Establishment of districts. For the purpose of this chapter, the Village of Combined Locks is hereby divided into the following districts:
RSF - Residential Single-Family District
RNC - Residential Neighborhood Conservation District
RTF - Residential Two-Family District
RMF - Residential Multifamily District
RTU - Residential Temporary Unclassified District
CD - Commercial District
CHD - Commercial Highway District
IND - Industrial District
IPD - Industrial Park District
IT - Institutional District
MH - Mobile Home District
CN - Conservancy District
FWD - Floodway District
FFD - Flood Fringe District
FPD - Village Floodplain District
Official Zoning Map.
Establishment. The location and boundaries of all districts except those relating to floodplain regulations shall be as shown on the map entitled the Official Zoning Map of Combined Locks, Wisconsin. The Official Zoning Map with all notations, dimensions, designations, references and other data shown shall accompany and be a part of this chapter, and upon adoption by the Village Board shall be signed by the Village President and attested to by the Village Administrator.[1]
Editor's Note: The Official Zoning Map, with all amendments, is on file in the office of the Village Administrator.
Amendment. Amendments to the Official Zoning Map shall be approved by the Village Board in accordance with the regulations herein and § 62.23, Wis. Stats., and shall promptly be portrayed on the Official Zoning Map. Amendments shall be effective upon adoption by the Village Board. All amendments shall be noted on the Official Zoning Map by date and ordinance number.
Interpretation of boundaries. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Boundaries as indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways, alleys or a railroad right-of-way shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
Where boundaries do not follow property lines and distances are not specified on the Official Zoning Map, boundaries shall be determined by the use of the scale on the Official Zoning Map.
Official Floodplain Zoning Map.
Establishment. The location and boundaries of the Floodway, Flood Fringe and Village Floodplain District established shall be as shown on the Flood Hazard Boundary Map, Flood Insurance Study Map or community floodplain map approved by the Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Insurance Administration. Upon adoption by the Village Board such map(s) shall accompany and be part of this chapter.
Amendment. Any proposed amendment to the Official Floodplain Zoning Map shall be forwarded to the main office and appropriate district office of the Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Insurance Administration. No such amendment shall become effective until approved by the Department of Natural Resources and until a letter of map amendment has been issued by the Federal Insurance Administration. Amendments shall be approved by the Village Board in accordance with the regulations herein and § 62.23, Wis. Stats.
Interpretation of boundaries. Where disputes arise concerning the location of the floodplain district boundaries, the following rules shall apply:
When the location of a boundary is established by experience flood maps or engineering studies, the flood elevations or "flood profiles" for the point in question shall be the governing factor in locating the district boundary. If no elevation or profiles are available, any other available evidence may be examined.
Anyone contesting the location of a district boundary shall have a reasonable opportunity to present their case and submit their own technical evidence. Deviations from the boundary as mapped shall not be allowed unless the evidence clearly and conclusively establishes that the mapped location of the line is incorrect, approval has been granted by the Department of Natural Resources and an official letter of map amendment has been issued by the Federal Insurance Administration.
Interpretation and organization.
District regulations shall be as set forth in this article.
Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures listed for any district shall be permitted by right, subject to conditions as specified.
Special exception uses (conditional uses) and structures listed for any district are permissible only upon approval by the Village Board subject to the conditions as specified and any other conditions as may be imposed as provided by this chapter.
All uses and structures, dimensional, sign, and off-street parking requirements shall be subject to supplementary district regulations and, where applicable, Article IV, Special Provisions.
Off-street loading requirements for all districts are specified in supplementary district regulations.
In those instances where district regulations set forth limited examples of permitted or permissible uses with reference to the phrase "and the like" or "and uses of a similar nature," it is understood that the examples serve as a guideline in determining other permitted or permissible uses.
Purpose. This district is intended to provide for moderate-density single-family detached residential development in traditional development forms. Certain structures and uses designed to serve governmental, educational, religious, and noncommercial recreational uses are also permitted or permissible as special exceptions subject to restrictions and requirements necessary to preserve and protect the residential character of the district.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Single-family detached dwellings, excluding mobile homes. For purposes of this chapter, manufactured homes are included in the definition of single-family dwelling.
Manufactured homes complying with all of the following requirements and limitations:
The home shall be a double-wide of at least 24 feet in width and 36 feet in length.
The home shall be installed on an approved foundation system in conformity with the Uniform Building Code. The wheels and axles must be removed. The enclosed foundation system shall be approved by the Building Inspector and/or Village Engineer; the Building Inspector may require a plan to be certified by a registered architect or engineer to ensure proper support for the home.
The home shall be equipped with foundation siding which in design, color and texture appears to be an integral part of the adjacent exterior wall of the manufactured home.
The home shall be covered by a roof pitched at a minimum slope of two inches in 12 inches, which is permanently covered with nonreflective material.
The home shall have a pitched roof, overhanging eaves and such other design features required of all new single-family dwellings located within the Village of Combined Locks.
Community living arrangements and day-care centers which have a capacity for eight or fewer persons.
Foster family care.
Home occupations and professional home offices.
Public and semipublic nonprofit institutional uses, including churches, schools, libraries, and the like provided principal access shall be directly onto a collector or arterial street.
Parks, playgrounds and community centers.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses and structures.
Temporary structures in connection with the construction of principal structures, provided such structures are not used for living purposes. Temporary structures shall not remain over one year after construction of the principal structure commences.
