[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A special event in which more than 150 people attend and any of the following occurs: alcohol is sold or served; outdoor entertainment/amplified music is involved; tent(s) larger than 400 square feet are utilized; or the event lasts more than one day.
A special event with more than 150 people and no alcohol is sold or served or no outdoor entertainment/amplified music is provided.
The individual identified by the special event sponsor that will be on-site at all times during the special event to address problems as well as implement directions from Village officials during the special event.
Any activity that uses public streets, rights-of-way, sidewalks, or private property or may require increased levels of Village services. This includes, but is not limited to, fairs, festivals, sporting events, foot runs, walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, bike races, markets, outdoor merchandise sale, parades, parade of homes, exhibitions, auctions, dances, motion picture filming, and other similar events.
Funerals and funeral processions.
Students going to and from school or participating in educational activities or school sporting events, provided such activity is under immediate direction and supervision of the proper school authority.
Events sponsored by the Village or a Village agency.
Event in a Village park with under 150 people attending. Note: A park rental permit is required. Contact the Village Clerk's office.
[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
No person or organization shall conduct a special event as defined herein within the Village of Mukwonago without first having obtained a special event permit. Permits are valid only for the dates, time and location specified in the permit. This provision shall apply to all events proposed after the date of the adoption whether or not the event in question has been a reoccurring event within the Village.
A park rental permit may be required depending on the location of the special event and is not provided for in this permit process.
Other permits required. All vendors operating as part of a special event permit obtained under this code section shall obtain and display any and all required Village, county, or state permits for the duration of the event (i.e. food, vendor, temporary beer, etc.). If serving beer and/or alcohol there must be either a licensee or a person holding an operator's license on site in accordance with W.S.A., §§ 125.17(1), 125.32(2), and 125.68(2).
Special events with more than 50 people but less than 150 people, are not required to obtain a permit, but are encouraged to contact police services in advance of the event.
[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
Application requirements.
Application for a special event permit shall be filed with the Village Clerk at least 90 days prior to the proposed event.
Permit fees are required with submission of application. Permit fees shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Village Board.
The application shall include the following:
The name, address and phone number of the special event sponsor(s). If more than one person, entity or organization is the sponsor, all must be listed. In the case of a corporation, limited liability corporation, limited liability partnership, or partnership, the name and mailing address of each person holding 10% or more of the ownership.
The name, address and phone number for the special event sponsor's contact or agent.
The name, address and phone number of the event coordinator and the method by which the Village can contact the event coordinator during the special event.
Special event on private property.
The address of all private property upon which the special event is to be held, together with the name, and mailing address of the owners of record.
Notarized authorization from the property owner(s) that the applicant has permission to use property for a special event.
The nature of the assembly.
The dates and hours during the special event. Applicant should include dates and hours for set up and clean up in the information provided.
The maximum number of persons allowed at any given point at any time.
Plans and description for the following, as necessary for the event:
Fencing and gates as necessary to control access to or within the special event;
Potable water locations;
Toilet and lavatory facility locations and number;
Solid waste collection locations and disposal;
First aid station, or additional medical care facilities as required upon Village review;
Lighting plan, including location, hours of use and power source;
Parking size and location;
Access to event and to parking, if located separately;
Camping facilities;
Crowd control/security personnel including number and responsibilities (Note: The Village reserves the right to limit the size of the event pursuant to § 58-55);
Sound control and amplification, location, size and number of speakers and amplifiers;
Access for emergency vehicles and personnel.
Certification that by signing the application, the applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the event sponsor(s).
Applicant's acknowledgement that by signing and submitting the application they accept and comply with the provisions of § 58-54(a) and (b).
Proof of insurance as described in § 58-54(a) below.
Park rental approval, if applicable.
Application process.
Upon receipt of an application for a permit, the Village Clerk shall immediately distribute the complete application to police services, fire department, Administrator, public works department, inspection services, and park and recreation department for review and comment. Department review and comments shall be returned to the Clerk within 30 days of distribution of the application.
The Village, in reviewing the application, shall consult any other state, county or local body as necessary for assistance in evaluating the application in order to promote the safety, health, welfare and security of the residents of the Village of Mukwonago and the persons attending the special event.
Permit review.
The Clerk shall review class II applications for conformity with the provisions of this section and the comments from the departments and if the applicable requirements are met, shall issue a permit.
The Village Board shall review all class I permit applications and department recommendations and either deny the permit, approve the permit or approve the permit with conditions. The permit shall be issued by the Clerk.
