[Added 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 239-2020]
The Limited Commercial (LC) District intends to accommodate the need to provide goods and services to the public, including retail, professional, and personal services, on a smaller scale than is permitted in the General Commercial (GC) District. This District also seeks to maintain and preserve the rural character of the Township by limiting the size and scope of the uses permitted in the District. The District generally is accessible to transportation and is compatible with uses on neighboring properties and in surrounding communities. The uses provided in this District are meant to service local residents as well as persons traveling through or to the area.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
Business and professional offices, including medical, dental, and social service agencies, provided that the gross floor area does not exceed 5,000 square feet.
Event venue in accordance with § 240-115.2.
Hotels, motels, and inns with a minimum lot area of 2.5 acres.
Public utility service structures, subject to the provisions of § 240-96.
Retail stores and shops, provided that the gross floor area does not exceed 10,000 square feet.
Restaurants (excluding fast food), and taverns with a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres.
Commercial communications antenna attached to an existing structure and meeting the requirements of § 240-105A.
Small scale agricultural operations.
Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted when a special exception is granted by the Zoning Hearing Board after public hearing. In granting any special exception, the Zoning Hearing Board may attach conditions to its approval which are necessary in order to preserve and protect the character of the district.
Commercial communications antennas and towers, not on an existing structure, subject to the provisions of § 240-105B.
Veterinary facilities and kennels constructed in accordance with and subject to the provisions of § 240-94.
Special events, such as reenactments, holiday displays, and the like on a lot containing an event venue, when such special events are expected to have more than 10,000 guests, participants, employees, and contractors present in the aggregate per day.
Temporary retail, food and concession facilities when operated on a lot containing an event venue in conjunction with special events, such as reenactments, holiday displays, and the like, in accordance with § 240-115.2, provided that a special exception is only required when the events in question are reasonably expected to exceed 10,000 guests, employees and participants in the aggregate per day.
Temporary tent camping for special events in accordance with § 240-115.2, provided that the number of tented camping spots may not exceed 750 and adequate sanitation facilities must be provided.
A church, chapel or religious structure.
A bed and breakfast in a dwelling in existence on January 1, 2020, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of § 240-92.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above special exception uses.
The table of Design Requirements in the Limited Commercial District is included as an attachment to this chapter. See § 240-147, Table 240, Attachment 8.
All uses in the Limited Commercial (LC) District shall be subject to the performance standards as provided in § 240-114. All uses within the Limited Commercial (LC) District shall be served by public sewer and water.