Special exception uses and structures.
Day nurseries and kindergartens with at least 100 square feet of open play space per child enrolled.
Convalescent homes, children's homes, or nursing homes.
Public utility installations.
Gardens, nurseries, and orchards, provided no office or store is maintained on the premises.
Community living arrangements/group homes, subject to criteria set forth in § 62.23(7)(i), Wis. Stats.
Kennels as prescribed in § 215-3B.
Dimensional requirements.
Single-family dwellings.
Lot area: 7,500 square feet per dwelling;
Lot width: 70 feet;
Front setback: 25 feet;
Side yard: Total of 15 feet, with a minimum of seven feet;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Maximum height: 35 feet, 2.5 stories.
Other permissible principal uses and structures.
Minimum dimensions of lot area: 10,000 square feet;
Lot width: 100 feet; front, 25 feet;
Side yards: 15 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: 25%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories).
Permitted accessory signs.
One subdivision identification sign limited to 25 square feet in area.
One temporary sign for each street frontage advertising the sale or lease of real estate and one temporary sign advertising the development of property. No temporary sign shall be erected within 10 feet of any adjacent side yard and no temporary sign shall remain after the sale, lease or development of the property.
In connection with any public or semipublic institution, the following signs are permitted: One identification sign limited to 25 square feet in area, one bulletin board limited to 20 square feet in area and not more than two temporary signs or banners limited to a combined area of 30 square feet in connection with special events, provided that no such sign or banner shall be displayed for a period of more than two weeks.
Minimum off-street parking requirements.
Dwellings: 1.5/unit.
Churches: 1/3 fixed seats.
High schools: 1/3 students — employees.
Elementary school, junior high school, day nurseries: one/employee.
Libraries, exhibits, community centers: 1/3 persons of maximum capacity.
Convalescent home, children's home, nursing home: 1/4 beds plus one per employee.
Parking on residential properties regulated. On-premises storage of vehicles in the open is limited to current owners and current occupants of the property. Storage of a vehicle is herein defined as a licensed motor vehicle that is not operated by the owner or occupant on the roadway for 10 consecutive days.
Other requirements. When property is used for any of the above allowable uses, it shall be landscaped and maintained in harmony with the surrounding area so as not to substantially interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property by residents of the same area, nor to materially decrease the value of their properties. In the event of a new construction, a lawn shall be planted within six months after the residence or other allowable building has been constructed. The Director of Public Works, on petition of the owner of the property, may grant written permission to such owner to deviate from the above provision where undue hardship would otherwise result.
Purpose. This district is intended to apply to older established residential areas which exhibit housing and neighborhood conservation needs. It is the intent of this district to enhance residential property values by facilitating renewal and redevelopment activities as well as facilitating continued adaptability of older residential structures to modern housing needs.
Permitted principal uses and structures. Permitted principal uses and structures in § 580-16B(1) through (7) in the RSF District.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Permitted accessory uses and structures in § 580-16C(1) and (2) in the RSF District.
Special exception uses and structures.
Special exception uses and structures in § 580-16D(1) through (4)in the RSF District.
Two-family dwellings.
Single-family attached dwellings, provided adequate off-street parking is provided and that no required front yard shall be used for such parking. Findings shall also be made that street capacity exists to safety accommodate increases in traffic generated by such developments.
Conversions of single-family dwellings to two or more dwelling units, provided adequate on-street or off-street parking is available; no required front yard is needed or intended to be used for parking; off-street outdoor parking areas for more than two automobiles shall be screened with landscaping or other appropriate screening material; street capacity exists to safety accommodate increases in traffic generated by the conversion; to the maximum extent practicable, exterior modifications of the structure necessitated by the conversion shall not be in view from any public way; and any exterior modifications of the structure necessitated by the conversion shall be done with materials similar in appearance, texture, color, and design with the principal structure.
Community living arrangement/group homes, subject to criteria set forth in § 62.23(7)(i), Wis. Stats.
Dimensional requirements.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Lot area: 6,000 square feet per dwelling;
Lot width: 50 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: six feet each;
Rear yard: 20 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories).
Two-family dwellings.
Lot area: 6,200 square feet; 3,200 square feet per dwelling;
Lot width: 50 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: seven feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories).
Single-family attached dwellings.
Lot area: 10,000 square feet;
Lot width: 80 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: 12 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum density: 12 dwelling units per net acre;
Lot coverage: 25%;
Height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories);
Not more than eight dwelling units shall be contiguous or in one group or series and not more than two dwelling units in one group or series shall have the same or approximately the same roof line or building line;
Not less than 40% of the total site area shall be landscaped in lawns, gardens, decorative plantings, or wooded areas;
A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all single-family attached developments;
Common open space shall be subject to the requirements of § 580-13.
Other permissible principal uses and structures.
Lot area: 10,000 square feet;
Lot width: 80 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: 10 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 25%;
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Permitted accessory signs. Permitted accessory signs one through three in the RSF District.
Off-street parking requirements. Applicable requirements specified in the RSF District.
Other requirements. Other requirements specified in the RSF District.
Purpose. This district is intended to provide for moderate to medium density residential development with emphasis on two-family and single-family attached residential uses. This district is also intended to provide for alternative development types and for infilling opportunities for parcels which for various reasons have been bypassed by development. Nonresidential uses are limited to those which are compatible with the medium density character of the district.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Permitted principal uses and structures § 580-16B(1) through (7) in the RSF District.
