[Ord. 8/15/66 Preamble; Ord. #4-89 Preamble]
To prevent unregulated and uncontrolled relocation, filling, excavation or removal of earth on a large scale which may result in conditions detrimental to the public safety, health and general welfare.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 1; Ord. #4-89 § 2]
As used in this section:
Shall mean a plan for soil removal approved by the Township Committee pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Shall mean soil, that when dried, contains not less than four (4%) percent by weight of organic matter and the balance of which is mineral matter.
Shall mean a parcel of land used or designed to be used by one (1) use or structure or by a related group of uses or structures, and any accessory uses or structures. A lot may or may not be the land shown as a single lot on a duly recorded plat or the official Tax Map of the Township. In determining a lot, the Township Committee may use the lot as shown on the official Township Tax Map or may combine more than one (1) lot if there is a related group of uses or structures.
Shall mean a soil removal permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Shall mean and include corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships, and joint stock companies as well as individuals.
Shall mean any earth, clay, loam, gravel, stone, sand, dirt, humus, and any mixtures thereof, including ballast or processed fill without regard to the presence or absence of organic matter.
Shall mean the arable soil within eight (8") inches of the surface.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 2, 8; Ord. #4-89 § 3; Ord. #99-11; Ord. #2004-05 § 1]
No person shall excavate or otherwise remove soil from any lot or lots in the Township for use outside the confines of the lot nor shall any owner of property in the Township of Frelinghuysen import into the Township of Frelinghuysen from any location outside of the municipal boundaries of Frelinghuysen Township any soil or other fill material without first having procured a permit from the Township Engineer or such other official as may be designated from time to time by the Township Committee by resolution and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the Warren County Soil Conservation District.
No permit shall be required for the removal of the soil from any property of the Township under the following circumstances:
If the total amount of soil to be removed does not exceed five hundred (500) cubic yards removed over a period within five (5) years from any particular lot.
If the soil removal is incidental to the construction of site improvements which have been approved by the Township Planning Board or Board of Adjustment pursuant to a site plan approval, and/or subdivision approval and the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment has approved the soil removal. The Approving Board shall set forth in the Resolution of Approval the amount of soil to be removed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Such approval shall not require the applicant to pay fees pursuant to this chapter.
Any soil or fill proposed to be imported into the Township of Frelinghuysen from any location outside of the municipal boundaries of Frelinghuysen Township shall be identified by the person proposing to import such fill into the Township. The Township Engineer or such other official as may be designated by the Township Committee by resolution shall have the right to request that samples of the soil proposed to be imported and/or samples of the fill likewise proposed to be imported shall first be supplied to the Township Engineer and/or such other person as may be designated by the Township Committee as aforementioned. The person proposing to import such soil and/or fill shall post with the Township the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars as an escrow to be used by the Township Engineer or such other official as may be designated by the Township Committee for the purpose of having tests performed on such soil and/or fill material to assure that such soil and/or fill material does not contain any hazardous or injurious substance which as defined by applicable State or Federal law might have an adverse impact upon the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Frelinghuysen Township. No permit to allow the importation of any such soil and/or fill material shall be issued by the Township Engineer and/or such other person as designated by the Township Committee if such soil and/or fill contains any such hazardous or injurious substances.
The application for a permit to import soil and/or fill material shall contain the same information as required under Code subsection 14-1.5 with respect to the removal of soil except wherein said section any reference is made to the removal or moving of such soil, such section shall be modified with the insert of the word "importing and/or bringing" and/or "importation" as the case may be. The provisions of subsections a, b, c and d of subsection 14-1.5 shall likewise be applicable to any permit for the importation of soil into the Township of Frelinghuysen.
[Ord. #4-89 § 4]
Applications for soil removal shall be referred to the Planning Board and Environmental Commission of the Township for their recommendations and reports on the planning and environmental aspects of the application. In the event the Planning Board and Environmental Commission fail to advise the Township Committee of their recommendations or file their reports within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of the referral, and unless the time shall be extended by the mutual agreement of the Township Committee and the applicant, then the Township Committee may grant or deny the permit without the recommendations or reports.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 3; Ord. #4-89 § 5]
Application for a soil removal permit shall be filed with the Clerk of the Township in triplicate accompanied by the fees as set forth herein and the application shall set forth the following.
