[Amended 5-5-2020 by Order No. 19-874-01; 4-19-2022 by Order No. 22-151-01]
This article is enacted pursuant to the Marijuana Legalization Act, Title 28-B M.R.S. Chapter 1; and Municipal Home Rule Authority, Maine Constitution, Art. VIII, Pt. 2; and 30-A M.R.S. § 3001.
For purposes of this article, "marijuana stores," are defined as set forth in 28-B M.R.S. § 102.
Marijuana stores, are expressly prohibited in this municipality, except as permitted under Chapter 280, Zoning, and Chapter 149, Licensing.
Nothing in this article is intended to prohibit any lawful use, possession or conduct pursuant to the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act, Title 22 M.R.S. Chapter 558-C.
This article shall take effect immediately upon enactment by the City Council unless otherwise provided and shall remain in effect until it is amended or repealed.
[Added 2-20-2024 by Order No. 24-60-01]
No person, firm, or corporation may operate a marijuana retail store without first obtaining a license for such purpose under Chapter 149, Licensing. All new or renewal marijuana retail store licenses issued shall expire annually on December 31. A public hearing is required annually before a new or renewal license can be issued.