Two-family dwellings.
Single-family attached dwellings.
Zero lot line two-family dwellings.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Permitted accessory uses and structures § 580-16C(1) and (2) in the RSF District.
Planned unit developments.
Dimensional requirements.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Lot area: 7,500 square feet per dwelling;
Lot width: 70 feet;
Front setback: 25 feet;
Side yard: Total of 15 feet with a minimum of seven feet;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2.5 stories).
Two-family dwellings.
Lot area: 9,000 square feet, 4,500 square feet per dwelling;
Lot width: 75 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: eight feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories).
Zero lot line two-family dwellings.
Lot area: 4,500 square feet per dwelling.
Lot width: 40 feet per unit at the building line, with 80 feet combined (at the building line).
Front yard: 25 feet.
Rear yard: 20 feet.
Side yards: zero on one side, provided that:
The lot adjacent to that side yard is held under the same ownership at the time of the initial construction of the two-family attached dwelling.
The adjoining side yard setback of the lot adjacent to the zero side yard is also zero.
The opposite side yard is not less than eight feet.
Both units of the two-family attached dwelling are completed prior to occupancy of either unit.
Easements shall be provided upon each lot as may be necessary for water, sewer and all other utility services. Said easement shall be approved by each of the utility providers.
Foundation drains shall have a separate sump pump located at each dwelling unit.
State fire codes pertaining to zero lot line developments are incorporated in the construction of the common wall.
Recording requirements:
The zero lot line parcel is to be divided by certified survey, and referred for approval to the Village Board.
Restrictive covenants shall be recorded at the Outagamie County Register of Deeds, providing declarations and/or bylaws similar to those typically recorded on a declaration of condominium. Said covenants shall provide for mediation of any and all disputes between owners of each unit and any third party with regard to construction, use, and maintenance of the real property. Furthermore, said covenants shall specifically state that the Village of Combined Locks and all approving authorities shall not be held responsible for same, and that said covenants shall inure to all heirs and assigns.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Single-family attached dwellings.
Each single-family attached development shall have a minimum:
Lot area: 18,000 square feet;
Lot width: 100 feet.
Each group or series of single-family attached dwellings shall have a minimum:
Front yard: 25 feet; side yards: 12 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Maximum density: 12 dwellings units per net acre;
Lot coverage: 25%;
Height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories);
Not more than eight dwelling units shall be contiguous or in one group or series and not more than two dwelling units in one group or series shall have the same or approximately the same roof line or building line;
Not less than 40% of the total site area shall be landscaped in lawns, gardens, decorative plantings, or wooded areas;
A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all single-family attached developments. Common open space shall be subject to the requirements of § 580-13.
Other permissible principal uses and structures.
Lot area: 10,000 square feet;
Lot width: 80 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: 10 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 25%;
Maximum height: 35 feet (2 1/2 stories).
Permitted accessory signs. Permitted accessory signs in § 580-16F(1) through (3) in the RSF District.
Off-street parking requirements. Applicable requirements specified in the RSF District.
Other requirements. Other requirements specified in the RSF District.
Purpose. This district is intended to provide for medium to high density residential areas with emphasis on multifamily residential use. Nonresidential uses are limited to those which are compatible with the high density character of the district.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Permitted principal uses and structures in § 580-16B(1) through (7) in the RSF District.
Two-family dwellings.
Single-family attached dwellings.
Multifamily dwellings not exceeding three stories or 45 feet in height.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Permitted accessory uses and structures in § 580-16C(1) and (2) in the RSF District.
Special exception uses and structures.
Special exception uses and structures in § 580-16D(1) through (7) in the RSF District.
Planned unit developments. (see § 580-31).
Multifamily dwellings exceeding three stories or 45 feet in height.
Dimensional requirements.
Single-family detached dwellings. As for the RTF District.
Two-family dwellings. As for the RTF District.
Single-family attached dwellings. As for the RTF District.
Multifamily dwellings not exceeding three stories or 45 feet in height.
Lot area: 10,000 square feet;
Lot width: 80 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: 25 feet each;
Rear yard: 25 feet;
Maximum density: 20 dwelling units per net acre;
Lot coverage: 30%;
Height: 45 feet (three stories);
Not less than 40% of the total site area shall be landscaped in lawns, gardens, decorative plantings, or wooded areas;
A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all multifamily developments.
Multifamily dwellings exceeding three stories or 45 feet in height.
Lot area: 15,000 square feet;
Lot width: 100 feet;
All yards shall have a depth or width of 25 feet each; provided, however, that for every two feet in building height over 45 feet yard depth or width shall be increased one foot.
Maximum density: 40 dwelling units per net acre;
Lot coverage: 40%;
Not less than 30% of the total site area shall be landscaped in lawns, gardens, decorative plantings or wooded areas;
A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all multifamily developments.
Other permissible principal uses and structures. As for the RTF District.
Permitted accessory signs. Permitted accessory signs in § 580-16F(1) through (3) in the RSF District.
Off-street parking requirements. Applicable requirements as specified in the RSF District.
Other requirements. Other requirements specified in the RSF District.