The name and address of the applicant.
The name and address of the owner if other than the applicant.
A description and location of the lot or lots in question including the Tax Map, Lot and Block numbers.
The purpose or reason for moving the soil.
The kind and quantity in cubic yards of soil to be removed and the projected daily removal in cubic yards.
The designation of soil to be moved, the route over which the material will be transported and hours of operation.
The proposed date of commencement and completion of the soil removal.
The name, address and telephone number of the person having direct charge of the soil removal operation.
The name and address of the excavator, contractor, or person having ex-press charge, supervision and control of the proposed excavation work.
The application shall also be accompanied by a topographical map in triplicate of the lands in question. The map shall be prepared and certified by a licensed professional engineer or a licensed land surveyor on a horizontal scale of not more than one hundred (100') feet to the inch, with contours at two (2') foot intervals, and the map in addition shall show the following:
The present grades on a fifty (50') foot grid layout.
The proposed finish grade.
The quantity and cubic yards of soil to be removed.
All existing structures on the subject premises and within two hundred (200') feet thereof.
All existing roads and drainage areas within two hundred (200') feet of the property including the grades of all such roads.
Location of all soil storage areas.
Methods of controlling siltation.
The elevation of the water table if it is within eight (8') feet of the proposed final contour, or certification that the water table is not within eight (8') feet of the pro-posed final contour. The determination of the water table is to be by an approved method and shall be certified by a professional engineer, which certification shall also show the date the tests were made.
Drainage calculations prepared by a licensed professional engineer indicating the amount of drainage prior to any soil removal or filling and the anticipated drainage calculations after the soil removal and/or filling.
Wetland delineation in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Regulations.
The location of any underground tanks on the lot which is the subject of the soil removal and on any lots within two hundred (200') feet from the boundary line.
All existing trees on the lot which is the subject of the soil removal having a diameter of two and one half (2 1/2") inches measured four and one half (4 1/2") inches from ground level; a designation of the trees to be removed and the plan for replacing the trees.
The applicant will furnish an environmental impact statement in accordance with the requirements of an impact statement for subdivision approval in the Township.
In addition to the above requirements, the applicant shall furnish such other pertinent data as the Township Engineer shall require after he has had an opportunity to examine the proposed application and project.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 7; Ord. #4-89 § 6]
Along with the application there shall be deposited with the Township Clerk the amount of one hundred ($100.00) dollars to cover administrative costs for review of the pro-posed soil removal operation. In addition, the Township Engineer upon a review of the application shall determine the amount of an escrow to be paid by the applicant to cover the fees for review and analysis of the application including the costs of any additional experts to be retained by the Township to review the application. This amount will be deposited with the Township Clerk within five (5) days of notification to the applicant by the Township Clerk. Upon approval of the application by the Township Committee and prior to the issuance of a permit, the Township Engineer shall determine the amount of escrow to be paid by the applicant for the inspection work to be performed by the Township Engineer during the period of the duration of the permit. The applicant shall be required to maintain a minimum balance in this escrow account as established by the Township Engineer and shall replenish that escrow account when it falls below the minimum amount. Upon completion of the removal and certification of the engineer as to satisfaction of all conditions, any balance in the escrow account shall be returned to the applicant. In the event that an applicant does not receive the approval, any balance left in the escrow account for the review of the application shall be returned to the applicant.
Bond Required. Before any work is done for which a permit is required, and during the period of time covered by the permit, the applicant shall file and maintain a bond in a form and with a surety approved by the Township Attorney in an amount that in the opinion of the Township Engineer shall be sufficient to insure the faithful performance of the work to be undertaken pursuant to the conditions of the permit and its terms.
The amount of any performance bond or guarantee may be reduced by the Township Committee by resolution when portions of the improvements or works have been completed, upon recommendation of the Township Engineer.
