[Amended 7-16-2001 by HB 01-03, 5-3-2005 by HO-2005-06]
Unless otherwise provided, violations of this chapter shall be punishable as a municipal infraction and the fine for any single initial violation shall be $100, with the fine for each repeat of that offense shall be $200.
The fine for any single initial violation of Article II shall be $250 and the fine for each repeat of that offense shall be $500.
In addition to the penalties prescribed above, the City shall have the right to institute injunction, mandamus or any other appropriate civil action or proceeding to prevent violations of this chapter. The provisions of the Real Property Article of the Maryland Code § 14-120, as amended, shall be followed when they apply to the proceeding.
Where a municipal infraction citation has been issued for a violation of this chapter, each thirty-day period following the issuance of said citation during which the violation(s) continues unabated or recurs shall constitute a separate violation for which additional citations may be issued, and additional fines incurred.
Stop orders.
Whenever any work is being done without a permit, when such is required by this Code, or in violation of the provisions of this chapter or in exception with the term of any permit issued for such work, the City Administrator or his or her duly authorized representative, or the Code Officer, may order all or part of the work on the job stopped until such violation or exception is eliminated and the work or installation made in violation of this subtitle is corrected. Such stop order, if oral, shall be followed by a written stop order within 24 hours (excluding Saturday, Sunday or holidays).
It shall be unlawful to do or perform any work in violation of such stop order, except as may be necessary to prevent injury or damage to persons or property or to correct the violation.
The stop order shall contain, or be accompanied by, a written notice indicating that there is a right to a hearing within a reasonable time before the City Administrator or his or her designee. Such request for a hearing must be filed in writing at the City office no later than 72 hours. The owner or permittee affected by such stop order shall be entitled to such hearing as quickly as feasible, but at least within 48 hours of receipt of such request for hearing by the City Administrator. The City Administrator, or a designated impartial member of his or her staff who has or is delegated authority to act, shall afford the owner or permittee a fair hearing with an opportunity to present evidence or testimony that is relevant to the stop order. The owner or permittee shall be afforded reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing at the time of the request in person, or by telephone or other appropriate means if the request is forwarded in writing.
The penalty for violating any stop order shall be a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of $1,000 and/or 30 days imprisonment.
Abatement. The City may order the abatement of any violation of this chapter pursuant to the notice and orders requirements of this chapter at § 68-6. Hearings on such notices and orders shall be governed by § 68-5 appeals.