populus termuloides
Quaking Aspen
Prunus Americana
American Plum
Prunus pensylvanica
Pin Cherry
Prunus serotina
Black Cherry
Prunus virginiana
Common Chokecherry
Quercus alba
White Oak
Quercus bicolor
Swamp White Oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Northern Pin Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Bur Oak
Quercus rubra
Red Oak
Rhus glabra
Smooth Sumac
Rhus typhina
Staghorn Sumac
Tilia americana
American Linden
Cornus alernifolia
Pagoda Dogwood
Cornus racemosa
Gray Dogwood
Cornus rugosa
Round Leaved Dogwood
Hamamelis virginiana
Common Witchhazel
Juniperus communis
Common Juniper
Ribes americanum
Wild Black Currant
Rosa Carolina
Carolina Rose
Rubus occidentalis
Blackcap Raspberry
Salix discolor
Pussy Willow
Salix humilis
Prairie Willow
Salix lucida
Shining Willow
Sambucus canadensis
Shepherdia canadensis
Spiraea alba
Meadow Sweet
Symphoricarpos albus
White Snowberry
Vaccinium angustifolium
Low Bush Blueberry
Vaccinium myrtilloides
Canada Blueberry
Viburnum acerifolium
Maple-Leaved Arrowwood
Viburnum lentago
Viburnum trilobum
American Cranberry Bush Viburnum
Abies balsamea
Balsam Fir
Juniperus virginiana
Eastern Red Cedar
Pinus banksiana
Jack Pine
Pinus resinosa
Red Pine
Pinus strobus
White Pine
Picea Glauca
White Spruce
Tusga canadensis
Canada Hemlock
Thuja occidentalis
Eastern Arbor Vitae
Clematis virginiana
Virgin's Bower
Vitis riparia
Riverbank Grape
Ground Cover
Chamaedaphne calyculata
Leatherleaf Fern
Gaultheria procumbens
Other varieties may be approved upon demonstration by a certified landscape designer that the variety fits well with the landscape design.
Exterior Lighting Design Standards. The intent of the exterior lighting design standards are to provide the necessary lighting which reflects rural character by intensity, location, placement, color, and overall design integration with the total development, rather than lighting which is typical of urban conditions.
All exterior lighting should balance onsite needs of safety, security, and aesthetic affects, without adverse effect upon neighborhood properties, especially residential property.
All exterior lighting shall be part of the architectural and landscape design concept in color, location, and type of lighting.
In general, the height of exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed the height of the building to which it relates. Parking lot lights shall not exceed 25 feet tall and would typically be of the sharp cut-off type. All service wall packs shall be shielded or directed downward.
The height, location, and direction of lighting must be designed and located such a manner as to be shielded from the direct view of the highway user and shielded above to reduce night sky illumination.
Sign lighting concepts which provide direct illumination from a shielded light source, rather than interior sign lighting are preferred.
Signage Design Standards. The intent is to encourage creative, distinct, and effective signs which are appropriate for the individual proprietors, yet meet the community design standards for rural character and promote a positive signage image. The design standards are intended to foster signage which respects the residential, rural, and scenic open space character of the Village. Sign design review is limited to the aesthetic and appropriateness of sign appearance and is separate from the conditions included in the Village's sign ordinance. The following concepts and standards will be used to review signs for design approval:
Identification of businesses from moving cars must be balanced with the visual impact of signs on the rural landscape. Restraint in site design can aid in identification. Since small, simple signs identify business with less confusion, limiting counterproductive sign competition protects the quality of the landscape.
Every sign shall be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and site to which it principally relates and where appropriate to rural character, shall be compatible with signs on adjoining premises and not compete for attention.
Sign Type. The first step in site design is selecting the most appropriate type of sign. The three most common types of signs are wall signs, projecting signs, and free standing signs. The choice of sign type depends upon the surroundings and the attention one desires to attract. For example, free standing signs are best used in situations where there is a large setback from the road, where the attention of people in fast-moving vehicles is being sought, or where there are several uses in one building or complex. Projecting signs and wall signs are best used where the attention of people in slow-moving vehicles or pedestrians is desired. Free standing style signs are preferred and elevated free standing signs are discouraged.
Sign Message. Whatever sign type is used, simplicity is the key factor to good design and readability. An effectively designed sign utilizing bold, easily-recognized symbols and clear crisp lettering will identify a business or activity efficiently and attractively, enhance the area in which it is located and compliment the general appearance of the Village. Pictures and symbols can add individuality and character to signs in addition to making them easier to read. The most common problems in commercial areas are an overabundance of signs that are often excessively large, all of which contributes to "sign overload." This creates a visually chaotic situation in which no one sign gains the advantage, since the competing signs tend to cancel each other out in an unsuccessful bid to catch the buyer's eye.