Release from Bond. When all required performances have been completed, the applicant shall notify the Township Committee in writing of the completion and shall send a copy to the Township Engineer. The Township Committee shall authorize the Township Engineer to inspect the site to determine that all requirements of the approved plan have been complied with. The Municipal Engineer shall file a report in writing with the Township Committee which shall be detailed and which will indicate either approval, partial approval or rejection. If the work covered by the bond or performance guarantee or any portion thereof is not approved or is rejected by the Municipal Engineer, the report shall contain a statement of reasons for such non-approval or rejection. Where the rejection indicates partial approval of the improvements or work, it shall indicate the cost of the work for which approval is rejected. The Township Committee shall accept or reject the work, grant partial approval or withhold approval, on the basis of the report and shall notify the obligor in writing by certified mail, of the contents of the report and the action of the Township Committee not later than ninety (90) days after receipt of notice from the obligor of the completion of the work. Where partial approval is granted, the obligor shall be released from all liability pursuant to his performance guarantee except for that portion adequately sufficient to secure the work not yet approved.
The Township Committee may, upon application, waive all of any portion of the fees or bonds for soil removal by a non-profit organization on good cause shown and in the discretion of the Township Committee.
[Ord. #4-89 § 7]
After receipt of an application, the Town-ship Committee shall advise the applicant of a date when the matter will be considered at a public hearing. Upon being advised of the date of the public hearing, the applicant shall serve written notice, either in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, upon all property owners within two hundred (200') feet from the boundary line of all property or properties from which the soil is to be removed. Such notice shall be served at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 4; Ord. #4-89 § 8]
The Township Committee, in considering and reviewing the application and in arriving at its decision and after a public hearing, shall be guided by and take into consideration the public health, safety and general welfare, and particular consideration shall be given to the following factors:
Soil erosion by water and wind.
Drainage (and the effect of flooding upon the premises in question) and surrounding properties.
Soil fertility.
Lateral support slope and grades of abutting streets and lands.
Land values and uses.
Such other factors as may bear upon or relate to the coordinated, adjusted and harmonious physical development of the Township.
Whether the proposed work will create a nuisance or be a detriment to the public health, safety or general welfare of the Township or its citizens.
Whether the property can be developed for its zoned use without the proposed soil removal.
Whether the proposed work will create a hazard.
The preservation of existing watercourses.
The creation of sharp declivities, pits or depressions.
Whether the proposed removal of soil is incidental to the development of the property or constitutes primarily a commercial activity.
Whether the municipality will suffer or be affected financially as a result of the soil removal.
[Ord. #4-89 § 9]
Upon conclusion of the public hearing and a review of all reports received by the Township Committee and using the criteria set forth and the factors to be considered in determining an application, the Town-ship Committee shall determine by vote of a majority of the Committee whether or not the permit shall be granted. If the permit is granted, the permit shall show the total number of yards of soil authorized to be removed, the lots from which it is to be removed, the duration of the permit, and any special terms and conditions of the soil removal operation. The permit shall be non-transferable.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 5; Ord. #4-89 § 10]
If a permit is issued for the removal of earth and soil as provided herein, the owner or person in charge shall so conduct the operations that there shall be no sharp declivities, pits or depressions. The area shall be properly leveled off, cleared of debris, and graded to conform with the contour lines and grades as required and shown on the approved plan. No soil shall be removed nor shall any operation be conducted so as to violate any of the regulations contained in this section after a permit is granted.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 6; Ord. #4-89 § 11]
Arable soil within four (4") inches of the surface shall not be removed from the licensed owner's premises, but promptly on completion of operations, or as otherwise directed by the Township Committee, the arable soil shall be respread on the surface as uniformly as possible and seeded with winter rye or other suitable planting. If the soil within four (4") inches of the top is not arable soil, arable soil must be spread thereon promptly when the operation is completed in each area. Provisions must be made for adequate drainage after the topsoil is replaced. No topsoil shall be removed from the Township.
[Ord. #4-89 § 12]
The following regulations shall be observed:
Soil removed shall not be deposited or in any way thrown or placed upon adjoining property or public roads. Any soil or material resulting from any operation accumulating on any adjoining property or public road shall be removed immediately upon notice by the Township Engineer to the permittee of the accumulation.