Purpose. The intent of the Residential Temporary Unclassified District (RTU) is to provide flexibility in the way in which an area within the community is developed and to afford the opportunity for a desirable mix of building types as deemed appropriate by the Plan Commission and Village Board. The Residential Temporary Unclassified District (RTU) is considered a temporary zoning classification until such time as a permanent residential zoning classification, as outlined in this Code, is approved by the Plan Commission and Village Board as outlined in Article XIII of this chapter. Development of lands contained within the RTU District are conditioned on obtaining approval of permanent zoning classifications as outlined above.
Purpose. This district is established to provide a centrally located core of commercial activity. It is intended that the physical development of the district be highly concentrated and integrated, offering a convenient and attractive shopping environment. It is also intended that, to the maximum extent practicable, various establishments be operated and managed in a coordinated manner, so that a variety of commercial enterprises are developed as one unit rather than single purpose strip type commercial development. Permitted uses are limited to those which are highly compatible, mutually reinforcing and conducive to common approaches in operation, area design improvements, traffic and pedestrian circulation, and parking. Since the commercial district may extend near residential areas, great care is required in fitting commercial development into its surroundings. A site plan per § 580-86 and a certificate of appropriateness per § 580-85 are required for all buildings and structures in the Commercial District.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Retail outlets for sale of food, wearing apparel, home furnishings and appliances (including repair strictly incidental to sales), office equipment, hardware, toys, sundries and notions, books and stationery, leather goods and luggage, jewelry, art, camera or photographic supplies (including camera repair), alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption, sporting goods, hobby and pet shops, delicatessen, bake shop (but not wholesale bakery), drugs, musical instruments, florist and gift shops and similar products.
Service establishments such as barber and beauty shops, shoe repair, restaurants, interior decorator, photographic studios, dance or music studio, tailor or dressmaker, laundry or dry cleaner, radio or television repair and similar uses.
Banks and other financial institutions, employment offices, business offices, professional offices and similar establishments.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses and structures which do not involve operations or structures not in keeping with the character of the district; provided, however, that garbage and trash shall be kept in closed containers, and that such containers shall not be visible from portions of the premises customarily open to pedestrian or automobile circulation or parking.
Special exception uses and structures.
Clubs and organizations.
Printing and publishing establishments.
Commercial recreation facilities in completely enclosed buildings including theaters, arcades and amusement centers.
Public utility installations.
Dimensional requirements: independent single commercial development. There are no minimum lot area or width requirements, nor are there any yard requirements or maximum height limitations for commercial properties developed as separate, independent units.
Dimensional requirements: shopping center or shopping mall developments.
All shopping center developments.
Lot area: two acres;
Lot width: (street frontage requirement) 200 feet;
Maximum lot coverage: 25%;
Height: 35 feet;
All yards adjacent to streets or residential districts shall be at least 100 feet in depth if at the front or rear and 100 feet in width if at the side;
Yards adjacent to other than streets or residential districts shall be at least 50 feet in depth if at the front or rear and 50 feet in width if at the side;
Any required yard adjacent to a residential district shall be subject to the landscaped buffer requirements of § 580-14;
To eliminate hazards involved in unchanneled ingress and egress, a landscaped strip not less than 15 feet in depth if at the front and 15 feet in width if at the side shall be required along any lot line adjacent to a street;
Except for accessways, such strip shall be continuous for the entire length of the lot line adjacent to the street. A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all shopping center developments.
Permitted accessory signs.
For each shopping center development. One general identification sign limited to 200 square feet in area if mounted approximately parallel to the right-of-way or two signs limited to 100 square feet in area if mounted back to back or angled to be read from opposite directions, for each frontage of the development.
For each establishment. One sign and one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage. Such signs shall refer only to the name and nature of the business conducted in the building and to goods and services offered, and shall be mounted flat against the wall of the building. Insofar as practicable, such signs shall be oriented away from surrounding residential areas.
For each principal structure within commercial properties developed as separate and individual units. Flat signs limited in area to 15% of the wall area fronting on a street or public way (total wall area including the window area). Signs shall not be permitted on side walls unless fronting on a street or public way. No sign shall be extended above the height of buildings. Such signs shall be oriented away from surrounding residential areas.
Off-street parking requirements.
Retail and service establishments existing as separate and individual units: 1/250 square feet of floor area.
Restaurant and recreational establishments existing as separate and individual units: 1/100 square feet of floor area.
Clubs, organizations, and theaters which exist as separate and individual units: 1/3 persons of maximum capacity.
Shopping centers: 1/200 square feet of floor area.
Purpose. This district is established to provide for the development of an attractive grouping of buildings for offices, clinics and other consumer-oriented businesses that are comfortably integrated into the immediate surroundings. The district is further intended to provide a pleasing environmental aesthetic with paved parking lots. This also includes landscaping with grass, trees and shrubs to serve as a buffer between the district and adjacent residential properties and the park.
[Amended 7-20-2021]
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Business offices, professional offices, clerical or general offices, health- or nature-based businesses. Examples of allowable uses are illustrated as follows:
Bank and credit union offices.
Photographic studios.
Graphic design companies.
Medical clinics, chiropractic clinics.
Dental clinics, pharmacies.
Barbershops, hair salons.
Veterinary clinics, provided there are no outside kennels.
Upscale restaurants.
For-profit educational or learning centers.
Any odors produced from any premises shall meet applicable federal and state regulations for emissions. Noise, vibration, flash or heat that are produced shall be confined within the building.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses and structures that do not involve operations, uses, or structures that are prohibited in the district.