Sign Color. Restraint should be exercised when selecting colors. On most signs, no more than three colors should be used; one for background (preferably dark), a contrasting color for the lettering and a third color perhaps for emphasis (such as for borders, motifs, or shading lettering to give it a three-dimensional look). Exceptions occur when an illustration is incorporated in the sign. In such cases, it is important that complimentary colors be used. In selecting the principle colors for a sign, colors which compliment the general tone of the building as needed.
Sign Materials. Signs made of wood or other natural materials are preferred. Bases of free standing signs shall be of like materials to the building.
Signage Landscaping. Free standing signs will generally require low and medium height plants to provide a positive design appearance for the sign and site appearance.
Master Sign Plan. When more than one sign is proposed for a parcel, the applicant must submit for approval all of the proposed and existing signage. The intent is to develop and follow a coordinated sign plan with regard to:
Color scheme.
Lettering or graphic style.
Location on each building or the site.
Signage material.
Sign proportions.
Relationship to Adjacent Sites Design Standards. The intent of this section is to achieve design appearance compatibility among separate individually owned parcels which visually appear as one continuous development. The applicant has the burden of clearly demonstrating how the proposed project has the aesthetic qualities to meet the visually continuous compatibility test. Design solutions might include:
Proposing a building which is similar, or compatible, in design style, materials, color, and landscaping with the adjacent development which meets the intent of positive rural character.
Situations in which the architectural expressions are different and yet acceptable to the standards, strive for a strong landscape transition between properties using trees and shrubs or existing natural vegetation which reduces the visual dominance of the buildings.
Situations in which the land uses are incompatible or the adjacent development is below the minimum standards for rural character. In this case, the new development should develop a landscape plan or utilize existing vegetation to fully buffer the adjacent property from view.
Project features which are judged to have negative visual impacts upon adjacent properties, such as parking lots, service entrances, loading zones, mechanical equipment, and storage areas, shall be buffered from view of adjacent properties.
Application, Appeal, Completion, and Performance Assurance. The applicant must obtain a copy of this document and review the "Design Assessment Photos" for both positive and negative examples of rural development character. The photos are available for review at the Village Hall or as directed.
Application Process.
Applicants must submit a completed application and eight copies of the required information listed in Section 6 to the Zoning Administrator 14 days before the regularly scheduled public meeting of the Committee.
The Committee has 45 days from the time a completed application is received to act on the application. A completed application must respond to all of the appropriate requirements of this ordinance. Failure to approve/deny the application in the required time will result in the automatic design approval of the project as submitted. However, the Committee may elect to defer official action which goes beyond 30 days, if more information is needed and the applicant agrees to the extension.
The applicant must be available to present and explain how the project meets the design conditions of rural character. The Committee reviews the materials and approves as presented, approves it with conditions, or denies the applicant's project proposal.
Appeal Process. The intent is to reach design review agreement between the applicant and the Committee. In the event that the applicant finds the decision or action inappropriate, an appeal may be taken to the Board. Such an appeal shall be initiated by a written request to be placed on the Board agenda for consideration. The appeal must include the action being questioned and the specific grounds upon which the appeal is made. Such request must be received by the Board no later than 30 days after the date of denial. The Board shall conduct a review and within 30 days make a finding which either affirms, affirms with conditions, reverses or reverses with conditions. The finding by the Board shall be final, subject to judicial review.
Completion Requirement. The applicant must begin, and substantially complete, an approved project within two years from the date of final approval. If the project is not completed within the required time, the design review approval expires.
Performance Assurance.
Landscaping or other site improvement required pursuant to an approved design review plan shall be installed prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection, unless the property owner submits a performance assurance device, equal to 10% of construction costs, committing the installation of landscaping or other site improvement within nine months. In no case shall the property owner delay completion for more than nine months from occupancy.
Performance assurance devices shall take the form of one of the following:
An irrevocable letter of credit, the form of which is approved by the Village Board, from a financial institution stating that the money is held for the purpose of development of the landscaping or other specified site improvements.
If a performance assurance device is employed, the property owner shall provide the Village with a non-revocable notarized agreement granting the Village and its agents the right to enter the property and perform any required work remaining undone at the expiration of the assurance device.
