This chapter shall be enforced by the Zoning Administrator who shall be appointed by the governing body. The Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of that body. Compensation shall be fixed by the governing body. In his/her interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare.
Nothing contained herein shall require any change in the plans or construction of any building or structure for which a permit was granted prior to the effective date of this chapter. However, such construction permit must commence within 30 days after this chapter becomes effective. If construction is discontinued for a period of six months or more, further construction shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter for the district in which the operation is located.
Where the conditions imposed by any provision of this chapter upon the use of land or buildings or upon the bulk of buildings are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any other provision of this chapter, the regulations which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards or requirements shall govern.
This chapter is not intended to abrogate any easement, restriction, covenant or any other private agreement, provided that where the regulations of this chapter are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements than such easements, covenants or other private agreements, the requirements of this chapter shall govern.
No building, structure or use which was not lawfully existing on December 1, 1971, shall become or be made lawful solely by reason of the adoption of this chapter, and to the extent that, and in any manner that, such unlawful building, structure or use is in conflict with the requirements of this chapter, such building, structure or use remains unlawful hereunder. (See Article V.)
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Unless district boundary lines are fixed by dimensions or otherwise clearly shown or described, and where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the districts as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following or being at right angles to the center line of streets, highways, alleys or railroad main tracks, such center line or lines at right angles to such center line shall be construed to be such boundaries, as the case may be.
Where a district boundary is indicated to follow a river, creek or branch or other body of water, said boundary shall be construed to follow the center line at low water or at limit of the jurisdiction, and in the event of change in the shoreline such boundary shall be construed as moving with the actual shoreline.
If no distance, angle, curvature description or other means is given to determine a boundary line accurately and the foregoing provisions do not apply, the same shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on said Zoning Map. In case of subsequent dispute, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals which shall determine the boundary.
Should any article or provision of this chapter be decided by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this chapter as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so held to be unconstitutional or invalid.
All conflicting ordinances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed.
The effective date of this chapter shall be from and after its passage and legal application, and its provisions shall be in force thereafter until repealed. This chapter of Amelia County, Virginia, shall be effective at and after December 1, 1971, and subsequent amendments thereto.
[Amended 6-29-2004]
After holding public hearings as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the Board of Supervisors may adopt (and thereafter amend as necessary) a fee schedule to cover the cost of making inspections, issuing permits, advertising of notices, processing of rezoning applications and other expenses incident to the administration of this chapter or to the filing or processing of any appeal or amendment thereto. A copy of the fee schedule shall be maintained in the Zoning Administrator's office.