Garbage and trash shall be kept in closed containers. Such containers shall not be visible to portions of the premises customarily open to pedestrians or automobile circulation or parking, nor be visible to adjacent properties.
Uses expressly prohibited in business park zoned areas. The following uses and those of a similar character are deemed to be incompatible with the development of a business park in the Village of Combined Locks, and are expressly prohibited:
[Amended 7-20-2021]
See Subsection E.
Movie theaters, dance halls.
Body shops.
Outdoor recreation facilities.
Restaurants with drive-through lanes.
Mini warehouses, storage yards and garages for equipment, supplies, or vehicles.
Storage of junked automobiles and parts.
Primary or secondary uses involving motor vehicle repair; or outside storage of vehicles, equipment or trailered apparatus.
Dry cleaning, dying, laundry establishments.
Lockers or cold storage plants.
Wholesalers and distributors.
Animal processing, stock yards, rendering plants.
Freight transfer stations or trucking terminals.
Industrial manufacturing processes.
Uses (including restaurants, motels or motor fuel sales or vehicle service) which are significantly oriented to trucking patronage.
Salvage or recycling operations; extractive operations.
Outdoor animal kennels or runs.
Drop forgers, ferrous and brass foundries, grain elevators, refineries, tanneries.
Asphalt and concrete plants.
Special exception uses and structures. The following uses must follow the requirements of this chapter for consideration as a special exception use or structure:
Gas station, or combination gas station and convenience store.
Retail sales establishment.
Uses not identified in Subsection B, Permitted principal uses and structures, and not included in Subsection D above, "Uses Expressly Prohibited in Business Park."
Dimensional requirements: all permitted principal uses and structures.
Lot area. Minimum of 30,000 square feet.
Lot width. Minimum of 150 feet.
Front yard. Minimum needed for front yard parking.
Rear yard. Minimum of 35 feet (Note: To accommodate potential ten-foot easement for future pathway along Hwy. CE).
Side yard. Ten feet minimum, with a total of 30 feet.
Lot coverage and open space. To achieve a park-like appearance, lot coverage by buildings, accessory structures, and surface parking and driveways shall occupy a maximum of 70% of the lot area. Landscaped open space not covered by buildings, accessory structures, and surface parking and driveways shall occupy a minimum of 30% of the lot area. The open space may include stormwater retention/detention areas.
Height. Maximum of 25 linear feet to eave, with a maximum of 45 feet to top of roof.
Landscape requirement. Any required yard adjacent to a residential district shall be subject to the landscape buffer requirements of § 580-14 and must be approved by the Planning Commission.
Landscape buffer required for properties adjacent to Hwy. CE. A landscape buffer is required for properties adjacent to Hwy. CE per the requirements of § 580-14 and must be approved by the Planning Commission.
Landscape strip requirement for lots adjacent to intersecting streets. To eliminate hazards involved in unchanneled ingress and egress, a landscaped strip not less than 15 feet in depth if at the front, and 15 feet in width if at the side, shall be required along any lot line adjacent to an intersecting street. Except for access ways, such strip shall be continuous for the entire length of the lot line adjacent to the street.
Permitted accessory signs. No sign shall be erected or maintained on property in the Business Park District zoning classification except in conformity with the following:
Property address signage shall be building mounted and shall be two square feet in area.
One freestanding sign, measuring no more than 40 square feet, is allowed within the front yard area of the parcel. As an alternative, one monument-type sign, measuring no more than 40 square feet, may be erected to a height not to exceed eight feet above ground level. As an alternative, one monument type sign may be erected to a height not to exceed 10 feet above ground level.
A second freestanding sign, measuring no more than 40 square feet, may be constructed on the rear lot area of those lots that have rear yards which abut road right-of-way.
Signs shall be restricted to advertising only the person, firm, company, or corporation operating the use conducted on site or the products produced or sold therein.
Signage that is visible from the exterior of any building may be lighted, but no sign or any other contrivance shall be devised or constructed so as to rotate, gyrate, blink, or move in an animated fashion.
Off-street parking required. Each owner of a site shall provide adequate off-street parking to accommodate all parking needs for the site. Front yard or side yard parking sufficient for the use of the property is required. No rear yard parking is allowed on sites/lots when the rear yard abuts residential property. Off-street parking shall be paved within one year of receipt of an occupancy permit.
[Amended 5-18-2021 by Ord. No. 4-2021]
Utilities. All utilities shall be underground. This shall apply to all electric, telephone, gas, water, storm sewers and sanitary sewers.
Purpose. The intent of this district is to provide for areas of the community where public or semipublic institutional uses are or can be established and to ensure that such areas will continue in this use unless otherwise approved by the Village of Combined Locks.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Public parks, parkways, playgrounds, golf courses and other uses of a similar nature.
Public and semipublic zoos, arboretums, museums, exhibits and libraries.
Public and semipublic institutional uses including churches, convents, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, elderly homes, children's homes, convalescent homes, and other uses of a similar nature.
Public administrative offices.
Public utility installations, navigation works, flood-control works and other uses of a similar nature.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses and structures which are necessary and desirable adjuncts to permissible principal uses and structures and are under the management or control of the public or semipublic agency or entity responsible for the principal use and structure.
Special exception uses and structures. Public garages, maintenance yards, equipment yards and other uses of a similar nature.
Dimensional requirements.
There are no minimum lot requirements. Any lot adjacent to a public street or residential district shall have a yard at least 25 feet in width if at the side and 25 feet in depth if at the front or rear.
Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 30%.
Maximum height of any structure within 40 feet of a residential district shall not exceed 45 feet.
Permitted accessory signs. Identification, informational or directional signs erected by public or semipublic agencies or entities in connection with permissible principal uses and structures or for other public purposes. No sign shall be erected within 10 feet of any side or rear lot line.
Off-street parking requirements.
Applicable parking requirements as specified in the RSF District.
Offices: 1/250 square feet of floor space.
Hospitals: one/three beds.
Exhibits, museums, libraries: one/three persons of maximum capacity.
Purpose. This district is intended to provide for industrial, warehousing and wholesaling and certain service and commercial activities in areas already established for such uses.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Wholesale, warehouse, and building equipment and supply establishments.
Automobile, boat, construction and farm implement sales, service and repair.
Agricultural related uses including feedmills and co-ops.
Printing and publishing.
Service establishments catering to commercial and industrial uses including business machine services, linen supply, freight movers, communication services, canteen services and uses of a similar nature.
Transportation terminals.
Light manufacturing uses including bottling, packaging, laboratories and uses of a similar nature.
Manufacturing uses including production, processing, cleaning, testing and the distribution of materials and goods except wrecking yards, fertilizer and chemical manufacture, cement manufacture, explosive manufacture or storage, smelting, tanneries and slaughterhouses. All manufacturing uses are subject to the provisions of § 580-32.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses and structures.
Outside storage of equipment and materials shall be located behind the building setback line and screened from view of any public street or residential district boundary by a fence, wall or shrubs. All outside storage areas shall be clean and orderly.
Railroad spurs and service rails with side or rear yards only.
Special exception uses and structures: none.
Dimensional requirements.
All permissible principal uses and structures.
Lot area: 9,000 square feet;
Lot width: 90 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Side yards: 15 feet each; provided, however, side yards shall be increased one foot in width for every three feet in building height above 35 feet;
Rear yard: 30 feet;
There are no side or rear yard requirements when a railroad right-of-way abuts at the side or rear property line;
Any required side or rear yard adjacent to a residential district boundary shall be subject to the landscape buffer requirements of § 580-14.
Permitted accessory signs.
For each principal structure. Flat signs limited in aggregate area to 25% of the wall area fronting on a street. For every 90 feet of lot frontage, one detached sign limited in area to 200 square feet on each side (limit of two sides and 400 square feet) and 30 feet in height.
Temporary signs. Temporary signs as provided in § 580-16F(2) of the RSF District.
Off-street parking requirements.
Applicable parking requirements as specified in the CH District.
Manufacturing and service uses: one/employee on maximum shift.
Other uses. Sufficient off-street parking such that no public street shall be used for parking.
Adult entertainment.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An establishment having greater than 10% of its stock-in-trade, books, magazines and other periodicals, or videocassettes, which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined herein.
Establishments which include bookstores, motion-picture theaters, mini motion-picture theaters, bath houses, massage parlors, modeling and body painting studios and cabarets whose principal use is to depict, describe, engage in or relate to "specified anatomical areas" or "specified sexual activities."
An establishment having greater than the 10% of its income received for presenting motion pictures, film, videocassettes, cable television, or any other such visual media, distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" (as defined herein) for observation by patrons therein.
Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock, and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola;
Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state even if completely and opaquely covered.
Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy;
Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast.
Findings and purpose; standards.
Adult establishments; findings and purpose. The Village Board finds that due to their nature, the existence of adult establishments in the Village has serious objectionable operational characteristics, such as an effect upon property values, local commerce and crime. Due to the deleterious combined effect on adjacent areas when such uses are concentrated, they should not be permitted to be located in close proximity to each other. Special regulations of these uses are necessary to ensure that these adverse effects will not contribute to the blighting or downgrading of the surrounding neighborhood. Such regulations are contained in these standards. These standards are designed to protect the Village's retail trade, maintain property values, prevent crime, and, in general, protect and preserve the quality of the Village's neighborhoods, commercial districts and the quality of urban life.
Standards. An adult establishment is permitted in the IND Industrial District, provided that:
Such use shall not be located within 1,320 feet of any residential district as designated within this chapter with an RSF Residential Single-Family District designation, RNC Residential Neighborhood Conservation District designation, RTF Residential Two-Family District designation, RMF Residential Multifamily designation or RTU Residential Temporary Unclassified designation.
Such use shall not be located within 2,640 feet of a public or private school.
Such use shall not be located within 1,320 feet of another adult bookstore or adult motion-picture theater.
The distances provided in this subsection shall be measured, by following a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings, from the nearest point of the zoning district boundary line or the lot from which the proposed use is to be separated.
Violation of these provisions is declared to be a public nuisance per § 393-4 of this Code of Ordinances.
Nothing in this section is intended to authorize, legalize or permit the establishment, operation or maintenance of any business, building or use which violates any Village ordinance or statute of the State of Wisconsin regarding public nuisances, sexual conduct, lewdness or obscene or harmful matter or the exhibition or public display thereof.
Purpose. This district is intended to provide for the conservation and protection of natural resources. Generally this district is intended to include marshlands, drainage ways, river frontage, woodlands and other lands of significant natural, environmental or aesthetic value.