All operations shall be conducted strictly in accordance with any state law, other ordinances of the Township and the terms and conditions of any permit granted for the operations. No operation shall be permitted within one hundred (100') feet of any stream or wetlands as defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The operation shall be conducted so as not to constitute a nuisance to ad-joining owners or the Township, and in no event shall the operation create any extra hazardous or unsafe condition with regard to any person.
Upon completion of any operation or of excavation from any area delineated on the approved plan, the area shall be properly leveled off, cleared of debris, graded to conform to the contours and grades as approved by the Township Committee, and plantings made in accordance with the plan approved by the Township Committee. A final map shall be submitted containing and complying with all requirements as set forth in this section.
Soil shall not be removed except in accordance with the approved plan, which plan may, upon application, be amended from time to time by the Township Committee, as may be necessary.
No soil shall be removed which is within eight (8') feet of the water table unless approved by the Township Committee, and no soil shall be removed which is below the grade established and shown on the approved map.
No trash, garbage, junk or debris may be stored in any licensed area and no safety hazards will be permitted, either during or after the completion of the operations. All burning of combustible debris resulting from the soil operation shall be subject to the regulations set by the Fire Department or any regulation of a higher authority in effect and be undertaken so as not to create a smoke, nuisance or air pollution safety hazard.
Each permittee shall annually furnish a progress report to the Township Engineer, the first of which shall be submitted nine (9) months after issuance of the permit. This report shall consist of a sketch map at a scale of one (1") inch to one hundred (100') feet showing contours every two (2') feet, retained arable soil, equipment, the areas where soil was removed, the location of water supply and disposal facilities and drainage facilities prepared and certified by a licensed professional engineer. All topography shall be made by aerial photographic methods and a photograph submitted with the original application and each progress report.
In order to minimize the possibility of mud slides or drainage of silt, the area of operations for excavation shall not exceed a total of five (5) areas at any one (1) time without a replacement of topsoil and reseeding of the premises unless otherwise permitted by the Township Committee for good cause shown.
Upon the completion of work in any specific area, all respreading of arable soil and reseeding as required by this section shall be completed within sixty (60) days thereafter, except that if the completion of work in an area occurs during the winter months when it would not be practicable to respread topsoil and reseed, the work shall be completed within an additional time as specified by the Township Committee.
The Township Committee may modify or waive any of the above conditions or regulations where the applicant can show undue hardship by reasons of topography, grade or other special conditions or when the modifications would clearly be in the public interest. The Township Committee shall, in all cases, submit the proposed modifications to the Planning Board for report and recommendation before taking final action.
[Ord. #4-89 § 13; Ord. #2013-13]
Hours of operation shall be limited, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except in emergencies when authorized by the Township Committee. There shall be no operation of any kind on Sundays or legal holidays, except in emergencies when authorized by the Township Committee.
[Ord. #4-89 § 14]
While working an area, the working face of the excavation shall not exceed sixty (60°) degrees from the horizontal, nor shall a sixty (60°) degree angle have a vertical height exceeding thirty (30') feet, except that when soil conditions permit a greater angle and/or height or require a lesser angle and/or height from the horizontal, as determined by the Township Engineer, such greater or lesser specifications may be required or permitted. Any face not currently being worked on shall not exceed thirty (30°) degrees from the horizontal. Where an excavated area adjoins a public road, no excavation shall be made below the level of the road for a distance of one hundred (100') feet back from the center line of the road, except in instances where, on the low side of the road, the removal of material would not substantially alter the general terrain characteristics. Where an excavated area is within fifty (50') feet from any building, the finished grade shall not exceed ten (10%) percent or be less than two (2%) percent. Care should be taken so that there shall be no diversion of surface water either during the operation or after the project is complete.
