[1999 Code §§ 13.04.010 - 13.04.300; amended 9-10-2019 by Ord. No. O.2047-2019; 9-9-2019 by Ord. No. O.2049-2019; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
There shall be created and established in and for the Township a municipally owned public utility for water and sewer, to be known as the "Edison Department of Water and Sewer," hereinafter referred to as the "Water and Sewer Utility." The authorized operations of the Water and Sewer Utility shall consist of the operation, management, control and maintenance of the Township's water distribution system ("water system") and sewer collection system ("sewer system") and all extensions and improvements hereafter made thereto, together with all services relating to such purposes, including the billing and collection of user fees and connection fees.
There shall be appointed by the Mayor a Director of the Water and Sewer Utility, hereinafter the "Director," who shall receive such compensation as may be fixed annually by ordinance of the Township Council. The term of the Director shall be for four years. If any vacancy occurs in the office of the Director, his or her successor shall be appointed for the unexpired time only. Additional help may also be employed from time to time as may be required.
The Director will report directly to the Business Administrator. The Director is responsible for organizing, directing, and coordinating the employees of the Water and Sewer Utility. The Director has overall responsibility for determining major departmental policies, planning long- and short-range programs, budget preparation, personnel management and professional growth of staff, and deals with major technical and administrative matters with other departments, the Mayor, Business Administrator, Township Council, various commissions, outside agencies, and the public at large. The Director shall have five years of experience involving managing water distribution and sewer collection systems in New Jersey.
[1999 Code §§ 13.04.010 - 13.04.300; amended 9-10-2019 by Ord. No. O.2047-2019; 9-9-2019 by Ord. No. O.2049-2019; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Every person who shall construct, connect to, alter or use any part of the water system and/or sewer system and every consumer of water and owner, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of any building, structure or premises having service therefrom, shall be under the supervision of the Utility and be governed by and subject to the provisions of this chapter governing the use of water as may from time to time be adopted and approved by the Township Council. It is the duty of the Water and Sewer Utility to enforce the provisions of this chapter governing the use of water and any other applicable rules and regulations.
Privately owned water mains and water services must comply with this chapter and these rules and regulations.
The following regulations shall be considered a part of any contract with every person who uses water, and the fact of using water shall be considered as expressing assent on the part of the user to be bound thereby.
As used in this Chapter 27 of the Township Code, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The person applying for a permit, approval or other action by the Water and Sewer Utility including the owner or an agent of the owner.
The American Water Works Association.
The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances in the water mains, water services or other facilities of the water system from any source other than its intended source.
Any device or means, approved by the Utility, designed to prevent backflow or backsiphonage including, but not limited to, a double check valve assembly and a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.
The backflow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the water mains, water services or other facilities of the water system from any source other than its intended source caused by the sudden reduction of pressure in the water system.
Any actual or potential connection between the public water supply and a source of possible contamination or pollution.
A housing used for the purpose of access and protecting a curb stop.
A valve, typically located near the property line, on the water service line which can be used to discontinue or allow the flow of water to a property.
The person contracting for water service to a property and includes consumers and owners.
The representative designated by the Mayor of the Township to act in administrative, managerial and operational matters for the Utility.
A water service whose flow is not used for fire protection.
An assembly of two independently operating spring-loaded check valves with tightly closing shut-off valves on each side of the check valves, plus properly located test cocks for the testing of each check valve.
The engineer of the Township or Utility.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Is defined as 300 gallons per day of water use.
A water service whose flow is used to provide fire protection.
Gallons per minute.
An inspector or any authorized representative or agent of the Township.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The owner or owners of the freehold of the premises or of a lesser estate therein, a vendee in possession or the lessee or joint lessees of the whole thereof.
Any individual association, corporation (municipal or private) or firm acting either directly or through a duly authorized agent.
The water supplied by Middlesex Water Company and New Jersey American Water for purposes of human, commercial and industrial use and consumption.
Includes a lot or part of a lot a building or part of a building or any parcel or tract of land.
PSI or psi
Pounds per square inch.
An assembly consisting of two independently operating approved check valves with an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two check valves, tightly closing shut-off valves on each side of the check valves plus properly located test cocks for the testing of the check valves and relief valve.
A reduced pressure principle backflow preventer.
The fitting in a water main to connect a water service line.
The Water and Sewer Utility.
The pipes, valves, taps, including corporation cocks, or tapping valve owned by the Township, through which potable water is transported and distributed to any and all water services, fire hydrants and fire service sprinkler systems.
The installation of new water mains.
The mechanical instrument of a type approved and owned by the Water and Sewer Utility, required to be used on all domestic and all fire service lines for measuring the quantity of water passing a given point.
All pipes, fixtures, water meters and associated appurtenances from the water main to whichever of the following is farthest downstream (outlet side) of the water meter: a) the downstream domestic service water meter service valve if a backflow preventer is not required, b) the downstream domestic service backflow preventer if a backflow preventer is required, c) the fire service RPZ or double detector check backflow preventer downstream bypass connection tee if there is a bypass, or d) the fire service RPZ or double detector check backflow preventer if there is no bypass. The water service includes the service line from the water main including the tap and tapping valve, curb stop, water service pipe, strainer, water meter, test tee, inlet and outlet water meter valves, and dual check device or backflow preventer.
All pipes and fittings, which are owned and maintained by the owner, located between the water meter outlet service valve and the various water consuming appliances, devices and fixtures throughout the premises or property.
All water meters, water mains and all other facilities and appurtenances connected with the distribution of potable water owned by the Water and Sewer Utility or Township.
It is the policy and intent of the Utility to provide potable water to the customers of the water system who have received approvals from the Utility and the Township, consistent with applicable laws, regulations and practices. In the event that an extension or improvement of the water mains or water system is necessary to provide service to a customer, it shall be the applicant's obligation to pay for such extension(s) or improvements. From time to time the capacity of the water system may be limited due to physical limitations, resulting in a prohibition of additional connections until an increase in capacity has been approved and constructed or due to regulatory requirements, promulgated by federal and/or state agencies. At such times, applications for such connections will be postponed until the limitations or restraints have been removed.
The determination of available capacity and the processing and approval of applications for connections shall be within the sole discretion of the Utility. The Utility shall have the right to reserve a sufficient supply of water at all times to provide for fire and other emergencies and may restrict or regulate the quantity of water used by its customers in case of scarcity or whenever public welfare may require.
All applications for the use of water shall be made at the office of the Water and Sewer Utility and in the form prescribed by the Director and must state fully and truly the various uses to which the water is to be applied; should it subsequently be required for other purposes, notice must be given before the desired change is made.
No permit for the installation of any water service or water main extension or portions thereof shall be granted or water meter issued until a plan of such water service or water main extension has been submitted in accordance with all the requirements herein and reviewed and approved by the Engineer and Utility. Where a water service pipe has been previously installed from the water main and subsequently cut and capped or otherwise turned off and the water meter removed, an application for a water service must be made to re-establish that water service.
Applicant must pay the following fees or charges as set forth in this chapter before obtaining approvals or a water meter:
Water service application fee (for water services two inches and larger).
Water main inspection fee.
Deposit for record drawings (for water services three inches and larger). Returned upon submission of record drawings.
Water connection fee. An impact fee for the use of the water system, whose construction was paid for by previous users.
Water meter permit fee. Pays for the water meter and strainer.
Water tap permit fee. Pays for the tap.
Cutting and capping a water service. Needed only if an existing water service is being abandoned.
The attention of the applicant is directed to the existence of underground utilities. The notification of utility companies is the responsibility of the applicant and the applicant shall be solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage to such utilities in the installation of the service line or lateral.
Installation of all water services must be done by a plumber. For water services three inches and larger, the applicant shall submit record drawings that are in conformance with application requirements established by the Director. Water meters will not be issued until such time as "as-builts" of water service have been submitted and approved by the Water and Sewer Utility.
Applications for installation of water services for single-family and two-family residences of less than two inches, whether for fire service, domestic service or both, do not require submission of plans but water services must be installed in accordance with the specifications and requirements of this chapter.
Application for installation of water services of two inches or greater, whether for fire service, domestic service or both, and for all water services, regardless of their size, for two-family or larger residences must be submitted to the Water and Sewer Utility for approval. The plans must contain:
Three sets of plans must be submitted with the application (one for the record, one to the Building Department, one to the owner); also, a CD with the drawing in PDF format is to be submitted with the application.
All plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect licensed to practice in New Jersey.
Submitted plans shall be standard engineering drawings, size 24 inches by 36 inches.