If the property owner fails to carry out provisions of the agreement and the Village has reimbursable costs or expenses resulting from such failure, the Village shall call on the performance device for reimbursement. If the amount of the performance device exceeds the cost and expense incurred by the Village, the property owner shall be liable to the Village for the difference.
The Committee may elect to require a performance device prior to issuance of a building permit in situations in which extensive landscaping is needed, locations are deemed visually sensitive or where there is a poor history of compliance.
Submission Requirements. The intent of this section is to provide the Committee with sufficient information to make an informed design review decision and maintain a clear record of the decision.
Required Documents.
A completed application form supplied by the Village.
As appropriate, drawings and other documentation which illustrates in scale and relationship to project components, the features of the design. This must be documented in a manner which can be clearly understood by the Committee. The determination of necessary documentation will be established by the Committee.
A site plan and specifications are required which contain the following information (this may require a separate site plan, landscape plan and architectural plan):
Scale (i.e. one inch equals 20 feet) and north arrow.
Address of site/development name/owner/designer.
All property lines.
Proposed access to the site, onsite parking stalls and adjacent roads. Also, delineate traffic flow (with directional arrows) and directional signage, if any, that is considered essential.
Indicate areas with existing natural vegetation and basic information about species, size, and condition.
Indicate areas in which existing vegetation will need to be removed.
Locations of existing buildings to remain and proposed building for the site, and all buildings on adjacent sites which are within 50 feet of the development site's boundaries. Also, the external dimensions and distances of all buildings from the property line.
Accurate location of all proposed landscaping which indicate the planned species (both common and scientific names are preferred); tree size (a measurement of tree diameter six inches above ground) and height of proposed conifer trees and shrubs.
The location, height, size, and design of all proposed signage.
Surface material proposed for the parking, storage, and access drives.
Exterior lighting concept and location.
Location and screening proposal for all dumpsters, storage areas, and service areas.
The location of all present and proposed utility systems including;
Wastewater system.
Water supply.
Telephone, cable, or electrical systems (indicate whether underground).
Storm drainage system (drain lines, culverts, catch basins) and direction of surface water flow for the developed portions of the site.
Basic dimensions of buffers and setbacks.
Approximate percentage of the parcel in green space (both natural and landscaped) and percentage in impervious space (building, parking, surfaced storage, and drive access).
Provisions for handicapped persons under requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Stormwater containment/detention.
Elevations. Complete exterior elevations of all proposed buildings and existing buildings if they are joined to new development.
Exterior elevations of all sides of the building to show architectural detail.
Appropriate scale drawings (usually 1/4 inch equals one foot).
All signs to be mounted on the building.
Designation of the type of material and color to be used on the exterior.
Material samples need to be presented at the Committee meeting, including color and material type for walls and roof.
Discretionary Information. In some situations, less information may be required than indicated in Section 16.14(13) (a). However, in situations where developments are large or complex, or are in environmentally sensitive areas, or are in visually sensitive areas, it will require additional submission material to provide the Committee with a complete understanding of the nature of the proposed project. This may include, but is not limited to:
Site photographs depicting the site and its relationship to adjoining sites.
A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features, trees, forest cover, and water sources, plus all proposed changes to these features including size and type of plant material. Water sources will include ponds, lakes, streams, wetlands, floodplains, and drainage retention/detention areas.
Sites with steep slopes or unique natural features may require mapped contours at two-foot intervals.
Location and species of trees and the condition for forested areas undergoing new development.
Architectural renderings of preservations and elevations in full color.
Relationship to Other Ordinances. The intent of the Design Review Standards Ordinance is to have full support, cross-listing and integration among the appropriate Village codes. This is especially important among the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
Nothing included in this ordinance shall supplant, alter, replace, or amend in any way existing zoning requirements, sign requirements, construction codes, or other criteria as established by the Village for purposes of zoning, signage, and building permit application.
In the event of any changes, alterations, or deviation from the project's initial design review approval during the state application process, or thereafter, such changes must be resubmitted to the Committee for design review reconsideration and, as necessary, re-approval.
Maintaining Approved Design Conditions. The intent of the appropriate design review elements of natural resources, site design, building design, landscaping, lighting, and signage is that they will be maintained in a continued good appearance to sustain an overall high quality rural character. However, even the best initial designs can be compromised by improper and inadequate maintenance. Such maintenance problems decrease property values and provide negative impact on the entire Village. Therefore, it is a necessary function of design review to be concerned about continuing maintenance. For some design elements it will start with the selection of appropriate materials which can sustain the weather and low to moderate levels of maintenance. For other design elements, annual design maintenance will be essential. For still others, such as landscape plants, careful maintenance is essential and with plant failure, it will be necessary to replace dead trees and shrubs. The accumulation of debris, trash, and rubbish needs to be avoided.