Permitted principal uses and structures. Open space uses, including preserves, scenic areas, historic and scientific areas, fishing, soil and water conservation practices, sustained yield forestry, stream bank protection, and water retention and control; provided, however, that no such uses involved structures, fill, soil or peat removal or disruption of the natural flow of any watercourse or natural topography.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Uses customarily and clearly incidental to permissible uses, provided such uses do not require structures or fill.
Special exception uses and structures.
Structures and fill necessary to permitted principal uses.
Parks and campgrounds and accessory structures.
Public shooting ranges and accessory structures.
Fish hatcheries, raising of minnows, waterfowl and other lowland animals and accessory structures.
Public utilities.
Dimensional requirements.
All permissible principal uses and structures.
Lot area: 20,000 square feet.
There are no lot width requirements.
Any use involving a structure shall provide front and rear yards of at least 50 feet in depth and side yards at least 50 feet in width each.
Permitted accessory signs.
All permissible principal uses and structures. Authorization as a special exception must be received for any accessory or identification sign in a Conservancy District.
Off-street parking requirements. Sufficient off-street parking such that no public street shall be used for parking.
Purpose. It is the intent of this district to provide for mobile homes as a means of providing balance and variety to dwelling types by allowing this type of housing in a conventional residential setting through a mobile home subdivision and, to a more limited extent, a mobile home park.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Mobile home subdivisions. All mobile homes shall be certified as meeting the Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and, in addition meet the following requirements: Minimum width of the main body shall not be less than 24 feet as measured across the narrowest portion; a length to width ratio shall not exceed 2 1/2 times to one; the pitch of the main roof shall not be less than one foot of rise for every four feet of horizontal run and minimum distance from eaves to ridge shall be 10 feet; reflection from exterior surfaces shall not be greater than from siding coated with clean, white, gloss exterior enamel; and each mobile home shall have a permanent foundation.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Permitted accessory uses and structures in § 580-16C(1) and (2) in RSF District.
Special exception uses and structures.
Mobile home parks (see § 580-33).
Dimensional requirements.
Mobile home subdivisions. Each mobile home subdivision shall have a minimum tract area of two acres. A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all mobile home subdivisions. Each mobile home subdivision lot shall have a minimum:
Lot area: 4,800 square feet;
Lot width: 60 feet;
Front yard: 25 feet;
Rear yard: 20 feet;
Side yards: 10 feet each.
Mobile home parks. A site plan under § 580-86 is required for all mobile home parks. All mobile home parks are subject to the provisions of § 580-33. Each mobile home park shall have a minimum tract area of two acres. Each mobile home park site shall have, at a minimum:
Site area: 4,000 square feet;
Site width: 50 feet;
Front yard: two feet;
Rear yard: 20 feet;
side yards: 10 feet each.
Permitted accessory signs. Permitted accessory signs § 580-16F(1) through (3) in the RSF District.
Off-street parking requirements.
Dwellings: one/unit.
Purpose. This district applies to all areas within the regional floodway so designated on the official Floodplain Zoning Map showing the regional flood limits, which are based on Flood Hazard Boundary Maps or Flood Insurance Study Maps as approved by the Department of Natural Resources. This district also applies to the floodway portion of the General Floodplain District as determined pursuant to § 580-34E. All development in the Floodway District is subject to the provisions of § 580-34. The provisions of this section are intended to support, not replace, the provisions of Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the Village Code of Ordinances. If there are any conflicts between Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the municipal code, the provisions contained in Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, shall take precedence. Further, if the property exists within a conservancy zoning classification as outlined in § 580-25, the rules of conservancy zoning shall take precedence with regard to structures and fill.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Open space uses having a low flood damage potential and not obstructing flood flows or involving fill, including agricultural uses such as general farming, pasture grazing, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, viticulture, truck farming, forestry, sod farming and wild crop harvesting; nonstructural industrial and commercial uses such as loading areas, parking areas and storage areas; private and public recreational uses such as golf courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, picnic grounds, boat launching facilities, swimming areas, parks, wildlife and nature preserves, target ranges, trap and skeet ranges, hunting and fishing areas, hiking and horseback riding trails, marinas and boat rentals.
Utility facilities such as dams, flowage areas, transmission lines, pipelines, water monitoring devices and water related uses such as docks, piers, wharves, bridges and culverts subject to regulations pursuant to Ch. 30, Wis. Stats., and applicable federal regulations.
Navigational and drainage aids such as channels, channel markers, buoys, and the like, provided that prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse the Building Inspector shall notify adjacent communities, the Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Insurance Administration and require the applicant to secure necessary permits. The flood-carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of the watercourse shall be maintained.
Public utilities, streets and bridges, provided that adequate floodproofing measures are provided to the flood protection elevation.
Uses permitted by the Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Chs. 30 and 31, Wis. Stats., provided the necessary permits are obtained.
Permitted accessory uses and structures.
Uses and structures customarily and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses; provided, however, that accessory structures are not designed for human habitation; have a low flood damage potential; are constructed and placed on the building site so as to offer minimum obstruction to flow of floodwaters (to include whenever possible, construction with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of the flow of floodwaters and approximately on the same line as adjoining structures); are firmly anchored to prevent them from floating away and restricting bridge openings or other restricted sections of the river or stream; and have all service facilities such as electrical and heating equipment at or above the flood protection elevation.