The plans shall include and clearly show:
Site plan showing the adjacent streets with water mains and any existing water service pipes to the premises.
Key map showing the general location within the Township.
The complete water service including:
Location and size of tap into the water main and tapping valve and adjacent gate valve (if the water main is eight inches or greater);
Location of curb gate valve;
Location and size of water meter;
Location of water meter isolation gate valves;
Location of check valve(s) or backflow preventer, as required, near the water meter;
Location of test tee connection; and
Any other detail including all fixtures and connections.
Water Supply pipe schematic showing the location of connections to backflow preventers and check valves, surge tanks, storage tanks, pressure tanks, filters, swimming pools, bathing and display pools, sterilizers, condensers, compressors, reservoirs, boilers or other heating equipment using water, humidifiers, and washers.
Plans shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1/8 inch to the foot; provided, however, that detailed plans shall be drawn to a scale and may be presented in either horizontal or vertical plane or isometric form.
State on the plans the type of occupancy of the facility receiving the water service (i.e., hospital, warehouse, apartment building, etc.).
Such plan or plans shall be presented with the application for permit to the Water and Sewer Utility.
All plans shall conform to the specification, rules, and regulations of the Water and Sewer Utility.
The Utility will install all water service taps ranging in sizes from 3/4 inches to two inches. No person shall tap or connect to any water main of the water system or insert a tap therein except employees or authorized agents of the Utility. The tap into the water main shall be a maximum of one size smaller than the water main. The owner, builder or contractor will be responsible for the excavation and prepping of the water main that will be tapped. Water service lines in excess of two inches or multiple taps for a residential condo complex, apartment building/complex or residential building exceeding two units will be installed by the homeowner, builder or contractor under supervision of the Water and Sewer Utility. A solid ductile iron tapping sleeve such as Mueller H-6I 5 or approved equal shall be utilized for all taps two inches and larger. The tapping sleeve shall have passed AWWA pressure testing standards prior to installation. For all taps, a tapping valve shall be installed as part of the tap installation. If the tap is two inches or larger, the tapping valve must be a gate valve with a valve box with the word "water" cast into the cover. All fire service taps will be the responsibility of the homeowner, builder or contractor under supervision of the Water and Sewer Utility. Any owner, contractor or builder that wishes to terminate the water service shall be responsible for the excavation and disconnection of the water service line from the corporation under the supervision and inspection of the Utility. The joining of two or more smaller water service pipes for the purpose of connection to one larger service is prohibited. Where the proposed connection is equal to or more than half the diameter of the existing water main, no tap is permitted.
All water service pipes two inches or less shall be in accordance with plumbing subcode of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. If a nonmetallic material is used, a metal tracer wire shall be incorporated in the pipe. Copper water service pipe shall be laid with no connections between the tapping valve (water main) and curb stop. Connections may only be by flare fittings. All water service pipes three inches and larger shall be in accordance with plumbing subcode of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. Water service pipe shall be laid continuously rodded with thrust blocks at all bends. Each new water service pipe shall be laid in a straight line from the water main to the property line or to within the building line at right angles to the street water main to which it is connected except for the loop off the gooseneck for water services and where the subsurface conditions make it impracticable the water service pipe may be otherwise laid upon the approval of the Utility of the plans submitted by a plumber showing the proposed location of the water service pipe. The water service pipe shall be laid at a depth of at least four feet below grade. Water service pipes and a sewer pipes (lateral) may not be installed in the same trench and must be installed in separate trenches. All water service pipes shall have an excess of three feet of pipe formed into a loop at the gooseneck to the tap and laid to the right hand, facing the tap. The loop shall be installed in such a manner as will completely absorb all strain to water service pipe and water main which may be caused by any shock, strain or vibration to which said water service pipe or water main may be subjected. It shall be the duty of the plumber performing labor in and about any water service to protect same from frost. The plumber shall not be released from the responsibility thereof by having the owner of the premises or others do the work for him. After installation of the water service, valves at the inlet side of water meter shall be left closed, and in no case shall the water be turned on except by any employee of the Utility. Plumbers shall not leave any valve or stop cock at inlet side of the water meter location open, nor water turned on in the premises after connection of the water meter to the water service pipe, longer than is required to test their work, without permission of the Director. A gooseneck connection is required on all water service pipes. The size of the tap (connection), the size of the water service pipe, and the minimum size of the gooseneck between the water service pipe and the tap shall all be the same size. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the Director.
The applicant shall pay the Water and Sewer Utility $50 for inspecting the installed water service line.
All water service lines between the water main and the curb stop shall be maintained by the Water and Sewer Utility.
The owner of a building and premises connected to the municipal water supply with a water service line in excess of two inches or any fire service line shall be responsible for the entire water service line and/or fire service line from the water main to the water meter. The owner shall be responsible for replacement and/or repair of that water service line and/or fire service line. In no event shall an owner be permitted to repair, replace, remove or in any way alter the water service line or fire service line without first obtaining the prior written consent of the Director. All repairs, alterations or replacements must be inspected and approved by the Director. Any person found to have repaired, replaced, removed, or altered any water service line or fire service line without prior written consent, as set forth herein, shall be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Generally, as to all owners:
Installation, repairs, and replacement of water service pipes, for which the owner is responsible, shall be made by a licensed plumber hired by the owner and inspected and approved by a designee of the Water and Sewer Utility. All costs shall be borne by the owner.
In the case of a leaking Water Supply line, for which the owner is responsible, the owner shall be required to contract with a plumber to repair said supply line leak within three to five business days. If no arrangements have been made to repair the leakage within the time prescribed herein, the Water and Sewer Utility shall be permitted to retain a contractor to complete the work for a cost of time and materials, which cost shall be the responsibility of the owner and shall be collected as permitted by law. Restoration of lawn areas, shrubs, fences, walkways, driveways, steps, etc., shall be the sole responsibility of the owner and not considered as part of the contractor's time and materials costs.
Repairs. When, in the opinion of the Director, there exists a condition which may affect water quality, pressure or the accurate recordation of water consumption for which the owner is responsible, or it is found that the water service pipe between the water meter and curb stop is not in serviceable condition, the Director shall serve a written notice to the owner of the premises or the customer within 48 hours, describing the condition and, if known, specifying the required repairs or improvements to be made within seven days of the date thereof. Upon refusal or neglect of the person so noticed to comply with the requirements of the notice, the Director may shut off the water supply to the premises until such work is completed and a charge for shutting off and turning on the water has been paid and/or employ the necessary labor and materials to perform the necessary work.
Emergency repairs. When, in the opinion of the Director, there exists a condition upon a premises which creates an actual or imminent threat to the drinking water or the supply of water, for which the owner is responsible, the Director shall serve a written notice describing the condition and, if known, specifying the required repairs or improvements to be made within the time prescribed in the notice. Upon refusal or neglect of the person so noticed to comply with the requirements thereof, the Director may shut off the water supply to the premises until such work is completed, and/or employ the necessary labor and materials to perform the required work.
Cost of repairs. Costs incurred by the Water and Sewer Utility for the performance of the repairs and/or improvements in this section shall be detailed on an invoice to be included with the water bill for that particular time period in which the repairs were performed and shall be a first lien or charge against the affected property. The Township or the Water and Sewer Utility may thereafter institute an appropriate action against the owner of the premises for the recovery of such costs.
The Township and the Water and Sewer Water Utility shall not be liable for any damage resulting from failure to observe the regulations in this chapter.
No connection shall be made to a Township water main without first obtaining the approval of the Director. No water service line ranging in size of 3/4 inch to two inches shall be approved unless said service line is constructed in accordance with plumbing subcode of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. No water service line ranging in size of three inches or greater shall be approved unless said service line is constructed in accordance with plumbing subcode of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. Only personnel of the Water and Sewer Utility, or other persons, firms or entities which have received written permission from the Director, may tap a water main, open or close a curb stop or water valve for water service. Any person found to have tapped a water main, opened, closed or to have, in any way, tampered with a curb stop or water valve without having received express written permission as required herein shall be subject to a fine of $500 and criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey.
It shall be a violation of this chapter and otherwise unlawful for any owner to cause or allow water from the water system to be consumed without any approved water meter to register the amount of water consumed. In addition to any fees and penalties imposed under this chapter, the owner shall be rebilled for the estimated amount of unmetered water consumed.
The water in no case shall be left running without a special permit from the Director.
If written permission should be granted by the Director for two or more parties to take water through one water service pipe, the provision in regard to the cutting off of the supply pipe shall be applicable to all the parties although one or more of them shall be innocent of any cause of offense.
