Editor's Note: Former Ch. 6, GTB Police Commission, adopted by Tribal Act #05-23.1507, enacted by Tribal Council on 6-15-2005, was dissolved by Tribal Act #07-25.1784, enacted by Tribal Council on 6-20-2007.
[History: Adopted by Tribal Act #07-25.1784, enacted by Tribal Council on June 20, 2007.]
Establish a procedure for members of the Grand Traverse Band to file a written concern or complaint regarding a GTB Police Department action, established procedure or individual officer's conduct.
[History: Tribal Act #07-25.1784, enacted by Tribal Council on June 20, 2007.]
All GTB members can submit a complaint or concern in writing to the Police Department. The complaints/concerns will be reviewed under the procedures established in this policy. The Police Department will render a decision which will be sent to the citizen. Appeals of Police Department decisions can be made to the Tribal Council. All Tribal Council decisions are final.
[History: Tribal Act #07-25.1784, enacted by Tribal Council on June 20, 2007.]
Written complaint/concern.
A Citizen Complaint Form can be obtained from the Police Department Dispatch Officer. The complaint should be filled out completely and returned to Dispatch.
Upon receiving the complaint, the Captain of Police will review the form and make assignments within the department staff to investigate the complaint if required, in compliance with 3 GTBC § 508.
The Police Department will send a letter to the complainant confirming receipt of the complaint form within 72 hours of receiving the complaint.
An investigative report will be completed and reviewed by the Captain of Police within 14 calendar days of receiving the complaint. The complainant will be sent a letter outlining the conclusions of the investigation.
A monthly report shall be submitted to the Tribal Council outlining each Citizen's Complaint that was filed for that month and its conclusion.
Appeal procedures.
If a GTB citizen is not satisfied or disagrees with the conclusions provided by the Police Department, an appeal can be made to the Tribal Council by submitting a written request to the GTB Legal Department within seven days of the rendering of the Police Department's decision.
Appeals to the Tribal Council will be in writing with all points of contention outlined. Any proofs or supporting documentation must be submitted to the Council along with the appeal.
The Tribal Council will review all appeals and render a decision, or hold a hearing at the next regularly scheduled Tribal Council Session.
The hearing will be closed to the public. All people that are sources of information will be required to provide testimony before the Council.
The Council will draw conclusions from the hearing and render a decision as to whether the original complaint was meritorious or non-meritorious.
In the event the Council deems the original complaint to be meritorious, the Council shall recommend an appropriate action to the Captain of Police.
In the event the Council deems the original complaint to be non-meritorious, the matter shall be dismissed. The Tribal Council's decision is final.
The Council will provide a decision on all hearings within a reasonable amount of time.