[Ord. #4-89 § 15]
If in the opinion of the Township Engineer, the soil removal project, or any part thereof, has been abandoned, unnecessarily delayed, or the applicant has violated the terms and conditions of the approved plan and permit, the Township Engineer may so certify these facts to the Township Committee in writing. Upon giving seven (7) days' written notice by certified mail to the applicant, at the address on the permit application, the governing body may hold a hearing and revoke or suspend the permit or call upon any surety on the performance guarantee to complete the project. In the event of cash deposit guarantees, the Township may complete the project and deduct the cost from the deposit.
[Ord. #4-89 § 16]
Every permittee shall install materials approved by the Township Engineer at the exit of the properties from which the soil is being removed for a "Clean Pad" which shall have the effect of cleaning the tires of equipment which is leaving the site.
Every person who shall transport over the streets, roads, or highways in the Township, any soil removed from any land or premises pursuant to a soil removal permit issued in accordance with this section shall daily sweep, pick up and remove or cause to be swept, picked up and removed all dust, dirt, and mud from the roads, streets or highways, and shall apply or cause to be applied to the roads, streets or highways a dust preventative wherever the same shall be deemed necessary, and this shall be communicated to the holder of the permit by the Township Engineer. In the event of failure, neglect or refusal of any person to sweep, pick up and remove such dust, dirt and mud or to apply a dust preventative when required by this section, the Township Engineer is authorized to suspend any soil removal permit until, to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer, the streets have been satisfactorily cleaned.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 4; Ord. #4-89 § 17]
The permit will be issued for a term of one (1) year and may be renewed for one (1) year periods or any part thereof upon application to the Township Committee.
[Ord. 8/15/66 § 9; Ord. #4-89 § 18; New]
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be liable, upon conviction, to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day on which a violation occurs or continues. Nothing herein shall prevent the Township from applying to any Court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief.
Former Subsection 14-1.19, Collection of Above Ground Surface Stones, was repealed by Ord. No. 2013-14.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 14-1.20, Regulations for Importation of Soil and/or Fill Material into the Township, adopted by Ord. No. 2004-05, was repealed 12-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-12. For current provisions, see § 14-2.
[Added 12-16-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-12]
The placement of contaminated soil within the boundaries of the Township of Frelinghuysen poses a threat to the safety, public health, and general welfare of the Township's residents. The adoption and enforcement of this section does not exempt an applicant from required approvals of the local Soil Conservation District and is meant to act in conjunction with all Soil Conservation District requirements with respect to soil importation.
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person or entity who has filed an application with the Township Clerk pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 14-2.4 herein.
Soil or fill material containing one or more contaminants from an unintentional or intentional spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, or dumping of a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, pollutant, or naturally occurring contaminant at a concentration which fails to satisfy any applicable remediation standard as defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
All forms of reclaimed materials, whether organic or inorganic, including, by way of example, but not by way of limitation, quarry process, crushed masonry, recycled concrete aggregate, brick or brick fragments, asphalt millings, dredging materials, and any mixtures thereof or in mixtures with soil.
The presence of one or more contaminants at levels generally considered to pose a threat to human health, whether from short-term or long-term direct exposure, or from consequent degradation of surface water or groundwater resources.
The movement of soil or fill materials onto properties located within the boundaries of the Township of Frelinghuysen from one or more locations outside the Township's boundaries.
All contiguous lands owned by the same person or entity.
Includes all forms of earth, whether organic or inorganic, including, by way of example, but not by way of limitation, surface or subsurface dirt, stone, rock, gravel, crushed stone, sand, humus, clay, loam, minerals, topsoil, and any mixtures thereof.
Importation of contaminated soil or fill materials into the Township of Frelinghuysen is prohibited.
No person shall import or engage in any preparatory site work to import soil or fill materials onto a site within the Township of Frelinghuysen in quantities of 150 cubic yards or more without first having procured a permit therefor by the filing of an application for such soil importation with the Township Clerk. The application shall be accompanied by a minimum fee of $100 plus $10 per thousand cubic yards in excess of 100 cubic yards. The applicant shall also deposit an escrow with the Township Clerk in the amount of $150 to cover the costs of the Township Engineer's review of the application pursuant to Subsection 14-2.7. The Township Engineer may require additional escrow, provided that Township Engineer's initial review results in a determination that there is a need for additional engineering review or retention of professional services as described in Subsection 14-2.7 herein.