Owners of premises will be held responsible for the water bills of their tenants.
No customer or user shall supply water from the water system to other persons or premises not entitled to its use except upon written permission from the Director, under penalty of a fine of $500 for each and every offense and subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Customers shall not be entitled to damages, nor will any part of a payment be refunded, for any stoppage of water distribution occasioned by an accident to any portion of the water system, nor for stoppage for the purpose of additions or repairs. The Director shall have the right to shut off the water to make extensions, alterations or repairs.
All apparatus and places receiving water from the water system must be accessible and open to the inspection of the Director, his or her agents and Township inspectors at all times, and all pipes and fixtures shall be subject to rejection by the Director if considered unsuitable for the purpose. Fees will be imposed upon owners for failure to allow access to a water service for purposes of service or installation of the water meters or associated appurtenances; inspection of the water service; or access to the water supply line or water service for inspection or testing of backflow prevention devices. Failure to allow access includes a customer not responding within 30 days to a request for access delivered by certified mail or a customer's refusal to set and honor a date for access when contacted in person or by phone by the Water and Sewer Utility. The Water and Sewer Utility may turn of the water service until such entry or access shall have been accomplished and shall impose a failure to allow access fee in accordance with the following guidelines:
Meter or Service Size
Failure to Allow Access Fee
1 1/4
1 1/2
Fire hydrants shall be used only by members of the Water and Sewer Utility, Fire Department or other authorized officials, except upon written permission having been secured from the Director with the approved cross-connection contamination measures in place. Anyone operating a fire hydrant in violation of this chapter will be subject to a fine of $500 for the first offense. For each additional offense the fine will double.
An owner shall pay a $4,000 relocation fee to the Water and Sewer Utility to relocate a fire hydrant on an existing water line.
An owner shall submit engineering plans for approval, and pay a $7,500 relocation fee, to the Water and Sewer Utility to relocate a fire hydrant with a new water line from the water main to the fire hydrant.
All service connections within the water system shall be metered at all times, including for construction purposes. Temporary service may be allowed by written permission provided by the Director. A temporary fire hydrant meter/backflow may also be used after filing for the appropriate permit with the Water and Sewer Utility and paying the fee as set forth in § 27-2.34 and herein. All water meters, up to and including two inches shall be furnished and set by the Water and Sewer Utility upon receipt by the Water and Sewer Utility of the water meter fee. All water meters which are larger than two inches shall be purchased and installed by the owner in accordance with the requirements of the Director. All water meters remain the property of the Water and Sewer Utility. Water meters may be required to be set either within the lines of the building to be supplied or in a specially constructed box at the curb, as may be directed by the Director.
Before water shall be turned on for construction purposes, a hydrant meter permit along with a $5,000 deposit for a temporary meter shall be deposited with the Water and Sewer Utility. The temporary meter/backflow shall be supplied by the Director. The $5,000 deposit shall be charged for any damages to the temporary meter. After the completion of the construction, i) the temporary meter shall be returned to the Water and Sewer Utility, ii) the $5,000 deposit shall be charged for water use, and iii) the water shall be turned off at the curb if applicable and not turned on again until application is received for a water meter. Owners shall be liable for the estimated charge per quarter or any fraction thereof that the water is left turned on prior to installation of a meter.
Fee for the cost of a new or different sized water meter purchased and installed by the Water and Sewer Utility, which water meter shall remain the property of the Utility:
Domestic Service Meters
Meter Type
Meter Size
Water Meter Fee*
5/8 or 5/8 by 3/4
1 1/2
Fire Service Meters
Meter Type
Meter Size
Water Meter Fee*
Cost of additional appurtenances required for water meter installation shall be added to this base fee.
All users of the water system shall keep their water pipes and fixtures within their properties in good repair and protect the same from frost at their own expense. The curb valve box should be kept visible and accessible. The owner shall be held liable for all damage and loss which may result from their failure to do so. All water which passes through a water meter will be charged for, whether used or wasted. Once a water meter is installed and correctly operating to the satisfaction of the Utility, repair and replacement of the water meter shall be the responsibility of the Utility with the exception that the customer shall pay for the replacement of all water meters that have been tampered with or damaged.
Any person who tampers with water service, including, without limit, illegal connections, tampering with the water meter, breaking a water meter seal or coupling seal, a backwards meter, unauthorized turning on of service after the Water Utility has turned it off, removal of a water meter, bypass of a water meter, bypass of any required reduced pressure zone, backflow preventer, failure to protect the water service from freezing or to protect the water meter from flooding and theft of service by any means shall be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey and a fine of $1,000 for each offense.
Bypasses are prohibited except when water service cannot be interrupted for any reason. In that case, the Director must provide written approval of the bypass. A request must be made to the Director in writing stating the reason for a bypass along with drawings of the water meter and bypass proposal. Once approved, a second water meter must be purchased from the Water Utility and installed on the bypass. All costs for the bypass meter and associated water meter costs and the regulations regarding water meters will be the responsibility of the owner of the premises. Current bypasses will be locked out by the Water Utility until a new water meter can be installed by the owner. A $5 fee will be added to each water bill for the locking mechanism installed on the bypass valve. If the locking mechanism, lock or wire seal is removed or tampered with, a $1,000 fine shall be issued to the owner.
The assessment of such fee shall not in any way limit the Utility's rights to pursue additional enforcement of any kind including the assessment of additional fees, fines or penalties, assessment for the cost of water meter installation and assessment of estimated past unrecorded consumption during the past six years. The Utility's failure to enforce a fee or its decision to waive a fee shall not be considered a waiver of customer's compliance with any term of these rules and regulations and shall not preclude the Utility from any future enforcement rights.
Whenever it shall be found that the service pipe between the water meter and the curb stop is not in serviceable condition, the Water Utility shall notify the owner of the property or the customer within 24 hours; and should such party fail to remedy the defect within seven days from receipt of notification, the water will be shut off and not turned on until the necessary repairs have been made and a charge for shutting off and turning on the water has been paid. If the repair is not made in this time frame the Water and Sewer Utility has the right to make the repair at the expense of the owner.
Customers shall take all proper precaution to protect the water meter from any injury, including, but not limited to, injury from tampering, frost, hot water or steam. The owners of the premises will be held liable for all damage or loss to the Water and Sewer Utility for failure to properly care for and protect the water meters. Owners, at their sole cost and expense, shall be required to maintain the water meter in working order. The owner and, at the owner's direction, the occupants of a building or structure with a water meter located inside the building or structure are required to keep the water meter and its associated valves and appurtenances easily accessible for inspection, reading, and service including for the replacement of the water meter, which requires enough room for the use of long wrenches and other tools. The owner and, at the owner's direction, the occupants of a building or structure with a water meter located inside the building or structure are required to keep the area where the water meter is located free from water, flooding, and moisture from condensation, seepage through foundation walls and other sources. If the water meter is located in a pit or vault outside of the building or structure, the owner and at the owner's direction the occupants are required to keep the meter pit/vault accessible and the pit/vault's lid free from stormwater runoff and snow.
In case of damage to a water meter or the failure to register properly, the customer or owner shall notify the Director immediately in order that the water meter may be repaired or replaced by the Water and Sewer Utility with a fully functioning, accurate water meter. The cost for the water meter and installation thereof may be charged to the customer. The charges for water during such period will be on the basis of ordinary use under similar conditions before the water meter became defective. The customer shall fully cooperate with the Water and Sewer Utility in granting access to the water meter for replacement. The failure to cooperate or preventing the replacement of a damaged water meter will result in water service being shut off until such water meter is replaced. The Water and Sewer Utility will inspect and test any water meter owned by the Water and Sewer Utility when requested to do so by the customer. If such inspection and test proves the accuracy of the water meter, there shall be a charge to the person requesting the test as follows:
Accuracy test for 5/8-inch meter
Certification tests for 5/8-inch meter
Accuracy test for 3/4-inch meter
Certification tests for 3/4-inch meter
Accuracy test for 1-inch meter
Certification test for 1-inch meter
Accuracy/certification tests for meter 1 1/2 and 2-inch
Certification tests for PD, compound and turbine meter, 3-inch and larger
Field test - all sizes
$400 plus travel expenses
Well meter field test - all sizes
$400 plus travel expenses
Appraisals, inspections and waiting time
Minimum half-day charge (as applicable)
Minimum full-day charge (as applicable)
The owner shall immediately notify the Utility upon learning of any stoppage or other irregularity of owner's water meter or any leak in owner's water service between the water meter and the water main. It shall be the duty of the owner of any premises required to be metered for water in which there is no approved water meter to report such fact to the Utility. Where a water meter has been stolen the owner shall furnish a police report to the Utility in order to receive a replacement water meter. All meter fees shall be paid before a replacement water meter is issued.
