[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Short Title. This Act shall be entitled "The Committee Procedures Act".
Purpose. The Committee Procedures Act shall be liberally interpreted and construed to fulfill the following expressed purposes:
To provide for the organization of Tribal committees,
To provide definitions for the different categories of Tribal committees,
To provide for classifications of committee roles in Tribal government,
To provide for the delineation of the powers and duties of Tribal committees,
To provide for compensation for committee members,
To provide for clarification regarding staff participation in the committee structure.
Definitions. As used in this Act:
"Constitutional Committee": A Tribal committee mandated or implied in the GTB Constitution or so designated by the Tribal Council.
"Program Committee": A Tribal committee mandated by various federal or state grants or contracts.
"Community Action Committees": Unofficial, non-Tribal committees organized by Tribal community members outside the purview of the Tribal government.
"Ad Hoc Committee": Committees authorized by Tribal Council for special, singular purpose that dissolve upon completion of its assigned mission.
"Members at Large": Tribal community members not members of the Tribal Council or administrative staff.
"Staff Members": Employees of Grand Traverse Band whose employment is directly related to Committee.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
All Tribal Committees shall be created by Tribal Council resolution.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Constitutional committees shall be authorized by expressed or implied language in the GTB Constitution.
Program committees shall be authorized by the Tribal Council through its approval of the specific Tribal program.
Ad hoc committees shall be authorized by Tribal Council Resolution.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Constitutional Committees shall be permanent in nature.
Program committees shall terminate upon expiration of the underlying program's grant or contract.
Ad hoc. committees shall terminate upon completion of their specific task, or a time certain, as detailed in the Tribal Council resolution creating the ad hoc committee.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Constitutional committees shall meet on a regular basis, at least quarterly, to gather and/or disseminate information and to make recommendations to the Tribal Council or Tribal Court to assist the Council and the Court in carrying out their constitutional mandates.
Program Committees shall meet as required by the program to assist the staff in carrying out its program mandate.
Ad hoc committees shall meet as needed to achieve the goals and objectives as outlined in the Tribal Council resolution creating the ad hoc committee.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994; Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995; and Tribal Act #01-19.941, enacted by Tribal Council via telephone poll on February 6, 2001.]
Constitutional committees shall be composed of not less than four or more than 10 members.
At least one member shall be a Tribal Council member.
A Tribal Council member shall serve as chair of constitutional committees.
Members must be appointed by the Tribal Council and shall serve at the pleasure of the Tribal Council.
The Tribal Council and/or committee members shall solicit members to serve on committees in the GTB newsletter and by posting in Tribal Buildings.
A Tribal Council member who loses an election, is recalled, resigns or is removed from office, shall relinquish his or her membership on Tribal committees.
Program committees shall be of a size prescribed in the program's grant or contract.
Members shall be appointed by Tribal Council upon recommendation from program staff.
The composition of the Appropriations Committee shall be governed by the Appropriations Act.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Committees shall adopt rules of procedures for the conduct of their business subject to the approval of Tribal Council.
Notice requirements for committee meetings shall comport with notice provisions of the GTB Constitution, Article III, Section 5.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Proposed legislation shall originate with or be referred to the appropriate constitutional committee which shall hold open meetings to discuss the proposed legislation.
The committee shall then make written recommendations to the Tribal Council.
Any committee member who disagrees with the committee's recommendation may make a written minority report to the Tribal Council, outlining their opposition to the committee's recommendation.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Committee meetings shall be open to the membership pursuant to Article III, Section 5(d) of the GTB Constitution except in cases involving Indian Child Welfare matters, matters of confidentiality, items covered by the Privacy Act, personnel matters and legal matters.
Committee records shall be open to the membership pursuant to Article III, Section 4 of the GTB Constitution except in cases involving matters of confidentiality, the Privacy Act, Indian Child Welfare matters, personnel matters or legal matters.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Tribal Council members appointed to Constitutional committees who serve as committee chairs, shall receive a stipend for attendance at committee meetings in an amount as pursuant to policy, established by the Tribal Council.
Members at large and Tribal Council members not serving as chairperson shall receive a stipend equal to 1/2 that of the Tribal Council members serving the committee as chairperson.
Program Committee members shall not receive stipends.
Ad hoc committee members may receive stipends if authorized by the Tribal Council resolution creating the ad hoc committee.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
Staff members whose work is directly related to the work of a committee, may be given release time to attend committee meetings during working hours, with the prior approval of the Tribal Manager and the Personnel Director.
Staff members whose attendance is required at committee meetings before or after work hours, may arrange for compensation time (flex time) with the prior approval of the Tribal Manager and Personnel Director.
[History: Tribal Act #92-10.85, enacted by Tribal Council on December 15, 1992. As amended by Tribal Act #94-12.184, enacted by Tribal Council on November 15, 1994, and Tribal Act #95-13.232, enacted by Tribal Council on April 18, 1995.]
In appointing committee members, preference shall be given first to Tribal members; Native American community members; Native Americans.