[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
Liability insurance. The special event sponsor is required to obtain insurance for special events that include alcohol, have more than 150 people per day or involve a road closure. Proof of comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage of not less than $1,000,000 which names and endorses the Village, its officers, agents, employees, and contractors as an additional insured party shall be submitted to the Village no later than 20 days before the event. The applicant shall notify the Village in the event there is a modification of any of the terms of the insurance coverage. Such notification shall be provided not less than two weeks prior to the effective date of that change. Any change to coverage requires Village approval.
Indemnification. The applicant and event sponsor(s) shall agree to hold the Village, its officers, employees, agents, and contractors, harmless against all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense (including but not limited to actual attorney's fees) incurred by the Village for any damage or injury to person or property caused by or resulting directly or indirectly from the activities for which the permit is granted.
Village services. All requests by applicants for Village services must be made at time of application. The applicant shall be responsible for reimbursement to the Village for any Village personnel, services, equipment, and facilities provided for the special event. Reimbursable costs shall be calculated to include wages, overtime, and fringe benefits. An invoice shall be sent to the applicant, within 15 days following the event. Payment is due within 30 days of invoice. The Village reserves the right to require full or partial payment of estimated costs in advance. Requests for use of a hydrant meter shall be processed separately through the Mukwonago Water Utility.
Cleaning/damage deposit. The applicant may be required to submit to the Village a cleaning/damage deposit of $200 per day for each scheduled day of the event (or a portion thereof), two weeks prior to the starting date of the event. The deposit shall be refunded to applicant, if, upon inspection, all is in order, or a prorated portion thereof as may be necessary to reimburse the Village for loss or cleaning costs. The Village reserves the right to retain the entire deposit if cleanup is not completed satisfactorily in the time frame as specified in the permit. Unless otherwise stated in the permit, the applicant shall be fully responsible for all necessary cleanup associated with the permitted event to be completed within 12 hours after the conclusion of the event.
Noise. Amplified music, public address systems, loudspeakers, or other amplification devices must end by 11:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and by 10:00 p.m. all other nights. (Note: The Village reserves the right to shut down or limit the amplified music pursuant to § 58-55.)
Sufficient staffing and security. The special event sponsor shall provide sufficient staffing to provide assistance with crowd control, parking, sanitation, and medical services. A determination as to these needs will be made by the departments as part of the review process. All special events that are determined to require added police presence will agree to terms of payment to the Village prior to the event being held. The Village will bill the individual, group or organization for the actual cost of staff incurred by the Village. If alcohol is served, one police reserve officer will be required for every 300 people anticipated. If no alcohol is served, one police reserve officer will be required for every 600 people anticipated.
Event coordinator. The special event sponsor shall have at least one representative on site during the event at all times, as identified on the permit application. Depending on the size and activities of the event, the Village may require a meeting with Village staff prior to the event occurring.
Site requirements.
All tents must be installed under the International Fire Code Chapter 24 or the National Fire Protection Association 1, Chapter 34.
Wiring shall be installed by a licensed electrician. All persons requiring electricity at a special event shall follow NEC and SPS Ch. 316, Wis. Administrative Code.
Attendees and staffing shall not exceed the maximum number which can reasonably attend at the location of the special event, in consideration of the nature of the special event.
Responsibility for arranging any inspections required to meet these standards or any other requirements prior to the special event is the sponsor's. Any fees for such inspections shall be paid by the special event sponsor.
Notification. The Village may require that the permit holder give written notice 15 days in advance of the Village Board meeting where action is scheduled to be taken regarding the proposed event to any property owners or tenants as determined during the Village departments' review. Notice shall, at a minimum, include the type of event, name of the special event sponsor(s), date, time and location, event coordinator's name and contact information during the event.
[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
The Village may limit the size of or shut down a special event if it is deemed to be a public safety hazard or public nuisance by police services or the fire department, or there is a violation of Village or county ordinances, state statutes or the terms of the applicant's permit. The Village may limit or shut down any amplified music at an event if complaints are received by the police department from neighboring citizens. The Village Administrator or designee may revoke an approved special event permit if the applicant fails to comply with the provisions of the permit prior to the event date.
[Ord. No. 873, § I(Att.), 6-17-2014]
Reasons for denial of a special event permit include, but are not limited to:
The event will disrupt traffic within the Village beyond practical solution.
The event will create a likelihood of endangering the public.
The event will interfere with access to emergency services.
The location or time of the special event will cause undue hardship or excessive noise levels to adjacent businesses or residents.
The event will require the diversion of Village resources(s) that would unreasonably affect the maintenance of regular Village service levels.
The application contains incomplete or false information.
The applicant fails to provide proof of insurance.
Inadequate provision for garbage or debris removal.
Inadequate provision of temporary restroom facilities.
Inadequate provisions for parking.
Denial of a permit by the joint park and recreation department.
Applicant fails to submit the required fees and/or deposits.