No building, structure or premises shall be abandoned, wrecked, destroyed or demolished without first giving notification to the Director in order that the water service may be cut and capped and the water meter read and recovered. Owners of vacant buildings must give notice, in writing, of such vacancy within 72 hours of vacancy, to the Director so that the water may be turned off.
No rebate shall be allowed for metered vacant premises. Owners shall be held responsible for all charges accruing for water service, until written notice has been given to the Director to discontinue the water supply, the water service has been cut and capped, the water meter is returned to the Utility, and the owner has paid all amounts owed including the cost of cutting and capping the water service.
If all attempts have been made to collect payment and the customer remains delinquent, an employee of the Utility will be sent to the property to post a notice that shut-off procedures will begin in 15 calendar days unless there is customer contact or payment.
If there is no response at the end of the 15 calendar days, the Utility or its designee will remove the water meter and cut and cap the water service line in addition to the regular shut-off procedures.
If the property is abandoned or boarded up, and every attempt has been made to collect the outstanding debt, the account will be subject to the Township's lien sale process.
Any consumer wishing to discontinue service from the Water and Sewer Utility must give notice thereof, in writing, to the Director. The customer shall be charged for water service and fees until such notice is given, when the water will be shut off.
All charges in connection with the water system are made against the owner of the premises where the water is used, and all bills will be so made out. All water rents or other fees and expenses incurred by the installation of service, or fines imposed, are a lien on the property, and owners are made responsible for any delinquency in the matter of payments by tenants or others.
[Amended 9-9-2020 by Ord. No. O.2076-2020; 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. O.2217-2024]
The following schedule of rates shall apply for the use of water:
A minimum charge for general metered service shall be charged quarterly and shall be based on the size of the meter in service with the amount of water allowance within the minimum charge.
Size of Meter
Water Allowance per Quarter
(cubic feet)
Charge per Quarter*
5/8 to 3/4
1 1/2
Water delivered shall be charged at the following rates:
$66.18 per thousand cubic feet
For fire protection, the Department of Water and Sewer shall be paid a quarterly charge of $606.76 per fire hydrant on private property.
Fire line service.
There shall be a charge for a metered fire service line based on the size of the meter and an unmetered fire service line based on the size of the service, without hose or hydrant connected to them, according to the following table:
Size of Service
Charge per Quarter*
There shall be a quarterly charge for metered fire service line based on the size of the meter and an unmetered fire service line based on the size of the service, with hose or hydrant connected to them, according to the following table:
Size of Service
Charge per Quarter*
For installation of meter with remote read-out register the charge shall be the cost of the meter and touch pad, plus 10%.
The rates charged to any resident of the Township who shall have attained the age of 65 years old on their primary residence in accordance with Subsections a and b above shall be those rates in effect for calendar year 1996. In order to be eligible for the senior citizen rate for any year, the resident must have attained the age of 65 as of January 1 of that year. The resident must notify the Township's Tax Office prior to January 1 to be eligible for the billing year beginning July 1.
The initial fees for the right to connect to the water system shall include a connection fee or charge per unit for the cost of connection as set forth herein. These fees shall apply to all connections whether direct, indirect, separate or shared.
For each new unit, whether created by new construction or conversion or addition to an existing structure or change of use, there is established a water connection fee as set forth herein. For units involving new construction, the connection fees, charges or costs shall be paid before the connection is made; inspection fees shall be estimated and adjusted upon completion. Changes that increase the total number of units shall pay additional connection charges for each unit prior to the issuance of a construction code permit in accordance with the schedule herein. Each residential unit shall be charged for each single-family living accommodation or dwelling unit per connection. From and after September 15, 2020, a customer seeking to connect to the water system for the first time or to enlarge an existing connection shall pay the following connection fee: $1,369.81 per equivalent dwelling unit ("EDU"). An EDU is defined as 300 gallons per day. For meters larger than 5/8 inch, the connection fee shall be determined by the number of EDUs that the larger meter represents times the connection fee for one EDU. The number of EDUs that meters larger than 5/8 inch represent is determined by the ratio of the average flow of the larger meter in the water system to the average flow of an EDU as calculated in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23. The following table provides the number of EDUs and the connection fee for different sized meters:
Meter Size
Meter Capacity Ratio
(Ratio to 5/8-Inch Meter) (EDUs)2
Water Connection Fee
1 1/4
1 1/2
2This calculation shall be automatically adjusted in accordance with any amendments to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.
Connection fees, which are one-time initial service charges for the right to connect to the water system, are deemed an integral part of the Utility's rate schedule.
Should the foregoing connection fees create a hardship, application can be made to the Director for a payment plan.
In instances where a water service line must be installed from the water main, or other location, to the curb and/or a curb shutoff box installed, the applicant shall be charged 125% of the Water and Sewer Utility's total actual cost of the installation plus the cost of the water meter. If this work is performed by the applicant or its agent in accordance with § 27-2.7, an inspection fee of $110, per inspection hour, with a minimum of two hours, shall be applied. When water and sewer lines are run at the same time, only one minimum for inspection shall be applied.
Main Size
Tap Size
Water Tapping Fee
1 1/2
Whenever there is reasonable evidence water meter readings are inaccurate for any reason or are unable to attain a true reading due to lack of a touch pad or inability to gain access to any premises housing a water meter, the Utility may estimate the actual consumption during the period of reading cycle. If the Utility replaces an inaccurate water meter with a new or reconditioned water meter, the average monthly consumption for the period of estimation shall be based upon the average monthly consumption for 12 months of which at least two months are measured by the new or reconditioned meter and the remaining months by the replaced meter during a period when the Utility determines the replaced meter to have been reading accurately. If there was a change in use or other mitigating circumstance that prevents using the above procedure, the Utility shall use any reasonable method for the particular circumstances to estimate the consumption for the period of inaccurate readings.
The following fees shall be established for inspections, equipment, permits or other such service provided by the Utility:
Water use at construction site
$0.50 per 1,000 cubic feet, and $5,000 deposit for temporary meter/backflow
Flushing, clearing and performance of operational flow tests on hydrants located on private property
$200 per hydrant, per quarter
Water meter test
Water charge search fee
Return check fee
Water shut-off fee
Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Monday through Friday between 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Account transfer fee
Water activation (turn-on) fee
Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Residential: $25
Commercial: $75
Saturday and Sunday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Monday through Friday between 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Residential: $50
Commercial: $150
Water services application fee for new or changed water services
For water service lines less than 2 inches: None.
For water service lines 2 inches or larger: $50 per EDU.
The number of EDUs a water service line size represents is set forth in the table of connection fees herein.
Additional "final" water meter readings (Applicable to each additional meter reading after initial "final" reading is requested and performed)
$25 per reading
Water meter, fittings, valve boxes and other parts
Cost plus 15%
All water rents are due and payable at the office of the Water and Sewer Utility quarterly, on the first day of each quarter, for users with consumption under 200,000 cubic feet per quarter. For all users with normal or estimated use in excess of 200,000 cubic feet per quarter, such bills shall be due and payable monthly. Customers are responsible for payment due to the Water and Sewer Utility regardless of the receipt of water bills. If a bill is not received, customers are required to call the office of the Water and Sewer Utility and pay or tender the amount due.
Any such sum of money due to the Water and Sewer Utility for any such rates, rentals and service charges shall bear interest at the rate of 18% per annum to be computed from the date when said sum shall be due and payable until the date of actual payment, and, until paid, shall remain a lien upon the premises in respect to which they are imposed as provided by law. No interest shall be charged if payment is made within 30 calendar days following the billing date or before the 10th calendar day following the date upon which the same became payable, whichever is later.
In case of emergency occasioned by drought or other shortage or stoppage of water supply as determined by the Director, the Water Utility may adopt necessary temporary measures including restrictions on the use of water and conservation. After public notice has been given and until the restrictions have been lifted, any person or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey. Continuing violations will subject the person or corporation committing the same to a discontinuance of water supply during the period of the emergency.
When a cross-connection exists between the public water supply and an unapproved water supply, a backflow protective device with double check valve must be installed to prevent unapproved water from mixing with the public water supply.
