[Amended on 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01]
The City Administrator, Chief of Police and Director of Public Works may, whenever emergencies require, order that parking of vehicles be prohibited on portions of streets and alleys in the City which, during such emergencies, may be subject to congestion of traffic, provided that signs stating the areas in which parking is so prohibited and the length of time of such prohibition shall be prominently displayed in such areas.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 2-84]
All vehicles shall be parked with the right wheel to the curb, except on streets designated for one-way traffic, in which event vehicles may be parked with the left wheel to the curb headed in the direction of traffic, unless otherwise prohibited and except as otherwise provided.
No vehicle shall be parked or left standing in the streets unattended when not in motion, except in case of an emergency, at a greater distance than 12 inches from the curb on any street in the City.
[Added 10-7-1985 by HB No. 4-85]
The color yellow or white traffic paint or yellow or white pavement marking tape is hereby designated and shall identify official parking restrictions when applied on or in safety zones, traffic lanes, curb gutters, crosswalks, fire hydrants, intersection curblines, stop signs and the like uses, when painted on or placed on or in the streets and roads and any other place applicable hereto, within the City of Hyattsville.
It shall be unlawful for a person to park a vehicle unless a bona fide emergency exists which disables the vehicle, in any restricted area or place identified by the official traffic yellow or white paint or yellow or white pavement marking tape, whether or not supplemented by other official traffic signs.
[Amended on 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01, 12-2-2013 by HO-2013-07, 12-21-2015 by HO-2015-05]
In addition to the prohibitions and regulations contained in §§ 21-1003 and 21-1004 of the Transportation Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, it shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle at any time on any street or highway in the City if such vehicle or any part thereof is within any of the following locations:
Within 15 feet in either direction from a bus stop sign.
For the duration of an emergency, within 25 feet of any sign or device posted by or with permission of the City Administrator, the Public Works Department or Police Department indicating that parking is prohibited because of an emergency, unless such sign or device sets forth the area in which parking is prohibited because of an emergency, then, in such cases, within the designated area.
At a location contrary to directions given by any member of the Police Department or Fire Department to keep clear fire lines or police lines or to facilitate the flow of traffic at or near the scene of a fire, accident or other emergency, provided that the prohibition of parking at such a location is made known to the person so parking.
On any sidewalk or on any property adjacent to the roadway and in the public right-of-way.
In front of any barricade or sign that has been placed for the purpose of closing a street.
Within 25 feet of any temporary traffic calming device.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such parking will interfere with traffic.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
At a location which will reduce the width of the open roadway in either direction to less than 10 feet along a street or will obstruct a clear passageway along the same for fire apparatus or any other vehicle.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
In any alley unless parking in such alley is specifically allowed.
Within three feet of any part of a driveway apron or at a location which impedes the access to or obstructs the entrance to any private driveway or the entrance to any buildings or garage or prevents passage over and upon any private driveway or private vehicle entrance connecting private property with an abutting street.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Upon any private driveway or upon any private property, unless with permission of the person in control thereof.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Within a street or alley intersection.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Within any crosswalk.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Within 30 feet of the curbline of an intersecting street.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3- 84]
On any bridge, viaduct or approach thereto.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
Within 25 feet of, in the direction of approach to, any stop sign or official marker designating an arterial highway, unless otherwise marked or posted.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 3-84]
[Amended 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01]
Wherever a space shall be marked on any street or public right-of-way for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle there parked shall be parked within the lines bounding such space.
On all other property owned or leased by the City, parking shall be allowed only in areas designated for parking, and only within one space marked within the lines bounding such parking space.
No automobile or vehicle of any description shall be left unattended upon any street or public space in the City for a continuous period longer than 48 hours unless otherwise permitted by this chapter.
[Amended 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01]
All traffic control devices placed on the streets, roads or highways or other public places (including property owned or leased by the City) to govern the stopping, or parking of vehicles over such streets, roads, highways or property (parking signs) shall be strictly observed by any and all persons. It shall be unlawful to disregard such traffic control devices or signs unless directed otherwise by a police officer on the scene.
A traffic control device governing parking is presumed to be duly authorized if it has been placed on or near a roadway and conforms in size, color, shape and graphics to the Federal Highway Administration Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the Maryland State Highway Administrative Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, the State of Maryland Sign Book or to signs in regular use by the City which conform to the State of Maryland regulations.
Unless other procedures are required, the City Administrator, after consultation with the Police Department and the Public Works Department, may authorize the placement or removal of parking signs that he or she deems necessary for the safety of the public.
All parking signs in place within the City which conform to State of Maryland regulations on March 27, 2011 are hereby authorized by the City.
Nothing in this chapter shall curtail the authority of the City Council over the placement or removal of approved parking signs in the City by motion, resolution or ordinance.
[Added 1-17-1984 by HB No. 4-84; amended 12-17-1984 by HB No. 10-84; 6-1-1998 by HR 98-02, 10-4-2004 by Ord. 2004-14, 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01]
Any vehicle in violation of the provisions of Article III shall have attached to it a notice, upon such form as may be approved by the City, to the owner of such vehicle of the violation and penalties therefor.
The fine for a violation of 114-16(K) shall be $100.
[Deleted 3-27-2011 by HO-2011-01]