Special exception uses and structures. Fill or deposition of materials provided that such fill or deposition of materials does not encroach on the channel area between the ordinary high water mark on each bank of the stream unless a permit has been granted by the Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Ch. 30, Wis. Stats., and a permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. § 1344 has been issued, if applicable; and the fill or other materials will be protected against erosion by riprap, vegetative cover, sheet piling and/or bulkheading sufficient to prevent erosion.
Dimensional requirements. Any permitted use involving livestock or poultry raising or firearms shall have a minimum lot area of five acres. There are no minimum lot area requirements for other uses. No accessory building shall be located closer than 25 feet to any lot line. There are no height or lot coverage limitations.
Permitted accessory signs. Identification, information or directional signs limited in aggregate area to 200 square feet subject to the requirements and conditions for accessory structures.
Off-street parking requirements. Sufficient off-street parking so that no public street shall be used for parking.
Purpose. This is an overlay district applicable to all areas within the Regional Flood Fringe so designated on the official Floodplain Zoning Map showing the A Zones, which are based on the Flood Hazard Boundary Maps or Flood Insurance Study Maps as approved by the Department of Natural Resources. This district also applies to the flood fringe portion of the General Floodplain District as determined pursuant to § 580-34E. All development in the Flood Fringe District is subject to the provisions of § 580-34. As an overlay district this chapter supplement the regulations of the underlying district. The provisions of this section are intended to support, not replace, provisions of Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the Village ordinances. If there are any conflicts between Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the Municipal Code, the provisions contained in Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, shall take precedence. Further, if the property exists within a conservancy zoning classification as outlined in § 580-25, the rules of conservancy zoning shall take precedence with regard to structures and fill.
Permitted principal uses and structures.
Permitted principal uses and structures in the underlying district (except for solid waste disposal sites); provided, however, that the following standards shall be met:
For all residential and commercial buildings the first floor of a structure to be erected, constructed, reconstructed, or moved into the flood fringe area shall be constructed on fill at or above the flood protection elevation for the particular area and the fill shall extend at such elevation at least 15 feet beyond the limits of any structure or building erected thereon. The basement floor shall be at or above the regional flood elevation, unless a community-wide exemption allowing floodproofing of basements has been granted by the Federal Insurance Administration. In commercial areas certain yards, parking lots and other accessory uses may be at lower levels. However, no such area in general use by the public shall be inundated to a depth greater than two feet or subjected to flood velocities greater than four feet per second upon the occurrence of the regional flood.
For all manufacturing and industrial uses, buildings, structures and accessory uses shall be elevated or floodproofed in accordance with § 580-34F to two feet above the regional flood elevation. Measures shall be taken to minimize interference with normal plant operations especially for streams having protracted flood durations. Certain accessory uses such as yards and parking lots may be at lower elevations subject to the requirements for such uses in § 580-28B(1)(a) above.
For all uses, the storage or processing of materials that are buoyant, flammable, explosive, or which in times of flooding could be injurious to human, animal or plant life, shall be at or above the flood protection elevation for the particular area or floodproofed in compliance with § 580-34F.
Construction and substantial improvements to utilities and wells shall be floodproofed to the flood protection elevation pursuant to § 580-34F.
If there is no underlying district designation, the underlying district shall be the RSF District.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. As for the underlying district subject to applicable standards listed for permissible principal uses and structures in this district.
Special exception uses and structures. As for the underlying district subject to applicable standards listed for permissible principal uses and structures in this district.
Dimensional requirements. As for the underlying district.
Permitted accessory signs. As for the underlying district subject to applicable standards listed for permissible principal uses and structures in this district.
Off-street parking requirements. As for the underlying district.
Purpose. This district applies to all floodplains for which regional flood data is not available or where regional flood data is available but floodways have not been delineated. As adequate regional flood data becomes available and floodways are delineated for portions of this district, such portions shall be placed in the Floodway or Flood Fringe District as appropriate. The General Floodplain District encompasses both the floodway and flood fringe areas. Therefore, a determination shall be made pursuant to § 580-34E to determine whether the proposed use is located within a floodway or flood fringe area. If it is determined that a proposed use is located within a floodway, the Floodway District shall apply. If it is determined that the proposed use is located within the flood fringe, the Flood Fringe District shall apply. The provisions of this section are intended to support, not replace, provisions of Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the Village ordinances. If there are any conflicts between Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, of the municipal code, the provisions contained in Chapter 546, Floodplain Zoning, shall take precedence. Further, if the property exists within a conservancy zoning classification as outlined in § 580-25, the rules of conservancy zoning shall take precedence with regard to structures and fill.
Permitted principal uses and structures. Permitted principal uses and structures in the Floodway District, subject to the conditions and standards as specified.
Permitted accessory uses and structures. Permitted accessory uses and structures in the Floodway District, subject to the conditions and standards as specified.
Special exception uses and structures. Permitted principal uses and structures in the Flood Fringe District subject to the conditions and standards as specified; provided, however, there is a determination that the proposed use is located in the flood fringe portion of the floodplain pursuant to § 580-34E. If there is no underlying district designation, or if no such designation is provided by the Village within 60 days from the date the Village receives a determination by the Department of Natural Resources that the proposed use is located in the flood fringe, the underlying district shall be the RSF District.
Dimensional requirements. As for the Flood Fringe or Floodway District, as applicable.
Permitted accessory signs. As for the Flood Fringe or Floodway District, as applicable.
Off-street parking requirements. As for the Flood Fringe or Floodway District, as applicable.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 13-1-55, Adult entertainment, of the 1997 Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II); see now § 580-24H.