[1999 Code § 13.08.010]
As used in this section:
The sewer-utility-owned sewer lateral pipe which extends from the main sewer to the building sanitary sewer or to the property line. The sewer lateral is generally located within a public right-of-way or public easement. The lateral shall include a vertical cleanout riser and cap which shall be owned by the Sewer Utility.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The lowest piping in the building sanitary drainage system that receives the discharge from drain stacks, horizontal branch drains and fixture drains within the building and conveys the sewage to the building sanitary sewer which begins three feet outside the building wall.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
That part of the building sanitary drainage system which extends from the end of the building sanitary drain and conveys it to a public sanitary sewer. The building sanitary sewer begins at a point three feet outside the building wall and extends to the property line.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Means any building.
The Utility-owned sanitary sewer located in the public right-of-way or public easement.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
[1999 Code § 13.08.020]
All owners of property along the line of any sewers constructed for the purpose of carrying off sewage matter in any of the streets of the Township shall connect their houses and other buildings with the sewer in the street adjoining the property.
Where sanitary sewers are not available, septic tanks may be used subject to the issuance by the Plumbing Inspector of a permit therefor, pursuant to the terms of the Uniform Construction Code.
As soon as sanitary sewers are available for connection, septic tanks or other existing structures or pits shall be abandoned, emptied, cleaned and disinfected and filled or covered with fresh earth.
[1999 Code § 13.08.030; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any owner of property who fails to make such connection to an available sanitary sewer within 30 days after due notification by the Director shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable as provided in Subsection 27-6.8, and each and every day after the 30 days in which he or she shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section and of the notice shall constitute a separate offense.
[1999 Code § 13.08.040; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
All materials used in the installation of building sanitary sewers in the Township shall conform to the New Jersey Plumbing Code. The public sewer lateral shall be constructed with PVC plastic sewer pipe ASTM-3034 SDR 26.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-6.5, Joints, 1999 Code § 13.08.050, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
[1999 Code § 13.08.060; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The minimum size of a building sanitary sewer and public sanitary lateral shall be four inches in internal diameter for single-family residential, except that the sizes in all cases shall conform with the schedule in the Uniform Construction Code where pipes of larger sizes are required. For commercial properties the minimum size sanitary lateral shall be six inches in diameter. The minimum size public sewer shall be eight inches in diameter.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-6.7, Laying of Sewers, 1999 Code § 13.08.070, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
[1999 Code § 13.08.080; New; amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any person who fails to comply with or who violates or who offends against any provision of this section or any section thereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the General Penalty provisions of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Edison and/or the laws of the State of New Jersey and each day during which a violation of this article is allowed to exist shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
[1999 Code § 13.08.090]
These regulations govern the use of the Township sanitary sewer system (hereinafter referred to as the "sewer system") and are applicable to all existing and future users of the sewer system. These regulations cover the use of the sewer system and charges for sanitary sewer services provided by the Water and Sewer Utility. All new users of the sewer system must also comply with regulations for connection to the sewer system and charges therefor. Every person who uses the sewer system shall be under the supervision of the Water and Sewer Utility and the following regulations shall be considered a part of any contract, ordinance or statute with every person who uses the sewer system, and the fact of using the sewer system shall be considered as expressing assent on the part of the user to be bound thereby.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any user or potential user of the sewer system shall have the right to appeal any provision of these regulations to the Municipal Council of the Township or an appeals board that it may designate.
[1999 Code § 13.08.100; Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 4]
As used in this section:
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The quantity of dissolved oxygen in milligrams per liter (mg/l) required during stabilization of decomposable organic matter by aerobic biochemical action as determined by analytical procedures set forth in 40 CFR Part 136.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The quantity of chlorine absorbed by a wastewater in a given length of time to a specific residual concentration, expressed in milligrams per liter.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution of the water-carried wastes resulting from the discharge of water closets, laundry tubs, washing machines, sinks, dishwashers, or any other source of water-carried waste of human origin or containing putrescible material.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, the Regional Water Management Division Director, or other duly authorized official of said agency.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The oil, fat or grease in a physical state such that it will separate by gravity from wastewater by treatment in an approved pretreatment facility.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any toxic pollutant;
Any substance regulated as a pesticide under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Pub.L. 92-516 (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.);
Any substance the use or manufacture of which is prohibited under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, Pub.L. 94-469 (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.);
Any substance identified as a known carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance discharged, permitted to flow or escaping in the course of any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or in the course of the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinct from normal sewage.[1]
Any establishment whose manufacturing process is included in the standard industrial classification (SIC) codes.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Means Middlesex County Utilities Authority.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Means New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.[2]
Water which does not meet the definition of "domestic waste" (i.e., groundwater, leachate, process).
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Township-owned or -leased piping and appurtenances in or along public rights-of-way or easements owned by the Township for the collection of sewage and transmission of sewage to treatment facilities.[3]
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
A user subject to categorical pretreatment standards; or
A nondomestic user that meets any of the following criteria:
Discharges an average of 25,000 gpd or more of process wastewater to the MCUA (excluding sanitary, noncontact cooling, and boiler blowdown wastewater); or
The amount of BOD, COD or suspended solids (TSS) in the discharge exceeds the mass equivalent of 25,000 gallons per day of domestic waste as per the following table:[4]
Flow Parameter
Loading per day
BOD (5 day)
The total nonfilterable residue as determined by analytical procedures set forth in 40 CFR Part 136.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Means the person applying for use of or continuing to use the sewer system, whether owner or tenant, and who enters into an agreement therefor.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "main," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: The former definition of "normal sewage," which immediately followed this definition, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: The former definitions of "normal sewage" and "sewage," which immediately followed this definition, were repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: The former definitions of "unpolluted water or liquids" and "USEPA," which immediately followed this definition, were repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-7.3, Prohibition of Inflow Sources, 1999 Code § 13.08.110, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
[1999 Code § 13.08.120]
Owners or their agents, employees or independent contractors may do excavation, ditch preparation and plumbing work involved in the construction of a building sanitary sewer and the connection of a building sewer to a service lateral upon receipt of the connection permit and subject to compliance with Township standards, applicable codes and inspection requirements.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
All contractors, before performing any work involving the construction of a building sewer or the connection of a building sewer to a service lateral or sewer main shall register with the Township's authorized agent, giving his or her name, business and home address, telephone numbers and the amount of and nature of his or her experience.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-7.5, Industrial Wastes; Approval Required, 1999 Code § 13.08.130, A, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
[1999 Code § 13.08.130, B; amended 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. O.2178-2023]
No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or unpolluted industrial or unpolluted commercial process water into any sewer. Any person found discharge or cause the discharge of the above listed prohibited items into any sewer shall be fined $1,000. Such fines and penalties shall be enforceable by the Township in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall be collected as provided by this Code or applicable law.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Except as otherwise provided in this article, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described wastes or waters into the sanitary sewer system:
Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150° F.;
Any water or waste containing more thanm100 milligrams per liter of fats, oils or greases;
Any gasoline, benzine, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas which, by reason of its nature or quality, may cause fire or explosion or which, in any other way, may be injurious to persons or the sanitary sewer system or the sewage treatment facilities;
Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance which, whether singly or by interaction with other wastes, shall be capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or of preventing entry into any sewer or the sewage treatment plant for maintenance and repair;
Any garbage, except properly shredded or ground garbage;
Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, bones, feathers, tar, plastic, wood, paunch manure, butchers offal or any other solid or viscous substance which shall be capable of causing obstruction to the flow in any sewer or other interference with the proper operation of the sanitary sewer system or the sewage treatment facilities;
Any water or waste having a pH lower than 6.0 or higher than 9.0 or having any corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures or equipment of the sanitary sewer system or the sewage treatment facilities or to personnel engaged in operation and maintenance thereof;
Any water or waste containing any toxic substance in quantity sufficient to:
Constitute a hazard to humans or animals; or
Interfere with the biochemical processes of the MCUA sewage treatment facilities; or
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Exceed state, federal or other validly existing requirements for the receiving stream;
Any water or waste containing suspended solids of such character that unusual attention or expense shall be required to handle such water or waste at the MCUA sewage treatment facilities;
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any radioactive isotopes, except by special permission by the Water and Sewer Utility;
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any drainage from building construction.
Grease, Oil, and Sand Interceptors.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020; 6-28-2023 by Ord. No. O.2178-2023]
Gas stations and garages are required to provide oil interceptors, in an approved location, where the dangerous liquids are to be intercepted.