Developments which receive design approval are expected to continue to maintain, or improve, the property appearance as judged by the design review criteria throughout the active life of the development including: short-term, seasonal, or long-term closure. It is within the responsibilities of the Village's design review authority to ensure the maintenance of approved design conditions.
Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator, under the authority of the Board, shall be the enforcing official. The penalty for violating any portion of this ordinance will be as approved from time to time by resolution of the Board.
Definitions. Unless specifically defined elsewhere in the Design Review Standards Chapter, definitions are provided to clarify the following commonly used terms:
The outward aspects of the development which are visible to the public and adjacent properties.
The aesthetic design of a building or group of buildings which includes the site design, landscape development, and signage which meets the conditions of the rural character and compliments rather than dominates a rural setting.
Buildings which present a large monolithic appearance of frontages and rooflines and otherwise lack the various planes, projections, bays, dormers, setbacks, and rooflines to provide pedestrian scale design for onsite users and appropriate rural character.
Refers to the governing body of the Village.
An area of land identified on a site plan in which landscaping is used to provide a transition between use areas to effectively reduce the environmental, aesthetic, and other impacts of one type of land use upon another.
A process of decision-making in which citizens and committee members decide what is appropriate in determining rural character design standards.
A development pattern in which uses, buildings, and parking are grouped or "clustered" rather than spread evenly along highways.
For the purposes of this ordinance, it includes the full range of uses identified under all business, commercial, and public zonings.
Suamico Design Review Committee.
These are citizen photos which illustrate positive and negative design for architecture, signage, landscaping, and natural features and are approved as representative examples of development that either contributes towards or detracts from rural character.
A series of design activities, listed under Section 7, which describe the standards by which new development will be judged for appropriateness in meeting rural character.
A committee established by the Board to conduct assigned responsibilities in land use planning which includes design review.
A combination of photos and text which communicates citizen design expectations for new development.
The existing native plant community which includes trees, shrubs, and ground cover.
Buildings which follow the prototypical corporate design standards and present an appearance.
Signs which adhere to prototypical corporate design standards and are expected to be the same for urban and rural settings.
The space reserved for the planting of turf, ground covers, perennials, annuals, shrubs, or trees.
The full range of industrial land uses recognized in the zoning ordinance.
Any combination of living plants (such as grass, ground cover, shrubs, trees) and nonliving landscape material (such as rocks, pebbles, sand, mulch, fences, or pedestrian paving materials).
Equipment, devices, and accessories, used for heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and similar purposes which can create an adverse visual impact without appropriate screening or design.
For the purposes of this ordinance, it includes apartments, condominium, Village houses and other forms of attached or higher density housing. Single family and duplexes are not included under design review.
Any plant species with a geographic distribution indigenous to the Village. Plant species indigenous to areas outside the Village and introduced by humans are not native vegetation.
A planting concept in which the choice of species and placement provides an aesthetic appearance of a native community or looks natural.
Conditions which reviewers tend to find negative in appropriateness for rural character (see Figure 5).
A process which will ensure the completion of landscaping or the site improvements in situations where the applicant fails to complete the activity in a reasonable period.
Area design standards for development which encourages flexibility and innovation of design in which more than one solution is possible; however, the development must meet the range of positive photo examples, performance strategies and relevant design review standards.
Natural and cultural resource strategies which are established to guide new development towards a desired future condition for the Village (see Section 7).
Conditions which viewers tend to find positive in appropriateness for rural character (see Figures 3 and 4).
Design standards which generally dictate a specific type of design condition as a requirement of approval in meeting appropriate rural character development.
The feeling associated with northern Wisconsin based on a unique identity and other memorable qualities in which the image of development provides the observer with strong visual and experiential images illustrated in the positive design assessment photos and lacks dominant urban and suburban visual characteristics. Designs that tend to blend with the landscape as opposed to standing out.
A structure or planting which conceals from public view the area behind such structure or planting.
A plan prepared to scale, showing accurately and with complete dimensioning the boundaries of a site and the location of all buildings, structures, uses, and principle site design features proposed for a specific parcel of land.
A linear "strip" of development which tends to front on both sides of well-traveled roads and extend inward for one parcel. Generally, designed with high vehicular access, excessive signage, limited landscaping, franchise, or uncoordinated architecture and an area primarily developed for auto uses.
Refers to Village, County of Brown, Wisconsin.