[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The organization shall be organized and operated for the following purposes:
To provide for sanitary community water supply and community wastewater treatment and disposal systems;
To assume control of and responsibility for the operation, repair and maintenance of the water and sewer facilities and equipment so as to keep said facilities in good operating condition, in accordance with accepted standards and practices;
To establish service charges sufficient to sustain the proper operation, maintenance and repair of the system, and to provide for depreciation, and contingencies; and
To collect such service charges from individuals, businesses, concerns and establishments and any other entities served by the system.
The purpose of this ordinance is to comply with the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.; Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. § 300f et seq.; and the provisions governing "Treatment as a State". CWA § 518, 33 U.S.C. § 1377; SDWA § 1451, 42 U.S.C. § 300j-11.
Tribal Water Quality Standards are provisions of law that:
Specifically designate the uses of surface waters;
Establish the water quality criteria that are necessary to protect designated uses; and
Establish an antidegradation policy and implementation procedures for maintaining and protecting existing water quality.
See Tribal Water Quality Standards Available through EPA, last visited April 18, 2006.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
Tribe or Band" means the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians.
"Council" means the governing body of the Grand Traverse Band Tribal Council.
"GTB Department of Public Works" is the department that has been set up and is authorized to operate and maintain the community water and wastewater facilities and to provide utility services as directed by the Tribe.
"Community Water System" means the water supply system owned by the Tribe.
"Community Sewerage System" means the sewerage system owned and operated by the Tribe for the collection and disposal of liquid and water-carried domestic and industrial wastes.
"Department" means the GTB Department of Public Works.
"Plumbing Fixtures" means the receptacles, devices or appliances supplied with water or which receive or discharge liquids or liquid borne wastes, all necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves and appurtenances in or adjacent to the building.
"Individual Sewage Disposal System" means a sewage disposal system other than the community sewerage system for the collection and disposal of human excreta, or liquid or water-carried wastes, or both from one or more premises and includes privies, septic tanks, soil-absorption systems, chemical type toilets and similar facilities, together with all necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves and appurtenances.
"Domestic Well" means a well which serves or is intended to serve as a source of water supply or domestic use or drinking water.
"Persons" means an individual, firm, partnership, association, organization, corporation, or other legal entity.
"Commercial" means any building or facility which is not residential.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The affairs of the Department shall be managed by the Department's Manager. The Department Manager reports to the Tribal Administration.
The Department Manager shall have the authority to exercise any and all powers delegated to the utility by this ordinance or any amendments thereto.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The Council, Tribal Manager, or Executive Assistant has the authority to enter into agreements, contracts, and understandings with any governmental agency, federal, state, or local or with any person, partnership, or corporation.
To purchase insurance for any property or against any risk or hazard.
To establish and maintain such bank accounts as may be necessary and convenient provided such accounts shall be fully covered by F.D.I.C.
To levy and collect reasonable fees for utilities and services, including but not limited to monthly service charges, connection fees, penalties, construction permits, and other assessments deemed necessary by the Department Manager and approved by the Council.
To issue bills and collect payment for sewer and water service from each individual, concern, or establishment served by the Tribally owned water and wastewater systems, and to maintain records of the income, disbursements, and expense of the operation of the systems.
The Tribal Administration shall employ personnel to operate the water and sewer facilities, establish the duties and compensation of employees, and to pay this compensation as an operating expense of the community water and wastewater systems.
The Tribal accounting department is responsible for the disbursement of monies for payment of existing and future operation and maintenance expenses of the community water and wastewater systems from the water and wastewater program account.
To prepare public notice of charge for water and sewer service to set the date for such charges to begin, and to send this notice to each individual, concern, or establishment served by the Community Water and Wastewater Systems.
To establish a "connection fee" for water and wastewater service connections to all persons, businesses and non-Indian residences using water according to the size of water service and the purpose for which use is intended.
To promulgate regulations to implement the authority of this ordinance.
[History: Tribal Act #06-24.1650 enacted by Tribal Council at Special Session on April 26, 2006.]
The effective date of this ordinance is April 26, 2006, and supersedes all prior GTB Utility Department acts, ordinances, or resolutions except those resolutions related to the refinancing of the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, LLC.