Requirements of Food Service Establishments:
All food service establishments, including, but not limited to, restaurants, cafeterias, commercial kitchens, and institutional kitchens, shall be required to install and maintain a grease trap. Any such establishment, as of the effective date of this section, in the opinion of the health official and/or the Plumbing Subcode Official not having an adequately designed/engineered grease trap must submit certified plans for purchase, installation and maintenance of the grease trap to the Edison Township within sixty (60) days of adoption of this section and installed within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice. All other commercial and/or industrial establishments shall be required to install a grease trap when, in the opinion of the Health Officer or Township Plumbing Subcode Official such a facility is necessary due to the type of activity/use of the property. The following regulations and requirements shall apply to all external or internal grease traps where such grease traps are installed or required to be installed.
Grease trap construction shall be in compliance with standards specified in accordance with the Plumbing Subcode adopted by the Commissioner of Community Affairs as set forth in the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code 5:23, Subchapter 3.15, Plumbing Subcode.
The design and pertinent engineering data shall be submitted to the Township Code Department for a permit. For facilities with a de minimus capacity (less than ten (10) pounds) a review and approval by the Plumbing Subcode Official shall constitute sufficient approval prior to construction or installation.
All grease traps shall be maintained by the owner/operator/lessee or assignee, at their expense, in continuous, efficient operation at all times. Routine maintenance of the grease traps is recommended. Copies of all maintenance records, cleanings, and disposal of grease should be sent to the Health Officer, Plumbing Subcode Official and the Sewer Utility, within seven (7) days of said maintenance.
It is the responsibility of the establishment owner, lessee, or assignee to carry out all proceedings necessary to maintain the facility in good working order. This shall be accomplished by the hiring of a professionally licensed grease remediation company duly licensed to perform this work.
None of the following agents shall be placed directly into a grease interceptor or into any drain that leads to an interceptor:
Emulsifiers, de-emulsifiers, surface active agents, enzymes, degreasers or any type of product that will liquefy grease interceptor wastes;
Any substance that may cause excessive foaming in Township sanitary sewers; or
Any substance capable of passing the solid or semisolid contents of the grease interceptor to the receiving sewer.
The influent to interceptors shall not exceed one hundred forty degrees (140° F.) Fahrenheit. The temperature at the closest point of measurement upstream of the grease interceptor shall be considered equivalent to the temperature of the influent.
Forms showing periodic inspections, including date and employee name or external professional business where applicable, will be maintained by the owner, lessee or assignee and visibly posted in close proximity to the trap. The forms shall be protected from soiling. Copies of maintenance and grease removal records (either by employees of the facility or contracting agents) shall be provided to the Health Officer, Plumbing Subcode Official and the Sewer Utility, within seven business days of such occurrence.
All food service establishments ("facilities") using a grease trap shall provide copies of a certification to the Health Officer ("certification"), from a service company that the grease traps have been properly installed, are properly maintained and are functioning for their intended purposes a minimum of three certifications per year, but not later than April 30, August 31 and December 31, or as determined by the Health Official and/or Plumbing Subcode Official as well as the Sewer Utility for frequency of service. Seasonal facilities, those that operate for only four (4) consecutive months of the year, must submit compliance forms immediately before and immediately after operation in that calendar year.
All existing food service establishments without grease traps shall, at the direction of the Plumbing Subcode Official, install grease traps and follow the certification schedule as set forth. Existing food service establishments shall have one hundred eighty (180) days from the effective date of this section to install a grease trap. Vending-machine-only facilities are exempt from the grease trap requirements.
The Health Officer and/or Plumbing Subcode Official as well as the Sewer Utility, shall require all grease traps to be efficient in operation and if in their opinion the grease trap/interceptor is operating in a deficient manor may, at the expense of the owner, lessee or assignee, require independent laboratory tests to ascertain the concentration of grease being emitted from the effluent line of the unit. All grease traps shall be cleaned in accordance with the foregoing schedule. If the facilities hire a licensed grease and waste disposal company or qualified recycling company a copy of the billing should be forwarded to the Township.
Disagreeable odors shall require deodorant to combat said offensive odors.
In addition to the Township's other remedies, should the Township or its agents incur costs to clean the sewer laterals or sewer lines in the vicinity of the food service establishment due to grease, fats and/or oils, and/or in otherwise responding to a backup caused by such grease, fats and/or oils, which is conclusively shown to originate at a particular facility whether or not the restaurant, cafeteria, institutional kitchen or other facility has a grease trap/interceptor, the owner/operator of the offending restaurant, cafeteria, institutional kitchen or other facility, shall be deemed out of its compliance with the requirements of the Plumbing Subcode Official or this section, and shall be liable to reimburse the Township and its agents for all such costs.
The Health Officer and/or Plumbing Subcode Official as well as the Sewer Utility, shall have the right to inspect any food service establishment or other facility to confirm compliance with any requirement of Section 175-33 herein.
The fee schedule for subsection 27-7.5, Grease traps, and Interceptors are included in the municipal fee ordinance, subsection 14-1.10. The fee for initial inspections and reinspection shall be fifty ($50.00) dollars for the initial inspection and one hundred ($100.00) dollars for any reinspection. The schedule and frequency for routine inspections as well as complaint follow-ups listed in paragraph (i) above can be modified if in the opinion of the Health Officer there is a need for more frequent service.
In addition to any other enforcement mechanisms authorized by law or under the Township Code of the Township of Edison, any person, company or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall, on a first offense, be subject to a thirty-day notice to comply with this article. Any subsequent offense of any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal Court of the Township, be subject to a fine not exceeding one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. A separate offense may be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any special agreement between the Township and any person whereby industrial wastes of unusual strength or character may be admitted into the sewer system by the Township, either before or after preliminary treatment.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-7.7, Requirements for Discharge of Industrial Waste, 1999 Code § 13.08.140, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-7.8, Maximum Permitted Rates of Sewage Discharge, 1999 Code § 13.08.150, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
Editor's Note: Former § 27-7.9, Sampling,, Ord. No. O.1905-2015, § 6, was repealed 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
Acceptable Wastes. In addition to any other requirements of the Code, no industrial liquid waste shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the Township, unless it is amenable to secondary or biological treatment processes. No toxic materials or wastes containing explosive or flammable substances which would be detrimental to the collection system, including pumping stations and all treatment plant facilities and equipment or treatment processes, shall be permitted to be discharged into the collection system. The subsections of this Chapter XXVII set forth, in further detail, requirements concerning limitations on the quality of industrial waste characteristics.
Chemical Analyses Submitted. Every industry proposing to connect with the Township sewer system and to discharge industrial waste into same shall submit a complete chemical analysis of the waste, including biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids, chlorine demand, phosphates, nitrates and other waste characteristics required by MCUA and NJDEP.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Charges. Every industrial user, including SIUs, connected to the Township system and discharging industrial wastes, shall pay to the Township those rates for the processing of such waste as are set forth in Subsection 27-8.1c, or as are otherwise set by ordinance from time to time. The Township reserves the right to include additional charges for industrial waste characteristics as may be imposed by the Township or its sewer utility, or to modify the rates based upon actual cost to the Township.
Sampling and Testing. The Township may undertake periodic sampling and testing of the waste to determine both volume and strength or waste characteristics. The owner or SIU shall reimburse the Township for all costs of sampling and testing.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Determination of Volume. The volume of sewage and/or industrial waste from each industrial establishment or SIU may be determined by meters paid for and installed and maintained by the owner or such user, actual water meter records and/or private well meter records combined with Township water records, or from estimates or measurements made by the Township Consulting Engineer, as the case may be.
Determination of Waste Characteristics. The characteristics of the industrial waste shall be determined from actual samplings or other approved means, and shall be based upon analyses made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the latest edition of Standard Methods of Analysis of Water and Sewage, published by the American Public Health Association. The Township may require the installation of automatic samplers at the cost of the owner to obtain representative samples during a calendar quarter or as may be required.
Additional Determinations. Additional classifications of waste characteristics or modifications of the rate schedule may be established by the Township from time to time as deemed necessary.
Agreement to Accept Wastes. The Township will accept industrial wastes into the sanitary sewerage system upon execution of a formal, written agreement, and under and subject to the provisions appearing in the agreement and the rules, regulations and rates stated herein. The agreement will set out in detail as necessary the characteristics of the wastes, the flow conditions which shall govern and the conditions with respect to the physical connection or connections. It will be the policy of the Township to consider each application on its own merits, and to establish specific conditions applicable to the particular situation for each agreement. No connection shall be made prior to execution of the agreement.