The application shall disclose the following:
Name and address of the applicant;
Name and address of the property owner (if other than the applicant);
Location of the property to which the soil or fill material is to be imported, including Tax Map block and lot;
Purpose for importation of the soil or fill material;
Specific location on the property at which the soil or fill material is to be placed;
Source of the soil or fill material, including name, address and address from which the soil or fill material is being imported;
Documentation from the soil or fill material supplier(s) certifying that the material imported is free of contaminants;
Proposed date of completion of the soil or fill material placement;
Approved soil erosion/sediment control permit (if applicable); and
Permit fee and escrow deposit.
Permits shall expire 90 days after approval pursuant to Subsection 14-2.4. Expired permits may be renewed one time upon the filing of a renewal application with the Zoning Officer. The renewal application shall be accompanied by a minimum fee of $100. Application for renewals shall be approved provided that there are no changes to the scope of the project or to the previously approved source(s) of imported soil and fill materials as described pursuant to Subsection 14-2.4. Material changes to the project, including, but not limited to, changes in scope of project or source(s) of imported soil and fill materials, shall result in denial of the renewal application. Denials of renewal applications shall not prejudice the refiling of an application for a permit pursuant to Subsection 14-2.4.
Where there is an approved site plan, and said site plan approval includes provisions for importation of soil or fill materials, no additional permit or fee shall be required. Permitted construction or repair of septic systems and driveways is explicitly exempted from the requirements of Subsection 14-2.4.
The Township Engineer shall review all applications required hereunder. If, in the opinion of the Township Engineer, professional review of the application including physical examination or testing of soil or fill materials is required, the Engineer shall forward all pertinent materials to a soil consultant or environmental consultant for review and testing. A certified testing soil laboratory report shall be delivered to the Zoning Officer within 30 days from the date of a completed application, during which time the permit shall be considered as pending approval with the possibility of denial. The report of the consultant shall be accompanied by an invoice for the services performed. The applicant shall establish an escrow fund in the Township Clerk's office to satisfy the cost of testing and professional review based upon an estimate of the cost involved to be provided by the Township Engineer.
If the Township Engineer, in the course of review, determines that Township roads may sustain meaningful "wear and tear" damage due to the passage of trucks carrying the imported materials, the Township's Road Department shall review the application. If meaningful damage is determined to be likely, the Road Department shall provide a reasonable estimate of excess costs attributable to truck traffic associated with the importation activity. Such estimates shall fairly apportion and distinguish between costs associated with the importation activity and those associated with normal usage of the Township's roadways, including occasional passage of heavy trucks. The applicant shall be solely responsible for costs attributable to the importation activity and shall establish an escrow fund in the Township Clerk's office sufficient to refund the Township for this expense.
If, during the course of soil or fill material importation, the Township Engineer shall determine that a physical examination of the material involved is required to ensure protection of public health and safety, the Township may retain, at its discretion, a soil consultant to examine the imported material. Such examination shall be at the sole expense of the applicant, who shall establish an escrow account to cover the possibility that this cost may be incurred.
If it is determined that contaminated soil or fill materials have been imported into the Township, whether unintentionally or intentionally, any ongoing importation activities shall cease immediately, and the property owner shall, at the Township's discretion, be responsible for remediation or removal of the material. If the imported material is determined to be hazardous, remediation and/or removal shall be required. Any such remediation or removal shall be conducted under the supervision of the Township Engineer at the sole expense of the property owner.
If the Township Engineer, in the course of review, determines the need for site plan review, the application shall be referred to the Land Use Board for review, and approval of the importation permit shall be stayed pending review of the application by the Land Use Board.
During the school year, which, for the purposes of this section, will be September 1 to June 30, truck traffic for the permitted importation of soil or fill materials shall be limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, inclusive. From July 1 to August 31, truck traffic for the permitted importation of soil or fill materials shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, inclusive. Traffic for permitted importation of materials is prohibited on Saturdays and Sundays.