Applicant to Submit Data. Prior to approving an application for a connection involving the acceptance of industrial liquid wastes or any SIU, the applicant shall submit complete data with respect to the following:
Average, maximum and minimum rates of flow to be expected daily and seasonally.
Flow diagram, showing points of applications of chemicals, type and quantity of each chemical used per day, and per shift, a schedule of operations, expected chemical characteristics of the untreated wastes and the point or points of connection to the sewerage system. The normal situation will require the separation of and separate points of connection for domestic sewage and industrial wastes from each industrial establishment or SIU.
Chemical analyses and waste characteristics of liquid industrial waste to be discharged into the system.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
The Township reserves the right to require preliminary treatment where the chemical characteristics of the proposed industrial wastes of any SIU, in the opinion of the Township or in the opinion of the NJDEP or the local health officials, make such preliminary treatment desirable or mandatory. Some of the characteristics which may dictate preliminary treatment are listed below:
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Five-day BOD in excess of 350 milligrams per liter.
Suspended solids in excess of 350 milligrams per liter.
Presence of arsenic, barium, cadmium, chloride, copper, cyanide, fluoride, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, nickel, nitrate, selenium, sulfate, zinc or pH values outside the acceptable limits.
pH below or above the allowable limits.
A chlorine demand in excess of 30 mg/1.
In such instances where it is agreed that the industrial waste will be received following preliminary treatment, drawings and specifications shall be submitted for approval, showing all pertinent details of the construction proposed to accomplish the preliminary treatment, to include details of the indicator-record-register type of fluid meter and the housing to be used to meter the flow of industrial wastes, as the case may be, and also details of the control manhole to be constructed on the industrial wastes connection within the sidewalk area. The control manhole shall be provided with adequate access manhole covers of approved type, through which access shall be possible to the Township personnel at all times. Drawings, specifications, reports, etc., shall be submitted in quadruplicate and shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
Where preliminary treatment facilities are required, they shall be provided and continuously maintained in an effectively operating condition at all times, at the expense of the owner or SIU.
Each owner or SIU connected shall be responsible for maintaining a quality of effluent from their premises which conforms to the provisions established in their agreement with the Township. Sampling and analysis shall be done to conform with accepted practice, and in accordance with the current edition of "Standard Methods for Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes" published by the American Public Health Association.
The cost of preparing and submitting this data for consideration by the Township shall be borne by the industrial owner or SIU; likewise, the cost of sampling and analysis to determine compliance with the terms of the agreement shall be borne by the owner or the SIU, although conducted by the Township or its duly authorized representative.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
Industries and SIUs permitted to connect to Township sewers, even though not initially required to provide preliminary treatment, may be required to provide a control manhole and/or meter, as described herein.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
Where the owner or SIU provides its own water supply, entirely separate from that supplied by the Township, or provides from its own sources a portion of the water consumed on the premises, which eventually finds its way into the sewerage system of the Township, all aforementioned provisions will apply. This does not relieve the owner or SIU from the requirements to furnish, install and maintain a meter of the indicator-register-record type to measure the discharge of industrial wastes, as the case may be, all, as provided in this chapter. All costs of furnishing, installing and maintaining any industrial waste flow meter will be borne by the owner.
The Township representative shall have access at reasonable times to industrial establishments, and to any meters used to determine waste volumes discharged into the sewer system or excluded from the sewer system.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
Under no circumstances will any of the following be connected to the sanitary sewers, directly or indirectly:
Floor drain, area drain or yard drain.
Rain conductor or downspout.
Grease pit.
Air-conditioning equipment.
Stormwater inlets or catch basins.
Drains from pieces of equipment or manufacturing process, except when specifically authorized under the provisions of these rules and regulations.
No cesspool, privy vault, subsoil or cellar drains, rainwater or surface drains. Only the sewerage system of the premises shall be so connected.
Any residential user found to have any illegal connection to the sanitary sewer system shall be fined $1,000. Any commercial user or any SIU found to have any illegal connection to the sanitary sewer system shall be fined $5,000. Such fines and penalties shall be enforceable by the Township in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall be collected as provided by this Code or applicable law.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
A separate connection shall be provided for domestic sewage, and the waste shall not be commingled with the industrial waste within the plant or by any SIU. The Township shall determine the equivalent household connections from the discharge of domestic sewage from each industrial plant, owner or SIU. This shall be determined by dividing the average daily domestic sewage flow by 300 gallons per day; the latter representing the average household domestic sewage discharge. The annual rate for discharge of domestic sewage into the Township sewer system shall be computed by multiplying the number of equivalent units, as determined by the formula above, times the annual sewer charge applied to each household or residential unit.
[Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 6]
In supplementation of any other provision of this Code, the charges and rents provided for under Chapter XXVII shall draw interest and be a lien upon the premises until paid, and the Township shall have and exercise the remedies for the collection thereof with interest, costs and penalties provided in N.J.S.A. 40:63-8 and as it has by law for the collection of taxes upon real estate.
[1999 Code § 13.08.160; Ord. No. O.1630-2008; Ord. No. O.1862-2014; Ord. No. O.1904-2015; Ord. No. O.1905-2015§ 5; Ord. No. O.1925-2016; Ord. No. O.1966-2017; Ord. No. O.2008-2018; 6-26-2019 by Ord. No. O.2044-2019; amended 6-24-2020 by Ord. No. O.2069-2020; 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. O.2218-2024]
All residential users of the Township sanitary sewer system discharging normal domestic sewage, as herein described in the sanitary sewer use regulations, shall be charged at a rate of $0.004539 per gallon of water consumed, provided that the users are using metered water. This rate shall be effective as of January 1, 2024, and shall remain unchanged in all subsequent calendar years unless modified by ordinance. All users of the aforesaid sanitary sewer system whose discharged water originated from a well or nonmetered source shall, except as provided in Subsection h below, be charged as follows:
$281.12 in 2024.
This amount shall remain unchanged in all subsequent calendar years unless modified by ordinance.
All nonresidential users of the Township sanitary sewer system shall be classified as follows:
Class I: Retail and commercial.
Examples include:
Bus charter
Convenience stores
Home furnishings
Hotels and motels without restaurant or food service
Liquor stores
Pet supply
Pool supply
Retail "dry goods" stores
Tanning salon
Trucking without vehicle cleaning
Video Rental
Warehousing and distribution
Class II: Malls, shopping centers and commercial establishments with food service incidental to use and commercial establishments with cleaning services and/or processes.
Examples include:
Barber shops and beauty salons
Bars and taverns
Cleaners and laundromats
Country clubs and golf courses
Day care
Food markets
General construction
Hotels and motels with restaurant or food service
Ice cream shops
Movie theaters
Nursing and retirement homes
Professional offices
Service stations
Train stations
Trucking with vehicle cleaning
Class III: Retail food service.
Examples include:
Bagel shops
Bars and grills
Butcher shops
Coffee and donut shops
Delis and sandwich shops
Shopping centers
Shopping malls
Class IV: Fast food establishments.
Significant Industrial Users as defined in the Code.
Uses not specifically referenced in the above descriptions will be assigned class designations by the Township Engineer.
Nonresidential users shall be charged per gallon of water consumed, as follows:
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
*The sewer rates for 2024 established above shall be effective as of January 1, 2024, and shall remain unchanged in all subsequent calendar years unless modified by ordinance.
The volume of sewage and/or industrial waste from each industrial establishment or SIU may be determined by meters paid for and installed and maintained by the owner or such user, actual water meter records and/or private well meter records combined with Township water records, or from estimates or measurements made by the Township Consulting Engineer, as the case may be. The user fee of SIUs shall be calculated using one of the aforementioned methods of measuring SIU usage and volume, and shall be charged as follows:
No. 1 Flow**
$919.71 per million gallons
No. 2 BOD (Bio-Oxygen Demand)
$1,170.04 per ton
No. 3 SS (Suspended Solids)
$$1,305.25 per ton
No. 4 CD (Chlorine Demand)
$292.88 per cwt
*The user fees of SIUs for 2024 established above shall be effective as of January 1, 2024, and shall remain unchanged in all subsequent calendar years unless modified by ordinance.
The base rate for non-classified commercial and nonresidential users shall be the Class I rate. In addition, these users shall be charged for pollutant loading in excess of the levels established for normal sewerage and for the treatment of pollutants not contained in normal sewerage. The surcharge rates shall be the identical rates as charged by the Middlesex County Utilities Authority and in effect at such times as the pollutant loading surcharge billings are prepared by the Township. An additional charge of $250 per sampled user shall be charged for the sampling and laboratory analysis.
Any user of the system who discharges normal domestic sewage and is a not-for-profit entity and a recognized charity or fraternal organization pursuant to either 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) or (8) of the Internal Revenue Code shall be exempted from the payment of sewer charges under this section.
Residential customers of the Edison Township sanitary sewer system whose sewer user charges are determined based upon potable water consumption from a public water system shall be entitled to a 15% discount from the calculated charges on their user bill.
The Department of Engineering may establish regulations which would permit adjustment of user charges for other classes of customers upon showing that significant quantities of potable water are not generating resultant sewage flows to the Edison Township sewer system.
Senior Citizen Sewer Rates.
Metered Water. Those residents who have attained the age of 65 in their primary residence as of December 31, 2005 shall be billed at the rate in effect for calendar year 1996 ($0.00176) per gallon until said primary residence has been transferred by deed. Those residents who have attained the age of 65 after January 1, 2006 shall be billed at the then current rate established in Subsection a set forth above until said primary residence has been transferred by deed.
Well or non-metered water:
Those residents who have attained the age of 65 in their primary residence as of December 31, 2007 shall be billed at the following rates based upon the number of occupants residing in said residence:
One person:
Two persons:
Three or more persons:
Those residents who have attained the age of 65 in their primary residence on or after January 1, 2008, shall be billed at the then current rate set forth in Subsection a set forth above until said primary residence has been transferred by deed.
Proof of Age Requirement. In order to qualify for the senior citizen rate for either metered water or non-metered water or well water for the current calendar year, the resident must provide proof of age to the Department of Finance by no later than March 1 of the calendar year. Acceptable proof(s) of age shall include but not be limited to a Township identification card, valid drivers license, birth certificate, passport or County identification card, as determined by the Director of Finance.
Irrigation Line. Any resident who installs a metered irrigation line shall be exempt from the rates outlined in Subsection a provided they can provide the Township with a certification from the Water and Sewer Utility as to "irrigation only" status.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Any user proposing to discharge into the Edison Township sanitary sewerage system groundwater generated as a result of a mandated or voluntary remediation activity or process, or any other temporary, non-domestic discharge shall first receive a temporary discharge approval from the Township Engineer and Director.
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
Discharge approval requests shall be applied for on forms obtained from the Township Engineer.
Prior approval by the Middlesex County Utilities Authority for a temporary discharge approval or regular non-domestic wastewater discharge permit shall be required prior to application to the Township.
The application fee for a Township permit to discharge remediated groundwater into the Township sanitary sewerage collection system shall be $250, paid upon submission of the application.
Charges based upon the quantity of the discharge shall be at the Class I rate.
[1999 Code § 13.08.170; Ord. No. O.2035-2018]
A sanitary sewer system connection charge is established in order that the aforementioned purposes and objectives are implemented.
[1999 Code § 13.08.180; Ord. No. O.2035-2018]
The sanitary sewer system connection charge shall consist of a trunk system connection charge and a collector system connection charge determined as follows:
The trunk system connection charge shall be based on the cost of providing trunk sewer facilities, including secondary trunks, pump stations and force mains, to areas of the Township requiring new or expanded sanitary sewer facilities as determined by the Township Engineer. Allocation of the total cost of providing trunk sewer facilities among individual users connecting to the system will be based on the ratio of the individual user's peak discharge rate to the peak design capacity of the trunk system. Peak flow rates and design capacities will be based on the Township Division of Engineering sanitary sewer design criteria.
The collector system connection charge will be based on the estimated cost of providing collector sewers to an average residential dwelling unit as determined by the Township Engineer. The collector system connection charge for nonresidential users will be based on the front footage of the applicant's property, except in cases where the Township Engineer determines that the use of front footage is not reasonable. In such cases, the Township Engineer shall determine the proper connection charge; provided, however, that in no case shall a collector system connection charge be less than the minimum stipulated in Subsection c. Any user connecting to a combined trunk-collector sewer facility as defined hereinafter shall be liable for both the trunk and collector sewer connection charges.
Definitions. As used in this section:
Means gravity sewers, within a specific area, used to collect sewage from service laterals of individual users and transport said sewerage to trunk sewer facilities.
Means any sewer facility that is utilized for both trunk system purposes and collector system purposes, that is, any facility that both collects sewage from individual service laterals and also transports sewage from other definable collector systems to treatment facilities.
Means gravity sewers, pumping stations and force mains used for the transportation of sewerage from collection systems, as defined herein, to treatment facilities.
Trunk system and collector system connection charges will be payable on the following basis:
Any property which has been assessed for sanitary sewer in the past will be exempt from the connection charges.
Applicants for connection to the sanitary sewer system for residential dwelling units and commercial/industrial buildings in existence on the date the connection charges are established are exempted from the trunk system connection charge on the basis that their owners have been contributing to the cost of the sewer system through taxes on an improved property without having the benefit of using the sanitary sewer system.
Applicants for connection to the sanitary sewer system for residential dwelling units, commercial/industrial buildings or other nonresidential structures where the Township constructs or has constructed collector sewers shall pay trunk system and collector system connection charges.
Applicants for connection to the sanitary sewer system who have applied for a construction permit or land subdivision before the effective date of these regulations are exempt from the connection charges.
Applicants for connection to the sanitary sewer system who are required to pay the trunk system connection charge and who construct, at their own expense, a portion of the trunk system shall receive a reduction in their trunk system connection charge equal to the value of the facilities they construct, provided that the facilities are generally in accordance with the Township's overall sanitary sewer plan in effect on the date connection application is made. Determination of whether such facilities are in accordance with the Township's overall sanitary sewer plan and the value of such facilities shall be made by the Township Engineer. If, in the event that the value of the trunk system facilities constructed by the applicant exceeds the total trunk system connection charge for which the applicant would be liable, no trunk system charge will be payable. However, in such a case, the Township will not pay the applicant the cost of constructing trunk system facilities in excess of the trunk system connection charge that would have been payable. Any trunk system facilities constructed under this section shall be constructed in accordance with Township standards and requirements, and the facilities shall become the property of the Township upon final acceptance by the Township. The applicant shall be responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of the facilities until final acceptance is granted.
Construction of trunk sewer facilities by the Township or by private individuals under the authority of the Township as described above in Subsection a3(e) shall be at the sole discretion of the Township. The Township shall not be obligated to construct or allow construction of trunk sewer facilities when it is not deemed to be in the best interest of the Township.
Application Procedures.
No connection to the sanitary sewer system shall be made unless proper application has been made on the prescribed application forms and the application has been approved and the required fees paid. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to comply with the detailed application procedures contained on the application form. Applicants requiring Treatment Works Approval from the NJDEP shall comply with the submission requirements in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-22.8(a).
[Amended 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. O.2074-2020]
The Township shall have the right to deny any application for connection to the sewer system that is not deemed to be in the best interests of the Township.
Sanitary Sewer System Connection Charges.
Trunk System Connection Charges.
Residential dwelling units, including single-family detached units, multiple-family units, townhouses, condominiums and other permanent residential dwelling units: eight hundred forty ($840.00) dollars per individual unit.
All commercial, light or restricted industrial properties: three thousand seven hundred twenty ($3,720.00) dollars per gross acre.
All other nonresidential buildings, structures or facilities: estimated peak discharge rate, in gallons per minute (GPM), as determined by the Township Engineer, times $1,380 per GPM.
Minimum trunk system connection charge: $840.
The provisions of this section notwithstanding, the Municipal Council may reduce by 50% the fee to be imposed by this section for the connection to the sewer system of any commercial or industrial building or structure which is located within a designated "area in need of rehabilitation and development" in accordance with this Code and which is subject to a tax abatement agreement with the Township and N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1 et seq. "The Five Year Exemption and Abatement Law."
Collection System Connection Charges.
Residential dwelling units, including single-family detached units, multiple-family units, townhouses, condominiums and other permanent residential dwelling units: $2,100 per individual unit.
All nonresidential buildings, structures or facilities: $21 per front footage of the applicant's property, except as provided for in Subsection a1.
Minimum collection system connection charge: $2,100.
Applicability. These regulations only pertain to sanitary sewer system connection charges. Any applicant for connection to the Township sanitary sewer system must also comply with all other ordinances and regulations pertaining to the sanitary sewer system, including but not limited to sewer use, user charges, prohibited wastes, industrial pretreatment, applicable design and construction codes and any applicable Federal and/or State laws and regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 27-10, Sewer Utility, as amended, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-9-2019 by Ord. No. O.2049-2019.